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This paper considers the subject of managed care in Malaysia, providing a questionnaire-based analysis of the position adopted by private medical practitioners. Managed care is now seen as the dominant health care system in the United States, with many other countries around the world including Malaysia beginning to selectively use component parts to tackle particular health care problems. In this survey it was found that three out of four respondents have concerns regarding the implementation of managed care. The survey was used to identify and categorise these concerns. At the same time, three out of four respondents held the opinion that principles of managed care were already a reality or would be in the next 5 years. This group expressed an eagerness to be trained in managed care principles and be given the opportunity to be part of managed care organisations. It is argued that clinicians' knowledge and interest perceptions are an important influence on the implementation of managed care based systems. The survey-based evidence presented in this article is intended as a measure of current understandings and beliefs, in relation to clinical micro-management process associated with managed care.  相似文献   

It is vitally important to integrate the views and concerns of the farm family into the process of policy development. If the input is not there, policy planners could implement programs that are philosophically separated from the farm families' concerns and attitudes. This would destroy credibility and future farmer support of any new program development. From May of 1988 to April of 1989, a phone and mail survey of approximately 1,500 farmers and spouses was conducted to assess knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding agricultural safety and health. The survey was conducted in Iowa, New York, South Carolina, and Washington state. Preliminary results from Iowa and New York indicated that: 1) farmers value highly, and are concerned with, occupational health and safety issues; 2) farmers report that their major concerns include stress, trauma and respiratory problems; 3) farmers would like access to an occupational health and safety service; and 4) any new farm health and safety programs must include farmer input to ensure practicality, applicability, and acceptance.  相似文献   



Clustered within the nomenclature of Asian American are numerous subgroups, each with their own ethnic heritage, cultural, and linguistic characteristics. An understanding of the prevailing health knowledge, attitudes, and screening behaviors of these subgroups is essential for creating population-specific health promotion programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe knowledge, attitudes and practices of cold and flu self-care and health care utilization, and to identify the predictors of health care utilization for the cold and flu among residents of London and Windsor. Using a random digit dialing survey method, 417 residents were interviewed between November-December, 1993 and February-March, 1994. This survey revealed good knowledge about colds and flu and understanding of appropriate physician visits. Only seven percent reported a doctor visit for their last cold. Socio-demographic, health status, attitude and knowledge level variables were subjected to a logistic regression analysis to identify which variables predicted self-reported physician visits. Only attitudes and health status showed statistically significant log odds (3.6 and 1.5, respectively). In summary, consistent with other studies, attitude and health status, not knowledge, appear to be significant predictors of physician visits for colds/flu.  相似文献   

Sexual knowledge, attitudes, and risk behaviors of students in Turkey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This survey produced baseline information about student knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), their sexual attitudes, and their behavior to help establish control and education programs. The study was conducted at Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, during the 1999-2000 academic year. A total of 2,217 first- and fourth-year students determined by stratified sampling constituted the study group. All students who volunteered to participate completed a questionnaire assessing sociodemographic and knowledge factors, sexual attitudes, behavior, and history of STDs. The rate of students having had sexual experience was 36.6%. Males were more sexually active than females. Most students (71.4%) began sexual activity at ages 15-19 without any difference by gender. Males reported significantly more sexual partners than females. Similarly, the rate of male students never using condoms was significantly higher than females. Condom was the most frequent contraception method, followed by oral contraceptives and withdrawal. Mean score on the knowledge questions was 16.29 (highest score 30). The most widely known STD was HIV infection and AIDS. Students' knowledge of transmission routes, signs and symptoms, and risk groups of STDs was insufficient. Main sources of knowledge were visual and print media, and friends. Most students (84.7%) viewed prevention from STDs as a person's own responsibility. Young people in Turkey are sexually active and tend to engage in high-risk behavior. However, their knowledge on sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases is insufficient. Study results suggest a need for implementation of STD control programs and provision of school sexuality education for adolescents and young adults.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: GPs need evidence and guidance to help them diagnose and manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/ME appropriately. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this survey was to obtain baseline data and identify the factors associated with GPs' attitudes to and knowledge of CFS/ME. The attitude of GPs to the condition is an important indicator of likely prognosis. METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to 1054 GPs served by Taunton, Bristol and Gloucester laboratories. GPs' attitudes to nine statements about CFS/ME were assessed and the factors associated with positive or negative responses were determined. Knowledge of the clinical features was also assessed. RESULTS: 811 GPs (77%) returned the questionnaire. 48% of GPs did not feel confident with making a diagnosis of CFS/ME and 41% did not feel confident in treatment. 72% of GPs accepted CFS/ME as a recognisable clinical entity and those GPs had significantly more positive attitudes. Three other key factors that were significantly, positively associated with GPs' attitudes were knowing someone socially with CFS/ME, being male and seeing more patients with the condition in the last year. CONCLUSION: Despite the publication of guidance for GPs on CFS/ME, confidence with making a diagnosis and management was found to be low. Educational initiatives and guidance for GPs should stress the importance of accepting CFS/ME as a recognisable clinical entity, as this is linked to having a positive attitude and could lead to improved confidence to make a diagnosis and treat CFS/ME patients.  相似文献   

青少年性知识、性态度和性行为现状研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
【目的】了解青少年性与生殖健康知识、态度和行为现状,为相关研究和干预提供依据。【方法】于2005年6~9月对武汉市桥口区、武昌区和青山区三所中学共2 987名初中学生进行知识、态度、行为(knowledge,attitude and practice,KAP)问卷调查。【结果】青少年已具备一定的青春期知识,但对生殖系统和功能缺乏系统的认识,一些概念模糊不清;男性的知识好于女性;初一学生的知识水平低于初二、初三学生。男性在对待青少年谈恋爱和性行为问题上的态度要比女性宽容。14.0%的调查对象谈过恋爱;随着年级升高,有过恋爱经历的比例逐渐增高。1.3%的调查对象有过性交经历;男生有过性交经历的比例(1.7%)高于女生(0.9%)。大多数青少年认为青春期性教育是必需的。【结论】充分了解青少年的性知识、性态度和性行为现状对设计良好的干预项目极有帮助。青春期性教育应是全社会关注的焦点之一。  相似文献   

Female athletes often engage in harmful dietary and weight control practices that can impair bone health and hinder performance. To promote related positive health behavior practices, nutrition educators may be more effective if they understand the osteoporosis knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among female athletes. A questionnaire including items related to osteoporosis and dietary calcium knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral practices was administered to 114 female collegiate athletes (19.6+/-1.4 years). Self-reported intakes of dairy product consumption were also obtained; subjects were asked how many times per week they drank milk and ate cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. The mean score for osteoporosis knowledge was 7.1+/-1.9 (out of 10 items). The mean score for favorable responses to attitude items was 2.1+/-0.8 (out of 3 items). Correct responses to dietary calcium knowledge items were 2.2+/-0.7 (out of 3 items). On average, subjects consumed 2.4+/-1.6 servings of dairy products per day; 31% of subjects consumed the recommended 3 or more servings per day. Osteoporosis knowledge, osteoporosis attitudes, and dietary calcium knowledge were not correlated (p > .05) with dairy product intake. Because of the importance of achieving a high peak bone mass to prevent osteoporosis, our data suggest that further research is needed regarding other factors that might influence dairy product intake among female athletes.  相似文献   



To assess support for tobacco control policies between smokers and non-smokers, and the effects of nicotine dependence on smokers’ policy support in a country with high smoking rates and pro-smoking norms.  相似文献   

Underuse of hospice services is a significant problem in the United States. Primary care physicians constitute an increasing referral base and have been hypothesized to be important barriers to increased use. We conducted a mail survey of 131 primary care physicians (overall response rate of 72 percent), examining their attitudes toward, knowledge about, and perceived benefits and barriers to hospice care. Physicians demonstrated very favorable attitudes towards hospice. They had correct knowledge about most aspects of hospice, and, where they did not, they were far more likely to be uncertain than erroneous. Primary care physicians perceived many benefits to hospice care and identified patient and family readiness as the major barrier to earlier hospice referrals. A significant subgroup had concerns about problems in interacting with hospices. There were very few differences between family practitioners and general internists. These findings have many implications for directing collaborative efforts between primary care physicians and hospices to improve end-of-life care.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess students' knowledge, attitudes and practices on HIV and AIDS. A questionnaire was administered to a cross section of 259 Chinese undergraduates. Respondents were asked to provide information about knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS. Study results indicated that the majority of undergraduates had a moderate level of HIV and AIDS knowledge, acceptance and attitudes towards people with HIV and AIDS. Boys had more acceptance and positive attitudes towards people with HIV and AIDS than girls. Students majoring in medicine performed better (more knowledgeable and accepting) than non-medical students. Differences between students with various monthly expenditures were found-- 6.2% of students had 3-5 sexual partners which has rarely been found in Chinese students; most students did not know HIV VCT centers and most students did not show their confidence for controlling of HIV and AIDS in China. In conclusion, students' knowledge about HIV/AIDS was uneven. A peer educational program to talk about self esteem, healthy sexual attitudes, being human-accepting and loving should be developed in the near future.  相似文献   



Alcohol exposure in pregnancy is a common and modifiable risk factor for poor pregnancy and child outcomes. Alcohol exposure in pregnancy can cause a range of physical and neurodevelopmental problems in the child including the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). In order to improve prevention strategies, we sought to describe the knowledge and attitudes of women of childbearing age regarding alcohol consumption during pregnancy and its effects on the fetus.  相似文献   

Fifty-six Israeli adolescents under the care of probation officers were interviewed about their AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. The results suggest that these adolescents put themselves at risk of HIV infection. A substantial proportion of the sample demonstrated a lack of knowledge on issues relevant for AIDS prevention. The majority held negative attitudes toward condoms but were also sexually active, and some had experienced unprotected sexual intercourse, anal sex, and drug use. Most of the respondents, moreover, showed a lack of competence in handling situations that pressure them to act unsafely. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

张黎  李军  朱晓彬 《现代预防医学》2016,(23):4332-4336
目的 了解护理专业学生的控烟现状和需求,为在护理专业学生中开展控烟工作提供科学依据。方法 采用整群抽样的方法,对重庆市主城2所公立医学高等学校的5 382名在校护理专业学生进行问卷调查。结果 护理专业学生现在吸烟率4.3%,尝试吸烟率为22.6%,未来有吸烟意向者为13.2%;男生和女生吸烟行为有统计学差异。44.7%的护理专业学生否认低焦油、低尼古丁烟对身体危害小;14.3%知晓网吧应禁烟,11.3%知晓酒吧应禁烟。92.1%的学生反对恋人吸烟,85.3%的学生认为护理人员应该主动为病人提供戒烟服务。28.7%的学生向身边的人交流过烟草对健康的影响,45.2%学生劝过他人不吸烟。8.1%人表示在他们的劝说下,吸烟者戒烟了。护理专业学生获取控烟知识主要(73.3%)通过新闻媒体,75.4%的学生希望通过控烟教育获取戒烟方法相关知识。结论 护理专业学生的控烟相关知识知晓率低,参与控烟的积极性不高,建议对护理专业学生加强控烟责任感教育的同时,开展形式多样的控烟知识和技能培训。  相似文献   



Filipino Americans are the fastest growing Asian minority group in the United States. There is limited knowledge about their breast cancer knowledge, screening practices and attitudes.  相似文献   

A survey was mailed to 2000 randomly selected students at fourcampuses in a southern mid-western state. The survey examinedcollege students' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regardingAIDS, their sexual activity, safer sex practices, prosocialactions they would be willing to take and preferred channelsof communication for additional information about AIDS and AIDSRelated Complex (ARC). The results generally indicated thatstudents were well informed about the common methods of transmissionbut showed a lack of correct information about issues such astransmission by mosquitoes and CPR administration. Condom use,knowledge of antibody tests and sexual practices were also examined.Students were generally conservative in their beliefs, attitudesand behavior, and expressed an interest in learning more aboutAIDS and ARC. Various channels of communication were examinedand recommendations were made about dissemination of informationthrough these media.  相似文献   

AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and precautionary behaviors were assessed among a random sample of Michigan-licensed emergency medical service (EMS) professionals between June and August 1988. Of 2,000 mailed questionnaires, 1,020 were returned (51 percent response), and 997 of the returned questionnaires were used in the final analysis. Survey results indicated that most respondents were able to correctly identify the transmission routes of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but many respondents had misconceptions about nonviable routes, the incidence of HIV infection among health care workers, and some aspects of the natural history of HIV. More than half of the respondents (56.6 percent) believed that their chances of becoming infected with HIV were "somewhat high" or "very high," although the number of documented HIV seroconversions due to occupational HIV exposures in health care settings is low. Although only six respondents (0.6 percent) reported that they had refused treatment to patients known or suspected to be infected with HIV, 25 percent felt that EMS professionals should be allowed to refuse treatment under such circumstances. Potential exposures to HIV were assessed through respondents' reports of three activities in the 6 months prior to the survey. For each activity, use of universal precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control was also assessed. In general, few respondents reported the consistent use of precautions. While the majority of those attempting resuscitations (86.9 percent) reported that they always use a protective device, only 36.7 percent of those treating bleeding patients reported that they always wear gloves, and only 21.9 percent of those using needles reported that they do not recap them after use.  相似文献   

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