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BACKGROUND: This study was constructed to detail the demographic and phenomenological features of males with exhibitionism. METHOD: Male subjects with DSM-IV exhibitionism were administered a semistructured interview to elicit demographic data and information on the phenomenology, age at onset, and associated features of the disorder. Subjects also underwent structured clinical interviews to assess both Axis I and Axis II comorbidities. Data were collected from September 2003 to March 2005. RESULTS: Twenty-five males with exhibitionism (mean +/- SD age = 35.0 +/-13.1 years [range, 14-68 years]) were studied. The majority of subjects were single (60% [N = 15]) and heterosexual (80% [N = 20]). The mean +/- SD age at onset for exhibitionism was 23.4 +/-13.1 years. All subjects reported urges to expose themselves with little control over these urges. Exposing oneself while driving was the most common expression of the disorder. Twenty-three (92%) suffered from a current comorbid Axis I disorder (major depressive disorder, compulsive sexual behavior, and substance use disorders were most common), and 40% (N = 10) suffered from a personality disorder. Suicidal thoughts were common (52% [N = 13]), and many (36% [N = 9]) had been arrested for exhibitionism. CONCLUSION: Exhibitionism appears to be associated with high rates of psychiatric comorbidity and impairment. Research is needed to optimize patient care for men with this disorder.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to estimate: 1) the prevalence of substance use disorder, 2) the social and clinical characteristics associated to such a comorbid disorder in patients hospitalised in psychiatry. METHOD: Patients consecutively hospitalised for a non-addictive disorder were included in the present survey. A standardised method was used to collect information on clinical and social characteristics. DSM IV diagnoses, including those of substance use, were made using a structured diagnostic interview and all available clinical and historical informations collected during the hospital stay. RESULTS: We have included 127 patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for affective disorders (n = 61), non-affective psychotic disorder (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, other psychotic disorders, n = 50) and personality disorder (n = 16). Among these patients, 11.8% presented with a current abuse/dependence to alcohol (lifetime prevalence: 25.2%), 11% to cannabis (lifetime prevalence: 22.8%). The lifetime prevalence for any other substance disorder was 2.4%. The subjects presenting with an abuse/dependence to alcohol had a higher rate of psychiatric hospitalisation (OR = 2.9; 95% CI 1.0-8.1; p = 0.04) and had more frequently a history of attempted suicide (OR = 2.6; 95% CI 1.0-6.5; p = 0.04). The cannabis misuse was associated with medication noncompliance (OR = 3.1; 95% CI 1.1-9.1; p = 0.04) and more frequent penal problems (OR = 15.0; 95% CI 2.9-78.7; p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Cannabis and alcohol misuse have a negative, but different, impact on social adaptation and clinical outcome in subjects with psychiatric disorder. These results confirm the necessity to systematically assess this type of comorbid disorder and to distinguish the different substances.  相似文献   



Little is known about trichophagia in individuals with trichotillomania. Although studies have mentioned the behavior, no previous studies have examined clinical correlates of trichophagia.


We examined the clinical correlates of trichophagia in 68 subjects with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, trichotillomania (85.3% females; mean age, 35.0 ± 12.5). Comorbidity data were obtained with the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Trichotillomania severity was assessed with the Psychiatric Institute Trichotillomania Scale and the Massachusetts General Hospital Hairpulling Scale. Social/occupational functioning was examined using the Sheehan Disability Scale. All variables were compared in trichotillomania subjects with and without trichophagia.


Of the 68 subjects with trichotillomania, 14 (20.6%; 95% confidence interval, 12.7%-31.6%) reported current trichophagia, and an additional 9 (13.2%) ate their hair or the root episodically. There were far more similarities than differences in trichotillomania subjects with current trichophagia and those without, although those with trichophagia were significantly more likely to be male (P = .013) and have more severe trichotillomania (according to the Massachusetts General Hospital Hairpulling Scale) (P = .010).


These preliminary results suggest that trichophagia is not uncommon in individuals with trichophagia. Subjects with and without trichophagia were similar in most domains that were examined.  相似文献   

Tics and psychiatric comorbidity in children and adolescents   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This study examined comorbid psychiatric symptoms in a large, community-based sample of children and adolescents. The study sample comprised a total of 3006 school children: 413 preschool (3 to 5 years; 237 males, 176 females; mean age 4 years 2 months, SD 8 months), 1520 elementary school (5 to 12 years; 787 males, 733 females; mean age 8 years 2 months, SD 1 year 11 months), and 1073 secondary school children (12 to 18 years; 573 males, 500 females; mean age 14 years 4 months, SD 1 year 10 months), all of whom were attending regular education programs. Children were evaluated with a teacher-completed DSM-IV-referenced rating scale. The sample was divided into four groups: attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder with tics (ADHD+tics), ADHD without tics (ADHD), tics without ADHD (T), and a comparison group i.e. neither ADHD nor tics (Non). The percentage of children with tic behaviors varied with age: preschool children (22.3%), elementary school children (7.8%), and adolescents (3.4%). Tic behaviors were more common in males than females, regardless of comorbid ADHD symptoms. For many psychiatric symptoms, screening prevalence rates were highest for the ADHD groups (ADHD+tics>ADHD>T>Non). However, obsessive-compulsive and simple and social phobia symptoms were more common in the groups with tic behavior. Findings for a community-based sample show many similarities with studies of clinically referred samples suggesting that teacher-completed ratings of DSM-IV symptoms may be a useful methodology for investigating the phenomenology of tic disorders.  相似文献   



Muscle dysmorphia has been described as a disorder in which individuals are pathologically preoccupied with their muscularity. This study was designed to further investigate the symptom characteristics and psychiatric conditions associated with the disorder.


Weight lifting males meeting current criteria for muscle dysmorphia (n = 15), past muscle dysmorphia (n = 8), and no history of muscle dysmorphia (n = 28) responded to advertisements placed in gymnasium and nutrition stores. Structured and semistructured interviews were administered, as well as survey measures.


Relative to controls, males with current muscle dysmorphia experienced more aversive symptoms related to the appearance of their bodies, including more often thinking about their muscularity, dissatisfaction with appearance, appearance checking, bodybuilding dependence, and functional impairment. Higher rates of mood and anxiety disorders were found among individuals with a history of muscle dysmorphia relative to individuals with no history of muscle dysmorphia.


The findings suggest that muscle dysmorphia can be distinguished from normal weight lifting on a number of clinical dimensions. Muscle dysmorphia appears to be comorbid with other psychiatric conditions. Limitations of the current study and directions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trichotillomania, a disorder of self-directed hair pulling, has been the subject of few systematic studies. Although personality characteristics and disorders are often noted to coexist with trichotillomania, no thorough assessment of comorbidity with DSM-III-R Axis II disorders has been published. The present study was conducted to evaluate personality disorders and other personality characteristics in a large outpatient population of trichotillomanics and to compare these findings with those in a nontrichotillomanic comparison group. METHOD: Forty-eight outpatient female trichotillomanics were evaluated with the Structured Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders (SIDP-R) and the revised version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2). Personality disorders and personality cluster symptom scores from the SIDP-R and MMPI-2 scales were compared with those derived from a comparison group of 48 age-matched female outpatient psychiatric patients. RESULTS: Forty-two percent of the trichotillomanic group met criteria for a personality disorder. The only statistically significant difference in frequency of diagnoses between the trichotillomanic and comparison groups was a greater frequency of borderline personality disorder in the comparison group. Trichotillomanics demonstrated significantly less SIDP-R cluster A personality symptoms as well as less depression and better psychological adjustment on the MMPI-2. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that no particular personality disorder or trait characterizes female trichotillomanics. Female trichotillomanics seeking psychiatric intervention appear to have better psychological adjustment and less psychopathology in general than other psychiatric outpatients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the current state of knowledge of psychiatric comorbidity in adolescent cigarette smokers. METHOD: assisted literature search was conducted and seminal articles were cross-referenced for comprehensiveness of the search. For each disorder, a synopsis of knowledge in adults is provided and compared with the knowledge in adolescents. RESULTS: Psychiatric comorbidity is common in adolescent cigarette smokers, especially disruptive behavior disorders (such as oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), major depressive disorders, and drug and alcohol use disorders. Anxiety disorders are modestly associated with cigarette smoking. Both early onset (<13 years) cigarette smoking and conduct problems seem to be robust markers of increased psychopathology, including substance abuse, later in life. In spite of the high comorbidity, very few adolescents have nicotine dependence diagnosed or receive smoking cessation treatment in child and adolescent psychiatric treatment settings. CONCLUSIONS: There is increasing evidence for high rates of psychiatric comorbidity in adolescent cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoking in adolescence appears to be a strong marker of future psychopathology. Child and adolescent psychiatry treatment programs may be a good setting for prevention efforts and treatment, which should focus on both nicotine dependence and psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In general, effective treatments for trichotillomania have been elusive. Although behavioral therapies and hypnosis have provided benefits to some, adult patients with chronic hair pulling have often proved refractory to treatment. Medication has generally been unhelpful until the recent introduction of serotonin reuptake inhibitors for the treatment of this condition. Furthermore, there has been little systematic study of the clinical characteristics of these patients. METHOD: Twenty individuals with trichotillomania were interviewed and were characterized on the basis of hair-pulling patterns, comorbidity, obsessionality, and the presence of symptoms of depression and anxiety. Twelve patients participated in an open 16-week trial of fluoxetine (up to 80 mg/day). RESULTS: Compared with baseline scores derived from a scale of trichotillomania severity, severity scores at endpoint decreased (improved) by 34% (p less than .025). Among the 8 responders, the mean decrease in severity scores was 60%. Fifty-five percent (11 of 20) had current or past additional DSM-III-R Axis I diagnoses (disorders of mood, anxiety, and psychoactive substance use). CONCLUSION: We conclude that in an open 16-week trial, patients treated with fluoxetine improved significantly. Data are presented on comorbid conditions, depressive symptoms, and anxiety. Baseline behavioral assessments of patients with trichotillomania suggest that substantial differences exist between this syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder.  相似文献   

Sleep problems are common in pediatric epilepsy and may influence seizure control, daytime functioning, and overall quality of life. Knowledge of factors contributing to sleep problems is likely to improve treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between psychiatric comorbidity and parent-reported and self-reported sleep problems in a sample of children and adolescents with epilepsy. Participants were children and adolescents (N = 94), aged 10–19 years, with generalized or focal epilepsy who had been referred to a tertiary epilepsy treatment center in Norway. Participants underwent a thorough clinical assessment and 24 h of EEG registration. Information on sleep problems was obtained from parents using the Children's Sleep Habit Questionnaire (CSHQ) and from self-reporting using the Sleep Self-Report (SSR) questionnaire. Psychiatric diagnoses were established using the semistructured psychiatric interview Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia — Present and Lifetime Version (Kiddie-SADS-PL).Both the total and subdomain CSHQ and SSR scores were high in comparison with scores from population-based samples. Having one or more psychiatric disorder(s) was significantly associated with elevated scores on both the CSHQ and the SSR. With the exception of parent-reported parasomnias, associations between sleep problems and psychiatric disorders remained significant after adjusting for relevant epilepsy variables. Psychiatric comorbidity explained about one-third of the variance of the reported sleep problems in children and adolescents with epilepsy.  相似文献   

Trichotillomania is a behavior disorder with onset generally in childhood, characterized by repetitive, compulsive pulling out of hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or other parts of the body, often leading to disfigurement. Trichotillomania tends to be persistent and is often resistant to counselling and standard psychiatric care. A systematic behavioral treatment program for children and adolescents and pilot findings with three patients are described. Methodological issues in relation to compliance and assessment are discussed. The relative safety and potential effectiveness of behavioral techniques suggest a useful role for this approach, perhaps in conjunction with pharmacological, family, and other treatment modalities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess aggression and psychiatric comorbidity in a sample of children with hypothalamic hamartomas and gelastic seizures and to assess psychiatric diagnoses in siblings of study subjects. METHOD: Children with a clinical history of gelastic seizures and hypothalamic hamartomas (n = 12; age range 3-14 years) had diagnoses confirmed by video-EEG and head magnetic resonance imaging. Structured interviews were administered, including the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents-Revised Parent Form (DICA-R-P), the Test of Broad Cognitive Abilities, and the Vitiello Aggression Scale. Parents were interviewed with the DICA-R-P about each subject and a sibling closest in age without seizures and hypothalamic hamartomas. Patients were seen from 1998 to 2000. RESULTS: Children with gelastic seizures and hypothalamic hamartomas displayed a statistically significant increase in comorbid psychiatric conditions, including oppositional defiant disorder (83.3%) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (75%). They also exhibited high rates of conduct disorder (33.3%), speech retardation/learning impairment (33.3%), and anxiety and mood disorders (16.7%). Significant rates of aggression were noted, with 58% of the seizure patients meeting criteria for the affective subtype of aggression and 30.5% having the predatory aggression subtype. Affective aggression was significantly more common (p < .05). Unaffected siblings demonstrated low rates of psychiatric pathology on semistructured parental interview and no aggression as measured by the Vitiello Aggression Scale. CONCLUSIONS: Children with hypothalamic hamartomas and gelastic seizures had high rates of psychiatric comorbidity and aggression. Parents reported that healthy siblings had very low rates of psychiatric pathology and aggression.  相似文献   

A variety of comorbid psychiatric conditions are frequently identified in children and adolescents with epilepsy, including depression, anxiety, psychosis, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Data regarding the epidemiology and precise prevalence of comorbid disorders in childhood epilepsy are incomplete and just now beginning to be compiled. Psychiatric and behavioral comorbidities are believed to affect approximately 40-50% of children and adolescents with epilepsy. Optimal diagnosis, clinical evaluation, and choice of treatment are predicated on the proper identification of coexisting psychiatric and behavioral disorders. Comorbid conditions in children and adolescents with epilepsy should be evaluated and treated as soon as they are recognized.  相似文献   

Clinical correlates of psychiatric comorbidity in bipolar I patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objectives: To ascertain the clinical implications of psychiatric comorbidity in the course and outcome of bipolar I patients.

Methods: One hundred and twenty-nine bipolar I outpatients in remission [Young Mania Rating Scale (Y-MRS)<7, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)<9] were assessed by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R axis I and axis II (SCID-I and SCID-II) in order to detect all possible psychiatric comorbid diagnoses. The sample was split according to the presence of psychiatric comorbidity and the groups were compared.

Results: Psychiatric comorbidity was detected in 31% of the sample. A higher number of mixed features, depressive episodes and suicide attempts and a predominance of depressive onset amongst comorbid bipolar patients were the most relevant differences between the two groups.

Conclusions: There is an association between depression, suicidality and comorbidity in bipolar I disorder. As comorbidity had a clear relevance in the course and outcome of bipolar illness, this issue should be specifically assessed in clinical practice.  相似文献   

There has been little research examining clinical correlates of late-onset OCD in a large sample of individuals with a primary diagnosis of OCD. Using a sample of 293 consecutive subjects with lifetime DSM-IV OCD, we compared subjects with late-onset (after age 30 years) OCD to those with earlier onset on a variety of clinical measures. Symptom severity was examined using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. Thirty-three (11.3%) of the 293 subjects with OCD reported onset of OCD on or after age 30 years (mean age of OCD onset of 38.8+/-9.7 years). Subjects with late-onset had significantly shorter durations of illness prior to receiving treatment, less severe obsessinality, and a trend demonstrating a greater likelihood of responding to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Late-onset OCD subjects were also significantly less likely to report contamination, religious, or somatic obsessions. Comorbidity, insight, depressive symptoms, quality of life, and social functioning did not differ between groups. These preliminary results suggest that although onset on or after age 30 years is fairly uncommon among people with OCD, individuals developing OCD later in life have similar clinical characteristics as those with earlier onset and may respond better to CBT.  相似文献   

There has been little research examining clinical correlates of childhood-onset pathologic skin picking in a sample of individuals with a primary diagnosis of pathologic skin picking. Using a sample of 40 consecutive subjects with current pathologic skin picking, we compared subjects with childhood-onset (before 10 years of age) pathologic skin picking to those with later onset on a variety of clinical measures. Symptom severity was examined by assessing time spent picking per day, intensity and frequency of thoughts and urges to pick, and social and occupational functioning. Of the 40 subjects, 19 (47.5%) reported onset of skin picking before 10 years of age. Subjects with childhood-onset had significantly longer durations of illness before receiving treatment and were more likely to pick unconsciously. Symptom severity, comorbidity, and social functioning did not differ between groups. These preliminary results suggest that although onset before 10 years of age is fairly common among people with pathologic skin picking, individuals developing this behavior earlier in life have similar clinical characteristics as those with later onset but may be less likely to seek treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mental health and caregiver burden in parents of children with Tourette's disorder (TD) compared with parents of children with asthma. METHOD: A cross-sectional cohort survey was conducted at TD and pediatric asthma hospital outpatient clinics over a 6-month period. Main outcome measures were parent mental health (General Health Questionnaire [GHQ]-28) and caregiver burden (Child and Adolescent Impact Assessment) scores. RESULTS: The response rate achieved was 89.7%. Of the parents of children with TD, 76.9% achieved caseness on the GHQ-28 compared with 34.6% of the parents of children with asthma; this effect remained significant after controlling for demographic variables. Parents of children with TD also experienced greater caregiver burden, and this burden was significantly correlated with GHQ caseness. CONCLUSIONS: Parents of children with TD are at risk of psychiatric morbidity; an intervention targeting caregiver burden might be helpful in reducing this.  相似文献   

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