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Data were gathered on 479 inpatients of two Israeli general hospitals for whom psychiatric consultations were requested over a 1-year period. The data presented here include age and sex of referred patients, source of referral, reason for referral, psychiatric and physical diagnoses, and consultant's recommendation. Emergency ward consultations are included. Additional data were collected on patients transferred to psychiatric wards. Our findings are similar in general to those reported from other countries, although such comparisons are limited by the lack of uniformity in the classifications used by the various workers.  相似文献   

Despite the network of community mental health centers, the general hospital has become the focal point for the delivery of mental health care in the U.S. The author presents an overview of the psychiatric unit in the general hospital, including its history, structure and function, and its relationship to the hospital itself and to the continuum of mental health services in the community. The units' goals are not clearly defined but appear to be crisis intervention, acute treatment, correction of decompensation, prevention of chronicity, and speedy return of the patient to the community; there is little attempt to serve chronic patients. Paradoxically, the psychiatric unit also does not serve the hospital it is part of, as it rarely accepts patients from medical-surgical wards. The author summarizes evaluation studies related to general-hospital psychiatric units and recommends, among other points, truly evaluating the effects of short-term treatment and eliminating the current competition for the shortest stay.  相似文献   

The authors found that among 228 general hospital patients, minor tranquilizers were prescribed most often and with the least justification and that major tranquilizers were prescribed sparingly and by and large judiciously. Antidepressants were given less often than would be justified by the incidence of depressive illness among these patients. Nonrecognition of depression in patients with somatic complaints and autonomic signs of depression contributed to this lack of treatment.  相似文献   

The structure of a psychiatric service in an urban general hospital is complex. Varied intrainstitutional and extrainstitutional relationships create stress, which can lead to rational and irrational reactions, often in combination. Psychologic mechanisms that exist in individuals also occur as shared defense mechanisms in an institutional setting, serving to reduce anxiety and stress but often at the expense of accurate reality perception. Good communication can play a vital role in reducing reality distortions but is itself often blocked or impaired by the same defense mechanisms that led to the distortions. An awareness of how these mechanisms operate in an institutional setting can aid the psychiatric administrator in correcting distortions and maintaining good channels of communication.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Some countries, mainly in North America and Europe, have adopted psychiatric wards in the general hospital as an alternative to the classic psychiatric hospital. In Brazil there are 6,169 general hospitals, 1.3% of which with a psychiatric unit. This service strategy is scarcely developed in the country and comprises only 4% of all psychiatric admissions. There was no information on the facilities and functioning of the psychiatric units in general hospitals. OBJECTIVE: To determine the main characteristics of psychiatric units in Brazilian general hospitals and to assess the current trends in the services provided. METHOD: A mailing survey assessed all 94 Brazilian general hospitals which made psychiatric admissions. A two-page questionnaire was designed to determine the main characteristics of each institution and of the psychiatric unit. RESULTS: Seventy-nine (84%) questionnaires were returned. In contrast to the 1970s and 1980s, in the last decade the installation of psychiatric units has spread to smaller philanthropic institutions that are not linked to medical schools. A fifth of hospitals admit psychiatric patients to medical wards because there is no specialist psychiatric ward. They try to meet all the local emergency demands, usually alcohol-dependent patients who need short term admission. This could signal the beginning of a program through which mental health professionals may become an integral part of general health services. CONCLUSION: The inauguration of psychiatric wards in philanthropic hospitals, as well as the admission of psychiatric patients in their medical wards, is a phenomenon peculiar to this decade. The installation of psychiatric services in these and other general hospitals would overcome two of major difficulties encountered: prejudice and a lack of financial resources.  相似文献   

Adults in two small Ugandan villages were interviewed, using a standard psychiatric examination and standard methods of case identification and diagnosis. Twenty percent had disorders just above threshold level, and a further 5% had more definite disorders. Most of these conditions were depressive, but hypomanic and anxiety states were also represented. A survey of women in southeast London found only half this frequency of disorders. Further studies are required to confirm these results.  相似文献   

Building on a previous study, this report explores in more detail one aspect of the "de facto mental health services system," the treatment of mental disorders by nonpsychiatrist physicians in office-based practice. Data from the 1980 and 1981 National Ambulatory Medical Care surveys indicate that almost one half of all office visits to a physician resulting in a mental disorder diagnosis are to nonpsychiatrists, mostly in primary care. Nonpsychiatrists' mentally ill patients tend to be less seriously ill than patients of psychiatrists, and are more likely to come in with physical problems. They are also significantly more likely to be female, to be nonwhite, and to be elderly. Physicians treating these patients appear to be providing a different product than psychiatrists are, spending less time with patients, but using a wider range of diagnostic and therapeutic services during each office visit.  相似文献   

A total of 728 patients admitted to the medical, gynaecological and surgical departments of one urban and one rural general hospital in Austria were investigated for psychiatric morbidity. Using the Clinical Interview Schedule and its case criteria, the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity was found to be highest in medical departments (38.2%), followed by surgical departments (32.5%), and lowest in gynaecological departments (20.7%). Among medical and surgical patients, dementia and substance abuse disorders were the most frequent psychiatric categories, while in gynaecological departments neurotic disorders showed the highest frequency. For the sample as a whole, single status (i.e. unmarried, widowed or divorced), lower social class and rural catchment area of the general hospital predicted a high prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in a logistic regression analysis, while complications of childbirth, pregnancy or the puerperium, and diseases of the skin or the musculoskeletal system showed a negative association with psychiatric illness.  相似文献   



This is the first study to estimate the prevalence of adjustment disorder (AjD) in the general population. A new conceptualisation of AjD as a stress response syndrome was applied, which allowed AjD to be assessed directly from its symptom profile, including intrusive, avoidance and failure-to-adapt symptoms (Maercker et al., Psychopathology 40:135–146, 2007).


Prevalence rates of distressing life events and AjD were estimated from a representative sample of the German general population (n?=?2,512) with a broad age range (14–93?years). A questionnaire including a life events checklist and self-rating questions that assessed AjD symptoms and symptom duration were personally handed out by an interviewer.


The prevalence of AjD fulfilling the criterion of clinically significant impairment was 0.9%; a further 1.4% of the sample was diagnosed with AjD without fulfilling the impairment criterion. In ~72.5% of AjD cases, symptoms had developed 6–24?months prior to assessment. AjD was most often associated with acute events such as moving or chronic stressors such as serious illness, conflicts at the respondent’s job or with friends or neighbours (with ~5% conditional probability each).


The results correspond with the few other studies that have examined the prevalence of AjD, even though a new conceptualisation of the disorder was used. Explorative results regarding the duration of AjD syndromes and symptoms call for further redefinition and empirical investigation of this under-researched mental condition.  相似文献   

A questionnaire on anxiety disorder services was sent to 240 Canadian hospitals, of which 117 responded. Eighteen of the responding hospitals had anxiety disorder clinics and saw an average of 208 patients a year. These clinics appear to be scarce although, according to epidemiological studies, there is a high prevalence of anxiety disorders in the community. The specific diagnoses of the patients seen in the specialty clinics and the treatments offered generally followed international patterns.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In the Netherlands, it is considered good medical practice to offer patients with gender identity disorder the option to undergo hormonal and surgical sex reassignment therapy. A liberalization of treatment guidelines now allows for such treatment to be started at puberty or prepuberty. The question arises as to what extent gender identity disorder can be reliably distinguished from a cross-gender identification that is secondary to other psychiatric disorders. METHOD: The authors sent survey questionnaires to 382 board-certified Dutch psychiatrists regarding their experiences with diagnosing and treating patients with gender identity disorder. RESULTS: One hundred eighty-six psychiatrists responded to the survey. These respondents reported on 584 patients with cross-gender identification. In 225 patients (39%), gender identity disorder was regarded as the primary diagnosis. For the remaining 359 patients (61%), cross-gender identification was comorbid with other psychiatric disorders. In 270 (75%) of these 359 patients, cross-gender identification was interpreted as an epiphenomenon of other psychiatric illnesses, notably personality, mood, dissociative, and psychotic disorders. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that there is little consensus, at least among Dutch psychiatrists, about diagnostic features of gender identity disorder or about the minimum age at which sex reassignment therapy is a safe option. Therapy options proposed to patients with gender identity disorder appear to depend on personal preferences of psychiatrists. These results underline the need for more specific diagnostic rules in this area.  相似文献   

综合医院医学心理门诊医师对抑郁症的识别   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 了解综合性医院精神科门诊中专科和非专科医师对抑郁症的识别情况及对抑郁症的治疗模式和临床疗效,并对其相关影响因素进行分析,为制定综合医院精神卫生服务政策提供相关依据。方法 收集来自上海市9所综合性医院精神科门诊中的抑郁症患者47例,分为专科医师组20例和非专科医师组27例,在入组时、治疗第2周、第4周、第8周、第12周时,进行汉密顿抑郁量表24项(HAMD^24)、汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)、修订社会功能缺陷筛选量表(SDSS)、自编的药物依从性评估等量表的评定。结果 (1)综合性医院精神科门诊中专科医师对抑郁症的识别显著高于非专科医师组(χ^2=12.68,P〈0.01)。(2)专科医师组对抑郁症的治疗疗效优于非专科医师组(χ^2=7.16,P〈0.01),两者在治疗后第8周及第12周HAMD、HAMA总分减分率上有显著性差异。(3)两组在治疗第12周时SF-36各因子分均较入组时有显著提高。结论 综合性医院精神科门诊中专科医师在对抑郁症的识别、治疗疗效上优于非专科医师;非专科医师对抑郁症的识别及诊治能力有待进一步提高.相关的卫生管理体系作用需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

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