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随着人民生活水平的提高 ,营养日益成为人们普遍关注的社会热点问题。为了解我市集体儿童营养膳食与健康情况 ,我们对抚顺市 30所 10 0人以上的大型一类托幼园 (所 )进行了膳食调查 ,结果发现抚顺市集体儿童平均每人每日各种营养素的摄入量普遍偏低 ,其中尤以热量、微量元素及维生素 B1、 B2 的缺乏更为明显 ,与世界卫生组织建议的每人每日营养素摄入量以及中国营养学会推荐的平均每日营养素供给量相比 ,差异显著 ( P<0 .0 1)。蛋白质、热量及各种微量元素钙、磷、铁、锌等均不达标 ,是造成本市儿童营养缺乏的主要原因 ,因而增加营养素的…  相似文献   

目的调查威海市沿海地区长寿老人的饮食习惯和食物摄入情况,了解其营养状况。方法在长期居住于威海市的百岁老人中,随机抽取104人,为百岁组;90-99岁者,随机抽取156人为长寿组;采用入户调研方式,调查其营养和食物摄入状况。结果百岁老人平均体质指数(BMI)为20.0 kg/m~2,男性为20.4kg/m~2,女性为19.9kg/m~2,低于山东省平均值。膳食调查结果表明:沿海百岁老人男性和女性能量的每日平均摄入量分别是老年人膳食推荐摄入量(RIN)的49.7%和50.3%,营养素摄入量达到适宜摄入量(AI)标准的55%以上的有铁、锰、磷、硒,而钙的摄入量仅达到适宜摄入量(AI)标准的17.6%。膳食结构分析结果表明:沿海百岁老人谷类及薯类摄取量最多,其次是蔬菜和水果。沿海百岁老人鱼虾贝的食用频率:每天食用者占总人数的8.7%,每周食用者占38.5%,每月食用者占41.3%。结论沿海长寿老人BMI位于正常偏低水平;但三餐规律,膳食以谷类为主,主要是小麦及其制品,鱼虾摄入频率较高,各种营养素摄入量相对较低。  相似文献   

目的分析家庭人均年收入水平对我国城乡居民膳食营养素摄入状况及膳食结构的影响。方法利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查"中的连续3天24小时回顾法的食物数据、家庭食物称重法记录的家庭调味品消费量数据和家庭人均年收入数据,应用SAS软件进行统计分析。结果中国城乡居民平均每标准人蛋白质摄入量、脂肪摄入量、脂肪供能比、动物性食物来源的能量和蛋白质的比例以及某些微量营养素的摄入量均收入增加呈明显的上升趋势。结论家庭经济收入水平是影响我国城乡居民膳食营养素摄入和膳食结构的重要因素。  相似文献   

婴幼儿膳食营养素摄入状况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]了解健康婴幼儿膳食营养素摄入状况,评价其合理性,为喂养提供参考.[方法]调查186例年龄0~2岁婴幼儿1日喂养情况,计算出1日营养素摄入量并与膳食营养素参考摄入量(recommended nutrients intakes,RNI)进行比较.[结果]三大营养素摄入量及所占能量比基本合理,但钙、维生素A、D存在过多或过少摄入,前者1岁以下婴儿多见,后者1岁以上幼儿相对较多.[结论]健康婴幼儿摄入宏量营养素量及比例基本正常,某些营养素摄入量个体差异大,存在过多或过少摄入不合理情况.  相似文献   

<正>国家卫生和计划生育委员会于2017年9月14日发布了新版《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量》,包括(1)宏量营养素;(2)常量元素;(3)微量元素;(4)脂溶性维生素;(5)水溶性维生素5个部分。目前公布了标准第1部分和第3部分。第1部分宏量营养素标准,规定了中国居民膳食能量、蛋白质、脂类及碳水化合物参考摄入量。第3部分微量元素标准,规定了中国居民膳食铁、碘、锌、硒、铜、钼、铬7种必需的微量元素参考摄入量。该标准适用于中国居民中健康人群或个体的  相似文献   

诸芸  黄春华  吴涌兴 《职业与健康》2007,23(23):2176-2177
目的了解无锡市福利机构老年人的饮食行为现状,为改善老年人的营养状况和实现健康老龄化提供科学依据。方法通过问卷与24 h记账法相结合的方法,对在无锡市社会养老机构生活的129名老年人进行了膳食营养和现患慢病调查。结果膳食情况:平均每人每日动物性食物的消费量达170.8 g,明显高于全国的平均水平(159.5 g)。接受调查的129名老年人的主要营养素摄入基本达到《中国居民膳食营养素》的推荐摄入量标准,钙的摄入高于无锡市居民平均水平,慢性非传染性疾病的患病率为79.8%。结论该老年群体的饮食习惯不科学,慢病的饮食控制缺乏,需要加强营养宣教。  相似文献   

陈亮  王燕  胡传来 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(8):1138-1140
目的:探讨孕妇孕中期能量与营养素摄入的评估方法,为孕期膳食调查研究方法提供依据。方法:在孕中期同时采用24 h膳食回顾法和连续3天24 h膳食记录法分别记录被调查者调查前一日膳食摄入情况和连续3天24 h所摄取的所有食物名称及数量,计算每人每日食物和营养素摄入量。采用非参数检验法和Spearman相关分析比较两种膳食调查方法调查结果间的差异性和相关性。结果:24 h膳食回顾法获得数据中除蛋白质和碳水化合物摄入量被高估外,脂肪及其他营养素摄入量均低于3天×24 h膳食记录法。两种膳食调查方法获得的结果间差异无统计学意义,相关性较差。结论:在总体评估孕妇膳食能量及营养素摄入水平时24 h回顾法和3天×24 h记录法调查结果间是相似的,但在评估个体膳食能量及营养素摄入量及其与健康相关问题时,3天×24 h记录法得出结果可能相对较好。  相似文献   

目的分析不同年代出生的成年居民的营养状况与生活方式的差异。方法利用"中国居民健康与营养调查"的资料,选取1993年调查时出生于20世纪60年代和2009年调查时出生于20世纪80年代的健康成年居民作为研究对象。以体格测量、营养素摄入量及生活方式因素作为评价居民营养状况的指标,利用SAS和STATA软件对数据库资料进行统计分析。结果 (1)80年代出生居民的体重、身高、体质指数、腰围、臀围、腰臀比、皮褶厚度、超重/肥胖率、高血压患病率均显著高于60年代出生的居民;(2)80年代出生居民的脂肪摄入量、胆固醇摄入量、脂肪供能比、钙摄入量以及胆固醇和脂肪供能比超过中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量的人群比例,显著高于60年代出生的居民;能量摄入量、碳水化合物摄入量、食盐摄入量、维生素B1摄入量、维生素C摄入量、碳水化合物供能比以及维生素B1和维生素C的摄入量超过居民膳食营养素参考摄入量的人群比例,显著低于60年代出生的居民;(3)80年代出生居民的吸烟率、饮茶率以及从事中、重度体力活动的人群比例,显著低于60年代出生的居民。结论不同年代成人营养状况与生活方式存在代际差异,80后一代居民营养相关慢性疾病患病率的迅速上升值得关注。  相似文献   

目的:了解温州市城区健康婴幼儿膳食营养素摄人的合理性,以指导喂养和进食.方法:随机调查257名6个月~3岁的婴幼儿日常膳食摄入,根据年龄段分成3组,计算1日膳食营养素摄入量,与膳食营养素推荐摄入量(ricommcnded nutricnra intakes,RNI)对照,并评价三大宏量营养素供能分布情况.结果:婴儿期营养素摄入基本能达到供给标准,较多出现蛋白质和钙摄入过多.1岁以后营养素摄入呈下降趋势,部分幼儿能量和蛋白质摄入不足.3组婴幼儿均存在宏量营养素供能比例失调.结论:营养素摄入个体差异较大,过多和不足同时存在,三大宏量营养素供能比失调,并呈现出年龄组特点.婴幼儿膳食营养素摄入状况与家长主观因素密切.  相似文献   

食物频率询问法对农村高血压患者膳食的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解农村高血压病人膳食的特点,寻找防治措施。方法运用食物频率询问法在安徽六安农村地区调查了2317名高血压患者,对每个调查对象上一年的各类食物摄入频率和摄入量进行询问,分别计算每日食物摄入量、每日营养素摄入量、三大营养素产能比和蛋白质来源百分比,并描述这些指标在性别间的分布。结果该地区高血压患者膳食的主要特点是:主食以粮谷类为主,奶及奶制品摄入量低,油脂摄入以动物油脂为主;营养素和微量元素的摄入量普遍较低,其中蛋白质、钙、核黄素和硫胺素的摄入明显不足;三大营养素的产能比不协调,蛋白质的产能比重略低于10%、碳水化合物的产能比重超过70%、女性脂肪产能比重低于20%;优质蛋白质在所有蛋白质来源中所占比重偏低。结论该地区高血压患者的膳食特点为动物性食物、蔬菜水果、奶及奶制品和豆类及豆制品摄入不足,提示农村地区高血压健康教育亟待加强,应纠正不良的膳食习惯。  相似文献   

Forty-nine caregivers in eight daycare centres were interviewed about their daycare experiences, their own childcare decisions and practices, and their views of how their profession is perceived by society. Results suggest that: caregivers comment positively on the process elements of their work, such as their enjoyment and love of children, and negatively on structural elements, such as salary and working conditions; caregivers’ “insider” view of daycare provides a seldom tapped but potentially useful source of information about both the workforce and the work; and caregivers strongly resent being viewed as mere babysitters. They increasingly see themselves—and demand to be treated—as professional educators, who contribute greatly to the successful development of the children in their care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Major forces in society and within health systems are fragmenting patient care and clinical learning. The distancing of physician and trainee from the patient undermines learning about the patient-doctor relationship. The disconnection of care and learning from one successive venue to another impedes the ability of trainees to learn about illness longitudinally. METHODS: As a conceptual piece, our methods have been those of witnessing the experiences of patients, practitioners, and students over time and observing the impact of fragmented systems and changing expectations on care and learning. We have reflected on the opportunities created by digital information systems and interactive telemedicine to help renew essential relationships. RESULTS: Although there is, as yet, little in the literature on educational or health outcomes of this kind of technological enablement, we anticipate opportunities for a renewed focus on the patient in that patient's own space and time. Multimedia applications can achieve not only real-time connections, but can help construct a "virtual patient" as a platform for supervision and assessment, permitting preceptors to evaluate trainee-patient interactions, utilization of Web-based data and human resources, and on-line professionalism. CONCLUSIONS: Just as diverse elements in society are capitalizing upon digital technology to create advantageous relationships, all of the elements in the complex systems of health care and medical training can be better connected, so as to put the patient back in the centre of care and the trainee's ongoing relationship to the patient back in the centre of education.  相似文献   

军队医院野战医疗所建设要素分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:分析当前军队医院野战医疗所建设的基本要素构成,为其科学合理的建设提供参考。方法:采用文献法提供参考资料,问卷调查法提供部分军队医院机动卫勤分队建设情况资料,专家咨询法进行要素的分析。结果:明确了建设相关的一级要素6个、二级要素13个、三级要素37个。结论:军队医院应依据建设要素逐一落实,提升机动卫勤保障能力。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨胎儿肝脏生命元素与发育参数的关系及其环境生物学信息。方法 :分析 4~1 0月龄胎儿肝脏 2 1个生命元素的含量 ,并与胎儿整体发育、身长、体重和肝重 4个发育参数做单相关和多元逐步回归分析。结果 :发现生命元素在胎儿生长发育过程中有明显的量变规律 ,依此可对环境—母体系统元素与胎儿营养的关系进行分类。结论 :Zn、K、Na、Mg、Sr、Mn、Cr和 Cu是影响胎儿生长发育的主要因子 ,为进一步研究生命元素在胎儿期的生物化学和生理功能 ,与胚胎期、新生儿、儿童发育的关系及妇幼保健和优生学 ,环境监测提供环境生物信息  相似文献   

It is a gender reading of Florence Nightingale's main work, "Notes on Nursing: what is and what isn't", a book which brings together the principles and essential elements of modern nursing, professionalized in England in the second half of the XIX century and the way the profession was constituted in Brazil, as explicited in the work of Glete de Alcantara: "Modern nursing as a professional category: obstacles to its expansion in Brazilian society", the first nursing dissertation produced in the country, in 1963. It verified that in both situations the specificities of the nursing profession intermixes with that of the female working world.  相似文献   

学习型社会是一个终身学习、全民学习的社会。在医学院校构建学习型社会必须集医科师生个人与医学院校团体的力量,有效整合其机构的文化信息资源,充分发挥其效益。在阐述学习型社会的内涵与构建意义基础上,分析医学院校图书馆倡导自主学习的理念,拥有构建学习型社会需要丰富的学习资源,先进的信息传播技术应用及文献信息资源协同保障系统平台搭建,良好的学习环境、浓厚的学习氛围等优势,提出医学院校图书馆在构建学习型社会中有树立服务师生及员工的服务理念,开放常规服务,开展深层次信息服务等作用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We investigated the concept of 'quality of assertive outreach programmes for severely impaired substance abusers' with the aim of developing a conceptual framework as the basis for an assessment instrument. DESIGN: We held a concept-mapping session with 13 experts in 2003. Fifty measurable elements of quality were mentioned and rated in terms of relative importance on a Likert-type response scale. Subsequently, the experts grouped the statements that were similar in content. The resulting concept map and additional interpretation made up the final quality framework. SETTING/STUDY PARTICIPANTS: Theoretical sampling was used to select Dutch managers, team leaders, and service providers from different assertive outreach delivery systems for substance abusers. Variation in both perspective and region was reflected in the sample. RESULTS: Nine aspects of quality were formulated: preconditions for care, preconditions for service providers' work, relationship to regular care, service providers' activities and goals, service providers' skills, the role of repression, optimal care for the client, goals of assertive outreach, and nuisance reduction to society. Each aspect was presented using a selection of measurable elements. CONCLUSIONS: According to the experts, optimal assertive outreach depends on a broad range of aspects that were later classified in three regions: structure, process, and outcomes. Saturation of the elements has not been proved so far. Nevertheless, it is promising that the framework's regions are supported by theory and that it is largely in accordance with clients' perspectives on assertive community treatment.  相似文献   

Production of     
We propose a critical reflection on quality of information concerning violence in Brazil, emphasizing some of the main sources of primary data: Public Law Enforcement Departments, Police, and Municipal and State Secretaries of Health. The city of Rio de Janeiro is taken as a typical "case" in this analysis. The hypotheses are: (a) in the process of producing this information, its generation, systematization, and dissemination are poor quality, thus becoming banal and revealing their discriminatory bias; (b) data are treated as private tools and not as a public service, thus reflecting an authoritarian and bureaucratic institutional structure. They themselves become a form of (mis)information, void of any valid social or political meaning and insufficient to inform society about the real expression of violence and to aid in formulating effective public policies. Conclusions are as follows: 1) that information on violent events be valued from the time it is recorded until it is put to social use: 2) that professionals and institutions dealing with the issue transform structures and ideas with a view towards an integrated and conscious fulfillment of their social roles; and 3) that society organize and work collectively against violence, bolstering the value of human life.  相似文献   

目的:用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定2种产地夏枯草中微量元素初级形态及溶出率。方法:用四层纱布和0.45μm滤膜将夏枯草水提液分成可溶态、悬浮态及残渣等三种初级形态。结果:夏枯草中6种元素的可溶态在水提液中的比率彼此差异很大,溶出率在0.00%~78.86%之间。结论:为进一步探讨夏枯草微量元素与药效之间的关系提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

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