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多自由度电子假肢的控制常需用神经束内电极得到多个信息源。神经束内电信号的识别方法包括时域分析法、频域分析法、时频分析法、参数模型法、人工神经网络法和模糊分类法等。现对各种识别分析方法的特点和应用作一介绍。  相似文献   

神经束内电极电信号的识别和分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾晓枫  陈统一 《中国临床康复》2002,6(2):220-221,243
多自由度电子假肢的控制常需用神经束内电极得到多个信息源。神经束内电信号的识别方法包括时域分析法、频域分析法、时频分析法、参数模型法、人工神经网络法和模糊分类法等。现对各种识别分析方法的 特点和应用作一介绍。  相似文献   

应用自制神经束内微电极采集周围神经即时电信号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾晓枫  陈中伟 《中国临床康复》2002,6(22):3366-3367,I003
目的:采用显微外科技术于家兔后肢坐骨神经中植入自制神经束内微电极,采集周围神经的即时电生理信号,并与Bionic单电极进行比较,探索获取周围神经电信号方法的更多选择。方法:以95%铂5%铱合金制模均匀拉丝成直径60μm金属丝外加5μm聚脂类绝缘体涂层制成微电极。用显微外科操作技术将微电极直接插入家兔坐骨神经一神经束中作为记录电极。以神经束外同样微电极作参考电极,远端连接肌电图仪,在神经束插入点近端以两个钩状电极刺激,记录神经束电信号。同法埋入Bionic单电极作为比较。结果:神经束内微电极可以稳定地记录到周围神经的电信号。除1只外在4只家兔后肢中成功导出电信号。经分析已作为比较。结果:神经束内微电极可以稳定地记录到周围神经的电信号。除1只外在4只家兔后肢中成功导出电信号。经分析已导出的电信号波形具运动神经动作电位特征。结论:以神经束内微电极直接插入神经束对家兔坐骨神经神经束电信号进行采集可获取周围神经束即时电信号。  相似文献   

目的采用显微外科技术于家兔后肢坐骨神经中植入自制神经束内微电极,采集周围神经的即时电生理信号,并与Bion-ic单电极进行比较,探索获取周围神经电信号方法的更多选择。方法以95%铂5%铱合金制模均匀拉丝成直径60μm金属丝外加5μm聚脂类绝缘体涂层制成微电极。用显微外科操作技术将微电极直接插入家兔坐骨神经一神经束中作为记录电极。以神经束外同样微电极作参考电极,远端连接肌电图仪,在神经束插入点近端以两个钩状电极刺激,记录神经束电信号。同法埋入Bionic单电极作为比较。结果神经束内微电极可以稳定地记录到周围神经的电信号。除1只外在4只家兔后肢中成功导出电信号。经分析已导出的电信号波形具运动神经动作电位特征。结论以神经束内微电极直接插入神经束对家兔坐骨神经神经束电信号进行采集可获取周围神经束即时电信号。  相似文献   

目的 观察桡神经损伤后行神经松懈、缝合和移植术的疗效。方法 46例桡神经损伤根据损伤类型,采用神经内、外松解术、直接缝合、神经移植治疗。结果 术后随访1年至10年,21例桡神经松解术中,17例的伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3-M5,虎口区感觉为S4。19例神经直接缝合者14例,伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3-M5,16例虎口区感觉为S4。6例神经移植者5例伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3-N5,虎口区感觉达S4。结论 桡神经损伤早期根据其损伤类型进行合适的手术治疗均能取得满意的疗效。现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:通过神经传导及同心圆针肌电图检测探讨脑卒中患者周围神经、肌肉的神经电生理变化特征,为脑卒中后神经肌肉功能评估和预后判断提供依据。方法:对符合入选标准的41例脑卒中患者进行双侧正中、尺、桡、肌皮、腋、肩胛上、胫、腓神经运动传导及双正中、尺、桡、胫、腓神经感觉传导检测,双拇短展肌、伸指总肌、肱二头肌、三角肌、冈上肌、胫前肌、比目鱼肌行同心圆针肌电图检测。采用Brunnstrom分期评价肢体功能。分析健、患侧肢体神经及肌肉的神经电生理指标差异及其与肢体功能的相关性。结果:(1)运动神经传导:与健侧比较,偏瘫侧正中、尺、桡、腋、肩胛上、胫、腓神经复合肌肉动作电位(compound muscle action potential,CMAP)波幅均显著降低(P0.05),腓总神经末端潜伏期延长及腓骨小头-踝传导速度减慢(P0.05),其他各神经末端潜伏期均无明显差异;病程3—6个月患者正中、尺、桡神经运动传导异常率均高于其他病程组;(2)感觉神经传导:偏瘫侧桡、腓浅神经SNAP波幅较健侧降低,尺、桡神经传导速度较健侧减慢(P0.05),且有9例患者健侧正中神经感觉传导速度减慢;病程3—6个月患者正中神经和腓浅神经感觉传导异常率高于其他病程组;(3)同心圆针肌电图:不同病程均有一定比例脑卒中患者上下肢肌肉可见纤颤电位、正锐波等异常自发电位;肢体远端肌肉,如拇短展肌、伸指总肌在各个病程中出现自发电位的比例均较高;病程6个月以上者,三角肌的自发电位发生率增高,而比目鱼肌在各个病程的患者中自发电位的出现率均较高;无主动收缩功能肌肉自发电位出现率显著高于有主动收缩功能肌肉(P=0.000);(4)患者手Brunnstrom分期与尺神经偏瘫侧/健侧CMAP波幅比呈正相关(r=0.426,P0.05)。结论:脑卒中患者偏瘫侧运动神经轴索变性及脱髓鞘伴部分感觉神经脱髓鞘和轴索变性,且以病程3—6个月患者最为多见;同时手功能Brunnstrom分期与尺神经运动传导CMAP波幅具有相关性;偏瘫侧肢体肌肉失神经支配改变以肢体远端肌肉和无主动收缩功能肌肉为主。  相似文献   

目的提高对桡神经深支损伤的认识,减少误漏诊。方法对前臂骨折术后桡神经深支损伤1例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果本例因外伤致右前臂畸形、肿痛、活动受限7 h入院,予切开复位植骨内固定术,术后康复训练4周后发现伸拇、伸指功能无明显改善,肌电图检查示:右伸指总肌见纤维颤动电位、正锐波,考虑右侧桡神经、正中神经损伤。二次手术行前臂探查发现桡神经深支被固定钢板顶压损伤,予腓肠神经移植吻合术,术后伸拇、伸指功能仍未恢复,进一步行肌腱转位修复术,将部分尺侧腕伸肌腱与指伸肌腱编织缝合,拇长伸肌腱与部分桡侧腕长伸肌腱编织缝合。术后随访6个月,患者伸腕、伸指、伸拇功能部分恢复。结论行前臂手术时应将前臂充分旋前,使桡神经深支最大限度的远离手术区,以避免术中损伤,术后康复时要注意观察,如发现桡神经深支损伤应尽早行探查术以利于手功能的恢复。  相似文献   

目的探讨上肢截肢患者的常规康复治疗、残肢肌电信号训练程序以及装配肌电假肢的方法,并观察其效果。 方法对20例截肢患者(22个残肢)进行常规康复治疗,包括肌力训练、肌肉收缩控制训练和残肢并发症的处理。采用德国Otto Bock公司提供的肌电信号检测和训练软件系统进行肌电信号训练(分为基础肌电信号训练和视觉反馈训练两个阶段),并装配肌电假肢。观察患者的治疗效果。 结果20例截肢患者22个残肢肌肉无明显萎缩,肌力好,关节活动范围无明显受限,患者能较好地控制残肢肌肉收缩。装配肌电假肢20例(20个),所有残肢均能有意识地引出肌电信号,控制假肢的手指打开、闭合以及腕关节的旋转或肘关节的屈伸。 结论残肢常规康复治疗和肌电信号训练对装配肌电假肢,实现有意识地控制假肢功能极为重要。  相似文献   

目的:探索桡神经深支损伤后的的修复与效果。方法:对1990年-2000年收治的21例因各种原因所致的桡神经深支损伤患者的治疗方法与效果进行总结,完全断裂9例,不全断裂6例,挫伤4例,不可逆损伤2例,均于伤后2小时-8个月内作神经探查,行神经吻合12例(1例桡神经深支和伸肌群缺损,经尺桡骨缩短后吻合),神经松解4例,神经移植修复3例,肌腱移位2例。结果:21例均获18-24个月随访。胺Highet运动分级法评定,优:M4以上,良:M3,可:M3,差:M1或M1。其中优14例,良5例,可2例,优良率90.5%,结论:不熟悉桡神经深支局部解剖导致损伤并误诊误治;对桡神经深支损伤者确诊后应尽快手术探查,行神经吻合,松解,可获得满意效果;对不可逆损伤在6个月以上,应行肌腱移位重建伸拇伸指功能。  相似文献   

目的:研究对侧控制型功能性电刺激(CCFES)对脑卒中患者上肢功能的影响。方法:将60例脑卒中患者随机分为CCFES组(n=30)和对照组(n=30)。两组均接受常规康复训练。CCFES组在患侧腕背伸肌给予CCFES,将电极置于双侧腕背伸肌运动点,首先采取三点法对健侧产生轻微腕背伸动作(<10%完全动作幅度)、中等腕背伸动作(50%完全动作幅度)、完全腕背伸动作时的肌电值进行标定,然后调节刺激器使患侧腕关节产生与健侧三个相同幅度的动作,记录所需电流强度。治疗时健侧做腕背伸动作以触发刺激器,给予患侧腕背伸肌相对应强度的电刺激以产生与健侧相似的动作。输出波形为方波,电流频率60Hz,脉冲宽度200μs,持续时间20min。对照组在患侧腕背伸肌运动点给予神经肌肉电刺激(NMES),输出波形为方波,电流频率60Hz,脉冲宽度200μs。两组治疗方案均为每次20min,每日1次,每周5次,连续治疗3周。分别于治疗前、治疗3周后采用上肢Fugl-Meyer评分法、上肢运动力指数(MI)、偏瘫上肢功能测试-香港版(FTHUE-HK)、主动腕背伸活动度(AROM)对患者上肢功能进行评定。结果:治疗3周结束时,CCFES组上肢Fugl-Meyer、MI、FTHUE-HK评分及腕背伸AROM均较治疗前显著提高(P<0.05);对照组上肢Fugl-Meyer、MI、FTHUE-HK较治疗前有明显提高(P<0.05);且CCFES组上肢Fugl-Meyer和FTHUE-HK评分均明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:对侧控制型功能性电刺激能明显提高脑卒中患者上肢功能,较神经肌肉电刺激效果更佳。  相似文献   

In this review intended for medical staff involved in patient rehabilitation, we provided an overview of the basic methods for managing amputation stumps. After the amputation surgery, it is imperative to optimize the remaining physical abilities of the amputee through rehabilitation processes, including postoperative rehabilitation, desensitization, and continuous application of soft or rigid dressings for pain reduction and shaping of the stump. Depending on the situation, a prosthesis may be worn in the early stage of recovery or an immediate postoperative prosthesis may be applied to promote stump maturation. Subsequently, to maintain the range of motion of the stump and to prevent deformation, the remaining portion of the limb should be positioned to prevent contracture. Continuous exercises should also be performed to improve muscle strength to ensure that the amputee is able to perform activities of daily living, independently. Additionally, clean wound or edema management of the stump is necessary to prevent problems associated with wearing the prosthesis. Our review is expected to contribute to the establishment of basic protocols that will be useful for stump management from the time of completion of amputation surgery to the fitting of a prosthesis to optimize patient recovery.  相似文献   

小腿截肢残端假体的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用残端假体增加下肢截肢后骨残端的横截面积,降低负重时截肢残端皮肤单位面积上的压强,减少由于穿戴假肢所引起的并发症。重建离断肌肉的下位附着点,使之保持肌肉的合适初长和原有肌力,并维持肌力平衡,防止关节挛缩畸形,以保持截肢平面上位关节的正常活动,提高截肢肢体穿戴假肢后的功能。方法:山羊10只,随机分为2组,左小腿膝下截肢后,分为对照组和假体放置组。假体采用超高分子聚乙烯材料制成,呈蘑菇状外观。术后穿戴假肢开始负重。观察站立和行走的时间,残端皮肤情况,并进行骨残端组织学检查。结果:假体放置组羊能在截肢术后较早穿戴假肢,负重站立和行走,无残端皮肤溃疡。假体与残端骨接合紧密,肌腱与假体连接良好,坚固。未发现任何假体放置后的不良反应和并发症。结论:截肢后骨残端安放假体能明显增加骨残端横截面积,很好保持残肢末端的圆锥形,加之假体材料的缓冲作用,明显减少截肢骨残端与假肢接受腔间软组织单位面积上的压强,使之能较早安装假肢,减少穿戴假肢所引起的并发症。增加假肢穿戴后的肢体功能。  相似文献   

Abstract Following amputation, 50% to 90% of individuals experience phantom and/or stump pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may prove to be a useful adjunct analgesic intervention, although a recent systematic review was unable to judge effectiveness owing to lack of quality evidence. The aim of this pilot study was to gather data on the effect of TENS on phantom pain and stump pain at rest and on movement. Ten individuals with a transtibial amputation and persistent moderate‐to‐severe phantom and/or stump pain were recruited. Inclusion criteria was a baseline pain score of ≥3 using 0 to 10 numerical rating scale (NRS). TENS was applied for 60 minutes to generate a strong but comfortable TENS sensation at the site of stump pain or projected into the site of phantom pain. Outcomes at rest and on movement before and during TENS at 30 minutes and 60 minutes were changes in the intensities of pain, nonpainful phantom sensation, and prosthesis embodiment. Mean (SD) pain intensity scores were reduced by 1.8 (1.6) at rest (P < 0.05) and 3.9 (1.9) on movement (P < 0.05) after 60 minutes of TENS. For five participants, it was possible to project TENS sensation into the phantom limb by placing the electrodes over transected afferent nerves. Nonpainful phantom sensations and prosthesis embodiment remained unchanged. This study has demonstrated that TENS has potential for reducing phantom pain and stump pain at rest and on movement. Projecting TENS sensation into the phantom limb might facilitate perceptual embodiment of prosthetic limbs. The findings support the delivery of a feasibility trial.  相似文献   

A patient with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa developed a squamous cell carcinoma of the right foot resulting in a below the knee amputation. Despite the multiple real and potential skin problems of the stump, she was successfully fitted with a simply designed prosthesis and rehabilitated.  相似文献   

目的:探讨截肢患者幻肢痛发生的相关因素。方法:设计一份调查问卷,对226例行截肢手术的患者进行电话随访,应用单因素和多因素的分析方法,回顾性分析幻肢痛发生可能的相关因素。结果:单因素分析发现麻醉方式、术前疼痛、术后镇痛、并发症、残肢痛与幻肢痛发生相关(P<0.05),性别、年龄、职业、文化程度、婚姻状态、截肢原因、截肢部位、假肢安装与幻肢痛发生无关(P>0.05),多因素分析进一步证实影响幻肢痛发生的独立因素分别为术前疼痛(OR=2.60),残肢痛(OR=3.70),全身麻醉(OR=2.94)和术后镇痛(OR=0.44)(P<0.05)。结论:术前疼痛、残肢痛、全身麻醉是幻肢痛发生的相关危险因素,术后镇痛是幻肢痛发生的保护因素,对于预防幻肢痛的发生具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Stump neuroma is a common cause of pain from disorganized proliferation of nerve fascicles occurring after limb amputation. Ultrasound guided alcohol injection in painful stump neuroma has been tried as a new treatment approach. Herein, we report 2 male patients, who had traumatic amputation and claimed severe and diffuse burning pain in the stump area. Neuroma at the distal end of an amputated nerve was clearly identified on sonography. The patients gradually developed increasing severe pain that could not be managed with conservative care. They were treated with neurolysis using alcohol solution. Using ultrasonographical guidance, 1.2 ml of 100% dehydrated alcohol was injected into the nerves proximal to neuroma. No complications occurred. The patients were initially pain free. After a few months, however, their stump pain recurred slightly. Repeat neurolysis was performed using 0.3 ml of 100% dehydrated alcohol. During the three months follow-up period, mild stump pain occurred but the patients did not require any analgesics.  相似文献   

Existing nerve monitoring devices in thyroid surgery are - except for one - mainly intermittently working nerve identification tools. We present a new vagal electrode which allows true continuous monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). The electrode was designed as a tripolar hybrid cuff electrode consisting of polyimide, gold and platinum layers embedded in a flexible silicon cuff which can be opened at the long side for introducing the nerve. It is fully implantable and atraumatic. The evoked potentials are sensed by standard thyroid electrodes. Real-time signal analysis and audio feedback are achieved by specially designed software. Homogeneous and stable signals were recorded throughout the operations. Thus real-time computer-based signal analysis was possible. Evoked potentials reached 300-900 mV. Mean time to place the cuff electrode was 5.5 min. The nerve was stimulated a mean of 63 min (range 55-99 min). No RLN lesions were detected postoperatively. The new vagal electrode was easy to handle and led to stable and reproducible signals. The stimulation current could be kept extremely low due to the special geometry of the electrode. It offers the possibility for uninterrupted, continuous laryngeal nerve monitoring in thyroid surgery. In an ongoing clinical trial its compatibility as an add-on for existing nerve monitoring devices is being tested.  相似文献   

The Implantable Neurocybernetic Prosthesis System   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The neurocybernetic prosthesis system (NCP) is an implantable, multiprogrammable pulse generator that delivers constant current electrical signals to the vagus nerve for the purpose of reducing the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures. The signals are delivered on a predetermined schedule, or may be initiated by the patient with an external magnet. The device is implanted in a subcutaneous pocket in the chest just below the clavicle, similar to pacemaker placement. The stimulation signal is transmitted from the prosthesis to the vagus nerve through a lead connected to an electrode which is a multi-turn silicone helix, with a platinum band on the inner turn of one helix. The prosthesis can be programmed with any IBM- compatible personal computer using NCP software and a programming wand.  相似文献   

Purpose:?Upper limb amputations cause severe functional disability and lower the patient's self body image, with severe psychological implications. Many parameters are involved in the successful rehabilitation of upper limb amputations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are any parameters that might predict the successful prosthetic rehabilitation of upper limb amputees.

Method:?The records of 45 patients who had undergone an upper limb amputation were traced. The patients were evaluated according to four parameters: (1) Modified upper extremities amputees' questionnaire; (2) Pain level according to Visual Analog Scale (VAS), range from 1 (lowest) up to 10 (highest); (3) Pain type – phantom or pain in the stump; (4) Functional assessment of prosthetic usage.

Results:?Thirty (71.43%) of the patients reported difficulties with prosthesis usage. Twenty-three patients (54.76%) were satisfied with their prosthesis – 19 had cosmetic prosthesis and four had body-powered prosthesis.

Conclusion:?No significant affect of the amputation level except for trans-wrist amputation with 100% prosthesis use. No significant difference was found between prosthesis type and the correlation to stump problems.

The above-elbow amputees, with dominant hand amputation, who used functional prosthesis (body-powered), achieved the best functional outcome and result.  相似文献   

This article discusses the technical and medical difficulties involved in managing prostheses of the upper limb. The level of amputation governs the type of prosthesis construction chosen, but does not affect emotional acceptance. The factors determining therapeutic success include the quality of the stump, the skill involved in prosthetic socket fabrication, and the proper selection of modular components, as well as good rehabilitation and professional care for the patient with amputated upper limb.  相似文献   

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