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护理风险存在于医疗护理活动的全过程。由于护理工作的直接性和具体性,在医疗活动中与病人接触机会最多,出错概率也就最高,为了增强护理人员抗风险能力,有效降低护理差错和事故的发生,建立与之相匹配的风险管理及处理预案,加强环节质量控制,强化护理持续质量改进措施。文章从护理职业防护管理;护理安全;缺陷管理;护理事故应急预案;护理紧急风险预案四个方面,对正视护理风险事件,增强应对能力,进行了论述,并着重阐述了护理管理在风险关键环节管理中的重要作用。  相似文献   

目的 减少老年患者住院期间的不良事件发生,确保老年患者安全.方法 提高护理人员的风险管理意识,评估患者的安全风险,针对患者的风险因素采取加强健康知识的指导、突出重点环节的安全防护、加强重点时段的安全管理、强化重要临床指标的护理观察等措施,实施护理安全管理.结果 提高了患者、护理人员满意度及护理工作质量,差异均具有统计学...  相似文献   

目的在健康管理中心开展风险管理,提高护理人员风险防范意识,减少纠纷,提高客户满意率。方法完善风险管理制度和预案,组织开展护理人员业务学习、法律学习,增强工作责任心,培养优质服务理念。结果通过培训,护理人员的业务素质、服务意识和法律观念得到提高,一年来未发生护理纠纷、护理差错,满意率达97.16%。结论护理风险管理是改进护理质量、提高客户满意率的关键。  相似文献   

目的 提高风险管理意识,促进护理质量持续改进,最终目的 是减少护理差错事故的发生.方法 重新修订工作制度,制定风险预案手册、全员学习培训、模拟演练和付诸实施.结果 通过建章立制、学习培训、模拟演练,规范了护理人员的行为,护理满意度从原来的90%上升为96.8%,护理差错发生率较前下降,提高了护理质量.结论 有效的护理风险预案的实施,能减少护理差错的发生,提高护理质量.  相似文献   

护理风险管理在急诊科护理管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨急诊科风险管理的实施方法与效果。方法:评估急诊护理工作中存在的风险因素,制定应对措施,完善和修订工作制度,加强培训,强化护理人员的风险意识,成立风险管理小组,加强风险监控等。结果:病人满意度及全院护理质量检查合格率均有所提高。结论:在急诊科应用风险管理能有效预防和减少护理风险的发生,提高病人满意度和护理质量,为病人提供更加安全、优质的服务。  相似文献   

产房产后出血护理风险管理的效果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邓慧素 《护理学报》2006,13(6):82-84
目的探讨产后出血护理风险管理的效果,为今后的管理提供依据,使护理风险管理更有效率。方法转变管理理念,进行护理风险教育,强化风险意识;改进护理工作方式,增加人力投入;加强业务管理,提高急救应急能力;识别和评估产后出血高危因素,及早作出预见性处理;加大产科急救管理,建立急救预案。进行风险管理实施前后的效果比较,结果采用U检验。结果实施风险管理后,产妇的产后出血量减少,护理记录质量及产妇满意度提高,与实施风险管理前比较均有显著性差异,P<0.01。结论产房产后出血实施护理风险管理,有效增强助产人员的产后出血风险防范意识,提高产科护理质量,有效防范风险事件发生。  相似文献   

郭韶瑾 《当代护士》2018,(3):173-174
对肺结核病房中所存在的护理风险进行全面的分析与评价,探讨肺结核病房护理风险管理方法,从而保证医护人员身心健康的同时,为患者提供安全和优质的护理服务。通过分析肺结核病房日常护理工作中存在的风险,针对可能发生的护理风险问题,实施具有针对性的护理管理措施,加强风险管理和相关人员风险意识的培养,做好护理质量的持续改进。在肺结核病房实施护理风险管理,可提高护理人员的整体素质,密切了护患关系,有效地降低和减少了各种风险事件发生的频率,也从很大程度上提高了护理工作质量和患者的满意度,保证了护理人员自身以及患者的人身安全,实现安全护理目标。  相似文献   

目的:加强护理风险防范管理,有效回避护理风险,降低护理风险的发生率,为患者提供安全、有序的优质护理服务。方法:树立风险管理意识,明确风险发生环节,实施全方位护理风险管理。结果:护理人员风险防范意识和能力不断增强,各项规章制度进一步完善并有效落实,科室护理质量不断提高,各项护理投诉和纠纷显著减少。结论:实施有效护理风险管理,对预防护理安全隐患的发生,减少护理纠纷起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

我院护理部针对从前病区管理制度存在的薄弱环节,制定了临床工作中可能发生的27个护理紧急风险管理预案,并组织落实与实施,效果显著。现报道如下。1制定及实施护理紧急风险预案《医疗事故处理条例》的制定和患者维权意识的提高,使护理管理者再一次意识到制定风险管理的紧迫性及  相似文献   

目的:探讨风险管理在妇产科护理管理中的应用效果.方法:选取2009年1~12月收治的1 280例患者未实施护理风险管理,选取2010年1~12月收治的1 280例患者实施护理风险管理.结果:实施护理风险管理前患者对护理工作满意度为87.96%,实施护理风险管理患者对护理工作的满意度为96.02%,实施护理风险管理前后患者对护理工作满意度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:实施护理风险管理可有效增强护理人员的风险防范意识,可提高妇产科护理质量,有效防范风险事件发生,提高患者满意度.  相似文献   

Thorough risk assessment helps in developing risk management plans that minimize risks that can impede mental health patients' recovery. Department of Health policy states that risk assessments and risk management plans should be inextricably linked. This paper examines their content and linkage within one Trust. Four inpatient wards for working age adults (18-65 years) in a large mental health Trust in England were included in the study. Completed risk assessment forms, for all patients in each inpatient ward were examined (n= 43), followed by an examination of notes for the same patients. Semi-structured interviews took place with ward nurses (n= 17). Findings show much variability in the amount and detail of risk information collected by nurses, which may be distributed in several places. Gaps in the risk assessment and risk management process are evident, and a disassociation between risk information and risk management plans is often present. Risk information should have a single location so that it can be easily found and updated. Overall, a more integrated approach to risk assessment and management is required, to help patients receive timely and appropriate interventions that can reduce risks such as suicide or harm to others.  相似文献   

目的 探讨实施护理质量风险基金制度的效果。方法 对住院部302名护理人员实行风险基金制度,观察1年,对实施前(2000年)与实施后(2001年)护理工作中不良事件的发生率进行比较。结果 实施风险基金制度管理后,患者不良事件发生率与实施前比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 实施护理质量风险基金制度,加强护理人员工作责任心.减少患者不良事件发生,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

风险管理在临床护理质量管理中的运用   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
护理部将医院风险管理的理念运用于护理质量管理 ,建立风险管理的组织架构 ,对风险事件进行明确的定义和分类 ,改进风险呈报系统 ,并开展风险评估和预警。管理者的观念转变了 ,受到了护士的欢迎 ,提高了管理质量  相似文献   

Advancements in the delivery of community-based services and tight utilization management of high-cost treatment options result in youths with serious behavior problems receiving intervention in lower levels of care than was true ten or fifteen years ago. This shift in where services tend to be delivered necessitates enhancement of risk assessment technology. Systems, structures, tools, and practice guidelines/protocols are available to support contemporary service provision. A model of clinical risk assessment and management is elaborated that integrates multiple sources of data and interdisciplinary teamwork to prevent adverse case outcomes and to maximize potential for community safety.  相似文献   

Aim: To examine dimensions of cannabis risk perception among users and non‐users.

Setting: University campus.

Participants: Two hundred and thirty‐seven university students aged between 17 and 24 years.

Measurement: Measures included the frequency of past and present cannabis use, and perceptions of the level of overall risk of various categories of use. Cannabis users were asked to rate the risk of harming themselves at their current level of use. Fifteen dimensions of cannabis risk perception were also assessed.

Findings: Perceptions of risk varied across problem domains. Approximately 60% of respondents considered physical addiction to be a great risk for those using at least 2–3 times per week compared with 25% for legal problems. Adverse acute effects (particularly anxiety) were not considered to be a great risk by most of the sample.

Conclusions: Risk perception varies considerably across problem domains, and users of cannabis do not necessarily perceive low personal risk. This is particularly relevant for the design of intervention programmes. It is recommended that referral information be readily available at universities for the proportion of students who feel personally vulnerable to risks associated with cannabis.  相似文献   

手术室风险管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了风险及风险管理的定义、风险发生的原因、分类、研究现状及防范措施.提出对于手术室风险管理预防比处理更重要.预防风险发生的重点是建立风险管理制度及防范措施,提高法律意识及风险防范意识,及时控制及消除安全隐患因素,以便科学地预防风险,全面提高护理质量.  相似文献   

Rationale Recent reports indicate that approximately 10% of in-patients in UK hospitals are involved in an adverse event (these reports also state that 50% of these events are preventable). This is indeed a worrying finding, and indicates the need to look at how these incidents are handled or indeed, what is done to minimize their occurrence. The Department of Health, via the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) published a guide which is aimed at encouraging accurate reporting, learning from past events and changing the attitudes of key stakeholders (healthcare managers, frontline staf etc) towards risk taking and risk management. Aims and objectives Our aim was to compare informally-learned and used risk assessment strategies volunteered by staff with the 'how to do it' guide published by the NPSA. We have compared each step of the NPSA guide with our empirical data relating to that activity. Methods We interviewed forty-eight healthcare professionals (doctors from several specialties; nurses from a variety of settings; and an array of allied healthcare professionals). We used semi-structured interviews in order to discuss participants' views on their everyday working life, working relationships and patient safety. Results Our results indicate that healthcare professionals develop their own unique way to approach the issue of patient safety and risk, based on their professional raining, seniority and role within the hospital. They did share the conviction that frontline and support staff need to have immediate and easy access to information about past adverse events. They see this as a powerful tool in minimizing the reoccurrence of the same errors/problems, as well as a vehicle to improve staff morale by feeling valued and having their opinion heard. Conclusions We believe that patient safety and welfare can benefit from the adoption of a more flexible and person-centred approach to how risk assessments are carried out. Enriching formal guidelines such as the 'Risk Assessment made easy' document with successful techniques and strategies which healthcare staff have informally developed has the potential to not only improve patient safety (since it will be based on the accumulated experience and knowledge of such staff) but also foster higher levels of self esteem amongst healthcare professionals.  相似文献   

营养风险筛查是临床营养支持治疗的基础。护理人员在营养风险筛查中应扮演重要角色。应建立护士主导的多学科营养支持小组,实现住院患者营养筛查与干预的常规化。对存在营养风险的患者,通过营养支持治疗可改善患者临床结局和成本效果比。  相似文献   

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