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Interleukin 7 (IL-7) is a 25-kD cytokine that was initially described as a pre-B cell growth factor. This cytokine has also been shown to have T cell proliferative and differentiation effects. In this report, we demonstrate that antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) generated by secondary in vitro sensitization of draining lymph node cells in IL-7 are effective in treating 3-day syngeneic methylcholanthrene (MCA) sarcoma pulmonary metastases in mice. In vivo titrations comparing IL-7 to IL-2 antitumor CTL show that they have equivalent potency in adoptive immunotherapy. IL-7 antitumor CTL generated against MCA sarcomas of weak immunogeneity are also tumor specific in their in vivo efficacy. This study represents the first successful use of a cytokine other than IL-2 for the generation of cells with in vivo efficacy in cellular adoptive transfer.  相似文献   

Addition of IL-4 (1,000 U/ml) to either high or low concentrations of IL-2 augmented tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) growth from human melanoma. Weekly restimulation with irradiated tumor cells in conjunction with IL-4 allowed enhanced growth of TIL. With low-dose IL-2 (10 U/ml) and IL-4, expanded TIL had little cytolytic activity against Daudi or allogeneic tumors. Further, IL-4 augmented the total lytic activity against autologous tumors in most cases. With high-dose IL-2 (1,000 U/ml), IL-4 addition decreased nonspecific killing activity against Daudi or allogeneic melanomas in many cases, and reciprocally augmented cytolytic activity against the autologous melanoma in many cases. This suggests the possible use of IL-4 in cancer therapy, especially in adoptive cellular immunotherapy using TIL or in conjunction with IL-2 administration.  相似文献   

Antigen presentation to cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

Murine T lymphocytes sensitized in vitro against either allogeneic lymphocytes or syngeneic hapten-conjugated lymphocytes do differentiate into highly effective cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) (1-3). In vivo immunization of T lymphocytes to the same antigens, however, results in the generation of only marginal cytotoxic activity (1,4,5). Recently we found that the weakness of in vivo generated cytotoxicity is not due to a failure of antigen-induced T-cell sensitization but rather due to suppression of the in vivo differentiation of sensitized CTL precursors into effective CTL(6). In keeping with this finding it was postulated that suppressor cells may regulate the in vivo differentiation of CTL. We now report, that cyclophosphamide-sensitive T cells suppress the in vivo differentiation of antigen-specific CTL. Thus, pretreatment of mice with a single dose of cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg) converts their state of low responsiveness to a state of high responsiveness.  相似文献   

At least some long-term in vitro-cultured cytotoxic T cell clones and uncloned cell populations are able, in the presence of Con A, to lyse other cells, to be lysed by other cells, but not to lyse themselves. This as-yet-unexplained result may have implications as to the mechanism of T cell-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD8(+) T cells persist in high frequencies in HIV-infected patients despite impaired CD4(+) T helper response to the virus, but, unlike other differentiated effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes, most continue to express the tumor necrosis factor receptor family member CD27. Because the ligand for CD27 (CD70) is also overexpressed in HIV-infected hosts, we examined the nature of expression and potential functional consequences of CD27 expression on HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells. Analysis of CD27(+) and CD27(-) T cells derived from the same HIV-specific clone revealed that retention of CD27 did not interfere with acquisition of effector functions, and that after T cell receptor stimulation, CD27(+) cells that concurrently were triggered via CD27 exhibited more resistance to apoptosis, interleukin 2 production, and proliferation than CD27(-) T cells. After transfer back into an HIV-infected patient, autologous HIV-specific CD27(-) T cells rapidly disappeared, but CD27(+) T cells derived from the same clone persisted at high frequency. Our findings suggest that the CD27-CD70 interaction in HIV infection may provide CD27(+) CD8(+) T cells with a survival advantage and compensate for limiting or absent CD4(+) T help to maintain the CD8 response.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells can be generated by primary in vitro stimulation of spleen cells from C57BL/6 mice with appropriate peptide fragments. This response can be elicited without prior in vivo immunization. Chicken OVA fragmented with either cyanogen bromide (CN OVA) or trypsin (T OVA) was used as a source of mixed peptides. A synthetic peptide, NP365-380, representing the sequence 365-380 from influenza virus A/PR/8 nucleoprotein, was also used, since this contains the main determinants recognized by CTL generated from H-2b mice infected with A/PR/8 virus. The primary in vitro cytotoxic T cell response was peptide specific, since targets were lysed only in the presence of appropriate peptide antigens. Native OVA could not elicit primary effectors in vitro nor could it sensitize targets for lysis by OVA digest-specific CTL. A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 111-122 within the OVA sequence could sensitize targets for lysis by effectors induced against T OVA. Effectors generated by in vitro stimulation were CD8+, CD4-, and H-2Db-restricted for NP365-380 and T OVA recognition. CN OVA-specific effectors were also CD8+, CD4-, but surprisingly, were able to lyse a range of H-2-different targets in an antigen-specific manner. These effectors failed to lyse a tumor line that does not express class I MHC molecules. This broad MHC restriction pattern was also apparent at the clonal level. In all cases, the antipeptide CTL generated by primary in vitro stimulation were inefficient in lysing target cells expressing endogenous forms of antigens, such as influenza virus-infected cells or cells transfected with the OVA cDNA. However, cytotoxic T cell lines generated in vitro against the NP365-380 peptide did contain a minor population of virus-reactive cells that could be selectively expanded by stimulation with A/PR/8-infected spleen cells. These results are discussed in terms of class I-restricted T cell stimulation in the absence of antigen processing by high surface densities of peptide/MHC complexes.  相似文献   

Sensitization with mitomycin C-treated L1210 or EL-4 tumor cells followed by intraperitoneal injection of a streptococcal preparation OK-432 rendered histocompatible or syngeneic mice immune to the corresponding tumor cells. The antitumor immunity, which was more potent than that induced by attenuated tumor cells alone, was manifested by transplantation resistance to challenge tumor cells, and by cytotoxic activity of spleen cells from the primed mice. The former activity was closely related to the latter, which was found to be mainly due to tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The in vivo immunoaugmentation by OK-432 was susceptible to macrophage toxins such as trypan blue and carragheenins, and was partly dependent on the activity of noncytotoxic Ia-positive peritoneal macrophages. OK-432-mediated enhancement of Ia-positive macrophage functions was confirmed by concanavalin A-blastogenesis and T cell-dependent antibody formation. Allo-reactive cytotoxicity induced in allogeneic or semiallogeneic mice, which had been primed with clonogenic or attenuated tumor cells, was also augmented by concomitant administration of OK-432. These results suggest that OK-432 augments induction of antitumor immunity and alloreactive cytotoxicity, associated with stimulation of noncytotoxic Ia-positive accessory macrophage activity.  相似文献   

Standard synthetic peptide preparations contain numerous peptidic byproducts in small amounts, which may be efficiently recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Recognition patterns of such peptide mixtures by CTL may serve as a kind of fingerprint for CTL fine specificity. Three types of H-2Db-restricted CTL were compared in this way. CTL primed in vivo either with A/PR/8/34 influenza virus or with a synthetic lipopeptide vaccine prepared from influenza nucleoprotein (NP) peptide 365-380 showed identical fine specificity. Both recognize virus-infected cells. In contrast, CTL primed in vitro with NP 365-380 had a different fine specificity and they did not recognize virus-infected cells. Most significantly, the two in vivo primed CTL types efficiently recognized the natural viral nonapeptide NP 366-374 presented by virus-infected H-2b cells, whereas the in vitro primed CTL failed to do so.  相似文献   

Potent cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity can be derived from cultures of thymocyte responders and minor H different spleen cell stimulators. As is the case of the spleen cell response previously reported, this cytotoxic activity requires in vivo priming. We performed several experiments designed to determine whether the in vivo priming effect is due to the in situ priming of the thymocyte CTL precursors, to contamination of thymus cell preparations with cells of neighboring lymph nodes, or to the appearance in the thymus of antigen- reactive peripheral T cells. We show by depletion of peripheral cells with antilymphocyte serum and part body irradiation that recent thymic immigrants derived from the bone marrow contribute to the primed thymic response. Thymic CTL were primed in animals in which peripheral T cell responses were completely eliminated by repeated treatment in vivo with monoclonal anti-Thy-1 reagents. Primed, antigen-activated lymph node cells were also demonstrated to contribute to the thymus-derived CTL response. Thus, the minor H-specific thymic CTL response is due both to in situ priming and the immigration of activated peripheral T cells. We discuss the possible significance for models of T cell differentiation of the presence within the thymus of antigen and antigen-reactive mature T cells.  相似文献   

B6.T1a(a) (Qa-1(a)) mice that are primed in vivo and restimulated in vitro with Qa-1 congenic spleen cells from B6 (Qa-1(b)) animals are unable to generate anti-Qa-1(b) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). This nonresponsive pattern was observed regardless of the route of immunization or the time of testing in vitro. Although B6.T1a(a) mice are nonresponders to Qa-1(b) when presented on B6 cells, these mice can generate anti-Qa-1(b) CTL when primed in vivo with Qa-1 and H-Y alloantigens (females primed with B6 male cells) or Qa-1 and minor-H- alloantigens (primed with sex-matched A.BY cells). Therefore, the inability to generate anti-Qa-1(b) CTL is due to a lack of helper or accessory antigens on B6 immunizing cells obligatory during in vivo priming, rather than an absence of anti-Qa-1(b) CTL precursors (CTL-P). Demonstration that the additional determinants required during in vivo priming actually function as carrier or helper determinants was shown by the requirement for linked recognition of Qa-1 and the helper determinants (H-Y) in vivo, and the fact that H-Y was not present on susceptible target ceils. Animals primed in vivo with H-Y only could not generate anti-Qa-1 CTL activity when challenged in vitro with both Qa-1 and H-Y, indicating that recognition of the helper determinant causes in vivo priming of CTL-P rather than generating helper activity that might activate unprimed CTL-P in vitro. Whereas unprimed peripheral CTL-P require the presence of both Qa-1 (CTL) and H-Y (helper) determinants for successful in vivo priming, helper determinants were not required in vitro because primed CTL-P from B6.T1a(a) mice could be driven to CTL in vitro using sex-matched B6 stimulator cells. The generation of anti-Qa-1(b) CTL is under immune response (Ir) gene control because F(1) mice, obtained by crossing responder A/J with nonresponder B6.T1a(a) animals, generated CTL to the Qa-1(b) alloantigen when presented on B6 spleen cells. Progeny testing of backcross mice further demonstrated that the Ir gene(s) is linked to the H-2 complex. These data indicate that an H-2-linked Ir gene controls the recognition of helper determinants required for CTL priming in vivo. These helper determinants can be distinguished from CTL determinants and both must be recognized together for successful priming of CTL-P.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from C57BL/6 mice immunized in vivo with a syngeneic Friend virus-induced leukemia, FBL-3, were specifically activated by culture for 7 d with FBL-3, then nonspecifically induced to proliferate in vitro for 12 d by addition of supernatants from concanavalin A- stimulated lymphocytes containing interleukin 2 (IL-2). Such long-term cultured T lymphocytes have previously been shown to specifically lyse FBL-3 and to mediate specific adoptive therapy of advanced disseminated FBL-3 when used as an adjunct to cyclophosphamide (CY) in adoptive chemoimmunotherapy. Because the cultured cells are dependent upon IL-2 for proliferation and survival in vitro, their efficacy in vivo is potentially limited by the availability of endogenous IL-2. Thus, the aim of the current study was to determine whether exogenously administered purified IL-2 could augment the in vivo efficacy of long- term cultured T lymphocytes. Purified IL-2 alone or as an adjunct to CY as ineffective in tumor therapy. However, IL-2 was extremely effective in augmenting the efficacy of IL-2-dependent long-term cultured T lymphocytes in adoptive chemoimmunotherapy. The mechanism by which IL-2 functions in vivo is presumably by promoting in vivo growth and/or survival of adoptively transferred cells. This assumption was supported by the findings that IL-2 did not enhance the modest therapeutic efficacy of irradiated long-term cultured cells that were incapable of proliferating in the host and was ineffective in augmenting the in vivo efficacy of noncultured immune cells that are not immediately dependent upon exogenous IL-2 for survival.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulating beta adrenoceptors on lymphocytes during the generation of cell-mediated immunity were examined. In an in vitro system for the generation of murine cell-mediated cytotoxicity, addition of isoproterenol (10(-7) M), epinephrine (10(-6) M) or norepinephrine (10(-4) M) enhanced the number of lytic units generated compared to control cultures. This increase was blocked by dl-propranolol (5 X 10(-6) M). I-Propranolol (10(-11) to 10(-7) M) blocked the isoproterenol-induced increase in lytic units per culture, but d-propranolol (10(-11) to 10(-7) M) did not. Terbutaline (10(-5) M), a relatively selective beta-2 agonist, similarly augmented the generation of cell-mediated cytotoxicity, with the increase again blocked by propranolol. Butoxamine (5 X 10(-6) M), a beta-2 antagonist, but not atenolol (5 X 10(-6) M), a beta-1 antagonist, blocked the epinephrine-induced increase in cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Addition of phentolamine (5 X 10(-6) M) had no effect on the epinephrine-induced increase in lytic units per culture. However, in the presence of phentolamine, norepinephrine increased lytic units per culture to a greater degree than that seen with norepinephrine alone, suggesting a balance between positive beta effects and inhibitory alpha effects upon simultaneous alpha and beta stimulation. These data provide further evidence for an immunoenhancing role of beta receptor stimulation during the generation of immune responses.  相似文献   

Four human T cell lines, TL-Mor, TL-Su, TL-TerI, and TL-OmI, carrying human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV), were established previously. TL-Mor, TL-Su, and TL-TerI were derived from interleukin 2 (IL-2)-dependent parental cell lines cloned from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of three healthy HTLV carriers, while TL-OmI was directly established from PBL of a patient with adult T cell leukemia. These four TL cell lines grow autonomously without IL-2. When they were cultured in the presence of IL-2, their growth was inhibited after a few days. This growth inhibition depended on the dose of IL-2, and the effective dose significantly promoted growth of their parental IL-2-dependent cell lines. The growth inhibition is demonstrated to be due to specific binding of IL-2 to receptors on the TL cells.  相似文献   

Antigen receptor-regulated exocytosis in cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
We demonstrate here that T cell receptor for antigen (TCR)-triggered exocytosis in cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is not constitutive and is regulated through crosslinking of the TCR by antigen or monoclonal anti-TCR antibodies. Morphological and biochemical data using three different biochemical markers of granules and Percoll gradient fractionation analysis are presented, suggesting that TCR-triggered exocytosis is accompanied by the loss of granules from CTL and appearance of intragranular proteins and enzymatic activities in the incubation medium. The strict requirement for crosslinking of the TCR in exocytosis triggering could be bypassed by protein kinase C activators (phorbol esters or bryostatin I and II) acting in synergy with Ca2+ ionophores. It is shown that external Ca2+ is obligatory for both the TCR-triggered and for the PMA/A23187-triggered exocytosis, since Ca2+ chelators and divalent cations that compete with Ca2+ for A23187 can inhibit exocytosis of granules. These data suggest that Ca2+ from intracellular stores is not sufficient to support exocytosis in CTL. Ca2+ channel blockers and calmodulin antagonists significantly inhibited TCR-triggered exocytosis without affecting the basal level of secretion. The described results are consistent with a model in which exocytosis of granules in CTL is triggered by the crosslinking of TCR, transmembrane protein kinase C activation, and external Ca2+ translocation through CTL plasma membrane Ca2+ channels and modulation of activity of Ca2+, calmodulin-dependent enzymes, and cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

CCR7 ligands stimulate the intranodal motility of T lymphocytes in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In contrast to lymphocyte homing, little is known about molecular cues controlling the motility of lymphocytes within lymphoid organs. Applying intravital two-photon microscopy, we demonstrate that chemokine receptor CCR7 signaling enhances the intranodal motility of CD4(+) T cells. Compared to wild-type (WT) cells, the average velocity and mean motility coefficient of adoptively transferred CCR7-deficient CD4(+) T lymphocytes in T cell areas of WT recipients were reduced by 33 and 55%, respectively. Both parameters were comparably reduced for WT T lymphocytes migrating in T cell areas of plt/plt mice lacking CCR7 ligands. Importantly, systemic application of the CCR7 ligand CCL21 was sufficient to rescue the motility of WT T lymphocytes inside T cell areas of plt/plt recipients. Comparing the movement behavior of T cells in subcapsular areas that are devoid of detectable amounts of CCR7 ligands even in WT mice, we failed to reveal any differences between WT and plt/plt recipients. Furthermore, in both WT and plt/plt recipients, highly motile T cells rapidly accumulated in the subcapsular region after subcutaneous injection of the CCR7 ligand CCL19. Collectively, these data identify CCR7 and its ligands as important chemokinetic factors stimulating the basal motility of CD4(+) T cells inside lymph nodes in vivo.  相似文献   

For the adoptive immunotherapy in immunodeficient bone marrow transplant recipients to prevent and treat human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-associated diseases, HCMV-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) were used as antigen-presenting cells for the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) specific to HCMV antigens in vitro. The antiviral CTL responses induced by HCMV-pulsed DCs were as highly efficient as those induced by HCMV-infected dermal fibroblasts, and endogenous viral gene expression was not required to induce virus-specific T-cell lines. The strong cytotoxic activity against HCMV-pp65, known as HCMV major antigen, was identified using autologous B lymphoblastoid cell line expressing pp65 antigen. The cytotoxic activity toward HCMV-infected target cells was found to be mediated primarily by CD8+ T cells, although both CD8+ cells and CD4+ cells were able to lyse autologous virus-infected target cells. The CTLs contained a mixture of effector cells that recognized virus peptides in the context of major histocompatibility complex. This system may be useful for defining the cellular immune response to HCMV and for the treatment of HCMV infection in immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

In the present study we used hydrocortisone (HC) treatment in vivo as a probe to analyze two different in vitro systems for the regeneration of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL), namely the antifibroblast reaction (AFR) and the mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) system. We found that cells remaining in the thymus after HC treatment had increased reactivity in these two systems. However, the same treatment in the spleen severely depressed the MLC reactivity in both the proliferative and the cytolytic phases, while markedly increasing the AFR reactivity. These findings demonstrate heterogeneity of CTL precursors and/or their pathways of differentiation into effector cells. In addition, MLC-reactive cells in the thymus appear to be distinct from such cells in the spleen, as judged from their differential sensitivity to HC.  相似文献   

T cell differentiation is a progressive process characterized by phenotypic and functional changes. By transferring tumor-specific CD8+ T cells into tumor-bearing mice at various stages of differentiation, we evaluated their efficacy for adoptive immunotherapy. We found that administration of naive and early effector T cells, in combination with active immunization and IL-2, resulted in the eradication of large, established tumors. Despite enhanced in vitro antitumor properties, more-differentiated effector T cells were less effective for in vivo tumor treatment. Several events may underlie this paradoxical phenomenon: (a) downregulation of lymphoid-homing and costimulatory molecules; (b) inability to produce IL-2 and access homeostatic cytokines; and (c) entry into a proapoptotic and replicative senescent state. While the progressive acquisition of terminal effector properties is characterized by pronounced in vitro tumor killing, in vivo T cell activation, proliferation, and survival are progressively impaired. These findings suggest that the current methodology for selecting T cells for transfer is inadequate and provide new criteria for the generation and the screening of optimal lymphocyte populations for adoptive immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Using a 51Cr cytotoxicity assay, the sensitivity of murine cytotoxic T cells to T cell mediated cytotoxicity has been tested. Two experimental approaches have been used. First, cytotoxic T-blast-lymphocytes (CTBL), enriched by the velocity sedimentation at 1 g were used both as cytotoxic effector cells and as 51Cr-labelled target cells. It was found that murine CTBL are capable to lyse directly and specifically allogeneic CTBL within 200 minutes. The second approach used was to incubate CTBL together with CTBL, the cytotoxic activity of which was directed against the transplantation antigens of the added allogeneic CTBL population. After 10 hours, the residual cytotoxic activity was tested. Again it was found that CTBL were capable of functionally inactivating allogeneic CTBL. Therefore the results obtained are incompatible with the concept that target cell lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes is mediated by a non specific "lymphotoxin", secreted by activated T cells after the antigen-recognition phase in the confined space between T cells and target cells.  相似文献   

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