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Prader-Willi-like phenotype in fragile X syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Henk Meyer1
A 3-year-old boy was referred to the pediatric department because of unexplained extreme obesity. Height and occipitofrontal circumference were just above the 90th centile. Endocrine studies failed to show any significant abnormality. Motor and speech development were generally delayed. On clinical-cytogenetic-molecular grounds, Prader-Willi syndrome was excluded. Fragile X syndrome was diagnosed by the presence of the classical FMR-1 mutation and confirmed by cytogenetic studies, revealing 20% fragile X positive cells. We compare the clinical features in the present patient with the nine reported patients with fra(X) syndrome and extreme obesity. In pathogenesis, hypothalamic dysregulation is hypothesized. In differential diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome, fragile X has to be considered, especially when laboratory workup for Prader-Willi syndrome is negative. Clinical behavior can be of help.  相似文献   

A special subphenotype of the fragile X syndrome is reported which is characterised by extreme obesity with a full, round face, small, broad hands/feet, and regional skin hyperpigmentation. It resembles the Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and might therefore be named 'Prader-Willi-like'. Unlike the PWS, these PW-like fragile X patients lack the neonatal hypotonia with feeding problems during infancy followed by hyperphagia from toddlerhood. We describe five new fragile X patients and present a clinical update of three previously described patients with the PW-like phenotype. In one family, segregation of either the classical Martin-Bell or the PW-like phenotype was observed and in another family there was repeated transmission of the PW-like phenotype. Previously, one of the patients had been misdiagnosed as having classical PWS, based on clinical findings. Molecular studies of the FMR-1 gene showed the typical full mutations as seen in fragile X syndrome males. Molecular analysis of the 15q11-13 region, which is deleted in the majority of classical PWS patients, did not show any detectable abnormalities. In a group of 26 patients with suspected Prader-Willi syndrome but without detectable molecular abnormalities of chromosome 15, one fragile X patient was found. These clinical and molecular findings illustrate the necessity to perform DNA analysis of the FMR-1 gene in mentally retarded patients presenting with a PW phenotype but without the PWS specific cytogenetic/molecular abnormalities of chromosome 15.  相似文献   

We report the first case of a 46,XY/47,XYY mosaic male with fragile X[Fra(X)] expression in both cell lines. Cytogenetic analysis, DNA linkage analysis, and direct detection of the pre- and full mutation for the affected individual and his at-risk female relatives were performed. Southern analysis of PstI-digested DNA with probe pX6 clearly distinguished the normal genotype, the premutation, and the full mutation in various individuals in the patient's family. Fra(X) carriers who had normal cytogenetic results were clearly identified by direct mutation analysis. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic investigation was carried out among 200 mentally retarded boys in Greece for the detection of the fragile X [fra(X)] syndrome. Thirteen patients were found to carry fra(X) (6.5%). Of those, six boys had a history of familial X-linked mental retardation, two had the phenotype of the Martin-Bell syndrome, four had only mental retardation of unknown etiology, and one was a mentally retarded patient with Klinefelter syndrome. The remaining 187 boys were fra(X) negative. Our findings emphasize the importance of early identification of this syndrome in the diagnosis and prevention, through proper genetic counselling, of mental retardation.  相似文献   

This paper describes and discusses the clinical and cytogenetic findings in an infant with an unusual sex chromosome abnormality 45X/47XYY.  相似文献   

The absence of the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) results in fragile X syndrome. All males with a full mutation in the FMR1 gene and an inactive FMR1 gene are mentally retarded while 60% of the females with a full mutation are affected. Here we describe monozygotic twin sisters who both have a full mutation in their FMR1 gene, one of whom is normal while the other is affected. Using molecular and protein studies it was shown that owing to preferential X inactivation in the affected female a minority of the cells expressed the normal FMR1 gene, while in her sister most cells expressed the normal FMR1 gene. This shows that X inactivation took place in the female twins after separation of the embryos and that for a normal phenotype FMR1 expression is necessary in the majority of cells.

Keywords: fragile X syndrome; mental retardation; monozygotic twins; Lyonisation  相似文献   

A four-year-old boy with severe psychomotor retardation, facial appearance consistent with the fragile X syndrome, hypotonia, and overgrowth was found to have a deletion including the fragile X gene (FMR1). The breakpoints of the deletion were established between CDR1 and sWXD2905 (approximately 200 kb apart) at Xq27.1 (centromeric) and between DXS8318 (612-1078L) and DXS7847 (576-291L) (approximately 250 kb apart) at Xq28, about 500 kb telomeric to the FMR1 gene. The total length of the deletion is approximately 8.5 Mb. The propositus's mother, who was found to be a carrier of the deletion, showed very mild mental impairment. Except for mental retardation, which is a common finding in all cases reported with similar deletions of chromosome Xq, this patient had generalized overgrowth, exceeding the 97th centile for height and weight. Obesity and increased growth parameters have been reported in other patients with deletions either overlapping or within a distance of 0.5 Mb from the deletion in the present patient. Thus, it is suggested that a deletion of the 8-Mb fragment centromeric to the FMR1 gene might have an effect on growth.  相似文献   

To begin to understand the population dynamics of the fragile X (FRAXA) mutation and to learn more about the fragile X E (FRAXE) syndrome, we have initiated a survey of children in special needs education programs in the public school system. With respect to the FRAXA syndrome, we found approximately 1/1,000 full mutations among males. No large alleles at the FRAXE locus were observed among 462 individuals. The allele distributions at the two loci among Caucasians and among African Americans were examined as well as the level of heterozygosity. We found a significant difference in the FRAXA allele distribution among the two ethnic groups; the major difference was due to the lack of smaller alleles among the African Americans. No difference was found for the FRAXE allele distribution among the two groups. The level of heterozygosity was less than predicted by the allele distribution at both loci. This is probably due to unidentified large alleles among females with a test result of a single band. Alternatively, this excess may indicate that the population is not at equilibrium. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Inheritance of fragile X syndrome: an hypothesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fragile X (fra(X), or Martin Bell-MB) syndrome is considered an X-linked recessive trait. However, clinically normal male transmitters of the condition have been observed occasionally. The occurrence of "carrier" males and the observation of other unusual genetic characteristics in the MBS suggest that this condition is not a standard X-linked recessive trait. We propose that the MBS is due to a transposable genetic element which can exist in 3 different chromosomal states and effect 2 different extrachromosomal environments. This model can account for the peculiar genetic behavior of the fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome (FRX) is the most common inherited cause of mental retardation affecting approximately 1/4000 males and half as many females. Mosaicism has been reported in 12-41% of male cases. We present a 47-year-old male with the typical FRX phenotype referred for an evaluation of mental retardation and a psychiatric disorder. Analysis of the FMR-1 CGG repeat size was performed on peripheral blood by PCR and Southern blot analysis. The proband was shown to carry a premutation allele of 58 CGG repeats. Because of the compelling clinical phenotype, further testing was performed on DNA extracted from skin fibroblasts, which yielded a 500 CGG repeat allele. Mosaic cases of FRX have been reported but rarely without detectable mosaicism in peripheral blood. Therefore, this case is atypical because of the striking differences in the results obtained for the two different cell types. We concur with others that testing of ectodermally derived tissues may provide improved diagnosis and perhaps better insight into the overall prognosis of the affected individual. This case demonstrates the need to consider further study on other tissues when there is a strong clinical suspicion of FRX.  相似文献   

Carriers of an FMR1 premutation allele (55–200 CGG repeats) often develop the neurodegenerative disorders, fragile X‐associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Neurological signs of FXTAS, parkinsonism and rapid onset of cognitive decline have not been reported in individuals with an unmethylated full mutation (FM). Here, we report a Chilean family affected with FXS, inherited from a parent carrier of an FMR1 unmethylated full mosaic allele, who presented with a fast progressing FXTAS. This case suggests that the definition of FXTAS may need to be broadened to not only include those with a premutation but also those with an expanded allele in FM range with a lack of methylation leading to elevated FMR1‐mRNA expression levels and subsequent RNA toxicity.  相似文献   

This study examines problem behavior over time in 59 boys with fragile X syndrome (FXS), aged 4-12 years, using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Approximately 49% of the boys scored within the borderline or clinical range on total problem behavior, while 56-57% scored in the borderline or clinical range on the attention and thought problems subscales, and 26% scored in this range on the social problems subscale. With a mean of 2.5 assessments per child, behavior problems were stable during the 3-year period of study. Total problem behavior was higher for children who displayed autistic behavior, were rated as low in adaptability, had mothers with higher maternal education levels, and were on medication. Mothers with more education also rated their children as having more attention, thought, and total problems. Children taking medication differed from boys who were not taking medication on social problems, but not on attention and thought problems. Low adaptability and more autistic characteristics predicted thought problems.  相似文献   

Comparison of 34 fragile X [(fra(X)] male children (age 3-18 years) with 32 IQ- and age-matched, non-fra(X) male control children was conducted using specific DSM-III-R criteria for autism. Statistical analyses supported predictions that fra(X) males show increased dysfunction in peer social play, nonverbal communication (e.g., gaze aversion, gesturing), verbal communication (e.g., rate, volume, word/phrase perseveration), and repetitive motor behaviors (e.g., handflapping, rocking). There was a trend for fra(X) children to show abnormal responsivity to sensory stimuli as well such as oversensitivity to sound and increased mouthing or smelling of objects. The investigation supports the contention that fra(X) males manifest a specific subset of behaviors from the autistic spectrum. Implications for treatment are discussed.  相似文献   



Currently, there is no adequate animal model to study the detailed molecular biochemistry of fragile X syndrome, the leading heritable form of mental impairment. In this study, we sought to establish the use of immature neural cells derived from adult tissues as a novel model of fragile X syndrome that could be used to more fully understand the pathology of this neurogenetic disease.  相似文献   

The much-quoted prevalence figure of 1:1,000 males for fragile X syndrome is an overestimate in a mixed ethnic population. A reexamination of the individuals from whom those data were derived using molecular diagnostic techniques demonstrates a more realistic figure of 1:4,000 males. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A 47,XYY male with an extremely prolonged P-R interval (0.42 sec) on the electrocardiograph is described. There was also a secondary R wave in lead V1. He had no past history of heart disease and no cardiac abnormality on physical examination.  相似文献   

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