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Introduction We reviewed the results of modified Weaver–Dunn procedure in patients with persistent painful shoulder following acromioclavicular
joint dislocations.
Materials and methods Modified Weaver–Dunn procedure using of mersilene tape was done. There were 15 patients with Rockwood type III injury. The
mean age and time interval for surgery was 42 years and 21 months, respectively. The mean follow-up period was 27 months.
Results There were no complications in the peri-operative period. The average return to full activities was 5 months. The mean constant
score was 91 with scores above 90 in 11 patients. Two patients had moderate levels of pain and stiffness, which was better
than preoperative status. There were two patients with symptomless noticeable lateral end of clavicle. The overall percentage
of unfavourable results was 26%. All patients were satisfied with the results of the surgery.
Conclusion There was no correlation between delay in surgery and outcome. Modified Weaver–Dunn procedure with mersilene tape is a valuable
method of treatment in patients with persistent painful acromioclavicular joint dislocations and have low incidence of postoperative
complications. However, it should be undertaken after adequate clinical assessment and trial of conservative treatment of
painful Type III injuries. 相似文献
Pearsall AW Hollis JM Russell GV Stokes DA 《Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association》2002,11(1):11-17
Injuries to the acromioclavicular joint are common. For selected injuries, operative reconstruction is recommended. The purpose of the current study was to compare three reconstruction procedures: (1) nine strands of woven polydioxanonsulphate (PDS II) suture passed through the clavicle and around the coracoid; (2) procedure No. 1 with 50% of the coracoacromioclavicular ligament placed through 2 clavicular drill holes; (3) No. 5 Merselene tape passed through 2 drill holes in the clavicle and acromion, with 50% of the coracoacromial ligament transferred to the clavicle. Fourteen fresh frozen human shoulders were tested using a 6 degree-of-freedom testing device. The intact shoulder showed significantly less displacement than any of the reconstructions. Merselene tape plus ligament showed the largest displacement, and PDS II braid plus ligament showed the least displacement. None of the procedures reconstituted acromioclavicular joint stiffness to intact state levels, though improved acromioclavicular joint stiffness was noted with a PDS braid plus ligament. 相似文献
目的 介绍应用同种异体肌腱重建喙锁和肩锁韧带治疗肩锁关节脱位的临床疗效.方法 2010年2月至2012年2月,对6例肩锁关节脱位患者,应用同种异体肌腱“V”形重建喙锁和肩锁韧带,并跟踪随访其疗效.随访包括调查患者总体满意度,观察患肩外形,测量肩关节活动度,摄片评价肩锁关节复位维持情况,使用Constant-Murley肩关节评分和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)评分系统评价患肩功能,视觉模拟评分法(VAS)了解患者疼痛情况.结果 术后平均随访时间为18个月,患者总体满意度为83.3%,所有患者肩关节外形正常,平均前屈上举163.5°、外展上举147.2°,Constant-Murley评分平均95.3分、UCLA评分平均32.8分、VAS评分平均0.3分.结论 应用同种异体肌腱修复重建喙锁和肩锁韧带治疗肩锁关节脱位,符合生物力学要求,术后随访疗效满意,是一种有效的治疗方法. 相似文献
目的探讨关节镜下喙锁+肩锁韧带重建治疗陈旧性Rockwood III型肩锁关节脱位的疗效。
方法选取2016年1月至2020年12月北京大学人民医院收治的14例确诊为陈旧性肩锁关节脱位患者,其中男8例、女6例,平均年龄(37.2±10.1)岁,平均受伤时间(13.4±3.5)个月,累及优势侧肩关节7例,均行关节镜下喙锁+肩锁韧带重建手术。术后所有患者分别于不同时间点随访(术后1、3、6、12个月),进行视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles,UCLA)评分。
结果14例确诊为陈旧性肩锁关节脱位患者(均为Rockwood III型)进入研究并完成手术,12例获得完全随访,平均随访(26.3±8.6)个月(12~36个月)。患者术前和术后1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月VAS评分分别为(5.667±0.414)分、(5.583±0.288)分、(4.583±0.229)分、(2.833±0.271)分、(0.538±0.193)分,与术前相比,所有患者在术后3个月、6个月和12个月随访时均显示疼痛减轻,术后6个月和12个月疼痛减轻的程度与术前相比(VAS评分变化)差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。患者术前和术后1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月UCLA评分分别为(19.083±0.468)分、(18.583±0.434)分、(21.000±0.628)分、(25.750±0.579)分、(32.750±0.509)分,与术前相比,所有患者在术后3个月、6个月和12个月随访时UCLA评分与术前相比均有提高,术后6个月、12个月随访时UCLA评分改善的程度与术前相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。
结论关节镜下喙锁+肩锁韧带重建可以用较小的创伤达到帮助陈旧性肩锁关节脱位患者减轻疼痛和改善肩关节功能的目的。 相似文献
目的 探讨采用带袢纽扣钢板(Endobutton)重建喙锁韧带治疗RockwoodⅢ-Ⅴ型肩锁关节脱位的临床疗效。方法自2010-03-2012-06采用双Endobutton技术重建喙锁韧带治疗19例RockwoodⅢ-Ⅴ型肩锁关节脱位,术后根据Karlsson评价标准进行术后评估。结果 所有患者获得随访12-18个月,平均14.3个月,参照Karlsson评价标准进行疗效评价:优10例,良7例,优良率89.5%,无再脱位及其他并发症。结论 应用Endobutton技术治疗RockwoodⅢ-Ⅴ型肩锁关节脱位近期疗效满意,具有解剖复位,符合生物力学特点,手术创伤小,术后功能恢复好,治疗费用低等优点。 相似文献
Scheibel M Ifesanya A Pauly S Haas NP 《Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery》2008,128(11):1327-1333
The treatment of symptomatic chronic acromioclavicular joint dislocations can be challenging. Different surgical procedures
have been described in the literature. We present an arthroscopically assisted stabilization using a gracilis tendon transclavicular-transcoracoid
loop technique augmented with a Tight-Rope (Arthrex, Naples, FL, USA). In contrast to the classic Weaver–Dunn procedures this
technique is designed to stabilize the acromioclavicular joint by recreating the anatomy of the coracoclavicular ligaments
via a minimal invasive approach. 相似文献
目的探讨重建喙锁韧带治疗急性肩锁关节脱位的手术方法及临床疗效。方法自2010—09--2012—02对28例急性肩锁关节脱位行同种异体肌腱移植结合双带袢钢板重建喙锁韧带术治疗。结果本组获12~29个月。平均17.2个月的随访,肩外形正常,X线复查肩锁关节解剖关系正常。参照Karlsson标准行肩关节功能评定:优25例。良3例。结论应用同种异体肌腱移植结合双带袢钢板重建喙锁韧带治疗肩锁关节脱位,可长期恢复肩锁关节的解剖关系、维持喙锁间隙、术后并发症少,术后配合个性化的康复计划,肩关节功能恢复满意。 相似文献
Traditional techniques for restoration of a separated acromioclavicular joint are afflicted with various complications and often lead to recurrent dislocation. Lately, anatomic as well as minimally-invasive repair techniques with major focus on restoration of the coracoclavicular ligaments have been described for acromioclavicular joint reconstruction. We present a technique for an arthroscopically-assisted anatomical acromioclavicular joint reconstruction by replacing the conoid and trapezoid separately with nonabsorbable sutures and titanium buttons. 相似文献
Percutaneous cannulated screw coracoclavicular fixation for acute acromioclavicular dislocations 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
P M Tsou 《Clinical orthopaedics and related research》1989,(243):112-121
In 1941, Bosworth introduced a new method of repairing acute complete acromioclavicular dislocations in which a noncannulated coracoclavicular lag-screw was inserted by a blind technique. The author reintroduces the percutaneous coracoclavicular fixation concept. A cannulated screw was specially designed, and the technique of percutaneous insertion under fluoroscopic image control was developed. Fifty-three acromioclavicular dislocations were treated by this method. There were 40 Type III, five Type IV, and three Type V dislocations with distal clavicle fractures in conjunction with complete coracoclavicular ligament tears. Technical failures, which occurred in 17 of 53 patients (32%) included: failed percutaneous insertion in two; early screw pullout in three; late screw pullout in four; subluxation after screw removal in six; and malreduction of Type IV dislocation in two. There was no screw breakage or evidence of migration. Serous drainage occurred in two patients. 相似文献
[目的]比较肩锁固定与喙锁固定治疗TossyⅢ型肩锁关节脱位的疗效,为临床上手术方式的选择提供依据.[方法]对2005年1月~2011年6月本院收治的138例符合研究标准的TossyⅢ型肩锁关节脱位患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.其中82例采用肩锁固定(Link Wolter钩钢板固定28例,AO钩钢板固定54例),男53例,女29例,年龄(32.7±7.1)岁,左侧44例,右侧38例.56例采用喙锁固定(喙锁螺钉固定2例,双Endobutton 固定18例,钛缆22例,可吸收人工韧带固定14例),男37例,女19例,年龄(34.2±8.4)岁,左侧29例,右侧27例.术前两组患者的一般资料具有可比性.分别对两组患者术后X线片、关节功能恢复情况及并发症进行对比分析.[结果] 138例患者的随访时间8~39个月,平均22个月.根据术后的影像学结果、临床疗效结果及并发症进行对比分析,两组在影像学表现、上肢肌力、肩部疼痛、肩关节活动度及术后并发症方面均无明显差异.肩关节功能评定参照Karlsson标准,肩锁固定组:优57例,良21例,差4例,优良率为95.12%;喙锁固定组:优43例、良11例、差2例,优良率为96.43%.[结论]肩锁固定与喙锁固定治疗肩锁关节脱位疗效无明显差异.因此临床上肩锁关节脱位的治疗不强求采用肩锁固定或是喙锁固定,可根据患者病情、所在医院的条件及术者对不同手术方法的熟悉程度等条件来选择合适的手术方式. 相似文献
In a total of 130 cases with a complete luxation of the acromioclavicular joint (Tossy III) which were treated operatively, there are included 29 cases with older injuries (6 to 28 months after accident). Late reconstruction were regarded only such cases which needed a plastic reconstruction of the lig. coracoclaviculare. An account is given of the 21 cases, followed up on an average of 5,6 years after the operation. The material for the plastic reconstruction was autologous and heterologous tendons, fascia lata, carbon-fibres-ligaments, and especially lyodura. The results are very satisfied regarding to the mobility and stability of the shoulder joints. But there was seen a high rate of arthrosis of the a.c.-joint, which causes are discussed as well as the opportunity to make an osteotomy of the clavicula to degress the pressure at this point. The arthrosis is only painful in cases with a simultaneous instability. 相似文献
[目的]运用数字化技术测量喙锁韧带中轴长度和倾斜角度,探索解剖重建喙锁韧带治疗肩锁关节脱位的可行性及安全性。[方法]收集36例正常肩锁关节CT扫描的原始数据(DICOM格式)。将数据导入数字骨科图像处理软件(Super Image orthopedics edition 1.2.6 Cybermed Ltd,中国上海),重建出肩锁关节的三维模型,根据现有的喙锁韧带解剖参数在骨面分别标记锥状韧带和斜方韧带的附丽点,测量喙锁韧带中轴长度和倾斜角度并模拟四种喙锁韧带解剖重建方法,分别是双束完全解剖重建、单束近似解剖重建、改良双束完全解剖重建和改良单束近似解剖重建。[结果]锥状韧带和斜方韧带中轴长度分别为(10.42±2.50)mm和(12.35±2.35)mm,锥状韧带与水平面和矢状面所成角分别为(66.98±9.62)°和(30.55±7.37)°;斜方韧带与水平面和矢状面所成角分别为(52.23±11.29)°和(55.51±8.74)°。双束完全解剖重建和单束近似解剖重建的骨皮质突破率分别为91.67%和38.89%。[结论]双束完全解剖重建几乎不可行,单束近似解剖重建仍有较大的骨皮质突破率。改良的双束和单束重建可完全避免锁骨喙突骨隧道突破骨皮质。 相似文献