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Mortality among male farmers licensed to use pesticides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mortality experience of 4,580 male farmers licensed to buy and use pesticides in Northern Italy was examined from 1974 to 1987. The historical cohort was determined from the registers of the agricultural inspectorate offices. The vital status at the end of the study period was ascertained by municipality records and only 4 subjects were lost to follow-up. Death certificates were obtained for 100% of the 565 identified deaths. External comparison on to the Italian male population was supplemented by regional comparison. Mortality deficits were observed for all causes, all neoplasms and most specific malignancies. A non-significant mortality excess due to brain cancer, compared both to national and regional populations, was found (11 cases, Standardized Mortality Ratio 169 and 139, respectively). The excess of brain cancer became statistically significant in the age group 65-75 years. Caution must be used in the interpretation of our findings. Nevertheless, it seems reasonable to hypothesize an association of the observed excess of brain cancer with the occupational and/or environmental exposure of the cohort.  相似文献   

Cancer risk in a cohort of licensed pesticide users   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
First admissions to the hospital among 25,945 men living in southern Piedmont and holding a license authorizing them to use pesticides were analyzed in a study of the cancer risk related to exposure to pesticides. Standardized incidence ratios significantly higher than one were encountered for malignant skin cancers and lymphomas. The risk of lymphoma was particularly high in predominantly arable areas. The standardized incidence ratios for tumors of the nervous system and hematopoietic tissue showed an interesting age-related pattern and a higher risk in areas primarily devoted to forest tree plantation, but did not reach significance. Certain hypotheses are advanced to explain these findings.  相似文献   

Mortality in a cohort of licensed pesticide applicators in Florida   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES: Although the primary hazard to humans associated with pesticide exposure is acute poisoning, there has been considerable concern surrounding the possibility of cancer and other chronic health effects in humans. Given the huge volume of pesticides now used throughout the world, as well as environmental and food residue contamination leading to chronic low level exposure, the study of possible chronic human health effects is important. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study, analysed by general standardised mortality ratio (SMR) of licensed pesticide applicators in Florida compared with the general population of Florida. A cohort of 33,658 (10% female) licensed pesticide applicators assembled through extensive data linkages yielded 1874 deaths with 320,250 person-years from 1 January 1975 to 31 December 1993. RESULTS: The pesticide applicators were consistently and significantly healthier than the general population of Florida. As with many occupational cohorts, the risks of cardiovascular disease and of diseases associated with alcohol and tobacco use were significantly lower, even in the subpopulations--for example, men, women, and licence subcategories. Among male applicators, prostate cancer mortality (SMR 2.38 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.83 to 3.04) was significantly increased. No cases of soft tissue sarcoma were confirmed in this cohort, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was not increased. The number of female applicators was small, as were the numbers of deaths. Mortality from cervical cancer and breast cancer was not increased. Additional subcohort and exposure analyses were performed. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent with previous publications on farmers but at odds with current theories about the protective effects of vitamin D, prostate cancer was increased in these pesticide applicators. Female breast cancer was not increased despite theories linking risk of breast cancer with exposure to oestrogen disruptors--such as the organochlorines. The lack of cases of soft tissue sarcoma is at odds with previous publications associating the use of the phenoxy herbicides with an increased risk of these cancers.



Pesticide exposure among farmers' wives is poorly characterized. Using questionnaire data from a cohort study of licensed pesticide applicators and their spouses, we investigated patterns of pesticide use among farmers' wives (n = 31,173). Wives reported a wide range of pesticide use: 36% never used pesticides during their lifetimes, whereas the heaviest pesticide users (10%) reported lifetime use of 3 or more agricultural pesticides plus commonly used residential pesticides. We identified 5 ordinal pesticide-use categories and studied factors associated with each category through polytomous logistic regression. Engaging in field work and household hygiene practices that could increase exposure were associated with pesticide use, and associations appeared to strengthen with increasing pesticide use category. Farm women reporting the heaviest pesticide use could exacerbate their exposure by engaging in practices that could increase pesticide contact.  相似文献   

To investigate whether specific cancers are associated with the occupation of butcher, as has been reported from other countries, a historical prospective cohort study was undertaken. The cohort consisted of all self employed butchers (n = 552) and pork butchers (n = 310) born since 1880 who set up a shop in the canton of Geneva from 1901 to 1969, and of their wives (n = 887). The study group was followed up from 1901 to 1990 for general mortality, from 1942 to 1990 for cause specific mortality, and from 1970 to 1989 for incidence of cancer. There was no trace of 45 men (5%) and 52 women (6%). Compared with the general population of the canton of Geneva, butchers and pork butchers experienced a significant increase, taking into account 15 years of latency, in mortality from all causes (observed deaths (Obs) 540, expected deaths (Exp) 445.5, standardised mortality ratio (SMR) 121, 90% confidence interval (90% Cl) 113-130). There were significant excesses in incidence and mortality from colorectal cancer, cancer of the prostate, and all malignant neoplasms, and in incidence of cancer of the liver. The risk of lung cancer was significantly increased among pork butchers (SMR 176, 90% Cl 114-262; standardised incidence ratio (SIR) 231, 90% Cl 137-368) but not among butchers (SMR 92, 90% Cl 59-138; SIR 113, 90% Cl 67-179). There was also a significant increase in mortality from cancer of the larynx among butchers. For non-malignant causes of death significant excesses were found among all men for ischaemic heart disease, motor vehicle accidents, and cirrhosis of the liver. Analysis of subgroups showed a cluster of deaths from leukaemia among older butchers born between 1880 and 1899 (Obs 5, Exp 0.6, p < 0.0001). Exposure of pork butchers to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during meat smoking, which was assessed in a contemporary study, might have contributed to their increased risk of lung cancer. The possible role of other factors, especially cigarette smoking, nitrosamines, and oncogenic viruses was discussed. Moreover, there was evidence from another contemporary study that butchers and pork butchers ate more animal fat, and probably more animal protein, than the average male population of Geneva. These results suggest that dietary factors could be implicated in the excesses of colorectal cancer, cancer of the prostate, and ischaemic heart disease. An increased risk for alcohol abuse might explain the excesses of liver cirrhosis, cancer of the liver, cancer of the larynx and motor vehicle accidents. Among all wives overall mortality was similar to that expected (SMR 100, 90% Cl 93-108) and there was no significant excess risk for any specific cancer nor for any non-malignant cause of death. Results for cancer of the cervix uteri, especially among subgroups, suggest an increased risk consistent with previous findings from other countries.  相似文献   

The basic material consists of all 235 men who were granted temporary or permanent disability pension in Malm? for the first time in 1964. By the end of 1974, 111 had died; the expected mortality was 42. The most common causes of death were diseases of the circulatory system, neoplasms, and diseases of the respiratory system. The post-mortem diagnoses of the 111 deceased usually agreed with the main diagnoses at the time of the pension award.  相似文献   

This study was conducted among 32 pesticide applicators occupationally exposed to pesticides to determine whether paternal exposure is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion. The ratio of abortion was compared between applicators and a group of 51 food retailers (control population). The ratio of abortions/pregnancies for applicators was 0.27 and for retailers 0.07. OR for spontaneous abortion adjusted for age of wife and smoking of parents is 3.8 times greater than for the control population in the multiple logistic regression model and 7.6 times with interaction effects model.  相似文献   

Mortality among injecting drug users: a critical reappraisal.   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
STUDY OBJECTIVE--The aim was to quantify all cause mortality among injecting drug users. DESIGN--This was a retrospective analysis of 1989 data on injecting drug users and mortality obtained from three independent agencies: the Procurator Fiscal's Office, the General Register Office, and the Scottish HIV-test register. SETTING--Greater Glasgow, Scotland. SUBJECTS--Drug injectors, estimated population 9424. MAIN RESULTS--81 names were found using the three sources to identify deaths. After removing duplicates, 51 deaths were found. This represented a mortality rate of 0.54% in the estimated population. Among female injectors the mortality rate was 0.85%, significantly higher than the rate of 0.42% among male injectors (95% CI for the true difference in mortality rates between female and male injectors was 0.31%-0.55%). Over 90% of deaths were attributed to overdose or suicide. Although AIDS caused only one death, 19% of cases (5/27) whose HIV antibody status could be ascertained were positive. The mortality rate among HIV positive injectors (3.8%) was significantly higher than among HIV negative injectors (0.49%). CONCLUSIONS--Comprehensive coverage using three data sources revealed a far greater annual number of all cause deaths among injectors than would have been expected from previous research. The observed mortality rate was lower than in previous studies where the denominators used to calculate rates had an element of underenumeration. For the foreseeable future it is unlikely that AIDS will have much impact on mortality among injectors in Glasgow, because of the low prevalence of HIV infection among injectors in the city, and because HIV positive injectors are dying for reasons other than AIDS; rather, overdose and suicide will continue to be the main causes of death.  相似文献   

Background: Evidence is limited that long-term human exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides, without poisoning, is associated with adverse peripheral nervous system (PNS) function.Objective: We investigated associations between OP pesticide use and PNS function by administering PNS tests to 701 male pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS).Methods: Participants completed a neurological physical examination (NPx) and electrophysiological tests as well as tests of hand strength, sway speed, and vibrotactile threshold. Self-reported information on lifetime use of 16 OP pesticides was obtained from AHS interviews and a study questionnaire. Associations between pesticide use and measures of PNS function were estimated with linear and logistic regression controlling for age and outcome-specific covariates.Results: Significantly increased odds ratios (ORs) were observed for associations between ever use of 10 of the 16 OP pesticides and one or more of six NPx outcomes. Most notably, abnormal toe proprioception was significantly associated with ever use of 6 OP pesticides, with ORs ranging from 2.03 to 3.06; monotonic increases in strength of association with increasing use was observed for 3 of the 6 pesticides. Mostly null associations were observed between OP pesticide use and electrophysiological tests, hand strength, sway speed, and vibrotactile threshold.Conclusions: This study provides some evidence that long-term exposure to OP pesticides is associated with signs of impaired PNS function among pesticide applicators.  相似文献   

Exposure to certain environmental toxicants may be associated with increased risk of developing diabetes. The authors' aim was to investigate the relation between lifetime exposure to specific agricultural pesticides and diabetes incidence among pesticide applicators. The study included 33,457 licensed applicators, predominantly non-Hispanic White males, enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study. Incident diabetes was self-reported in a 5-year follow-up interview (1999-2003), giving 1,176 diabetics and 30,611 nondiabetics for analysis. Lifetime exposure to pesticides and covariate information were reported by participants at enrollment (1993-1997). Using logistic regression, the authors considered two primary measures of pesticide exposure: ever use and cumulative lifetime days of use. They found seven specific pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, dichlorvos, trichlorfon, alachlor, and cyanazine) for which the odds of diabetes incidence increased with both ever use and cumulative days of use. Applicators who had used the organochlorine insecticides aldrin, chlordane, and heptachlor more than 100 lifetime days had 51%, 63%, and 94% increased odds of diabetes, respectively. The observed association of organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides with diabetes is consistent with results from previous human and animal studies. Long-term exposure from handling certain pesticides, in particular, organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides, may be associated with increased risk of diabetes.  相似文献   

This paper assesses mortality rate for a cohort of drug users in Puerto Rico compared with that of the Island's general population, examining causes of death and estimating relative risk of death. Date and cause of death were obtained from death certificates during 1998. Vital status was confirmed through contact with subjects, family, and friends. HIV/AIDS was the major cause of death (47.7%), followed by homicide (14.6%), and accidental poisoning (6.3%). Females had higher relative risk of death than males in all age categories. Not living with a sex partner and not receiving drug treatment were related to higher mortality due to HIV/AIDS. Drug injection was the only variable explaining relative risk of death due to overdose. Puerto Rico needs to continue developing programs to prevent HIV/AIDS among drug users. Special attention should be given to young women, who appear to be in greatest need of programs to prevent early mortality.  相似文献   

A cohort mortality study was conducted of male aerial pesticide applicators and flight instructors identified from computerized Federal Aviation Administration medical examination records from 1965-1979. Vital status of 9,677 applicators and 9,727 instructors was determined through January 1, 1980, and standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated. The overall SMR was 127 for applicators (699 deaths) and 93 for instructors (454 deaths). Fatalities from nonmotor vehicle accidents, mostly aircraft crashes, were in notable excess (SMR = 1,168 among applicators, 630 among instructors), whereas deaths from most chronic diseases, including all cancer, was below expectation (e.g., for arteriosclerotic heart disease, SMR = 52 among applicators and 50 among instructors). The ability of the study to assess cancer risk among applicators was limited by a relatively brief follow-up period. However, 8 applicators (SMR = 171), but only 1 flight instructor (SMR = 24), died of leukemia, and small, nonsignificant risk elevations for some other cancer sites among applicators were observed and warrant continued follow-up.  相似文献   

目的 了解广西男性HIV阳性吸毒者与其配偶间HIV传播及影响因素,为预防艾滋病经配偶间传播的防治策略提供科学依据.方法 对调查地区HIV阳性已婚吸毒男性的配偶进行问卷调查,收集人口学特征、艾滋病相关知识、吸毒及性行为等信息,并采血进行HIV、梅毒和生殖器疱疹病毒(HSV-2)抗体检测.结果 调查382名HIV阳性吸毒者男性的配偶,81.4%已知丈夫感染HIV.艾滋病知识知晓率为80.9%; 32.7%有吸毒行为,其中59.7%与丈夫共针吸毒;目前每月与丈夫性行为中,每次使用安全套比例为59.9%;被告知丈夫感染HIV的调查对象每月同房次数和从不使用安全套的频率均比告知前有所下降(P<0.01).HIV、HSV-2、梅毒抗体阳性检出率分别为52.0%、57.5%、9.4%.结论 广西男性HIV阳性吸毒者的配偶HIV阳性率高,应加强该人群的干预,尽量早发现感染者并促使感染者主动及时告知配偶,以采取有效防治措施,减少艾滋病经配偶间传播.  相似文献   

Cancer mortality among licensed herbicide applicators.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This retrospective cohort study investigated the cancer mortality of 1341 herbicide applicators licensed before 1 January 1980. The cohort was followed for mortality until 1 January 1988 by means of the Dutch system of population registers. For the subjects who died before 1 January 1988 the cause of death was obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics. The cause of death was obtained for 98.4% of the deceased subjects. The total mortality was lower than expected according to mortality rates of the total male Dutch population. The total number of deaths from cancer was however slightly higher than expected [standardized mortality ratio (SMR) 114]. Mortality from several subtypes of cancer was also higher than expected, that for multiple myeloma being statistically significantly higher than unity (SMR 815, 95% confidence interval 164-2382). Occupational exposure to herbicides appears to increase the risk for multiple myeloma and possibly other malignant neoplasms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vital status followup for a retrospective cohort mortality study of 9,961 male aerial pesticide applicators was extended beyond a previous study (1965-1979) (Cantor et al. 1991), through December 31, 1988. METHODS: Rate ratios (RR) were used to compare directly adjusted mortality rates between applicators and a comparison cohort of 9,969 flight instructors. Standardized mortality ratios (SMR) were calculated for comparisons with the U.S. white male population. RESULTS: Among applicator pilots, there were 1,441 deaths, and among instructors, 1,045. In both groups, aircraft accidents were the major cause of death (446 applicators; 234 instructors). Compared with flight instructors, aerial applicator pilots were at significantly elevated risk for all causes of death (risk ratio = 1.34) and for malignant neoplasms (1.18), non-motor vehicle accidents (1.71), motor vehicle accidents (1.69), and stroke (1.91). Pancreatic cancer (2.71) and leukemia (3.35) were significantly elevated. Applicators were at lower risk of colon cancer (0.51) and multiple myeloma (0.23) mortality. Based on U.S. rates, the SMR for all causes of death among applicators was 111 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 105-117) and among instructors, 81 (CI = 76-85). CONCLUSIONS: Aircraft accidents were a major cause of mortality in both applicator and flight instructor cohorts. Several other causes of death, some possibly related to pesticide exposure, were also elevated among pesticide applicator pilots. Published 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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