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LAC-HSA-SPIO增强磁共振成像检测大鼠肝癌的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 :探讨利用肝细胞去唾液酸糖蛋白受体 (ASG受体 )介导的LAC HSA SPIO对比剂检测肝癌的可能性。方法 :建立二乙基亚硝胺诱导的大鼠肝癌模型 ( 8例 ) ,获平扫及注射LAC HSA SPIO ( 1.2mgFe/10 0g体重 )后大鼠肝脏双回波SE像 ( 2 0 0 0 /30~ 80 ) ,测定肝实质强化率 (PCE)和肝癌灶信号对比度 /噪声比 (CNR)。结果 :①注药后在T2 WI肝实质PCE为 71.8%± 16.3% ,癌结节为 10 .2 %± 4.8% (P <0 .0 1) ;②增强后PD WI上瘤结节CNR由平扫时 1.6± 0 .3上升至 8.2± 4.6(P <0 .0 1) ,T2 WI癌结节CNR由 4.7± 3.1上升至 8.9± 4.0 ( 0 .0 1


目的:评价超顺磁性氧化铁粒子(SPIO)增强MRI区分肝腺瘤样增生与早期肝癌的可能性。材料与方法:建立二乙基亚硝胺诱发的大鼠肝癌模型;分析SPIO增强前后(6mgFe/kg)大鼠肝癌灶与肝腺瘤样增生结节的强化特征,并与病理检查进行对照。结果:8只大鼠肝癌模型共产生25个癌结节和32个肝腺瘤样增生结节,大小分别为6.2mm±3.0mm和4.1mm±3.6。在质子加权和T2加权像上,癌结节与肝腺瘤样增  相似文献   

比较不同的场强和扫描序列对超顺磁性氧化铁增强前后肝癌检出的影响。材料和方法:46例104个肝癌病灶在1.0T或1.5T场强下行磁共振T1加权及四个T2加权的平扫及SPIO增强扫描,比较不同场强下各扫描序列的信噪比、对比噪声比以及肝癌病灶的检出率。结果:SPIO增强扫描后,所有序列的信噪比均下降,但对比噪声比和肝癌检出率均增加。1.0T场强下,最佳的SPIO增强序列为SE和TSE的T2加权;1.5T场强下最佳的SPIO增强序列为HASTE和FS-HASTE的T2加权。结论:不同场强下最合适SPIO增强扫描的都是信噪比较好的、中等权重的T2加权序列,1.5T更适合屏气的快速序列,1.0T更适合非屏气的SE序列。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同剂量SPIO及多种扫描序列对兔Guo窝炎性淋巴结增生模型强化效果的影响。方法:建立兔Guo窝淋巴结炎性增生模型;用20μmol Fe/单侧足趾皮下注射,观察注射前、注射后6、12、24、28和72h兔Guo窝淋巴结的时间-信号强度曲线(n=3);接着观察不同剂量(5、10、20、30μmol Fe/单侧足趾注射)在SE T1加权像(T1WI),双回波SE像(PDWI,T2WI)及FLASH T2加权像(T2WI)上强化表现。结果:(1)皮下注射SPIO后12h,Guo窝淋巴结强化达高峰;(2)注射剂量为10-30μmol Fe/单侧足趾可引起同侧Guo窝炎性淋巴结增生信号不同程度下降,但以20μmol Fe/单侧足趾为最佳剂量;最敏感扫描序列为FLASH T2WI,其次是SE T2WI和SE双回波像。结论;组织间隙注射SPIO可引起炎性淋巴结信号下降,可能是一种有效的靶向淋巴结成像技术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨LAC-BSA-SPIO对检出肝脏病灶,尤其是微小病灶的潜在价值及其对病灶良恶性鉴别诊断的价值。方法:建立大鼠肝硬化肝癌模型,分别测试LAC-BSA-SPIO最佳注射剂量和最佳扫描时间。28只大鼠MRI平扫序列为SET2map、FSET2WI、SET1WI、FRFSET2WI、GRE、3DFIESTA、SWI,注射LAC-BSA-SPIO(50μmolFe/kg)后30min行增强扫描。结果:成功建立大鼠肝硬化肝癌模型28只,共检出≥2mm的病灶63个,包括36个为肝细胞癌(HCC),19个腺瘤性增生结节(AHN),8个炎症性肌纤维母细胞瘤(IMT)。CNR最高的是50μmolFe/kgLAC-BSA-SPIO组;CNR最高的是30min组。增强扫描后AHN、IMT和HCC之间的T2值差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05)。SNR下降最明显的依次是GRE、3DFIESTA、FSET2WI、FRFSET2WI。在所有的序列上,HCC、AHN、IMT增强扫描前后的CNR差异均有显著性意义,所有序列增强扫描前后的差值在HCC、AHN、IMT之间差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05)。结论:LAC-BSA-SPIO有助于提高肿瘤-肝脏的CNR,对于肝硬化性肝癌的病灶有较高的鉴别诊断价值;最佳剂量为50μmolFe/kg,最佳扫描时间为静脉注射后30min。  相似文献   

MR快速动态增强扫描在肝癌TACE术后随访中的作用和限度   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 探讨MR快速动态增强在肝癌TACE术后随访中的作用和限度。方法 22例肝癌共24个病灶,TACE术后4~9周行MR检查,观察病灶在SET  相似文献   

目的 :观察联合使用SPIO和Gd DTPA对大鼠肝癌模型的增强特点。材料和方法 :制作 3 0只大鼠肝癌模型 ,增强前后行MR扫描 ,平扫序列包括SE、TSE、GRE的T1、T2WI序列。增强扫描分为 4组 ,其中Gd +SPIO联合增强组 10只 ,先注射Gd DTPA ,行SE、GRET1WI扫描 ,随后给予SPIO造影剂 ,扫描序列同平扫 ;SPIO +Gd联合增强组 10只 ,先注射SPIO ,行SE、GRET1WI扫描 ,12min后再给予Gd DTPA ,扫描序列同平扫 ;Gd、SPIO增强组各为 5只 ,增强扫描序列同平扫。分析各增强扫描组中病灶的增强特点。结果 :两种联合增强方法中 ,肝脏信号强度在所有扫描序列中均较平扫时下降 ,但与SPIO增强组无差异 ;病灶的SNR、CNR在SE、GRET1WI中明显高于平扫和SPIO、Gd DTPA增强法 ;在T2WI中病灶的SNR、CNR和单独使用SPIO无显著性差异。两种联合增强方法之间的SNR和CNR在每种扫描序列中没有显著性差异。结论 :SPIO和Gd DTPA联合增强方法利用了两种造影剂的优势 ,增加了肿瘤病变的对比 ,可提高发现病变的几率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨MR 3D -STIR SPACE序列增强扫描在臂丛节后神经成像的可行性及应用价值.方法 对20例志愿者和10例臂丛神经病变患者行T2WI-STIR、平扫和增强3D -STIR SPACE序列扫描.评价3种方法 对臂丛节后神经的显示情况、对比噪声比(contrast noise ratio,CNR)及图像伪影,观察臂丛神经及其病变在3D -STIR SPACE序列增强扫描中的MR表现.结果 T2WI-STIR、平扫和增强3D -STIR SPACE序列扫描臂丛神经锁骨上段显示率分别为80%、80%、85%,臂丛锁骨下段显示率分别为55%、60%、85%.3种序列CNR分别为34.05±11.48、34.10±11.30、44.59±11.26,3D -STIR SPACE序列增强扫描对臂丛节后神经的CNR及其锁骨下段的显示率高于其他2种方法,增强扫描能明显改善背景抑制效果,减少伪影,病变显示更清晰.结论 3D-STIR SPACE序列增强扫描能更清楚地显示臂丛神经及其病变,有助于臂丛神经病变的诊断及治疗.  相似文献   

目的研究超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)在大鼠诱癌模型的磁共振成像中对增生性结节与肝癌的鉴别作用,以及SPIO增强前后对各型肝癌的检出率。材料与方法42只诱发型肝癌模型鼠在肝硬化多发增生性结节基础上,共计生成379个肝癌,行平扫及SPIO增强扫描,分析增生性结节与肝癌的不同强化方式,并与病理对照统计平扫与增强扫描各型肝癌的检出率。结果增生性结节在SPIO增强扫描T2WI上信号明显降低,而肝癌的信号无明显改变;肝癌SPIO增强扫描T2WI检出率与病理接近,而平扫T2WI检出率与病理相差显著,其中平扫微癌与小癌的漏检率分别达32.9%与12.9%。结论SPIO是一种有效的检测肝癌的磁共振对比剂,不仅能提高小肝癌的检出率而且对增生性结节与肝癌的鉴别提供帮助。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the use of a dextran-coated ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) as a blood pool contrast agent for thoracic and abdominal MR angiography. Abdominal and thoracic MR angiography was performed in six healthy volunteers using two-dimensional and three-dimensional spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) sequences before and after intravenous administration of USPIO. Doses ranged from 1.1 to 2.6 mg Fe/kg. Flip angle was varied from 20 to 60°. Subjective image quality, analysis of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and blood T1 relaxation times were measured. USPIO significantly lowered the T1 of blood (from 1,210 ms precontrast to 159 ms postcontrast at a dose of 2.6 mg Fe/kg) (P < .01). Image quality on coronal fast three-dimensional breath-hold SPGR images of the abdomen increased with increasing dose and was maximum at the highest dose, producing an aortic SNR of 9.6 compared to 1.8 precontrast. Axial two-dimensional time-of-flight (TOF) aortic SNR was reduced significantly from 13 on precontrast to 6 on the postcontrast images at the highest dose (P < .05) due to T2* shortening effects. There was little flip angle dependence on image quality. Due to the T1 shortening effect and long intravascular half-life, USPIO improved visualization of vascular anatomy using three-dimensional fast SPGR imaging. The echo time must be minimized to minimize signal loss from T2* shortening effects. The blood pool distribution of USPIO is useful for equilibriumphase MR angiography.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of the new liver-specific magnetic resonance contrast agent gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA) to detect hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Seventeen mice with 66 chemically induced HCCs underwent magnetic resonance imaging with both Gd-EOB-DTPA (30 μmol/kg) and superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO; 10 μmol/kg). After enhancement, lesion-to-liver contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) of 47 detected HCCs increased negatively from 3.7 ± 10.7 (mean ± SD) to –55.1 ± 25.8 with Gd-EOB-DTPA (P < .001) and increased positively from 10.4 ± 10.4 to 26.1 ± 16.3 with SPIO (P < .001). The improvement of CNR after administration of SPIO was less in smaller lesions (< 4 mm), whereas that after administration of Gd-EOB-DTPA was independent of lesion size. However, Gd-EOB-DTPA positively enhanced four HCCs (8.5%), both highly differentiated (grade 1) and moderately differentiated (grade 2). Gd-EOB-DTPA allows the conspicuous detection of small HCCs; however, moderately differentiated HCCs occasionally may be positively enhanced.  相似文献   

The purpose of our research was to determine the effects of superparamagnetic iron oxide on MR imaging of the portal venous system. Eight piglets were examined in deep anaesthesia and respiratory arrest using a time-of-flight magnetic resonance fast low angle shot, two-dimensional angiography sequence at 1.5T. MR angiograms were acquired precontrast and after intravenous administration of a cumulative dose of 10, 20 and 40 μmol/kg SHU 555A, a superparamagnetic iron oxide contrast agent for MR imaging with a particle size of 60 nm. For each dose, two subsequent sets of scans were obtained and reconstructed by a maximum-intensity-projection algorithm. Hepatic parenchymal and portal venous signal intensities were measured, and portal vein contrast calculated for each set of scans. All examinations were visually rated as to portal vein contrast and homogeneity by two blinded observers. Receiver operating characteristics of both observers were analyzed. The contrast agent reduced hepatic parenchymal signal in a dose-dependent way. After a cumulative dose of 10 μmol iron oxide, hepatic parenchymal signal intensity decreased to 63 ± 6% (average of measurements at 4 and 14 minutes, mean ± standard error of the mean), after 20 μmol to 24 ± 3%, and after 40 μmol to 12 ± 1% of control. Intra-vascular signal in the left main portal vein branch increased to 117 ± 6%, 127 ± 10%, and 133 ± 9% of control, respectively. The contrast-to-noise ratio of the portal vein improved (521 ± 90%, 891 ± 178%, and 995 ± 201% of control in the left portal vein main branch). Intravascular signal intensities increased slightly. The combined effect improved contrast of the portal vein stem and its branches. Receiver operating characteristics analysis documented dose-dependency of contrast medium effects on portal venous contrast and intravascular homogeneity. Visual rating also indicated a positive effect on portal venous contrast. The superparamagnetic iron oxide agent improved portal venous contrast with surrounding hepatic parenchyma in this normal animal model, and could potentially result in more accurate diagnosis of portal venous pathology.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To prospectively compare single-shot spin-echo echo-planar imaging (SSSE-EPI) using b = 0, 10, 150, and 400 seconds/mm(2) with standard MRI techniques after intravenous super paramagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) in the detection and characterization of focal liver lesions with focus on small (<10 mm) focal liver lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 25 patients suspected for colorectal liver metastases were included. Number of detected lesions was evaluated. Image quality was compared between SSSE-EPI sequence and post-SPIO (fat-suppressed T1-weighted [T1w] gradient echo [GE], T2-weighted [T2w] turbo spin echo [TSE] and T2* GE) sequences using rank order statistic (RIDIT). Lesion characterization was performed for SSSE-EPI and for all remaining sequences pre- and post-SPIO. Reference standard comprised surgery, biopsy, and/or follow-up. RESULTS: Reference standard demonstrated 25 hemangiomas and 70 metastases. Best lesion detection respectively best image quality (P < 0.05) was achieved with SSSE-EPI (b = 10 seconds/mm(2)) post-SPIO T1w GE and T2w turbo spin echo. Lesion characterization using all sequences pre- and post-SPIO performed best for lesion characterization compared with SSSE-EPI. CONCLUSION: This preliminary study shows the potential of SSSE-EPI as a stand-alone sequence for the detection of liver hemangiomas and metastases when compared with SPIO-enhanced imaging. Sequences pre- and post-SPIO are needed for qualitative lesion characterization.  相似文献   

The authors describe the feasibility of dynamic MRI using a novel superparamagnetic iron oxide contrast agent. Resovist® was injected as a bolus at doses of 4, 8, and 16 μmol Fe/kg bodyweight in three consented patients participating in a Phase 2 clinical multicenter trial for hepatic MRI. Dynamic images of the brain were obtained with a conventional FLASH sequence. Results were analyzed by evaluation of dynamic images, cerebral blood volume maps, and normalized signal intensity time curves. Resovist® enabled rapid injections and a dose-dependent strong reduction in gray and white matter signal intensity. The small injection volume and good tolerability may enable Resovist® to serve as a perfusion agent. Dedicated clinical trials are warranted to assess the potentials of Resovist® for perfusion MRI and fMRI.  相似文献   

The effect of superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (AMI-227) was assessed in three-dimensional (3D) phase-contrast (PC) MR angiography (MRA), with various scanning parameters for rats at 1.5 T. The blood T1 and T2 before and after 20 μmol Fe/kg of AMI-227 injection were measured sequentially at .47 T. The visualization of abdominal aorta, renal artery, inferior vena cava, and portal vein was respectively evaluated before and after AMI-227 injection qualitatively by the four confidence levels and quantitatively by analysis of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of vessels. The blood T1 and T2 were sufficiently shortened for at least 1 hour after AMI-227 injection. The visualization of each vessel was improved by AMI-227 at various velocity encoding (VENC) value, suggesting the extended application of PC-MRA in various conditions. The optimal flip angle was increased from 20° to 30° in higher VENC after AMI-227 injection, resulting in higher signal from blood flow. Quantitative analyses showed that the optimal flip angle to achieve the maximum SNR seemed to be 20° in unenhanced images, but the optimal flip angle of the high speed flow was increased by contrast enhancement. The postcontrast PC-MRA provides the increased sensitivity of slow flow components, even with a high VENC gradient. AMI-227 can significantly improve SNR to blood vessels during 3D-PC-MRA with various scanning parameters.  相似文献   



To compare 3.0T and 1.5T MR systems in terms of the effect of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) on tumor‐to‐liver contrast in T2*‐weighted gradient‐echo MRI.

Materials and Methods

SPIO‐enhanced gradient‐echo MR images of the liver with four different TEs (3, 5.3, 6.5, and 8.5 msec) were obtained by means of 1.5T and 3.0T systems. Quantitative analyses of relative signal intensities (SIs) and relative tumor contrast and qualitative analyses of image quality and lesion conspicuity of the liver were performed in 22 patients, 16 of whom had malignant liver tumors.


With both 1.5T and 3.0T, at TE = 8.4 msec, the relative SI of liver and relative tumor contrast were significantly (P < 0.01) lower and higher, respectively, than that for any of the other TEs. There were no significant differences in the relative SI of the liver, relative tumor contrast, image quality, and tumor conspicuity for the same TE between the 1.5T and 3.0T systems.


Our results showed that the effect of SPIO on tumor‐to‐liver contrast at T2*‐weighted gradient‐echo imaging was similar for the 1.5T and 3.0T systems, and that the 8.4‐msec TE was optimal of the four TEs used in this study at 3.0T. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2009;29:595–600. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The inter- and intralymphonodal distribution of IV-administered superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particles as a lymphographic contrast agent for MRI was studied in various animal models in rats and rabbits. In all animals a dosage of 200 mol Fe/kg was tested. Imaging was done at 1.5 Tesla using proton-density-weighted spin-echo (PD-SE) and T2*-weighted gradient-echo (T2*-GRE) sequences. The time course of signal loss in popliteal lymph nodes of 21 rats was studied before and up to 72 h after IV injection of SPIO. Another 6 rats were dissected 24 h after IV injection of SPIO, all lymph nodes were embedded in agar gel and imaged ex vivo. Time course and pattern of lymph node signal loss was studied in 6 rabbits with reactive lymph node hyperplasia. The visualization of lymph node metastases was studied in 4 VX2 tumor-bearing rabbits. Most pronounced signal loss in lymph nodes was found 24 h after IV injection of SPIO with a decrease of signal in popliteal lymph nodes to 37 ± 15% (9 ± 5%) for rats and 56 ± 10% (16 ± 9%) for rabbits with the PD-SE (T2*-GRE) sequence. Ex vivo examinations of rat lymph nodes and in vivo examinations in rabbits with lymph node hyperplasia demonstrated marked variations in contrast agent accumulation between different lymph node groups. In VX2 tumor-bearing rabbits lymph node metastases could be well delineated in postcontrast MRI if a sufficient amount of contrast agent reached the lymph nodes (2 rabbits). Inhomogeneous signal loss as well as supersaturation impeded correct lymph node assessment (2 rabbits). We conclude that IV MR lymphography using SPIO may be an approach for non invasive tumor staging, but this new technique could be limited by variations in contrast agent distribution between different lymph node groups.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the recognition of malignant lesions of the liver on diffusion-weighted images (DWI) can be improved by the administration of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pre- and post-SPIO mediated DWI of the liver was compared in six patients with suspected malignant liver lesions at 1.5 Tesla using a parallel imaging technique. RESULTS: Post-SPIO DWI showed improved contrast-to-noise ratio between malignant lesions and liver. Furthermore, the spleen signal was decreased on post-SPIO DWI, thus avoiding the overlap of the spleen and left lobe of the liver on maximum intensity projections (MIP). CONCLUSION: Recognition of malignant lesions of the liver was improved by SPIO on DWI. On MIP images of DWI, SPIO helped to decrease the overlap of spleen signal on the liver in some projection angles.  相似文献   

大鼠种植型肝癌的超顺磁性的氧化铁磁共振增强实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 研究正常大鼠的超顺磁性氧化铁(SPIO)剂量梯度-肝脏信号曲线、大鼠种植地癌SPIO增强前后的对比噪声比和检出率。方法 第1组:72只正常SD大鼠随机分成18个样本组,平扫后以0、2、5……280umolFe/kg18个SPIO剂量分别做增强扫描,做剂量梯度-肝脏信号曲线。第2组:38只种植型肝癌模型鼠,共计生成43个肿瘤,行平扫及SPIO增强扫描,分析肿瘤磁共振强化特点;测量增强前后T1及  相似文献   

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