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A L Van Beek  M A Kassan  M H Adson  V Dale 《Hand Clinics》1990,6(1):23-35; discussion 37-8
This article describes and illustrates the process of nail regeneration and suggests specific management for acute nail bed injuries. The management consists of direct, nail matrix repair and nail matrix split grafting. Postoperative care following nail bed injuries is also discussed.  相似文献   

目的总结陈旧性颅颌面骨创伤畸形和额、颞、颧、鼻骨及上下颌骨缺损的修复方法,随访各种修复材料植入后的变化,比较自体骨移植与生物材料植入的治疗效果.方法将1995年以来收治的各种颅颌面骨创伤畸形及骨缺损的87例患者分为两组,分别采用LeFort One截骨、下颌骨矢状劈开截骨、颅眶截骨重塑进行修复,恢复颅颌面骨的解剖形态和牙齿的咬牙合功能.对于骨缺损的患者选择自体骨移植和生物材料植入进行治疗,术后随访3~5年,通过头颅X线定位片投影测量、面部轮廓测量、CT片及三维CT重组,了解植入物的变化、吸收程度、固定装置对组织的影响和面部的对称情况.结果自体骨移植尤其是带血管蒂的骨移植,愈合快,吸收少.游离骨移植效果比较好,但是骨吸收较大,吸收率达26.5%~41.8%.生物材料如Medpor、Gore-Tex、钛合金固定装置、人工骨的相容性好.硅橡胶、羟基磷灰石及记忆合金均有植入后发生组织反应而取出的病例.结论带血供的自体骨移植修复颅颌面骨创伤畸形及骨缺损是最佳治疗方法.应用Medpor、Gore-Tex植入修复骨缺损疗效稳定,创伤小,方法简单.  相似文献   

目的 总结陈旧性颅颌面骨创伤畸形和额、颞、颧、鼻骨及上下颌骨缺损的修复方法 ,随访各种修复材料植入后的变化 ,比较自体骨移植与生物材料植入的治疗效果。方法 将 1995年以来收治的各种颅颌面骨创伤畸形及骨缺损的 87例患者分为两组 ,分别采用LeFortOne截骨、下颌骨矢状劈开截骨、颅眶截骨重塑进行修复 ,恢复颅颌面骨的解剖形态和牙齿的咬牙合功能。对于骨缺损的患者选择自体骨移植和生物材料植入进行治疗 ,术后随访 3~5年 ,通过头颅X线定位片投影测量、面部轮廓测量、CT片及三维CT重组 ,了解植入物的变化、吸收程度、固定装置对组织的影响和面部的对称情况。结果 自体骨移植尤其是带血管蒂的骨移植 ,愈合快 ,吸收少。游离骨移植效果比较好 ,但是骨吸收较大 ,吸收率达 2 6 .5 %~ 4 1.8%。生物材料如Medpor、Gore -Tex、钛合金固定装置、人工骨的相容性好。硅橡胶、羟基磷灰石及记忆合金均有植入后发生组织反应而取出的病例。结论 带血供的自体骨移植修复颅颌面骨创伤畸形及骨缺损是最佳治疗方法。应用Medpor、Gore -Tex植入修复骨缺损疗效稳定 ,创伤小 ,方法简单  相似文献   

The peripheral blood smears of 214 thermally injured patients studied during a thirty month period revealed a 20 per cent incidence of normoblastemia (51 patients). Nucleated red blood cells were most common in patients with the largest burns. The absolute number of normoblasts was not related to the hematocrit and was not correlated with other determinants of erythropoietic function.  相似文献   

单侧唇裂术后继发唇鼻畸形的矫治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨单倒唇裂术后继发唇鼻畸形部分手术方法的改进。方法:基于对唇裂术后唇算畸形病理解剖的认识。唇裂继发唇鼻畸形的二期修复包括上唇瘢痕的切除与松解,以及对上唇短曲外翻或过长,唇红、唇弓、唇珠畸形、鼻小柱、鼻中隔偏斜或短曲、鼻头低垂及鼻孔过大或偏小,鼻翼塌陷、卷曲等不同程度的畸形通过局部组织移位或填充等综合娇治的手术方法,使畸形得以纠正,使以上组织恢复正常的解剖形态。结果:自2003年1月以来,经过58例的,临床实践,术后鼻底丰满,上唇人中嵴,人中凹显现,通过二期综合矫治,皆获得了满意效果。结论:通过对某些术式进行改进.提高了手术疗效,减少了畸形复发。  相似文献   

目的:评价和探讨双侧唇裂术后继发唇鼻畸形的整复矫治方法。方法:将23例患者按唇畸形、鼻畸形的不同,分别采用三种不同的术式治疗。对上唇及鼻畸形较轻者,采用上唇瘢痕切除,口轮匝肌重建,V-Y成形、Z成形术或双侧肌蒂红唇肌粘膜瓣向中间推进矫正红唇口哨畸形;对唇鼻畸形较严重但上唇组织较多者,采用鼻底叉形瓣延长鼻小柱进行矫治;对唇鼻畸形严重并有上唇过紧者,采用前唇组织瓣延长鼻小柱,下唇带蒂组织瓣(Abbé瓣)旋转修复上唇正中缺损。结果:23例患者中,17例效果满意,5例患者有明显改进,1例不满意。结论:本文介绍的三种术式适用于不同类型双侧唇裂术后唇鼻畸形的患者。  相似文献   

双侧唇裂继发鼻唇畸形的综合整复治疗   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的 评价和探讨双侧唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形的综合整复矫治方法。方法  2 0 0 0年1月~ 2 0 0 3年 6月我们为 4 0例双侧唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形患者进行了综合治疗。其中术前施行牙槽突裂髂骨松质骨植骨修复 2 8例 ,牙正畸治疗 2 2例 ;前牙义齿修复 2 0例 ,正颌外科手术或上颌骨牵引成骨手术 2 0例。完成上述治疗程序后行鼻唇二期整复手术。手术方法采用自上唇中央唇红、瘢痕缘、鼻小柱旁至双侧鼻孔内侧缘连续切口 双侧鼻翼沟及鼻孔底切口入路 ,行鼻小柱延长、鼻翼鼻孔轮廓成形、人中嵴、人中凹及唇峰唇珠重建术。结果 患者鼻唇外形均获得较前明显的改善 ,随访 3个月~ 3.5年 ,满意率达 95 %。结论 对双侧唇裂术后鼻唇继发畸形采用综合序列治疗 ,强调二期手术前牙 -颌基础框架的搭建 ,再采用本手术方法矫治鼻唇软组织畸形 ,效果自然稳定。  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity after thermal injury.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Just as there are subpopulations of mononuclear leukocytes which are functionally distinct, so there appear to be different subpopulations of neutrophils, with different functional abilities. Neutrophils which display the Fc receptor (Fc+) for immunoglobulin have increased chemotactic phagocytic and bactericidal activity compared with neutrophils which are Fc receptor negative (Fc-). To determine if the acquired neutrophil dysfunction which occurs after thermal injury could be due to a change in the percentage of Fc+ neutrophils, serial studies of neutrophil function, including random migration, chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and killing of Staphylococcus aureus, were performed in 12 patients and related to the percentage of neutrophils which possessed the Fc receptor. After thermal injury the percentage of Fc+ cells decreased significantly (p less than 0.01). However, no correlation between the number of rosette-forming cells and random migration (p = 0.48), chemotaxis (p = 0.45), or bactericidal activity (p = 0.50) was found in this patient population. Thus, although thermal injury was associated with a significant decrease in the number of Fc+ neutrophils, this change in neutrophil subpopulation levels did not explain the acquired defect in neutrophil function which occurred after thermal injury.  相似文献   

Nutritional requirements drastically change after a serious burn injury. In this article the feeding protocol of the Burn Unit of the University Hospital Louvain-Belgium is presented. Patients who are victim of large cutaneous burns are characterized by an elevated metabolic rate and weight loss. To contend with this syndrome, a rigorous nutritional support program is essential. Care must be taken to provide an appropriate nutritional regimen in order to minimize protein catabolism and to promote wound healing and immune defence. Simultaneously, a review of the literature summarizes current methods of procuring nutritional support to the burn patient, adult and paediatric, especially as micronutrients are concerned.  相似文献   

The permeability of the microcirculation in the canine mesentery, following heat stresses and topical application of histamine, was studied by introducing directly into the mesentric circulation albumin or dextran conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate, and then photographing while using an image intensifier (× 50 000). The experimental procedures were: (a) raising the temperature of an area of mesentery (0·33 × 0·21 inch) to 56 °C for 45 s; (b) infusing 10 ml of 0·9 per cent NaCl at a temperature of 55 °C into a mesenteric artery supplying the region being observed and then allowing the dog's own blood to perfuse this area; and (c) applying 2 ml of a 0·9 mg/ml solution of histamine in Ringer's solution topically to the mesentery; the histamine was washed off the mesentery 2 min later. The infusion of fluorescein-tagged materials was performed at about 10 min after completing an experimental procedure and still or cine film was exposed at 5, 10 and 60 s after infusion of the tagged materials.

The principal findings were that albumin and both the 70 000 and 150 000 MW dextrans passed from the circulating blood into the interstitial spaces primarily at bifurcations of venules when the tissue had not been exposed to heat or histamine. Following exposure to radiant heat, heated saline or histamine, venules and venous capillaries appeared to become more permeable to albumin and the two dextrans throughout their entire lengths. Venules and venous capillaries were less permeable to the 150 000 MW dextran than to albumin and the 70 000 MW dextran. No exit of tagged materials was observed from true capillaries.

Based upon these and other observations in this laboratory, the cause of increased permeability appears to be a swelling of endothelial cells which we believe results from imbibition of water when the cells are subjected to heat injury or to an abnormal concentration of histamine. Since cell membranes are relatively non-distensible, a swollen endothelial cell becomes more spherical (less hexahedron-shaped) and consequently its contacting surfaces tend to pull away from adjacent surfaces of other endothelial cells. This causes spaces to open between the cells permitting leakage of relatively large molecules through walls of venules and venous capillaries.  相似文献   

Prevention of dermal ischemia after thermal injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One percent methylprednisolone acetate was evaluated as a pharmacologic agent in the prevention of dermal ischemia following burning. Standardized partial thickness burns were inflicted on guinea pigs. Burned guinea pigs were separated into five groups; one was treated with topical steroid, one with systemic steroid, one with both, one with emollient base without steroid, and one served as an untreated control. Histology and depth of dermal ischemia were evaluated by india ink perfusion technique. Untreated controls showed progressive dermal ischemia with complete absence of india ink-filled vessels in the dermis by 24 hours. Topical steroid alone improved dermal perfusion as suggested by relative levels of india ink filling. Topical steroid in the dosage used does not potentiate infection in standard burn wound sepsis models. Preservation of dermal appendages was seen secondary to improved dermal microcirculation with a ninefold increase in hair follicles in treated guinea pigs compared with controls.  相似文献   

Deformities of the naso-septal L-strut create functional and aesthetic problems, such as the twisted nose, the malpositioned tip, the saddle deformity, and internal valve insufficiency. The surgeon must approach these problems with three principles. First, in certain situations, the L-strut must be modified. Second, the L-strut must be structurally stable to support to the nose. Third, the position of the L-strut and its relationship to neighboring structures will determine the changes in nasal form and function. The current article focuses on two common types of deformities of the septal L-strut: deviation and collapse. Mild deviations are addressed through repositioning or camouflaging techniques. Moderate deviations are treated with cartilage-bolstering techniques. Severe deviations are resected and reconstructed with cartilage grafts. Dorsal septal reconstruction or onlay grafting treats collapse. Caudal septal reconstruction and tip-supporting grafts address nasal tip collapse. Total septal loss or collapse requires construction of a new L-strut. These techniques should maintain support to the nose while improving nasal form and function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hyperglycemia is associated with detriments in immune function and impaired wound healing. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of metformin, an oral antihyperglycemic agent approved for patients with diabetes mellitus, on glucose metabolism in severely burned patients. METHODS: Metformin was given in a double-blind, placebo-controlled fashion to 10 patients, all with burns > 60% body surface area (age, 36 +/- 4 years; weight, 92 +/- 3 kg; mean +/- SEM). After 8 days of metformin or placebo, glucose kinetics were quantitated using isotopic dilution with 6,6-d glucose and indirect calorimetry. Measurements were made during fasting; during an intravenous glucose infusion (30 micromol/kg/min); and during a hyperinsulinemic (500 mIU/m2/h), euglycemic clamp (mean plasma glucose concentration, 6.5 +/- 0.3 mmol/L). RESULTS: During fasting, metformin-treated subjects had a significantly lower rate of endogenous glucose production (met. 9.6) and glucose oxidation than placebo control subjects. With the administration of intravenous glucose, metformin treatment significantly accelerated glucose clearance, thereby attenuating hyperglycemia. During hyperinsulinemia, glucose uptake was significantly greater in metformin-treated patients. Patients receiving metformin also had a significantly higher plasma concentration of insulin. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a potential clinical efficacy of metformin to reduce stress-induced hyperglycemia by increasing glucose clearance. This effect may be mediated by either a metformin-induced augmentation of insulin sensitivity or by increasing insulin availability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Alterations in granulocyte function after thermal injury have been described. We have serially studied the level of granulocyte cytosolic peroxidase activity in 23 thermally injured patients during the first 6 weeks after injury. The patients' mean age and burn size were 35.1 +/- 15.7 years and 41.6% +/- 16.8% (range, 18% to 88%), respectively. Fourteen patients had concomitant inhalation injury, and the overall mortality rate was 4.3%. METHODS. Purified granulocytes were obtained from peripheral blood after red cell lysis and Ficoll-Hypaque (Pharmacia Inc., Piscataway, N.J.) gradient separation. Cells were loaded with dichlorofluorescin diacetate, and baseline fluorescence was measured by flow cytometry. After phorbol myristate acetate stimulation, fluorescence was measured again. Cells from unburned normal subjects were used as daily controls. RESULTS. The data are expressed as percent of stimulated control granulocyte fluorescence. Unstimulated patient granulocytes demonstrated a significantly higher baseline activity than did unstimulated controls (22.9% vs 15.4%; p < 0.05). Mean fluorescence from stimulated granulocytes was 114% of the control values (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. Granulocytes from thermally injured patients exhibited a baseline increase in cytosolic oxidase activity, suggesting in vivo activation and a greater than normal oxidase activity after in vitro stimulation.  相似文献   

Alterations in resistin expression after thermal injury   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The presence of inhalation injury has been reported to increase fluid requirements for resuscitation from burn shock after thermal injury. To evaluate the effect of inhalation injury on the magnitude of burn-induced shock, the characteristics of resuscitation of 171 patients with burns covering at least 25 percent of the total body surface area were reviewed. When inhalation injury was suspected, confirmation by xenon-133 scanning, bronchoscopy, or both was obtained. Initial fluid resuscitation was calculated according to the Parkland formula, and titration was initiated to maintain a urine output of 30 to 50 ml/hour. Fifty-one patients had inhalation injuries. Patients with inhalation injuries had a mean fluid requirement of 5.76 ml/kg per percentage of total body surface area burned and a mean sodium requirement of 0.94 mEq/kg per percentage of total body surface area burned to achieve successful resuscitation, compared with a fluid requirement of 3.98 ml/kg per percentage of total body surface area burned and a sodium requirement of 0.68 mEq/kg per percentage of total body surface area burned for the group without inhalation injury (p less than 0.05). These data confirm and quantitate that inhalation injury accompanying thermal trauma increases the magnitude of total body injury and requires increased volumes of fluid and sodium to achieve resuscitation from early burn shock.  相似文献   

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