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一、再生医学的内涵和重要性 再生医学广义上讲是一门研究如何促进组织、器官创伤或缺损生理性修复,以及如何进行组织、器官再生与功能重建的学科,即任何与再生修复有关的内容都可以包含在再生医学范畴内。  相似文献   

再生医学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
再生医学是近年来新兴的一门跨专业学科,但至今对其认识尚欠系统,本文就再生向再生医学的演变、再生医学的定义及手段、干细胞研究在再生医学中的作用等方面作简要阐述,希望有助于对再生医学的认识.  相似文献   

生物材料和再生医学的进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的综述生物材料和再生医学的研究与进展情况.方法广泛查阅近年有关生物材料及再生医学的文献,总结生物材料的发展历程,分析其发展方向.结果生物材料经历了从第一、二代到第三代的发展过程.再生医学是利用人类的自然治愈能力,使受到巨大创伤的机体组织或器官获得自己再生能力为目的的医学,主要包括干细胞与克隆技术、组织工程、组织器官代用品、异种器官移植.结论第三代生物材料具有生物活性和降解两种性能,在植入体内后可促进机体的再生能力,从而达到治疗效果.组织工程学提出了复制"组织"、"器官"的思想,为再生医学的崛起开辟了道路.  相似文献   

再生医学与干细胞在美容整形外科的研究与应用   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
笔者于2008年报道了"无创或微创美容医学技术的最新进展"[1],其中主要包括物理方面、化学方面和生物学方面.笔者现将生物学方面再生医学--脂肪来源干细胞这一项微创技术的研究与应用进展进行报道.再生医学即再生一个有生命力的组织、器官以修复各种原因引起的受损组织和器官,继而延续生命的医学,是当今新兴的一门跨学科领域的医学.  相似文献   

细胞治疗在美容医学中的应用进展   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
笔者于2009年报道了"再生医学与干细胞在美容整形外科的研究与应用"[1-2].文中的部分叙述:①有了生命才会有再生和再生医学;②再生是大自然的普遍现象,没有再生也就没有生命;③对生命而言,再生主要体现在细胞的再生能力,细胞是生命的基本单位;④干细胞是再生医学的灵魂;⑤有科学家预言:21世纪第一个10年的主要方向是十细胞的基础研究;第二个10年是科学家们将科研成果--干细胞的再生能力广泛应用于临床;⑥人体细胞的寿命至少达至300年,即组织中的干细胞至少可以分化300年.  相似文献   

再生医学是美容医学的五大发展技术之一。其技术发展的三大要素是细胞疗法、细胞因子疗法和细胞外基质疗法。细胞疗法是再生医学的核心,而干细胞疗法是再生医学核心的核心。细胞因子是具有免疫调节和效应功能的低分子量蛋白质或称小分子多肽,其在再生医学中的作用与功能较复杂,种类繁多,且机制也更加多样性,在人体整个生命活动中有更多的未知数。现仅作概念性简略叙述。  相似文献   

肝脏再生医学可利用功能性肝细胞修复或替代受损的肝组织, 肝细胞或肝微组织移植有望作为肝移植的替代治疗方案得到了快速发展, 但是再生医学需要有稳定增殖能力及肝细胞特性的细胞。肝脏类器官来源于成体干细胞或多能干细胞, 可以在体外大量增殖和长期培养, 并保持遗传稳定性, 模拟体内器官的结构和功能, 为肝脏再生提供了新策略。本文对肝脏类器官以及其在肝脏再生医学中的研究进展进行综述, 并探讨其应用潜力及存在的局限性。  相似文献   

肝脏再生是一个古老又神奇的命题,复杂的细胞和分子机制调控肝脏再生的启动、维持和终止。肝内不同区域的肝细胞再生能力不同,而且其多倍性特征也在肝脏再生和肝脏稳态中扮演了重要角色。肝细胞、胆管细胞、肝祖细胞以及间充质干细胞都可以作为肝脏再生的细胞来源,不同类型和程度的损伤诱导了最适合再生的细胞类型,阐明新生肝细胞的来源具有重要的再生医学价值。深入研究肝脏再生有助于解决如何加速肝再生,逆转肝纤维化,利用再生医学寻找肝衰竭的新疗法,扩展肝切除术特别是老年人肝切除术的适应范围和平衡肝脏移植供体受体的基本生存需要等一系列临床问题。现我们结合最新的研究,对肝再生的内源性细胞来源这一主题进行综述。  相似文献   

各种原因导致的淋巴系统损害仍然是临床亟待解决的难题.再生医学和组织工程技术的发展为淋巴系统修复开辟了重要的途径.近年来,对淋巴系统生理的理解逐渐深入,淋巴系统再生医学展现出许多新的重要进展,包括细胞因子的应用、支架系统的开发、细胞疗法、组织工程淋巴系统的构建等.本文将对淋巴系统再生医学、组织工程的现状及其最新进展进行综...  相似文献   

<正>在过去的几十年里,细胞和分子生物学的发展以及创面愈合和组织再生过程的科学进步,促进了新型多学科领域的研究和发展,如再生医学和组织工程。富血小板血浆(platelet-rich plasma,PRP)的出现和应用使再生医学领域发生了革命性的变化,PRP是一种用于刺激和加速组织愈合的新型  相似文献   

Since 1980s,the rapid development of tissue engineering and stem cell research has pushed regenerative medicine to a new fastigium,and regenerative medicine has become a noticeable research field in th...  相似文献   

目的了解并掌握组织工程再生医学进入产业化的最新动态,以指导现实工作。方法通过查阅最新文献、查看相关网站并结合自身工作经验以求全面了解。结果从组织工程四方面的汇总资料中得到启示,鸟瞰再生医学产业化的发展前景。结论抓住机遇,努力工作以迎合再生医学产业化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Organ transplantation and artificial organs are the only effective treatments for loss of organ and tissue function. These treatments, however, are associated with serious problems such as a critical shortage of donor organs, rejection, the need for life-long immunosuppression, and unstable biocompatibility. These shortcomings have stimulated the development of tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is defined as an interdisciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and the life sciences to the development of biological substitutes that restore, retain, or improve tissue function. Tissue engineering is composed of three factors: cells; growth factors; and scaffolds. Regenerative medicine includes two important fields: tissue engineering; and regenerative biology. Regenerative therapy is a newly developed medical therapy based on the research results of regenerative medicine. The fields of regenerative therapy includes broad areas of basic and clinical sciences, bioethics, and medical economics in addition to the area of regenerative medicine. Cell sources and cell expansion are important issues in regenerative medicine. Great efforts are being made to isolate and identify the characteristics of stem cell populations of various tissues. The use of stem cells may provide an almost limitless supply of cells for transplantation. Although there are still many important issues to be resolved, regenerative medicine has been making rapid progress using a multidisciplinary approach. The success of this approach will lead to the widespread application of regenerative therapy and may ultimately be able to replace lost tissue function in the 21st century. We should, however, keep in mind the importance of bioethics in using any new therapy.  相似文献   

Artificial organs and regenerative medicine are the subjects of very active research and development (R&D) in Japan and various artificial organs are widely used in patients. Results of the R&D are presented at the annual conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs (JSAO). Progress in the fields of artificial organs and regenerative medicine are reviewed annually in the Japanese Journal of Artificial Organs. The official English-language journal of JSAO, Journal of Artificial Organs, also publishes many original articles by Japanese researchers. Although the annual conference and the publications of JSAO provide the world with update information on artificial organs and regenerative medicine in Japan, the information is not always understood appropriately in the rest of the world, mainly due to language problems. This article therefore introduces the current status of artificial organs and regenerative medicine in Japan. Artificial hearts and metabolic support systems are reviewed here and other interesting areas such as regenerative medicine can be found elsewhere.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cell-based transplantation, tissue engineering and gene therapy are important therapeutic strategies for present and future regenerative medicine. One challenge is to present the target cells in a suitable matrix to allow the cells to survive the wound contraction, tissue repair, and remodeling in certain tissues. Recently, functional biomaterial research has been directed towards the development of improved scaffolds and new drug delivery systems for regenerative medicine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature survey was performed in basic and clinic publications relevant to the therapeutic potential of chitosan and its derivatives in regenerative medicine. In this review the functional properties and potential applications of chitosan and its derivatives in regenerative medicine are presented and discussed. RESULTS: Chitosan can be obtained by alkaline deacetylation of chitin and is found to be a natural-based nontoxic, biocompatible, and biodegradable polymer with anti-microbial activity. Chitosan and its derivatives could accelerate wound healing by enhancing the functions of inflammatory cells and repairing cells. Recent studies further indicated that chitosan and its derivatives also are novel scaffold materials for tissue engineering and are-promising non-viral vectors for gene delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Regenerative medicine has entered a new era with the development of modern science and technology. The novel properties of chitosan make it a versatile biomaterial for cell therapy, tissue engineering and gene therapy. It is hoped that these diverse approaches for regenerative medicine will translate from "bench to bedside" in the future.  相似文献   

In a climate of mainstream media stories touting the latest discoveries in regenerative medicine and claims from what are sometimes referred to as “stem cell clinics,” this month “The AJT Report” takes a look at how regenerative medicine fits into the field of transplantation, and how we might balance the competing forces of science and fiction.  相似文献   

The focus of the present review on regenerative medicine is limited; first, on a few human clinical trials carried out thus far in the urology field, and second, on more basic but important biological progress that regenerative medicine has brought us. Clinical trials for the bladder, urethra and urethral sphincter have been carried out thus far. Reconstruction with autologous cell‐seeded biomaterial failed in patients in need of bladder augmentation. The strategy succeeded for urethral reconstruction in patients who might not have required this approach. Sphincter function improvement was attained by cell therapy, but did not equal the conventional standard therapy – the artificial sphincter. The radical progress in regenerative medicine is reported in more basic stem cell technology. The strategy to induce therapeutic cells from inducible pluripotent stem cells has shed novel light on developmental biology. In vitro creation of novel kidney tissue from inducible pluripotent stem cells has been attained. Other kinds of therapeutic cells could also be induced from the inducible pluripotent stem cells. Research should be encouraged to fill the gap between patient needs and what current regenerative medicine can attain.  相似文献   

Applications of regenerative medicine technology may offer novel therapies for patients with injuries, end-stage organ failure, or other clinical problems. Currently, patients suffering from diseased and injured organs can be treated with transplanted organs. However, there is a severe shortage of donor organs that is worsening yearly as the population ages and new cases of organ failure increase. Scientists in the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering are now applying the principles of cell transplantation, material science, and bioengineering to construct biological substitutes that will restore and maintain normal function in diseased and injured tissues. The stem cell field is also advancing rapidly, opening new avenues for this type of therapy. For example, therapeutic cloning and cellular reprogramming may one day provide a potentially limitless source of cells for tissue engineering applications. While stem cells are still in the research phase, some therapies arising from tissue engineering endeavors have already entered the clinical setting successfully, indicating the promise regenerative medicine holds for the future.  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine is emerging with great interest and hope from patients, industry, academia, and medical professionals. Cartilage regeneration, restoration, or repair is one of the prime targets that remains largely unsolved, and many believe that regenerative medicine can possibly deliver solutions that can be widely used to address the current gap(s) in treatment. In the United States, Europe, Australia, and India the regulation of regenerative based treatments has become a big debate. Although the rules and regulations remain unclear, clinicians that are interested should carry-on with the best available guidelines to ensure safety and compliance during delivery in clinical practice to avoid regulatory infraction. Many have made significant investment of time, resources, and facilities in recent years to provide new regenerative treatment options and advance medical care for patients. Instead of reinventing the wheel, it would be more efficient to adopt currently accepted standards and nomenclature borrowed from transplantation science, and cord blood storage industries. The purposes of this article are to provide some historical background to the field of regenerative medicine as it applies to cartilage, and how this field has developed. This will be followed by a separate discussion on regulatory oversight and input and how it has influenced access to care. Furthermore, we discuss current clinical techniques and progress, and ways to deliver these treatments to patients safely, effectively, and in a cost sensitive manner, concluding with an overview of some of the promising regenerative techniques specific to cartilage.  相似文献   

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