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着色真菌病又名着色芽生菌病,是一种少见的由不同种类暗色真菌引起的深部真菌病,偶可侵犯脑组织及其他脏器,仅累及于皮肤者称为皮肤着色真菌病。1病历摘要患者女,53岁。6年前无明显原因右腕伸侧出现一黄豆大皮下结节,按压可移动,半年后结节扩大,呈红色,质硬,蚕豆大小,自觉痒痛,二三天后破溃,可挤出黄色黏稠的液体,并很快结痂。周围正常皮肤出现新丘疹,破溃后结痂。皮损渐向周围扩大,中央渐变平,在红斑上覆有痂皮,于2005年5月就诊于我科。发病以来无发热、咳嗽、腹痛、腹泻等不适。既往体健。家族中无类似疾病患者。体格检查:系统检查未见异…  相似文献   

患者女,58岁,因左手背疣状增生5年于2003年4月来广州军区总医院就诊。患者于5年前无明显诱因左手背出现一绿豆大淡红色丘疹,质地中等,未予处理。隐后丘疹逐渐增大,表面粗糙呈疣状,无明显自觉症状,患处用鸡眼亮外贴后出现糜烂,患者自行用烧红的铁棍烧灼局部,皮损未见好转。患者曾数次就诊于当地医院,被诊断为“寻常疣”,给予激光治疗1次,冷  相似文献   

着色真菌病是由不同着色真菌侵犯皮肤深部组织所引起的一种慢性疾病,较为少见,现将我科门诊遇到1例报道如下。  相似文献   

脑型着色真菌病1例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的报告1例脑型着色真菌病。患者男,36岁,农民。18年前起左手背、左背、右腰、右臀部、大腿部相继出现结节、斑块,时有破溃,结痂,愈后遗留疤痕。颈、腋部、左、右鼠蹊部、颈部及腋下相继出现花生仁至核桃大肿物。阴囊、右下肢橡皮肿。曾有抽搐史。皮肤、淋巴结病理示巨细胞内可见圆形及卵圆形棕黑色孢子;真菌培养鉴定为紧密着色菌。头颅部MRI,CT检查有不规则片状异常信号影,诊断为脑型着色真菌病。抗真菌治疗病情有好转。  相似文献   

误诊为疣状皮肤结核的着色真菌病1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者男 ,49岁 ,农民 ,患病前从事拖拉机手的工作。 10年前无明显诱因发现右前臂伸侧出现数个红色结节样损害 ,触之较硬 ,无痒痛等不适。此后皮损逐渐发展至腕部 ,渐增多 ,并相互融合 ,形成斑块 ,表面凹凸不平。 3年前开始皮损明显扩大 ,病情加重 ,皮损时常破溃 ,并有少量脓性分泌物。患者曾数次就诊于当地医院 ,未做明确诊断 ,曾间断外用肤轻松、红霉素、克霉唑等无效。 1年前在当地医院做皮肤活检 ,诊断为“疣状皮肤结核” ,口服异烟肼治疗 1年 ,仍无效 ,遂来诊。家庭中其他成员无此类似病史。体检 :就诊时一般情况好 ,体温正常 ,全身浅表…  相似文献   

四川首例裴氏着色真菌病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者男, 35岁,四川新都县农民,因右内踝及周围皮肤长肉芽肿 4年余就诊。患者右内踝皮肤长小结节并逐渐向周围扩大形成肉芽肿,有黄色液体流出伴结痂、疼痛及踝关节活动受限,否认外伤史。体检:右内踝有 2.5 cm× 5.0 cm近三角形和 2.0 cm× 4.5 cm近菱形暗红色隆起性肉芽肿,表面粗糙不平伴鳞屑及结痂,周围有暗褐色色素沉着(图 1)。 取肉芽肿组织经 2.5%戊二醛固定后做病理检查: HE染色示皮肤表皮缺损和角化过度,皮下组织增生,伴大量中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞和单核细胞浸润(图 2);银染色和 PAS染色发现黑色和棕色硬壳细胞(图…  相似文献   

一既往健康的42岁男性患者,主诉左小腿起红色丘疹、结节伴轻度搔痒5个月,于96年4月17日入院。患者3个月前结节表面鳞屑真菌培养示:裴氏着色菌生长,予氟康唑0.2g/d口服,15天,疗效不佳,遂增加剂量至0.3g/d,15天后皮疹色泽减退成暗红色,继续服用7天后,皮疹颜色又转为鲜红色,遂收入院治疗。入院查:神清,  相似文献   

目的:患69岁,男性,右足背及跟部增殖损害12年,皮损逐渐增生,扩大呈疣状增生,经多方治疗无明显疗效,实验室检查证实为裴氏着色真菌感染,经特比奈芬治疗后症状逐渐消退,治疗反应良好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨着色真菌病组织病理中色素沉着的意义。方法 取 3 5例着色真菌病 ,与临床和病理均相近的孢子丝菌病 2 6例、皮肤结核 14例对比分析。结果 着色真菌病组织病理的色素沉着与孢子丝菌病和皮肤结核的比较 ,差异均有显著性 (P均 <0 .0 0 5 )。结论 色素沉着对诊断着色真菌病有一定的意义 ,其原因可能与经皮排出现象有关。  相似文献   

临床资料 患者男,30岁,农民.因右足背破溃、结节伴痛痒12年来诊.12年前患者右足拇趾被树枝扎破,10余天后伤口周围出现一个粟粒状、粉红色、无痛性类圆形丘疹,约3、4天后转为豆粒大小脓疱,不痒不痛,患者未予注意,数月后皮疹逐渐增大成约3 cm×3 cm皮色斑块,边缘高起,表面粗糙,破溃流黄色脓液,疼痛剧烈,于当地医院以骨膜炎行刮骨术,术后常规换药拆线,伤口处留约2 cm×3 cm淡红色条状瘢痕.  相似文献   

A 66-year-old man who lived on Tokunoshima Island, a small and remote southern island of the Japanese archipelago, had suffered from chromomycosis for more than 30 years and presented with a tumor-like growth on the posterior crural region of his right leg. Fonsecaea pedrosoi was identified as the pathogen from its growth pattern and micromorphological characteristics. The patient was successfully treated with 5-fluorocytosine, itoraconazole, and topical thermotherapy.  相似文献   

QIANLijie,LILi,ZHANGQiangqiang[摘要]患者男,78岁。右手臂相继出现结节、破溃7年,右手腕部环绕1周带状红斑,浅表性溃疡伴鲜红色肉芽面,呈颗粒状,中央有黑点,边缘不清,覆有渗出性痂皮,约5cm×20cm;真菌镜检发现棕色黄色圆形厚壁孢子;小钢圈培养镜下显示全为瓶梗,分生孢子壁薄形椭圆,瓶口孢子成团聚集犹如花朵;组织病理示棘层增厚,真皮全层为不规则相互融合的多细胞肉芽肿。  相似文献   

A case of chromomycosis, caused by Fonsecaea pedrosoi, was treated with 5-fluorocytosine. After 18 weeks of treatment the initial lesions had largely resolved, and no evidence of active disease was observed clinically, histologically or from fungal cultures of the biopsy material. Further resolution of the remaining hypertrophic scar was achieved by intralesional injections of triamcinolone acetonide. Minimal side-effects were encountered during the therapy, and no recurrence during an 18-month follow-up period was observed. The results of this study indicate that 5-fluorocytosine is an effective and relatively safe mode of therapy in chromomycosis.  相似文献   

Chromomycosis is a general term to express human and animal fungal infections caused by members of the family Dematiaceae (dark brown or black fungi). Unique host-parasite relationships produce a wide spectrum of clinical disease, sometimes difficult to treat. Four major categories are recognized: 1) Superficial Chromomycosis – A pigmented macule produced by fungus inhabiting exclusively the dead horny layer (stratum corneum) of the skin, as in tinea nigra palmaris. 2) Chromoblastomycosis – A verrucous, slow growing nodule or plaque produced by fungi, characteristically and exclusively present as large brown spherical bodies (chromo bodies) in the dermis. 3) Chromohyphomycosis – A dermal nodule produced by fungi displaying typical brown septated hyphae. Rarely, the fungus may appear as a yeast. It may occur in deeper tissues, i.e., muscles, bone and brain or it may also involve the eye ( Keratomycosis ). 4) Chromomycetoma – Tumefaction, draining sinuses and presence of colony of organisms as "grain". Dematiaceae are found more frequently in veterinary than in human medicine.  相似文献   

Abstract: Biopsy specimens from 17 Zairians with chromomycosis are described. Patients ranged in age from 20 to 50 years, with a mean of 37.2 (10.2). Chromomycosis was suspected clinically in only 3 of the 17 patients. In 14 patients the lesions were on the lower limbs and in 3 on the arms. The lesions were chronic, in one patient persisting (or 9 years. The diagnosis was established in each patient by finding typical thick-walled brown fungi within the lesions. Some fungi were in abscesses, others were in histiocytes or giant cells. The fungi and the inflammatory reaction were concentrated in the upper dermis. Acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, and parakeratosis were constant features and pseudoepithe- liomatous hyperplasia (PEH) was a feature in 10 patients. Transepithelial elimination (TEE) of fungi was a conspicuous feature in eight specimens. Microscopic features suggested TEE in an additional three. PEH and TEE were associated in all specimens. In patients with TEE, the diagnosis may he confirmed quickly by smearing surface scrapings and finding the characteristic brown fungi.  相似文献   

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