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The afferent connectivity of areas V1 and V2 was investigated using the fluorescent dyes fast blue and diamidino yellow. Simultaneous injection of each dye in retinotopically corresponding regions of these areas gave rise to two afferent populations of labeled neurons in subcortical and cortical structures which project to both areas. These two populations showed a variable degree of overlap in their spatial distribution. Neurons labeled by both dyes (double-labeled neurons) which, therefore, project to both areas, were found in substantial numbers in these overlap zones. When the injections were made in non-retinotopically corresponding regions in the two areas, both populations of labeled cells overlapped extensively in the cortex but not in subcortical structures, suggesting that the laws governing the topography of these two types of connections are different. In the cortex, the labeled neurons extended from the fundus of the lunate sulcus to the fundus of the superior temporal sulcus. A few labeled neurons were also found in the inferior temporal cortex and the parahippocampal gyrus. In all cortical regions, corticocortical neurons projecting to V1 and V2 were found in both supra- and infragranular layers, although double-labeled neurons were more numerous in infragranular layers. With increasing distance from V1 there was an increase in the proportion of neurons labeled in infragranular layers. The comparative strength of input to V1 and V2 was computed and was found to be higher to V2 in all cortical regions except the superior temporal sulcus which projected equally heavily to both areas. The superior temporal sulcus also stood out in that of all cortical regions it contained the highest proportion of double-labeled neurons. Single- and double-labeled neurons were found in a number of subcortical structures including the lateral geniculate nucleus, the inferior and lateral pulvinar, the intralaminar nuclei, the nucleus basalis of Meynert, and the amygdala. The pattern of labeling in the lateral pulvinar was in agreement with the suggestion that this structure has a complex topographical organization containing at least a dual representation of the visual field (Bender, D. B. (1981) J. Neurophysiol. 46: 672-693). In the pulvinar complex, densities of labeled neurons permitted evaluation of the strength of input to V1 and V2, the latter being the strongest. These results demonstrate that areas V1 and V2 share a vast amount of common input from the same cortical and subcortical structures and that a number of neurons project to both areas via branching axons.  相似文献   

Patterns of thalamocortical connections were related to architectonically defined subdivisions of the pulvinar complex and the dorsolateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). Tree shrews are of special interest because they are considered close relatives of primates, and they have a highly developed visual system. Several distinguishable tracers were injected within and across cortical visual areas in individual tree shrews in order to reveal retinotopic patterns and cortical targets of subdivisions of the pulvinar. The results indicate that each of the three architectonic regions of the pulvinar has a distinctive pattern of cortical connections and that one of these divisions is further divided into two regions with different patterns of connections. Two of the pulvinar nuclei have similar retinotopic patterns of projections to caudal visual cortex. The large central nucleus of the pulvinar (Pc) projects to the first and second visual areas, V1 and V2, and an adjoining temporal dorsal area (TD) in retinotopic patterns indicating that the upper visual quadrant is represented dorsal to the lower quadrant in Pc. The smaller ventral nucleus (Pv) which stains darkly for the Cat-301 antigen, projects to these same cortical areas, with a retinotopic pattern. Pv also projects to a temporal anterior area, TA. The dorsal nucleus (Pd), which densely expresses AChE, projects to posterior and ventral areas of temporal extrastriate cortex, areas TP and TPI. A posterior nucleus, Pp, projects to anterior areas TAL and TI, of the temporal lobe, as well as TPI. Injections in different cortical areas as much as 6 mm apart labeled overlapping zones in Pp and double-labeled some cells. These results indicate that the visual pulvinar of tree shrews contains at least four functionally distinct subdivisions, or nuclei. In addition, the cortical injections revealed that the LGN projects topographically and densely to V1 and that a significant number of LGN neurons project to V2 and TD.  相似文献   

Theories of information processing and plasticity in mammalian cortex often rely on knowledge of intracortical networks studied in rodent cortex. Accordingly, the contribution of all cells involved in this circuitry is potentially significant, including connections from a subset of neurons that persist from the developmental subplate, called subgriseal neurons in the present study. Ascending corticocortical connections from subgriseal neurons were identified by using in vivo transport of fluorescent retrograde tracers from discrete applications confined to cortical layer I (approximately 1 mm2) or from injections placed into superficial cortical layers. Applications restricted to cortical layer I can be identified by a subsequent retrograde labeling pattern that includes neurons in layers II/III and V but not those in layer IV. In contrast, when retrograde tracer is deposited in layers II/III, layer IV cells are also labeled. By using this identification technique in juvenile and adult rats, widespread interareal projections to superficial layers, including unequivocal connections to cortical layer I, were found to originate from a tangential band of neurons directly below the conventionally identified gray matter (i.e., subgriseal) and from a smaller number of cells in the white matter (WM) proper. Subgriseal and WM neurons were labeled below application and injection sites in somatosensory, auditory, visual, motor, frontal, and adjacent areas at distances of more than 4 mm. However, the subgriseal-to-superficial pathway was not sensitive to nonfluorescent retrograde tracers including horseradish peroxidase. Because neurons in the deeper cortical layers can be strongly influenced through input to their apical dendritic extensions in cortical layer I, the widespread connections described in the present study indicate that the ascending subgriseal projections should be considered in models of mature cortical function.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a putative peptide neurotransmitter present in high concentration in the cerebral cortex. By using techniques of in vitro receptor autoradiography, CCK binding sites in primate cortex were labeled with 125I-Bolton-Hunter-labeled CCK-33 (the 33-amino-acid C-terminal peptide) and 3H-CCK-8 (the C-terminal octapeptide). Biochemical studies performed on homogenized and slide-mounted tissue sections showed that the two ligands labeled a high-affinity, apparently single, saturable site. Autoradiography revealed that binding sites labeled by both ligands were anatomically indistinguishable and were distributed in two basic patterns. A faint and diffuse label characterized portions of medial prefrontal cortex, premotor and motor cortices, the superior parietal lobule, and the temporal pole. In other cortical areas the pattern of binding was layer-specific; i.e., binding sites were concentrated within particular cortical layers and were superimposed upon the background of diffuse label. Layer-specific label was found in the prefrontal cortex, anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus, somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal lobule, retrosplenial cortex, insula, temporal lobe cortices, and in the primary visual and adjacent visual association cortices. The areal and laminar localization of layer-specific CCK binding sites consistently coincided with the cortical projections of thalamic nuclei. In prefrontal cortex, CCK binding sites were present in layers III and IV, precisely paralleling the terminal fields of thalamocortical projections from the mediodorsal and medial pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus. In somatosensory cortex, the pattern of CCK binding in layer IV coincided with thalamic inputs arising from the ventrobasal complex, while in the posterior cingulate gyrus, insular cortex, and retrosplenial cortex, layer IV and lower III binding mirrored the laminar distribution of cortical afferents of the medial pulvinar. CCK binding in layers IVa, IVc alpha, IVc beta, and VI of primary visual cortex corresponded to the terminal field disposition of lateral geniculate neurons, whereas in adjacent visual association cortex, binding in layers III, IV, and VI faithfully followed the cortical distribution of projections from the inferior and lateral divisions of the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus. We interpret the diffusely labeled binding sites in primate cortex as being associated with the intrinsic system of CCK-containing interneurons that are distributed throughout all layers and areas of the cortex. The stratified binding sites, however, appear to be associated with specific extrinsic peptidergic projections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The interhemispheric efferent and afferent connections of the V1/V2 border have been examined in the adult macaque monkey with the tracers horseradish peroxidase and horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin. The V1/V2 border was found to have reciprocal connections with the contralateral visual area V1, as well as with three other cortical sites situated in the posterior bank of the lunate sulcus, the anterior bank of the lunate sulcus, and the posterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus. Within V1, callosal projecting cells were found mainly in layer 4B with a few cells in layer 3. Anterograde labeled terminals were restricted to layers 2, 3, 4B, and 5. In extrastriate cortex, retrograde labeled cells were in layers 2 and 3 and only very rarely in infragranular layers. In the posterior bank of the lunate sulcus, labeled terminals were scattered throughout all cortical layers except layers 1 and 4. In the anterior bank of the lunate sulcus and in the superior temporal sulcus, anterograde labeled terminals were largely focused in layer 4. Callosal connections in all contralateral regions were organized in a columnar fashion. Columnar organization of callosal connections was more apparent for anterograde labeled terminals than for retrograde labeled neurons. In the posterior bank of the lunate sulcus, columns of callosal connections were superimposed on regions of high cytochrome activity. The tangential extent of callosal connections in V1 and V2 was found to be influenced by eccentricity in the visual field. Callosal connections were denser in the region of V1 subserving foveal visual field than in cortex representing the periphery. In V1 subserving the fovea, callosal connections extended up to 2 mm from the V1/V2 border and only up to 1 mm in more peripheral located cortex. In area V2 subserving the fovea, cortical connections extended up to 8 mm from the V1/V2 border and only up to 3 mm in peripheral cortex.  相似文献   

Projections of the middle temporal visual area, MT, and of visual cortex adjoining MT were investigated with autoradiographic methods in the prosimian primate, Galago senegalensis. Ipsilateral cortical targets of MT included area 17, area 18, cortex caudal to MT, cortex ventral to MT, and parietal-occipital cortex dorsal to MT. This pattern of projections suggests that extrastriate cortex contains a number of visual subdivisions in addition to MT. Contralateral projections were to MT and parietal-occipital cortex. Projections from MT to areas 17 and 18 connected regions representing similar parts of the visual hemifield while the location of callosal projections in MT matched the location of the injection site in the other hemisphere. Label in area 17 wac concentrated in layers I, III, and VI whereas other cortical areas were most densely labeled in the granular and supragranular layers. Subcortical projections of MT included the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, the lateral posterior nucleus, the superior pulvinar, the inferior pulvinar, the superior colliculus, and the pontine nuclei. The projection pattern to the superior and inferior pulvinar nuclei suggests that MT projects in a topographic manner to two subdivisions within each of these structures. Injections in cortex just outside of MT labeled area 18, inferotemporal cortex, parietal-occipital cortex, and, to a lesser extent, MT. The projections to inferotemporal cortex clearly distinguish the bordering cortex from MT. Contralateral cortical terminations were in locations corresponding to the injection site. Subcortical targets were generally similar to those seen after MT injections, although additional projections were observed depending on the location of the injection. Comparison of these results from the prosimian galago with studies in New and Old World monkeys indicates there are substantial similarities in projections. Thus, some of the cortical and thalamic subdivisions described for monkeys appear to exist in prosimians.  相似文献   

We have examined the origin of the subcortical projections to the superficial layers of the striate cortex in Tupaia glis and Galago senegalensis by using the retrograde transport of HRP. Crystals of HRP were laid directly on the moist pial surface of the cortex which had been gently pricked with a small glass pipette. The diffusion of HRP was limited to layers I and II by restricting the length of time that the HRP was in contact with the surface. Following the application of HRP to the striate cortex, labeled cells were found in restricted regions of the lateral geniculate body of both species. Layers 4 and 5 of galago and layer 3 of tree shrew contained dense clusters of labeled cells. Labeled neurons were also found in the zones between the layers of the lateral geniculate body in both species and these cells were always in register with the labeled cells within the layers. In galago, curved columns of labeled cells were observed in the inferior and superior subdivisions of the pulvinar nucleus. These columns were arranged in the shape of two arcs, joined at the fiber bundle which separates the two subdivisions. The position of the bands in the pulvinar nucleus varied with the locus of the application in the striate cortex. While no labeled cells were seen in the body of the pulvinar nucleus of tree shrew, small labeled neurons were found in the external medullary lamina forming the capsule of the pulvinar nucleus. These cells were continuous with a larger population of labeled cells in the lateral intermediate nucleus. In both species, labeled cells were also found in the intralaminar nuclei (particularly the paracentral nucleus) and in the dorsal-caudal portion of the claustrum. In the claustrum, few unlabeled neurons were present within the zone containing labeled cells. In conclusion, layer I os striate cortex appears to be the site of convergence of several projection systems originating from principal and intralaminar thalamic nuclei as well as the claustrum. The significance of this overlap is discussed in terms of the total cortical extent of each system.  相似文献   

The extrageniculate visual pathway, which carries visual information from the retina through the superficial layers of the superior colliculus and the pulvinar, is poorly understood. The pulvinar is thought to modulate information flow between cortical areas, and has been implicated in cognitive tasks like directing visually guided actions. In order to better understand the underlying circuitry, we performed retrograde injections of modified rabies virus in the visual cortex and pulvinar of the Long‐Evans rat. We found a relatively small population of cells projecting to primary visual cortex (V1), compared to a much larger population projecting to higher visual cortex. Reciprocal corticothalamic projections showed a similar result, implying that pulvinar does not play as big a role in directly modulating rodent V1 activity as previously thought.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic methods were used to examine the neurons in the monkey cerebral cortex labeled autoradiographically following the uptake and transport of [3H]-gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Nonpyramidal cell somata in the sensory-motor areas and primary visual area (area 17) were labeled close to the injection site and at distances of 1 to 1.5 mm beyond the injection site, indicating labeling by retrograde axoplasmic transport. This labeling occurred preferentially in the vertical dimension of the cortex. Prior injections of colchicine, an inhibitor of axoplasmic transport, abolished all labeling of somata except those within the injection site. In each area, injections of superficial layers (I to III) produced labeling of clusters of cell somata in layer V, and injections of the deep layers (V and VI) produced labeling of clusters of cell somata in layers II and III. In area 17, injections of the superficial layers produced dense retrograde cell labeling in three bands: in layers IVC, VA, and VI. Vertically oriented chains of silver grains linked the injection sites with the resulting labeled cell clusters. In all areas, the labeling of cells in the horizontal dimension, i.e., on each side of an injection, was insignificant. Electron microscopic examination of labeled neurons confirms that the neurons labeled at a distance from an injection site are nonpyramidal neurons, many with somata so small that they would be mistaken for neuroglial cells light microscopically. They receive few axosomatic synapses, most of which have symmetric membrane thickenings. The vertical chains of silver grains overlie neuronal processes identifiable as both dendrites and myelinated axons, but unmyelinated axons may also be included. The clusters of [3H]GABA-labeled cells are joined to one another and to adjacent unlabeled cells by many junctional complexes, including puncta adherentia and multi-lamellar cisternal complexes. We conclude that groups of GABA-transporting neurons are likely to use GABA as a transmitter and form an inhibitory, bidirectional system of connections that join together cells in superficial and deep layers of functional cortical columns; intrinsic, horizontal GABAergic connections are either far less significant in the organization of the cerebral cortex or are not labeled by this method.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Efferent and afferent connections of primary visual cortex, Area 17, were determined in a prosimian, Galago senegalensis, by autoradiographic methods after injections of 3H-proline or 3H-HRP. The cortical connections of Area 17 with Areas 18 and MT were homotopic and reciprocal. Projections from Area 17 terminated largely in layer IV and somewhat in layer III of both Areas 18 and MT. Most of the cells projecting to Area 17 were located in layer V of Area 18 and layer VI of MT. Subcortical projections included the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, where columns of label corresponding to injection sites were found in the caudal forth of the nucleus. Projections to the lateral geniculate nucleus were along lines of isorepresentation and were in register with the cells projecting back to the injection site. The parvocellular layers were less densely labeled than other layers by the transport of 3H-proline, while concentrations of label were noted on the dorsal and ventral margins of the nucleus and in interlaminar regions between the internal parvocellular and magnocellular layers and between the two magnocellular layers. The pattern of terminations in the pulvinar complex suggested functional subdivisions. We have divided the inferior pulvinar into a large central nucleus, IPc, with topologically organized input from Area 17; a smaller medial nucleus, IPm, with a second pattern of input from Area 17; and a dorso-posterior nucleus, IPp, without input from striate cortex. The superior pulvinar likewise appears to have several subdivisions. One of these, a “central” nucleus of the superior pulvinar, SPc, receives topologically organized projections from Area 17. SPc is about the same size as IPc and is organized as a mirror image of IPc. Thus, both IPc and SPc represent the lower visual quadrant medially and the upper visual quadrant laterally; central vision is represented along the common border for both nuclei, while peripheral vision is represented dorsorostrally in SPc and ventrocaudally in IPc. Finally, the superficial grey of the superior colliculus receives topologically organized input form Area 17.  相似文献   

Connections of primary (V1) and secondary (V2) visual areas were revealed in macaque monkeys ranging in age from 2 to 16 weeks by injecting small amounts of cholera toxin subunit B (CTB). Cortex was flattened and cut parallel to the surface to reveal injection sites, patterns of labeled cells, and patterns of cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining. Projections from the lateral geniculate nucleus and pulvinar to V1 were present at 4 weeks of age, as were pulvinar projections to thin and thick CO stripes in V2. Injections into V1 in 4- and 8-week-old monkeys labeled neurons in V2, V3, middle temporal area (MT), and dorsolateral area (DL)/V4. Within V1 and V2, labeled neurons were densely distributed around the injection sites, but formed patches at distances away from injection sites. Injections into V2 labeled neurons in V1, V3, DL/V4, and MT of monkeys 2-, 4-, and 8-weeks of age. Injections in thin stripes of V2 preferentially labeled neurons in other V2 thin stripes and neurons in the CO blob regions of V1. A likely thick stripe injection in V2 at 4 weeks of age labeled neurons around blobs. Most labeled neurons in V1 were in superficial cortical layers after V2 injections, and in deep layers of other areas. Although these features of adult V1 and V2 connectivity were in place as early as 2 postnatal weeks, labeled cells in V1 and V2 became more restricted to preferred CO compartments after 2 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Intra- and interhemispheric connections between the anterior ectosylvian visual area (AEV) and other visual cortical areas including the lateral suprasylvian (LSS) were examined in the cat using the retrograde double-label fluorescence technique. The areal and laminar distributions of labeled neurons were mapped following injections of different tracers: Evans Blue (EB), Fast Blue (FB) and Nuclear Yellow (NY) made separately into AEV and LSS of the same or opposite hemispheres. The results indicated: (1) reciprocal and bilateral AEV-LSS connections stemming from layers V and VI in addition to a predominant efferent LSS projection upon AEV from both layer III and the posterior lateral (PLLS) subdivision of LSS; (2) homotopic interhemispheric connections to AEV arising from layers III, V and VI and from layersIII and V of ipsilateral areas 20 and 21a; (3) differential laminar distributions of the cell populations projecting to the two cortical sites injected including neurons in layer III of LSS which project to contralateral LSS and AEV of either hemisphere via collateral axon branching (double-labeled). The anatomical findings support the functional similarities between AEV and LSS and the possible role of AEV in interhemispheric transfer of visual information is discussed.  相似文献   

The pulvinar nucleus is a major source of input to visual cortical areas, but many important facts are still unknown concerning the organization of pulvinocortical (PC) connections and their possible interactions with other connectional systems. In order to address some of these questions, we labeled PC connections by extracellular injections of biotinylated dextran amine into the lateral pulvinar of two monkeys, and analyzed 25 individual axons in several extrastriate areas by serial section reconstruction. This approach yielded four results: (1) in all extrastriate areas examined (V2, V3, V4, and middle temporal area [MT]/V5), PC axons consistently have 2-6 multiple, spatially distributed arbors; (2) in each area, there is a small number of larger caliber axons, possibly originating from a subpopulation of calbindin-positive giant projection neurons in the pulvinar; (3) as previously reported by others, most terminations in extrastriate areas are concentrated in layer 3, but they can occur in other layers (layers 4,5,6, and, occasionally, layer 1) as collaterals of a single axon; in addition, (4) the size of individual arbors and of the terminal field as a whole varies with cortical area. In areas V2 and V3, there is typically a single principal arbor (0.25-0.50 mm in diameter) and several smaller arbors. In area V4, the principal arbor is larger (2.0- to 2.5-mm-wide), but in area MT/V5, the arbors tend to be smaller (0.15 mm in diameter). Size differences might result from specializations of the target areas, or may be more related to the particular injection site and how this projects to individual cortical areas. Feedforward cortical axons, except in area V2, have multiple arbors, but these do not show any obvious size progression. Thus, in areas V2, V3, and especially V4, PC fields are larger than those of cortical axons, but in MT/V5 they are smaller. Terminal specializations of PC connections tend to be larger than those of corticocortical, but the projection foci are less dense. Further work is necessary to determine the differential interactions within and between systems, and how these might result in the complex patterns of suppression and enhancement, postulated as gating mechanisms in cortical attentional effects, or in different states of arousal.  相似文献   

The connection zones of cortical areas V3, V4, and V5 (MT) with the thalamic pulvinar nucleus in the macaque monkey were identified. A combination of single- and dual-tracer techniques was used to study their topography and to establish whether these zones occupy separate or overlapping pulvinar territories. In each case, the retinotopic distribution of tracer in the pulvinar was charted by reference to its parallel distribution within the maps of cortical areas V1 and V2. Each of the areas V3, V4, and V5 were found to connect with both the 1 degrees and the 2 degrees maps located within the inferior and lateral pulvinar nuclei and to respect the previously identified topographies of these maps. However, V5 connects to a narrow zone lining the rostrolateral margin of the lateral and inferior pulvinar and V4 to a broader zone within the body of these two nuclei, which is adjacent to but separate from the V5 zone; the V3 zone overlaps both. Focal injections into cortex produce columns of pulvinar label whose trajectory defines a line of isorepresentation. The lines of isorepresentation in the 1 degrees and 2 degrees maps are approximately linear and parallel and adopt a rostrolateral to caudomedial axis; in the 1 degrees map, this axis is roughly perpendicular to the facet of the inferior pulvinar that lies adjacent to the lateral geniculate nucleus. The connections of V5 and V4 can be modelled as successive zones along the axis of isorepresentation, with registered visual topographies. The scheme is extended by existing reports that inferotemporal cortex connects to the caudomedial pole of this axis-reflecting an occipitotemporal cortical gradient, in that V1 and other prestriate areas, e.g., V3, connect to the opposite pole. Thus a simple model of the mapped volume in the pulvinar arises, in which a unidimensional cortical topography is represented orthogonally to retinal topography. Adjoining this volume medially, within the inferior and medial pulvinar, is a second, heavier zone of V5 connectivity, which is poorly topographic. Both the medial and the rostrolateral zones of V5 connectivity may overlap with previously identified regions of tectal input to the pulvinar.  相似文献   

Local GABAergic connections are undoubtedly important for the operation of cerebral cortex, including the tuning of receptive field properties of visual cortical neurons. In order to begin to correlate specific configurations of GABAergic networks with particular receptive field properties, we examined the arrangement of GABAergic neurons projecting to foci in compartments of known functional specialization in striate (area V1) and extrastriate (areas V2, V4) cortices of rhesus monkeys. GABAergic cells were detected autoradiographically following microinjections into supragranular, granular, or infragranular layers of 5, 10, or 50 nl of 3H-nipecotic acid, which selectively exploits the GABA reuptake mechanism. These injections produced complex inter- and intralaminar distributions of retrograde perikaryal labeling that was selective for GABA-immunopositive neurons and glia. The pattern of retrograde labeling depended on both the laminar and cytoarchitectonic location of injection sites. In all cases, a high density of labeled neurons was present in the immediate vicinity of injection sites, with the density of labeled neurons decreasing for the most part uniformly with horizontal distance. Injections in supragranular layers produced relatively widespread labeling (up to 1.5-1.7 mm from the center of injections) in upper layers, whereas in granular and infragranular layers, labeling was confined to a radius of 0.25-0.5 mm. Conversely, injections in infragranular layers produced labeling that was widest (up to 1 mm) in lower layers, but more laterally restricted in supragranular layers. Injections in granular layers, on the other hand, produced an even distribution of labeling, 0.6-1.0 mm in diameter, throughout all layers. Comparably placed injections in V1, V2, and V4 resulted in patterns of labeling that were distinguished by features including stepwise increases in the lateral extent of labeling from striate to extrastriate areas, and the circular versus markedly elongated intralaminar distribution of labeled neurons in V1 and V4 versus V2. Further, for superficial injections, labeling was present in all layers in V1 and V2, but did not extent below the top layer V in area V4. These findings offer clear examples of organizational differences in the intrinsic inhibitory connections of visual cortices. The results also demonstrate that the number of GABAergic neurons projecting to any spot in cortex decreases systematically with horizontal distance from the spot, and that radiolabeled cells do not coalesce to form slabs, columns, or clusters. This relatively even distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in the tangential plane is consistent with recent computer simulations (Worgotter and Koch, 1991) that suggest that inhibitory neurons broadly tuned as a population can produce the specific response properties of cortical neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The posterior neocortex in the gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis, includes an extensive region which receives projections from the pulvinar. Previous studies have demonstrated that this cortical region can be subdivided on the basis of differences in cytoarchitecture and electrophysiologically defined representations of the visual field. The main purpose of the present paper was to determine whether these cortical subdivisions could be related to corresponding subdivisions in the pulvinar. The methods used to trace connections included anterograde degeneration, anterograde axonal transport of tritiated amino acids and the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. The results indicate that the pulvinar in this species contains at least three main subdivisions which can be distinguished by their cytoarchitecture and their patterns of connections. A caudal subdivision contains large, evenly-spaced neurons and receives bilateral input from the superficial, retinal-recipient layers of the superior colliculus. This caudal subdivision has reciprocal interconnections with a cytorchitectonically ditinct area in the temporal cortex. A rostro-lateral subdivision contains smaller, more lightly stained neurons which tend to form cluster. This subdivision receives only ipsilateral tectal input and projects to occipital area 18. This subdivision does not receive input form areas 17, 18, and 19, or form the temporal cortex. Finally, a rostro-medial subdivision is cytoarchitectonically similar to the rostro-lateral subdivision but receives little, if any, input form the superior colliculus. This rostro-medial area does, however, receive corticofugal projections form occipital areas 17, 18, and 19, and projects to area 19. These patterns of connections suggest that each of these subdivisions has close associations with the visual system. The question of whether similar subdivisions are present in the visual thalamus of other species is discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of the prosomatostatin-derived peptides (PSDP), somatostatin-28 and somatostatin-28(1-12), in the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) neocortex was characterized in quantitative immunohistochemical studies of 3 visual areas (V1, primary visual cortex; V2, the adjacent visual association area; and AIT, a visual association area in anterior inferior temporal cortex), 2 auditory areas (AI, primary auditory cortex; and T1, an adjacent auditory association area) and anterior cingulate cortex (Area 24). The results of similar quantitative analyses in 3 homologous areas in rat neocortex (primary visual, primary auditory, and anterior cingulate) are also presented. Primate cortical areas differed significantly in both density and laminar distribution of PSDP-immunoreactive profiles. Area 24, the most densely labeled area, had nearly 6 times as many PSDP-immunoreactive neurons as V1. Both auditory areas contained approximately two-thirds the number of PSDP-immunoreactive neurons found in Area 24; however, both had nearly 4 times as many immunoreactive neurons as V1. The 3 visual areas showed incremental increases in the number of PSDP-immunoreactive neurons; V2 contained nearly twice and AIT nearly 3 times the number of immunoreactive neurons present in V1. Both the supra- and infragranular layers were densely labeled in Area 24 and Area T1, however, in AI, V1, V2, and AIT the infragranular layers were relatively sparsely labeled. In contrast to the regional heterogeneity found in the primate neocortex, the distribution of immunoreactive neurons was quite uniform across the 3 rat cortical areas. The rat cortical areas contained substantially fewer immunoreactive neurons than most of the monkey cortical areas, and a majority of these immunoreactive neurons were located in the infragranular layers. These findings suggest that the regional specialization of primate neocortex involves the selective distribution of PSDP-immunoreactive neurons. They also suggest that chemically specified intrinsic organization of neocortex is not likely to be uniform across species or across cortical areas in the primate. The distinctive regional distribution patterns of PSDP-immunoreactive profiles appear to parallel that of the long corticocortical projections (contralateral and distant ipsilateral projections), suggesting an association between these presumed inhibitory interneurons and this important extrinsic system.  相似文献   

Reciprocal connections between the medial pulvinar and the limbic neocortex in monkeys were demonstrated by means of tritiated amino acid injections in the medial pulvinar and the cingulate cortex, and HRP injections in the medial pulvinar. It appears that the medial nucleus of the pulvinar sends projection fibres to the posterior cingulate gyrus (area 23), the retrosplenial area, and the posterior parahippocampal gyrus (areas TH and TF). The labeled terminals were concentrated in two bands, one in the deeper part of layer III and in layer IV, and the other in layer I. These projections were observed to be reciprocal, and the cortical afferent fibers to the medial pulvinar were found to originate from the deep layers of the cortex. The medial nucleus of the pulvinar was already known to be connected with the prefrontal cortex and with the inferior parietal lobule. Since this nucleus is now demonstrated to be connected with the posterior limbic neocortex, it is envisaged as being the thalamic counterpart of a cortical triad (prefrontal, parietal, and limbic) involved in modulating directed attention.  相似文献   

The distribution of glutaminase (GLNase)- and aspartate aminotransferase (AATase)-immunoreactive cells was examined in the cerebral neocortex of rat and guinea pig and in the somatic sensorimotor and primary visual cortex of the Macaca fascicularis monkey. These enzymes are involved in the metabolism of glutamate and aspartate, two amino acids thought to be excitatory amino acid transmitters for cortical neurons. In each of the species examined a large percentage of layer V and VI pyramidal neurons have pronounced glutaminase-like immunoreactivity (GLNase IR). In contrast, neurons in layers I, II, and IV show little GLNase IR. Layer III in the rat and guinea pig contains only a few, densely labeled GLNase-like-immunoreactive (GLNase-Ir) pyramidal neurons, whereas in the monkey the number of GLNase-Ir cells in layer III varies between cytoarchitectonic fields. Area 3b of the primary somatic sensory cortex and area 17 (primary visual cortex) contain few GLNase-Ir cells in layer III. However, layer III contains moderate numbers of GLNase IR in cells in areas 3a, 1, 2, 5, and in the primary motor cortex. Within the motor cortex the largest pyramidal ("Betz") cells are not labeled. In marked contrast to the results with antibody to GLNase, antibody to AATase labels cells that appear nonpyramidal in form, and these cells are in all cortical layers in each of the species examined. This distribution is roughly similar throughout all areas of rodent neocortex, but in monkey visual cortex AATase-immunoreactive neurons are more numerous in layers II-III, IVc, and VI. When combined with the findings of other studies, our results suggest that GLNase IR marks pyramidal neurons that use an excitatory amino acid transmitter. Antibody to AATase appears to mark intrinsic cortical neurons. The AATase immunoreactivity of these cells could indicate that they use an excitatory amino acid transmitter. However, their form and distribution in cortex suggest that this antibody labels GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

The projections of cells in different layers of the cat's visual cortex.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The projection of cells in different layers of several cortical visual areas in the cat were studied using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Injections of the enzyme were made through a recording micropipette, making it possible to localize the injection site by physiological criteria. We found that layer VI cells projected to the alteral geniculate nucleus, while a distinct population of cells in layer V projected to the superior colliculus. Cells in layers II and III were tha major sources of ipsilateral cortico-cortical connections. This pattern of projection was consistent from one visual area to another. Pyramidal cells appeared to be the source of cortico-geniculate, cortico-collicular and cortico-cortical projections. The proportion of cells within a layer that terminated in a given site varied from layer to layer: apparently all of the large pyramids in layer V had terminals in the superior colliculus, about half of the pyramids in layer VI had terminals in the lateral geniculate nucleus, while only a small proportion of the pyramids in layers II and III had terminals in any single cortical area. The results indicated a remarkable specificity in the projections of the cortical layers. The cortical connections of the different cell types in layers A and A1 of the lateral geniculate nucleus were also examined: the cells that projected to area 17 were much more numerous and were on the average smaller than those that projected to area 18. Projections to the cortex were also found from the pulvinar, the medial interlaminar nucleus and the posterior nucleus. Direct connections were observed to the lateral geniculate nucleus from several midbrain reticular nuclei. Finally, projections were found to the superior colliculus from the zona incerta, the reticular nucleus of the thalamus and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus.  相似文献   

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