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The brainstem (midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata) and cerebellum (diencephalic prosomere 1 through to rhombomere 11) play central roles in the processing of sensorimotor information, autonomic activity, levels of awareness and the control of functions external to the conscious cognitive world of mammals. As such, comparative analyses of these structures, especially the understanding of specializations or reductions of structures with functions that have been elucidated in commonly studied mammalian species, can provide crucial information for our understanding of the behavior of less commonly studied species, like pangolins. In the broadest sense, the nuclear complexes and subdivisions of nuclear complexes, the topographical arrangement, the neuronal chemistry, and fiber pathways of the tree pangolin conform to that typically observed across more commonly studied mammalian species. Despite this, variations in regions associated with the locus coeruleus complex, auditory system, and motor, neuromodulatory and autonomic systems involved in feeding, were observed in the current study. While we have previously detailed the unusual locus coeruleus complex of the tree pangolin, the superior olivary nuclear complex of the auditory system, while not exhibiting additional nuclei or having an altered organization, this nuclear complex, particularly the lateral superior olivary nucleus and nucleus of the trapezoid body, shows architectonic refinement. The cephalic decussation of the pyramidal tract, an enlarged hypoglossal nucleus, an additional subdivision of the serotonergic raphe obscurus nucleus, and the expansion of the superior salivatory nucleus, all indicate neuronal specializations related to the myrmecophagous diet of the pangolins.  相似文献   

This study provides an analysis of the cytoarchitecture, myeloarchitecture, and chemoarchitecture of the diencephalon (dorsal thalamus, ventral thalamus, and epithalamus) of the banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) and domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo). Using architectural and immunohistochemical stains, we observe that the nuclear organization of the diencephalon is very similar in the two species, and similar to that reported in other carnivores, such as the domestic cat and dog. The same complement of putatively homologous nuclei were identified in both species, with only one variance, that being the presence of the perireticular nucleus in the domestic ferret, that was not observed in the banded mongoose. The chemoarchitecture was also mostly consistent between species, although there were a number of minor variations across a range of nuclei in the density of structures expressing the calcium‐binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin, and calretinin. Thus, despite almost 53 million years since these two species of carnivores shared a common ancestor, strong phylogenetic constraints appear to limit the potential for adaptive evolutionary plasticity within the carnivore order. Apart from the presence of the perireticular nucleus, the most notable difference between the species studied was the physical inversion of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, as well as the lateral posterior and pulvinar nuclei in the domestic ferret compared to the banded mongoose and other carnivores, although this inversion appears to be a feature of the Mustelidae family. While no functional sequelae are suggested, this inversion is likely to result from the altricial birth of Mustelidae species.  相似文献   

The large external pinnae and extensive vocal repertoire of the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) has led to the assumption that the auditory system of this unique canid may be specialized. Here, using cytoarchitecture, myeloarchitecture, and a range of immunohistochemical stains, we describe the systems-level anatomy of the auditory system of the African wild dog. We observed the cochlear nuclear complex, superior olivary nuclear complex, lateral lemniscus, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex all being in their expected locations, and exhibiting the standard subdivisions of this system. While located in the ectosylvian gyri, the auditory cortex includes several areas, resembling the parcellation observed in cats and ferrets, although not all of the auditory areas known from these species could be identified in the African wild dog. These observations suggest that, broadly speaking, the systems-level anatomy of the auditory system, and by extension the processing of auditory information, within the brain of the African wild dog closely resembles that observed in other carnivores. Our findings indicate that it is likely that the extraction of the semantic content of the vocalizations of African wild dogs, and the behaviors generated, occurs beyond the classically defined auditory system, in limbic or association neocortical regions involved in cognitive functions. Thus, to obtain a deeper understanding of how auditory stimuli are processed, and how communication is achieved, in the African wild dog compared to other canids, cortical regions beyond the primary sensory areas will need to be examined in detail.  相似文献   

The current study provides an analysis of the cytoarchitecture, myeloarchitecture, and chemoarchitecture of the amygdaloid body of the banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) and domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo). Using architectural and immunohistochemical stains, we observe that the organization of the nuclear and cortical portions of the amygdaloid complex is very similar in both species. The one major difference is the presence of a cortex‐amygdala transition zone observed in the domestic ferret that is absent in the banded mongoose. In addition, the chemoarchitecture is, for the most part, quite similar in the two species, but several variances, such as differing densities of neurons expressing the calcium‐binding proteins in specific nuclei are noted. Despite this, certain aspects of the chemoarchitecture, such as the cholinergic innervation of the magnocellular division of the basal nuclear cluster and the presence of doublecortin expressing neurons in the shell division of the accessory basal nuclear cluster, appear to be consistent features of the Eutherian mammal amygdala. The domestic ferret presented with an overall lower myelin density throughout the amygdaloid body than the banded mongoose, a feature that may reflect artificial selection in the process of domestication for increased juvenile‐like behavior in the adult domestic ferret, such as a muted fear response. The shared, but temporally distant, ancestry of the banded mongoose and domestic ferret allows us to generate observations relevant to understanding the relative influence that phylogenetic constraints, adaptive evolutionary plasticity, and the domestication process may play in the organization and chemoarchitecture of the amygdaloid body.  相似文献   

The current study analyzed the nuclear organization of the neural systems related to the control and regulation of sleep and wake in the basal forebrain, diencephalon, midbrain, and pons of the minke whale, a mysticete cetacean. While odontocete cetaceans sleep in an unusual manner, with unihemispheric slow wave sleep (USWS) and suppressed REM sleep, it is unclear whether the mysticete whales show a similar sleep pattern. Previously, we detailed a range of features in the odontocete brain that appear to be related to odontocete‐type sleep, and here present our analysis of these features in the minke whale brain. All neural elements involved in sleep regulation and control found in bihemispheric sleeping mammals and the harbor porpoise were present in the minke whale, with no specific nuclei being absent, and no novel nuclei being present. This qualitative similarity relates to the cholinergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic and orexinergic systems, and the GABAergic elements of these nuclei. Quantitative analysis revealed that the numbers of pontine cholinergic (274,242) and noradrenergic (203,686) neurons, and hypothalamic orexinergic neurons (277,604), are markedly higher than other large‐brained bihemispheric sleeping mammals. Small telencephalic commissures (anterior, corpus callosum, and hippocampal), an enlarged posterior commissure, supernumerary pontine cholinergic and noradrenergic cells, and an enlarged peripheral division of the dorsal raphe nuclear complex of the minke whale, all indicate that the suite of neural characteristics thought to be involved in the control of USWS and the suppression of REM in the odontocete cetaceans are present in the minke whale. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:2018–2035, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study provides the first systematic analysis of the nuclear organization of the neural systems related to sleep and wake in the basal forebrain, diencephalon, midbrain, and pons of the river hippopotamus, one of the closest extant terrestrial relatives of the cetaceans. All nuclei involved in sleep regulation and control found in other mammals, including cetaceans, were present in the river hippopotamus, with no specific nuclei being absent, but novel features of the cholinergic system, including novel nuclei, were present. This qualitative similarity relates to the cholinergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, and orexinergic systems and is extended to the γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic elements of these nuclei. Quantitative analysis reveals that the numbers of pontine cholinergic (259,578) and noradrenergic (127,752) neurons, and hypothalamic orexinergic neurons (68,398) are markedly higher than in other large‐brained mammals. These features, along with novel cholinergic nuclei in the intralaminar nuclei of the dorsal thalamus and the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain, as well as a major expansion of the hypothalamic cholinergic nuclei and a large laterodorsal tegmental nucleus of the pons that has both parvocellular and magnocellular cholinergic neurons, indicates an unusual sleep phenomenology for the hippopotamus. Our observations indicate that the hippopotamus is likely to be a bihemispheric sleeper that expresses REM sleep. The novel features of the cholinergic system suggest the presence of an undescribed sleep state in the hippopotamus, as well as the possibility that this animal could, more rapidly than other mammals, switch cortical electroencephalographic activity from one state to another. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:2036–2058, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study provides the first systematic immunohistochemical neuroanatomical investigation of the systems involved in the control and regulation of sleep in an odontocete cetacean, the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). The odontocete cetaceans show an unusual form of mammalian sleep, with unihemispheric slow waves, suppressed REM sleep, and continuous bodily movement. All the neural elements involved in sleep regulation and control found in bihemispheric sleeping mammals were present in the harbor porpoise, with no specific nuclei being absent, and no novel nuclei being present. This qualitative similarity of nuclear organization relates to the cholinergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, and orexinergic systems and is extended to the γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic elements involved with these nuclei. Quantitative analysis of the cholinergic and noradrenergic nuclei of the pontine region revealed that in comparison with other mammals, the numbers of pontine cholinergic (126,776) and noradrenergic (122,878) neurons are markedly higher than in other large‐brained bihemispheric sleeping mammals. The diminutive telencephalic commissures (anterior commissure, corpus callosum, and hippocampal commissure) along with an enlarged posterior commissure and supernumerary pontine cholinergic and noradrenergic neurons indicate that the control of unihemispheric slow‐wave sleep is likely to be a function of interpontine competition, facilitated through the posterior commissure, in response to unilateral telencephalic input related to the drive for sleep. In addition, an expanded peripheral division of the dorsal raphe nuclear complex appears likely to play a role in the suppression of REM sleep in odontocete cetaceans. Thus, the current study provides several clues to the understanding of the neural control of the unusual sleep phenomenology present in odontocete cetaceans. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:1999–2017, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the number, distribution, and immunoreactivity of the infracortical white matter neuronal population, also termed white matter interstitial cells (WMICs), in the brain of a lesser ape, the lar gibbon. Staining for neuronal nuclear marker (NeuN) revealed WMICs throughout the infracortical white matter, these cells being most numerous and dense close to cortical layer VI, decreasing significantly in density with depth in the white matter. Stereological analysis of NeuN-immunopositive cells revealed a global estimate of ~67.5 million WMICs within the infracortical white matter of the gibbon brain, indicating that the WMICs are a numerically significant population, ~2.5% of the total cortical gray matter neurons that would be estimated for a primate brain the mass of that of the lar gibbon. Immunostaining revealed subpopulations of WMICs containing neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS, ~7 million in number, with both small and large soma volumes), calretinin (~8.6 million in number, all of similar soma volume), very few WMICs containing parvalbumin, and no calbindin-immunopositive neurons. These nNOS, calretinin, and parvalbumin immunopositive WMICs, presumably all inhibitory neurons, represent ~23.1% of the total WMIC population. As the white matter is affected in many cognitive conditions, such as schizophrenia, autism and also in neurodegenerative diseases, understanding these neurons across species is important for the translation of findings of neural dysfunction in animal models to humans. Furthermore, studies of WMICs in species such as apes provide a crucial phylogenetic context for understanding the evolution of these cell types in the human brain.  相似文献   

Here, we describe the superficial appearance of the brain of the rarely studied tree pangolin. Phylogenetic analyses have placed the pangolins, order Pholidota, as a sister group to the order Carnivora. The majority of features visible on the surface of the tree pangolin brain, and its overall appearance can be described as typically mammalian. The pattern of sulci and gyri, while simple, appears very similar to that observed in carnivores. Two derived features of the Pholidota were observed, the first being the rostral decussation of the pyramidal tract, which instead of occurring at the spinomedullary junction, decussates at the level of the caudal pole of the facial nerve nucleus in the rostral medulla oblongata. This appears to be related to the need for voluntary control of the tongue, with a potentially enlarged corticobulbar tract ending in the hypoglossal nucleus. The second derived feature is the very short spinal cord, which terminates midway along the thoracic vertebrae before giving rise to a long and extensive cauda equina. This foreshortened spinal cord appears to be related to anisotropic growth of the somatic and neural elements following early development of the central nervous system. The olfactory system appears to be generally enlarged and is likely the predominant sense used in foraging. Vision and hearing do not appear specialized based on the relative size of the superior and inferior colliculi, but potential somatic specializations indicate that the somatosensory system is heavily relied upon for food consumption and prehensile tail usage.  相似文献   

A large population of infracortical white matter neurons, or white matter interstitial cells (WMICs), are found within the subcortical white matter of the mammalian telencephalon. We examined WMICs in three species of megachiropterans, Megaloglossus woermanni, Casinycteris argynnis, and Rousettus aegyptiacus, using immunohistochemical and stereological techniques. Immunostaining for neuronal nuclear marker (NeuN) revealed substantial numbers of WMICs in each species—M. woermanni 124,496 WMICs, C. argynnis 138,458 WMICs, and the larger brained R. aegyptiacus having an estimated WMIC population of 360,503. To examine the range of inhibitory neurochemical types we used antibodies against parvalbumin, calbindin, calretinin, and neural nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). The calbindin and nNOS immunostained neurons were the most commonly observed, while those immunoreactive for calretinin and parvalbumin were sparse. The proportion of WMICs exhibiting inhibitory neurochemical profiles was ~26%, similar to that observed in previously studied primates. While for the most part the WMIC population in the megachiropterans studied was similar to that observed in other mammals, the one feature that differed was the high proportion of WMICs immunoreactive to calbindin, whereas in primates (macaque monkey, lar gibbon and human) the highest proportion of inhibitory WMICs contain calretinin. Interestingly, there appears to be an allometric scaling of WMIC numbers with brain mass. Further quantitative comparative work across more mammalian species will reveal the developmental and evolutionary trends associated with this infrequently studied neuronal population.  相似文献   

Lungfishes are the closest living relatives of land vertebrates, and their neuroanatomical organization is particularly relevant for deducing the neural traits that have been conserved, modified, or lost with the transition from fishes to land vertebrates. The immunohistochemical localization of calbindin (CB) and calretinin (CR) provides a powerful method for discerning segregated neuronal populations, fiber tracts, and neuropils and is here applied to the brains of Neoceratodus and Protopterus, representing the two extant orders of lungfishes. The results showed abundant cells containing these proteins in pallial and subpallial telencephalic regions, with particular distinct distribution in the basal ganglia, amygdaloid complex, and septum. Similarly, the distribution of CB and CR containing cells supports the division of the hypothalamus of lungfishes into neuromeric regions, as in tetrapods. The dense concentrations of CB and CR positive cells and fibers highlight the extent of the thalamus. As in other vertebrates, the optic tectum is characterized by numerous CB positive cells and fibers and smaller numbers of CR cells. The so‐called cerebellar nucleus contains abundant CB and CR cells with long ascending axons, which raises the possibility that it could be homologized to the secondary gustatory nucleus of other vertebrates. The corpus of the cerebellum is devoid of CB and CR and cells positive for both proteins are found in the cerebellar auricles and the octavolateralis nuclei. Comparison with other vertebrates reveals that lungfishes share most of their features of calcium binding protein distribution with amphibians, particularly with salamanders.  相似文献   

The cold‐ and menthol‐activated ion channel transient receptor potential channel subfamily M member 8 (TRPM8) is the principal detector of environmental cold in mammalian sensory nerve endings. Although it is mainly expressed in a subpopulation of peripheral sensory neurons, it has also been identified in non‐neuronal tissues. Here, we show, by in situ hybridization (ISH) and by the analysis of transgenic reporter expression in two different reporter mouse strains, that TRPM8 is also expressed in the central nervous system. Although it is present at much lower levels than in peripheral sensory neurons, we found cells expressing TRPM8 in restricted areas of the brain, especially in the hypothalamus, septum, thalamic reticular nucleus, certain cortices and other limbic structures, as well as in some specific nuclei in the brainstem. Interestingly, positive fibers were also found traveling through the major limbic tracts, suggesting a role of TRPM8‐expressing central neurons in multiple aspects of thermal regulation, including autonomic and behavioral thermoregulation. Additional ISH experiments in rat brain demonstrated a conserved pattern of expression of this ion channel between rodent species. We confirmed the functional activity of this channel in the mouse brain using electrophysiological patch‐clamp recordings of septal neurons. These results open a new window in TRPM8 physiology, guiding further efforts to understand potential roles of this molecular sensor within the brain.  相似文献   

The adult brain contains niches of neural stem cells that continuously add new neurons to selected circuits throughout life. Two niches have been extensively studied in various mammalian species including humans, the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Recently, studies conducted mainly in rodents have identified a third neurogenic niche in the adult hypothalamus. In order to evaluate whether a neural stem cell niche also exists in the adult hypothalamus in humans, we performed multiple immunofluorescence labeling to assess the expression of a panel of neural stem/progenitor cell (NPC) markers (Sox2, nestin, vimentin, GLAST, GFAP) in the human hypothalamus and compared them with the mouse, rat and a non‐human primate species, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Our results show that the adult human hypothalamus contains four distinct populations of cells that express the five NPC markers: (a) a ribbon of small stellate cells that lines the third ventricular wall behind a hypocellular gap, similar to that found along the lateral ventricles, (b) ependymal cells, (c) tanycytes, which line the floor of the third ventricle in the tuberal region, and (d) a population of small stellate cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In the mouse, rat and mouse lemur hypothalamus, co‐expression of NPC markers is primarily restricted to tanycytes, and these species lack a ventricular ribbon. Our work thus identifies four cell populations with the antigenic profile of NPCs in the adult human hypothalamus, of which three appear specific to humans.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence supports the premise that the visual system of primates develops hierarchically, with primary visual cortex developing structurally and functionally first, thereby influencing the subsequent development of higher cortical areas. An apparent exception is the higher order middle temporal visual area (MT), which appears to be histologically distinct near the time of birth in marmosets. Here we used a number of histological and immunohistological markers to evaluate the maturation of cortical and subcortical components of the visual system in galagos ranging from newborns to adults. Galagos are representative of the large strepsirrhine branch of primate evolution, and studies of these primates help identify brain features that are broadly similar across primate taxa. The histological results support the view that MT is functional at or near the time of birth, as is primary visual cortex. Likewise, the superior colliculus, dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, and the posterior nucleus of the pulvinar are well-developed by birth. Thus, these subcortical structures likely provide visual information directly or indirectly to cortex in newborn galagos. We conclude that MT resembles a primary sensory area by developing early, and that the early development of MT may influence the subsequent development of dorsal stream visual areas.  相似文献   

The thalamus is one of the most important divisions of the forebrain because it serves as the major hub for transmission of information between the brainstem and telencephalon. While many studies have investigated the thalamus in mammals, comparable analyses in reptiles are incomplete. To fill this gap in knowledge, the thalamus was investigated in crocodiles using a variety of morphological techniques. The thalamus consists of two parts: a dorsal and a ventral division. The dorsal thalamus was defined by its projections to the telencephalon, whereas the ventral thalamus lacked this circuit. The complement of nuclei in each part of the thalamus was identified and characterized. Alar and basal components of both the dorsal and ventral thalamus were distinguished. Although some alar-derived nuclei in the dorsal thalamus shared certain features, no grouping could account for all of the known nuclei. However, immunohistochemical observations suggested a subdivision of alar-derived ventral thalamic nuclei. In view of this, a different approach to the organization of the dorsal thalamus should be considered. Development of the dorsal thalamus is suggested to be one way to provide a fresh perspective on its organization.  相似文献   

Urocortin 3 (UCN3) is a neuropeptide believed to regulate stress‐coping responses by binding to type 2 corticotropin‐releasing hormone receptors. Here, we report the cloning and brain distribution of UCN3 mRNA in a sauropsid—the chicken, Gallus gallus. Mature chicken UCN3 is predicted to be a 40‐amino acid peptide showing high sequence similarity to human (93%), mouse (93%), and Xenopus (88%) UCN3. During the last third of embryonic development, UCN3 mRNA levels changed differentially in the various brain parts. In all brain parts, UCN3 mRNA levels tended to increase toward hatching, except for caudal brainstem, where a gradual decrease was observed during the last week of embryonic development. In cerebellum, a rapid increase in gene expression occurred between embryonic days 17 and 19. Using in situ hybridization, UCN3 mRNA was found to be expressed predominantly in the hypothalamus, pons, and medulla of posthatch chick brains, but not in some areas that are among the main expression sites in rodents, such as the brain areas where in mammals the median preoptic nucleus and the medial amygdala are located. This suggests that the roles of UCN3 in chicken, and perhaps sauropsids in general, are not all identical to those in rodents.  相似文献   

Birds of the family Corvidae which includes diverse species such as crows, rooks, ravens, magpies, jays, and jackdaws are known for their amazing abilities at problem-solving. Since the catecholaminergic system, especially the neurotransmitter dopamine, plays a role in cognition, we decided to study the distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of catecholamines in the brain of house crows (Corvus splendens). We also studied the expression of DARPP-32 (dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein), which is expressed in dopaminoceptive neurons. Our results demonstrated that as in other avian species, the expression of both TH and DARPP-32 was highest in the house crow striatum. The caudolateral nidopallium (NCL, the avian analogue of the mammalian prefrontal cortex) could be differentiated from the surrounding pallial regions based on a larger number of TH-positive “baskets” of fibers around neurons in this region and greater intensity of DARPP-32 staining in the neuropil in this region. House crows also possessed distinct nuclei in their brains which corresponded to song control regions in other songbirds. Whereas immunoreactivity for TH was higher in the vocal control region Area X compared to the surrounding MSt (medial striatum) in house crows, staining in RA and HVC was not as prominent. Furthermore, the arcopallial song control regions RA (nucleus robustus arcopallialis) and AId (intermediate arcopallium) were strikingly negative for DARPP-32 staining, in contrast to the surrounding arcopallium. Patterns of immunoreactivity for TH and DARPP-32 in “limbic” areas such as the hippocampus, septum, and extended amygdala have also been described.  相似文献   

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