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Testicular tumors occur in 0.5 to 2 per 100,000 children. They are 1-2% of all solid tumors before puberty. The clinical history, testicular and abdominal ultrasonography, alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin, estrogens and androgen levels, FSH and LH determine the diagnosis. The pathology determines the specific cell. We report seven cases, three germ cell tumors: a Yolk sac tumor in a child of 18 months and two mature teratomas in children between 2 and 11 years presenting as a painless testicular mass without other symptoms. Three tumors estrumales: one derived from Leydig cells and two of the granulosa cells, a palpable testicular mass was added precocious puberty in stage II-III of Tanner in the first, second gynecomastia in Tanner stage III and the third only with testicular mass. The seventh case, Lipoma para-testicular mass palpable. The treatment was radical orchiectomy in five cases. Testis-sparing surgery in Leydig cell tumor and resection of the paratesticular mass was performed through scrotal. The Yolk sac tumor requiring chemotherapy with good outcome. Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is not recommended in prepubertal. Historically prepubertal testicular tumors have been treated in adults. Recent testicular preservation algorithms optimize and minimize the morbidity of adjuvant therapies. Many are benign and can be treated with preservation of the testis. Localized malignant tumors can be treated by orchiectomy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT) of the testis is a rarely diagnosed subset of testicular stromal tumors. Although this variant of testicular stromal tumor is predominantly a benign entity in prepubertal patients, limited experience precludes a complete understanding of its clinical presentation and pathological diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed all cases of testicular tumors at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia between 1976 and 2002 in males younger than 18 years. We specifically reviewed our experience with JGCT in terms of presentation, surgical treatment and long-term outcome. We also reviewed the microscopic findings and histochemical techniques used to confirm the diagnosis. RESULTS: We identified 77 tumors during the defined interval, of which 3 (3.9%) were JGCTs. All 3 patients with JGCT were first noted to have a testis mass soon after birth. All presented with a firm, unilateral testicular mass. Ultrasonographic findings were consistent with a complex, multiseptated, hypoechoic mass. Two of the 3 patients underwent radical orchiectomy. Testis sparing mass excision was performed in 1 patient. Grossly the tumors were partially cystic masses. Histologically positive immunostaining with inhibin-alpha and negative staining for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) reliably differentiated JGCTs from yolk sac tumors. At a mean followup of 8.5 years (range 5 to 14) no metastases or local tumor recurrences have been diagnosed. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge we report the first case of testis sparing enucleation of a JGCT with a 5-year recurrence-free followup. Testis sparing enucleation is now our procedure of choice for tumors in neonates and prepubertal children with serum AFP in the normal range for age. JGCT should be suspected in neonates presenting at birth with a complex, cystic mass of the testis. Positive immunostaining for inhibin-alpha and a lack of AFP staining have consistently corroborated the pathological diagnosis in our experience and they should be applied for pediatric testis tumors that may mimic yolk sac tumor pathology.  相似文献   

Leung AC  Kogan SJ 《Urology》2000,56(3):508-509
Leydig cell tumors of the testis are the underlying cause in about 10% of the cases of precocious puberty in boys. Leydig cell hyperplasia is a less well-characterized cause, with an undocumented frequency. We describe a boy with precocious puberty associated with ipsilateral testicular enlargement and focal Leydig cell hyperplasia with spermatogenesis limited to the local adjacent testicular tissue.  相似文献   

Experience with testis sparing surgery for testicular teratoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE: Testicular teratoma is a rare neoplasm affecting the pediatric population and has classically been reported to be the second most common testis tumor in children behind yolk sac tumors. Testicular teratomas are benign and partial orchiectomy may be considered. We describe our single institution experience with testicular teratoma and definitive treatment with testis preserving surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the pathology records at our institution for all testicular and paratesticular tumors diagnosed between 1976 and November 2002 in males younger than 18 years. We specifically examined the prepubertal incidence of teratoma, including epidermoid cysts, and our experience with testis preserving surgery. Preoperative and postoperative ultrasonography images were used to calculate the atrophy index following surgery. Patients were contacted for long-term followup. RESULTS: Of 77 primary testicular and paratesticular tumors 38 were diagnosed in prepubertal boys (age younger than 13 years) including 11 mature teratomas and 5 epidermoid cysts. Mean patient age at treatment was 34.4 months (range 4 months to 10 years). All boys presented with a painless scrotal mass, cystic foci within an intratesticular mass on ultrasound and a normal alpha-fetoprotein level. Of the 16 boys with benign teratomas 13 (81%) were treated with a testis sparing procedure. At a mean 7-year followup no patient has presented with recurrent tumor in the ipsilateral or contralateral testicle. Postoperative physical examination and scrotal ultrasound were obtained in 9 patients at a median followup of 10.2 months, and there was no evidence of testicular atrophy or persistent discomfort. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike previously published series based on tumor registries, benign teratoma was the most common pediatric testicular tumor treated at our institution. Our single institution experience with testis preservation and long-term followup confirms the role and safety of this technique. Testis sparing surgery remains our technique of choice for testicular teratoma.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a 6-year-old boy with precocious pseudopuberty due to androgen hypersecretion by a testicular interstitial cell tumour. Steroidogenesis, characterized by high testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone plasma levels, was not modified by ACTH, dexamethasone or HCG administration. Gonadotropins were subnormal and unresponsive to LRH stimulation. TSH and prolactin levels were normal both in basal and dynamic conditions. The hormonal profile progressively returned to prepubertal value and persisted normal for 6 months after removal of the tumour. The patient entered puberty spontaneously at 7,6/12 years showing a normal pubertal basal and LRH stimulated FSH and LH and a pubertal circadian rhythm of both gonadotropins and testosterone.  相似文献   

双侧睾丸间质细胞瘤1例报告并文献复习   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨睾丸间质细胞瘤的诊断和治疗经验.方法 报告1例双侧睾丸间质细胞瘤患者的临床资料并文献复习.结果 根据患者临床表现及相关检查,术前诊断考虑为双侧睾丸间质细胞瘤,术中快速冰冻病理检查示双侧睾丸间质细胞瘤,行睾丸肿瘤剜除术.术后随访6个月未见肿瘤复发或转移.结论 睾丸间质细胞瘤是一种较为罕见的睾丸肿瘤.术前诊断较为困难,睾酮、雌二醇等性激素水平升高及男性乳房发育等症状对睾丸间质细胞瘤的诊断有重要意义,确诊仍需依赖病理组织学检查.传统的手术方法采用根治性睾丸切除术,然而对于青春期前患者、双侧睾丸间质细胞瘤等患者,可以施行保留睾丸的肿瘤剜除术.  相似文献   

We report on 5 patients 14 months to 6 1/2 years old with prepubertal teratoma of the testis treated by testicular sparing tumor enucleation. All 5 patients had no evidence of recurrence at a mean followup of 96 months. Recognizing that this is not accepted therapy for testis tumors, 17 orchiectomy specimens containing teratoma from children were histologically analyzed in cooperation with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Tumor Registry. All patients were prepubertal at orchiectomy (3 months to 8 years old) and all are well with a mean followup of 174 months. Histological examination revealed no foci of teratoma separate from the main tumor in any specimens. Immunohistochemical studies with placental alkaline phosphatase, a marker for malignant germ cells, were done to detect carcinoma in situ in the seminiferous tubules of these testes. This test did not reveal any intratubular malignant germ cells (carcinoma in situ). Based on our clinical experience with testicular sparing tumor enucleation, the histological findings on Armed Forces Institute of Pathology review demonstrating no associated carcinoma in situ and the universally benign behavior of prepubertal testicular teratomas, we recommend a testicular sparing operation rather than orchiectomy for testicular teratoma in prepubertal patients.  相似文献   



To report our single‐centre experience of patients with Leydig cell tumour (LCT) of the testis, which represents the most frequent interstitial neoplasm of the testis, and for which the natural history and therapy are debated.


Between 1990 and 2006, 37 patients were treated for LCT of the testis. All patients had testicular markers assessed and 21 (57%) had their hormonal profile assessed (total testosterone, follicle‐stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and oestradiol). We analysed the symptoms at presentation, laboratory findings, organ‐sparing vs. radical surgery and oncological and symptomatic follow‐up data.


Medical referral was for a testicular mass in 32% of patients, gynaecomastia in 8%, testicular pain in 8%, infertility in 11%, and isosexual pseudo‐puberty in 5%. The mean (range) diameter of the tumour was 16.5 (6–68) mm. Before surgery testosterone levels exceeded the upper limit in a third of patients, while levels were hypogonadal in 19%. Oestradiol levels were increased in 29% of patients. At surgery, 29 patients (78%) had organ‐sparing surgery. The median (range) follow‐up was 4.6 (0.6–16.2) years; no patient had disease relapse. Gynaecomastia was present in two of six patients at the follow‐up, despite pharmacological treatment. Four patients had a low testosterone level.


Patients diagnosed with LCT have a good prognosis; this study shows the safety of conservative surgery. Surgical removal of the tumour is not always associated with resolution of symptoms and abnormal laboratory values.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of testosterone on the puberal development of spermatogenesis and to present additional clinicopathological data which bring about new information to this controversial subject. Four pre-pubertal patients are presented, 2 of them bearing Leydig cell tumours of the testis in the form of nodular masses. In both cases seminiferous tubules in the immediate vecinity to the tumours showed complete development of spermatogenesis, while those located away from the tumours were infantile in nature. Gonadotrophic levels were within the normal pre-pubertal range in these 2 cases. In one of the patients, testosterone concentration in the testis showed higher values than normal, and a concentration gradient was detected between the tumoral nodule and non-tumoral parenchyma. The 3rd patient had a pineal choriocarcinoma producing high amounts of hCG and consequently a diffuse hyperplasia of Leydig cells with high levels of plasma testosterone. Seminiferous tubules showed development up to pachytene spermatocytes. The last case was a precocious puberty in a boy with a tumour of the 3rd ventricle area. He had elevated levels of testosterone in the testis and plasma. In the testicular biopsy, stimulation of Leydig cells was detected. The seminiferous tubules showed mature Sertoli cells and pachytene spermatocytes. FSH levels were abnormally low. These 4 cases present in common different situations in which abnormally high amounts of testos-happens in the immature rat, the interaction between testosterone and gonadotrophins is essential for the normal initiation of spermatogenesis in normal puberty. Considerations are discussed on the possible synergistic role of gonadotrophins or other factors in relation with stimulation of seminiferous tubules by testosterone.  相似文献   

Leydig cell tumors of the testis are the most common type of non-germ cell testicular tumors. In adult patients, gynecomastia, oligozoospermia, erectile dysfunction, and other signs of feminization can be present, whereas testosterone levels are frequently in the normal range or slightly reduced. We describe a patient with a history of impaired sexual function, as well as progressive enlargement of the left testis, without gynecomastia. Hormonal evaluation demonstrated very high testosterone, estrogen, and pan-alpha-inhibin levels. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed the presence of left testicular hypertrophy without evidence of testicular mass. After left orchiectomy, histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of Leydig cell tumor, and steroid hormone levels normalized. A heterozygous missense somatic gsp mutation (R201C) was found in tumoral tissue, whereas no mutation was found in the surrounding normal tissue or in leukocyte DNA. This case provides evidence that somatic activating gsp mutation in Leydig cells may result in tumor development, leading to overexpression of the inhibin alpha subunit and hyperactivity of the testosterone biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Precocious puberty due to a Leydig-cell testicular tumor associated with an elevated serum testosterone developed in a male dizygotic twin, four years and eleven months old. Orchiectomy resulted in regression of precocious puberty signs and a return of the serum testosterone to prepubertal concentrations.  相似文献   

Testicular Leydig cell tumours are uncommon. Bilateral synchronous lesions are exceptional. They cause isosexual pseudo precocious puberty in childhood. The histological diagnosis of malignancy is sometimes difficult to establish and it can be made retrospectively when lymph nodes involvement or visceral metastasis appear in the follow-up. We report a case of a 9 year-old boy presenting bilateral Leydig cell tumour of the testis treated by bilateral radical orchiectomy who developed 2 years after the intervention a pulmonary metastasis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome is a rare clinical entity found in young men with endocrine disorders. Histologically it resembles Leydig cell tumor. We 1) reviewed the clinical features of testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome and 2) determined if special histopathological features of the tumor and synaptophysin reactivity could distinguish testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome from Leydig cell tumor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the medical and pathological records for all patients with testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome seen at our institution from 1978 to 2004. These tumors were examined by histological and immunophenotypic methods for comparison to Leydig cell tumor. RESULTS: A total of 14 males with an endocrine disorder had pathological evidence of testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome. These tumors were often bilateral (93% or 13 of 14 cases), associated with pain (92% or 12 of 13) and refractory to medical management with high dose exogenous steroids (93% or 13 of 14). Testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome was managed by tumor enucleation in 7 patients (54%) and by radical orchiectomy in 6 (46%). All patients had resolution of pain at 3-month followup. Upon histological review features found to be more common to testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome compared with Leydig cell tumor were nuclear pleiomorphism, low mitotic activity, extensive fibrosis, lymphoid aggregates, adipose metaplasia and prominent lipochrome pigment. Synaptophysin (ICN, Costa Mesa, California) reactivity was strong in testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome but rarely observed in Leydig cell tumor. CONCLUSIONS: In our series medical treatment failed in patients with testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome and conservative surgical therapy was possible in select individuals. We identified special histopathological and immunophenotypic features, including synaptophysin staining, which distinguish testicular tumor of the adrenogenital syndrome from Leydig cell tumor.  相似文献   

A R Cohen  J A Wilson  A Sadeghi-Nejad 《Neurosurgery》1991,28(4):597-602; discussion 602-3
A case of precocious puberty in a 7-year-old boy with a tumor of the pineal region is reported. Human chorionic gonadotropin levels were elevated in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Endocrinological evaluation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis demonstrated a normal prepubertal response. The tumor was resected and proved to be an immature teratoma. Human chorionic gonadotropin levels were markedly elevated in the tumor cyst fluid. Sexual precocity regressed and human chorionic gonadotropin levels in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid fell to normal after surgery, suggesting that the precocious puberty was secondary to ectopic human chorionic gonadotropin production by the pineal teratoma.  相似文献   

Testicular Biopsy and Hormonal Study in a Male with Noonan''s Syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The testicular biopsy study of a 17-year-old male with Noonan's syndrome revealed seminiferous tubules of reduced diameter with hypospermatogenesis. Many spermatocytes underwent degeneration and many spermatids developed abnormal. The Sertoli cells were similar to immature Sertoli cells. Fully differentiated Leydig cells were rare while precursor Leydig cells were numerous. Both gonadotropin and testosterone levels were low, and a lack of response to LH-RH as well as to clomiphene was found. The testicular biopsy performed at 20 years of age revealed a certain maturation of the seminiferous tubules which increased the germ cell number. The abnormalities in the spermatogenesis as well as the immature appearance of Sertoli cells continued. Leydig cells were more numerous and showed a certain development without reaching the normal pattern. Gonadotropin levels were normal while testosterone levels low. The response to LH-RH was increased and the absence of response to clomiphene persisted. These features suggest a delayed puberty.  相似文献   

Serum testosterone (T) concentration and urinary 17-ketosteroid (17-KS) excretion were measured under basal conditions and after stimulation with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in 36 prepubertal males (10 normal children and 26 cryptorchid patients). As a function of hCG stimulation, the increase in serum T level was evident in both groups, although the magnitude of the rise was higher in the control group than in cryptorchid boys. No significant differences in serum T or urinary 17-KS were observed between patients with unilateral and bilateral undescended testis, either before or after hCG stimulation. In spite of the wide individual variations in testicular response in all subjects, the test is valuable in assessing Leydig-cell function and in prognosis for virilization at puberty.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We review prepubertal germ cell tumors of testis in our institute and the Japanese registry and present 2 cases with a large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor (LCCSCT) and discuss the possibility of testis-sparing surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Incidence, age, pathology and clinical stages of prepubertal germ cell tumors are surveyed for 30 years at our department and 10 years of the malignant tumor registry of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgery. Two representative prepubertal boys with LCCSCT are presented. One of them was treated by partial orchiectomy. RESULTS: The majority of testicular germ cell tumors in the prepubertal age were composed of embryonal cell carcinoma/yolk sac tumors or teratoma, occurred in preschool age, were limited to clinical stage I and did not metastasize irrespective of histology. Benign behavior which included recovery from hormonal derangement, no tumor recurrence and negative antisperm antigen was observed in 2 cases with LCCSCT who underwent either radical orchiectomy or partial orchiectomy. CONCLUSION: Partial orchiectomy should be considered as a standard option in prepubertal schoolboys with a testicular mass if surgically feasible. This surgical treatment is safe and preserves fertility and is psychologically advantageous. It is not recommended for yolk sac tumors that may recur, however they are rare in prepubertal boys and can be differentiated preoperatively by prudent evaluation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We describe a technique by which incidental, nonpalpable intratesticular tumors are excised using intraoperative ultrasonography and the operating microscope. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Men with impalpable intratesticular tumors incidentally detected by ultrasonography underwent intraoperative ultrasound guided needle localization and microsurgical exploration of the mass. The testis was delivered through an inguinal incision and placed on ice to minimize warm ischemia. Two rubber shod vascular clamps were placed across the spermatic cord. The tumor was identified by ultrasound and localized with a 30 gauge needle, which was placed adjacent to the tumor. An operating microscope providing 6x to 25x magnification was used to excise the lesion with a 2 to 5 mm. margin. Tissue diagnosis was obtained by frozen section. Multiple random biopsies of the remaining parenchyma were done to confirm absent malignancy. RESULTS: Ultrasound showed incidental, nonpalpable testis tumors in 4 of the 65 men who underwent infertility evaluation and were entered into the microsurgical testis biopsy database between January 1995 and December 2001. All lesions were hypoechoic. Frozen section analysis of the lesions revealed 2 Leydig cell tumors, 1 mass with an inconclusive pathological diagnosis and 1 inflammatory mass. On permanent section the latter 2 lesions were seminoma. The seminomas were 1.6 and 0.9 cm. in the greatest diameter, and the Leydig cell tumors were 0.35 and 0.2 cm., respectively. Random biopsies were positive for seminoma and intratubular germ cell neoplasia in both testes with seminoma. These 2 patients subsequently opted to undergo radical orchiectomy. No residual tumor was detected in either radical orchiectomy specimen. CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative ultrasound guided needle localization with microsurgical exploration is a safe and effective approach to even small impalpable testicular masses. This technique provides the opportunity to identify and remove benign and malignant lesions, and preserve the testis when the lesion is benign. In cases of a solitary testis or bilateral synchronous lesions the technique allows a potentially testis sparing operation for small malignancies.  相似文献   

Prepubertal testicular dysfunction and the subsequent development of hypogonadism affects an estimated one in 200 children worldwide. As the testosterone levels are dynamic during development and puberty, traditional hormone treatment regimens are often inadequate, thereby leaving associated physiological conditions unresolved. Therefore, we have investigated the potential therapeutic effect of mature Leydig cell transplantation for the treatment of prepubertal primary hypogonadism through the use of a surgically induced hypogonadistic rat model system. In the experiment, Leydig cells were surgically isolated from mature Sprague-Dawley rats and transplanted into prepubertal recipients. Serum testosterone levels and microscopic analysis of the stained testicular interstitium were compared with sham-treated controls, as well as with castrated and intact rats during sexual development. At 4 weeks post-implantation, serum testosterone was detectable in Leydig cell recipients, but not in surgical controls, and progressively increased as a function of time until reaching levels comparable with sexually mature males at 12 weeks post-implantation. Histological analysis revealed a high rate of Leydig cell survival as well as steroidogenic secretory activity. Therefore, we conclude that mature Leydig cell transplantation in prepubertal hypogonadism recipients has therapeutic potential in rats and merits further investigation for clinical application.  相似文献   

Conservative surgical therapy for leydig cell tumor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: We performed a long-term evaluation of conservative surgical treatment of benign Leydig cell tumor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A multicenter retrospective clinical study was performed at 6 European centers. Case files of all patients diagnosed with Leydig cell tumor and treated with conservative surgery were examined. Patients underwent physical examination, hormone and tumor marker assays, scrotal and abdominal ultrasound, chest x-ray, and an endocrinological examination. RESULTS: From 1987 to 2006, 22 patients with Leydig cell tumor underwent conservative surgery. Mean patient age was 35 years (range 5 to 61). Mean followup was 47 months (range 1 to 230). No local recurrence or metastasis was observed. Patients presented with a palpable testicular nodule (3 patients, 13.7%) or a nodule diagnosed by ultrasound (15 patients, 68.2%), gynecomastia (2 patients, 9.1%), precocious pseudopuberty (1 patient, 4.5%) or scrotal pain (1 patient, 4.5%). Three patients were monorchid after contralateral orchiectomy for inguinal hernia repair (1 patient, 28 years before surgery) and nonseminomatous germ cell tumor (2 patients, 1 month and 6 years before surgery). Diagnosis after frozen section examination was Leydig cell tumor in 20 of 22 cases (91.0%). Mean histological size of the nodule was 1.11 cm (range 0.5 to 2.5). Preoperative FSH and LH levels were high in 4 patients. Tumor markers were normal before and after surgery. Followup was conducted for all patients every 3 to 6 months with physical examination, tumor markers, scrotal and abdominal ultrasound, chest x-ray. Six patients (27.3%) underwent abdominal computerized tomography. CONCLUSIONS: When diagnosed early Leydig cell tumors present a favorable followup. In select cases with motivated patients, conservative surgery proved to be a feasible and safe choice.  相似文献   

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