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We measured the homogeneity and stability of the magnetic field of a high field (about 1.04 tesla) yokeless permanent magnet with 40-mm gap for high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. Homogeneity was evaluated using a 3-dimensional (3D) lattice phantom and 3D spin-echo imaging sequences. In the central sphere (20-mm diameter), peak-to-peak magnetic field inhomogeneity was about 60 ppm, and the root-mean-square was 8 ppm. We measured room temperature, magnet temperature, and NMR frequency of the magnet simultaneously every minute for about 68 hours with and without the thermal insulator of the magnet. A simple mathematical model described the magnet's thermal property. Based on magnet performance, we performed high resolution (up to [20 μm](2)) imaging with internal NMR lock sequences of several biological samples. Our results demonstrated the usefulness of the high field small yokeless permanent magnet for high resolution NMR imaging.  相似文献   

In this work, a new method of optimization is successfully applied to the theoretical design of compact, actively shielded, clinical MRI magnets. The problem is formulated as a two-step process in which the desired current densities on multiple, co-axial surface layers are first calculated by solving Fredholm equations of the first kind. Non-linear optimization methods with inequality constraints are then invoked to fit practical magnet coils to the desired current densities. The current density approach allows rapid prototyping of unusual magnet designs. The emphasis of this work is on the optimal design of short, actively-shielded MRI magnets for whole-body imaging. Details of the hybrid numerical model are presented, and the model is used to investigate compact, symmetric, and asymmetric MRI magnets. Magnet designs are presented for actively-shielded, symmetric magnets of coil length 1.0 m, which is considerably shorter than currently available designs of comparable dsv size. Novel, actively-shielded, asymmetric magnet designs are also presented in which the beginning of a 50-cm dsv is positioned just 11 cm from the end of the coil structure, allowing much improved access to the patient and reduced patient claustrophobia. Magn Reson Med 45:331-340, 2001.  相似文献   

A compact MRI system for measuring trabecular bone volume fraction (TBVF) of the calcaneus was developed with the use of a 0.21 T permanent magnet and portable MRI console. The entire system weighed < 600 kg and was installed in a 2 m x 2 m space. Two cross-sectional spin-echo images of a heel acquired with external reference phantoms (total measurement time = 5 min) were used to quantify the TBVF of the calcaneus. The linearity and reproducibility of the measurements were evaluated by means of proton density-adjusted phantoms. Comparative measurements with quantitative ultrasound (QUS) in groups of healthy female volunteers showed a relatively high positive correlation (R(2) = 0.4539, 0.2693) between TBVF and the speed of sound (SOS). These results demonstrate the potential of this new system for measuring bone density. Magn Reson Med 52:440-444, 2004. Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the feasibility of imaging living mice with a 1-T compact MRI system and investigate appropriate imaging techniques for use in routine animal experiments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An MRI system consisting of a 1-T permanent magnet and compact console was used. Images of the entire trunks of living mice were obtained on the system using a T1-weighted three-dimensional fast low-angle shot (3D FLASH) sequence, and image quality was evaluated in relation to imaging techniques. RESULTS: Restraint of respiratory motion improved the image quality. Decreasing the slice thickness reduced artificial inhomogeneity in signal intensity (SI). Substantial effects of TR and FA on image quality were also demonstrated. With the determined techniques, images covering the entire trunk with a voxel size of 0.26x0.26x0.52 mm were acquired in an acquisition time of five minutes 28 seconds and a total experiment time of <20 minutes, and various organs and subcutaneous tumors were clearly visualized. CONCLUSION: The compact MRI system provides images of living mice with acceptable quality in a reasonable time. Considering its convenience, it appears to be suitable for use in routine mouse experiments.  相似文献   

A new tissue-equivalent MRI phantom based on carrageenan gel was developed. Carrageenan gel is an ideal solidifying agent for making large, strong phantoms in a wide variety of shapes. GdCl(3) was added as a T(1) modifier and agarose as a T(2) modifier. The relaxation times of a very large number of samples were estimated using 1.5-T clinical MRI equipment. The developed phantom was found to have a T(1) value of 202-1904 ms and a T(2) value of 38-423 ms when the GdCl(3) concentration was varied from 0-140 mumol/kg and the agarose concentration was varied from 0-1.6% in a carrageenan concentration that was fixed at 3%. The range of measured relaxation times covered those of all types of human tissue. Empirical formulas linking the relaxation time with the concentration of the modifier were established to enable the accurate and easy calculation of the modifier concentration needed to achieve the required relaxation times. This enables the creation of a phantom having an arbitrary combination of T(1) and T(2) values and which is capable of retaining its shape.  相似文献   

A compact MRI system for measuring the trabecular bone (TB) microstructure of the finger using a high-field-strength (1.0T) permanent magnet was developed. The entire system was installed in a 0.6 mx1.2 m space. One male and 36 female subjects participated in the imaging experiments. The TB of the distal phalanx of the middle finger was imaged at a voxel resolution of (160 microm)3 using a three-dimensional (3D) driven equilibrium spin-echo (SE) imaging sequence (imaging time=approximately 14 min). The image data sets obtained yielded two distinct peaks for the bone and marrow in image intensity histograms when no motion was present. The structural parameters obtained through 3D image analysis show that this compact system is potentially useful for evaluating bone quality.  相似文献   

A compact MRI system for trabecular bone (TB) microstructure measurements of the distal radius was developed using a 1.0 T permanent magnet and a compact MRI console. TB microstructure of the distal radius was clearly visualized using a three-dimensional (3D) driven equilibrium spin-echo (DESE) sequence in 23 min. The image obtained had a sufficient spatial resolution (150 microm x 150 microm x 500 microm) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (approximately 10) for 3D bone microstructure analysis. The system demonstrated the feasibility of using a permanent magnet compact MRI system as a clinical instrument for bone microstructure measurements of the distal radius.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has proved beneficial in the evaluation of internal derangements of the knee. A limitation to general acceptance of MR imaging of the knee has been availability and cost. The recent introduction of low-field-strength MR imaging has shown promise in decreasing the cost and increasing the availability of this modality. High-resolution (pixel size, 0.7 mm2), three-dimensional Fourier transform (3DFT), thin-section (3.5 mm) imaging performed on a 0.064-T permanent magnet was used to evaluate 117 knees in 114 consecutive patients. The appearance of normal anatomy and internal derangements of the knee at low-field-strength imaging is described. Arthroscopic correlation was available for 28 knees. Findings from low-field-strength MR imaging and arthroscopy agreed in 79% of cases in the determination of meniscal tears. Partial-flip-angle techniques with 3DFT produced thin-section images of the knee of diagnostic quality. The authors conclude that in patients with internal derangements of the knee, low-field-strength (0.064-T) MR imaging may provide useful information.  相似文献   

Proton electron double resonance imaging (PEDRI) uses the Overhauser effect to image the distribution of free-radicals in biological samples and animals. Standard MRI hardware and software is used, with the addition of hardware to irradiate the free-radical-of-interest's EPR resonance. For in vivo applications it must be implemented at a sufficiently low magnetic field to result in an EPR irradiation frequency that will penetrate the sample but will not cause excessive nonresonant power deposition therein. Many clinical MRI systems use resistive magnets that are capable of operating at 10-20 mT, and which could thus be used as PEDRI imagers with the addition of a small amount of extra hardware. This article describes the conversion of a 0.38 T whole-body MRI system for operation as a 20.1 mT small-animal PEDRI imager. The magnet power supply control electronics required a small modification to operate at the lower field strength, but no permanent hardware changes to the MRI console were necessary, and no software modification was required. Frequency down- and up-conversion was used on the NMR RF system, together with a new NMR/EPR dual-resonance RF coil assembly. The system was tested on phantoms containing free-radical solution, and was also used to image the distribution of a free-radical contrast agent injected intravenously into anesthetized mice.  相似文献   

MRI may be a noninvasive and alternative tool for skeletal age assessment in children, although few studies have reported on this topic. In this article, skeletal age was assessed over a wide range of ages using an open, compact MRI optimized for the imaging of a child's hand and wrist, and its validity was evaluated. MR images and their three‐dimensional segmentation visualized detailed skeletal features of each bone in the hand and wrist. Skeletal age was then independently scored from the MR images by two raters, according to the Tanner–Whitehouse Japan system. The skeletal age assessed by MR rating demonstrated a strong positive correlation with chronological age. The intrarater and inter‐rater reproducibilities were significantly high. These results demonstrate the validity and reliability of skeletal age assessment using MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Resistive homogeneous MRI magnet design by matrix subset selection.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new technique for designing resistive homogeneous multicoil magnets for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presented. A linearly independent subset of coils is chosen from a user-defined feasible set using an efficient numerical algorithm. The coil currents are calculated using a linear least squares algorithm to minimize the deviation of the actual magnetic field from the target field. The solutions are converted to practical coils by rounding the currents to integer ratios, selecting the wire gauge, and optimizing the coil cross-sections. To illustrate the technique, a new design of a short, homogeneous MRI magnet suitable for low-field human torso imaging is presented. Magnets that satisfy other constraints on access and field uniformity can also be designed. Compared with conventional techniques that employ harmonic expansions, this technique is flexible, simple to implement, and numerically efficient.  相似文献   

The concentric rings two-dimensional (2D) k-space trajectory provides an alternative way to sample polar data. By collecting 2D k-space data in a series of rings, many unique properties are observed. The concentric rings are inherently centric-ordered, provide a smooth weighting in k-space, and enable shorter total scan times. Due to these properties, the concentric rings are well-suited as a readout trajectory for magnetization-prepared studies. When non-Cartesian trajectories are used for MRI, off-resonance effects can cause blurring and degrade the image quality. For the concentric rings, off-resonance blur can be corrected by retracing rings near the center of k-space to obtain a field map with no extra excitations, and then employing multifrequency reconstruction. Simulations show that the concentric rings exhibit minimal effects due to T(2) (*) modulation, enable shorter scan times for a Nyquist-sampled dataset than projection-reconstruction imaging or Cartesian 2D Fourier transform (2DFT) imaging, and have more spatially distributed flow and motion properties than Cartesian sampling. Experimental results show that off-resonance blurring can be successfully corrected to obtain high-resolution images. Results also show that concentric rings effectively capture the intended contrast in a magnetization-prepared sequence.  相似文献   

Development of a compact computed tomographic apparatus for dental use.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
OBJECTIVE: To describe a compact computed tomographic apparatus (Ortho-CT) for use in dental practice. METHODS: Ortho-CT is a cone-beam-type of CT apparatus consisting of a multifunctional maxillofacial imaging machine (Scanora, Soredex, Helsinki, Finland) in which the film is replaced with an X-ray imaging intensifier (Hamamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu, Japan). The region of image reconstruction is a cylinder 32 mm in height and 38 mm in diameter and the voxel is a 0.136-mm cube. Scanning is at 85 kV and 10 mA with a 1 mm Cu filter. The scan time is 17 s comparable with that required for rotational panoramic radiography. A single scan collects 512 sets of projection data through 360 degrees and the image is reconstructed by a personal computer. The time required for image reconstruction is about 10 min. RESULTS: The resolution limit was about 2.0 lp mm-1 and the skin entrance dose 0.62 mGy. Excellent image quality was obtained with a tissue-equivalent skull phantom: roots, periodontal ligament space, lamina dura, and cancellous bone were clearly visualized. CONCLUSION: Ortho-CT provides three-dimensional images of excellent quality for dental use at a low entrance dose.  相似文献   

The engineering of a novel intra-operative MRI system is described. A movable, 1.5 Tesla MRI magnet was placed in a neurosurgical operating room without affecting established neurosurgical procedure. The system allows fast, high-quality MR intra-operative imaging of the brain and spine without the necessity of patient transportation. A neuro-navigational device capable of displaying and updating spatially referenced MR images in the operating room was integrated with the MRI system. Over 100 procedures have been carried out with this system without limiting surgical access and without compromising traditional neurosurgical, nursing or anesthetic techniques. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2001;13:78-86.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To prospectively use compact avalanche photodiodes instead of photomultiplier tubes to integrate a positron emission tomographic (PET) detector and a 7-T magnetic resonance (MR) imager. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All animal experiments were performed in accordance with the University of Tübingen guidelines and the German law for the protection of animals. A compact lutetium oxyorthosilicate-avalanche photodiode PET detector was built and optimized to operate within a 7-T MR imager. The detector performance was investigated both outside and inside the magnet, and MR image quality was evaluated with and without the PET detector. Two PET detectors were set up opposite each other and operated in coincidence to acquire PET images in the step-and-shoot mode in a mouse head specimen after injection of fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose. RESULTS: The performance of the PET detector when operated inside the magnet during MR image acquisition showed little degradation in energy resolution (increase from 14.6% to 15.9%). The PET detector did not influence MR imaging. The fused PET and MR images showed an anatomic match and no degradation of image quality. CONCLUSION: Simultaneous PET and MR imaging with a 7-T system was deemed feasible.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the use of a 1.0T portable permanent magnet MR system in obtaining microscopic MR images of the hyaline cartilage in vitro. A clear laminar appearance was demonstrated with this system. In addition, it was possible to demonstrate cartilage surface irregularity, a decrease in cartilage thickness, and T2 alteration by proteoglycan depletion following up to 12 hours of trypsin treatment. In summary, the portable MR system is useful for investigating cartilage in vitro.  相似文献   

Cardiac MR imaging in small animals presents some difficulties due to shorter cardiac cycles and smaller dimensions than in human beings, but prospectively gated techniques have been successfully applied. As with human imaging, there may be certain applications in animal imaging for which retrospective gating is preferable to prospective gating. For example, cardiac imaging in multiple mice simultaneously is one such application. In this work we investigate the use of retrospective gating for cardiac imaging in a mouse. Using a three-dimensional imaging protocol, we show that image quality with retrospective gating is comparable to prospectively gated imaging. We conclude that retrospective gating is applicable for small animal cardiac MRI and show how it can be applied to the problem of cardiac MRI in multiple mice.  相似文献   

Functional mapping of the lateral lemniscus and the superior olivary complex as part of the auditory pathway was accomplished for the first time in mice in vivo using manganese-enhanced MRI (2.35T, 3D FLASH, 117 microm isotropic resolution). These and other auditory centers in the brainstem presented with pronounced signal enhancements after systemic administration of manganese chloride when animals were exposed to acoustic stimuli for 48 hr, but not when kept in a quiet environment. The results indicate an activation-dependent accumulation of manganese in the neural circuit composed of the cochlear nucleus, the superior olivary complex, the lateral lemniscus, and the inferior colliculus. The marked enhancement of the lateral lemniscus suggests that the stimulus-related accumulation of manganese reflects not only a regional uptake from extracellular fluid but also a concurrent delivery by axonal transport within the auditory system.  相似文献   

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