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人体感染鞭毛虫致脓胸及合并血液链球菌感染少有报道.近期在1例脓胸患者的胸腔积液中检出血液链球菌和鞭毛虫,现报道如下.  相似文献   

马肠链球菌是马食道的优势链球菌,偶可在人类肠道内发现。文献中,马肠链球菌感染病例的报道比较少见,曾有过感染性心内膜炎、结肠癌引发的菌血症、术后眼内炎、自发性细菌性腹膜炎、败血症和CAPD,而马肠链球菌感染的脓胸还未曾有过报道。最近,我们检测到一例马肠链球菌引起的脓胸病例。  相似文献   

马肠链球菌是马食道的优势链球菌,偶可在人类肠道内发现。文献中,马肠链球菌感染病例的报道比较少见,曾有过感染性心内膜炎、结肠癌引发的菌血症、术后眼内炎、自发性细菌性腹膜炎、败血症和CAPD,而马肠链球菌感染的脓胸还未曾有过报  相似文献   

星座链球菌致败血症1例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
20 0 0年 7月 ,我们从 1例先天性心脏病患者血液标本中先后 2次分离出Streptococusconstelltus(星座链球菌 ) ,现报道如下。1 病例摘要患者 ,女 ,47岁。因时有尿路烧灼感、发热 1个月入院。查体 :体温 36 5℃ ,神清 ,腹软。实验室检查 :小便常规正常 ,血WBC 6 5× 10 9/L ,N 0 6 7,L 0 32 ,M 0 0 1,Hb 130g/L ,PLT2 35× 10 9/L。入院第 2天和第 4天分别抽血做细菌培养 ,均分离出纯培养星座链球菌。用青霉素和氨苄青霉素治疗 10天后 ,体温恢复正常 ,血培养复查为阴性 ,病情痊愈出院。2 细菌培…  相似文献   

托尔豪特链球菌属于缓症链球菌群,为兼性厌氧菌,是人类呼吸道及胃肠道的正常寄生菌,为条件致病菌,致病力低,可在人类的口腔和咽部存在。托尔豪特链球菌引起人类致病的报道较少,现报道1例该菌感染引起脓胸的病例。  相似文献   

探讨慢性脓胸患者术后胸腔冲洗的护理.回顾2009年1月至2011年6月在我院就诊的行脓胸清除术后予以胸腔冲洗治疗及护理的20例慢性脓胸患者临床资料.冲洗2个疗程后,19例患者基本治愈;治疗结束后,所有患者均治愈,脓腔消失;随访1~3年,均未见复发.做好慢性脓胸患者术后胸腔冲洗的护理是减少术后并发症,缩短住院时间,提高治愈率的保证.  相似文献   

从血液培养中分离出星座链球菌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

星座链球菌属于米勒链球菌组(Streptococcus milleri group),它包括中间型链球菌、星座链球菌和咽峡炎链球菌3种。星座链球菌是一种条件致病菌,在机体抵抗力下降时可引起感染,在化脓性病灶中偶尔分离到该菌[1,2]。但从腰大肌脓肿中分离出星座链球菌尚未见报道。1病例患者,女性,  相似文献   

根据对细菌的抗原性、脂肪酸、DNA杂交和气相色谱法等分析,Streptococcus millerigroup(米勒链球菌群)主要分为3个种:咽峡炎链球菌,中间链球菌和星座链球菌。我们从1例患儿颈部脓肿穿刺液中分离出星座链球菌,报告如下。1病历摘要患者,女,6岁,于2007年9月30日因颈前肿物伴疼痛、  相似文献   

脓性胸水中分离出星座链球菌1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1病例报告男,53岁。因8个月前咳黄色脓痰,5 d前出现发热且咳带腥臭味的黄色脓痰,于2004-08-25入院。查体见胸廓对称,动度相等,左肺语颤增强,叩浊音,呼吸音低,双肺呼吸音粗,左肺可闻及湿性罗音。实验室检查:WBC 13.8×109/L,N 0.89,L0.09,M 0.02。超声检查:左侧胸腔积液(脓性)。行左侧胸腔穿刺术抽取脓性胸水做细菌培养和常规检测。胸水常规:外观为灰红色混浊,pH 6.5,李凡他试验阳性,有核细胞计数689.40×109/L,单核0.01,多核0.99。细菌学检查:取脓性胸水注入需氧瓶和厌氧瓶各5 ml,放入全自动血培养仪中。需氧瓶无菌生长,厌氧瓶发出阳性…  相似文献   

李宏 《中国疗养医学》2009,18(9):854-854
1 临床资料 患者,男,汉族,18岁.以全口大部分牙缺失,要求镶牙就诊.其母亲述患儿出生后至2岁无牙萌出,2岁后萌出数牙至今未换.患者自述在炎热夏季,发热、气急、体温较高,无汗、多尿.其兄妹三人,其弟与之症状相同,其妹正常,三人智力发育均正常,学习成绩中等.仔细询问否认家族遗传病史.既往兄弟二人皆患肾炎,均已治愈.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is known to be a common component of the indigenous flora of the oropharynx. Pneumococci are most notable for their role in causing otitis, sinusitis, meningitis, and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Meanwhile, Streptococcus pneumoniae demonstrate a wide potential of virulence and they have been isolated from various clinical specimens, for example, in arthritis. This paper describes two cases of pneumococci being found in pelviperitonitis. A Streptococcus pneumoniae strain was found to be sensitive to ampicillin, cefazolin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, oxacillin, trimethyl/sulfa.  相似文献   

18F-FDG肿瘤代谢显像的临床应用价值已受到临床的认可[1].在应用过程中我们发现2例病人在进行18F-FDG肿瘤显像前近期内做过有关钡剂检查者,因肠道内钡剂的滞留引起钡剂所在部位FDG摄取增高,现报道如下.  相似文献   

Slackia exigua is an obligate anaerobic coccobacillus associated with dental infection, but rarely causes extraoral infection. We report two cases of monomicrobial bacteremia caused by S. exigua isolated from two institutions. The first case involved community-acquired bacteremia associated with pleural empyema in a 69-year-old man. The second case involved hospital-acquired bacteremia secondary to postoperative intra-abdominal abscess in a 73-year-old man with primary intestinal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. S. exigua was finally identified by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing analyses in both cases. In the first case, our attempts to identify the organism using commercial identification kits for anaerobes resulted in inaccurate identification as Gemella morbillorum. However, S. exigua was promptly identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry in the second case. The epidemiology and clinical characteristics of S. exigua extraoral infection remain unclear because of the limitations in accurate identification and because only 19 cases of extraoral S. exigua infection have been reported previously, including four cases of bacteremia. Physicians should focus on this species, which can cause community-acquired infections and spread via various routes even in patients with no comorbidities. Further studies are needed to clarify the clinical characteristics of extraoral S. exigua infections.  相似文献   

病例例1,男,44岁,淋巴瘤,近期出现呼吸急促、头痛、颜面及颈部软组织肿胀且颈、胸腹部可见表浅静脉迂曲扩张。临床诊断为上腔静脉综合征(Superior vena cava syndrome,SVCS),为进一步明确病变累及范围行胸部增强CT。增强CT显示纵隔内多发肿大淋巴结,部分病灶融合成团,上  相似文献   

猪链球菌病是由猪链球菌感染人而引起的一种人畜共患疾病[1],猪链球菌是感染猪的一种常见和重要病原体,也是人类动物源性脑膜炎的常见病因,可引起人脑膜炎、败血症、关节炎、心内膜炎、肺炎和眼内炎等疾病,临床表现为发热、寒战、头痛、食欲下降等感染中毒症状[2]。本病呈世界性分布,最早于1968年由丹麦学者报道[3],随后荷兰、瑞典、法国、英国、日本、泰国、中国香港等地也有病例报道。  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite the advance in antibiotics and widespread chest tube drainage, acute empyema still shows a high mortality rate, accounting for 10–25%. We experienced a case of acute empyema caused by A. hydrophila, which is extremely uncommon, and reviewed all previously published articles.Case presentationA 76-year older man with a medical history of liver cirrhosis (LC) due to chronic hepatitis C and hepatic cell carcinoma was admitted to our institute. Elevated inflammatory reaction and effusions on chest CT were seen, and he was suspected of having acute empyema. Although an empiric antibiotic therapy of meropenem with chest tube drainage was performed as an initial treatment, he died within 8 hours of admission. Postmortem, both blood and left pleural fluid cultures yielded Aeromonas hydrophila. The final diagnosis was acute empyema caused by A. hydrophila. We reviewed previously reported empyema caused by Aeromonas species cases (4 A. hydrophila, and 1 A. veronii) in 4 previous reports written in English, including ours. Of 5, all were male, and the mean age was 52 years (range 27–76 years). All patients had LC due to alcohol or viral infections. As for antibiotics initially prescribed, third-generation cephalosporins were most frequently used in 3/5 (60%). Thoracentesis was performed in all patients (100%). As for prognosis, 2 (40%) survived, and 3 (60%) died.ConclusionPhysicians should be aware of the possibility of acute empyema caused by A. hydrophila among patients with chronic hepatic disease.  相似文献   

甲硝唑又名灭滴灵(Metronidazole),本品有强大的杀灭滴虫和抗厌氧菌的作用,并作为厌氧菌感染的首选药物之一,因其价格便宜、药效显著而被广泛应用于临床。本文报告两例静脉滴注甲硝唑注射液后出现持续呃逆的病例。  相似文献   

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