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BACKGROUND: Duplex ultrasonography and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) are becoming competitive alternatives to angiography for determining the degree of internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis. Varying reports have been published regarding the suitability of each technique for grading ICA disease. This retrospective study compared the merits of these three modalities for measuring ICA stenosis. METHODS: One hundred and eleven patients being considered for carotid endarterectomy underwent intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA) via arch injection. Duplex imaging was performed in all patients and MRA in 50. The degree of carotid stenosis estimated by the three modalities was compared. RESULTS: There was good correlation between subjectively graded MRA and DSA images (r = 0.87, P < 0.001, n = 82 carotids) but poor correlation for objective estimates. MRA tended to underestimate the degree of stenosis (bias - 4.5 per cent) compared with DSA, but showed good correlation with duplex ultrasonography estimates (r = 0. 86, P < 0.001, n = 87 carotids). Both non-invasive modalities produced high values of sensitivity and specificity in estimating stenoses of greater than 70 per cent. MRA was less sensitive for distinguishing between severe stenosis and complete occlusion. CONCLUSION: This study did not resolve the debate regarding the method of choice as both MRA and duplex ultrasonography were accurate for imaging carotid stenoses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Three-dimensional time-of-flight (3D TOF) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is generally considered to overestimate the degree of stenosis in the internal carotid artery (ICA) in comparison with the reference standard intraarterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA). We evaluated whether the degree of stenosis was more accurately assessed with 3D TOF MRA if corresponding projections on MRA and DSA were compared instead of comparison of maximal stenosis at MRA with maximal stenosis at DSA. METHODS: From February 1997 to December 1999, we included 186 symptomatic and 17 asymptomatic consecutive patients suspected of having carotid artery stenosis on the basis of clinical presentation and screening with duplex ultrasound scan examination. All patients subsequently underwent DSA and MRA imaging. From each ICA, 12 maximum intensity projections with 3D TOF MRA and two or three projections with DSA were obtained. First, we compared the maximal stenosis at MRA with the maximal stenosis at DSA. Subsequently, we used the stenosis at MRA measured on the projection corresponding with the DSA projection that showed the maximal stenosis. For both strategies, the mean differences in stenosis and sensitivity and specificity for assessment of severe stenosis (70% to 99%) were calculated and compared. RESULTS: The MRA and DSA images of 354 ICAs could be compared. The sensitivity and specificity of MRA with the projection that showed the maximal stenosis were 92.6% (95% CI, 85.3% to 97.0%) and 82.7% (95% CI, 78.1% to 87.3%), respectively. The sensitivity and specificity with the MRA projection, corresponding with the DSA projection showing the maximal stenosis, were 88.3% (95% CI, 81.8% to 94.8%) and 89.6% (95% CI, 85.9% to 93.3%), respectively. The mean difference between maximal stenosis at MRA and DSA was 7.5% (95% CI, 5.2% to 9.9%). The mean difference between stenosis at MRA and DSA in corresponding projections was 0.4% (95% CI, -2.0% to 2.7%). CONCLUSION: If corresponding MRA and intraarterial DSA projections are compared, 3D TOF MRA does not overestimate carotid stenosis.  相似文献   

Purpose: Several studies have investigated the correlation between Doppler ultrasonography (DUS), angiography (CA), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in the evaluation of stenosis of the carotid bifurcation. However, these studies suffer from the lack of a true control—the lesion itself—and therefore conclusions about the diagnostic accuracy of each method remain relative. To determine the absolute accuracy of these modalities, we have prospectively studied lesion size with DUS, MRA, and CA in 28 patients undergoing 31 elective carotid endarterectomies and compared the percent of carotid stenosis determined by each technique to the carotid atheroma resected en bloc.Methods: All patients were evaluated by each modality within 1 month before the thromboendarterectomy. With DUS, stenosis size was determined by standard flow criteria. For angiography and MRA, stenosis was defined as residual lumenal diameter/estimated normal arterial diameter (European Carotid Surgery Trial criteria). At surgery the carotid atheroma was removed en bloc in all patients. Patients in whom the lesion could not be removed successfully without damage were excluded from the study. Stenosis of the atheroma was determined ex vivo with high-resolution (0.03 mm3) magnetic resonance and confirmed by acrylic injection of the specimen under pressure and measurement of the atheroma wall and lumen.Results: The measurements of the ex vivo stenosis by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging correlated closely with the size of stenosis determined by the acrylic specimen casts ( r = 0.92). By ex vivo measurement, the lesions were placed in the following size categories: 40% to 59% stenosis ( n = 2), 60% to 79% stenosis ( n = 6), 80% to 89% stenosis ( n = 7), and 90% to 99% stenosis ( n = 16).Conclusions: In general, the correlation of measurements of ex vivo stenosis with all modalities was good in these severely diseased arteries, although it was better for DUS ( r = 0.80; p < 0.001) and MRA ( r = 0.76; p < 0.001) than for CA ( r = 0.56; p < 0.05). (J VASC SURG 1995;21:82-9.)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In patients with stenosis of the internal carotid artery (ICA), the presence of collateral circulatory pathways may be crucial to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure, metabolism, and function. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether patients with asymptomatic stenosis of the ICA have a better collateral ability of the circle of Willis when compared with patients with symptomatic ICA stenosis. METHOD: Magnetic resonance angiography consisting of the circle of Willis was performed in 19 patients with severe asymptomatic ICA stenosis and in 21 patients with severe symptomatic ICA stenosis prior to carotid endarterectomy and in 53 control subjects. Between group comparisons were made for function (directional flow) and anatomy (diameter). RESULTS: In patients with asymptomatic ICA stenosis, the prevalence of collateral flow via the anterior communicating artery was significantly increased (37%, 7 of 19) compared with symptomatic patients (10%, 2 of 21) and control subjects (0%; P <.001). Patients with asymptomatic ICA stenosis demonstrated the largest mean diameter of the anterior communicating artery (1.33 +/- 0.18 mm) compared with patients with symptomatic ICA stenosis (1.22 +/- 0.18 mm) and control subjects (1.06 +/- 0.10 mm, P <.05). No differences in collateral flow pattern or diameter were found for the posterior communicating artery between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: The present cross-sectional study demonstrates the importance of an adequate hemodynamic compensation via the circle of Willis in patients with ICA stenosis. Whether differences in collateral compensation can be used to select patients for CEA has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Summary Background. A prospective study was performed comparing the accuracy of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and Doppler ultrasonography (DUS) stenosis findings with measurements on histological specimens. Method. DSA and DUS were used to evaluate carotid stenosis and were compared with measurements on histological specimens. Intact carotid plaques from 123 cases were removed in one piece during surgery. The specimens were histologically processed and examined in transverse sections. The smallest inner and correlating outer diameters were measured and the extent of stenosis was calculated. Carotid artery stenoses were compared and statistics done. Specimens in symptomatic cases were divided into 3 groups: stenosis 30–49% (Group 1), stenosis 50–69% (Group 2) and stenosis 70–99% (Group 3). Specimens in asymptomatic cases were divided into two groups: stenosis ≤59% (Group A) and stenosis ≥60% (Group B). Findings. Wilcoxon paired tests revealed significant differences between DSA, DUS and measurements on histological specimens. In severe stenoses only, no significant difference was observed between stenosis measurement according to the European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST) angiography methodology and measurements on histological specimens. The most pronounced differences were found between angiography methodology of the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) and measurements on histological specimens. When investigating how often preoperative measurement classified stenosis into the same Group of stenoses as postoperative measurement, DUS was the most accurate diagnostic tool. Conclusions. This study confirmed our previous results, i.e., angiography underestimates the degree of carotid artery stenosis. DUS seems to be more accurate in classifying stenoses into different groups to the extent of narrowing of the carotid arteries. These results make the position of angiography in diagnostic algorithm of carotid stenoses investigations even more questionable.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: to evaluate selective digital subtraction angiography (DSA), contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) and duplex ultrasound (duplex) in preoperative pedal artery imaging. MATERIAL AND METHODS: DSA, CE-MRA and duplex were studied prospectively in 37 patients suffering from critical leg ischaemia. Two radiologists independently reviewed both the CE-MRA and DSA images. The pedal vessels were scored on a scale from 0 to III (0=vessel not visualised, I=vessel faintly visualised, II=stenosis >50%, III=vessel without relevant stenosis). Duplex ultrasound was performed by an angiologist blind to both the DSA and MRA findings and the pedal arteries were scored 0-III according to their diameter. Each examiner named the pedal artery best suitable for bypass surgery. Agreement in artery assessment was expressed as kappa values. Patency of the bypass at 30 days was used as validation of the artery's suitability as the run-off vessel. RESULTS: interobserver agreement for DSA (weighted Kappa 0.63, CI 0.53-0.73 and CE-MRA (weighted kappa 0.60, CI 0.5-0.7) was moderate to substantial. CE-MRA depicted significantly more vascular segments than DSA (p congruent with 0.0001).In the prediction of the distal outflow vessel duplex and CE-MRA proved to be superior to DSA. CONCLUSION: because of the moderate inter-observer agreement it may be questionable to regard selective DSA as gold standard imaging procedure in preoperative pedal artery imaging. CE-MRA and duplex are very helpful in assessing the pedal artery morphology and should be used if selective DSA does not sufficiently depict the pedal vasculature.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is increasingly used as a noninvasive means to assess internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis. When used alone, however, MRA may not be sufficiently accurate in certain settings to determine whether ICA disease meets surgical criteria. Although MRA has been recognized to overestimate the degree of stenosis, the authors present two cases in which it severely underestimated arterial stenosis. Two male patients, 70 and 40 years old, respectively, were admitted with crescendo transient ischemic attacks. Their MRA studies suggested nonsurgical lesions of the ICA. After the patients continued to demonstrate clinical evidence of embolic disease, digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was performed on one patient, and the other received a gadolinium contrast-enhanced MRA. These tests revealed critical stenosis in each patient. Each was taken to the operating room for awake carotid endarterectomy with heparin anticoagulation and electroencephalographic monitoring. At surgery, both patients were found to have severely stenosed ICAs with complex plaques. MRA to determine whether ICA stenosis meets surgical criteria may not be sufficiently accurate in certain clinical settings. Additional imaging studies, such as confirmatory digital ultrasonography, MRA with gadolinium contrast, or DSA, may be required to determine the extent of carotid artery stenosis accurately.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Modern conventional ultrasound is sensitive to slow flow, but may misclassify some tight stenoses as occlusion. Symptomatic patients with tight proximal internal carotid artery stenoses may benefit from carotid endarterectomy but those with occlusion or long-segment disease do not. DESIGN: A prospective study of the diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CE-US), 2D time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography (2D-TOF MRA) and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) against a reference standard of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in patients with apparent carotid occlusion on conventional ultrasound. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-one patients with apparent carotid occlusion on conventional ultrasound and with recent ispilateral hemispheric transient ischaemeic attacks (TIAs) were studied. The primary endpoint was confirmation of occlusion with a secondary endpoint of identification of a surgically correctible lesion. RESULTS: The sensitivity and specificity of CE-US, 2D-TOF MRA and CE-MRA for patency were 1 & 1, 0.33 & 1 and 0.6 & 1 respectively and for the detection of a surgically correctible lesion were 1 & 0.96, 0.67 & 1 and 1 and 0.96 respectively. CE-US was difficult to interpret, precluding confident diagnosis in 5 cases. CONCLUSIONS: 2D-TOF MRA had poor sensitivity for patency and cannot be recommended as a second-line investigation to assess vessels apparently occluded on conventional ultrasound. Confident diagnosis on CE-US and CE-MRA accurately identified occlusion. If occlusion is confirmed by either of these modalities, no further imaging is required. The relative advantages of CE-US or CE-MRA in this situation are uncertain.  相似文献   

The results of recent reports of nonselected patients studied by noninvasive techniques suggest there is a 10 to 36 percent rate of restenosis within the first 1 to 2 years after carotid endarterectomy. In the present study of nonselected patients examined by intravenous digital subtraction angiography, only 6.7 percent of operated vessels had recurrent stenosis with a 50 percent or greater decrease in vessel diameter at a mean of 28.5 months postoperatively. These data, when compared with the results of most noninvasive studies, suggest that many of the early lesions regress after 1 to 2 years, as suggested by Zierler et al [8] or that there is a true difference in the rates of restenosis between centers, possibly due to subtle differences in surgical technique or patient risk factors, or both. A symptomatic recurrence rate of only 2.7 percen and a 6.7 percent overall rate of hemodynamically significant recurrent stenosis support the conclusions from earlier and larger series that carotid endarterectomy is a highly effective and durable operation. Although it is important that research centers continue to study the natural history of carotid artherosclerosis and serial changes after carotid endarterectomy, these results suggest that for routine clinical follow-up, frequent and expensive periodic tests to detect recurrent stenosis may not be warranted.  相似文献   

Ultrasound (US) was compared with mammography (MMG), computed tomography (CT), and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in its effectiveness to detect breast cancer masses and metastatic axillary nodes. Forty-seven breast cancer patients who all underwent MMG, US, CT, and DSA preoperatively in our institution between 1986 and 1990 were studied. US was able to detect tumors in all cases regardless of tumor size, whereas DSA detected T1-size tumors and MMG detected T2-size tumors in 40% and 64.7% of cases, respectively, being specifically inferior to US. It was found that MMG was least likely to detect papillotubular carcinoma, although microcalcification alone without a tumor mass on MMG improved detectability from 46.2% to 76.9%, according to the histological type. CT was found to be most sensitive to axillary node metastases (81.8%), followed by US (72.7%), but DSA was significantly unfavorable (42.9%). Thus, we concluded that US was superior to MMG, CT, and DSA for detecting breast cancer masses, but that CT was more advantageous than US, while DSA was of little value for evaluating axillary nodal status.  相似文献   

Digital video subtraction angiography (DVSA) and duplex scanning were compared to conventional angiography with regard to their accuracy in quantifying internal carotid artery disease. A classification of 108 carotid arteries available for comparison was made into five groups: normal (14), stenosis to 20% (15), stenosis from 20% to 49% (19), stenosis from 50% to 99% (44), and occlusion (16). The overall agreement corrected for chance (K) for DVSA was 0.738 +/- (SE) 0.049, which was better than for duplex scanning (K = 0.610 +/- 0.055). For hemodynamically significant disease (greater than or equal to 50% diameter reduction), both techniques were highly accurate: DVSA had a sensitivity of 95% (57/60) and a specificity of 92% (44/48); the sensitivity of duplex scanning was also 95% (57/60) and the specificity 85% (41/48). The accuracy in differentiating between high-grade stenosis and occlusion was 98% (59/60) for duplex scanning and 100% (60/60) for DVSA. The most prominent limitation of duplex scanning was its overestimation of disease in normal and minimally diseased arteries. Its specificity for ruling out any degree of disease was only 21% (3/14). DVSA had a poor predictive value of a normal test, 55% (12/22), and was more than one category wrong seven times, while this occurred only three times for duplex scanning. At the present time carotid endarterectomy without conventional angiography is only advocated when there is complete agreement between DVSA and duplex scanning.  相似文献   

钱惠农  曹音 《医师进修杂志》2005,28(8):20-21,26
目的 探讨经颅多普勒超声(TCD)诊断脑血管痉挛的可靠性。方法 对50例蛛网膜下腔出血患者同时行TCD和数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查。结果 DSA发现大脑中动脉(MCA)26条痉挛,其中TCD检出21条,DSA未证实有痉挛的MCA中,TCD检出4条痉挛,TCD诊断MCA痉挛的敏感性为80.8%,特异性为94.6%,MCA痉挛程度越重,TCD敏感性越高。DSA发现基底动脉(BA)18条痉挛,其中经TCD检出13条,DSA未证实有痉挛的BA中,TCD检出4条痉挛,TCD诊断BA痉挛的敏感性为72.2%,特异性为87.5%。DSA发现椎动脉(VA)28条痉挛,其中经TCD检出20条,DSA未证实有痉挛的VA中,TCD检出6条痉挛,TCD诊断VA痉挛的敏感性为71.4%,特异性为91.7%。结论 TCD诊断MCA、VA、BA痉挛有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   

Digital subtraction angiography was used in 10 renal allograft recipients with sustained hypertension after transplantation to detect transplant renal artery stenosis. Recipients with end-to-end vascular anastomoses were visualized adequately in the anteroposterior projection. Two cases of transplant renal artery stenosis were identified by digital subtraction angiography and then verified by catheter angiography. Patients with end-to-side vascular anastomoses may require additional oblique projections. Digital subtraction angiography is a safe, noninvasive and cost-effective screening procedure to diagnose transplant renal artery stenosis in most recipients. Catheter angiography can be applied more selectively to those recipients with stenosis observed by digital subtraction angiography or when more detailed imaging is required.  相似文献   

A case is presented of agenesis of the right internal carotid artery in a fifteen-year-old female with an unrelated seizure disorder. Conventional angiography revealed an absent right internal carotid artery, supply to the right anterior cerebral artery from the left internal carotid artery, and supply to the right middle cerebral artery by anastomosis through the vertebral basilar system. The congenital nature of the anomaly was confirmed by intravenous digital subtraction angiography, which revealed no portion or remnant of the right internal carotid artery to be present, and by computerized tomography of the base of the skull, which demonstrated no bony carotid canal on the right side. This is the first reported case of internal carotid artery agenesis to be elucidated by intravenous digital subtraction angiography. A brief discussion concerning the congenital nature of this anomaly is presented, including the role of angiography and computed tomography in establishing the diagnosis of this condition.  相似文献   

Asgari MA, Dadkhah F, Ghadian AR, Razzaghi MR, Noorbala MH, Amini E. Evaluation of the vascular anatomy in potential living kidney donors with gadolinium‐enhanced magnetic resonance angiography: comparison with digital subtraction angiography and intraoperative findings.
Clin Transplant 2011: 25: 481–485. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: Background: X‐ray contrast arteriography has traditionally been used for pre‐operative evaluation in living kidney donors. However, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) offers a non‐invasive alternative, which has been considered to be less accurate. This study was performed to determine whether MRA in the pre‐operative investigation of living kidney donors provides sufficient information. Methods: From December 2005 to December 2007, 173 potential live donors were evaluated in this study. Donors performed digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and those with one or more accessory arteries at least on one side recruited for further evaluation with three‐dimensional gadolinium‐enhanced MRA. Results: A total of 30 donors constituted the study population. When compared with DSA as the reference method, MRA detected 20 of 36 renal accessory arteries which indicates a sensitivity of 55.6%. The difference between MRA and DSA in identifying accessory renal arteries was significant (p‐value <0.001). Considering intraoperative findings as the standard of reference, MRA depicted correctly four of six (66.7%) accessory arteries on the transplanted kidneys. Conclusions: MRA has the advantage of avoiding exposure to ionizing radiation and is non‐invasive. These are important considerations in pre‐operative evaluation of a generally healthy donor population. However, MRA provides suboptimal accuracy in detecting small accessory arteries.  相似文献   

One noninvasive method of evaluating the condition of the carotid arteries is by the Echoflow Doppler device, which produces colour-coded images of the flow pattern in the arteries. Normal velocities are represented in red, accelerated flow in yellow and turbulences in blue. The authors present the results of Echoflow studies in 317 patients who also underwent cerebral angiography. Of 660 normal carotid vessels, 21 showed appreciable abnormalities on Echoflow study (false positive 3.2%). Of 87 vessels with stenosis of 50% or more, the Echoflow study showed normal flow in 26 (false negative 29.9%). The Echoflow study indicated no abnormalities in 3 of 22 patients with severe stenosis (more than 80%) (false negative 13.6%). Of nine patients with carotid occlusion, the Echoflow study gave normal findings in one (false negative 11.1%). Sensitivity was 70.1%, specificity was 96.9%, with a positive predictive accuracy of 93.9%. Sources of error include misidentification of arteries, signal attenuation (acoustic shadow), hemodynamic changes and timing of the Echoflow study relative to angiography. Combined studies with B-mode ultrasonography and spectral analysis of the Doppler signal should reduce error. These studies should not be used to replace angiography, but to help select for angiography patients for whom the study might be contraindicated because of advanced age or cardiac disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of Color Doppler US, CT Angiography (CTA), and GD-enhanced MR Angiography (MRA) compared with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for the detection of renal artery stenosis in patients with clinically suspected renovascular hypertension. Fifty-eight patients with suspected renovascular hypertension were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent Color Doppler US, CTA and GD-enhanced MRA. DSA was the gold standard method for the number of renal arteries, existence and degree of stenosis, or evidence of fibromuscular dysplasia. DSA depicted 132 renal arteries, 16 stenoses, and 4 arteries with fibromuscular dysplasia. Color Doppler US failed to detect 1 main and 14 polar arteries. CTA depicted all main renal arteries and 7/16 polar arteries, but failed to detect stenosis in two accessory vessels. Likewise, MRA did not detect stenotic accessory renal arteries, depicted 9/16 polar renal arteries, but missed two main renal arteries. All methods depicted the four main renal arteries with fibromuscular dysplasia. The overall sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive accuracy were 75%, 89.6%, 60% and 94.6%, respectively, for color Doppler US; 94%, 93%, 71%, and 99%, respectively, for CTA; and 90%, 94.1%, 75%, and 98%, respectively, for GD-enhanced MRA. CTA and GD-enhanced MRA have comparable and satisfactory results with respect to the negative predictive accuracy of the suspected renal artery stenosis. The concept of an imaging algorithm including US as screening test when appropriate and CTA or MRA as the second step-procedure is suggested. Therefore, DSA may be reserved for cases with major discrepancies or therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

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