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Trauma-informed care has gained increasing popularity in mental health services over the past two decades. Mental health nurses remain one of the largest occupations employed in acute mental health settings and arguably have a critical role in supporting trauma-informed care in this environment. Despite this, there remains a limited understanding on how trauma-informed care is applied to the context of mental health nursing in the hospital environment. The aim of this study was to explore what it means for mental health nurses to provide trauma-informed care in the acute mental health setting. The study design was qualitative, using van Manen's (Researching lived experience: human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. State University of New York Press, 1990) approach to hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry. A total of 29 mental health nurses participated in this study. There were three overarching themes that emerged; these entail: embodied trauma-informed milieu, trauma-informed relationality and temporal dimensions of trauma-informed mental health nursing. The study found that for mental health nurses, there are elements of trauma-informed care that extend far beyond the routine application of the principles to nursing practice. For mental health nurses working in the acute setting, trauma-informed care may offer a restorative function in practice back to the core tenants of therapeutic interpersonal dynamics it was once based upon.  相似文献   

The ethical issues experienced by mental health nurses in administering antipsychotic depot and long‐acting intramuscular injections (LAI) were explored in the present study. Mental health nurses face ethically‐difficult situations when administering these medications. A phenomenological research method guided by Max van Manen's human science approach describes and interprets the ethical issues involved in performing the procedure. Purposive and snowball sampling was used to select eight participants from two mental health hospitals. Semistructured interviews were carried out to collect data. A thematic analysis was conducted on the data. The four main themes that emerged from the analyses were: (i) lack of alternatives; (ii) safety; (iii) feeling uncomfortable; and (iv) difficulty maintaining the therapeutic relationship. The findings suggest that mental health nurses face ethical challenges in administering LAI. The findings raise much needed awareness of the need for mental health nurses and nurse educators to consider the ethical issues experienced while performing the procedure. There is a need for nurse education providers and organizations to provide opportunities for mental health nurses to address their ‘lived experiences’. Educational courses are needed to equip mental health nurses with the technical and critical thinking skills to administer safe and effective antipsychotic depot and LAI.  相似文献   

The wide-ranging benefits of physical activity for consumers with mental illness are acknowledged within the mental health nursing field; however, this is not commonly translated to practice. The primary aim of this paper is to argue that mental health nurses are well positioned to, and should, provide leadership in promoting physical activity to improve the quality of care for people with mental illness. Topics addressed in this paper include the relationship between physical activity and both physical and mental health, the views and experiences of consumers with physical activity, the efficacy of physical activity interventions, the attitudes of nurses to physical activity as a component of care, barriers to a physical activity focus in care for mental illness, and the role of mental health nurses in promoting physical activity. There is a clear and important relationship between physical activity and mental health. Mental health nurses are well positioned to encourage and assist consumers to engage in physical activity, although they might lack the educational preparation to perform this role effectively.  相似文献   

This note is about the use of email and its role in mental health settings. We anticipate that it may be of assistance to mental health nurses unfamiliar with the benefits and pitfalls of email and wanting to learn more about how to use it professionally and effectively. In mental health nursing, we pride ourselves on our interpersonal skills and being able to communicate. However, transferring these skills to an electronic medium is not always easy. Because many of us are self-taught, there is potential for email to be a hindrance rather than a help in the quest for good collegial relationships. In this note, we discuss some of the common situations that can arise when email use goes awry and provide some helpful tips for getting the most out of email. It is hoped that the information and checklist provided in this paper will strike a chord with many, encouraging discussion and promoting appropriate use of this form of communication.  相似文献   

This article will critically explore the concept of planetary health and locate the role and identity of the mental health nurse (MHN) within it. Like humans, our planet thrives in optimum conditions, finding the delicate balance between health and ill-health. Human activity is now negatively impacting the homeostasis of the planet and this imbalance creates external stressors that adversely impact upon human physical and mental health at the cellular level. The value and understanding of this intrinsic relationship between human health and the planet is in danger of being lost within a society that views itself as being separate and superior to nature. The Period of Enlightenment witnessed some human groups viewing the natural world and its resources as something to exploit. White colonialism and industrialization destroyed the innate symbiotic relationship between humans and the planet beyond recognition and in particular, overlooking the essential therapeutic role nature and the land facilitated within the well-being of individuals and communities. This prolonged loss of respect for the natural world continues to breed human disconnection on a global scale. The healing properties of nature have effectively been abandoned within healthcare planning and infrastructure, which continue to be driven principally by the medical model. Under the theory of holism, mental health nursing values the restorative capabilities of connection and belonging, employing skills to support the healing of suffering, trauma and distress, through relationships and education. This suggests MHNs are well situated to provide the advocacy the planet requires, through the active promotion of connecting communities to the natural world around them, both healing the other.  相似文献   

The objective was to use various somatic parameters as basis for investigating the physical health of older adults with severe mental illnesses (SMI). A cross‐sectional study design is performed by using baseline data from the Physical Health in SMI‐elderly (PHiSMI‐E) study. Data were collected using the Nursing Monitoring of Somatic Status and Lifestyle – Mental Health instrument in adults aged over 60 with SMI in a large Dutch mental health institute. Ninety‐nine elderly SMI patients were included. Somatic comorbidity (84.8%), use of somatic medication (77.7%) and polypharmacy (67.7%) were prevalent. Extrapyramidal symptoms were experienced by 51% of patients, mainly in the subgroup with psychotic disorders (75.6%). Unhealthy diet was reported in 16.2%, obesity in 27.3%, and physical inactivity in 57.6%. Fatigue (67.7%) and dry mouth (66.6%) were the commonest reported physical symptoms. Mean VAS score (scale 0–10) indicating participants’ self‐perceived physical health was 6.7 (SD ± 1.6). After division of the total patient group into tertiles based on the VAS scores, the lowest tertile was characterized by less physical activity, unhealthier diet, more use of medication, more fatigue, somnolence, and inner agitation. In conclusion, impaired physical health status was common in these older patients with SMI. Although they had more psychiatric and somatic comorbidity than adult SMI patients described in the literature, they had a healthier lifestyle. To reduce morbidity and premature mortality in these frail patients, it is essential that healthcare providers are aware of the high prevalence of somatic comorbidity and symptoms, and of their interactions with the psychiatric disorders. This study improves our understanding of differences in vulnerability factors of older patients with SMI. The (early) detection of somatic comorbidities may improve long‐term health outcomes of these patients.  相似文献   

Deinstitutionalization, and more recently, earlier discharges from psychiatric inpatient units, have created and intensified the need for case management in community mental health. Nurses have been at the forefront of providing this case management. This literature review provides a synthesis of research and policy on the contribution of mental health nurses to community case management. The focus of this review is on the proportion of case management that mental health nurses undertake, the caseloads of case managers, and the interventions that mental health nurses most frequently perform in the community. The professional compositions of mental health case management workforces have been associated with economic imperatives, professional priorities, and the choice of case management models. The influence of mental health nurses in the case management workforce is particularly strong in the U.K. and Australia, but less so in the U.S.A. where social workers and people without mental health qualifications perform similar roles. Although heavy caseloads seem to be common among case managers, the research in this area is quite weak. The interventions that mental health nurses perform most often include case management (e.g., coordinating care), counselling, and medication management. Caring for the physical health of consumers might often be overlooked.  相似文献   

Examination of the names used to signify a nurse who specializes in working with people with mental health problems indicates the absence of a shared nomenclature and the frequent conflation of the terms ‘psychiatric’ and ‘mental health’. Informed by the work of Derrida (1978) and Saussure (1916–1983), the authors encourage the deconstruction of and problematization of these terms, and this shows that what nurses who work with people with so‐called mental illness are called has depended on where they have worked, the vagaries of passing fashion, and public policy. Further, there are irreconcilable philosophical, theoretical, and clinical positions that prevent nurses from practicing simultaneously as ‘psychiatric’ and ‘mental health’ nurses. Related service user literature indicates that it is disingenuous to camouflage ‘psychiatric’ services as ‘mental health’ services, and as signifiers, signified, and signs, psychiatric and mental health nursing are sustained by political agendas, which do not necessarily prioritize the needs of the person with the illness. Clearly demarked and less disingenuous signs for both mental health and psychiatric care would not only be a more honest approach, but would also be in keeping with the service user literature that highlights the expectation that there are two signs (and thus two services): psychiatric and mental health services.  相似文献   

Title. ‘Veiling sexualities’: a grounded theory of mental health nurses responses to issues of sexuality. Aim. This paper is a report of a study to develop a grounded theory explaining how mental health nurses respond to issues of sexuality in clinical practice. Background. The history of sexuality and people with mental health problems has largely been a history shrouded in misunderstanding, stigma, myth and negativity. However, individuals with mental health problems may experience sexuality and relationship difficulties related to their life experiences, mental illness, or its treatment. Methods. Grounded theory was the methodology used for the study. Interviews were conducted in 2005–2006 with 27 mental health nurses working an urban area in the Republic of Ireland. Data were analysed using the concurrent processes of constant comparative analysis, data collection, theoretical sampling and memo writing. Findings. The core category to emerge from the data was ‘veiling sexualities’. This refers to participants’ accounts of how they responded to the sexuality dimension of clients’ lives. Participants’ main concerns about sexuality were related to feelings of personal and professional vulnerability, due to a lack of competence, comfort and confidence in this area. The theory highlights the manner in which nurses perpetuate practices that marginalize, discriminate and socially exclude clients as ‘sexual citizens’. Conclusion. The theory of Veiled Sexualities may facilitate acknowledgement of the presence of sexuality in all nurse–client encounters, and promote a discourse on the sexual rights of people experiencing mental distress among mental health nurses and all involved in the delivery of mental health services.  相似文献   

This article is a review of the literature examining the sexuality of mental health consumers and the role of mental health nurses. A search identified 72 English articles on the topic. The evidence clearly indicates that sexuality is a critical aspect of who we are as individuals, and of how we view ourselves, but discussion of this topic is neglected by mental health nurses. Discussion focuses upon the wide acceptance of sexuality as a legitimate area for nurses to address in their care, and addresses mental health nurses' lack of knowledge about sexuality, conservative attitudes, and anxiety when discussing sexual issues. Consumer sexuality is poorly assessed in mental health, and is infrequently explored by mental health nurses. The result is that issues of sexuality for the consumer continue to affect many areas of their lives, including their relationships and ongoing commitment to treatment. The nurse–consumer relationship provides an opportunity to take sexual history into consideration, promote safe sexual practices, discuss sexual problems, and educate clients about sexual issues. This literature review identifies the need for further discussion of this topic and for research to point the way ahead for this important but neglected area of mental health nursing.  相似文献   

Recent UK policy and guidance indicates the importance of positive attitudes towards mental health service users. This is especially true in acute inpatient care, where service users are often at their most vulnerable and have higher levels of contact with mental health staff. The following paper details secondary analysis of data collected for the validation of an attitude measurement scale with a sample of 140 nursing staff in acute settings. The results demonstrate that a wide range of attitudes are held by mental health nurses towards acute mental health care. Overall, the results indicate generally positive attitudes. Significant differences were found between qualified and unqualified staff, and males and females for some questions. Recommendations are made for future attitudinal research of mental health staff.  相似文献   

The development of the Internet is happening at a staggering pace and promises to have a dramatic impact on human relations. If nursing is to adapt to and benefit from these changes, consideration ought to be given to the experiences and opinions of nurses who have adapted to and use the technology. This paper provides an outline of the findings of an Email survey of psychiatric and mental health nurses who are experienced in using the Internet. Questions focused on what psychiatric and mental health nurses use the Internet for, how their use has changed, work‐related benefits, and what impact they see the Internet having in the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Spirituality has been recognized as an important part of nursing practice since its early beginnings. However, debate continues about whether and how nurses and other mental health professionals should include spirituality within their daily work. This paper aims to contribute to the discussion of spirituality within mental health nursing, through considering findings from a Heideggerian phenomenological study conducted with six people with mental illness living in regional Australia. This study aimed to provide a greater understanding of the phenomenon of spirituality by answering a primary research question, ‘What does spirituality mean for people with a mental illness?’ Participants were interviewed and data analysed using an iterative approach. Findings emerged through multiple readings and meanings were gradually constructed from the data into themes. The themes describe that spirituality is experienced uniquely for the participants, and that spirituality became vitally important to them when they became mentally unwell. In addition, issues of interest to mental health nurses were raised but not completely addressed by the study. The issues relate to potential interactions about spirituality between nurses and their patients. Although participants wanted to discuss their experiences of spirituality with others, they raised concerns about whether their mental health care providers would be accepting of their beliefs. Spirituality was deemed to be a highly individual phenomenon; it could be experienced as a journey and it was life‐sustaining. For these reasons, it is proposed that mental health professionals must be prepared to discuss patients’ spiritual needs in the context of their health concerns.  相似文献   

The aim of this review was to examine the perceptions of patients with mental disorders and mental health nurses of health promotion targeting physical activity and eating habits in mental health care. An electronic search strategy was conducted. Furthermore, references were searched by hand-searching the reference lists of the retrieved articles from the electronic databases. The literature on perceptions of health promotion and lifestyle interventions in mental health care principally consist of qualitative studies using interviews and focus groups. Positive perceptions of both mental health nurses and patients towards health promotion targeting physical activity and eating habits in mental health care were identified. Contrary, several barriers for integrating healthy lifestyles into the daily life of patients were described. Patients usually want to learn more about healthy lifestyles, but see the ability to change their physical health as beyond their control. In this sense, support from mental health nurses is considered as important. Despite the awareness of the importance of health promotion in mental health care, it appears that visions and attitudes towards the potential of health promotion are in need of change.  相似文献   

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