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Glutamate, the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, modulates synaptic transmission and neuronal excitability via metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). These receptors are essential components for diverse cognitive functions and they represent potential drug targets for the treatment of a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Here we describe the phylogenetic relation and mRNA distribution of zebrafish mGluRs. In comparison to the eight mglurs present in the mammalian genome, we identified 13 different mglur genes in the zebrafish genome. In situ hybridization experiments in zebrafish revealed widespread expression patterns for the different mglurs in the central nervous system, implicating their significance in diverse neuronal functions. Prominent mglur expression is found in the olfactory bulb, the optic tectum, the hypothalamus, the cerebellum, and the retina. We show that expression pattern of paralogs generated by the teleost‐specific whole genome duplication is overlapping in some brain regions but complementary in others, suggesting sub‐ and/or neofunctionalization in the latter. Group I mglurs are similarly expressed in brain areas of both larval and adult zebrafish, suggesting that their functions are comparable during these stages. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:1449–1469, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During development, many sympathetic and sensory neurons are dependent on nerve growth factor (NGF) for survival. The low affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75), expressed in these neurons, is regulated by exogenous NGF in vitro and in vivo. However, whether p75 expression in vivo is under the control of endogenous NGF has not been determined. The role of NGF in regulating the expression of p75 in sympathetic and sensory nerves was investigated in Sprague-Dawley rats treated with an antiserum specific for NGF. P75 was differentially regulated. P75 immunoreactivity (-ir) within sympathetic neurons in the superior cervical ganglia (SCG) was reduced after 2 days, and disappeared after 5 days, of treatment with the NGF antiserum. In contrast, a significant increase in p75-ir was detected in nerve bundles within and close to the SCG from 3 to 14 days after treatment. A similar pattern of p75 expression was observed in the stellate and coeliac ganglia. In contrast, p75 expression in nerve terminals of the mesenteric arteries and irides was reduced. However, in the same animals the expression of p75 was not significantly affected by the treatment in dorsal root, trigeminal or nodose ganglia, salivary gland or small intestine. In contrast to p75, the NGF high affinity receptor trkA was little affected in sympathetic neurons by depletion of endogenous NGF for 2 weeks. These results indicate that endogenous NGF is required in sympathetic ganglia for the expression of p75 but not trkA in neurons, but for the down-regulation of p75 in glia. In contrast, endogenous NGF is not essential for the regulation of p75 in neurons or glia within sensory ganglia. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examined the roles of nerve growth factor (NGF) and the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) in the growth of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) central processes in the dorsal horn. Two genetically modified mouse strains were used: transgenic mice that overexpress NGF in the CNS under the control of the glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter, and p75NTR exon III null mutant mice that express a hypomorphic form of this receptor. In both NGF transgenic and nontransgenic mice with hypomorphic expression of p75NTR, there is a significant loss of DRG neurons compared to mice with normal p75NTR expression. This reduction in neuron number has been shown to underlie a corresponding decrease in peripheral nociceptive sensory innervation. Within the CNS, however, nociceptive innervation of the dorsal horn appears to be unaffected by hypomorphic expression of p75NTR. Comparisons of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn revealed that the area occupied by DRG central processes was not significantly different between p75NTR hypomorphic mice and wild-type siblings, or between NGF transgenic mice with either hypomorphic or normal expression of p75NTR. We propose that DRG central processes arborize extensively in both NGF-transgenic and nontransgenic p75NTR hypomorphic mice in order to compensate for the loss of DRG neurons and restore dorsal horn innervation to normal levels. We also present evidence suggesting that NGF plays only a minor role in the growth of DRG central processes.  相似文献   

Expressions of nerve growth factor (NGF) and low affinity p75 NGF receptor (p75 NGFR) in gerbil hippocampal neurons after 3.5-min transient forebrain ischemia were studied. Most hippocampal CAI neurons were lost (neuronal density = 44 ± 12/mm) at 7 days after recirculation, while no cell death was found in the sham-control neurons (220 ± 27/min). NGF immunoreactivity was normally present in the sham-control hippocampal neurons. However, it decreased in hippocampal CAI neurons, and slightly decreased in the neurons of CA3 and dentate gyrus areas from 3 hr after recirculation. By 7 days, NGF immunoreactivity returned almost completely to the sham-control level in the CA3 and dentate gyrus neurons but decreased markedly in the CAI neurons. In contrast, p75 NGFR immunoreactivity was scarcely present in the sham-control hippocampal neurons but was induced from 1 hr after recirculation in the CAI and CA3 neurons and from 3 hr in the dentate gyrus. At 7 days, p75 NGFR immunoreactivity was expressed greatly in the surviving CAI neurons and the reactive astrocytes but was not seen in the other hippocampal neurons. The markedly decreased NGF and greatly induced p75 NGFR immunoreactivity found in the CAI neurons after transient forebrain ischemia suggests that NGF and p75 NGFR may be involved in the mechanism of delayed neuronal death. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using MAb192, a monoclonal antibody to the rat low affinity receptor for nerve growth factor (p75NGFR), we determined the expression of p75NGFR in rat neonatal and adult olfactory system. In neonates and adults, we observed discrete p75NGFR-immunoreactivity (p75NGFR-ir) in the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb. The intensity and organization of glomerular p75NGFR-ir increased with age. This was in keeping with the general ontogeny of the main olfactory bulb. Generally, granule cells, mitral cells and periglomerular cells of the main olfactory bulb were not specifically stained. However, in early neonates, granule cells close to the lateral olfactory tract exhibited p75NGFR-ir. Additional specific staining was found in the olfactory receptor neurons of neonatal and adult olfactory neuroepithelium, the olfactory fascicles and in the glomeruli of the accessory olfactory bulb. The intensity, but not the organization, of specific staining in the accessory olfactory bulb increased as the animal matured. We believe that p75NGFR-ir in the olfactory system is associated with its unique capacity to regenerate its peripheral input to the main olfactory bulb. The presence of p75NGFR-ir in the accessory olfactory bulb would suggest a broader role for this protein. Here we discuss the implications of these findings with regards to nerve growth factor, other trophic molecules, and their receptors. The data presented provide a foundation for studies involving manipulation of regenerative phenomena while monitoring the expression of neurotrophic factors and their receptors.  相似文献   

Delayed ischemic neurologic deifcit after subarachnoid hemorrhage results from loss of neural cells. Nerve growth factor and its receptor TrkA may promote regeneration of neural cells, but their expression after subarachnoid hemorrhage remains unclear. In the present study, a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage was established using two injections of autologous blood into the cistern magna. Immunohisto-chemical staining suggested that the expression of nerve growth factor and TrkA in the cerebral cortex and brainstem increased at 6 hours, peaked at 12 hours and decreased 1 day after induction of subarachnoid hemorrhage, whereas the expression in the hippocampus increased at 6 hours, peaked on day 1, and decreased 3 days later. Compared with those for the rats in the sham and saline groups, neurobehavioral scores decreased signiifcantly 12 hours and 3 days after subarachnoid hemorrhage (P<0.05). These results suggest that the expression of nerve growth factor and its receptor TrkA is dynamically changed in the rat brain and may thus participate in neuronal survival and nerve regeneration after subarachnoid hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF), a classic neurotropic factor, promotes neuronal survival, maintenance, regeneration and differentiation in the peripheral nervous system and parts of the central nervous system. NGF activity is mediated by cell surface bound receptors including the low affinity NGF receptor (LNGFr) which is expressed by some peripheral and central neurons and is present on peripheral nerve Schwann cells during development and regeneration. The olfactory system is a useful model for the study of the role of LNGFr in neuronal development and regeneration. The growth of olfactory axons into the brain begins in the embryo and continue through the first few postnatal weeks. In mature animals there is persistent turnover and generation of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and continuous growth of new axons into the oflfactory bulb. These new axons grow along the preexisting olfactory pathway. In the mature olfactory system, LNGFr has been observed in the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb, the target of ORNs. However, neither the cellular localization nor the development expression of LNGFr has been characterized. Her, we tested the hypothesis that LNGFr expression is developmentally regulated in the olfactory nerve and is reinduced following injury to the mature olfactory nerve. LNGFr-immunoreactivity (IR) was first observed in the olfactory mucosa at embryonic day (E)13 and in the olfactory nerve at E14. LNGFr-IR increased in the nerve during embryonic development, began to decrease at around postnatal day (P)5 and was scarcely detectable in normal adults. The staining patterns suggests that LNGFr is located on the olfactory nerve Schwann cells. Streaks of LNGFr-IR were present in the adult olfactory nerve. We reasoned that these streaks might represent transient reexpression of LNGFr associated with normal olfactory neurons turnover and replacement. Consistent with this hypothesis, LNGFr was robustly reexpressed in the adult olfactory nerve following lesion of the olfactory epithelium. Starting late in development (E21) and in the adult, LNGFr-IR was also observed on fibres in deep layers of the olfactory bulb. LNGFr-IR was also observed in neurons of the nucleus of the diagonal band (NDB) in the basal forebrain. NDB is the sole source of cholingeric afferents of the olfactory bulb. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that LNGFr in the deep layers of the olfactory bulb is located on NDB axons by making lesions of NDB. Following the lesion, LNGFr-IR disappeared in the deep layers of the olfactory bulb but remained in the glomerular layer. We conclude that LNGFr-IR is associated with several distinct populations of cells in the olfactory system. This suggests that LNGFr-IR plays several distinct functional roles in the olfactory system, including support of olfactory axon growth and regeneration and maintenance of cholinergic innervation of the olfactory bulb. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Schwann cells in the distal stump of injured peripheral nerves synthesize the low affinity nerve growth factor receptor (p75). In this study we used short-term (1 week) and long-term (1-12 months) transected distal sciatic nerves of rats to determine the variations of p75 expression by using immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. Semi-quantitative analysis revealed that the synthesis of the protein product of the p75 gene is rapidly enhanced to reach a peak within the 1 month after denervation. After that it gradually decreased and was barely detectable 6 months following denervation. Double immunocytochemistry for p75 and the S100 protein revealed that p75 immunoreactivity is confined to the Schwann cells. Quantitative analysis of our in situ hybridization experiments revealed that the upregulation of the p75 mRNA parallels the enhanced synthesis of the corresponding protein and reaches a peak within 1 month, which is maintained until the second month after the transection and declines thereafter to reach background levels at 4 months. The electron microscopic observations reveal that the increase in the number of nuclei in the distal stump belong to severely atrophied Schwann cells and fibroblasts. Since the presence of p75 in the Schwann cells is necessary for reinnervation, our results indicate that, based on the expression of p75, the Schwann cells will provide a most suitable environment for the regenerating axons up to the first month. At later stages the ability of the Schwann cells to synthesize p75 and cell adhesion proteins such as N-CAM and GAP 43 decreases which may be one of the factors that contribute to poor functional recovery if the regenerating axons reach the distal stump after long periods of time. GLIA 20:87-100, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

The interaction of neurotrophins and their tyrosine kinase receptors (trks) is essential for differentiation and survival of brain cells. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), the number of neurotrophins and receptors is markedly decreased. The cause of this reduction is unclear, but the role of beta-amyloid (Abeta) seems central in understanding the mechanisms controlling neurotrophin and trk expression. In the study reported here, we exposed SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells to Abeta or hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and measured the expression of trk-A and p75 at the protein and molecular levels. Both Abeta and H(2)O(2) induced oxidative stress (measured by a decrease in cellular glutathione), which decreased trk-A levels and increased p75 levels, decreased messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of both receptors, and increased nerve growth factor (NGF) secretion. Pretreatment of cells with the antioxidant melatonin returned levels of protein expression, mRNA, and NGF secretion to normal. These results are significant, as they can help in the planning and implementation of AD treatment strategies involving neurotrophins.  相似文献   

Septal axons provide a cholinergic innervation to the nerve growth factor (NGF)-producing neurons of the mammalian hippocampus. These cholinergic septal afferents are capable of responding to target-derived NGF because they possess trkA and p75(NTR), the two transmembrane receptors that bind NGF and activate ligand-mediated intracellular signaling. To assess the relative importance of p75(NTR) expression for the responsiveness of cholinergic septal neurons to hippocampally derived NGF, we used three lines of mutant and/or transgenic mice: p75(-/-) mice (having two mutated alleles of the p75(NTR) gene), NGF/p75(+/+) mice (transgenic animals overexpressing NGF within central glial cells and having two normal alleles of the p75(NTR) gene), and NGF/p75(-/-) mice (NGF transgenic animals having two mutated alleles of the p75(NTR) gene). BALB/c and C57B1/6 mice (background strains for the mutant and transgenic lines of mice) were used as controls. Both lines of NGF transgenic mice possess elevated levels of NGF protein in the hippocampus and septal region, irrespective of p75(NTR) expression. BALB/c and C57Bl/6 mice display comparably lower levels of NGF protein in both tissues. Despite differing levels of NGF protein, the ratios of hippocampal to septal NGF levels are similar among BALB/c, C57B1/6, and NGF/p75(+/+) mice. Both p75(-/-) and NGF/p75(-/-) mice, on the other hand, have markedly elevated ratios of NGF protein between these two tissues. The lack of p75(NTR) expression also results in a pronounced absence of NGF immunoreactivity in cholinergic septal neurons of p75(-/-) and NGF/p75(-/-) mice. BALB/c, C57B1/6, and NGF/p75(+/+) mice, on the other hand, display NGF immunoreactivity that appears as discrete granules scattered through the cytoplasm of cholinergic septal neurons. Elevated levels of NGF in the hippocampus and septal region coincide with hypertrophy of cholinergic septal neurons of NGF/p75(+/+) mice but not of NGF/p75(-/-) mice. Levels of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) enzyme activity are, however, elevated in the septal region and hippocampus of both NGF/p75(+/+) and NGF/p75(-/-) mice, compared with control mice. These data indicate that an absence of functional p75(NTR) expression disrupts the normal cellular immunolocalization of NGF by cholinergic septal neurons but does not affect the ability of these neurons to respond to elevated levels of NGF, as determined by ChAT activity.  相似文献   

Receptors for the neuropeptide, neurotensin, were localized by immunohistochemistry in the rat brain by using an antibody raised against a sequence of the third intracellular loop of the cloned high affinity receptor. Selective receptor immunostaining was observed throughout the brain and brainstem. This immunostaining was totally prevented by preadsorbing the antibody with the immunogenic peptide. The regional distribution of the immunoreactivity conformed for the most part to that of [3H]- or [125I]-neurotensin binding sites previously identified by autoradiography. Thus, the highest levels of immunostaining were observed in the islands of Calleja, diagonal band of Broca, magnocellular preoptic nucleus, pre- and parasubiculum, suprachiasmatic nucleus, anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, pontine nuclei and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, all of which had previously been documented to contain high densities of neurotensin binding sites. There were, however, a number of regions reportedly endowed with neurotensin binding sites, including the central amygdaloid nucleus, periaqueductal gray, outer layer of the superior colliculus and dorsal tegmental nucleus, which showed no or divergent patterns of immunostaining, suggesting that they might be expressing a molecularly distinct form of the receptor. At the cellular level, neurotensin receptor immunoreactivity was predominantly associated with perikarya and dendrites in some regions (e.g., in the basal forebrain, ventral midbrain, pons and rostral medulla) and with axons and axon terminals in others (e.g., in the lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, neostriatum, paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus and nucleus of the solitary tract). These data indicate that neurotensin may act both post- and presynaptically in the central nervous system and confirm that some of its effects are exerted on projection neurons. There were also areas, such as the cerebral cortex, nucleus accumbens and para- and periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which contained both immunoreactive perikarya/dendrites and axon terminals, consistent with either a joint association of the receptor with afferent and efferent elements or its presence on interneurons. Taken together, these results also suggest that the neurotensin high affinity receptor protein is associated with a neuronal population that is more extensive than originally surmised from in situ hybridization studies. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of the messenger RNA (mRNA) coding for neprilysin (EC has been studied by in situ hybridization in the adult rat brain. A markedly heterogeneous distribution among various brain regions was found. A strong signal was observed in the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb, the olfactory tubercle, the caudate putamen, the habenular, anterior pretectal, interpeduncular, red, dorso tegmental, pontine, and vestibular nuclei, the mammillary bodies, the Purkinje cells, and the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle. A large number of areas such as the cortex, the dentate gyrus, the hippocampus, the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory tract, the accumbens and the arcuate nuclei, the superior and inferior colliculi, and a few regions in the thalamus at the mesencephalic level exhibited a moderate or low signal of hybridization. The majority of these regions are also known to contain the neprilysin protein. On the other hand, the globus pallidus, the substantia nigra, and the central gray matter, which show a high or a moderate amount of neprilysin, did not contain any neprilysin mRNA. Comparison of the regional distribution of neprilysin mRNA with that of its translation product provides insight into neprilysin neuronal pathways in the central nervous system. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The expression of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor in adult rat brain was studied by immunohistochemistry with a specific anti-rat NGF receptor monoclonal antibody, 192-IgG. Intense NGF receptor immunoreactivity (NGFRI) was found in structures known to be NGF responsive, including forebrain cholinergic neurons in medial septum, diagonal band of Broca, and basal nucleus of Meynert; central processes of neural-crest-derived sensory ganglion neurons and their innervated nucleus also contained such immunoreactivity. Distinct NGFRI staining was also found in many brain areas and cell types not known to be NGF responsive, including some hypothalamic regions, circumventricular organs, some areas related to the optic system, olfactory glomeruli, ependymal and subependymal cells in some locations, mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, cerebellar molecular layer, central linear nucleus, solitary tract and its nucleus, and inferior olive. The NGFRI in the circumventricular organs was further studied by in vivo labeling of 125I-ligands. Intravenously injected 125I-NGF, but not 125I-cytochrome c, was specifically accumulated in the area postrema. Biochemical study of the NGF receptor showed a major band of molecular weight of approximately 90 KDa in the area postrema, choroid plexus, median eminence, and medial septum with the relative content consistent with that seen by immunohistochemistry. No evidence of a truncated NGF receptor was observed. The results of this study suggest that NGF and its receptor have broader roles in adult mammalian brain than previously thought.  相似文献   

The regional ability of central neurons and glial cells to produce nerve growth factor (NGF) was studied in vitro. NGF secretion was compared in cultures of perinatal astrocytes or embryonic neurons that were derived from various mouse brain structures. No regional differences were detected among cultures of post-natal day 2 glial cells of hippocampal, cortical, striatal, or mesencephalic origin. In all cases, levels of NGF released by the cells were very similar. They were closely correlated to the growth rate as shown by the fact that exponentially growing cells produced relatively more factor than did confluent cells, a finding in agreement with previous observations. Unlike growth-phase cells, primary astrocytes immediately plated at high cell density did not secrete any assayable factor before the 7th day of culture. Levels of NGF found during the following days remained low. In contrast, striking differences were observed among cultures of embryonic neurons. NGF was found in relatively large amounts in cultures of embryonic day 17 or 19 striatal neurons, whereas media conditioned by neurons from the mesencephalon, cortex, or septum contained much less factor. Amounts of NGF assayed in cultures of hippocampal neurons varied with the time of sampling of this brain structure. Levels of factor were significantly higher in media conditioned by embryonic day 19 neurons than in media of embryonic day 17 neurons. However, amounts of NGF found in supernatants of hippocampal neurons remained smaller than those present in cultures of striatal nerve cells. Altogether, the results suggest that, in addition to astrocytes, central neurons may also synthesize and secrete NGF in vitro and that this phenomenum is dependent on both the origin and the developmental stage of the neuronal population.  相似文献   

The present study establishes that populations of neurons in the lumbosacral cord, which innervate pelvic striated muscles, express p75NGFR throughout their life spans. These neuronal groups comprise the Onuf's nucleus in humans and its principal rat homologues, dorsolateral (DL) and dorsomedial (DM) nuclei, as well as the cremasteric (CRE) nucleus. The p75NGFR in these neurons is localized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, and lysosomes. Almost all neurons that project to striated perineal muscles in the male rat express p75NGFR; very low levels of p75NGFR are detected in neurons that innervate perineal sphincters of the female. In the female rat, p75NGFR expression is masculinized with perinatal androgen treatment. In addition, the expression of p75NGFR in DM and DL neurons in the adult is up-regulated by injury (i. e., pudendal axotomy) but is not influenced by gonadectomy. The results of this study establish that neurons of Onuf s nucleus and its rat homologues differ from general somatic motor neurons in that they express p75NGFR from early postnatal life (i. e., when all motor neurons express p75NGFR) into the adult (when the former, but not the latter, express the receptor). In view of growing evidence for the role of neurotrophins in the physiology of motor neurons, the above differentiating feature between general somatic and sexually dimorphic motor neurons suggests that p75NGFR may be involved in motor neuron plasticity and may participate in mechanisms by which neurons can protect themselves from degenerative insults. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is clear that nerve growth factor (NGF) has a role in the central nervous system. In order to begin to determine the possible roles of NGF in the CNS, neonatal rats were given daily subcutaneous injections of antibodies to NGF (ANTI-NGF) beginning at birth for a period of one month. By utilizing the monoclonal antibody, 192-IgG, which recognizes the p75 NGF receptor (NGFR), and standard immunohistochemical techniques we have localized p75 NGFR in variously aged ANTI-NGF-treated animals and compared the anatomic localization and relative density of the p75 NGFR immunoreactive (p75 NGFR-I) regions to same age untreated and preimmune sera-treated littermates. We confirm previously reported localizations of p75 NGFR-I in the rat brain. In addition, we demonstrate that p75 NGFR-I levels of ANTI-NGF-treated rats found in the molecular, the granular and the Purkinje cell layers of the cerebellum, the vestibular nuclei, the spinal tract of V and the cochlear nuclei remain at lower concentrations compared to same-age control animals. We also demonstrate that p75 NGFR-I levels in the basal nucleus approaches background levels after ANTI-NGF treatment. We hypothesize that ANTI-NGF biologically inactivates NGF, which over a period of 30 days results in decreased p75 NGFR-I. These results are consistent with neuronal loss in these regions following ANTI-NGF treatment. Furthermore, the immunological methods used to produce the specific deficits in the present study may have broader implications with respect to usefulness as a method for determining the dependency of CNS neuronal populations for a putative neurotrophic factor and as a method for the development of models of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

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