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To understand whether tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs) contribute to the failure of regenerating sensory axons to enter the spinal cord, we used in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry to examine the expression of TIMP1, TIMP2, and TIMP3 in the dorsal root, dorsal root entry zone (DREZ), and dorsal column after dorsal root injury in adult rats. We found that the three TIMPs and their mRNAs were up-regulated in a time-, region-, and cell-type-specific manner. Strong up-regulation of all three TIMPs was seen in the injured dorsal roots. TIMP2 was also significantly up-regulated in the DREZ and degenerating dorsal column, where TIMP1 and TIMP3 showed only moderate up-regulation. Most cells up-regulating the TIMPs in the DREZ and degenerating dorsal column were reactive astrocytes, but TIMP2 was also up-regulated by microglia/macrophages, especially at long postoperative survival times. These results suggest that TIMPs may be involved in controlling tissue remodelling following dorsal root injury and that manipulation of the expression of TIMPs may provide a means of promoting axonal regeneration into and within the injured spinal cord.  相似文献   

Tenascin-C is a developmentally regulated extracellular matrix component. There is evidence that it may be involved in axon growth and regeneration in peripheral nerves. We have used in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry to investigate the association of tenascin-C with central nervous system axons regenerating through a peripheral nerve autograft inserted into the thalamus of adult rats. Between 3 days and 4 weeks after implantation, tenascin-C immunoreactivity was increased in the grafts, first at the graft/brain interface, then in the endoneurium of the graft, and finally within the Schwann cell columns of the graft. By electron microscopy, reaction product was present around collagen fibrils and basal laminae in the endoneurium, but the heaviest deposits were found at the surface of regenerating thalamic axons within Schwann cell columns. Schwann cell surfaces were not associated with tenascin-C reaction product except where they faced the tenascin-rich basal lamina or were immediately opposite axons surrounded by tenascin-C. By 8 weeks after graft implantation tenascin-C in the endoneurium and around axons of the graft was decreased. In the brain parenchyma aroundthe proximal part of the graft, axonal sprouts associated with tenascin-C could not be identified earlier than 2 weeks after grafting and were sparse at this stage. Larger numbers of such axons were present at 8–13 weeks after grafting and were located predominantly where the glia limitans between brain and graft appeared to be incomplete, suggesting that the tenascin-C may have penetrated the brain parenchyma from the graft. By in situ hybridization, cells expressing tenascin-C mRNA (probably Schwann cells) appeared first at the brain/graft interface 3 days after grafting and thereafter were mainly located within the grafts. Lightly labelled cells containing tenascin-C mRNA (probably glial cells) were scattered in the thalamic parenchyma both ipsilateral and contralateral to the graft and a few heavily labelled cells were located very close to the tip of the graft. These results show that regenerating adult thalamic axons, unlike regenerating peripheral axons, become intimately associated with peripheral nerve graft-derived tenascin-C, suggesting that they express a tenascin-C receptor, as many neurons do during development, and that tenascin-C derived from Schwann cells may play a role in the regenerative growth of such axons through the grafts. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to examine the relationship between myelination and sensitivity to anoxia in adult white matter, we studied action potential conduction in the spinal cord dorsal column of adult rats in which focal demyelinating lesions had been produced using ethidium bromide/X-irradiation. Acutely isolated spinal cords from control rats and following demyelination were maintained in vitro at 36°C and compound action potentials were studied following supramaximal stimulation. The compound action potential was totally abolished within 12 min of the onset of anoxia in normal dorsal columns, but was not abolished until 50 min following the onset of anoxia in demyelinated dorsal columns. Compound action potentials showed significantly greater recovery (to 58.1±12.2% of control amplitude) in demyelinated dorsal columns compared to controls (30.8±5.3%) following 120 min of reoxygenation. These results show that focal demyelination is associated with reduced sensitivity to anoxia within white matter of the adult spinal cord.  相似文献   

Rats received a midthoracic spinal cord "overhemisection" including right hemicord and left dorsal funiculus at birth (neonatal operates, N = 15) or 21 days of age (weanling operates, N = 14). In a second experiment neonatal (N = 6), 6-day (N = 3), and 12-day (N = 7) rats sustained a right sensorimotor cortex (SmI) ablation to destroy the left corticospinal tract (CST) at the same time as the spinal injury (double lesion operates). Later (3-12 months) injections of 3H-proline and autoradiography were used to label the left or right CST. The results of the first experiment showed that most right CST axons failed to grow around the spinal lesion in neonatal operates (N = 9). There was an increase in the density of label, mainly to CST projection areas, in a 1-mm zone rostral to the lesion. However, left CST axons bypassed the lesion by growing through the intact tissue in neonatal operates (N = 6). These displaced axons were consistently located within the dorsal portion of the lateral funiculus (dLF) and remained within that location caudal to the lesion, an area normally containing only a few CST axons. In spite of this abnormal position, these axons terminated bilaterally throughout the remainder of the cord in normal CST sites. In weanling operates, CST axons severed by the lesion did not regenerate around the lesion site. An increased density of label over the few spared axons within the left dLF and in CST projection zones immediately caudal to the lesion site suggested axonal sprouting by these axons. The results of the second experiment showed that the lack of growth of right CST axons around this injury in neonatal operates was, at least partially, due to an interaction with left CST axons. In neonatal double lesion operates, right CST axons grew around the spinal injury for a varying distance within the left dLF and distributed bilaterally to normal CST sites. The number of right CST axons bypassing the lesion was related to the configuration of the lesion site. A smaller number of right CST axons bypassed the lesion in 6-day double lesion operates and most terminated within 2-3 mm of the lesion site. Right CST axons failed to grow around this injury in 12-day double lesion operates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The regeneration capacity of spinal cord axons is severely limited. Recently, much attention has focused on promoting regeneration of descending spinal cord pathways, but little is known about the regenerative capacity of ascending axons. Here we have assessed the ability of neurotrophic factors to promote regeneration of sensory neurons whose central axons ascend in the dorsal columns. The dorsal columns of adult rats were crushed and either brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) or a vehicle solution was delivered continuously to the lesion site for 4 weeks. Transganglionic labelling with cholera toxin beta subunit (CTB) was used to selectively label large myelinated Abeta fibres. In lesioned rats treated with vehicle, CTB-labelled fibres were observed ascending in the gracile fasciculus, but these stopped abruptly at the lesion site, with no evidence of sprouting or growth into lesioned tissue. No CTB-labelled terminals were observed in the gracile nucleus, indicating that the lesion successfully severed all ascending dorsal column axons. Treatment with BDNF did not promote axonal regeneration. In GDNF-treated rats fibres grew around cavities in caudal degenerated tissue but did not approach the lesion epicentre. NT-3, in contrast, had a striking effect on promoting growth of lesioned dorsal column axons with an abundance of fibre sprouting apparent at the lesion site, and many fibres extending into and beyond the lesion epicentre. Quantification of fibre growth confirmed that only in NT-3-treated rats did fibres grow into the crush site and beyond. No evidence of terminal staining in the gracile nucleus was apparent following any treatment. Thus, although NT-3 promotes extensive growth of lesioned axons, other factors may be required for complete regeneration of these long ascending projections back to the dorsal column nuclei. The intrathecal delivery of NT-3 or other neurotrophic molecules has obvious advantages in clinical applications, as we show for the first time that dorsal column axonal regeneration can be achieved without the use of graft implantation or nerve lesions.  相似文献   

The infusion of BDNF and NT-3 into Schwann cell (SC) grafts promotes regeneration of brainstem neurones into the grafts placed in adult rat spinal cord transected at T8 ( 1 ). Here, we compared normal SCs with SCs genetically modified to secrete human BDNF, grafted as trails 5 mm long in the cord distal to a transection site and also deposited in the transection site, for their ability to stimulate supraspinal axonal regeneration beyond the injury. SCs were infected with the replication-deficient retroviral vector pL(hBDNF)RNL encoding the human preproBDNF cDNA. The amounts of BDNF secreted (as detected by ELISA) were 23 and 5 ng/24 h per 106 cells for infected and normal SCs, respectively. Biological activity of the secreted BDNF was confirmed by retinal ganglion cell bioassay. The adult rat spinal cord was transected at T8. The use of Hoechst prelabelled SCs demonstrated that trails were maintained for a month. In controls, no SCs were grafted. One month after grafting, axons were present in SC trails. More 5-HT-positive and some DβH-positive fibres were observed in the infected vs. normal SC trails. When Fast Blue was injected 5 mm below the transection site (at the end of the trail), as many as 135 retrogradely labelled neurones could be found in the brainstem, mostly in the reticular and raphe nuclei (normal SCs, up to 22, mostly in vestibular nuclei). Numerous neurones were labelled in the ventral hypothalamus (normal SCs, 0). Also, following Fast Blue injection, a mean of 138 labelled cells was present in dorsal root ganglia (normal SCs, 46) and spinal cord (39 vs. 32) rostral to the transection. No labelled spinal neurones rostral to the transection were seen when SCs were not transplanted. Thus, the transplantation of SCs secreting increased amounts of BDNF improved the regenerative response across a transection site in the thoracic cord. Moreover, the enhanced regeneration observed with infected SCs may be specific as the largest response was from neurones known to express trkB.  相似文献   

Axonal regeneration within the injured central nervous system (CNS) is hampered by multiple inhibitory molecules in the glial scar and the surrounding disrupted myelin. Many of these inhibitors stimulate, either directly or indirectly, the Rho intracellular signaling pathway, providing a strong rationale to target it following spinal cord injuries. In this study, we infused either control (PBS) or a ROCK inhibitor, Y27632 (2 mM or 20 mM, 12 microl/day for 14 days) into the intrathecal space of adult rats starting immediately after a cervical 4/5 dorsal column transection. Histological analysis revealed that high dose-treated animals displayed significantly more axon sprouts in the grey matter distal to injury compared to low dose-treated rats. Only the high dose regimen stimulated sprouting of the dorsal ascending axons along the walls of the lesion cavity. Footprint analysis revealed that the increased base of support normalized significantly faster in control and high dose-treated animals compared to low dose animals. Forepaw rotation angle, and the number of footslips on a horizontal ladder improved significantly more by 6 weeks in high dose animals compared to the other two groups. In a food pellet reaching test, high dose animals performed significantly better than low dose animals, which failed to recover. There was no evidence of mechanical allodynia in any treatment group; however, the slightly shortened heat withdrawal times normalized only with the high dose treatment. Collectively, our data support beneficial effects of high dose Y27632 treatment but indicate that low doses might be detrimental.  相似文献   

Complete sciatic nerve injury reduces substance P (SP) expression in primary sensory neurons of the L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia (DRG), due to loss of target-derived nerve growth factor (NGF). Partial nerve injury spares a proportion of DRG neurons, whose axons lie in the partially degenerating nerve, and are exposed to elevated NGF levels from Schwann and other endoneurial cells involved in Wallerian degeneration. To test the hypothesis that SP is elevated in spared DRG neurons following partial nerve injury, we compared the effects of complete sciatic nerve transection (CSNT) with those of two types of partial injury, partial sciatic nerve transection (PSNT) and chronic constriction injury (CCI). As expected, a CSNT profoundly decreased SP expression at 4 and 14 days postinjury, but after PSNT and CCI the levels of preprotachykinin (PPT) mRNA, assessed by in situ hybridization, and the SP immunoreactivity (SP-IR) of the L4 and L5 DRGs did not decrease, nor did dorsal horn SP-IR decrease. Using retrograde labelling with fluorogold to identify spared DRG neurons, we found that the proportion of these neurons expressing SP-IR 14 days after injury was much higher than in neurons of normal DRGs. Further, the highest levels of SP-IR in individual neurons were detected in ipsilateral L4 and L5 DRG neurons after PSNT and CCI. We conclude that partial sciatic nerve injury elevates SP levels in spared DRG neurons. This phenomenon might be involved in the development of neuropathic pain, which commonly follows partial nerve injury.  相似文献   

Because of its non‐invasive nature and ease of regulation, a closely monitored cryogenic method of tissue injury was used to create a degree of spinal cord injury within which there would be an extended regrowth of axons. The parameters of cooling used in the present study resulted in an injury length of 1 cm through which 3 mm of measured axonal regrowth and 8 mm of observed regrowth occurred over a 56‐day period in the ascending fibers of the dorsal column of the mature rat. This was associated with the development of a cellular matrix consisting of macrophages, macroglia and Schwann cells which gradually expands within the injured area initially dominated by macrophages. It is the authors' impression that the presence of a substantial microglial component within the macrophage population may be a significant factor in the success of the axonal regrowth. Under this influence and that of the invading axons, the astrocyte, which provides the immediate cell support to the growing axon, can be maintained in a functional state that is supportive and not obstructive to the axon, presumably through the recruitment of astrocyte precursors from an indigenous stem cell population. These tissue changes indicate that adult mammalian spinal cord tissue does have the capacity to develop on its own a matrix capable of supporting the regrowth of axons.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution and cellular localization of the neural cell adhesion molecule L1 was determined by immunocytochemistry at the optical and ultrastructural levels in adult rat neuroendocrine tissues and pancreatic endocrine cells. L1 was found to be abundant in the neurohypophysis but undetectable in the rest of the pituitary gland. It was barely detectable in the normal rat endocrine pancreas, but a rat pancreatic insulinoma cell line was found by immunofluorescence to express low levels of L1. In the adrenal medulla, it was present on a sub-population of chromaffin cells and its density appeared to be lower on surfaces exposed to the extracellular matrix. Double immunolabelling showed this sub-population to consist of noradrenergic chromaffin cells. Adrenergic chromaffin cells were found not to express L1. In addition, the tissue distribution and cellular localization of NCAM mRNAs was determined by in situ hybridization, extending our previous studies on the cellular expression of NCAM proteins in endocrine and neuroendocrine tissues. This confirmed that the NCAM message has a wider cellular distribution than L1 within the hypophysis and the adrenal gland. In addition to secretory cells, L1 immunoreactivity was detected in glial cells, in particular in the pituicytes of the neurohypophysis, which further distinguishes them from astrocytes, their counterparts in the central nervous system. These data are discussed in terms of the different embryological origins of the various endocrine tissues examined and also in terms of the specific design constraints imposed on these tissues during their development.  相似文献   

Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons decrease their substance P (SP) synthesis after peripheral nerve lesions. Levels in the dorsal horn also decline but return to normal if regeneration is successful. In adults, when regeneration is prevented, recovery of SP in the dorsal horn is slow and incomplete, whereas in newborns, recovery is rapid and complete even though retrograde cell death of DRG neurons is greater than in adults. We have examined the mechanisms that might account for the rapid and complete recovery of SP and calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) in the dorsal horn after peripheral nerve injury in newborns. Peptides were compared in the L4 and L5 DRG and spinal cord segments of normal rats and in rats surviving 6 days to 4 months after sciatic nerve section/ligation within 24 hours of birth. Sciatic nerve section/ligation produced 50% neuron death in L4 and L5 DRGs, but immunocytochemical methods showed that both SP-immunoreactivity (-IR) and CGRP-IR recovered completely in dorsal horn. Radioimmunoassay confirmed that recovery of SP was not an artefact due to shrinkage. β-Preprotachykinin (PPT)-mRNA hybridization and SP-IR were observed mostly in small neurons; α-CGRP-mRNA-hybridized and CGRP-IR neurons were more heterogeneous. The percentage of DRG neurons that contained SP (~ 25%) or CGRP (~ 50%) was the same in normal newborn and adult rats. Neither selective cell survival nor change in neuron phenotype was likely to contribute to the recovery seen in the dorsal horn, and DRG neurons ipsilateral to the lesion exhibited the same level of hybridized β-PPT-mRNA and α-CGRP-mRNA as intact DRG neurons. Because neither the constitutive level of expression of the genes nor peptide levels increased above those observed in intact DRG neurons, these mechanisms were also not responsible. Axotomized DRG neurons, however, contributed to recovery. Recovery was also due to sprouting by neurons in intact DRGs rostral and caudal to L4 and L5. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST localized in astrocytes are essential in limiting transmitter signalling and restricting harmful receptor overstimulation. To show changes in the expression of both transporters following lesion of the entorhinal cortex (and degeneration of the glutamatergic tractus perforans), quantitative microscopic in situ hybridization (ISH) using alkaline-phosphatase-labelled oligonucleotide probes was applied to the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus of rats (termination field of the tractus perforans). Four groups of rats were studied: sham-operated controls, and animals 3, 14 and 60 days following unilateral electrolytic lesion of the entorhinal cortex. The postlesional shrinkage of the terminal field of the perforant path, ipsilateral to the lesion side, was determined and considered in the evaluation of quantitative ISH data. Statistical analysis revealed that ipsilateral to the lesion side there was a significant decrease of the GLT-1 mRNA at every postlesional time-point and of the GLAST mRNA at 14 and 60 days postlesion. The maximal decrease was approximately 45% for GLT-1 and approximately 35% for GLAST. In the terminal field of the perforant path contralateral to the lesion side, no significant changes of ISH labelling were measured. The results were complemented by immunocytochemical data achieved using antibodies against synthetic GLT-1 and GLAST peptides. In accordance with ISH results, there was an obvious decrease of GLT-1 and GLAST immunostaining in the terminal field of the perforant path ipsilateral to the lesion side. From these data we conclude that, following a lesioning of the entorhinal cortex, the loss of glutamatergic synapses in the terminal field of the perforant path resulted in a strong downregulation of glutamate transporters in astrocytes. The decrease of synaptically released glutamate or of other neuronal factors could be involved in this downregulation.  相似文献   

Spontaneous cellular reorganisation at the lesion site has been investigated following massive spinal cord compression injury in adult rats. By 2 days post operation (p.o.), haemorrhagic necrosis, widespread axonal degeneration, and infiltration by polymorphnuclear granulocytes and OX42-positive macrophages were observed in the lesion site. By 7 days p.o., low affinity nerve growth factor receptor-positive Schwann cells, from activated spinal roots, were identified as they migrated far into the lesion. Between 7 and 14 days p.o., the overlapping processes of Schwann cells within the macrophage-filled lesion formed a glial framework which was associated with extensive longitudinally orientated ingrowth by many neurofilament-positive axons. Relatively few of these axons were calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-, substance P (SP)-, or serotonin (5HT)-positive; however, many were glycinergic or gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic. At 21 and 28 days p.o. (the longest survival times studied), a reduced but still substantial amount of orientated Schwann cells and axons could be detected at distances of up to 5 mm within the lesion. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity demonstrated the slow formation of astrocytic scarring which only became apparent at the lesion interface between 21 and 28 days p.o. The current data suggest the possibility of developing future therapeutic strategies designed to maintain or even enhance these spontaneous and orientated regenerative events. J. Neurosci. Res. 53:51–65, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe an experimental model to study regeneration of lesioned corticospinal tract (CST) fibers in the adult rat spinal cord. After transection of all CST fibers at mid-thoracic level the gap is grafted with a sterile, cell-free collagen matrix. Two methods of collagen-application are used: (1) injection of a fluid collagen solution into the lesioned area which self-assembles in situ and (2) implantation of a solid collagen gel. At 4 weeks post-implantation CST axons are anterogradely labelled with horseradish-peroxidase (HRP). The collagen implant is evaluated for ingrowth of CST axons. The histopathological reaction (gliotic response) around the lesion and within the matrix is also studied. After application of a fluid collagen solution into the lesion area HRP-labelled CST axons can be visualized within the implant. In addition, astroglial and reactive microglial cells invade the collagen-matrix. On the other hand, if collagen is implanted as an already self-assembled gel, no ingrowth of labelled CST axons nor of astroglial/reactive microglial cells is observed. Both methods of collagenapplication result in a considerable reduction of the gliotic response as compared to the ungrafted animals. We conclude that the method of application of collagen (i.e., fluid or gel) considerably affects the response of lesioned CST axons. The application of a fluid collagen graft which in situ self-assembles is beneficial for the regrowth of lesioned CST axons in rat spinal cord. In this respect the formation ' of an astroglial scaffolding structure within the (fluid) collagen, probably due to optimal integration between host and graft, is very important. The inability of injured CST fibers to enter the solid collagen graft may be related to the absence of an astroglial scaffolding structure within the implant. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury is often complicated by a chronic pain syndrome that is difficult to treat. In animal models of peripheral nerve injury, sympathetic nerve terminals in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) sprout to form baskets around large diameter neurons, an anatomical change that has been implicated in the induction of neuropathic pain. In the present study, we have investigated whether neurotrophins derived from peripheral sources play any roles in sympathetic sprouting and neuropathic pain in a rat model of peripheral nerve injury. After transection of the left lumbar (L) 5 spinal nerve, antisera specific to neurotrophins were injected intraperitoneally twice a week for 2 weeks. The foot withdrawal response to von Frey hairs was examined on days 1, 3, 7, 10, and 14 postlesion. After completion of behavioral tests, sympathetic sprouting in DRG was examined by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry. The number of TH-immunoreactive (ir) fibers and baskets around large neurons within the lesioned DRG was dramatically increased in the rats treated with control normal sheep serum. Antisera specific to nerve growth factor (NGF), neurotrophin-3 (NT3), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) significantly reduced the sympathetic sprouting and the formation of baskets. L5 spinal nerve lesion induced a significant increase in foot withdrawal responses to von Frey hair stimuli, which was attenuated by treatment of antisera to neurotrophins with a different time sequential. The effect of BDNF antiserum occurred earlier and lasted longer than those of NGF and NT3 antisera. These results implicate that peripherally derived neurotrophins are involved in the induction of sympathetic sprouting and neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury.  相似文献   

大鼠脊髓损伤后Nogo-A表达变化的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察大鼠脊髓损伤后不同时间点Nogo—A蛋白在脊髓的表达变化。方法大鼠分脊髓损伤组、假手术组和正常对照组。损伤动物存活1d、3d、7d后,分别进行Nogo—A抗体的免疫组织化学染色。结果损伤部位的灰质神经元和白质少突胶质细胞均呈明显的Nogo—A免疫阳性反应,随着损伤后存活时间的延长,两者的阳性反应细胞相对染色强度及数量均逐渐下降。结论脊髓损伤后,Nogo—A在灰质神经元有表达,其表达相对强度和表达细胞数量先明显增加,随后逐渐减少,与少突胶质细胞的表达变化相似。  相似文献   

To explore the role of axon guidance molecules during regeneration in the lamprey spinal cord, we examined the expression of mRNAs for semaphorin 3 (Sema3), semaphorin 4 (Sema4), and netrin during regeneration by in situ hybridization. Control lampreys contained netrin-expressing neurons along the length of the spinal cord. After spinal transection, netrin expression was downregulated in neurons close (500 mum to 10 mm) to the transection at 2 and 4 weeks. A high level of Sema4 expression was found in the neurons of the gray matter and occasionally in the dorsal and the edge cells. Fourteen days after spinal cord transection Sema4 mRNA expression was absent from dorsal and edge cells but was still present in neurons of the gray matter. At 30 days the expression had declined to some extent in neurons and was absent in dorsal and edge cells. In control animals, Sema3 was expressed in neurons of the gray matter and in dorsal and edge cells. Two weeks after transection, Sema3 expression was upregulated near the lesion, but absent in dorsal cells. By 4 weeks a few neurons expressed Sema3 at 20 mm caudal to the transection but no expression was detected 1 mm from the transection. Isolectin I-B(4) labeling for microglia/macrophages showed that the number of Sema3-expressing microglia/macrophages increased dramatically at the injury site over time. The downregulation of netrin and upregulation of Sema3 near the transection suggests a possible role of netrin and semaphorins in restricting axonal regeneration in the injured spinal cord.  相似文献   

It has previously been demonstrated that the severed central branches of adult mammalian dorsal root ganglion cells regenerate into transplants of fetal spinal cord. The aim of this study was to determine whether these regenerating axons form synapses, and, if they do, to characterize them morphologically. Embryonic day 14 or 15 spinal cord was transplanted into the lumbar enlargement of adult Sprague-Dawley rats, and the L4 or L5 dorsal root was cut and then juxtaposed to the transplant. One to 3 months later the regenerated dorsal roots were labeled by anterograde filling with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) or by immunocytochemistry for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Dorsal root labeling with WGA-HRP demonstrated that regenerated axon terminals made synaptic contacts within transplants, and stereological electron microscopic analysis demonstrated that CGRP-immunoreactive axon terminals occupied an average of 9% of the neuropil within 2 mm of the dorsal root-transplant interface. The majority of synapses were axodendritic, but a significant percentage were axosomatic or axoaxonic. Since axoaxonic synapses were observed in transplants in which both pre- and postsynaptic profiles of axoaxonic synapses were labeled for CGRP, some regenerated axons apparently form synapses with each other. Approximately 90% of synaptic contacts were simple, 9% were complex, and 25% of the complex terminals were immunopositive for CGRP. Glia occupied 25% of the neuropil within 1 mm of the dorsal root-transplant interface, but only 6% of the neuropil 1-2 mm from the interface. We also performed a stereological analysis of the neuropil in lamina I. The area fractions of neuropil occupied by myelinated axons, perikarya, and dendrites were similar in transplants and in lamina I. However, the area fraction occupied by unmyelinated axons was significantly smaller in transplants, and the area fraction occupied by axon terminals was significantly larger in transplants compared with lamina I. Regenerated CGRP-immunoreactive synaptic terminals in transplants were significantly larger than in normal lamina I, and their synaptic contact length was also increased, suggesting that a compensatory mechanism for increasing synaptic efficiency might occur within the transplants. Synaptic density, however, was significantly reduced in transplants, indicating a smaller number of synaptic terminals per unit area. In lamina I, as in the transplant, most synapses were axodendritic, but the percentage of axosomatic and axoaxonic terminals was lower in lamina I than in the transplants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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