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Immediate PTCA following thrombolysis with streptokinase wasperformed in 46 out of 533 patients enrolled in a multicentrerandomized trial of early reperfusion in patients with acutemyocardial infarction. Additional effects of PTCA in patientswith a residual diameter stenosis in the infarct-related coronaryartery of 70% or more after thrombolysis were compared withsuccessful thrombolysis alone in a matched pair analysis. Thirtysix pairs of patients were formed identical with respect tothe infarct related coronary artery, presence or absence ofprevious myocardial infarction, total ST segment elevation onthe ECG at admission to the trial, and delay between onset ofsymptoms and hospital admission. PTCA after thrombolysis didnot lead to additional limitation of infarct size, nor to furtherpreservation of left ventricular function. Infarction rate duringthe three-year follow-up was 14% after PTCA versus 30% afterthrombolysis alone (P = 0.05). Similarly, patients had lessangina or heart failure after PTCA, since on average 128 outof 156 weeks follow-up were symptom free, while this was only102 weeks after thrombolysis alone (P = 0.03). Immediate PTCAafter thrombolysis with intracoronary streptokinase seems toprevent recurrent ischemia and reinfarction. Further studiesshould address the proper indication and timing of PTCA afterthrombolysis.  相似文献   

We describe a case of cocaine-associated acute myocardial infarction managed by cardiac catheterization and intracoronary thrombolysis. Based on this and other reported cases, it appears that an invasive approach to the management of cocaine-associated acute myocardial infarction is advantageous over intravenous thrombolysis. Such a strategy would define the pathophysiology of acute myocardial infarction in the setting of cocaine use and allow mechanical intervention should pharmacologic therapy be unsuccessful. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 42:294–297, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To assess the safety and feasibility of acute transport followed by rescue percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) or primary PTCA in patients with acute myocardial infarction initially admitted to a hospital without PTCA facilities.
DESIGN—In a multicentre randomised open trial, three regimens of treatment of acute large myocardial infarction were compared for patients admitted to hospitals without angioplasty facilities: thrombolytic treatment with alteplase (75 patients), alteplase followed by transfer to the PTCA centre and (if indicated) rescue PTCA (74 patients), or transfer for primary PTCA (75 patients).
RESULTS—Between 1995 and 1997 224 patients were included. Baseline characteristics were distributed evenly. Transport to the PTCA centre was without severe complications in all patients. Mean (SD) delay from onset of symptoms to randomisation was 130 (75) minutes and from randomisation to angiography 90 (25) minutes. Death or recurrent infarction within 42 days occurred in 12 patients in the thrombolysis group, in 10 patients in the rescue PTCA group, and in six patients in the primary PTCA group. These differences were not significant.
CONCLUSIONS—Acute transfer for rescue PTCA or primary PTCA in patients with extensive myocardial infarction is feasible and safe. Efficacy of rescue PTCA or primary PTCA in this setting will have to be tested in larger series before this approach can be implemented as "routine treatment" for patients with extensive myocardial infarction.

Keywords: myocardial infarction; percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; primary PTCA; rescue PTCA; reperfusion  相似文献   

目的 :比较rt PA(5 0mg)静脉溶栓后即刻行经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术 (PTCA)与直接冠状动脉支架术治疗急性心肌梗死 (AMI)的临床疗效。方法 14 0例AMI患者 ,随机分为A、B两组。A组 75例行rt PA半量 (5 0mg)静脉溶栓后即刻行冠状动脉造影 (CAG)、PTCA及冠状动脉支架术。B组 6 5例直接行CAG、PTCA及冠状动脉支架术。术后观察 2 0d。结果 :①首次冠状动脉造影显示 :A组梗死相关动脉 (IRA) 83支 ,开通率 5 2 % ;B组IRA 71支 ,开通率 15 %。两组开通率相比差异有非常显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。②A、B两组行PTCA加支架置入术后IRA恢复TIMIⅢ级血流效果基本相同 ,A组 10 0 % ,B组 98.6 % ,两者相比差异无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。③患者住院 10~ 2 0d ,二维超声心动图显示 ,左室射血分数达到或超过 6 0 %者 ,A组为 94 .7% ,而B组仅占 4 3.9%。两者相比差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。④脑卒中或大出血并发症两组病例均未发生。⑤住院病死率 ,A组 4 .0 % (3/ 75 ) ,B组 3.1% (2 / 6 5 ) ,两者相比差异无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :A组较B组具有更早地使IRA前向血流再灌注 ,从而具有较好的左室保护功能 ,且不增加不良事件的发生。  相似文献   

A prospective nonrandomized study of the thrombolytic efficacy and dose-response effect of a high-molecular-weight urokinase, administered into the coronary artery, was conducted in 63 patients with acute myocardial infarction. Urokinase was infused (up to 180 min) at rates of 2000, 4000, 6000, and 10,000 IU/min in four consecutive groups of patients within 184 +/- 70 min following onset of chest pain. Of 54 patients with complete occlusion of the infarct-related vessel, 48 (89%) exhibited complete reperfusion. In 9 patients with incomplete occlusion, the degree of coronary stenosis was reduced with concomitant improvement in antegrade flow. The median effective dosage requirement of urokinase to reperfuse 50% of the treated patients was 180,000 IU. A relationship between the four infusion regimens and successful reperfusion was not found. The time to reperfusion, however, ranging from 42 +/- 30 to 60 +/- 41 min, appeared to be dose dependent. The reocclusion rate at follow-up (10-14 days) was 18%. Ejection fraction improved (40 +/- 8 vs. 47 +/- 8%, p = 0.002) in patients with low pretreatment values and in those treated within 2 h of the onset of symptoms. In-hospital mortality was 9%. Hemorrhage requiring transfusion occurred in 8% of the patients. None of the patients had levels of circulating fibrinogen inferior to 100 mg/dl. We conclude that urokinase can induce timely coronary reperfusion in patients with evolving myocardial infarction, at moderate infusion rates, and with concomitant induction of an only mild systemic lytic state.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary therapies in acute myocardial infarction (thrombolysis and angioplasty) have inherent limitations which may be overcome by combining them. So far, no trial has demonstrated a clinical benefit in combining mechanical and pharmacological treatment strategies. METHODS: From January 1995 to December 1999, out of 1010 patients admitted to our institution for acute myocardial infarction, 148 had received pre-hospital full dose thrombolysis within 12 h of onset. One hundred and thirty-one patients were included and underwent immediate angioplasty and stenting when suitable, independent of the infarct-artery patency (TIMI grade flow 0-3). In-hospital outcome was assessed and clinical information was collected for a mean (+/-SD) of 2+/-1 years. RESULTS: Ninety-minute angiography revealed a patent (TIMI grade 3) infarct artery in 65 patients (49%). Immediate angioplasty was performed in 119 patients (91%) with stent implantation in 114 (96%). Angioplasty achieved TIMI 2, 3 flow in 98%, and complete patency (TIMI 3 flow) in 92%. Six other patients underwent deferred revascularization (surgery in one patient, angioplasty in five) and six received medical treatment. Stent thrombosis and reinfarction occurred in three patients (2.3%). In-hospital death occurred in six patients (4.6%), including four patients presenting with cardiogenic shock. Major bleeding was observed in 2.3% of cases. No patient had emergency surgery. Freedom from death and reinfarction at 2 years was 90% and freedom from death, reinfarction and target vessel revascularization was 83%. CONCLUSION: A strategy of combined reperfusion using full dose pre-hospital thrombolysis and immediate angioplasty with stent implantation in a non-selected acute myocardial infarction population is safe and achieves high and early patency rates. This preliminary experience suggests that a combined strategy in acute myocardial infarction may have a significant impact on both early and long-term outcomes.  相似文献   

Intracoronary thrombolysis is a logical therapeutic method and one of the challenging new treatments of acute myocardial infarction. However, a wide dose range of urokinase has been reported, and the optimal dose has not yet been established. In this study the fibrinolytic activity in patients with recanalized coronary arteries was compared with that in those with nonrecanalized arteries. The mean doses of urokinase in the recanalized and non-recanalized groups were 910,700 +/- 161,730 international units (IU) and 1,008,000 +/- 151,800 IU, respectively. The fibrinolytic activity was measured with alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor, alpha 2-macroglobulin, fibrinogen, plasminogen, and fibrin degradation products. No significant difference was observed in the fibrinolytic activity between the recanalized and nonrecanalized groups. Because the fibrinolytic activity in the two groups was thought to be activated sufficiently and to a similar degree, it appears that 1,000,000 IU of urokinase is adequate for intracoronary thrombolysis and larger doses cannot be expected to result in a higher rate of recanalization.  相似文献   

Time to treatment with thrombolytic therapy has been recognized as an important factor in the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction: By restoring infarct-related artery patency earlier, clinical outcome is improved. Of the several components of time delay between the onset of pain to opening of the artery, in-hospital time delay (i.e., the door-to-needle time) is one that physicians can control the most, with improvements being reported with the use of a myocardial infarction (MI) protocol like the one advocated by the National Heart Attack Alert Program. These same principles apply to the alternate reperfusion strategy, primary angioplasty. Indeed, while primary angioplasty has been shown to be beneficial in early clinical trials, it appears that the door-to-balloon time is a crucial component of the overall strategy. Thus, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that time to treatment is a crucial factor in both thrombolysis and primary angioplasty.  相似文献   

The Channel balloon is a new local drug-delivery catheter that has the dual capability of high-pressure lesion dilation and low-pressure drug infusion. The purpose of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of this device in the local delivery of urokinase in the porcine model. Three in vivo protocols were performed in 57 anesthetized swine to assess the safety of Channel balloon use in the coronary vasculature, the pharmacokinetics of local urokinase delivery, and the ability of the catheter to lyse intraluminal thrombus. First, safety studies were performed in 18 coronary vessels in 13 pigs to compare angiographic and histologic changes following use of the Channel balloon with conventional balloon angioplasty. Second, intramural deposition of 123I-labeled urokinase was measured in 24 coronary arteries in 20 pigs to assess the efficiency and technical determinants of urokinase delivery and the time course of intramural drug retention. Finally, an in vivo thrombus model was used in 24 pigs to compare the thrombolytic capacity of local urokinase delivery with the Channel balloon in comparison with conventional urokinase infusion techniques. All balloon inflations and drug infusions with the Channel balloon were well tolerated in all animals without adverse angiographic, hemodynamic, or electrical sequelae. Comparative histologic studies with the Channel balloon demonstrated no additional vessel trauma beyond that seen with conventional balloon angioplasty. Between 0.09 and 0.35% of infused urokinase was intramurally deposited, with intracoronary persistence for at least 5 h. Drug infusion pressure did not significantly affect drug deposition, although larger amounts of urokinase were deposited with larger balloon:artery ratios and higher urokinase concentrations. In comparison to conventional systemic and guiding catheter infusions, local delivery of urokinase with the Channel balloon resulted in higher levels of clot dissolution. These studies have demonstrated safe intracoronary use of the Channel balloon in the porcine model. Local infusion of urokinase with this device results in significant intramural drug deposition that persists for at least 5 h. In comparison with conventional thrombolytic techniques, local urokinase delivery with the Channel balloon may result in enhanced intravascular thrombolysis. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 41:254–260, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Rapid achievement of reperfusion with thrombolytic therapy or primary angioplasty has made a dramatic impact on improving the survival of patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). Restoring infarct-related artery patency early after the onset of MI minimizes infarct size, reduces the degree of left ventricular dysfunction, and improves survival. Several recent studies have confirmed the benefit of reducing time to treatment with thrombolysis (between the onset of pain to initiation of thrombolysis), and that of more rapid drug reperfusion time with more aggressive thrombolytic regimens (between initiation of thrombolytic therapy and actual achievement of reperfusion). Furthermore, these effects are additive, confirming the benefit of rapid reperfusion. For primary angioplasty, the same relationship has been observed—more rapid treatment appears to be associated with improved outcome. The door-to-balloon time is a major determinant of overall time to reperfusion, and as such is a crucial component of the overall strategy. Integrating the experience in trials of thrombolytic therapy and primary angioplasty, a clear relationship exists between higher rates of early reperfusion and lower mortality. Thus, time to reperfusion appears to be the critical modulator in both thrombolysis and primary angioplasty.  相似文献   

To date, application of laser angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction (MI) has not been reported. In nine patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by continuous or recurrent severe ischemia and chest pain, a mid-infrared, solid-state, pulse-wave holmium/thulium:YAG coronary laser was applied. In six of these patients the laser was specifically utilized for the purpose of coronary thrombolysis. In each case a guidewire was placed across the stenosis and a multifiber laser catheter was utilized, emitting 250–600 mJ/pulse at 5 Hz, followed by adjunctive balloon angioplasty. Laser success (defined as ability to cross the lesion, reduction of ±20% in stenosis and thrombolysis when a thrombus is present) was achieved in all patients. Final angiograms revealed residual stenosis ±30%, adequate thrombolysis and no major complication (MI, perforation, emergency CABGS, CVA, death) in each patient. Clinically, all nine patients improved, survived the acute infarction and were discharged. This initial clinical experience demonstrates the feasibility and safety of holmium/thulium:YAG laser application in thrombolysis and plaque ablation in selected patients who experience acute myocardial infarction complicated by prolonged or recurrent ischemia and chest pain.  相似文献   

The patterns of revascularisation with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in the GUSTO 1 trial patients in Australia are described.
In comparison with rates documented in earlier trials of thrombolytic therapy in Australia, the rates of revascularisation post-thrombolysis increased by 50%, primarily due to a doubling in the rate of use of PTCA. However, the rates were low by international comparisons. There were marked variations in the rates of revascularisation between States, but no correlation with differences in mortality between States. The main predictors of post thrombolysis PTCA were prior angina, mild infarction and access to PTCA facilities.  相似文献   

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) during pregnancy or the early post-partum period is rare but has been shown to be associated with poor maternal as well as fetal outcome. Major changes in both diagnosis and treatment of AMI in the nonpregnant patient have lead to improved outcome which may also affect pregnant patients. The purpose of this paper is to review available information related to the pathophysiology and clinical profile and provide recommendations for the diagnosis and management of AMI occuring during pregnancy and the early post-partum period.  相似文献   

We have implemented a pilot program of supervised paramedic administration of thrombolysis in the field. This program was begun on a small scale by training and equipping one paramedic service of one hospital. Four patients with acute myocardial infarction were rapidly and appropriately treated in the field. We compared these patients with 21 patients who were brought to hospital by ambulance, but treated with thrombolysis conventionally in the emergency department. The patients in the field were treated an average of 86 minutes sooner than the patients treated in the emergency department.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increased QT interval dispersion (QTd) has been found in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In previous studies this has been shown to decrease with thrombolysis. HYPOTHESIS: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of reperfusion by primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and by thrombolysis on QTd and correlate these results with the degree of reperfusion. METHODS: We studied 60 patients with a first AMI. The study cohort included 40 consecutive patients who had received thrombolysis (streptokinase or rt-PA); 20 additional consecutive patients with successful primary PTCA, all with preselected Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) grade 3 flow by predefined selection criteria (12 stents); and 20 controls. A 12-lead ECG for QTd calculation was recorded before thrombolysis or PTCA and immediately after the procedure. All values were corrected according to Bazett's formula (QTcd). QTd and QTcd values before and after each procedure in three groups and the respective percent changes of deltaQTd and deltaQTcd were compared separately. RESULTS: QTd and QTcd were significantly increased before thrombolysis/PTCA versus normals. An angiogram performed after thrombolysis showed adequate reperfusion (TIMI grade 2/3) in 20 patients, while in the other 20 only TIMI 0/1 reperfusion was achieved. Thrombolysis-TIMI flow 2/3 and PTCA significantly reduced QTd (from 68 +/- 10 to 35 +/- 8 ms, p < 0.001, deltaQTd = 48 +/- 11%, in the Thr-TIMI flow 2/3 group,and from 79 +/- 11 to 38 +/- 9 ms, p < 0.001, deltaQTd = 52 +/- 9%, in the PTCA group), while in the Thr-TIMI flow 0/1 group no significant changes were recorded. A percent QTd decrease > 30 s had 96% sensitivity, 85% specificity, and 93% positive and 94% negative predictive value, respectively, for TIMI 2/3 flow. CONCLUSIONS: A significant decrease in QT dispersion may provide an additional electrocardiographic index for successful (TIMI 2/3) reperfusion.  相似文献   

Abstract Background: If primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) cannot be performed within times comparable to thrombolysis, the possible advantages of that management may be offset by the logistic difficulties associated with its delivery.
Aim: To measure and compare the time delay involved in administration of thrombolysis and primary PTCA over a one year period and examine causes for delay greater than 60 minutes.
Method: Prospective data collection on all patients treated with primary PTCA or thrombolysis. A quality improvement process was applied.
Results: Eighty-five patients were treated with thrombolysis with a delay of 39±8 (SD) minutes, 12 patients being treated more than 60 minutes after presentation. Primary PTCA was used in 79 patients with a delay of 48±12 (SD) minutes, 21 patients being treated after more than 60 minutes. Time delays in the two management groups were significantly different (p=0.03) but that in primary PTCA during routine hours was not significantly different from that in thrombolysis treated patients (p=0.07). Causes for revascularisation delay greater than 60 minutes from presentation are discussed.
Conclusions: With appropriate facilities and organisation, patients with acute myocardial infarction presenting within normal working hours can be treated with primary PTCA without compromising their care due to time delay. Many patients managed with primary revascularisation by thrombolysis or primary PTCA with a delay of more than 60 minutes have identifiable clinically appropriate delays.  相似文献   

The benefit of primary angioplasty in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and contraindications for thrombolysis compared to a conservative regimen is still unclear. Out of 5,869 patients with AMI registered by the MITRA trial, 337 (5.7%) patients had at least one strong contraindication for thrombolytic therapy. Out of these 337 patients 46 (13.6%) were treated with primary angioplasty and 276 (86.4%) were treated conservatively. Patients treated conservatively were older (70 years vs. 60 years; P = 0.001), had a higher rate of a history with chronic heart failure (14.8% vs. 4.4%; P = 0.053), a higher heart rate at admission (86 beats/min vs. 74 beats/min; P = 0.001), and a higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus (27.1% vs. 12.8%; P = 0.056). Patients treated with primary angioplasty received more often aspirin (91.3% vs. 74.6%; P = 0.012), β-blockers (60.9% vs. 46.1%; P = 0.062), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (71.7% vs. 44%; P = 0.001), and the so-called optimal adjunctive medication (54.4% vs. 32.3%; P = 0.004). Hospital mortality was significantly lower in patients who received primary angioplasty (univariate: 2.2% vs. 24.7%; P = 0.001; multivariate: OR = 0.46; P = 0.0230). In patients with AMI and contraindications for thrombolytic therapy, primary angioplasty was associated with a significantly lower mortality compared to conservative treatment. Therefore, hospitals without the facilities to perform primary angioplasty should try to refer such patients to centers with the facilities for such a service, if this is possible in an acceptable time.Cathet. Cardiovasc. Intervent. 46:127–133, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 通过研究冠脉内超声溶栓对急性心肌梗死患者胸痛、心电图和心肌酶学的影响以探讨经导管超声溶栓挽救成活心肌的意义.方法 入选急性心肌梗死患者56例(前壁心肌梗死30例,下壁心肌梗死26例).分组:超声溶栓后梗死相关血管血流达TIMI3级为溶栓成功组(A组=20例);超声溶栓后梗死相关血管血流达不到TIMI3级而后行PTCA达TIMI3级为超声溶栓+PTCA组(B组=16例);单行PTCA后梗死相关血管血流达TIMI3级为PTCA成功组(C组=20例).结果 各组发病到来院时间、来院进手术室时间和进手术室到血管开通时间均无差异.A组和B组所有患者全部达临床再通和冠脉造影再通标准,冠脉造影再通标准与临床再通标准相关性好.C组中90%患者胸痛缓解50%以上,80%患者ST段下降50%以上,100%患者心肌酶峰提前.结论低频高能超声可有效地溶解梗死相关血管内的血栓,挽救成活心肌.但超声溶栓加PTCA可能有更高的血管开通率,可挽救更多的成活心肌.  相似文献   

目的探讨在基层医疗机构应用尿激酶溶栓治疗急性心肌梗塞的用药剂量和疗效。方法选取2012年3月至2013年3月我院共收治的40例急性心肌梗塞患者为研究对象,将上述患者随机平均分为两组,两组患者均使用尿激酶溶栓进行治疗。对照组使用尿激酶注射液2万U/kg,观察组使用尿激酶注射液3万U/kg,观察其临床疗效。结果观察组溶栓患者死亡率为5.00%,对照组溶栓患者死亡率为40.00%,两者比较差异明显,具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论在基层医院使用尿激酶溶栓治疗急性心肌梗塞是一种行之有效的方法,不仅溶栓再通率高,还利于减轻患者经济负担,有临床推广的意义。  相似文献   

After successful intracoronary thrombolysis of an acute myocardial infarction in 145 patients subsequent intervention procedures were evaluated. In 48 of 62 patients (43%), percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was performed successfully (success rate 77%), 41 patients (28%) were operated on and 56 patients (39%) were treated only medically.During the hospital phase in the angioplasty group, 4 reinfarctions were noted and 3 repeat angioplasties were required, while 41 of the 48 successfully treated patients (85.4%) remained clinically stable. In the surgical group, one cardiac failure occurred, while 40 patients (97.6%) were without cardiac event. In the medical group, 5 patients died (8.9%), 8 patients (14.3%) had a reinfarction, and 76.8% were clinically stable.During the follow-up period in the surgical group of 6 months 37 patients (90.2%) were clinically stable, all in functional classes I and II. In the angioplasty group 33 patients were stable (68.8%), and in the medical group 26 patients were stable (46.6%). In the whole group of 145 patients the hospital mortality together with that in the 6 months follow-up period was 9.7% with a reinfarction rate of 22.8%.After successful thrombolysis, the underlying coronary artery disease with its mostly severe stenoses poses a high risk of reinfarctions, recurrent angina, and flow obstructions. Bypass surgery or angioplasty may diminish these risks and improve myocardial perfusion and survival rate in carefully selected patients.  相似文献   

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