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Investigated the use of the Revised Beta for predicting WAIS-R scores of low functioning minority group criminal offenders. Ninety black and Hispanic offenders who scored below 80 on the Beta were administered the WAIS-R. For the entire group, mean scores on the two measures were correlated only moderately and were not interchangeable. Offenders scored significantly lower on the Beta than on the WAIS-R. Subgroup analyses of blacks (N = 67) and Hispanics (N = 23) revealed that the Beta scores for the Hispanic offenders were not related significantly to either their WAIS-R Verbal or Full Scale scores.  相似文献   

Forty-one young normal adults were administered the Shipley Institute of Living Scale (SILS) and the WAIS-R as part of a validation study of previously published procedures for estimating WAIS-R Full-Scale IQ scores from SILS Vocabulary and Abstraction Scores. Correlations between SILS scores and WAIS-R scores were lower than expected from the literature. Prediction of WAIS-R FSIQ from SILS Vocabulary and Abstraction scores was poor (r = .46, p < .01). Partial support for the use of new procedures for estimating WAIS-R IQ from SILS was obtained. Implications for interpreting SILS scores obtained from subjects similar to those studied were discussed.  相似文献   

The results from Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-R (WAIS-R) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-R (WISC-R) with a sample of exceptional adolescents (N = 28) were compared over a 3-year period to determine whether the subjects can be expected to obtain similar subtest scores and similar VIQ, PIQ, and FSIQ scores. Results indicated that the sample scored higher on the WAIS-R Verbal and WAIS-R Full Scale than on the WISC-R Verbal and Full Scale. The findings are discussed in terms of the clinical application, especially as they relate to retesting exceptional children and youth with the WAIS-R.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that the Slosson Intelligence Test and the Henmon-Nelson Test of Mental Ability are better estimators of WAIS IQ scores than most other brief intellectual measures. In the present study we compared the abilities of the most recent editions of the two tests to estimate WAIS-R scaled scores and IQs (N = 90). The Henmon-Nelson's validity coefficients were higher than their counterparts for the Slosson, but the Slosson had a higher ceiling and a lower floor, which suggests that it is more valuable with particularly dull and especially bright subjects. Both the Slosson IQs and Henmon-Nelson standard scores had higher means and more variability than WAIS-R Full Scale IQs. The data suggested that the most accurate WAIS-R approximations can be achieved by converting Slosson or Henmon-Nelson scores to WAIS-R scaled score estimates and translating the latter to WAIS-R IQs by using Wechsler's age-corrected tables.  相似文献   

This study evaluated Buck's (1948) House-Tree-Person and Goodenough and Harris's (1963) Draw-A-Person scoring systems for assessing the cognitive abilities of young adults. IQ scores based on these scoring systems and, in the case of the H-T-P, using only the first person drawn, were correlated with WAIS-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs. Both figure scoring systems correlated significantly with WAIS-R Performance and Full Scale IQs, but were underestimates of WAIS-R IQs. H-T-P scoring of the house, tree, and second person drawn then was added to the scoring of the first person drawn to see whether such additions would enhance validity. They did not. Results are discussed in terms of characteristics of the scoring systems' standardization samples and limitations of these systems.  相似文献   

The psychometric structure of the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) and its relationship to the revised Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R) were studied in an outpatient population of 103 individuals with low Full Scale IQ scores (M = 71). We found that the age correction of the WMS scores gave memory quotients (WMQ) equivalent to WAIS-R FSIQ scores, but our findings also raised problems of interpretation. If the usual rule of thumb of a 12-point discrepancy between the MQ and the FSIQ were applied, the WMS might be relatively insensitive to memory impairment in this low-IQ clinical population, in which more numerous cases of impairment could be expected. Principal components analysis of the WMS raw scores and three WAIS-R scores included as reference variables yielded five orthogonal factors: Attention/Concentration; Visual Reproductions; New Verbal Learning; Well-learned Semantic Knowledge; and Intelligence. We argue that raw scores on the WMS should be reported to optimize possible diagnostic specificity and to align the WMS with experimental and clinical research in various types of memory functioning and impairment.  相似文献   

Total scores of the Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) were correlated with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised Full Scale IQs (WAIS-R FSIQ) in order to obtain age-stratified estimates of WAIS-R FSIQ (N = 308). Results show a significant positive correlation between age-stratified WAIS-R FSIQ and SPM in all age groups except those 65 and older and between educational level and SPM for all age groups except the very young (16 to 24 years), the 55- to 64-year-olds, and the elderly (65 and older). A multiple regression and cross-validation revealed that race and age also must be used as moderator variables when one is predicting FSIQ in this population. It is concluded that the SPM can be used as an estimate of WAIS-R FSIQ.  相似文献   

The 11 subtests of the WAIS were compared to the attribute variables of age and education in a brain-damaged group and a non-brain-damaged (control) group. Because of the validity information available for the WAIS, the subtests for the WAIS rather than the WAIS-R were studied. Data analyses compared the level of age and education (each group subdivided at the median) on WAIS subtest scores and the correlations between attribute variables and subtest scores. The results revealed a number of differences between the two groups, with age and education having a weaker and less consistent relation to WAIS subtest scores in the brain-damaged group than in the control group. The findings suggest that the relationships between attribute variables and psychological test scores are complex, and that adjusting or transforming raw scores for brain-damaged subjects according to tables based upon non-brain-damaged subjects may produce erroneous data.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted in which the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised (WISC-R) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale– Revised (WAIS-R) were administered in a counterbalanced design to 144 (72 in each study) randomly selected high school students between the ages of 16 years, 0 months and 16 years, 11 months in order to determine their equivalence by testing the equality of (a) means; (b) variances; and (c) validity coefficients based on the scaled scores and IQs. Results indicated that the two scales, with the possible exception of the Verbal IQ, were not equivalent (either with respect to subtest scores or IQs) because they did not satisfy the necessary criteria. These findings contradict those reported by Wechsler in 1981 concerning these two scales for a similar age group.  相似文献   

Comparison of IQ scores from the standard Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) and the Ward (1990) seven-subtest short form (WAIS-R/7 SF) was performed on a sample of 459 patients with traumatic brain injury due to head trauma. The results indicate that this short form provides Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores that vary little from the complete WAIS-R, at approximately one-half the typical administration time. The seven subtest short form predicted WAIS-R Full Scale IQ within 6 points in 95% of this clinical sample, with Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies that were highly correlated (r(s) =.85, p <.0001). No differential gender effect in proration of IQs was found. Applications and pitfalls of abbreviated neuropsychological testing batteries are discussed, with utilization of the WAIS-R/7 SF offered as a means to reduce intelligence testing time while maintaining the ability to detect subtle information processing abnormalities with appropriate supplemental tasks.  相似文献   

The parents of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were examined for characteristics symptomatic of 2 comorbidities (Co) within their offspring with ADHD: Tourette syndrome (TS) and language-based learning disabilities (LD). A 2 ×2 multivariate analysis of variance design was used; the parents were divided according to whether the offspring with ADHD had TS (Co-TS) or not (No Co-TS) and whether offspring had LD (Co-LD) or not (No Co-LD). Parents (86 mothers and 70 fathers) were administered the short form of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R; Wechsler, 1981), subtests of the Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive and Achievement Batteries (Woodcock & Johnson, 1989), and word fluency (semantic and letter; Benton & Hamsher, 1989; Wiig & Semel, 1987). The fathers of offspring with Co-TS were more likely to be diagnosed with LD and had lower WAIS-R Vocabulary, Arithmetic, and Picture Arrangement scores. In addition, when the WAIS-R full scale IQ was used as a covariate, these fathers had lower Woodcock-Johnson Oral Vocabulary, Spelling, and Reading scores (as measured by Letter-Word Identification). The mothers of children with Co-TS had lower WAIS-R Vocabulary scores. Parents of the children with No Co-TS showed a higher proportion of error patterns on the word fluency tasks involving repetitions and rule breaks. The findings show that it was the parents of the children with Co-TS, not the parents of the children with Co-LD, who showed language-based learning problems. In separate discriminant analyses for the fathers and mothers, when the aforementioned significant parental measures were used as predictors, 81% of offspring with Co-TS were correctly classified as having a diagnosis of TS, solely on the basis of characteristics in their parents.  相似文献   

This study compared the abilities of the Shipley Institute of Living Scale and the Henmon-Nelson Tests of Mental Ability to predict Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) scores in psychiatric hospital patients. The Henmon-Nelson DIQs accounted for about 50% more WAIS-R Verbal and Full Scale IQ variance than did the Shipley IQs, apparently because of their higher correlations with the Information, Vocabulary, and, perhaps, Similarities subtests. Because Henmon-Nelson scores were more variable and generally higher than their WAIS-R counterparts, statistical adjustments were needed to optimize Wechsler IQ estimates. Therefore, regression formulae and a conversion table for the estimation of WAIS-R Full Scale IQs from Henmon-Nelson and Shipley intelligence scores also are presented.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) in 40 adult psychiatric inpatients. The tests were administered to the patients in counterbalanced order as part of their overall psychological evaluation. Mean scaled scores were obtained for both tests. There were no significant differences between PPVT-R scores and WAIS-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores. Significant correlations between the PPVT-R and all three WAIS-R scores also were obtained. However, further analysis indicated a great deal of variability between individual PPVT-R and WAIS-R Full Scale scores. In addition, the PPVT-R was found to underestimate significantly the WAIS-R IQ scores of a subgroup (N = 13) of mildly mentally retarded subjects. A tendency for the PPVT-R to overestimate the WAIS-R as IQ improved also was noted.  相似文献   

Detection of IQ decrements due to brain injury in patients with preexisting psychiatric disorders was examined. Subjects included 280 male and female adult psychiatric patients who were free of identified neurological disorders. Subjects were administered the MMPI and WAIS-R. Original (Barona, Reynolds, & Chastain, 1984) and revised (Barona & Chastain, 1986) Barona formulae were used to calculate premorbid IQ based on demographic variables. Multiple regression analyses were utilized to predict Wechsler IQ scores from the predicted Barona (original and revised) IQ scores along with MMPI clinical and validity scale raw scores for the experimental group (N = 186). The Barona equations overpredicted current IQ scores. The addition of MMPI variables when predicting current IQs resulted in significant increments in R(2)(p <.01). Cross-validation on a second sample (N = 94) yielded similar results when MMPI variables were added to all the original Barona formulae and the Barona PIQ revised formula. The MMPI may provide a means of incorporating pathology and personality characteristics into the detection of brain damage in psychiatric patients.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings with regard to social desirability confounding on Beck's Hopelessness Scale (Beck, Weissman, Lester, & Trexler, 1974). Data from 60 suicidal and nonsuicidal psychiatric inpatients were examined in terms of the correlations between hopelessness scores and suicidality. Controlling for social desirability, as measured by the Marlowe-Crowne Scale (Crowne & Marlowe, 1964), did not affect this correlation substantially, nor did use of SD scores in a discriminant analysis improve accuracy of classification into severely suicidal and nonsuicidal groups. These results are in contrast with similar studies (e.g., Linehan & Nielsen, 1981) that used the Edwards SD scale. However, regression analysis of the MCSD scale using subscales of the Irrational Beliefs Test (Jones, 1969) raises the question as to whether the MCSD scale indeed is measuring SD, as opposed to some aspect or aspects of psychological adjustment.  相似文献   

Normative bases for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) and the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) recently were extended through age 97 with the publication of norms that permit computation of MAYO IQs for the WAIS-R and MAYO Memory Indices for the WMS-R. This study compares traditional Wechsler summary scores with their corresponding MAYO values in a clinical sample. MAYO summary scores are correlated highly with traditional Wechsler values, and concordance rates are also strong. Despite their similarities MAYO summary scores and traditional Wechsler values are not interchangeable. Cautions are discussed relative to the use of both MAYO and traditional Wechsler IQs and Memory Indices.  相似文献   

Addressing certain problems with the compositional structure of the self-report Toronto Alexithymia Scale, this paper reports the development of a revised version of the scale as well as results from a preliminary series of studies evaluating its reliability and validity. The Revised Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-R) demonstrated good internal consistency and a stable and replicable two-factor structure that is congruent with the two major dimensions of the alexithymia construct. Evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the TAS-R was provided by correlations with measures of other constructs. Criterion validity was demonstrated by the ability of TAS-R scores to discriminate between behavioral medicine outpatients designated alexithymic and those designated non-alexithymic on the basis of clinical interview ratings. Normative data are provided for university student, normal adult, and psychiatric outpatient populations.  相似文献   

The Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) is currently a widely used clinical scale to evaluate muscle spasticity. However, it lacks reliability and the validity, of the MAS as a clinical measure of muscle spasticity has been challenged. The aim of the present study was to examine the validity of the MAS in patients with wrist flexor spasticity after stroke by using the Hslope/Mslope (Hslp/Mslp) ratio as the new index of alpha motoneuron excitability. Twenty-seven adult patients (14 women and 13 men) with first ever stroke resulting in hemiplegia with a mean (SD, range) age of 57.9 (11.6, 37-75) were included in the study. The main outcome measures were the MAS for the clinical assessment of spasticity, and the Hslp/Mslp for the neurophysiological evaluation. There was not a significant correlation between the MAS scores and Hslp/Mslp ratio (r = 0.38, p > 0.05). The mean of the Hslp/Mslp did not show a hierarchical increase with the MAS scores. The findings indicate that the MAS is not a valid and ordinal level measure of muscle spasticity.  相似文献   

A number of methods have been developed in recent years to estimate full-scale IQ scores from abbreviated versions of the revised Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R), including Silverstein's (1982) two- and four-subtest short forms, Reynolds, Willson, and Clark's (1983) four-subtest short form, and Brooker and Cyr's (1986) two-, three- and four-subtest short forms. Short forms are of particular interest to the clinician and researcher who need a brief screening scale of cognitive abilities for the elderly, but their effectiveness with a normal aging sample has not been established. The present study examines the accuracy of six methods of estimating full-scale IQs from abbreviated versions of the WAIS-R in a middle-aged to elderly nonpsychiatric sample of 28 healthy males. Although all six methods were found to yield scores that were correlated highly with full scale scores, the method of Reynolds et al. (1983) resulted in short-form IQ estimates that were significantly different statistically from full-scale IQ scores. Although most of the six short-form methods appear to be useful screening measures for cognitive functioning and longitudinal changes in intellectual functions in the elderly, their use for classification purposes is not supported in the present study.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the extent to which eating-disordered and nonclinical comparison samples could be differentiated on self-reported personality measures of autonomy and sociotropy and a projective measure of dependency. Sixty-two women meeting diagnostic criteria for eating disorder and a nonpsychiatric comparison group of 62 women completed the autonomy and sociotropy subscales of the Personal Style Inventory-II and the Rorschach Oral Dependency Scale (ROD). A discriminant classification analysis indicated 85.5% of eating-disordered subjects and 88.7% of control subjects were identified accurately from their scores on autonomy, sociotropy. and ROD. Results suggest that the experience of eating disorders is associated with a mixed clinical presentation characterized by issues related to sociotropy-dependency, and especially, achievement-related vulnerabilities. Potentially fruitful areas for future study include assessing the utility of autonomy and sociotropy as predictors of eating disturbances in prospective research and evaluating their utility in predicting treatment prognosis among patients with eating disorders.  相似文献   

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