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The use of phase-change materials (PCM) in concrete has revealed promising results in terms of clean energy storage. However, the negative impact of the interaction between PCM and concrete on the mechanical and durability properties limits field applications, leading to a shift of the research to incorporate PCM into concrete using different techniques to overcome these issues. The storage of clean energy via PCM significantly supports the UN SDG 7 target of affordable and clean energy. Therefore, the present study focuses on three aspects: PCM type, the effect of PCM on concrete properties, and connecting the outcome of PCM concrete composite to the United Nations sustainable development goals (UN SDGs). The compensation of reduction in strength of PCM-contained concrete is possible up to some extent with the use of nanomaterials and supplementary cementitious materials. As PCM-incorporated concrete is categorized a type of building material, the large-scale use of this material will affect the different stages associated with building lifetimes. Therefore, in the present study, the possible amendments of the different associated stages of building lifetimes after the use of PCM-incorporated concrete are discussed and mapped in consideration of the UN SDGs 7, 11, and 12. The current challenges in the widespread use of PCM are lower thermal conductivity, the trade-off between concrete strength and PCM, and absence of the link between the outcome of PCM-concrete composite and UN SDGs. The global prospects of PCM-incorporated concrete as part of the effort to attain the UN SDGs as studied here will motivate architects, designers, practicing engineers, and researchers to accelerate their efforts to promote the consideration of PCM-containing concrete ultimately to attain net zero carbon emissions from building infrastructure for a sustainable future.  相似文献   

A circular economy requires closed circuits of consumed resources. Construction generates approximately 50% of solid waste globally, which is difficult to manage. The aim of this article was to identify the factors that determine the development of circular construction in the context of waste minimisation in the life cycle of building structures. The identification of cause-and-effect relationships by means of the DEMATEL method allows the problems of construction waste management to be taken into account in the context of the development of sustainable construction and fulfilling the principles of the circular economy.  相似文献   

Prefabricated solutions incorporating thermal insulation are increasingly adopted as an energy conservation measure for building renovation. The InnoWEE European project developed three technologies from Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) materials through a manufacturing process that supports the circular economy strategy of the European Union. Two of them consisted of geopolymer panels incorporated into an External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) and a ventilated façade. This study evaluates their thermal performance by means of monitoring data from three pilot case studies in Greece, Italy, and Romania, and calibrated building simulation models enabling the reliable prediction of energy savings in different climates and use scenarios. Results showed a reduction in energy demand for all demo buildings, with annual energy savings up to 25% after placing the novel insulation solutions. However, savings are highly dependent on weather conditions since the panels affect cooling and heating loads differently. Finally, a parametric assessment is performed to assess the impact of insulation thickness through an energy performance prediction and a cash flow analysis.  相似文献   

The CO2 emissions from the cement industry and the production of waste wood chips are increasing with the rapid growth of the construction industry. In order to develop a green environmental protection building material with low thermal conductivity and up to standard mechanical properties, in this study, pine waste wood chips were mixed into cement-based materials as fine aggregate, and three different kinds of cementitious binders were used, including sulfur aluminate cement (SAC), ordinary Portland cement (OPC), and granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), to prepare a recycled light cementitious composite material. The mechanical, thermal conductivity, shrinkage, water absorption, and pore structure of a wood chip light cementitious composite material were studied by changing the Ch/B (the mass ratio of wood chip to binder). The results showed that the strength, dry density, and thermal conductivity of the specimens decreased significantly with the increase in the Ch/B, while the shrinkage, water absorption, and pore size increased with the increase in the Ch/B. By comparing three different kinds of cementitious binders, the dry density of the material prepared with OPC was 942 kg/m3, the compressive strength of the material prepared with SAC was 13.5 MPa, and the thermal conductivity of the material prepared with slag was the lowest at 0.15 W/m/K. From the perspective of low-cost and low-carbon emissions, it was determined that the best way to prepare a light cementitious composite with waste wood chips is to use granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) as the cementitious binder.  相似文献   

Construction and demolition activities consume large amounts of natural resources, generating 4.5 bi tons of solid waste/year, called construction and demolition waste (C&DW) and other wastes, such as ceramic, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), glass, and slag. Furthermore, around 32 bi tons of natural aggregate (NA) are extracted annually. In this scenario, replacing NA with recycled aggregate (RA) from C&DW and other wastes can mitigate environmental problems. We review the use of RA for concrete production and draw the main challenges and outlook. RA reduces concrete’s fresh and hardened performance compared to NA, but these reductions are often negligible when the replacement levels are kept up to 30%. Furthermore, we point out efficient strategies to mitigate these performance reductions. Efforts must be spent on improving the efficiency of RA processing and the international standardization of RA.  相似文献   

The effects of the fly ash and of the sunflower stalks and corn cobs within a cement-matrix composite were studied under the aspects of density, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, elasticity modulus, and resistance to repeated freeze-thaw cycles. In the research were developed 20 recipes of cement-based composite, including the reference composite. Fly ash was used as partial cement replacement (10, 20 and 30% by volume), and the vegetal aggregates made by corn cobs and sunflower stalks as partial replacement of the mineral aggregates (25 and 50% by volume). The study results revealed that a lightweight composite can be obtained with 50% of vegetal aggregates, and the fly ash, no matter its percentage, enhanced the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of the compositions with 50% of sunflower aggregates and the freeze-thaw resistance of all compositions with sunflower stalks.  相似文献   

In this paper, dynamic analyses of two untypical, modern footbridges made of glued-laminated timber are presented. One of them is among the longest cable-stayed bridges for pedestrians in the world, made of such a structural material. Both structures are qualified as having low sensitivity to vibrations. The results of numerical modal analysis using FEM and non-destructive experimental dynamic tests of investigated footbridges are compared. Important differences in obtained results are captured, which are identified as the positive effect in relation to design aspects. Moreover, the same in situ measurements confirm the high level of damping in footbridges made of glued-laminated wood, which is a very significant and distinguishing feature not commonly recognized. The study also calls attention to the choice of timber as an advisable material for footbridges. This is not only because of environmentally friendly and aesthetic reasons, but also due to providing highly satisfying vibration comfort for pedestrians.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the state of conservation of ceramic building materials (clay masonry units) containing a large share of waste materials in the form of ash and slag from coal combustion and sawdust from wood processing, operated for several decades in facing walls of religious buildings, in external environment conditions. For the purpose of this analysis, comparative tests were carried out on the samples of ceramic materials cut out from facing walls and samples extracted from the same ceramic materials; they were stored in laboratory conditions for the entire time. The following were investigated: initial water absorption, capillary rise, and porosity structure determined with mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). The research has shown, among other things, that the ceramic materials exploited in the external environment are characterized by an almost twofold increase in the initial rate of water absorption and by a different size of dominant pores and a pore size distribution in comparison with ceramic materials stored in laboratory conditions. The results, obtained for ceramic building materials (clay masonry units) containing the above-mentioned waste materials in their composition, constitute a novelty. They fill a gap in the literature by establishing how decades-long operation in natural conditions affected the capillary properties and the porosity structure of the ceramics under investigation. Based on the obtained research results, conclusions of cognitive and practical significance have been formulated that relate to the possibility of the exploitation of facing walls made of investigated ceramic materials.  相似文献   

Burnt clay bricks are one of the most important building units worldwide, are easy and cheap to make, and are readily available. However, the utilization of fertile clay in the production of burnt clay bricks is also one of the causes of environmental pollution because of the emission of greenhouse gases from industrial kilns during the large-scale burning process. Therefore, there is a need to develop a new class of building units (bricks) incorporating recycled industrial waste, leading toward sustainable construction by a reduction in the environmental overburden. This research aimed to explore the potential of untreated coal ash for the manufacturing of building units (coal ash unburnt bricks). Coal ash unburnt bricks were manufactured at an industrial brick plant by applying a pre-form pressure of 3 MPa and later curing them via water sprinkling in a control shed. Various proportions of coal ash (i.e., 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55%) were employed to investigate the mechanical and durability-related properties of the resulting bricks, then they were compared with conventional burnt clay bricks. Compressive strength, flexural strength, an initial rate of water absorption, efflorescence, microstructural analysis via scanning electron microscopy, and cost analysis were conducted. The results of the compressive strength tests revealed that the compressive strength of coal ash unburnt brick decreased with an increase in the content of coal ash; however, up to a 45% proportion of coal ash, the minimum required compressive strength specified by ASTM C62 and local building codes was satisfied. Furthermore, bricks incorporating up to 45% of coal ash also satisfied the ASTM C62 requirements for water absorption. Coal ash unburnt bricks are lighter in weight owing to their porous developed microstructure. The cost analysis showed that the utilization of untreated, locally available coal ash in brick production leads us on the path toward more economical and sustainable building units.  相似文献   

Currently, the recycling potential of wood waste (WW) is still limited, and in a resource efficiency approach, recycling WW in insulation materials, such as polyurethane (PUR), appears as an appropriate solution. It is known that the quality of WW is the main aspect which influences the stability of the final products. Therefore, the current study analyses different WW-based fillers as possible modifiers for polyurethane biocomposite foams for the application as loose-fill materials in building envelopes. During the study of WW-based fillers, it was determined that the most promising filler is wood scobs (WS) with a thermal conductivity of 0.0496 W/m·K, short-term water absorption by partial immersion—12.5 kg/m2, water vapour resistance—0.34 m2·h·Pa/mg and water vapour diffusion resistance factor—2.4. In order to evaluate the WS performance as a filler in PUR biocomposite foams, different ratios of PUR binder and WS filler (PURb/WS) were selected. It was found that a 0.40 PURb/WS ratio is insufficient for the appropriate wetting of WS filler while a 0.70 PURb/WS ratio produced PUR biocomposite foams with the most suitable performance: thermal conductivity reduced from 0.0523 to 0.0476 W/m·K, water absorption—from 5.6 to 1.3 kg/m2, while the compressive strength increased from 142 to 272 kPa and the tensile strength increased from 44 to 272 kPa.  相似文献   

The increased CO2 emissions determined by the cement industry led to continuous and intensive research on the discovery of sustainable raw materials with cementitious properties. One such raw material category is agricultural waste. This study involved research on the effects of corn cob ash and sunflower stalk ash, respectively, on compressive strength measured after 28 days and 3 months, the flexural and splitting tensile strengths, the resistance to repeated freeze–thaw cycles, and on the resistance to chemical attack of hydrochloric acid of the concrete. A 2.5% and 5% replacement of the cement volume with corn cob ash (CCA) of A and B quality was applied, and with sunflower stalk ash (SSA) at A and B quality, respectively. The obtained results revealed that CCA and SSA decreased the compressive and tensile strength, but led to higher resistance of the concrete on repeated freeze–thaw cycles and to hydrochloric acid. The mixes with 2.5% SSA at A quality obtained the best results regarding splitting the tensile strength and resistance to repeated freeze–thaw cycles, the mixes with 2.5% SSA at B quality led to the highest resistance to hydrochloric acid, and those with 2.5% CCA at A quality led to the best values of compressive strength and flexural tensile strength.  相似文献   

During the steel production process, nearly twice as many input materials are used as compared to finished products. This creates a large amount of post-production waste, including slag, dust, and sludge. New iron production technologies enable the reuse and recycling of metallurgical waste. This paper presents an investigation on the reduction of selected iron-bearing waste materials in a laboratory rotary furnace. Iron-bearing waste materials in the form of dust, scale, and sludge were obtained from several Polish metallurgical plants as research material. A chemical analysis made it possible to select samples with sufficiently high iron content for testing. The assumed iron content limit in waste materials was 40 wt.% Fe. A sieve analysis of the samples used in the subsequent stages of the research was also performed. The tests carried out with the use of a CO as a reducer, at a temperature of 1000 °C, allowed to obtain high levels of metallization of the samples for scale 91.6%, dust 66.9%, and sludge 97.3%. These results indicate that in the case of sludge and scale, the degree of metallization meets the requirements for charge materials used in both blast furnace (BF) and electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking processes, while in the case of reduced dust, this material can be used as enriched charge in the blast furnace process. Reduction studies were also carried out using a gas mixture of CO and H2 (50 vol.% CO + 50 vol.% H2). The introduction of hydrogen as a reducing agent in reduction processes meets the urgent need of reducing CO2 emissions. The obtained results confirm the great importance and influence of the selection of the right amount of reducer on the achievement of a high degree of metallization and that these materials can be a valuable source of metallic charge for blast furnace and steelmaking processes. At an earlier stage of the established research program, experiments of the iron oxides reduction from iron-bearing waste materials in a stationary layer in a Tammann furnace were also conducted.  相似文献   

Due to the highly explosive nature of toners, absorbers are used in toner processing plants to prevent the explosion of toner dust suspension in the air. Usually, finely divided calcite (in the form of a dust) is used. The mixture of toner-calcite is treated as waste and landfilled. The main aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using toner-contaminated calcite as an additive to concrete. Materials originating from the toner processing plant were analyzed by using TGA, AAS, XRD, FTIR and SEM techniques. Calcite-waste toner powder mixture in amounts 0%, 1%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% were used to produce concrete. The results of the study showed that an increase in the amount of calcite contaminated with toner to 20% causes a decrease in compressive strength of concrete by 24–51% depending on material sample. The addition of calcite in amounts up to 5% can be a suitable method of its management.  相似文献   

The safe disposal of an enormous amount of waste glass (WG) in several countries has become a severe environmental issue. In contrast, concrete production consumes a large amount of natural resources and contributes to environmental greenhouse gas emissions. It is widely known that many kinds of waste may be utilized rather than raw materials in the field of construction materials. However, for the wide use of waste in building construction, it is necessary to ensure that the characteristics of the resulting building materials are appropriate. Recycled glass waste is one of the most attractive waste materials that can be used to create sustainable concrete compounds. Therefore, researchers focus on the production of concrete and cement mortar by utilizing waste glass as an aggregate or as a pozzolanic material. In this article, the literature discussing the use of recycled glass waste in concrete as a partial or complete replacement for aggregates has been reviewed by focusing on the effect of recycled glass waste on the fresh and mechanical properties of concrete.  相似文献   

Building demolition waste (BDW) has been massively stockpiled due to increasingly rapid urbanization and modernization. The use of recycled BDW as unbound granular base/subbase materials is among the sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly pavement construction alternatives. The resilient modulus is an important mechanical property of BDW-derived aggregates and mechanistic design input of pavements incorporating BDW. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive laboratory study on the shear strength and resilient modulus characteristics of BDW-derived aggregate materials. A series of monotonic triaxial compression tests and repeated-load triaxial (RLT) tests were conducted with five different gradations representing particle breakage and different stress paths. The apparent cohesion and internal friction angle of recycled BDW aggregates under consolidated drained conditions ranged from 35.3 to 57.5 kPa and from 30.2° to 54.3°, respectively. The apparent cohesion and internal friction angle also increased and decreased non-linearly with the increasing relative content of fine particles, respectively. The resilient modulus of recycled BDW aggregates gradually decreased with increasing relative content of fine particles at the same stress level. Both the deviator stress and confining pressure exhibited significant influences on the resilient modulus, while the effect of confining pressure was more profound. Based on laboratory testing data, a mechanistic-empirical model was developed to predict the resilient modulus of recycled BDW aggregates from gradation and stress-state variables. The findings could be useful for extended engineering applications of BDW in unbound granular pavement base/subbase construction.  相似文献   

During this study, full-size wood composite sandwich panels, 1.2 m by 2.4 m (4 ft by 8 ft), with a biaxial corrugated core were evaluated as a building construction material. Considering the applications of this new building material, including roof, floor, and wall paneling, sandwich panels with one and two corrugated core(s) were fabricated and experimentally evaluated. Since primary loads applied on these sandwich panels during their service life are live load, snow load, wind, and gravity loads, their bending and compression behavior were investigated. To improve the thermal characteristics, the cavities within the sandwich panels created by the corrugated geometry of the core were filled with a closed-cell foam. The R-values of the sandwich panels were measured to evaluate their energy performance. Comparison of the weight indicated that fabrication of a corrugated panel needs 74% less strands and, as a result, less resin compared to a strand-based composite panel, such as oriented strand board (OSB), of the same size and same density. Bending results revealed that one-layer core sandwich panels with floor applications under a 4.79 kPa (100 psf) bending load are able to meet the smallest deflection limit of L/360 when the span length (L) is 137.16 cm (54 in) or less. The ultimate capacity of two-layered core sandwich panels as a wall member was 94% and 158% higher than the traditional walls with studs under bending and axial compressive loads, respectively. Two-layered core sandwich panels also showed a higher ultimate capacity compared to structural insulated panels (SIP), at 470% and 235% more in bending and axial compression, respectively. Furthermore, normalized R-values, the thermal resistance, of these sandwich panels, even with the presence of thermal bridging due to the core geometry, was about 114% and 109% higher than plywood and oriented strand board, respectively.  相似文献   

A main global challenge is finding an alternative material for cement, which is a major source of pollution to the environment because it emits greenhouse gases. Investigators play a significant role in global waste disposal by developing appropriate methods for its effective utilization. Geopolymers are one of the best options for reusing all industrial wastes containing aluminosilicate and the best alternative materials for concrete applications. Waste wood ash (WWA) is used with other waste materials in geopolymer production and is found in pulp and paper, wood-burning industrial facilities, and wood-fired plants. On the other hand, the WWA manufacturing industry necessitates the acquisition of large tracts of land in rural areas, while some industries use incinerators to burn wood waste, which contributes to air pollution, a significant environmental problem. This review paper offers a comprehensive review of the current utilization of WWA with the partial replacement with other mineral materials, such as fly ash, as a base for geopolymer concrete and mortar production. A review of the usage of waste wood ash in the construction sector is offered, and development tendencies are assessed about mechanical, durability, and microstructural characteristics. The impacts of waste wood ash as a pozzolanic base for eco-concreting usages are summarized. According to the findings, incorporating WWA into concrete is useful to sustainable progress and waste reduction as the WWA mostly behaves as a filler in filling action and moderate amounts of WWA offer a fairly higher compressive strength to concrete. A detail study on the source of WWA on concrete mineralogy and properties must be performed to fill the potential research gap.  相似文献   

Concrete, as one of the essential construction materials, is responsible for a vast amount of emissions. Using recycled materials and gray water can considerably contribute to the sustainability aspect of concrete production. Thus, finding a proper replacement for fresh water in the production of concrete is significant. The usage of industrial wastewater instead of water in concrete is considered in this paper. In this study, 450 concrete samples are produced with different amounts of wastewater. The mechanical parameters, such as slump, compressive strength, water absorption, tensile strength, electrical resistivity, rapid freezing, half-cell potential and appearance, are investigated, and a specific concentration and impurities of wastewater that cause a 10% compressive strength reduction were found. The results showed that the usage of industrial wastewater does not significantly change the main characteristics of concrete. Although increasing the concentration of wastewater can decrease the durability and strength features of concrete nonlinearly, the negative effects on durability tests are more conspicuous, as utilizing concentrated wastewaters disrupt the formation of appropriate air voids, pore connectivity and pore-size distribution in the concrete.  相似文献   

A significant part of the work carried out so far in the field of production of biocomposite polyurethane foams (PUR) with the use of various types of lignocellulosic fillers mainly concerns rigid PUR foams with a closed-cell structure. In this work, the possibility of using waste wood particles (WP) from primary wood processing as a filler for PUR foams with open-cell structure was investigated. For this purpose, a wood particle fraction of 0.315–1.25 mm was added to the foam in concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%. The foaming course of the modified PUR foams (PUR-WP) was characterized on the basis of the duration of the process’ successive stages at the maximum foaming temperature. In order to explain the observed phenomena, a cellular structure was characterized using microscopic analysis such as SEM and light microscope. Computed tomography was also applied to determine the distribution of wood particles in PUR-WP materials. It was observed that the addition of WP to the open-cell PUR foam influences the kinetics of the foaming process of the PUR-WP composition and their morphology, density, compressive strength and thermal properties. The performed tests showed that the addition of WP at an the amount of 10% leads to the increase in the PUR foam’s compressive strength by 30% (parallel to foam’s growth direction) and reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient by 10%.  相似文献   

The use of plant ash as a sustainable cementitious material in concrete composition is a widely researched subject in the construction domain. A plant studied so far more for its thermal insulation properties, sunflower, was analyzed in this study with regard to its ash effects on the concrete composition. The present research aimed to analyze the effects of a 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, or 30% volume replacement of cement by sunflower stalk ash (SA), a sustainable cementitious material, on the concrete compressive strength at 28 days and three months, the flexural and splitting tensile strengths, the resistance to repeated freeze–thaw cycles, and the resistance to chemical attack of hydrochloric acid. The elementary chemical composition of the SA and the composites was included also. According to the experimental results, SA decreased the values of the compressive and tensile strength of the concrete, but it improved the concrete behavior under repeated freeze–thaw cycles and under the action of hydrochloric acid. A percent of 10% of SA led to a much more pronounced development of compressive strength over time than conventional concrete (26.6% versus 12%).  相似文献   

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