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The present study has been developed to investigate the effect of freeze and thaw (F–T) cycles on the characteristics of highly rubberised asphalt materials to be used as impact-absorbing pavement (IAP) in urban road infrastructures. The tested samples were produced in the laboratory following the dry process incorporation. Two main types of crumb rubber particles in the range of 0–4 mm were used. Moreover, two types of binders, one warm and one cold, were utilised to prove the feasibility of cold-produced admixtures. The temperature range of the F–T procedure was comprised between −18 ± 2 °C (dry freezing), and 4 ± 2 °C (in water), and the cycles were repeated, on the samples, 10 times. At 0, 1, 5, and 10 cycles, the samples were tested with non-destructive and destructive testing methods, including air voids content, ITSM, ITS, and Cantabro loss. The waters of the thawing period were collected, and the pH, electric conductivity, and particle loss were measured. A consequent change in mechanical behaviour has been recorded between warm and cold produced samples. However, the tests found that the F–T cycles had limited influence on the deterioration of the highly rubberised samples. The loss of particles in the thaw waters were identified as being potentially caused by the temperature stresses. The research suggested various ways to optimise the material to enhance the cold-produced layer mechanical performances, aiming at a fume and smell-free industrialised solution and reducing the potential leaching and particle losses.  相似文献   

Solar harvesting systems applied to asphalt roads consist of pipes or coils installed a few centimeters below the asphalt pavement surface. They work thanks to a circulating fluid able to collect the heat coming from solar irradiation of the pavement surface and convert it into thermal gradients that can be used for electric energy supply. Specific attention must be paid to the design of the asphalt mixtures comprising the system. In this sense, the high in-service temperature rutting potential is one of the main issues to be assessed in such applications since the thermal optimization of asphalt mixes could lead to excessively deformable materials. The present study is a part of a wider research area aimed at developing an efficient asphalt solar collector. Here, a laboratory mixture-scale investigation is proposed to verify the anti-rutting potential of specific asphalt layers that were initially designed based on thermal properties only. Repeated load axial and wheel tracking tests are carried out on limestone- and steel slag-based bituminous mixtures. Overall, the tested layers were not fully able to satisfy the permanent deformation acceptance criteria; in this regard, possible improvements in terms of mix constituents and properties are ultimately addressed.  相似文献   

This article presents a new methodology of analysis based on a fast-running experimental procedure to characterise the mechanical response of asphalt mortars in terms of stiffness, ductility, and fatigue resistance. This was achieved using the DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyser) three-point bending configuration. The study was carried out by considering the employment of different types of fillers such cement and CaCO3 and different types of binders such as conventional asphalt binder (B35/50) or modifided polymer-modified bitumen (PMB 25/55–65). From the results of this study, the filler was found to have a greater influence on the stiffness and ductility of the asphalt material, while bitumen had a higher effect on the fatigue life of the asphalt mortar. Fatigue life was observed to increase with the use of a polymer-modified binder, while a lower degree of permanent deformation and higher bearing capacity achieved by the use of cement instead of calcium carbonate as active fillers.  相似文献   

Secondary raw materials consist of production waste or material resulting from recycling processes, currently in large quantities, which can be injected back into the economic system as new raw materials. This study proposes jet grouting waste (JGW) as filler for hot and cold asphalt mixtures applied as base layers of road pavements and investigates the physical and mechanical properties. JGW is derived from soil consolidation performed during underground roadway tunnel construction. The research compares three asphalt mixtures: (a) hot mixture containing limestone aggregate-filler (HMA), (b) HMA containing JGW (HMAJ), (c) cold recycled asphalt mixture containing JGW (CRAJ). Leaching tests of JGW and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) were conducted; the best configurations of the three mixtures were determined by using the volumetric method through gyratory compaction. Three mastics with filler-to-binder ratios reflecting those of the asphalt mixtures were investigated through delta ring and ball test and frequency sweep test at 0.05% stress by using a dynamic shear rheometer. The morphology of each mixture was further investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that CRAJ with 28 days of curing time reached the indirect tensile strength (ITS) of HMA (0.73 MPa) within 14 days and, among all studied mixtures, returned the lowest cumulative strain, which was on average 30% lower than that of HMA and HMAJ. The results of this study have shown that the cold alternative mixture, CRAJ, promotes the reuse of two types of waste, RAP and JGW, as it fully meets the reference Italian Technical Standard and ensures good mixture performance in addition to conserving natural resources.  相似文献   

Measures for the improvement of acoustic conditions in the vicinity of roads include the construction of pavement structures with low-noise surfaces with optimal macrotexture and the highest possible sound absorption coefficient. Laboratory evaluation of acoustic properties of a designed asphalt mixture before its placement in the pavement is a good solution. Currently, the most popular method for the determination of the sound absorption coefficient of various construction materials under laboratory conditions is the Kundt’s tube test. Sound absorption coefficient can also be assessed based on field and laboratory measurements performed using a Spectronics ACUPAVE System. Other parameters characterising the acoustic properties of road pavement courses include air void content and water drainability or permeability. The article presents an analysis of results of sound absorption coefficient obtained using a Spectronics ACUPAVE System and water drainability and permeability of poroelastic mixtures obtained both in laboratory and on test sections, in relation to air void content and grading of the mixtures. It was established that poroelastic mixtures containing an aggregate of maximum particle size of 5 mm are characterised by better acoustic properties than mixtures with a maximum aggregate particle size of 8 mm. Changes of crumb rubber aggregate grading and bitumen type (within the tested range of values) as well as the addition of lime have shown no evident influence on the sound absorption coefficient. Noise level values at the speed of 30 km/h according to the CPX method were measured as well. Relationships between sound absorption coefficient, water drainability/permeability, and air void content were determined. The performed analyses confirmed that Spectronics ACUPAVE System may be applied for evaluation of acoustic properties of asphalt mixtures in laboratory conditions, but further research is needed to reduce the uncertainty of the results.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation which was carried out with the purpose of assessing the performance-related properties of an emulsion-based cold-recycled mixture to be employed as a sustainable solution for the surface finishing of unpaved rural roads. This mixture contained significant quantities of recycled components (reclaimed asphalt and mineral sludge), and its composition was fine-tuned by following an innovative mix design procedure. Properties of these mixtures were studied by means of laboratory tests which considered key parameters, such as flowability, indirect tensile stiffness modulus, indirect tensile strength, moisture susceptibility and resistance to permanent deformation. It was found that, by means of the proposed mix design procedure, optimal dosages of the recycled components can be identified, thereby ensuring the achievement of the desired properties in terms of high workability and adequate stiffness and strength.  相似文献   

目的探讨CT肺动脉造影(CTPA)在老年急性肺栓塞(PE)疗效评估中的价值。方法入选2009年1月至2016年1月期间在复旦太学附属华东医院诊断及治疗的急性PE患者75例,分为老年组(≥60岁,n=41)和非老年组(60岁,n=34)。对41例老年组患者进行亚组分析:(1)休克组(n=21)和非休克组(n=20);(2)溶栓组(n=28)、介入取栓组(n=8)和手术取栓组(n=5)。比较不同分组模式下患者治疗前后右/左心室最大短轴径比(RV/LV)、肺主动脉最大直径(MPA)和左、右肺动脉主干直径(LPA、RPA)、上腔静脉直径(SVC)以及栓塞指数。结果在治疗前,老年组与非老年组患者的MPA、LPA和RPA值间,以及休克组与非休克组患者的RV/LV、MPA、LPA、RPA、SVC和栓塞指数间差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。与治疗前相比:老年组患者治疗后肺动脉栓塞指数显著降低(P0.05);非休克组患者治疗后的MPA和栓塞指数显著降低(P0.05);非老年组、休克组、溶栓组、介入取栓组和手术取栓组患者治疗后的RV/LV、MPA、LPA、RPA、SVC以及栓塞指数均显著降低(P0.05)。Pearson相关性分析结果显示脑钠肽和肌钙蛋白I与RV/LV呈显著正相关(P0.05),栓塞指数和RV/IV与PaO_2呈显著负相关(P0.05)。结论 CTPA可以对老年急性PE的疗效做出准确评估。  相似文献   

Freeze–thaw cycle is one of the main distresses of asphalt pavement, and the law of freeze–thaw damage has always been an important topic. In this paper, X-ray computed tomography (CT) of asphalt mixture before and after freezing and thawing was carried out, and its two-dimensional (2D) digital image was recognized. Firstly, the eigenvalues of internal voids of asphalt mixture are extracted. Then the distribution of internal voids was analyzed. Finally, the evolution law of internal voids was summarized. The research results show that the characteristic mean value of the 9th cycle is the irreversible limit of freeze–thaw damage, and the non-resilience after the large void area increases is the fundamental reason for the accumulation of freeze–thaw damage. The source of void damage shifts from large voids to small voids, and the middle-stage is a critical stage of freeze–thaw damage. This work quantitatively evaluates the internal freeze–thaw damage process of asphalt mixture, and a morphological theory of the evolution of void damage based on an equivalent ellipse is proposed, which is helpful for better understanding the freezing–thawing damage law of asphalt pavement.  相似文献   

The application of geocomposites as reinforcement in asphalt pavements is a promising solution for the maintenance/rehabilitation of existing pavements and for the construction of new pavements, whose effectiveness strongly depends on the physical and mechanical properties of the geocomposite. This study aims at assessing the influence of four different geocomposites, obtained by combining a reinforcing geosynthetic with a bituminous membrane, on the crack propagation and interlayer bonding of asphalt pavements. First, a laboratory investigation was carried out on double-layered asphalt specimens. The crack propagation resistance under static and dynamic loads was investigated through three-point bending tests (carried out on specimens with and without notch) and reflective cracking tests respectively, whereas the interlayer shear strength was evaluated through Leutner tests. Then, a trial section was constructed along an Italian motorway and a Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing campaign was carried out. The laboratory investigation highlighted that—as compared to the unreinforced system—the geocomposites increased the crack propagation energy in the layer above the reinforcement from five to ten times, indicating that they can significantly extend the service life of the pavement by delaying bottom-up and reflective cracking. However, they also worsened the interlayer bonding between the asphalt layers (de-bonding effect). The field investigation indicated that all geocomposites decreased the stiffness of the asphalt layers with respect to the unreinforced pavement as a consequence of the de-bonding effect, thus corroborating the laboratory results. Based on the results obtained, it is desirable that the geocomposite possess a high energy dissipation capability and an upper coating ensuring good adhesion between the asphalt layers. The monitoring of the existing trial section in the future will provide useful data on the long-term field performance of reinforced pavements subjected to actual motorway traffic.  相似文献   

This study aims to comprehensively investigate the rejuvenation efficiency of various self-developed compound rejuvenators on the physical, mechanical, and aging properties of aged bitumen, asphalt mortar, and mixture. The results revealed that the restoration capacity of vacuum distilled-oil rejuvenators on high-and-low temperature performance-grade of aged bitumen is more significant. In contrast, an aromatic-oil based rejuvenator is good at enhancing low-temperature grade and aging resistance. Moreover, the temperature and time of the curing conditions for mixing recycling of asphalt mixture were optimized as 150 °C and 120 min. Furthermore, the sufficient anti-rutting, structural stability, and moisture resistance of recycled asphalt mixture affirmed the rejuvenation efficiency of compound rejuvenators.  相似文献   

31例活动性肺结核治疗前及治愈后的CT征象分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨抗结核疗前及治愈后活动性肺结核CT征象的变化特点。方法选取临床治愈的活动性肺结核31例,对比观察活动性肺结核的CT征象转归表现。结果肺结核活动性CT征象治愈前检出率为100.0%,治疗后检出率为35.5%。活动性CT征象中毛玻璃阴影、节段分布小叶中心结节影、小叶样实变影、树芽征、支气管壁增厚、厚壁空洞和肺实变治疗前检出率分别为87.1%、80.6%、80.1%、61.3%、58.1%、48.4%和32.3%、,治愈后检出率分别为0、19.4%、0、0、12.9%、0和3.2%。治疗前活动性肺结核CT检查可检出多种活动性影像,而疗程结束后上述征象减少并多以单发为主,两者有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论CT检查有助于活动性肺结核治疗疗效的判定,并具有较高的敏感度,但特异度较低。  相似文献   

31例活动性肺结核治疗前及治愈后的CT征象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨抗结核疗前及治愈后活动性肺结核CT征象的变化特点.方法 选取临床治愈的活动性肺结核31例,对比观察活动性肺结核的CT征象转归表现.结果 肺结核活动性CT征象治愈前检出率为100.0%,治疗后检出率为35.5%.活动性CT征象中毛玻璃阴影、节段分布小叶中心结节影、小叶样实变影、树芽征、支气管壁增厚、厚壁空洞和肺实变治疗前检出率分别为87.1%、80.6%、80.1%、61.3%、58.1%、48.4%和32.3%、,治愈后检出率分别为0、19.4%、0、0、12.9%、0和3.2%.治疗前活动性肺结核CT检查可检出多种活动性影像,而疗程结束后上述征象减少并多以单发为主,两者有显著差异(P<0.01).结论 CT检查有助于活动性肺结核治疗疗效的判定,并具有较高的敏感度,但特异度较低.  相似文献   

Water-foamed asphalt is capable of improving the workability of asphalt mixture. It has been extensively used for its energy-saving and emission-reducing features. Water plays an essential part in improving the workability of water-foamed asphalt mixture. However, there is still lack in profound studies of moisture dissipation of the water-foamed asphalt over time and its influence on workability. In this study, the evolutions of residual water content and rotational viscosity of the water-foamed asphalt with time were respectively measured by the analytical balance and modified rotational viscometer (RV). The atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis was conducted to discuss the mechanism of viscosity reduction of water-foamed asphalt. The results showed that moisture evaporation is significantly influenced by the foaming water content and ambient temperature, which results in the different stabilizing time of water-foamed asphalt. When water-foamed asphalt was stabilized, the residual water inside the asphalt was less than 0.01% relative to the asphalt mass. The AFM analysis showed that the foaming process changed the distribution of wax in the water-foamed asphalt resulting in reduction of viscosity. The viscosity reduction of asphalt is highly related to the initial foaming water content. After the foaming process, the viscosity keeps stable and is independent of moisture dissipation.  相似文献   

Existing image segmentation algorithms used for the computed tomography (CT) images of asphalt concrete mostly ignore the similarity of aggregate phase geometry between adjacent CT slices, thus increasing the variability in the aggregate phase pixel values between adjacent slices and leading to a large number of model defects, e.g., interconnected aggregates, flaky aggregates, and incomplete aggregates. The developed mesostructural models with these defects pose a challenge to following simulation operations. To address this issue, an improved procedure for the 3D reconstruction of asphalt concrete mesostructures considering the similarity of aggregate phase geometry between adjacent slices was developed, which includes two adjacent-slice pixel-value-correction algorithms, a multi-directional multiple-correction method, and an image pixel interpolation process. First, the bilinear interpolation algorithm was employed to improve the pixel density of 2D CT images and the average filtering algorithm was used to reduce the noise of the CT images. Subsequently, the OTSU method was employed to separate the asphalt mortar matrix phase from the aggregate phase, and the marker-based watershed segmentation method was used to separate the interconnected aggregates. Finally, the adjacent-slice pixel-value-correction algorithm was used to recover the similarity of aggregate phase geometry between adjacent CT slices, and the multi-directional multiple-correction method was used to further enhance the geometric similarity. The results show that the developed 3D reconstruction procedure removes most of the model defects in the 3D mesostructural model of asphalt concrete, thus realistically maintaining the 3D spatial distribution features and contour characteristics.  相似文献   

Compounds with lower dynamic stiffness are a better solution from the tyre/road noise point of view. The article presents the constructed test stand for the evaluation of dynamic stiffness both in in situ and in laboratory conditions. As a result of the tests, it was found that poroelastic pavements have a much lower dynamic stiffness (from 138.3 to 143.0 dB re. 1 N/m) compared to the asphalt concrete pavement (150.3 dB re. 1 N/m). In the group of poroelastic pavements, lower dynamic stiffness is characteristic for pavements with a binder course of porous asphalt. The results of the research are a contribution to further work on the influence of the dynamic stiffness of the pavements on the tyre/road noise level. The conducted measurements and analysis of the results prove the usefulness of the proposed test stand for determining the dynamic stiffness of bituminous mixtures in laboratory and field conditions. This is confirmed by the coherence between the force and acceleration signals at the level of at least 0.96—which indicates a very good validation of the test results with a random error lower than ±5% with 90% confidence level.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on heritage violins have shown that there are a number of factors that contribute to the acoustic quality of old violins. Among them are the geometric shape of the violin, the thickness of the tiles, the arching of the tiles, the dimensions and position of the bass bar, the size and position of the acoustic holes. Thus, the paper aims to compare the structural and constructive elements of old violins made in various famous violin workshops (Stainer, Klotz, Leeb, Babos Bela), using nondestructive and noncontact techniques based on image analysis. The violins that were studied date from 1716 to 1920, being in good condition, most of them being used by artists from the Brașov Philharmonic of Romania. In the first stage of the study, the violins were optically analyzed and scanned to identify the structure of the resonant wood, using the WinDENDRO Density 2007 program. X-ray imaging and computed tomography (CT) were also used. Combining the types of analyses, capitalizing on the expertise of violin producers and the knowledge of researchers in the field, valuable data on the geometric and constructive characteristics of old violins were extracted.  相似文献   

Self-healing asphalt, which is designed to achieve autonomic damage repair in asphalt pavement, offers a great life-extension prospect and therefore not only reduces pavement maintenance costs but also saves energy and reduces CO2 emissions. The combined asphalt self-healing system, incorporating both encapsulated rejuvenator and induction heating, can heal cracks with melted binder and aged binder rejuvenation, and the synergistic effect of the two technologies shows significant advantages in healing efficiency over the single self-healing method. This study explores the fatigue life extension prospect of the combined healing system in porous asphalt. To this aim, porous asphalt (PA) test specimens with various healing systems were prepared, including: (i) the capsule healing system, (ii) the induction healing system, (iii) the combined healing system and (iv) a reference system (without extrinsic healing). The fatigue properties of the PA samples were characterized by an indirect tensile fatigue test and a four-point bending fatigue test. Additionally, a 24-h rest period was designed to activate the built-in self-healing system(s) in the PA. Finally, a damaging and healing programme was employed to evaluate the fatigue damage healing efficiency of these systems. The results indicate that all these self-healing systems can extend the fatigue life of porous asphalt, while in the combined healing system, the gradual healing effect of the released rejuvenator from the capsules may contribute to a better induction healing effect in the damaging and healing cycles.  相似文献   

In order to obtain more accurate parameters required for the simulation of asphalt mixtures in the discrete element method (DEM), this study carried out a series of cross-functional asphalt mixture experiments to obtain the DEM simulation meso-parameters. By comparing the results of simulation and actual experiments, a method to obtain the meso-parameters of the DEM simulation was proposed. In this method, the numerical aggregate profile was obtained by X-ray CT scanning and the 3D aggregate model was reconstructed in MIMICS. The linear contact parameters of the aggregate and the Burgers model parameters of the asphalt mastic were obtained by nanoindentation technology. The parameters of the parallel bonding model between the aggregate and mastic were determined by the macroscopic tensile adhesion test and shear bond test. The results showed that the meso-parameters obtained by the macroscopic experiment provide a basis for the calibration of DEM parameters to a certain extent. The trends in simulation results are similar to the macro test results. Therefore, the newly proposed method is feasible.  相似文献   

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