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The technique of dynamic imaging of the pharynx and some supplementary maneuvers which can be tailored to the individual patient's needs are discussed in detail. An approach to the analysis of normal and abnormal swallowing studies is presented.  相似文献   

The radiographic techniques for evaluation of the pharynx are described, with particular emphasis on double-contrast examination. Radiographic anatomy of the pharynx is illustrated.  相似文献   

患者男,56岁。3年前出现进食哽咽感,6个月前症状加重并常伴胸骨后疼痛。本院食管造影示:食管全程巨大充盈缺损,边缘较光滑。钡剂位于肿瘤与食管壁之间、或在分叶状肿瘤表面呈瀑布样流过即显示为涂抹征。食管壁尚规则、柔软,未见明确黏膜破坏征象,钡剂通过无明显受阻,考虑为壁在性病变(图1)。  相似文献   

目的探讨超声对不同孕周正常单胎胎儿咽、喉、气管的显像能力,确定产前超声检查胎儿咽、喉、气管的最佳时期。方法对401例孕16~36“周正常单胎胎儿进行产前超声检查,将胎儿按孕周的不同分为A、B、C、D4组。其中,A组为16~20周^+6,共93例;B组为21~25周”,共104例;C组为26~30周^+6,共108例;D组为31—36周^+6,共96例。记录并统计每组超声清晰显示胎儿咽、喉、气管的例数。结果401例正常单胎胎儿,超声清晰显示胎儿咽、喉、气管的例数分别为241例(60.1%)、314例(78.3%)、329例(82.0%),超声对喉、气管的显示率高于咽(P〈0.05)。超声清晰显示胎儿咽,A组44.1%,B组76.9%,C 70.4%,D组45.8%;超声清晰显示胎儿喉,A组58.1%,B组95.2%,C组94.4%,D组61.5%;超声清晰显示胎儿气管,A组65.6%,B组97.1%,c组95.4%,D组66.7%。超声清晰显示胎儿咽、喉、气管B、C两组明显高于A、D两组(P〈0.05)。结论超声可清晰显示胎JL"N、喉、气管,其中喉、气管的显示率高于咽,超声观察胎儿咽、喉、气管的最佳时期为21~30周^+6。  相似文献   

产前超声检测胎儿咽喉及气管直径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨不同孕周胎儿咽、喉及气管直径的正常参考值范围。方法对401例孕16~36周正常单胎胎儿进行产前超声检查,在清晰显示胎儿咽、喉及气管的基础上测量其直径。结果401例正常单胎胎儿,超声测量胎儿咽直径241例,喉直径314例,气管直径329例。胎儿咽直径从16周时的(2.90±0.40)mm增加至36周时的(9.30±0.42)mm;喉直径从16周时的(3.70±0.32)mm增加至36周时的(11.10±0.87)mm;气管直径从16周时的(1.20±0.10)mm增加至36周时的(3.80±0.31)mm。胎儿咽、喉及气管的直径(Y)与孕周(X)呈显著线性关系,均可拟合直线方程,其回归方程与相关系数分别为Y=-0.76147+0.27727X,r=0.99039,P〈0.0001(咽);Y=-0.95126+0.33805X,r=0.99228,P〈0.0001(喉);Y=-0.47030+0.11662X,r=0.99167,P〈0.0001(气管)。结论不同孕周胎儿咽、喉及气管直径正常参考值范围的建立将为产前判断胎儿呼吸道发育不良及相关异常提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胎儿咽、喉及气管直径与孕周的关系,建立正常参考值范围。方法 对280胎18~38周正常单胎胎儿进行常规产前超声检查,测量咽、喉及气管直径;采用回归分析评价各测量值与孕周的关系,以组内相关系数(ICC)及Bland-Altman检验评价测量结果的重复性和一致性。结果 正常胎儿咽、喉及气管的直径均随孕周而增大,其回归方程如下:咽直径(mm)=0.230孕周-0.460(r2=0.487,P<0.01);喉直径(mm)=0.324孕周-0.851(r2=0.699,P<0.01);气管直径(mm)=0.118孕周-0.342(2=0.576,P<0.01)。测量咽、喉及气管直径的重复性和一致性均较高。结论 产前超声可用以建立胎儿咽喉及气管直径的正常参考值范围,且有助于评价胎儿发育及早期诊断胎儿气道狭窄。  相似文献   

Gavaghan M 《AORN journal》1999,69(2):372-86; quiz 387-9, 392, 393-4
Modern diagnosis and treatment of esophageal disease is a result of progress in assessing the anatomy and physiology of the esophagus, as well as refinements in anesthetic and surgical techniques. Esophageal carcinoma spreads rapidly and metastasizes easily. The tendency for early spread and the absence of symptoms result in late diagnosis that reduces treatment options and cure rates. Lifestyle (i.e., use of alcohol and tobacco), nutritional deficiencies, ingestion of nitrosamines, and mutagen-inducing fungi are blamed for cancer of the esophagus. Other pathologic conditions (e.g., achalasia, Barrett's epithelium, gastric reflux, hiatal hernia) are potential contributors to the development of carcinoma. Nurses are in key positions to identify the existence of factors contributing to premalignant or malignant lesions and to educate patients and make the appropriate referrals.  相似文献   

The trachea is easily accessible at the bedside. As such it provides ready access for emergency airway cannulation (eg, in the setting of acute upper airway obstruction) and for chronic airway access after laryngeal surgery. More commonly, tracheostomy tubes are placed to allow removal of a translaryngeal endotracheal tube. Tracheostomy tubes have an important effect on respiratory physiology. The most recent and methodological robust studies indicate that these tubes reduce resistive and elastic work of breathing, when compared to endotracheal tubes. This is a result of tracheostomy tubes lessening inspiratory and expiratory airways resistance and intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure. Whether these physiologic benefits are of clinical importance in enhancing weaning success remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Contrast-enhanced ECG-gated multidetector CT provides high contrast and spatial resolution for imaging the thoracic organs. High photon flux, very rapid gantry rotation, and very sensitive photon detectors optimize the scanner for cardiac imaging. ECG-gating (and pharmacological intervention, i.e., beta-blockade), have increased temporal resolution. The structure of the heart is revealed in a manner convenient for all radiologists. The atria and ventricles display their characteristic morphology. Antero-posterior and left-to-right relationships are apparent. Viewing through space, or reconstructing in orthogonal planes enforces the supero-inferior relationships as well. Appreciation of normal structure is the foundation for detecting the abnormal.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae was isolated simultaneously from urethral and pharyngeal specimens of two gonorrhea patients. The pair of isolates from one of the two patients were identical in auxotype, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern, and antimicrobial susceptibility, which indicated that both sites in that patient were infected with the same strain of N. gonorrhoeae. However, the two isolates from the other patient had different properties, indicating that the two sites in the second patient were infected with different strains. The gonococcal infections in these patients failed to respond to initial treatment with sparfloxacin or sulbactam/ampicillin, because the causative strains of N. gonorrhoeae were resistant to the respective antibiotics. Variable patterns and routes of gonococcal infection have recently been discovered in individual patients, suggesting that specimens for bacterial isolation should be taken not just from one site but from various sites that might be infected. This method may contribute to the successful treatment and epidemiological investigation of gonococcal infections. Received: January 12, 2001 / Accepted: April 26, 2001  相似文献   

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