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In utero cell and gene therapies constitute alternative strategies to the postnatal treatment of inherited diseases. Fetal hematopoietic progenitors could be a potential source of donor cells for these strategies. In this study, hematopoietic lineage-negative fetal liver cells from 14.5-day-old fetuses were transduced under different cytokine and culture combinations using a lentiviral vector expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). When cells were transduced for 6?h in the presence of mSCF, hTPO and FLT3-L in retronectin-coated dishes at a multiplicity of infection of 10 transduction units/cell, up to 70% of granulo-macrophage colony-forming cells expressed the EGFP reporter gene. In utero transplantation experiments revealed that conditions leading to high transduction efficiencies were associated with poor engraftments of syngeneic recipients. Significantly, this effect was associated with the detection of a humoral and cellular immunoresponse against the transgenic protein. Moreover, the humoral response against EGFP was detected not only in in utero transplanted recipients but also in the operated mothers, suggesting the maternal origin of the anti-EGFP immunoresponse. These observations reinforce the necessity of carefully studying the potential immunoresponses in future prenatal gene therapy protocols.  相似文献   

Using an experimental mouse model, we have investigated the kinetics of hematopoietic reconstitution of recipients transplanted during fetal development with fresh and transduced hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Total bone marrow (BM) and purified Lin(-)Sca-1(+) cells, either fresh or transduced ex vivo with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-encoding retroviral vectors, were in utero transplanted (IUT) into fetal mice. Data obtained 2 months after transplantation showed a similar proportion of engrafted animals, regardless of the fact that samples were purified or not on HSCs, and subjected or not to ex vivo transduction with retroviral vectors. The transplantation of grafts enriched in HSCs, either fresh or transduced, always improved the levels of donor chimerism of IUT mice in comparison with results obtained in mice transplanted with unpurified BM grafts (6.8 and 7.3% versus 1.15% median values, respectively). Significantly, engrafted recipients that were transplanted with the transduced graft always contained transduced EGFP(+) cells in peripheral blood (around 5% of donor cells were EGFP(+) at 2 months post-transplantation). This proportion was essentially maintained at longer times post-transplantation, as well as in secondary recipients transplanted with the BM of IUT mice. Our study describes for the first time a significant and stable engraftment of unconditioned mice subjected to IUT with HSCs transduced with retroviral vectors.  相似文献   

Oncoretroviral vectors have been successfully used in gene therapy trials, yet low transduction rates and loss of transgene expression are still major obstacles for their application. To overcome these problems we modified the widely used Moloney murine leukemia virus-derived retroviral vector pMX by replacing the 3'LTR with the spleen focus-forming virus LTR and inserting the woodchuck hepatitis B virus post-translational regulatory element. To compare requirements crucial for efficient transgene expression, we generated the hybrid retroviral vectors pMOWS and pOWS that harbor the complete murine embryonic stem cell virus (MESV)-leader sequence or a shortened MESV-leader not comprising primer binding site (PBS) and splice donor (SD). Applying these retroviral vectors significantly augmented transgene expression in hematopoietic cell lines and progenitor cells. For transduction of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells the retroviral vector pMOWS that harbors the MESV-PBS and -SD was superior resulting in 65% green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressing ES cells. Surprisingly, in murine and human primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC), the highest efficiency of up to 66% GFP expressing cells was achieved with pOWS, a retroviral vector that retains the negative regulatory element coinciding with the MoMuLV-PBS. In summary our hybrid retroviral vectors facilitate significantly improved transgene expression in multipotent cells and thus possess great potential for reconstituting genes in primary cells of disease models, as well as for gene therapy.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest that cells in active cell cycle have an engraftment defect compared with quiescent cells. We used nonhuman primates to investigate this finding, which has direct implications for clinical transplantation and gene therapy applications. Transfer of rhesus CD34(+) cells to culture in stem cell factor (SCF) on the CH-296 fibronectin fragment (FN) after 4 days of culture in stimulatory cytokines maintained cell viability but decreased cycling. Using retroviral marking with two different gene transfer vectors, we compared the engraftment potential of cytokine-stimulated cells versus those transferred to nonstimulatory conditions (SCF on FN alone) before reinfusion. In vivo competitive repopulation studies showed that the level of marking originating from the cells continued in culture for 2 days with SCF on FN following a 4-day stimulatory transduction was significantly higher than the level of marking coming from cells transduced for 4 days and reinfused without the 2-day culture under nonstimulatory conditions. We observed stable in vivo overall gene marking levels of up to 29%. This approach may allow more efficient engraftment of transduced or ex vivo expanded cells by avoiding active cell cycling at the time of reinfusion.  相似文献   

In contrast to adherent cells, cells growing in suspension and particularly hematopoietic cells, are notoriously difficult to transfect in vitro using nonviral approaches. In the present study, the effect of cell adhesion on gene transfer efficacy was investigated by allowing hematopoietic cells to bind to an adherent cell monolayer (ACM) before being subjected to cationic liposome-mediated DNA transfer. Human CD34 and T CD4 cell lines were cultivated on an ACM constituted of murine fibroblast NIH3T3 cells and transfected with a plasmid carrying the beta-galactosidase gene. X-gal staining showed that up to 27% of the cells expressed the transgene. In contrast, less than 0.1% of these cells were positively transfected in suspension. This adhesion-assisted lipofection (AAL) procedure was also successfully tested on blood lymphocytes, since it resulted in up to 30% of transfected human primary T lymphocytes. Flow cytometry analysis performed on T lymphocyte subsets revealed that 8 and 9%, respectively, of CD4 and CD8 cells could be transfected with a plasmid carrying the green fluorescent protein gene. Other adherent cells, such as MS5 murine stromal cells or HeLa epithelial cells, were also a compatible matrix for AAL. Moreover, the pCMV beta plasmid was present in similar amounts in the nuclei of TF1 cells transfected in suspension or with the AAL procedure. These data raise the possibility that cell matrix/hematopoietic cell interactions might govern expression of the transgene in hematopoietic cells growing usually in suspension, but not endocytosis of liposome/DNA particles and plasmid migration ot the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Many nonmalignant hematologic disorders could potentially be treated by genetic correction of as few as 5-10% of target lineage cells. However, immune system clearance of cells expressing gene products perceived as foreign could be limiting. There is evidence that tolerance to foreign proteins can result when myeloablative conditioning is used, but this limits the overall applicability of such techniques. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells carrying a foreign transgene after low-dose irradiation by comparing in vivo survival of murine long-term repopulating cells (LTRC) transduced with either a retroviral vector expressing the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase gene (neo) or a vector containing neo gene sequences but modified to prevent protein expression (nonexpression). First, marrow cells from congenic donors were transduced with either vector and transplanted into recipients treated with standard dose irradiation of 800 rads. High-level engraftment and gene marking resulted, without differences in the marking levels or pattern of persistence of the cells between cells transduced with either vector. Low-dose irradiation at 100 rads was tested using higher cell doses. Marking levels as high as 10% overall were obtained, again with no differences between mice receiving cells transduced with the neo versus the nonexpression vectors. To investigate a potentially more immunogenic protein, marrow cells were transduced with a vector containing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene, and their persistence was studied in recipient mice receiving 100 rads. Stable GFP expression in 5-10% of circulating cells was observed long term. We conclude that even with very low dose conditioning, engraftment by genetically modified LTRC cells at clinically significant levels can be achieved without evidence for clearance of cells known to be expressing immunogenic proteins.  相似文献   

Although conventional recombinant single-stranded adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (ssAAV2) vectors have been shown to efficiently transduce numerous cells and tissues such as brain and muscle, their ability to transduce primary hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) has been reported to be controversial. We have previously documented that among the ssAAV serotype 1 through 5 vectors, ssAAV1 vectors are more efficient in transducing primary murine HSCs, but that viral second-strand DNA synthesis continues to be a rate-limiting step. In the present studies, we evaluated the transduction efficiency of several novel serotype vectors (AAV1, AAV7, AAV8, and AAV10) and documented efficient transduction of HSCs in a murine serial bone marrow transplantation model. Self-complementary AAV (scAAV) vectors were found to be more efficient than ssAAV vectors, and the use of hematopoietic cell-specific enhancers/promoters, such as the human beta-globin gene DNase I-hypersensitive site 2 enhancer and promoter (HS2-betap) from the beta-globin locus control region (LCR), and the human parvovirus B19 promoter at map unit 6 (B19p6), allowed sustained transgene expression in an erythroid lineage-restricted manner in both primary and secondary transplant recipient mice. The proviral AAV genomes were stably integrated into progenitor cell chromosomal DNA, and did not lead to any overt hematological abnormalities in mice. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of the use of novel scAAV vectors for achieving high-efficiency transduction of HSCs as well as erythroid lineage-restricted expression of a therapeutic gene for the potential gene therapy of beta-thalassemia and sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Kume A  Xu R  Ueda Y  Urabe M  Ozawa K 《Gene therapy》2000,7(14):1193-1199
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are attractive targets for gene therapy, but current gene transfer methodologies are inadequate for efficient HSC transduction and perpetual transgene expression. To improve gene transfer vectors and transduction protocols, it is vital to establish a system to evaluate transgene expression and the long-term behavior of transduced cells in vivo. For this purpose, we constructed a bicistronic retrovirus encoding the human CD24 (as the first cistron) and the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP; as the second cistron). Murine bone marrow cells were transduced with this vector and the transgene expression was monitored along with hematopoietic reconstitution. Stable expression of CD24 and EGFP was demonstrated in the long-term repopulating cells for at least 6 months, and multi-parameter flow cytometry illustrated expression of both markers in all the lymphohematopoietic lineages examined (B and T lymphoid, erythroid and myeloid). Sustained expression was also shown in the secondary transplants for 6 months, suggesting that self-renewing HSCs were transduced by this vector. Overall, EGFP-tagged bicistronic retroviruses would provide powerful tools for detailed in vivo analysis of transduced hematopoietic cells, such as transgene expression in conjunction with lineage differentiation. Gene Therapy (2000) 7, 1193-1199.  相似文献   

In an effort to improve hematopoietic stem cell gene transfer rates using gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV)-pseudotype retroviral vectors in baboons, we have studied preselection of transduced green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing CD34-enriched marrow cells. Three animals were transplanted with GFP-selected (GS) CD34-enriched marrow. To ensure engraftment, preselected GFP-positive cells were infused together with unselected neo-transduced cells. After transduction on fibronectin, cells were cultured for an additional 2 days to allow for expression of GFP. GFP-expressing cells were enriched by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and infused together with cells from the unselected fractions after myeloablative irradiation of the recipient. Three other animals were transplanted with GFP-transduced CD34-enriched cells without prior GFP selection (GU). At 4 weeks after transplant, the percentage of GFP-expressing white blood cells was significantly higher in the GS group (6.6%) than in the GU group (1.3%) (p < 0.002). The higher gene transfer levels in the animals transplanted with GS cells gradually declined, and by day 100 after transplant, gene transfer levels were similar in both groups. PCR analysis performed on genomic DNA isolated from peripheral blood cells demonstrated that the decline in GFP-positive cells was due to the loss of gene-marked cells and not due to loss of expression. These results show that transplantation of CD34-positive marrow cells selected for GFP-positive cells after transduction provides high levels of transduced granulocytes in the short term. However, using this experimental design with concomitant infusion of unselected cells and the use of oncoretroviral vectors, preenrichment of vector-expressing, transduced CD34-enriched cells does not improve long-term persistence and expression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The high number of nuclear cells (NCs) from hematopoietic progenitor cells-apheresis (HPC-A) requires cryopreservation in large volumes or at high NC concentrations. The effect of NC concentration during cryopreservation has yet to be examined. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In the experimental arm (n = 610, Protocol B), the first HPC-A sample from the patient was cryopreserved in two cryobags and subsequent collections in one cryobag, resulting in high NC concentrations (>100 x 10(6) NCs/mL) in most cases. The effect of NC concentrations at freezing in NC recovery after thawing and engraftment kinetics was analyzed and compared with a group of HPC-A cryopreserved at standard NC concentrations (n = 455, Protocol A). RESULTS: The mean (SD) NC concentration at freezing was 78 (28) x 10(6) per mL (median, 82 x 10(6)/mL; range, 12 x 10(6)-156 x 10(6)/mL) and 183 (108) x 10(6) per mL (median, 156 x 10(6)/mL; range, 16 x 10(6)-678 x 10(6)/mL), for HPC-A cryopreserved according to Protocols A and B, respectively. The NC viabilities of the test vials and HPC-A components after thawing were 88 percent versus 85 percent and 85 percent versus 82 percent, and the cloning efficiency was 49 percent versus 33 percent for Protocols A and B, respectively (p < 0.001). Significant differences were not observed in the recovery of NCs. Days to neutrophil and platelet engraftment were not different between patients transplanted in the standard- (n = 143) or high-cell-concentration group (n = 238). CONCLUSION: The cryopreservation of HPC-A at higher than standard NC concentrations has no adverse impact on hematopoietic reconstitution after transplantation.  相似文献   

目的观察纤维连接蛋白-血小板生成素(FN-TPO)基因修饰的人骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stemcells,MSCs)支持脐血造血干细胞植入的能力。方法将20只严重联合免疫缺陷(SCID)小鼠经亚致死剂量射线辐射后随机分为实验组(n=5):FN-TPO基因修饰的骨髓MSCs联合脐血单个核细胞(CB-MNC)组共移植;对照组:包括单纯CB-MNC移植组(n=5)、CB-MNC联合未修饰骨髓MSCs共移植组(n=5)和仅输入不含血清的IMDM培养基的空白对照组。细胞移植后,持续观察各组小鼠4周,记录一般情况及生存率;通过检测不同时间点(辐射前,辐射后细胞移植前,细胞移植后2 d及1、2、3、4周)的小鼠外周血常规来反映小鼠造血系统恢复情况;4周后以流式细胞术和PCR等检测移植后小鼠体内的人源细胞的整合情况。结果辐射前、辐射后细胞移植前、移植后2 d及移植2周后各组动物外周血白细胞、红细胞、血红蛋白和血小板数均无明显差别;细胞移植1周,实验组小鼠外周血WBC、RBC、Hb和Plt分别为(0.83±0.15)×109/L、(9.84±0.36)×1012/L、147.50±4.80 g/L和(198.75±71.14)×109/L,均较对照组为高,差别均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且实验组小鼠外周血常规变化比较平稳。移植4周各组动物生存率,基因修饰和未修饰MSCs联合CB-MNC共移植组较单纯CB-MNC移植组明显为高(80%VS40%);存活下来的细胞移植小鼠骨髓和外周血中均检测到人源性CD45+细胞,实验组小鼠骨髓和外周血中人CD45+细胞比例(%)分别为:8.15±1.72和2.28±0.57,与单纯CB-MNC移植组的3.93±1.28和0.82±0.06相比差别均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);PCR检测移植后4周存活小鼠体内人beta-actin基因表达情况显示:小鼠外周血、骨髓及心、肝、脾、脑、肺等重要脏器基因组DNA中有人beta-actin基因存在。结论FN-TPO基因修饰的骨髓MSCs能够更有效的支持脐血造血干细胞植入。  相似文献   

Autologous transplantation of retrovirally transduced bone marrow (BM) or neonatal blood cells was carried out on eight cats (ranging in age from 2 weeks to 12 months) with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI). The transducing vector contained the full-length cDNA encoding human arylsulfatase B (hASB), the enzymatic activity deficient in this lysosomal storage disorder. Following transplantation, the persistence of transduced cells and enzymatic expression were monitored for more than 2 years. Five of the cats received no myeloablative preconditioning, two cats received 370-390 cGy of total body irradiation (TBI), and one cat received 190 cGy TBI. Evidence of transduced cells, as judged by enzymatic activity and PCR detection of the provirus, was demonstrated in granulocytes, lymphocytes, or BM cells of the treated animals up to 31 months after transplantation. Radiation preconditioning was not required to achieve these results, nor were they dependent on the recipient's age. However, despite the long-term persistence of transduced cells, the levels of ASB activity in the transplanted animals was low, and no clinical improvements were detected. These data provide evidence for the long-term persistence of retrovirally transduced feline hematopoietic cells, and further documentation that engraftment of transduced cells can be achieved in the absence of myeloablation. Consistent with previous bone marrow transplantation studies, these results also suggest that to achieve clinical improvement of MPS VI, particularly in the skeletal system, high-level expression of ASB must be achieved in the treated animals and improved techniques for targeting the expressed enzyme to specific sites of pathology (e.g. chondrocytes) must be developed.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that intravenous infusion of apoptotic leukocytes facilitated bone marrow (BM) engraftment across major histocompatibility barriers. This cell-based therapeutic approach is of great interest for stem cell therapy across histocompatibility barriers. Autoimmunity associated with apoptotic cell administration may, however, limit the use of this approach. Indeed, autoantigens are concentrated on the surface of apoptotic cells, and defective clearance of apoptotic bodies is associated with the occurrence of systemic autoimmune disease. In consequence, we assessed the autoimmune responses raised against ubiquitous double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and cardiolipin autoantigens following a single intravenous infusion of apoptotic cells simultaneously to allogeneic BM administration. No difference was observed between levels of natural circulating immunoglobulin M (IgM) (anti-dsDNA and anti-cardiolipin) autoantibodies found in mice receiving allogeneic BM alone and those found in mice receiving apoptotic cells also. Pathogenic IgG autoantibody titers after apoptotic cell infusion were 9- to 200-fold lower than autoantibody titers found in lupus-prone mice and not different from titers detected in BM grafted mice. Kinetic analysis of autoantibodies after transplantation did not demonstrate any immunization against tested autoantigens after apoptotic cell infusion. Finally, neither immune complex deposition nor specific lesions were observed in the renal glomeruli of mice infused with apoptotic cells 9 months post-BM transplantation. Overall, these results show no specific toxicity of a single infusion of apoptotic cells administrated simultaneously to BM and may also shed light on factors influencing the immunogenic properties of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

The toxicity of carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)) and certain other chemicals varies over a 24-h period. Because the metabolism of some drugs follows a diurnal rhythm, it was decided to investigate whether the hepatic metabolic activation of CCl(4) was rhythmic and coincided in time with maximum susceptibility to CCl(4) hepatotoxicity. A related objective was to test the hypothesis that abstinence from food during the sleep cycle results in lipolysis and formation of acetone, which participates in induction of liver microsomal cytochrome P450IIE1 (CYP2E1), resulting in a diurnal increase in CCl(4) metabolic activation and acute liver injury. Groups of fed and fasted male Sprague-Dawley rats were given a single oral dose of 800 mg of CCl(4)/kg at 2- to 4-h intervals over a 24-h period. Serum enzyme activities, measured 24 h post dosing as indices of acute liver injury, exhibited distinct maxima in both fed and fasted animals dosed with CCl(4) near the beginning of their dark/active cycle. Blood acetone, hepatic CYP2E1 activity, and covalent binding of (14)CCl(4)/metabolites to hepatic microsomal proteins in untreated rats fed ad libitum followed circadian rhythms similar to that of susceptibility to CCl(4). Parallel fluctuations of greater amplitude were seen in rats fasted for 24 h. Hepatic glutathione levels were lowest at the time of greatest susceptibility to CCl(4). Acetone dose-response experiments showed high correlations between blood acetone levels, CYP2E1 induction, and CCl(4)-induced liver injury. Pretreatment with diallyl sulfide suppressed CYP2E1 and abolished the circadian rhythmicity of susceptibility to CCl(4). These findings provide additional support for acetone's physiological role in CYP2E1 induction and for CYP2E1's role in modulating CCl(4) chronotoxicity in rats.  相似文献   

There are many reports on factors predicting the outcome of PBSC (peripheral blood stem cell) mobilization, such as the donor’s gender, age, weight, white blood cell count, platelets pre apheresis, LDH and iron status. Although there are reports of seasonal variation in the physiology of the human immune system and hematopoiesis there are no data that such differences play a role in the response to G-CSF in healthy hematopoietic stem cell donors. The response to G-CSF could also impact the collection results during different seasons. To assess the possible impact of seasonal variation we performed a retrospective, single-center analysis of mobilization and harvest of PBSC in 330 healthy unrelated donors. We found no significant differences in the number of CD34+ cells in peripheral blood after G-CSF mobilization and in collection results when all donors were analyzed. In the subgroup of male donors the number of CD34+ stem cells after G-CSF mobilization was higher than average in summer and autumn (p = 0.036), however, it did not translate into clinically relevant differences in stem cell harvest.We conclude that although there is possible seasonal variation in the response to G-CSF in male donors there is no impact on PBSC harvest in healthy unrelated donors.  相似文献   

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