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Surgical treatment of pelvic tumors represents one of the most challenging problems in musculoskeletal oncology, especially in the periacetabular region. Because of the complex anatomy and demanding biomechanical situation, surgery leads to a considerable disability while all possible types of reconstruction are often associated with high complication rates. Nevertheless, it is known that wide resection of the tumor is one of the key points for long‐term survival in sarcoma therapy. Therefore, hip transposition was established in our clinic as a universal tool for periacetabular tumors excelling in small foreign parts and resulting in acceptable complication rates with good functional outcome. The following article gives an overview of the technique and the indications of different types of hip transposition, which were developed from the first procedure, described and published by Winkelmann in 1988. J. Surg. Oncol. 2009;99: 169–172. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 分析髋臼周围肿瘤切除联合髋关节复合重建术的疗效,为髋臼周围肿瘤的治疗提供临床依据。方法 2001年5月至2010年5月收治24例髋臼周围肿瘤患者,完全切除肿瘤后采用人工全髋关节加重建钢板、螺钉、钢丝和骨水泥复合重建髋关节,术后对患者进行随访。按照骨与软组织肿瘤协会(MSTS)功能评估标准进行功能评估。结果 24例患者中有1例术中突发双侧肺动脉栓塞死亡,其余均顺利完成手术。23例患者术后4~6个月均能基本正常行走,其中11例髋关节功能正常,10例髋关节屈曲功能获部分恢复。5例伤口愈合延迟,均经换药后愈合;2例术后出现腓总神经损伤,1例术后半年恢复;1例在随访时仍未恢复,采用支具保护。随访12~84个月,中位随访40.0个月,随访率为100.0%;死亡2例,复发4例(2例已死亡),21例生存(13例无瘤生存,8例带瘤生存)。MSTS评分为(23.8±9.2)分,优良率达87.0%(20/23)。结论 髋关节复合重建术治疗的患者短期随访可获较好的髋关节功能,同时髋关节复合重建术操作较为简单且费用低,适用范围较广。  相似文献   



Surgical site infections (SSI) represent the most common postoperative complication after limb sparing surgery for primary malignant bone tumors, with incidence ranging from 10 to 47%. There is no consensus concerning about the optimal surgical strategy, or the adequate antibiotic prophylaxis in pelvic resections. A greater knowledge of these infections and their surgical trajectories seem essential to obtain.

Materials and methods

We retrospectively studied 45 cases of pelvic resection, including at least the periacetabular zone 2 of Enneking, performed between 1989 and 2013 in the same center. Infection rate, risk factors and surgical trajectories were analyzed. The impact of a postoperative infection on the quality of life and functional recovery was evaluated by the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society scoring system (MSTS).


Sixteen patients presented a SSI in the first post-operative year (35.6%). We found as risk factors the pre-operative ASA score, the age at surgery and the number of packed red cells transfused during surgery. In case of failure of an initial washout, an iterative procedure is responsible for a high failure rate of 88.9%. Irrespective of the type of reconstruction, our functional results show that this surgery is often a source of handicap with a MSTS score of 13.77 in infected patients versus 17.70 in non-infected patients, at two-year follow-up.


In case of failure of an initial wash, prosthetic material must be removed and a hip transposition procedure should be preferred to a second-look surgery. Concerning prophylactic antibiotherapy, a dual therapy for at least 48 h after surgery should probably be preferred.  相似文献   

目的 探讨外科治疗在提高骨盆转移癌患者生存质量中的效果。方法 回顾性分析67例骨盆转移癌患者的外科治疗情况,并随访生存情况、术后国际骨与软组织肿瘤协会(MSTS)评分、疼痛视觉模拟(VAS)评分及体力状态(KPS)评分。根据设定的手术日期(2007年1月1日)分组,分别记录与比较该日期前后行手术者的MSTS、VAS和KPS评分及中位生存期(OS)。结果 全部病例均获随访,随访1~90个月,中位随访15.5个月,其中>6个月者35例,>12个月者30例;其中随访>6个月者的5年总生存率为42.9%,中位OS为46.0月,其中不同原发肿瘤中位OS的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但不同年龄段、性别及外科边界的中位OS比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);全组MSTS评分为(22.9±3.4)分,不同转移灶分区的MSTS评分的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),重建者的MSTS评分高于未重建者(P<0.05),术后VAS和KPS评分均优于术前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2007年1月1日后实施手术者的VAS评分降低值、KPS评分升高值、MSTS评分及中位OS均优于此日期之前者(P<0.05)。结论 骨盆转移癌通过在严格掌握手术适应证的基础上实施有效的外科治疗,可以缓解局部疼痛和改善患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨盆腔腹膜外软组织肿瘤恰当的手术入路及手术方法.方法 2007年4月至2011年1月收治14例盆腔腹膜外软组织肿瘤患者.男5例,女9例.平均年龄51岁(15~66岁).恶纤组3例、转移瘤2例、黏液炎性纤维母细胞肉瘤1例;硬纤维瘤3例、神经鞘瘤2例,畸胎瘤、表皮样囊肿、孤立性纤维性肿瘤各1例.6例肿瘤局限于坐骨大孔,采用后侧入路.2例肿瘤位于坐骨大孔处,但肿瘤较大者,采用前后联合入路.2例肿瘤位于耻骨后方,采用前方经耻骨下支入路,切除部分耻骨下支.4例肿瘤位于骶骨前方,采用后侧入路,切除部分骶骨.结果 6例恶性肿瘤均行边缘性切除,1例硬纤维瘤患者行分块切除,1例患者术中损伤阴道,行修补术,其余13例术中未损伤盆腔脏器.术后随访6-50个月,良性肿瘤患者中1例硬纤维瘤术后复发;恶性肿瘤患者中无瘤生存1例.结论 盆腔腹膜外软组织肿瘤可发生于盆腔腹膜外任何部位,肿瘤的切除可根据肿瘤生长的部位及大小决定手术入路.  相似文献   

目的 探讨对骨盆肿瘤病人,在肿瘤切除、重建骨盆和髋关节功能同时又能提高病人生存率和生活质量的可行性。方法 对21例病人分别施行“骨盆肿瘤切除同种异体半骨盆置换术(5例)”和“骨盆肿瘤切除可调式人工半骨盆置换术(16例)”。结果 手术全部成功,无手术死亡;长期随访(1.5-14年)表明病人生存率明显提高,功能较满意(良好率55%)。结论 骨盆肿瘤切除及骨盆和髋关节功能重建术是临床治疗骨盆巨大肿瘤的较好方法,既完整切除肿瘤,又重建了骨盆和髋关节,保证了功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全髋关节置换术治疗血友病性髋关节炎的短、中期临床疗效。方法 回顾分析 2004 年5月至 2010 年9月,采用人工髋关节置换术治疗晚期血友病性髋关节炎患者4例。患者均为男性,年龄 34~56 岁,平均年龄 45 岁。按 Arnold and Hilgartner 分级:IV 级2例,V级2例。围手术期给予患者凝血因子替代治疗的基础上,对4例患者行人工髋关节置换术,手术采用髋关节前外侧标准入路。术中、术后监测相应凝血因子活性水平控制术后出血,密切关注并发症的发生。术后根据关节功能改善情况、Harris 评分、假体生存情况、术后并发症等评估手术治疗效果。结果 本组4例患者均获随访,随访时间9个月至7年,平均 40 个月。4例患者术后髋关节疼痛均明显减轻,3例患者术后髋关节疼痛消失,1例患者术后偶诉疼痛,但不影响生活。术后 Harris 评分:85~90 分 (优2例,良2例),平均 87.7 分。术中出血量及引流量:平均每侧髋关节为 1210 ml。本组第1例患者术后 84 个月右侧髋臼处出现松动迹象,现拟行翻修手术治疗;余患者均未出现假体周围骨溶解及松动的征象,假体位置和力线水平均满意。1例术后出现关节内出血并切口渗血,无 DVT 和 PE 形成,无大出血及伤口感染。手术切口均I期愈合。结论 人工髋关节置换术可明显缓解晚期血友病性关节炎患者的关节疼痛,明显改善病变髋关节功能,短、中期疗效较好。合理的围手术期凝血因子替代治疗非常重要,血友病性髋关节炎行人工关节置换术难度较大,对手术技术要求很高,需要专业的手术团队并在内科医师配合下施行。  相似文献   

目的 评价骶尾部肿瘤手术治疗的中远期效果.方法 回顾分析1993年4月至2010年2月收治的47例骶尾部肿瘤患者,其中包括脊索瘤13例,囊肿6例,骨巨细胞瘤4例,脂肪瘤3例,皮脂腺瘤3例,软骨肉瘤3例,恶性源性肿瘤3例,转移癌3例,纤维瘤2例,畸胎瘤2例,神经纤维瘤、纤维脂肪错构瘤、神经节细胞瘤、良性间叶瘤、低度恶性纤维母细胞瘤、孤立性纤维瘤、恶性神经鞘瘤各1例.术前主要临床症状:骶尾区疼痛37例,臀部及大腿麻痛33例,大小便障碍5例,双侧下肢肿胀、难以入睡1例.术前行选择性瘤血管栓塞术15例.6例行前后路联合手术,41例行后路手术.良性肿瘤全部为瘤外切除,恶性肿瘤为瘤内切除.结果 术中出血量500~5000ml,平均3000ml,术前行选择性瘤血管栓塞者术中平均出血量为1300ml.13例失访,余34例患者获得随访2-11年,平均随访时间6.4年.8例脊索瘤术后均反复出现局部复发,最快者为术后1个月复发,因其他脏器发生转移而死亡;4例骨巨细胞瘤3例失访,1例随访3年下肢功能、感觉活动良好,无大小便障碍.3例软骨肉瘤术后1例出现复发后死亡,2例无瘤生存;2例转移性癌和3例恶性源性肿瘤术后均死亡.全部良性肿瘤预后较好.结论 骶尾部肿瘤发病率较低,起病隐匿、症状轻微者占多数.术前行选择性瘤血管栓塞能够有效降低术中出血的风险.良性肿瘤可进行边缘完整的切除,预后良好;而单纯手术治疗对骶尾部恶性肿瘤来讲,复发率高,预后差,采用全骶骨切除或手术联合放化疗可望降低术后复发率,改善预后.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈椎管内外哑铃形肿瘤的临床特点、Toyama分型及手术治疗策略.方法 回顾分析我院2008年8月至2011年8月期间治疗的5例颈椎哑铃形肿瘤患者的临床表现、影像学特征、病理类型、手术治疗方法和预后.肿瘤节段位于Cl~2 2例,C3~5 1例,C4~6 1例,C5~7 1例.神经鞘瘤5例.采用Toyama方法分型,II B型1例,III A型1例,IV型1例,VI型2例;IF分期I期2例,II期3例;TF分期I期3例,II期2例.2例行颈后正中入路,2例行颈前右侧入路,1例行颈前左侧入路.结果 肿瘤均完全切除,无椎动脉损伤,无神经功能障碍加重.患者局部疼痛和神经症状均有明显改善,术后即刻出现单侧上肢一过性瘫痪1例,经激素及脱水药物治疗5d后缓解;脑脊液漏1例,保守治疗后闭合;未见颈椎反屈畸形,无术后感染病例.随访6个月至2年,平均9个月.所有患者神经功能均有不同程度恢复,其中3例患者神经功能完全恢复.所有病例均未见局部复发.结论 颈椎管内外哑铃形肿瘤可通过Toyama分型选择合适的手术方式和入路,减小对颈髓、椎动脉、神经根损伤风险,并且肿瘤可一次性手术切除.  相似文献   

目的探讨原发性骶骨巨细胞瘤的外科治疗方法。方法对2000年2月~2008年2月收治的22例原发性骶骨巨细胞瘤患者进行回顾性研究,其中侵犯S2及以下8例,侵犯达S1者14例。行后路单纯肿瘤切除3例,前后路联合切除、腰骶重建7例,单纯后路肿瘤切除、腰骶重建12例。结果22例患者无围手术期死亡。3例出现切口延迟愈合,2例经换药愈合,1例行臀大肌肌瓣转移覆盖后愈合。20例患者获随访,平均随访时间44个月(16~85个月)。4例复发,3例经再次手术获得良好控制,1例带瘤生存。4例患者出现术后大小便功能障碍,其中3例在术后2周出院时已有缓解,另1例经理疗后于术后1年内逐渐改善。1例术后11个月出现内固定松动,取出内固定。其余患者腰骶部症状缓解,双下肢感觉及运动功能良好。结论合理的手术方式和应用ISOLA等有效的腰骶部重建方式可使骶骨巨细胞瘤患者获得良好的局部控制,并可最大程度保留术后功能。  相似文献   

胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤(pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm,pNEN)是一类具有高度异质性的肿瘤。外科手术是pNEN综合治疗的重要环节,但pNEN较低的发病率和较强的异质性导致其外科领域进展相对缓慢。在治疗理念上,pNEN的外科治疗策略逐渐由病情导向转变为预后导向,对肿瘤特征的评估更加依赖形态学联合分子病理学的方法。此外,pNEN手术治疗正在向个体化、微创化、精细化的方向发展,手术的介入时机也逐步拓展至患者的全诊疗周期。本文将结合国内外相关领域研究进展,分析现阶段pNEN外科治疗面临的问题与挑战,并探讨治疗理念的转变及潜在的突破方向。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe majority of patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer (LRRC) present with extensive metastatic disease or an unresectable recurrence, and will be treated palliatively. Only a minority of patients will be eligible for potential cure by surgical treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the long-term outcome of surgical treatment and non-surgical treatment of patients with LRRC.MethodsAll patients with LRRC referred to our tertiary institute between 2000 and 2015 were retrospectively analysed. Patients were discussed in a multidisciplinary tumour board (MDT) and eventually received curative surgical or non-surgical treatment. Overall survival (OS) was compared by resection margin status and non-surgical treatment.ResultsA total of 447 patients were discussed in our MDT of which 193 patients underwent surgical treatment and 254 patients received non-surgical treatment. Surgically treated patients were significantly younger, received less neoadjuvant therapy for the primary tumour, had less metastasis at diagnosis and more central recurrences. The 5-year OS was 51% for R0-resections and 34% for R1-resections. Although numbers with R2-resections were too small to implicate prognostic significance, there was no difference in 5-year OS between R2-resections and non-surgical treatment (10% vs. 4%, p = 0.282). In a subgroup analysis the OS of R2-patients was even poorer compared to optimal palliative treated patients with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy (22 vs 29 months, p = 0.413).ConclusionR2-resections do not result in a survival benefit compared to non-surgical treatment in this non-randomized series. Patients with a high chance on a R2-resection could be offered non-surgical treatment, without local resection.  相似文献   

Zou XN  Grejs A  Li HS  Høy K  Hansen ES  Bünger C 《癌症》2006,25(11):1406-1410
背景与目的:目前,临床上对脊柱转移瘤患者是否采取手术治疗以及如何选择手术仍然存在较大的争议。预期寿命的估计是手术选择的决定因素之一。本研究旨在评价Tokuhashi和Tomita评分系统这两种常用的预期寿命估计方法对硬膜外脊柱转移瘤患者手术选择与预后预测的临床价值。方法:对2001年1月至2004年4月丹麦奥胡斯大学医院脊柱外科中心收治的169例硬膜外脊柱转移瘤入组患者,术前用Tokuhashi与Tomita评分系统进行评分以及估计预期寿命,并结合Tomita脊柱肿瘤分型,选择实施手术分级治疗。术后6个月、12个月以及24个月分别进行前瞻性随访观察。对在预期寿命为“3个月内死亡”、“6个月内死亡”以及“12个月内死亡”的患者通过Tokuhashi与Tomita评分系统绘制受试者作业特征曲线(receiveroperatingcharacteristiccurves,ROC曲线),比较两个评分系统对预期寿命估计的准确性。同时采用Kaplan-Meier生存曲线分析法,计算Tokuhashi和Tomita评分系统各分数段患者术后的实际平均生存时间。结果:预期寿命分别为“3个月内死亡”、“6个月内死亡”以及“12个月内死亡”的病例ROC曲线分析显示,Tomita评分系统与Tokuhashi评分系统之间的差异均无显著性(各组P值分别为0.16、0.47与0.38)。Kaplan-Meier生存曲线分析显示,Tomita评分系统在4~7分之间对预后估计过高,Tokuhashi评分系统在0~8分之间对预后估计过低。结论:Tokuhashi和Tomita评分系统均可成功地预测脊柱转移瘤患者术后预后的情况。Tokuhashi评分系统可较为准确地预测生存期较短的患者,从而避免对这类患者做不必要的大手术。  相似文献   

目的 总结阑尾类癌(CTA)的诊断和外科治疗经验.方法 回顾性分析1972年至2006年收治的64例CTA患者的临床资料.结果 64例患者术前仪有6例(9.4%)确诊,58例(90.6%)为术中发现或术后病理确诊,术前误诊率高达90.6%.CTA主要采取手术治疗,术式的选择取决于手术者对CTA良、恶性的判断,以及类癌病灶大小、部位、侵袭深度、周围淋巴结转移情况和年龄等因素.64例患者中,采用单纯阑尾切除术54例,回盲部切除术4例,右半结肠切除术2例,右半结肠切除并清除区域淋巴结4例.随访58例,其中57例存活13年,1例术后13年凶肝脏转移死亡.结论 CTA少见,术前误诊率高,手术切除是CTA惟一有效的治疗方法,合理的术式选择是手术成功和提高患者生存率的关键.  相似文献   

目的 研究 D- 二聚体 (DD) 与血浆纤维蛋白原 (FIB) 的动态变化对早期预测全髋关节置换术 (THA) 术后下肢深静脉血栓 (DVT) 的意义。方法 选择 2012 年4月至9月,108 例初次 THA 手术患者,术前所有患者下肢深静脉彩超检测均阴性,根据术后5天下肢彩超检测结果将患者分为血栓组 (n=28) 和非血栓组 (n=80) 。所有患者于术前、术后1、3、5天对血浆 DD、FIB 进行检测,将检查结果进行统计学分析,并与B超检查结果对比,比较血浆 DD、FIB 两个检测指标及两个指标联合检测的敏感性和特异性。结果 与非血栓组比较,血栓组 DD 术后各时间点均明显升高 (P<0.01),FIB 术后3、5天明显增加 (P<0.01)。与基础值比较,两组 DD 术后各时间点均明显升高,于术后1天到峰值:非血栓组 (4.94±1.27) mg/L,血栓组 (8.96±1.67) mg/L (P<0.01);FIB 术后3、5天明显增加,且5天值较3天值增高明显:非血栓组 (5.13±0.48) g/L,血栓组 (7.24±1.23) g/L (P<0.01)。术后3天,DD 结合 FIB 检测的敏感性和特异性分别达到 94.7% 和 93.3%。结论 本研究涉及参数均提示术后血液呈高凝状态,深静脉血栓风险增大。血浆 DD、FIB 的联合检测对 THA 术后并发下肢 DVT 具有早期预测价值,其在术后第3天的敏感性和特异性达到最优化。  相似文献   

目的探讨介入性动脉栓塞对于骨肿瘤手术的作用和意义,特别是对于有效地减少术中出血的意义。方法回顾性分析27例不同部位肿瘤的动脉栓塞的方法和技术因素。采用Seldinger’s技术超选择插管,以明胶海绵、PVA微球和金属弹簧圈对肿瘤进行栓塞。结果27例骨肿瘤患者术前接受DSA检查和术前动脉栓塞术。动脉栓塞术后1~5d接受外科手术。其中22例术中出血明显减少,23例肿瘤不同程度缩小,20例肿瘤得以完整切除。结论手术前DSA有助于更好地了解骨肿瘤自身及其周边的血管分布和供血情况,有利于指导手术。术前动脉栓塞可明显减少术中出血,更安全,肿瘤完整切除率更高,手术时间缩短。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Radiation therapy (RT) is frequently administered to prevent heterotopic ossification (HO) after total hip arthroplasty (THA). The purpose of this study was to determine if there is an increased risk of HO after RT prophylaxis with shielding of the THA components. METHODS AND MATERIALS: This is a retrospective analysis of THA patients undergoing RT prophylaxis of HO at Brigham and Women's Hospital between June 1994 and February 2004. Univariate and multivariate logistic regressions were used to assess the relationships of all variables to failure of RT prophylaxis. RESULTS: A total of 137 patients were identified and 84 were eligible for analysis (61%). The median RT dose was 750 cGy in one fraction, and the median follow-up was 24 months. Eight of 40 unshielded patients (20%) developed any progression of HO compared with 21 of 44 shielded patients (48%) (p = 0.009). Brooker Grade III-IV HO developed in 5% of unshielded and 18% of shielded patients (p = 0.08). Multivariate analysis revealed shielding (p = 0.02) and THA for prosthesis infection (p = 0.03) to be significant predictors of RT failure, with a trend toward an increasing risk of HO progression with age (p = 0.07). There was no significant difference in the prosthesis failure rates between shielded and unshielded patients. CONCLUSIONS: A significantly increased risk of failure of RT prophylaxis for HO was noted in those receiving shielding of the hip prosthesis. Shielding did not appear to reduce the risk of prosthesis failure.  相似文献   

PurposeSurgery remains the mainstay treatment for parapharyngeal space (PPS) tumors. Given the rapid advance and increasing usage of endoscopic and robotic techniques, we aimed to investigate the surgical trends of PPS tumors in our institution and analyze their impact on patients’ treatment outcomes.Materials and methodsAll patients who underwent surgical resection of PPS tumors from 2014 to 2021 at the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital of Fudan University were retrospectively reviewed. Student's t-test, Chi-square test, and multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to compare the surgical outcomes between groups.ResultOf the included 389 patients, the recipients of endoscopic surgery have largely increased in our center, with 17 of 134 cases (12.7%) in the group 2014–2017 and 187 of 255 cases (73.3%) in the group 2018–2021. The use of transoral and trans-nasal approaches increased in recent years (5.2% in 2014–2017 vs. 26.0% in 2018–2021), while that of trans-mandibular and lateral skull base approaches decreased (5.9% in 2014–2017 vs. 0.8% in 2018–2021). Decreased blood loss of operation and decreased risks of postoperative neurovascular complications were observed in the group 2018–2021. Similar findings were observed among patients receiving endoscopic surgery when compared with those receiving conventional surgery.ConclusionIn our institution, the overall trends in the surgical management of PPS tumors moved towards minimally invasive approaches with the assistance of endoscopy or surgical robots. The two surgical techniques were feasible and safe, and to a great extent, contributed to the improved surgical outcomes we observed in recent years.  相似文献   

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