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刘文  唐辉  王哲 《医疗设备信息》2005,20(10):26-26,29
在现代化的军队中发展数字化野战X线机系统也是军队后勤现代化的一个标志。目前我军大部分团以下卫生队多为50mA传统模拟X光机为主要装备,数字化产品少之又少,数字成像部分是目前比较薄弱部分。发展小型数字化(DR)系统比较符合我国的国情。  相似文献   

目的:对现有野战便携式X线机进行一体化研制,解决原三脚支架功能缺陷及运输不便的问题。方法:采用人机工程技术、电气工程技术、机械工程技术对整机进行一体化设计。结果:整机展收快速,能在2min内完成;整机工作时球管中心位置离地高度大于170cm,距立柱大于45cm,并能多角度、全方位工作;整机收拢时需存放在专用的具有抗震动、无渗漏水性能的机箱内。结论:野战便携式X线机的一体化设计扩大了投照范围,提高了投照效果,大大增强了放射工作人员的卫勤保障能力。  相似文献   

野战X线影像系统数字化技术方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从各种X线成像技术的特点、战伤X线诊断要求、野战应用环境等方面,对野战X线影像系统数字化技术方案进行研究论证,认为:在现行X线装备的基础上,采用CR技术进行数字化升级,是实现我军野战X线影像系统数字化的一条行之有效的技术途径。在此基础上,提出了野战CR系统的总体设计方案。  相似文献   

野战X线机支架是野战X线机的重要组成部分。原有支架结构限制了投照角度可调范围,不能给卧姿伤病员摄片。详细介绍了支架的结构、改造方法及性能测试分析结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种适合野战使用的新型便携式高频X线机的研制。这种X线机完全采用电子式控制,参量精度高,输出功率大,且散射线少、体积小、重量轻,便于携带运输。能满足不同部位摄影需要。  相似文献   

目的:通过设计多功能可拆卸立式支架,完善USIE—HF—PXRU型野战X线机使用功能。方法:将金属钢质材料按一定规格用螺钉,固定组合成能悬吊X线机,侧面兼做立位胸片架的立式支架。结果:该支架可有效增加USIE—HF—PXRU型便携式X线机的检查范围。结论:多功能简易支架的制作材料普通易得,质量轻,可拆卸,车载时占地面积小,适合野战医疗队应用。  相似文献   

车载X线机数字化系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:对现有的车载式X线机进行数字化升级,提高车载X线检查系统的伤病员通过能力。方法:对现有数字化摄影技术进行分析,对3种平板探测器进行比较,选择CXDI X线平板探测器系统对车载X线机进行数字化升级。结果:实现了X线信号实时同步,并可在工作站对数字化图像进行剪裁、标注检查信息等编辑工作。结论:提高了装备的工作效率,增强了部队保障能力。  相似文献   

改装数字化X线机DR摄影及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:DR数字化分辨率高,它是采用平板探测器为传统X线带来了前所未有的高分辨率影像。方法:采用CANONDR系统,操作台简单,屏幕上各个投照部位显示清楚,对屏幕上显示图像可重新修改和删除,对不理想图像可做频率调整.如对屏幕上显示多幅图像可进行重新预览,窗宽、窗住重新调整和重新发送,屏幕上显示投照部位任意翻转和剪切,只要是大型进口X线机就可以改装,大大节约了经费。结果:DR照片质量大大优于胶片质量,由原来用胶片甲片率的78%提高到用DR数字化甲片率的99.5%,避免乙片率和废片率。结论:DR动态范围宽,摄影的宽容度大,无失败摄影,用DR诊断信息丰富。  相似文献   

故障现象 bucky上电grid led闪烁不定,droc开机后报错:“the bucky is in error state for long time,the arry has been powered down(bucky待机时间过长,电源自动切断)”。DR无法正常曝光。  相似文献   

S2001型野战车载式X线机采用主机为进口SIEMENS公司和国产自主研发设计的透视摄影架、诊断床及配置由国产XTV-ZHD5401型高性能的闭路医用X线电视系统,具备技术先进、性能可靠、使用寿命长、机组结构紧凑、功能齐全等优势,适用于野战车载、流动的常规X线检查、诊断。  相似文献   

多媒体教学课件的制作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文主要介绍了多媒体课件的制作流程及其常用工具软件。  相似文献   

本文探讨医学专业教师多媒体制作课件问题.就如何选择开发软件、如何进行多媒体课件设计、加快学校CAI资源库的建设几个方面提出了探讨性看法.  相似文献   

In today's highly competitive marketplace, specialty practices must strive to distinguish themselves from the competition. One key strategy is to provide exceptional levels of service based on fundamentals already in play among many non-healthcare service providers. The problem is that too many practices are failing to deliver. This article outlines precautionary principles that will enable specialty practices, and even hospitals, to develop stronger, more positive physician relationships that increase loyalty and keep your patient pipeline filled.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the steps in developing a business case for quality-enhancing interventions (QEIs) in health care. ANALYSIS: The development of a business case for QEIs in health care involves 11 steps. These steps include (1) describing the intervention, (2) determining perspective, (3) identifying the effects of the intervention on quality, (4) designing the study, (5) identifying and measuring cash flows, (6) considering the effects of capacity constraints, (7) selecting a measure of return on investment, (8) determining the time horizon for the analysis, (9) determining the discount rate, (10) adjusting costs and savings for inflation, and (11) determining organizational readiness for business case development. A checklist offers guidance on assessing readiness for the business case. CONCLUSION: The absence of a 'business case' for quality is frequently cited as the reason health care organizations do not implement QEIs, despite decades of careful research demonstrating their effectiveness. Our continuing commitment to advancing the discipline of business case analysis is based on a belief that delineating the cost and economic implications of investments in QEIs is a critical threshold issue to widespread adoption of evidence-based quality improvements. We believe it is appropriate and timely to consider how best to standardize approaches and move the field of business case analysis forward.  相似文献   

如何在我国发展循证医学   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
循证医学正在为越来越多的医学界人士关注和接受 ,研究有中国特色的循证医学应列入我国医学发展的日程。结合我国的实际 ,可将发展循证医学的工作分为 4部分 ,即 :形成可供系统评价的证据 ;搜集、整理证据并进行系统评价 ;根据EBM证据对现行临床诊疗原则进行调整 ;运用EBM证据和新的诊疗原则指导临床实践。最后部分论述了在我国发展循证医学可能遇到的问题及解决办法  相似文献   

Physician champions and leaders are essential to the success ofa CCIS implementation. Physician champions or leaders can be developed by recognizing the qualities of a leader and cultivating them. Finally, sustainable second-order change is facilitated bv a transformational leader--a leader who is charismatic, considers individual characteristics and needs of the constituency, and stimulates the constituency intellectually. A transformational leader does not accept the status quo but rather is continually questioning and offering constructive problem solutions. Transformational leadership may require more patience, time, tolerance, and resources, but it is worth the effort.  相似文献   

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