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目的探讨鼻内镜下处理孤立性蝶窦病变的方法及疗效。方法回顾分析1999年8月~2004年10月93例孤立性蝶窦病变病人在鼻内镜下经上鼻道径路行孤立性蝶窦病变处理。鼻内镜下切除上鼻甲后半部分,直接暴露蝶窦前壁及开口,扩大开口,处理蝶窦病变。结果所有病例均顺利完成手术,无1例发生严重并发症。随访1~2年,蝶窦炎、蝶窦脓肿、蝶窦黏液囊肿、真菌性蝶窦炎、蝶窦息肉等88例病人均无复发。其余5例病人中1例真菌性蝶窦炎术后不久侵入颅内,后经抗真菌及综合治疗痊愈;2例蝶窦顶后壁脑脊液鼻漏1次性修补成功;1例蝶窦侧壁脑脊液鼻漏修补失败;1例蝶窦血管瘤未愈。结论鼻内镜下经上鼻道进路是处理孤立性蝶窦病变安全、直接、微创、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

An anterior clinoid mucocele, known to be extremely rare, can lead to visual complications due to its proximity to the optic nerve. We report a patient who developed visual disturbance due to an anterior clinoid mucocele. Interestingly, the anterior clinoid mucocele coexisted with a sphenoid sinus mucocele. When an anterior clinoid mucocele coexists with a sphenoid sinus mucocele, more deliberate diagnostic and therapeutic approaches must be considered according to our first experience.  相似文献   

目的探讨双侧扩大蝶窦成形术在蝶窦病变中的应用价值。方法2012年12月~2017年6月,解放军南京总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科采用双侧扩大蝶窦成形术治疗蝶窦病变患者42例,随访6~53个月,观察其手术疗效及并发症。 结果15例难治性蝶窦炎患者术后蝶窦口开放良好,术腔清洁,均治愈;其余患者均彻底切除病灶,其中1例真菌性蝶窦炎伴颅内感染并发热患者术后予抗真菌治疗3个月后颅内病灶吸收,2例蝶窦癌、1例蝶窦脊索瘤患者及1例嗅神经母细胞瘤侵犯蝶窦及颅内患者术后均行放疗。42例患者术后除2例嗅觉减退及1例视力下降无明显好转外,余症状均明显缓解,未发生动脉性鼻出血、嗅觉减退及鼻中隔穿孔等并发症,术后患者术腔黏膜均上皮化良好,黏膜完全上皮化时间平均8.6周。2例蝶窦癌患者分别随访10、14个月,蝶窦脊索瘤患者随访10个月,均未复发;1例嗅神经母细胞瘤侵犯蝶窦及颅内患者随访8个月未复发。所有患者随访至今,均未发现蝶窦口再闭。结论采用双侧扩大蝶窦成形术治疗蝶窦病变,术野暴露清晰,蝶窦开放充分,术腔上皮化时间短,手术安全性高,术后随诊处置直观,是一种值得推广的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的研究成年人和青少年蝶窦气化及其与蝶窦周围相关结构的关系,为临床开展鼻内镜下经蝶窦颅底手术提供影像学基础。方法 100例成年人、50例青少年(10~18岁)行高分辨率CT冠状位和轴位扫描。结果蝶窦气化分蝶骨体气化和其他相关结构气化,成年人与青少年比较无显著性差异。300侧蝶窦,半鞍型和全鞍型258侧(86%),甲介型和鞍前型42侧(14%)。蝶骨大翼、蝶骨小翼、翼突、鞍背、枕骨的气化率分别为7.3%、8.0%、28.7%、9.3%、4.0%。颈内动脉半管型和全管型共139侧(46.3%),视神经半管型和全管型共174侧(58.0%),部分血管神经完全突入到蝶窦腔内,骨壁菲薄甚至缺如。颈内动脉、视神经管、圆管、翼管突入蝶窦的程度与蝶窦气化类型有关。结论蝶窦气化程度及颈内动脉、视神经管、圆管、翼管突入蝶窦的程度个体差异较大。与成年人相比,青少年蝶窦及蝶窦周围相关结构已发育成熟。  相似文献   

Kim HU  Kim SS  Kang SS  Chung IH  Lee JG  Yoon JH 《The Laryngoscope》2001,111(9):1599-1602
OBJECTIVES: This study was undertaken to measure the distance and the angle between the anterior part of nasal cavity and the natural ostium of the sphenoid sinus. The anatomical location of the natural ostium according to the direction of surgeon's operating view toward the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus was also analyzed. STUDY DESIGN: This study used careful cadaver dissection under a surgical microscope. METHODS: One hundred sagittally sectioned adult cadaveric heads were used. We measured the distances and angles for identifying the natural ostium of the sphenoid sinus using several reference points such as the limen nasi, the sill, and the posteroinferior end of the superior turbinate. In addition, we tried to identify whether the location of the natural ostium is medial or lateral to the posterior end of the superior turbinate. RESULTS: The natural ostium of the sphenoid sinus was located at an angle of 35.9 degrees with a distance of 56.5 mm from limen nasi and at an angle of 34.3 degrees with a distance of 62.7 mm from nasal sill. It was located approximately 1 cm above the posteroinferior end of the superior turbinate and at a medial aspect to the posterior end of the superior turbinate in 83% of specimens. CONCLUSIONS: We speculate that the posteroinferior end of the superior turbinate is the best landmark for identifying the natural ostium of the sphenoid sinus. Furthermore, the natural ostium should ideally be searched from a superior and medial aspect in relation to the posteroinferior end of the superior turbinate.  相似文献   

孤立性蝶窦炎性疾病的诊治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :提高对孤立性蝶窦炎性疾病症状、体征的认识和首诊准确率。方法 :分析 4 9例孤立性蝶窦炎性疾病的临床表现 ,比较非内窥镜手术 10例和内窥镜手术 39例的手术效果。结果 :未经鼻窦内窥镜手术者 ,1例行蝶窦灌洗后头痛立即缓解 ,4例症状在 1周内缓解 ,5例 2~ 4个月后症状复发 ,窦口瘢痕狭窄阻塞 ,需手术切开引流。经鼻窦内窥镜蝶窦开放术者 ,治愈 31例 ,其中 10例手术后症状立即消失 ,2 1例术后 3~ 5d症状缓解 ;好转 8例 ,其中 5例仅感轻微头痛和嗅觉失灵 ,鼻内窥镜见窦口粘膜肿胀 ,CT、MRI复查未见窦腔病变 ;3例术后2个月视力恢复。术后 1个月复诊窦口开放率为 87.2 %。随访 6~ 4 8个月无病变及症状复发 ,未再次手术。结论 :孤立性蝶窦炎经CT或MRI等高清晰度的影像学检查加之以鼻窦内窥镜检查均可明确诊断 ,且经鼻窦内窥镜手术对其治愈有显著的优越性  相似文献   

目的:探讨经鼻内镜手术治疗慢性蝶窦炎的方法和疗效。方法:50例84侧慢性蝶窦炎患者,均采用鼻内镜手术治疗。结果:经6~12个月随访复查,根据内镜鼻窦手术疗效评定标准,治愈61侧,占72.62%;好转13侧,占15.48%;无效10侧,占11.90%;有效率为88.10%。结论:经鼻内镜手术治疗慢性蝶窦炎具有视野清楚,手术进路安全,创伤小,患者痛苦小,疗效好等优点。  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者,女,59岁,2011年3月1日因右眼视物不清伴头痛,在当地诊所以"感冒"给予"双黄连"输液3d,感头痛好转,右眼视物不清加重.3月4日存当地眼科医院就诊,因右眼视野检查异常,拟诊为"视神经病变",嘱转院诊疗.3月7日来我院眼科就诊,眼科检查:右眼视力0.06,左眼视力1.0,双眼球各方向运动正常,眼前节未见异常,眼底视乳头颜色正常,边界清楚,视网膜末见山血及渗出,眼压正常.  相似文献   

14例蝶窦病变临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析14例经手术和病理证实的蝶窦病变,其中粘液囊肿6例,炎症3例,良性肿瘤3例,恶性肿瘤2例。主要临床表现为头痛和眼部症状,其次为鼻部症状,CT和MRI对诊断很有价值,并对各种蝶窦病变的手术径路进行了讨论,提出鼻窦内窥镜手术是治疗蝶窦炎症性病变的优选术式。  相似文献   

Presenting symptoms of the isolated sphenoid sinus lesion are often vague and non-specific. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy procedures and imaging techniques are of great value for an early and precise diagnosis. Moreover, endoscopic sinus surgery is a safe and effective technique that allows a direct route to the sphenoid sinus. Because of its close vicinity to important and vulnerable structures of the skull base, delay in diagnosis and treatment can be potentially lethal. Endoscopically controlled procedures for the sphenoid sinus provide the surgeon with an obvious alternative to the traditional approaches. From November 1994 to May 2001 the authors operated on 41 patients with isolated sphenoid lesions. The pathology spectrum was rather wide and included 11 cases of isolated fungal sinusitis, 10 mucoceles, 7 bacterial sinusitis, 7 cerebrospinal fluid leaks, 3 inverted papillomas, 1 chondrosarcoma, 1 ossifying fibroma and 1 foreign body. The sphenoid sinus was the only sinus involved, and lesions arising from adjacent tissues were excluded. In this paper, the authors present clinical symptoms, endoscopic findings and imaging data as well as endoscopic surgical techniques for the treatment of sphenoid sinus disease.This paper was presented at the meeting The Nose 2000...and beyond, 20–23 September 2000, in Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was performed to determine the location of the natural ostium of the sphenoid sinus relative to the intact superior turbinate. METHODS: Forty-seven cadaveric specimens were examined. Mucosa over the sphenoethmoidal recess, superior turbinate, and posterior ethmoid was left intact. The position of the sphenoid sinus natural ostium relative to the superior turbinate was identified. RESULTS: The sphenoid ostium was identified in all specimens. In all specimens, the sphenoid ostium was found to be medial to the intact superior turbinate, notwithstanding lateral deflection of the posterior few millimeters of the superior turbinate in some cases. CONCLUSION: The superior turbinate is an excellent landmark for the sphenoid sinus natural ostium. Previous observations of the ostium positioned lateral to the superior turbinate may have been caused by stripping of the superior turbinate mucosa before measurements were taken. In the intact specimen, the sphenoid ostium is reliably found medial to the superior turbinate.  相似文献   

孤立性蝶窦疾病的诊断和治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨孤立性蝶窦疾病的临床表现,提高首诊准确率,并寻求合适的治疗方法。方法22例术前均行CT或MRI和鼻内镜检查,术中取病变组织送病理明确诊断。结果经鼻内镜手术后随访5个月至两年半,22例症状明显好转,蝶窦前壁通畅,窦壁光滑。结论孤立性蝶窦疾病并非罕见,头痛是常见非特异性症状,可伴有视力下降等颅神经损害及血性涕等症状。鼻内镜手术是治疗本病的首选术式。  相似文献   

目的 探讨蝶窦良性侵袭性病变的临床特点及内镜治疗。方法 回顾性分析19例蝶窦良性侵袭性病变的临床资料。19例均行内镜下经蝶入路病变切除。结果 内 翻性乳头状瘤6例,骨化纤维瘤7例,软骨瘤2例,嗜酸性肉芽肿4例。临床症状以头痛及视觉障碍多见。影像学共同特征是蝶窦骨壁破坏,周围结构受不同程度侵袭。术中发生脑脊液鼻漏1例,I期修复成功。术后全部患者无眶内及颅内并发症。随访3~5年,手术全切除15例无复发;次全或大部分切除4例,1例病灶无增大;3例复发,其中1例再次手术治愈,2例恶变并颅内转移死亡。结论 蝶窦良性侵袭性病变呈恶性肿瘤样行为,具有侵袭性、易复发性。内镜下彻底切除病变是防止复发的重要治疗方法。但有别于恶性肿瘤,应注意避免扩大切除范围。  相似文献   

目的:通过经鼻内镜行蝶窦外侧壁尸头解剖,为临床鼻内镜下蝶窦外侧壁相关手术提供解剖学参考.方法:选取经10%甲醛防腐处理的国人成人湿性尸头10具(20侧),鼻内镜下经鼻-蝶窦手术入路,暴露蝶窦腔,在0°和30°鼻内镜下确认蝶窦外侧壁骨性隆起,观察视神经和颈内动脉与毗邻结构的关系,以直尺、量角器等测量工具分别测量视神经管和颈内动脉骨性隆起与鼻小柱、鞍底中线的距离和角度.结果:鼻内镜下可见蝶窦外侧壁上视神经管与颈内动脉骨性隆起呈"八"字形关系,向蝶窦腔凸入的程度及两者间距离因人而异,沿颈内动脉追踪可暴露海绵窦外侧壁;测得视神经管眶口内壁中点、颈内动脉骨性隆起前端到鼻小柱的平均距离分别为(75.33±5.59)mm和(81.02±5.29)mm,到鞍底中线的平均距离分别为(5.81±1.52)mm和(5.53±1.47)mm;视神经管眶口内壁中点到鼻小柱连线与鼻底的夹角平均为(53.4±4.1)°.结论:以鼻小柱及鞍底中线为参考点,在鼻内镜下经鼻-蝶窦手术径路进行的蝶窦外侧壁解剖学形态观察和相关测量数据可为临床医生提供相应指导.  相似文献   

目的:提高对孤立性蝶窦疾病的认识,以降低其误诊、漏诊的发生率。方法:分析22例孤立性蝶窦疾病患者的临床表现和鼻内镜治疗的优势。结果:12例行鼻内镜蝶窦开放术,7例行鼻外筛窦进路手术,3例行抗感染、激素、神经营养药等治疗,头痛症状全部消失,视力不同程度恢复。眼球运动障碍改善,随访3-6个月,1例症状复发,再次行鼻内镜手术后症状缓解。1例腺样囊性癌术后放疗,随访3年无复发。结论:以头痛和(或)眼部症状为主的孤立性蝶窦疾病,容易造成误诊、漏诊;CT、MRI和鼻内镜的应用,提高了对该病的诊疗水平;鼻内镜手术是治疗孤立性蝶窦疾病的首选。  相似文献   

蝶窦、视神经管多层螺旋CT三维重建后的影象解剖学测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:为经鼻内镜蝶窦手术、视神经管减压术提供影象解剖学基础。方法:利用螺旋CT三维重建技术对40例(80侧)鼻、鼻窦正常的受试者行蝶窦、视神经管有关解剖数据的影象学测量。结果:两侧视神经管各壁长度均值为:内侧壁12.08±0.62?mm,外侧壁10.16±1.73?mm,上壁9.16±1.17?mm,下壁10.24±1.35?mm。两侧视神经管及蝶窦有关径线均值为:视神经管颅口处:左右径5.57±0.95?mm,上下径4.53±0.78?mm;中部:左右径4.40±0.67?mm,上下径4.36±0.67?mm;眶口处:左右径5.09±0.85?mm,上下径5.90±0.98?mm;鼻小柱前缘中点到蝶窦前壁中点的距离:7.08±0.54?cm;蝶窦最大左右径:17.83±4.38?mm,最大上下径:18.40±3.76?mm,最大前后径:23.19±6.73?mm。结论:螺旋CT三维重建技术可以准确有效地测量蝶窦、视神经管的解剖结构,对经鼻内镜手术具有重要指导价值。  相似文献   

Kieff DA  Busaba N 《The Laryngoscope》2002,112(12):2186-2188
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Isolated chronic sphenoid sinusitis is a rare entity. The study was conducted to determine the efficacy of endoscopic sinus surgery with partial middle turbinectomy and without ethmoidectomy in treating isolated sphenoid opacification from inflammatory and infectious disease. STUDY DESIGN: Case series of 20 patients generated by retrospective review of 307 consecutive patients who underwent surgical treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis. METHODS: The medical records were reviewed for pertinent demographic, symptom, radiographic, and endoscopic data preoperatively, interoperatively, and postoperatively. All patients in the series underwent computed tomographic image-guided endoscopic sphenoid sinus surgery with partial middle turbinectomy. RESULTS: The study population consisted of 12 male and 8 female patients between 28 and 75 years of age. Headache (15 patients) and/or postnasal drip (14 patients) were the presenting symptoms in 17 of the patients. Three patients were asymptomatic. Surgical findings included inspissated secretions (15 patients), fungal debris (2 patients), and mucopyoceles (3 patients). The 17 patients with preoperative symptoms were symptom free by 12 weeks postoperatively and have remained so with follow-up ranging from 12 months to 3.25 years (mean follow-up, 23.1 mo). There were no operative complications in the series. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic sphenoid sinus surgery without ethmoidectomy is effective for treating isolated sphenoid sinus opacification associated with inflammatory or infectious sinus disease. Partial middle turbinectomy at the time of surgery facilitates the approach, as well as postoperative cleaning and surveillance.  相似文献   

孤立性蝶窦病变的临床诊断与微创手术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探讨孤立性蝶窦病变的临床诊断及微创手术方法。方法 对收治的 2 8例孤立性蝶窦病变的临床资料进行回顾性分析并文献复习。结果  2 8例病人术前均经CT或 /和MRI及鼻内镜确诊。术后病理检查证实为蝶窦炎症 6例 (其中伴后鼻孔息肉 4例 )、蝶窦真菌感染 7例、蝶窦黏膜下囊肿 1 0例、蝶窦黏液囊肿 4例(其中 2例侵犯颅底及眼眶、1例至鼻中隔 )、蝶窦内翻性乳头状瘤 1例。 2 8例全部治愈。结论 对临床上有不明原因的头痛、头晕、眼部症状、回缩涕血有必要结合影像学检查及鼻内镜检查 ,以便早期确诊。鼻内镜下鼻腔进路联合切割吸引器对蝶窦病变进行微创手术是治疗孤立性蝶窦病变的一个安全有效的手术方式。  相似文献   

蝶窦炎并眼-神经科综合征5例的临床分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :探讨蝶窦炎所致眼 神经科综合征的临床特征和治疗方法。方法 :回顾性分析 5例蝶窦炎并眼 神经科综合征病例的临床资料 ,CT扫描是主要诊断依据 ;手术治疗 3例 ,保守治疗 2例。结果 :蝶窦开放术或保守治疗均缓解了头痛症状 ,但视力障碍和其它眼 神经科体征无改善。结论 :CT扫描有利于早期诊断和排除球后占位性病变 ;对于有并发症的蝶窦炎宜尽早手术 ,同时宜行视神经管减压术  相似文献   

鼻内镜下鼻甲成形术治疗慢性肥厚性鼻炎60例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨保全鼻甲生理功能手术治疗慢性肥厚性鼻炎的方法及疗效。方法:行鼻内镜下鼻甲成形术60例,其中下鼻甲黏膜下组织楔形切除40例及下鼻甲黏膜下组织楔形切除+下鼻甲骨部分切除20例,术前、术后测定鼻甲黏膜纤毛清除时间及鼻腔分泌物的pH值。结果:鼻内镜手术疗效好、患者痛苦小,出血少,结痂少,鼻甲形态好,术后康复快,术后2个月下鼻甲黏膜纤毛清除时间及鼻腔分泌物pH值基本正常。结论:鼻内镜下鼻甲成形术治疗慢性肥厚性鼻炎疗效可靠,是一种符合生理微创的手术方法。  相似文献   

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