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OBJECTIVE: To explore the reactivity of the theta and alpha rhythms during visuo-spatial working memory. METHODS: One hundred and seventy-four subjects performed a delayed response task. They had to remember the spatial location of a target stimulus on a computer screen for a 1 or a 4s retention interval. The target either remained visible throughout the entire interval (sensory trials) or disappeared after 150ms (memory trials). Changes in induced band power (IBP) in the electroencephalogram (EEG) were analyzed in 4 narrow, individually adjusted frequency bands between 4 and 12Hz. RESULTS: After presentation of the target stimulus, a phasic power increase was found, irrespective of condition and delay interval, in the lower (roughly, 4-8Hz) frequency bands, with a posterior maximum. During the retention interval, sustained occipital-parietal alpha power increase and frontal theta power decrease were found. Most importantly, the memory trials showed larger IBP decreases in the theta band over frontal electrodes than the sensory trials. CONCLUSIONS: The phasic power increase following target onset is interpreted to reflect encoding of the target location. The sustained theta decrease, which is larger for memory trials, is tentatively interpreted to reflect visuo-spatial working memory processes.  相似文献   

Among a number of methods for assessing working memory (WM), span tasks have been commonly utilized in clinical psychology, whereas change-detection tasks are often used in experimental or cognitive psychology. This study sought to understand the use of change-detection tasks in children and to evaluate the relationship between change-detection tasks and clinical WM measures in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC–IV). Results revealed that the overall pattern of performance in change-detection tasks for children was similar to adults’ performance in the literature; with increased array size, response accuracy systematically decreased. Significant age-related improvements on visuospatial and verbal WM capacities were found in school-age children. Although WISC–IV WM measures were significantly correlated with each other, only the Arithmetic subtest was significantly correlated with visuospatial WM as measured by the change-detection task, and none were significantly correlated with verbal WM as measured by the change-detection task. These results suggest the clinical WISC–IV WM subtests may not elicit the same construct as experimental change-detection WM measures, with the possible exception of the Arithmetic subtest.  相似文献   

Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the developmental change in Visuo-Spatial Working Memory (VSWM) in typically developed children using a specially designed Advanced Trail Making Test for children (ATMT-C). Methods: We developed a new method for evaluating VSWM efficiency in children using a modified version ATMT to suit their shorter sustained attention. The ATMT-C consists of two parts; a number-based ATMT and a hiragana (Japanese phonogram)-based ATMT, both employing symbols familiar to young children. A total of 94 healthy participants (6–28 years of age) were enrolled in this study. Results: A non-linear developmental change of VSWM efficiency was observed in the results from the ATMT-C. In the number-based ATMT, children under 8 years of age showed a relatively rapid increase in VSWM efficiency while older children (9–12 years) had a more gradual increase in VSWM efficiency. Results from the hiragana-based ATMT-C showed a slightly delayed increase pattern in VSWM efficiency compared to the pattern from the number-based ATMT. There were no significant differences in VSWM efficiency for gender, handedness and test order. Interpretation: VSWM in children gradually matures in a non steady-state manner and there is an important stage for VSWM maturation before reaching 12 years of age. VSWM efficiency may also vary depending on developmental condition of its cognitive subsystems.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were used to examine the reciprocal costs of working and prospective memory loads on the neural correlates of the realization of delayed intentions and the detection of target stimuli. The electrophysiological data revealed several interesting results: (1) distinct modulations of the ERPs were elicited by working memory targets and prospective memory cues, (2) working memory load modulated the amplitude of the N300 elicited by prospective memory cues, (3) prospective memory load was associated with a broadly distributed sustained modulation that began shortly after stimulus onset, and (4) brain-behavior correlations between the neural correlates of prospective memory and working memory varied with the working memory demands of the ongoing activity. These findings appear to indicate that attentional processes associated with the detection of prospective memory cues are sensitive to the working memory demands of the ongoing activity and that different processes may support prospective memory depending on the working memory demands of the ongoing activity.  相似文献   

George EM  Coch D 《Neuropsychologia》2011,49(5):1083-1094
While previous research has suggested that music training is associated with improvements in various cognitive and linguistic skills, the mechanisms mediating or underlying these associations are mostly unknown. Here, we addressed the hypothesis that previous music training is related to improved working memory. Using event-related potentials (ERPs) and a standardized test of working memory, we investigated both neural and behavioral aspects of working memory in college-aged, non-professional musicians and non-musicians. Behaviorally, musicians outperformed non-musicians on standardized subtests of visual, phonological, and executive memory. ERPs were recorded in standard auditory and visual oddball paradigms (participants responded to infrequent deviant stimuli embedded in lists of standard stimuli). Electrophysiologically, musicians demonstrated faster updating of working memory (shorter latency P300s) in both the auditory and visual domains and musicians allocated more neural resources to auditory stimuli (larger amplitude P300), showing increased sensitivity to the auditory standard/deviant difference and less effortful updating of auditory working memory. These findings demonstrate that long-term music training is related to improvements in working memory, in both the auditory and visual domains and in terms of both behavioral and ERP measures.  相似文献   

Klingberg T 《Neuropsychologia》2006,44(11):2171-2177
Working memory capacity increases throughout childhood and adolescence, which is important for the development of a wide range of cognitive abilities, including complex reasoning. The spatial-span task, in which subjects retain information about the order and position of a number of objects, is a sensitive task to measure development of spatial working memory. This review considers results from previous neuroimaging studies investigating the neural correlates of this development. Older children and adolescents, with higher capacity, have been found to have higher brain activity in the intraparietal cortex and in the posterior part of the superior frontal sulcus, during the performance of working memory tasks. The structural maturation of white matter has been investigated by diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTI). This has revealed several regions in the frontal lobes in which white matter maturation is correlated with the development of working memory. Among these is a superior fronto-parietal white matter region, located close to the grey matter regions that are implicated in the development of working memory. Furthermore, the degree of white matter maturation is positively correlated with the degree of cortical activation in the frontal and parietal regions. This suggests that during childhood and adolescence, there is development of networks related to specific cognitive functions, such as visuo-spatial working memory. These networks not only consist of cortical areas but also the white matter tracts connecting them. For visuo-spatial working memory, this network could consist of the superior frontal and intraparietal cortex.  相似文献   

Working memory (WM) supports several higher-level cognitive abilities, yet we know less about factors associated with development and decline in WM compared to other cognitive processes. Here, we investigated lifespan changes in WM capacity and their structural brain correlates, using a longitudinal sample including 2358 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and WM scores from 1656 participants (4.4–86.4 years, mean follow-up interval 4.3 years). 8764 participants (9.0–10.9 years) with MRI, WM scores and genetic information from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study were used for follow-up analyses. Results showed that both the information manipulation component and the storage component of WM improved during childhood and adolescence, but the age-decline could be fully explained by reductions in passive storage capacity alone. Greater WM function in development was related to apparent thinner cortex in both samples, also when general cognitive function was accounted for. The same WM-apparent thickness relationship was found for young adults. The WM-thickness relationships could not be explained by SNP-based co-heritability or by socioeconomic status. A larger sample with genetic information may be necessary to disentangle the true gene-environment effects. In conclusion, WM capacity changes greatly through life and has anatomically extended rather than function-specific structural cortical correlates.  相似文献   



Research on the neural bases of cognitive deficits in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has shown that working memory (WM) difficulties are associated with abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex. However, cognitive load impacts these findings, and no studies have examined the relation between WM load and neural underpinnings in children with ASD. Thus, the current study determined the effects of cognitive load on WM, using a visuo-spatial WM capacity task in children with and without ASD with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).


We used fMRI and a 1-back colour matching task (CMT) task with four levels of difficulty to compare the cortical activation patterns associated with WM in children (7–13 years old) with high functioning autism (N = 19) and matched controls (N = 17) across cognitive load.


Performance on CMT was comparable between groups, with the exception of one difficulty level. Using linear trend analyses, the control group showed increasing activation as a function of difficulty level in frontal and parietal lobes, particularly between the highest difficulty levels, and decreasing activation as a function of difficulty level in the posterior cingulate and medial frontal gyri. In contrast, children with ASD showed increasing activation only in posterior brain regions and decreasing activation in the posterior cingulate and medial frontal gyri, as a function of difficulty level. Significant differences were found in the precuneus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and medial premotor cortex, where control children showed greater positive linear relations between cortical activity and task difficulty level, particularly at the highest difficulty levels, but children with ASD did not show these trends.


Children with ASD showed differences in activation in the frontal and parietal lobes—both critical substrates for visuo-spatial WM. Our data suggest that children with ASD rely mainly on posterior brain regions associated with visual and lower level processing, whereas controls showed activity in frontal lobes related to the classic WM network. Findings will help guide future work by localizing areas of vulnerability to developmental disturbances.  相似文献   



Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant cerebral tumor during childhood, arising in the posterior fossa. Children treated for medulloblastoma often experience working memory (WM) deficits, affecting their quality of life and school performance. The aim of the present study undertaken to describe the cerebellar involvement in WM deficits observed in these children.

Material and methods

23 healthy children and 11 children treated for medulloblastoma were included into study. All subjects performed a detailed neuropsychological examination, an anatomical and functional MRI. Stimuli were presented to the participants with alternating sensory modality and nature of communication in a block design during functional magnetic resonance imaging acquisitions. Non-parametric tests were used for analyzing neuropsychological and behavioral data. SPM8 and SUIT (Spatially Unbiased Atlas Template) were used for anatomical and functional MRI data analyses.


Patients had cerebellar resections mainly located in the left posterior lobe. Patients had significantly reduced intelligence quotient, central executive and visuospatial WM. In healthy children group, fMRI showed activations for non-verbal and visuospatial WM in the left posterior cerebellar lobe.


This study provides further evidence that left posterior cerebellar lobe plays a critical role in WM. Indeed, lesions of left posterior cerebellar lobe were associated with WM impairment in children treated for cerebellar medulloblastoma. Additionally, fMRI using WM tasks showed activation in the left posterior cerebellar lobe in healthy children. Taken together, these findings may help for improving treatment and rehabilitation of children referred for cerebellar tumor.  相似文献   

There is evidence that blind people may strengthen their memory skills to compensate for absence of vision. However, which aspects of memory are involved is open to debate and a developmental perspective is generally lacking. In the present study, we compared the short term memory (STM) and working memory (WM) of 10-year-old blind children and sighted children. STM was measured using digit span forward, name learning, and word span tasks; WM was measured using listening span and digit span backward tasks. The blind children outperformed their sighted peers on both STM and WM tasks. The enhanced capacity of the blind children on digit span and other STM tasks confirms the results of earlier research; the significantly better performance of the blind children relative to their sighted peers on verbal WM tasks is a new interesting finding. Task characteristics, including the verbal nature of the WM tasks and strategies used to perform these tasks, are discussed.  相似文献   



To better understand the origins of working memory (WM) impairment in schizophrenia we investigated cortical oscillatory activity in people with schizophrenia (PSZ) while they performed a WM task requiring encoding, maintenance, and retrieval/manipulation processes of spatial information.


We examined time–frequency synchronous energy of cortical source signals that were derived from magnetoencephalography (MEG) localized to cortical regions using WM?related hemodynamic responses and individualized structural head-models.


Compared to thirteen healthy controls (HC), twelve PSZ showed performance deficits regardless of WM?load or duration. During encoding, PSZ had early theta and delta event-related synchrony (ERS) deficits in prefrontal and visual cortices which worsened with greater memory load and predicted WM performance. During prolonged maintenance of material, PSZ showed deficient beta event-related desynchrony (ERD) in dorsolateral prefrontal, posterior parietal, and visual cortices. In retrieval, PSZ showed reduced delta/theta ERS in the anterior prefrontal and ventral visual cortices and diminished gamma ERS in the premotor and posterior parietal cortices.


Although beta/gamma cortical neural oscillatory deficits for maintenance/retrieval are evident during WM, the abnormal prefrontal theta-frequency ERS for encoding is most predictive of poor WM in schizophrenia.


Time-frequency-spatial analysis identified process- and frequency-specific neural synchrony abnormalities underlying WM deficits in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess the specificity of rehabilitation on different subdomains of working memory. A 38-year-old female with chronic (4?years) stroke suffered from an impairment of the three subdomains of working memory (modality-specific storage systems for verbal and visuo-spatial information and the central executive). She was given an experimental rehabilitation programme, using a multiple-baseline across behaviour design. After two baseline measures three months apart, the first training stage focused on the phonological loop, the second on the visuo-spatial sketchpad, and the third on central executive functions. Verbal aspects of working memory improved significantly after the first training stage, while visuo-spatial tests improved after the second training stage. Central executive functions improved mainly after the third training stage. Modularity effects were not as pronounced for less specific ecological outcome measures, such as the Working Memory Questionnaire, which improved throughout the trial, irrespective of the training condition. This case study suggests that there are both domain-specific and generalisation effects in rehabilitation of working memory, and that rehabilitation should be adapted and tailored to each individual patient's impairments.  相似文献   

BackgroundWorking memory (WM) is critical for problem solving and reasoning. Beginning in infancy, children show WM capacity increasing with age but there are few validated tests of WM in very young children. Because rapid brain development may increase susceptibility to adverse impacts of prenatal neurotoxicant exposure, such as lead, tests of WM in very young children would help to delineate onset of developmental problems and windows of susceptibility.PurposeOur objective was to assess the feasibility of administering a Delayed Spatial Alternation Task (DSAT) to measure WM among 18- and 24-month old children enrolled in an ongoing longitudinal birth cohort study and compare DSAT performance with age and general cognitive development. We further explored whether prenatal lead exposure impacted DSAT performance.MethodsWe assessed 457 mother-child pairs participating in the Programming Research in Obesity, GRowth, Environment and Social Stressors (PROGRESS) Study in Mexico City. The DSAT and Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID-III) were administered at 18- and 24-months. Lead was measured in maternal blood collected during pregnancy (MBPb) and in a subsample of children at 24-months (CBPb). We regressed DSAT measures on MBPb and CBPb, child sex, and maternal age, education, socioeconomic status, and household smoking. We compared DSAT performance to BSID-III performance with adjusted residuals.Results24-month children perform better on the DSAT than 18-month children; 24-month subjects reached a higher level on the DSAT (3.3 (0.86) vs. 2.4 (0.97), p < 0.01), and had a higher number of correct responses (20.3 vs. 17.2, p < 0.01). In all DSAT parameters, females performed better than males. Maternal education predicted better DSAT performance; household smoking predicted worse DSAT performance. A higher number of correct responses was associated with higher BSID-III Cognitive scales at 18 months (r = 0.20, p < 0.01) and 24 months (r = 0.27, p < 0.01). MBPb and CPBb did not significantly predict DSAT performance.ConclusionImproved performance on the DSAT with increasing age, the positive correlation with the BSID-III cognitive and language scales and the correlation with common sociodemographic predictors of neurodevelopment demonstrate the validity of the DSAT as a test of infant development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Iron is an important oligoelement participating in multiple metabolic processes, including the synthesis of catecholamines, and its deficiency (ID) throughout development is particularly insidious on brain maturation and the emergence of cognitive functions during school age. A working memory (WM) study in 8-10-year-old ID children is presented. It is hypothesized that an impairment in WM exists in ID school-age children and a substantial restoration of this mental ability should occur after iron supplementation. METHODS: Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during the completion of a Sternberg-type task in control, ID and ID-iron supplemented children. RESULTS: ID children showed less correct answers and diminished ERP amplitude in frontal, central, parietal and temporal regions compared to control children. After iron supplementation and normalizing bodily iron stores, behavioral and ERP differences disappeared between ID and control children. CONCLUSIONS: Considering that WM is fundamentally related to attention ability, the results presented here confirm and reinforce previous observations: ID severely diminishes attention [Otero GA, Pliego-Rivero FB, Contreras G, Ricardo J, Fernandez T. Iron supplementation brings up a lacking P300 in iron deficient children. Clin Neurophysiol 2004;115:2259-66] and WM while iron supplementation substantially restores the cognitive capabilities tested. SIGNIFICANCE: This is one of very few reports using ERP showing a diminished WM capability in ID school-age children.  相似文献   

Baddeley and Hitch's multi-component working memory (WM) model has played an enduring and influential role in our understanding of cognitive abilities. Very little is known, however, about the neural basis of this multi-component WM model and the differential role each component plays in mediating arithmetic problem solving abilities in children. Here, we investigate the neural basis of the central executive (CE), phonological (PL) and visuo-spatial (VS) components of WM during a demanding mental arithmetic task in 7–9 year old children (N = 74). The VS component was the strongest predictor of math ability in children and was associated with increased arithmetic complexity-related responses in left dorsolateral and right ventrolateral prefrontal cortices as well as bilateral intra-parietal sulcus and supramarginal gyrus in posterior parietal cortex. Critically, VS, CE and PL abilities were associated with largely distinct patterns of brain response. Overlap between VS and CE components was observed in left supramarginal gyrus and no overlap was observed between VS and PL components. Our findings point to a central role of visuo-spatial WM during arithmetic problem-solving in young grade-school children and highlight the usefulness of the multi-component Baddeley and Hitch WM model in fractionating the neural correlates of arithmetic problem solving during development.  相似文献   

Recent reviews of a substantial number of studies have partially resolved questions concerning the brain regions used by working memory for manipulation and representation. We report a large single experiment in middle-aged to older adults (n = 89), classified by hypertensive status. Our design addresses the question of regions related to manipulation and representation, most particularly comparing spatial and verbal working memory. A control, memory search, and 2-back running memory task were performed with identical stimuli and responses during whole-brain 15O water positron emission tomography (PET) scans. Letter or spatial position instructions created verbal or spatial working memory versions of the tasks. We assessed agreement with the literature using regions of interest that were defined by clusters of activation empirically derived from the literature by Wager and Smith (Wager, T.D. and Smith, E.E., Neuroimaging studies of working memory: a meta-analysis, Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 3 (2003) 255-274). Our results largely confirmed conclusions from the review on the organization of working memory into dorsal prefrontal manipulation and ventrolateral prefrontal maintenance areas and representation in dorsal and ventral paths. Specific verbal versus spatial comparisons were also concordant with prior work establishing posterior lateralized representation for different contents by working memory. The similarity of results between this older sample and results derived by others from younger participants is notable.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis of the data from studies comparing visuospatial working memory (WM) in children with specific language impairment (SLI) and typically developing (TD) children. The effect sizes of 21 studies (including 32 visuospatial storage tasks and 9 visuospatial central executive (CE) tasks) were identified via computerized database searches and the reference sections of the identified studies. Meta-analyses and moderator analyses were conducted to examine the magnitude of the differences in visuospatial storage and CE, and their relation to the inclusion criteria used for SLI and the age of the children. The results showed significant effect sizes for visuospatial storage (d = 0.49) and visuospatial CE (d = 0.63), indicating deficits in both components of visuospatial WM in children with SLI. The moderator analyses showed that greater impairment in visuospatial storage was associated with more pervasive language impairment, whereas age was not significant associated with visuospatial WM. The finding of deficits in visuospatial WM suggests domain-general impairments in children with SLI. It raises questions about the language-specificity of a diagnosis of SLI. Careful attention should thus be paid to both verbal and visuospatial WM in clinical practice, and especially in those children with pervasive language impairments.  相似文献   

首发抑郁症患者字母工作记忆fMRI研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨首发抑郁症患者字母工作记忆的脑激活特征。方法12例首发抑郁症患者与12名健康对照配对进行字母工作记忆任务的功能磁共振成像(fMRI)。以AFNI软件对fMRI数据进行定位与定量分析。结果①两组任务执行正确率均大于75%,患者组字母工作记忆2-back任务正确率低于对照组[(0.79±0.04)%vs(0.83±0.03)%,t=4.69,P<0.05];②两组字母工作记忆激活的感兴趣脑区(ROI)均为左侧Broca区BA44/45、双侧前额叶腹侧BA9/46、顶叶后部BA7/40、前运动区BA6及辅助运动区(SMA)BA6/8(P<0.05);③患者组在右侧与左侧BA9/46、右侧与左侧BA6及左侧Broca区的激活强度分别为:1.38%、1.69%、1.21%、1.32%及0.52%,低于对照组的2.42%、3.53%、2.95%、3.51%及1.62%(P<0.05)。结论首发抑郁症患者存在字母工作记忆损害,而语音环路的双侧BA9/46、BA6与左侧Broca区激活减弱可能为其病理机制之一。  相似文献   

Background: Researchers have found that many individuals with aphasia (IWA) present with cognitive deficits that may impact their communication, and perhaps underlie their language-processing deficits (e.g., Erickson et al., 1996 Erickson, E., Goldinger and LaPointe, L. 1996. Auditory vigilance in aphasic individuals: Detecting non-linguistic stimuli with full or divided attention. Brain and Cognition, 30: 244253. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Murray et al., 1997 Murray, L.L., Holland, A.L. and Beeson, P.M. 1997. Accuracy monitoring and task demand evaluation in aphasia. Aphasiology, 11: 401414. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Wright et al., 2003 Wright, H. H., Newhoff, M., Downey, R. and Austerman, S. 2003. Additional data on working memory in aphasia. Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, 9: 302 [Google Scholar]). However, many investigations of cognitive ability in aphasia have included measures that may be considered “language heavy”; they require overt lexical, semantic, and/or phonological processing to follow the task instructions and/or formulate a response. Few have considered the amount of linguistic processing required to perform the task. Subsequently, it is not clear if poorer performance by IWA on cognitive tasks compared to neurologically intact (NI) participants is due to a deficit in the respective cognitive domain or due to the inability of IWA to perform the task because of their language difficulties.

Aims: The purpose of the current study was to explore the effect of varying linguistic processing demands in the context of a dynamic working memory task—an n-back task for participants with and without aphasia.

Method & Procedures: This study compared differences on three different n-back tasks within and across groups for individuals with aphasia and NI matched peers. Participants completed three different n-back tasks; stimuli for the tasks varied in “linguistic load”. For each n-back task participants completed two levels of difficulty: 1-back and 2-back.

Outcomes & Results: The aphasia group performed significantly worse than the NI participants across the n-back tasks. All participants performed significantly better with the stimuli that carried a higher linguistic load (i.e., the fruit), than with the fribbles (semi-linguistic) and blocks (non-linguistic). All participants performed significantly better on the 1-back than the 2-back working memory task. Unlike the NI participants, IWA performed equally poorly with the fribbles and the blocks in the 2-back task.

Conclusions: Overall, the performance of individuals with aphasia on working memory tasks that varied in their linguistic load was similar to the control group but reduced. However, unlike the NI participants, IWA were less skilled at rapidly utilising linguistic knowledge to increase performance on the fribbles, demonstrating the further decrement in working memory that results from a decreased ability to utilise a linguistic strategy to increase performance on verbal working memory tasks. The results of this study indicate that language ability has a significant influence on performance on working memory tasks and should be considered when discussing cognitive deficits in aphasia.  相似文献   

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