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《敬修堂医源经旨》,八卷,余世用撰集,成书于明神宗万历三十四年(1606年)。1成书及刊行《敬修堂医源经旨》书前有序三篇:李日宣序、曹学程序及余世用自序。根据这三篇序,可大致确定该书的成书及刊行过程。《敬修堂医源经旨》的作者为余世用,其自序署为"化民余世用","化民"当是其字。  相似文献   

对有关《唐本草》成书年代的两种观点进行了分析,认为该书成于“显庆”之说,疑点甚多,难以置信。而书成于“永徽”之说,虽为孤证,但其可信度则高于“显庆”说。据此认为,《唐本草》成书年代,当在公元650~655年之间。  相似文献   

关于《慈幼筏》的成书年代,有1628年、1644年、1704年3种观点。此书诸版本中有题为张介宾著者,而张介宾儿科诸书多在1628年成书,故认为此书成书于1628年。但从自序及来容来看,此书作者是程云鹏,并非张介宾,所以1628年之说不能成立。1644年与1704年两说的分歧,是由于对作者《自序》中“甲申”二字的理解不同所致:崇祯甲申为1644年,而康熙甲申则为1704年。从《徽州府志》、《歙县志》、《黄安县志》等地方志及《慈幼筏》张希良序、李膦序中关于程云鹏的记载来看,此书当成书于康熙甲申,即1704年。  相似文献   

新安医家戴葆元著有《本草纲目易知录》8卷和《家传课读》4卷。《本草纲目易知录》为戴氏以《本草纲目》和《本草备要》为基础,删补重订而成。该书成书于清光绪十一年乙酉(1885年),刊刻于清光绪十三年丁亥(1887年),现存有清光绪十三年丁亥思补山房刻本和清抄本(残本)。《家传课读》包括《金匮汤头歌括》1卷,《温病条辨汤头歌括》1卷,《临证指南方歌括》2卷,是戴氏对3种书中内容和方剂进行歌括式的再加工而成,便于初学者诵读记忆。前两种歌括分别成书于清同治十二年癸酉(1873年)和清光绪元年乙亥(1875年),同刊于清光绪4年戊寅(1878年);最后一种歌括成书于光绪十七年辛卯(1891年),刊刻时间不详。现存有《家传课读.金匮汤头歌括》光绪四年戊寅思补堂刻本,《家传课读.温病条辨汤头歌括》光绪四年戊寅思补堂刻本,以及包含有此两种刻本以及成书于1891年的《临证指南方歌括》的《家传课读》刻本。  相似文献   

正《证治心传》是一部几乎被湮没的温病学重要文献[1],该书在中国医学史上无记载,在温病学发展史上几乎无人提及。其为明代袁体庵遗著,史可法于崇祯十六年(公元1643年)作序,故推测其成书时间在1643年以前[2](吴有性《温疫论》成书时间为公元1642年,2书成书时间相近)。继清代赵观澜加评后,民国年间刊行于《三三医书》。叶天士是温病学理论的重要奠基人之一,与《证治心传》在温病学理论思想及用药规律上有不  相似文献   

从考古发现和史料出发,分析了《神农本草经》和《汤液经法》的成书时间,发现两书均约成书于公元1世纪时,且前者成书可能还稍晚于后者。经方起源于古单方,于汉代获得空前发展而形成,成熟于东汉张仲景的《伤寒杂病论》。   相似文献   

<正> 1、针灸甲乙经晋·皇甫谧撰,约成书于晋太康三年(282年)。林亿等序作《黄帝针灸甲乙经》。皇甫谧自序作《黄帝三部针灸甲乙经》。2、肘后备急方晋·葛洪著,约成书于普咸和十六年(341  相似文献   

通过对《外科秘授著要》的版本、作者、成书时间、现有整理概况进行考证,认为其作者为清代新安医家程让光,成书时间应不晚于乾隆二十六年(1761年)。《外科秘授著要》在医学理论、医案和方剂上均对前人论著有所借鉴,在学术思想上又受到其他新安医家的影响,论治疮疡重痰,注重辨病论治和辨证论治相结合。  相似文献   

返博为约的《增补本草备要》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
返博为约的《增补本草备要》《本草备要》大约成书并刊刻于1684年,后作者又经十年补充修订,于康熙甲戍年(1694)刻印其增补本,即《增补本草备要》。为了编写此书,汪昂阅读参考了大量历代医著,从中选出较常用的药物500余种,用简要文字记述于《增补本草备...  相似文献   

陈文中生卒年与《小儿病源方论》的成书年代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文中生卒年与《小儿病源方论》的成书年代陈文中,字文秀,是晚宋时期著名儿科医家。其代表作是《小儿痘疹方论》和《小儿病源方论》。关于其生卒年代,一直没有明确,《中医大辞典·医史文献分册》(人民卫生出版社1981年版)称生活于“十三世纪”,语焉不详。从陈...  相似文献   

吴鞠通作为温病学派的大家之一,在其代表作《温病条辨》中,不仅擅长应用经方,化裁经方,而且也擅长应用温热药物治疗疾病。同时《温病条辨》在理论上弥补和完善了《伤寒论》中的许多不足之处,可以说吴鞠通不仅继承,而且发展了仲景学说。  相似文献   

明代医家刘纯生平初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘纯先世为吴陵(今江苏省姜堰、如皋一带)望族。早年随其父橘泉及冯庭干学医。明洪武初(136)迁关中,在长安居住约20余年。后随军医疗迁凉州,于洪武二十八年(1395)前定居甘州。著有《医经小学》、《玉机微义》、《杂病治例》、《伤寒治例》等书,均在死后由他人刊刻出版。此外尚有《太素脉诀》及《寿亲养老补遗》二书,早佚。推断刘纯约生于元至元六年(1340),卒于明永乐十年(1412)前,享年70岁左右。  相似文献   

《温病条辨》著成年代考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长期以来,人们皆谓吴鞠通的《湿病条辨》著成于1798年,而根据对《温病条辨》的刊行年代、朱彬和征保为其所作的序言、书中内容等多方面考证,该书虽开始写作于1798年,但当年绝对没有完成。其初稿约完成于1804年,初版定稿并刊行于1813年。“补秋燥胜气论”一篇补于1835年,霹雳散及其方论补于1836年。即从写作到初版定稿,历时达15年左右,至最后完善,长达38年之久。  相似文献   

《二泉映月》的创作源泉与艺术成就   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国杰出的民间音乐家阿炳一生坎坷 ,虽遭生活磨难和种种打击 ,受尽辛酸凌辱 ,但他性格倔强 ,人残志坚 ,视音乐为生命 ,广采博收民间音乐 ,创作了许多具有浓郁民族风格和永久艺术魅力的乐曲。《二泉映月》是阿炳创作的最具代表性的作品之一 ,以其委婉流畅的曲调 ,无限深邃的情感 ,深深打动了千百万听众 ,成为世界乐坛的名曲 ,堪称我国民族音乐文化宝库的一颗璀璨明珠。  相似文献   

Henry Halford (formerly Vaughan) (1766-1844) was president of the Royal College of Physicians for an unprecedented 24 years. A successful physician, he had to resign his post at the Middlesex Hospital because of his growing private practice. He was physician to four reigning monarchs and had many famous patients including Geogiana Duchess of Devonshire in whom he correctly diagnosed a liver abscess when other physicians had failed. He was also involved in the exhumation of King Charles I, and the fourth cervical vertebra, through which the King had been executed, came into his possession.  相似文献   

On the Sth August l(J31 a Cbinese gentleman who gave his age as 43 came to the O. P. D. of the C. M. S. Hospital. Yannanfu. He was suffL''ring from an acute exudative dermatitis of the face which had the distribution of I.upus Erythematosis. This was treated with Calamine lotion and when seen the following day the condi- tion was much improved. He was not seen again until Nov. 7th when he again came to the O. P D. He was then cornpIa.ining of ditficulty in walking and of numbne3s of both lower limbs. He wai admitted into bospital and on examination was found to be suffeting from definite organic lesions of the cerebro-spinal system. He gave a history which appears to Imve an important bearing on the cliagnosis though at first the writer did not think so. He stated that his facial condition had got better bat thcre had remained some prungo and after a time some friend had suggested to him the dcsirability of having salv_rsan treatment-the therapeufic refuge far so many ills in moclern Cbina. He had therefore had three injections into the veins of the forearm. The first of these was without any untoward effect but the second given by the same Chinese pracLitioner in September praduced a few days later a gcneralised rash which the patient said was hke measles:. He had gone to another practitiouer for third injection. This made him very ill. He was confined to bed with high fever which lasted four days. There was vomiting during this time.  相似文献   

清末著名文学家范当世不仅是杰出的诗人,也是成就卓著的教育家。他在创作之余,热心教育,指导后进,其中以执教冀州观津书院、担任李鸿章两席以及晚年归里从事教育等三个时期门下弟子最多,且成就杰出者众。  相似文献   

Liu"Shatze", 41, inpatient No. 6505, a male matshed erector,was admitted to the T''ungchow Hospiial October 21, 1941. He had been deaf frum childhood and was so nearly mute that his speech was almost unintelligible. and the hisrory "as obtained JargeIy from his rm)ther. Twenty days and more before he had ialhn while at hia work and had suifered an abrasion of the right eyebrow regiun. He had not been given any trcatmtnt ior the injury. Ten days later he began to noiice ihat he could not open his mouth as widely as before, and by the time he presemed himself at the hospital he considered that he had become much worse. t''xamination 8howed a welldeveloped and nourished man, conscious and rational. unable ia t,pea his mouth more than l cm., his lega were stiff, he had hyperactive rellexfs every. vuhere and so stiff a neck that he could not even begin to get his chin down to his sternum. There was a deep open infected abrasion, 3 cm wide from right to left and l cm. from above downwards, on his riSht eyebrow, with a J:tcle pocket undermined under the slim of the right vpper lid, containing brownish thin pus. He had,intermittently,a half nsus sardonicus, which was peculiar in tl,at there was a heavy crease running from the left side of his nose downwards towards he lefr angle af the mouth, but hardly any aimilar crease on the right. His mouth drooped on therightand was pulled to the left. The tory:ue protruded in the miCline. The right side of his face was flat and flaccid, but ther waa no paralysis of the eyelids on the affected side. He and his family had not particuIarly noticed the facial paralysia and the duration wa! unknown.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨金元明清医家辨治燥证的学术思想。[方法]通过学习古代医著,分析医家对燥证病因病机、理法方药的阐述,总结医家辨治燥证的特点。[结果]刘完素总结燥的病理为血枯、津亏,症候为内在脏腑组织干燥及外在皮肤干燥的紧敛燥涩之象,列治燥十一方;喻嘉言提出了秋燥病名,总结出"燥病必渴"的临床特点,提出治疗燥证多从肝肺入手,并自制清燥救肺汤用治温燥伤肺;费伯雄提出温燥和凉燥之分,并以五脏分证论治秋燥,强调"和法缓治";叶天士指出燥证有内伤、外感之分,以卫气营血及三焦辨证为核心,提出上燥治气、下燥治血,并制定了具体的治疗方法;吴鞠通将秋燥按上、中、下三焦辨治,指出秋燥可沿三焦次第相传,并创立杏苏散、桑杏汤、沙参麦冬汤。[结论]金元明清医家在辨治燥证的理法方药方面都有不同程度的发挥和创新,对后世医家研究和诊治燥证具有指导意义。  相似文献   

郭元峰,广东南海人,清代岭南名医,医术精湛,学术颇丰,崇经典,深研仲景伤寒之说,提出许多创见。郭氏对伤寒及治疗次第的认识言简意赅,切中要害,对六经本证述之简当,紧扣临床,辨证从实际需要出发,辨证手段丰富,师古而不泥古,活用经方,参以时方,是岭南经方派的重要代表之一。  相似文献   

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