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Schuening  FG; Storb  R; Stead  RB; Goehle  S; Nash  R; Miller  AD 《Blood》1989,74(1):152-155
Amphotropic helper-free retroviral vectors containing either the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase gene (NEO) or a mutant dihydrofolate reductase gene (DHFR*) were used to infect canine hematopoietic progenitor cells. In previous experiments, successful transfer and expression of both genes in canine CFU-GM were achieved after 24-hour cocultivation with virus-producing cells. The average rate of gene expression was 10% (6% to 16%) as measured by the number of CFU-GM resistant to either the aminoglycoside G418 or methotrexate. In an attempt to increase the efficiency of gene transfer, marrow was cocultured for 24 hours with either NEO or DHFR* virus-producing packaging cells and then kept in long-term marrow culture fed three times with virus-containing supernatant (2 to 5 x 10(6) CFU/mL). After six days, cells were harvested and cultured in CFU-GM assay with and without a selective agent. The average rate of gene expression in CFU- GM in five independent experiments was 46% and ranged from 19% to 87%. In conclusion, the efficiency of gene transfer into canine hematopoietic progenitor cells has been increased fourfold by combining cocultivation with long-term marrow culture as compared with results obtained with cocultivation only.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Successful gene therapy applications require optimized strategies to increase gene transfer efficiency into hematopietic progenitor cells (HPCs) with long-term repopulating ability. One of the issues that needs to be clarified is how hematopoietic cells proliferate, differentiate and express the transgene after each cycle of transduction. We investigated the kinetics of cell expansion, CD34 antigen expression and transduction efficiency of human hematopoietic cells in culture conditions commonly used in retroviral gene transfer protocols. DESIGN AND METHODS: Purified CD34+ cells from cord blood (n=5) or leukapheresis products (n=9) and a retroviral vector encoding an enhanced version of the green fluorescent protein (EGFP) were used. Target cells were exposed daily to vector-containing supernatants and a combination of interleukin 3 (IL-3), interleukin 6 (IL-6), stem cell factor (SCF) and Flt3-ligand (FL). Cell samples were harvested from the cultures and analyzed at 24 hour intervals for seven consecutive days. RESULTS: We found that CD34+ cells proliferated and differentiated under our culture conditions. The number of genetically modified cells increased after each cycle of transduction. Median numbers of cells positive for both CD34 and EGFP increased steadily over the culture period, but after day four most of the EGFP+ cells had a low CD34 expression. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: Culturing and transducing CD34+ cells for longer periods of time under these conditions might be detrimental for ex vivo gene transfer applications since the transduced cells are likely to have a decreased potential for long-term engraftment and repopulation in vivo.  相似文献   

Cord blood (CB) progenitor/stem cells (P/SC) are ideal targets for early gene therapy in individuals prenatally diagnosed with genetic disorders. Most retroviral transduction protocols were developed using adult peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) and bone marrow (BM). Less is known about retroviral transduction of CB P/SC. We examined how timing, multiplicity of infection (MOI), and polycations in the transduction media affect transduction efficiency. Rates of transduction were determined in recently isolated CD34+ enriched CB cells and in colonies derived after various times in liquid cultures (LC). CB mononuclear cells (MNC) were separated by ficoll-hypaque centrifugation and enriched for CD34+ cells. Purity was assessed by flow cytometry. Transduction were performed with clinical-grade retroviral stocks at MOIs of 1–20. Transduction was performed with fetal bovine serum (FBS) or autologous plasma, IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-6, and SCF. The retroviral vector contained LacZ and neomycin resistance (neo) reporter genes. Transduction was determined by X-gal stain and by PCR amplification of the reporter genes. No drug selection was used. Twenty-five experiments were done. CB volumes ranged from 35–150 ml. MNC and CD34+ cell counts ranges were: 0.14–840 × 106 and 0.1–4.2 × 106, respectively. Transduction efficiency in liquid cultures ranged from 4–63%. Higher rates were seen using MOI ≥ 10, 2 μg/ml polybrene, and 10% autologous CB plasma. In colonies, transduction rates were 63 to 72% by PCR and 32% by X-gal staining. In LTC-IC derived colonies, transduction was 7% by PCR. Short incubations of CD34+ CB cells with purified retroviral stocks, polybrene, and autologous sera result in high transduction rates of committed progenitors and moderately low efficiencies of transduction of LTC-IC in the absence of drug selection. Am. J. Hematol. 57:16–23, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The liver is an important target for potential gene therapy because of the critical role it plays in intermediary metabolism and synthesis of serum proteins. We report the use of retroviral vectors for transfer of recombinant genes into primary mouse hepatocytes. Hepatocytes were grown in a defined serum-free medium and expressed liver-specific functions for up to 14 days. Hepatocytes were transformed to Genticin (G418) resistance by infection with recombinant retroviruses carrying the Tn5 neomycin-resistance gene. The G418-resistant cells exhibited characteristic hepatocyte morphology and continued to express liver-specific gene function. A retrovirus that expresses neomycin resistance driven by a herpes simplex thymidine kinase promoter produced the most efficient transformation compared with viruses using the retroviral long terminal repeat promoter or the simian virus 40 early-region promoter. These experiments indicate that primary hepatocytes can be successfully cultured and transformed with recombinant genes using retroviral vectors. These results provide a model for future somatic gene replacement therapy in which functional genes can be introduced into hepatocytes by viral-mediated gene transfer.  相似文献   

Retroviral vector-mediated gene transfer into human hematopoietic stem cells may permit gene therapy of numerous genetic diseases. Stimulation of marrow with hematopoietic growth factors (HGFs) has been shown to increase the level of retroviral transduction. We have examined the effects of recombinant human mast cell growth factor (MGF), alone and in combination with other HGFs, on the efficiency of gene transfer into human hematopoietic progenitor cells. MGF acts in concert with interleukin 3 (IL-3) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) to increase the percentage of CD34+ progenitors transduced with a retroviral vector expressing the neo gene. The most potent combination of growth factors that we examined, interleukin 1 (IL-1)/IL-3/IL-6/MGF, resulted in the conferral of G418 resistance to 45% of progenitors and long-term culture-initiating cells. Extending the time of cocultivation of the marrow cells with the vector-producing cells did not further increase gene transfer frequency, suggesting that the amount of available vector is not limiting. To analyze the effects of the HGF on gene transfer into more primitive hematopoietic progenitors, CD34+ cells were isolated from marrow samples that were purged of committed progenitor cells by treatment with 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4-HC). Preculturing the CD34+ 4-HC-treated cells with the combination of four HGF (IL-1/IL-3/IL-6/MGF) permitted transduction of 20%-28% of the progenitors that formed colonies after 30 days in culture. These results demonstrate that MGF in combination with other HGFs enhances gene transduction of human hematopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

The aim of adoptive T-cell therapy of cancer is to selectively confer immunity against tumor cells. Autoimmune side effects, however, remain a risk, emphasizing the relevance of a suicide mechanism allowing in vivo elimination of infused T cells. We investigated the use of human CD20 as suicide gene in T-lymphocytes. Potential effects of forced CD20 expression on T-cell function were investigated by comparing CD20- and mock-transduced cytomegalovirus (CMV) specific T cells for cytolysis, cytokine release and proliferation. The use of CD20 as suicide gene was investigated in CMV specific T cells and in T cells genetically modified with an antigen specific T-cell receptor. No effect of CD20 on T-cell function was observed. CD20-transduced T cells with and without co-transferred T-cell receptor were efficiently eliminated by complement dependent cytotoxicity induced by therapeutic anti-CD20 antibody rituximab. The data support the broad value of CD20 as safety switch in adoptive T-cell therapy.  相似文献   

Summary. We report the utilization of cord blood (CB) or bone marrow (BM) derived low density or purified CD34+ cells as a target for human multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene transfer, Cells were cocultivated for 48 h with an irradiated MDR1 retroviral producer line. Since some degree of MDR1 gene expression has been reported to occur in haemopoietic progenitor cells and in peripheral blood cells, effciency of MDR1 gene transfer was assessed by: (1) Drug selection and culture in presence of 50 ng/ml doxorubicin, 10 ng/ml colchicine and 0.85 μg/ml taxol. In uninfected control, 1–2% of CFU-GM and CFU-GEMM were found to be drug-resistant, while 14–31% of original clonogenic activity was found after 2 weeks of culture of transduced cells. Efficiency of MDR1 transfer was significantly enhanced by prestimulation with cytokines, and found to be significantly superior in CB-derived compared to BM-derived progenitors. (2) Analysis of MDR1 gene expression by evaluating MDR1 mRNA through polymerase chain reaction. MDR1 expression was very low in cultures of uninfected controls, whereas, after drug selection, MDR1 mRNA levels in transduced cells was as high as in the MDR1 retroviral producer line (positive controls). (3) Flow cytometiric analysis of the expression of CD34 and P-glycoprotein, the product of the MDR1 gene. After MDR1 transduction and 2 weeks of culture, membrane expression of P-glycoprotien, was found on 17–25% of viable CD34+ cells. (4) Cytochemical localization by APAAP staining of P-glycoprotein. No specific localization was found in untransduced controls, whereas transduced and cultured CB-cells expressed P-glycoprotein on plasma and nuclei membrane. In conclusion, MDR1 gene transfer into CB- and BM-derived progenitor cells seems a feasible and attractive approach to generate a drug-resistant haemopoiesis.  相似文献   

The human glucocerebrosidase (GC) gene has been transferred efficiently into spleen colony-forming unit (CFU-S) multipotential hematopoietic progenitor cells, and production of human GC RNA and protein has been achieved in transduced CFU-S colonies. High-titer retroviral vectors containing the human GC cDNA were constructed. Mouse bone marrow cells were stimulated with hematopoietic growth factors, infected by coculture with producer cells, and injected into lethally irradiated animals. Four vectors were compared with respect to gene-transfer efficiency into CFU-S progenitors. One vector (G vector) required high concentrations of interleukins 3 and 6 during stimulation and coculture for efficient transduction of CFU-S progenitors. The remaining three vectors (NTG, GTN, and GI vectors) transduced these progenitors at infection frequencies approaching 100% using low concentrations of hematopoietic growth factors to stimulate cell division prior to and during the infection. Vectors using the viral long terminal repeat enhancer/promoter to drive the human GC cDNA produced high levels of human GC RNA in the progeny of CFU-S progenitors after gene transfer. When an internal herpes simplex thymidine kinase promoter assisted by a mutant polyoma enhancer was used to drive the human GC cDNA (NTG vector), little or no human GC RNA was detected in transduced CFU-S colonies. All three vectors producing human GC RNA in CFU-S colonies can generate human GC as detected by immunochemical analysis of CFU-S colonies. NTG vector-infected bone marrow cells were transplanted into W/Wv recipients to generate long-term reconstituted mice. The capacity of the viral long terminal repeat and the internal thymidine kinase promoter to direct synthesis of RNA in transduced bone marrow and spleen cells 5 months after bone marrow transplantation reflected the performance of these promoters in NTG-transduced CFU-S colonies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Based on their differentiation properties and facilely of ex vivo expansion, human bone marrow mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPC), are considered as attractive targets to deliver foreign genes to the bone marrow or other mesenchymal tissues. In this study we investigated the feasibility of transduce MPC with adenoviral vectors (Adv). METHODS: MPC were expanded ex vivo and transduced with replication-defective Adv-containing reporter genes (lacZ or GFP) under the control of CMV promoter. Transfection efficiency was assessed by microscopical scoring or by flow cytometry. Expression and involvement of Adv-attachment (CAR) and Adv-internalization (integrins alphav) receptors were evaluated by flow cytometric studies. RESULTS: Transgene expression analysis showed that only 19%+/-3% of cells expressed the transgenes at high levels. MPC express the attachment and internalization receptors required for Adv infection. While integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 are expressed by all MPC, CAR is solely expressed by a fraction of low size cells. Antibodies against CAR and alphavbeta5, but not against alphavbeta3, blocked Adv-mediated gene transfer into MPC, showing that CAR and alphavbeta5 are required for infection. Because alphavbeta5, as compared with CAR, is overexpressed in MPC, the results suggest that the efficiency of Adv-mediated gene transfer into MPC depends on the level of CAR expression. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate that Adv may be useful to engineer a subpopulation of ex vivo expanded human mesenchymal progenitors, with a high level of transgene expression.  相似文献   

Deficiency of the enzyme adenosine deaminase (adenosine aminohydrolase, EC; ADA) leads to severe combined immunodeficiency, a disorder that potentially could be corrected by gene transfer into hematopoietic cells. We have constructed retroviruses containing human ADA cDNA and a dominant selectable marker, a mutated dihydrofolate reductase gene (DHFR*) encoding methotrexate resistance. Human ADA cDNA was inserted alone (DHFR*-ADA) or with a simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter (DHFR*-SVADA). Although NIH 3T3 cells infected with either construct produced human ADA activity, substantially greater levels were attained with DHFR*-SVADA. Infection of murine lymphoid cells in culture with DHFR*-SVADA led to expression of human enzyme at a level well above the mouse endogenous level. ADA activity was also increased after infection of a human ADA-deficient B-cell line. Lethally irradiated mice that were reconstituted with syngeneic marrow infected with the DHFR*-SVADA virus contained unrearranged, integrated proviral DNA in total spleen DNA or in spleen hematopoietic stem cell (CFU-S)-derived colonies. Nevertheless, no human ADA was detectable. RNA analysis showed relatively low and variable expression from the retroviral long terminal repeat, and no detectable expression from the internal SV40 promoter. These data suggest that intrinsic biologic differences exist between cultured cells and CFU-S in vivo.  相似文献   

Lu  L; Ge  Y; Li  ZH; Keeble  W; Kabat  D; Bagby  GC; Broxmeyer  HE; Hoatlin  ME 《Blood》1996,87(2):525-534
To test whether an enforced expression of a lineage-specific cytokine receptor would influence the proliferation/differentiation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, retroviral vectors containing the human erythropoietin receptor (hEpoR) gene were used to transduce the hEpoR gene into phenotypically sorted subsets of cells. CD34 , CD34++CD33-, and CD34++CD33+ populations of human cord blood, highly enriched for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, were sorted and plated as single cells per well in methylcellulose culture medium containing early acting growth factors in the presence or absence of Epo. The hEpoR gene was efficiently transduced into single high proliferative potential colony-forming cells (HPP-CFC) and multipotential (colony-forming unit granulocyte, erythroid, monocyte, megakaryocyte [CFU-GEMM]), erythroid (burst-forming unit-erythroid [BFU- E]), and granulocyte-macrophage (colony-forming unit-granulocyte- macrophage [CFU-GM]) progenitor cells. As expected in cultures grown in the absence of Epo, no BFU-E or CFU-GEMM colonies grew. In the presence of Epo, the hEpoR-gene transduced cells formed significantly more CFU- GEMM and BFU-E colonies than did the controls. A significant decrease in HPP-CFC colonies was also observed under these conditions. Little or no effect of hEpoR gene transduction was apparent in the numbers of CFU- GM colonies formed in the presence or absence of Epo. All of the above results were similar whether the cell populations assessed were CD34 or their CD33- or CD33+ subsets plated in the presence of growth factors at 200 cells/mL or after limiting dilution at 2 cells/well. These results suggest that the profile of detectable stem/progenitors can be altered by retrovirus-mediated expression of the hEpoR gene.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is a primary immunodeficiency disorder characterized by recurrent infections, autoimmunity, microthrombocytopenia, and susceptibility to malignant tumors. Compared with the conventional treatment using allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy might offer more specific and less toxic therapeutic options. METHODS: We investigated retroviral WAS protein (WASP) gene transfer to assess functional correction and potential toxicities in human CD34(+) cells from WAS patients and healthy individuals, respectively. RESULTS: WASP mRNA and protein levels were restored in CD14(+) cells derived from WASP-transduced hematopoietic stem cells. Functional reconstitution in WASP-transduced myeloid cells was documented by podosome formation and Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis. Importantly, overexpression of WASP in CD34(+) cells from healthy donors did not cause any discernible toxic effects. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies document the feasibility of WASP gene transfer into human CD34(+) cells and suggest that the phenotype of WASP-deficient myeloid cells can be restored upon retroviral gene transfer.  相似文献   

Studies of circulating hemopoietic progenitor cells in human fetal blood   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Linch  DC; Knott  LJ; Rodeck  CH; Huehns  ER 《Blood》1982,59(5):976-979
High levels of committed erythroid and granulocytic/monocytic progenitor cells have been demonstrated in fresh blood obtained at fetoscopy. The fetal progenitor cells were more sensitive to appropriate stimuli (erythropoietin and colony-stimulating factor) than adult progenitor cells grown under the same conditions, and this was shown to be due to intrinsic differences in the progenitor cells at the different developmental stages.  相似文献   

Adenoviral gene transfer to primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) would be useful in gene therapy applications where transient, high-level transgene expression is required. In the present investigations, we have used an adenoviral vector expressing the green fluorescent protein (AdGFP) to quantify transduction of primitive HPCs and assess adenoviral-associated toxicity in long-term culture. Here we show that a cytokine cocktail protects mass populations of CD34(+) cells and primary colony forming unit-cultures (CFU-Cs) from toxicity, enabling transduction of up to 79% of CD34(+) cells. Transduction of CFU-Cs and more primitive HPCs was quantified following fluorescence activated cell sorting for green flourescence protein expression. Our results demonstrate transduction of 45% of primary CFU-Cs, 33% of week-5 cobblestone area forming cells (CAFCs), and 18% of week-5 CFU-Cs. However, AdGFP infection inhibited proliferation of more primitive cells. Although there was no apparent quantitative change in week-5 CAFCs, the clonogenic capacity of week-5 AdGFP-infected cells was reduced by 40% (P <.01) when compared with mock-infected cells. Adenoviral toxicity specifically affected the transduced subset of primitive HPCs. Transduction of primitive cells is therefore probably underestimated by week-5 CFU-Cs and more accurately indicated by week-5 CAFCs. These studies provide the first functional and quantitative evidence of adenoviral transduction of primitive HPCs. However, further investigations will be necessary to overcome adenoviral toxicity toward primitive HPCs before adenoviral vectors can be considered a safe option for gene therapy.  相似文献   

Retroviral-mediated gene transfer is the most attractive modality for gene transfer into hematopoietic stem cells. However, transduction efficiency has been low using amphotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) vectors. In this study, we investigated modifications of gene transfer using amphotropic MoMLV vectors in cell-free supernatant for their ability to increase the currently low transduction of both committed hematopoietic progenitors, granulocyte-macrophage colony- forming units (CFU-GMs), and their precursors, long-term culture- initiating cells (LTC-IC). First, based on the observation that bone marrow cells express more gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) receptor (Glvr-1) than amphotropic receptor (Ram-1), PG13/LN, which is a MoMLV vector pseudotyped with the GALV envelope, was compared with the analogous amphotropic envelope vector (PA317/LN). Second, progenitor cell transduction efficiency was compared between CD34 enriched and nonenriched progenitor populations. Third, the duration of transduction in vitro was extended to increase the proportion of progenitor cells that entered cell cycle and could thereby integrate vector cDNA. In 20 experiments, 1 x 10(6) marrow or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)/mL were exposed to identical titers of pseudotyped PG13/LN vector or PA317/LN vector in the presence of recombinant human interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-3, IL-6, and stem cell factor (SCF; c-kit ligand) for 5 days. 50% of fresh vector supernatant was refed daily. Hematopoietic progenitor cells as measured by G418-resistant granulomonocytic colony (CFU-GM) formation were transduced more effectively with PG13/LN (19.35%) than with PA317/LN (11.5%, P = .012). In 11 further experiments, enrichment of CD34 antigen positive cells significantly improved gene transfer from 13.9% G418-resistant CFU-GM in nonenriched to 24.9% in CD34-enriched progenitor cells (P < .01). To analyze gene transfer after extended growth factor-supported long-term culture, 1 x 10(6) marrow cells/mL were cultured with IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, and SCF (50 ng/mL each) for 1, 2, and 3 weeks. Fifty percent of PG13/LN supernatant with growth factors was refed on 5 days per week. Five percent of marrow CFU-GM and 67% of LTC-IC were G418 resistant at 1 week (n = 4), 60% of CFU-GM and 100% of LTC-IC were resistant at 2 weeks (n = 2) and 74% of CFU-GM (n = 4) and 82% of LTC-IC (n = 2) were resistant at three weeks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

SUMMARY. SW-480 cells, derived from a primary human colon adenocarcinoma, caused dose-dependent platelet aggregation in heparinized human platelet-rich plasma. SW-480 tumour cell-induced platelet aggregation (TCIPA) was completely inhibited by hirudin (5 U/ml) but unaffected by apyrase (10 U/ml). This TCIPA was also unaffected by cysteine proteinase inhibition with E-64 (10 μM) but was limited by cell pretreatment with phospholipase A2. SW-480 cell suspension caused marked dose-dependent decreases in plasma recalcification times using normal, factor VIII-deficient and factor IX-deficient human plasma. This effect was potentiated with cell lysates but inhibited in intact cells pretreated with sphingosine. SW-480 cell suspension did not affect the recalcification time of factor VII-deficient plasma. Moreover, monoclonal antibody against human tissue factor completely abolished SW-480 TCIPA. Taken together, these data suggest that SW-480 TCIPA arises from SW-480 tissue factor activity expression. Trigramin and rhodostomin, RGD-containing snake venom peptides, which antagonize the binding of fibrinogen to platelet membrane glycogen IIb/IIIa, prevented SW-480 TCIPA. Likewise, synthetic peptide GRGDS as well as monoclonal antibodies against platelet membrane glycoprotien IIb/IIIa and Ib prevent SW-480 TCIPA, which was unaffected by control peptide GRGES. On a molar basis, trigramin (IC50 0.09 μM) and rhodostomin (IC50 0.03 μM) were about 6000 and 18000 times, respectively, more potent than GRGDS (IC50 0.56mM).  相似文献   

Human hemopoietic progenitor cells were examined for the expression of glycoprotein IIIa (GPIIIa). This protein, which forms the beta-subunit of the GPIIb/IIIa receptor for cytoadhesive proteins as well as the beta-subunit of the vitronectin receptor, represents the most sensitive cell surface marker so far identified for the megakaryocytic lineage. Bone marrow cells were fractionated by a discontinuous Percoll gradient to separate cells that form megakaryocytic colonies in culture (1.05 greater than rho less than 1.077 g/ml). Density centrifugation was followed by indirect immunopanning to select for an enriched population of progenitor cells depleted of most of the mature cells of the myeloid, lymphoid, and erythroid lineages. This cell suspension was labeled with antibodies directed against determinants of GPIIIa and analyzed using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Fractions of cells were sorted and analyzed for the ability to form hemopoietic colonies in culture. Our study demonstrated that megakaryocytic progenitor cells (CFU-M) as well as granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming units (CFU-C), erythroid colony-forming units (BFU-E), and mixed lineage colony-forming units (CFU-GEMM) express HLA-DR antigens but lack GPIIIa. Therefore GPIIIa represents a marker that is not present on hemopoietic progenitor cells, but is expressed on the progenies of CFU-M. In view of the importance of GPIIIa as a component of receptors for cytoadhesive proteins, this finding may help to elucidate the adhesive interactions between early hemopoietic cells and bone marrow interstitium.  相似文献   

Cytokines are important modulators of host antitumor responses. Two of these cytokines, interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), are produced after antigen-induced activation of helper lymphocytes. The cytokines are released into the immediate vicinity where they either interact with the appropriate receptors on effector cell populations or are rapidly degraded. To mimic this physiologic release of cytokines at the effector-target site, we used retroviral vectors to transduce melanoma cells with the IL-2 or IFN-gamma cDNA. Five melanoma cell lines were transduced with IL-2- or IFN-gamma-containing vectors and secreted IL-2 at 1 to 40 U/mL/10(6) cells/24 h or IFN-gamma 1 to 8 U/mL/10(6) cells/24 h, respectively. After gamma irradiation, these cells continued to secrete cytokines for about 3 to 4 weeks. Secretion of IFN-gamma induced upregulation of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules in a subset of melanoma cell lines. IL-2 production by human melanoma xenografts induced tumor rejection in BALB/c nu/nu mice, showing the in vivo effect of this cytokine. This study shows that (1) human melanoma cells can be stably transduced with cytokine-containing retroviral vectors; (2) cytokines are secreted constitutively by the transduced tumor cells and have the expected biologic effects in vitro and in vivo; and (3) after gamma irradiation, cytokines continue to be secreted for several weeks. These data suggest that irradiated cytokine-secreting allogenic or autologous tumor cells can be used in vaccination protocols for cancer patients.  相似文献   

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