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目的了解戒烟门诊吸烟者戒烟意愿及相关戒烟行为,以期发现控烟中存在的不足。方法采用自填式问卷形式,在全国16个城市的戒烟门诊随机选择447名吸烟者进行调查。结果调查447名吸烟者,男性占85.23%,年龄40岁的占62.86%,52.80%的人吸烟时间≤2年,每天吸烟量39.15%在半包至1包。67.11%的吸烟者出于健康因素想戒烟,大多数吸烟者有戒烟的想法,但43.18%的从未采取戒烟行动,38.26%的调查者尝试过1~2次戒烟行动,戒烟持续时间在3个月内占77.56%。戒烟方式以完全依靠意志力一次戒断最多(占55.70%),电子烟、戒烟药物较少。戒烟后有45.41%的吸烟者渴望再吸,并自述有戒烟后的烦燥、焦虑等神经症状,而且近一半的戒烟者难以忍受戒烟后的不适。未用戒烟药原因以不相信有用(占31.32%)和害怕副作用(占31.32%)最多。大部分使用过戒烟药的都觉得戒烟药物效果一般,认为服用戒烟药物出现的副作用以体重增加(占31.54%)和情绪低落(占29.75%)较多。结论吸烟人群戒烟意愿不高,主动戒烟比例较低,戒烟方式单一,戒烟成功率低。今后需从增加吸烟成本和降低戒烟代价两个方面推进控烟工作的开展。 相似文献
50例戒烟成功者原因分析及控烟方法探讨 总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9
目前,我国一方面是吸烟者队伍有不断壮大和年轻化趋势,一方面是有戒烟意向的人无适宜技术,得不到有效的帮助,形成“痛下决心戒烟-戒而复吸”的怪圈。2 0 0 2年4月开始,上海市浦东新区潍坊地段医院对5 0位戒烟成功者进行了调查分析,现将结果报告如下:对象与方法1 对象 潍坊社区5 0位戒烟成功人士,戒烟一年以上,目前仍未抽烟者。2 方法 采用随机抽样调查方法,对被调查者进行一人一卡填表获取信息,调查项目使用统一标准。调查结果进行统计、排序、分析,确定影响戒烟成功的最主要原因。结 果1 5 0例戒烟成功者基本情况 男性49人占98%,… 相似文献
从戒烟的影响因素看社会控烟教育中的难点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
吸烟不但对个人健康造成威胁 ,也对整个社会有严重的影响。对社会控烟工作中的难点和重点进行总结 ,有利于今后的社会控烟教育作有益的探索和指导。1 对象和方法1 .1 在十堰市 2 0 0 2国际戒烟竞赛参赛人员 2 773人中 ,根据参赛编号尾数为 9的为随访对象抽样调查 ,总样本 2 77例 ,失访 39例 ,有效样本为 2 38例。1 .2 方法 根据 2 0 0 2国际戒烟竞赛一月随访表为蓝本 ,参考有关文献自行设计随访问题 8个 ,分为 3组 :1基本情况 ;2实际戒烟情况 ;3对烟草危害的认识及戒烟的影响因素。主要通过电话随访形式。2 结果2 .1 基本情况 随访对… 相似文献
目的 探讨国际戒烟竞赛在拉萨地区开展情况,以此提高拉萨群众对烟草危害的认知及群众戒烟行为.方法 选择符合2006年国际戒烟竞赛条件的拉萨市民330人,进行跟踪随访调查.结果 烟龄越长,戒烟的欲望越强,复吸率为21.70%.结论 吸烟者中有一定比例的人群想要戒烟,一系列烟草危害和拒烟技巧等知识的传播与行为干预是降低烟民吸烟率的有效途径. 相似文献
目的 了解广东省深圳市各医疗卫生机构戒烟门诊设置及运作情况。方法 采用普查方法,利用统一自制调查问卷对深圳市全部59家公立医院进行调查,有效问卷56份。结果 深圳市公立医院戒烟门诊设有率为78.57%,未开设的原因主要是医护人员不足(45.45%)。戒烟门诊挂靠在呼吸内科居多(55.81%);戒烟门诊开设时间主要是全天(58.93%);仅有 1家三级医院对戒烟门诊医务人员进行补贴;戒烟门诊每周平均服务时间为22.3 h。戒烟门诊人员配置以医生为主,主要为兼职人员(89.29%),有23家医院没有配备护理人员(45.10%)。一氧化碳检测仪(6.89%)和体重计(51.16%)保有率偏低;宣传教育材料保有率以宣传折页(76.74%)最高,器官模型和影像资料最低(11.63%)。过去1个月每个门诊平均接诊68人,其中二级医院最多,为97人;服务对象主要是门诊病人(81.82%)和医院工作人员(70.45%);服务类型面谈辅导(100%)较高,而电话辅导(34.09%)较低;仅有9.09%的戒烟门诊能够提供药物治疗。共有12家医院(占27.27%)收费,其中只有1家医院可完全由医保支付。结论 戒烟门诊运行存在配置不全和政策支持不足等诸多困难,政府部门应出台相应的戒烟服务优惠政策,增加医务人员戒烟服务补贴,将戒烟药物纳入医保支付,开展综合性的戒烟干预方能有效提高戒烟门诊就诊率和戒烟成功率。 相似文献
杭州市男性居民戒烟行为调查 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8
目的:了解杭州市男性吸烟居民中的主要戒烟动因。方法:用分层随机抽样的方法对杭州市1922名已婚男性居民进行入户问卷调查和访谈。以过滤、排序的方式从中抽出201名曾戒烟失败的现在吸烟和203名从未戒过烟的现在吸烟共404名,分析比较其人口学特征、吸烟行为、戒烟情况、戒烟意图、戒烟失败的原因以及有关影响因素。结果:曾戒烟失败和从未试图戒烟均主要在30-50岁,多为中等化程度,多为产业工人或职员。烟龄多在6年以上,每日吸烟数为10-20支,两组间无显性差异(P<0.05)。曾戒烟但失败组和从未戒烟组内不打算戒烟的比例均高于想戒烟但未准备行动的比例和准备采取行动的比例,但从未戒烟组内不打算戒烟的比例(62.07%)高于曾戒烟失败组(38.80%,P<0.05)。曾戒烟失败组内想戒烟所占比例(36.32%)高于从未戒烟组内不打算戒烟(18.72%,P<0.05)。影响戒烟成功的主要因素与从未戒烟不想戒烟的主要原因相同,均为自控力差、他人影响和缺乏有效的戒烟方法。结论:影响戒烟成功的主要因素包括自控力差、他人影响和缺乏有效的戒烟方法。戒烟工作的重点人群应是曾戒烟但失败的现在吸烟。 相似文献
不同人群吸烟戒烟情况调查分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
不同人群吸烟戒烟情况调查分析山东省沂源县卫生防疫站杨胜利山东省沂源县卫生局孟凡余为掌握贫困山区不同人群吸烟及戒烟情况,积极参与控烟干预方法的研究,我们于1995年9月对贫困山区的沂源县不同人群吸烟、戒烟的情况进行了抽样调查。调查对象与内容1.调查对象... 相似文献
北京市300名吸烟者吸烟与戒烟情况调查 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
有研究表明 ,吸烟者吸烟与戒烟的状况与其社会人口学特征、经济收入、吸烟持续的时间及社会交往的压力等因素有关 〔1 ,2〕。1 材料与方法1.1 对象 取本市 30 0名吸烟者 ,进行一对一调查 ,调查员经过统一培训 ,采用统一标准。1.2 资料处理 原始数据录入用 EPI5编制的数据库 ,用 SPSS75分析。2 结果与分析2 .1 一般状况 本研究共调查 30 0人 ,其中男性占 94.2 % ,女性占 5 .8%。文化程度以高中或中专为主 ,占 39.5 % ,职业主要是工人 ,占 36 .9%。家庭月收入主要在 5 0 0~ 1999元者占 5 6 .4%。2 .2 知识和态度 多数人认为吸烟… 相似文献
Characteristics of cigarette smoking and quitting among university students in Syria 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Maziak W Hammal F Rastam S Asfar T Eissenberg T Bachir ME Fouad MF Ward KD 《Preventive medicine》2004,39(2):330-336
BACKGROUND: No study to date in Syria has documented the smoking and quitting characteristics in a representative sample of university students, and this study aims to fill this void. DESIGN: In 2003, a cross-sectional survey was carried out among students at Aleppo University using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Overall, 587 students participated in the study (278 males, 309 females; mean age, 21.8 +/- 2.1 years; response rate, 98.8%). Experiences and attitudes related to smoking and quitting were assessed for two popular forms of tobacco use in Syria-cigarettes and narghile (waterpipe). RESULTS: Current cigarette smoking was reported by 30.9% of male and 7.4% of female students and daily smoking by 24.8% of male and 5.2% of female students. Narghile smoking was seen among 25.5% of men and 4.9% of women, mostly on an occasional basis. More than half of current smokers (56%) believed they could quit cigarettes, 75.2% were interested in quitting, and 78% of those had made a quit attempt in the past year. Important correlates of cigarette smoking among students were being older, male, and smoking narghile, while being older and from a poorer family were associated with increased interest in quitting. Interestingly, peers' smoking was associated with current smoking among students, but inversely with their willingness to quit. CONCLUSIONS: Cigarette smoking is mainly a problem of male students, whose narghile smoking is likely to be dramatically increasing as well, sometimes practiced as a substitute for cigarettes. The findings that most smokers in this sample are interested in quitting smoking and have tried unsuccessfully to do so indicate that cessation support for youths in this country is urgently needed. 相似文献
目的了解常州市医务人员吸烟和控烟知识、态度及行为现状,为促进医务人员开展戒烟活动,提高其控烟意识,促使其在日常工作中帮助吸烟者戒烟服务提供科学依据。方法采用分层随机抽样方法,用统一设计的《吸烟现况调查表》对常州市一、二、三级医院的620名医生进行问卷调查。用EpiData3.1录人调查数据形成数据库,用统计软件SPSS13.0进行χ^2检验、趋势检验等统计分析,P〈0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果常州市医务人员总吸烟率为27.58%。其中男性吸烟率为46.03%,女性为1.18%,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=151.2,P〈0.05)。医生在接诊时,有22.74%的医生从不或很少询问患者吸烟情况,33.71%的医生在患者疾病与吸烟相关时才询问;所调查医务人员中,如果知道患者吸烟,57.25%的医生会经常建议患者戒烟;医生吸烟率随着工作年限的增加有所上升(χ^2=18.512,P〈0.05);不同职称医生的吸烟率差异有统计学意义(χ^2=8.764,P〈0.05),其中高级职称的医生吸烟率最高为35.48%;不同科室的医生吸烟率间的差异有统计学意义(χ^2=60.928,P〈0.05),其中以外科医生吸烟率最高达45.73%;在医生的不同学历中以中专及中专以下学历医生的吸烟人数最多,吸烟率分别为37.50%、32.08%。结论应加强医生的健康教育和戒烟知识培训,减少医生的吸烟行为;采取相应的对策使医生有时间也有能力向患者传送控烟知识,提高其在临床提供戒烟服务的能力,进而推进全社会的控烟工作。 相似文献
Centers for Disease Control Prevention 《MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report》2005,54(44):1124-1127
After stagnating in the early 1990s, cigarette smoking prevalence among adults in the United States declined during the late 1990s and early 2000s. In 2002, for the first time, more than half of those who had ever smoked had quit smoking. To assess the prevalence of current and never cigarette smoking and the proportion of ever smokers who had quit smoking, CDC analyzed state/area data from the 2004 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated substantial variation in current cigarette smoking prevalence among 49 states, the District of Columbia (DC), Puerto Rico (PR), and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) (range: 9.5%-27.6%). In 44 states, DC, PR, and USVI, the majority of persons had never smoked. In 34 states, PR, and USVI, more than 50% of ever smokers had quit smoking. Effective, comprehensive tobacco-use prevention and control programs should be continued and expanded to further reduce initiation among young persons and to ensure that smokers have access to effective smoking-cessation services, including proactive telephone quitline counseling. 相似文献
Tuula Heinonen Vuokko Kytöniemi Marja Sorsa Harri Vainio 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》1983,52(1):11-16
Summary The urinary excretion of thioethers was studied among smokers of medium-tar cigarettes (16.3 mg/cig.) and low-tar cigarettes (5.4 mg/cig.). The test persons (26 smokers and 11 nonsmokers) were healthy young men in the military service. The smokers had an increased excretion of thioethers into the urine (P=0.002 with Mann-Whitney U-test) when compared with the nonsmokers. No differences in the amount of urinary thioethers were detected between the low-tar and medium-tar cigarette smokers. The smokers (varying from 2.0 to 8.5 mmol/mol creatinine) had more individual variation than the nonsmokers (varying from 1.5 to 4.5 mmol/mol creatinine). Furthermore, the individual variation in the group of low-tar cigarette smokers did not markedly differ from the individual variation of medium-tar cigarette smokers.This study has been supported by a research grant (24/60) from the National Research Council for Sciences, Academy of Finland 相似文献
Thomson G Wilson N Weerasekera D Edwards R 《Australian and New Zealand journal of public health》2011,35(1):81-84
Objective: To further explore smoker views on reasons to quit. Methods: As part of the multi‐country ITC Project, a national sample of 1,376 New Zealand adult (18+ years) smokers was surveyed in 2007/08. This sample included boosted sampling of Māori, Pacific and Asian New Zealanders. Results: ‘Setting an example to children’ was given as ‘very much’ a reason to quit by 51%, compared to 45% giving personal health concerns. However, the ‘very much’ and ‘somewhat’ responses (combined) were greater for personal health (81%) than ‘setting an example to children’ (74%). Price was the third ranked reason (67%). In a multivariate analysis, women were significantly more likely to state that ‘setting an example to children’ was ‘very much’ or ‘somewhat’ a reason to quit; as were Māori, or Pacific compared to European; and those suffering financial stress. Conclusion: The relatively high importance of ‘example to children’ as a reason to quit is an unusual finding, and may have arisen as a result of social marketing campaigns encouraging cessation to protect families in New Zealand. Implications: The policy implications could include a need for a greater emphasis on social reasons (e.g. ‘example to children’), in pack warnings, and in social marketing for smoking cessation. 相似文献
我国北方两卷烟厂职工死亡回顾性调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为分析烟草尘对卷烟厂职工恶性肿瘤、呼吸系疾病死亡专率的影响,采用回顾性队列研究的方法,对河南、黑龙江两省某两卷烟厂1982~1994年间在册的职工进行恶性肿瘤、呼吸系疾病死因分析。以队列成员中的非暴露于烟草尘组为内对照,比较两组间的各死因死亡专率的差异。结果表明:男、女职工暴露组的恶性肿瘤、呼吸系疾病死亡专率均显著高于非暴露组。按接触烟草水平分为非接触组、低剂量接触组和高剂量接触组分析发现:恶性肿瘤、呼吸系疾病死亡与其暴露烟草尘水平可能存在剂量-效应关系。提示:接触烟草尘可能是恶性肿瘤、呼吸系疾病死亡的危险因素。吸烟和接触烟草尘的协同作用分析表明:吸烟和接触烟草尘对恶性肿瘤、呼吸系疾病可能存在协同作用。 相似文献
目的 评估2015年卷烟消费税上调对卷烟零售价的影响。方法 利用2013-2015年10城市开展的烟草价格监测数据,计算卷烟的名义价格和实际价格,描述价格变化趋势。结果 2013-2015年3次均监测到352种卷烟,其中2013、2014年卷烟名义价格未发生显著变化,2015年卷烟消费税上调后,较2014年有286种卷烟价格上涨,10种常见卷烟名义价格相对于2013年涨幅为0.6%~7.4%,但实际价格与2013年相比涨跌不一。结论 2015年卷烟消费税上调可传导至卷烟零售价,但考虑到通货膨胀和购买力等因素,实际价格上涨有限,其对控烟的意义还需进一步评估。 相似文献
In this paper, we provide a detailed investigation into the quitting behaviour of nurses in the British National Health Service (NHS), using a recently constructed longitudinal survey. We fit both single and competing risks duration models that enable us to establish the characteristics of those nurses who leave the public sector, distinguish the importance of pay in this decision and document the destinations that nurses move to. Contrary to expectations, we find that the hourly wage received by nurses outside of the NHS is around 20% lower than in the NHS, and that hours of work are about the same. However, while the effect of wages is found to be statistically significant, the predicted impact of an increase in nurses' pay on retention rates is small. The current nurse retention problem in the NHS is therefore unlikely to be eliminated through substantially increased pay. 相似文献