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病人:男性,44岁。右下腹疼痛9h。体检:体温38℃。右下腹麦氏点压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张。血常规检查:WBC 14.1×10^9/L,N 0.89。腹部超声检查:右中腹部可探及12cm×4.3cm大小液性暗区,有包膜。诊断:急性化脓性阑尾炎。急诊剖腹探查,术中见阑尾轻度充血,盲肠周围后腹膜水肿。 相似文献
脾巨大表皮样囊肿一例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
患者女 ,31岁。因左上腹部包块伴疼痛 7d入院。体格检查 :一般情况尚好 ,瘦长体型。左上腹部可触及 15cm× 11cm的肿块 ,边界清楚 ,表面光滑 ,有压痛 ,无活动 ,无血管鸣音。彩超示 :左上腹 15cm× 13 5cm的液性暗区 ,壁厚 0 6cm ,壁光滑 ,内见漂浮的点状回声 ,脾脏及胰尾显示不全 ,脾动静脉显示不清。CT示 :左上腹 14cm× 14cm× 11cm的椭圆形囊性低密度影 ,壁稍厚 ,无壁结节 ,与胰尾及脾脏连接紧密。术中见脾脏面有 1个 18cm× 16cm× 15cm的囊性包块 ,脾门正常结构消失 ,脾血管成为囊肿壁的滋养血管。脾脏膈面受挤压呈扁平状 ,厚约 0 6… 相似文献
目的:探讨脾囊肿患者外伤后被误以脾破裂而切除脾脏的防范措施。方法:将我院误诊的2例脾囊肿患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:2例脾囊肿患者外伤后均被误诊为中央型脾破裂而行脾切除手术,术后证实为脾囊肿,而非脾破裂。结论:对外伤后诊断为脾破裂的患者,病情允许时,应详细采集病史,仔细进行体格检查,分析临床症状与体征,进行全面的辅助检查,做出正确的诊断,不应单纯依赖腹部超声检查的结果而切除脾脏,避免此类患者的误诊、误治。 相似文献
脾囊肿10例治疗分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
脾囊肿是少见病,我院于1985年1月至2005年10月共收治脾囊肿10例,现结合文献分析报告如下。临床资料1.一般资料:本组男3例,女7例,年龄21~50岁,中位年龄35岁。主诉以左上腹疼痛不适4例,左上腹扪及包块8例,肿块位于左锁骨中线肋下4~10 cm,触及肿块表面光滑,有波动感及触痛;B超体检发现2例;发热、合并感染1例。诊断:本组均行B超检查,9例提示脾囊肿(6 cm×5 cm×4 cm~13 cm×12 cm×10 cm),1例提示脾肿瘤(6 cm×5 cm×4 cm)。9例行CT检查,均提示脾囊肿,1例行MRI检查示脾错构瘤。10例均行X线检查,8例提示左膈肌抬高。2.治疗:本组均经手术治疗… 相似文献
患者男性 ,4 5岁。主因腹痛 4d ,加重伴恶心、呕吐 8h入院。 3年前曾患急性坏死性胰腺炎 ,经保守治疗后痊愈。查体 :急性病容 ,腹平坦 ,轻度肌紧张 ,全腹压痛 ,以左上腹为著 ,反跳痛 ,未触及肿块 ,肝脾不大 ,移动性浊音阳性 ,肠鸣音减弱。腹穿抽出不凝血。血常规 :WBC 15 1× 10 9/L ,N :0 811,Hb :98g/L。腹部X线透视 :左中上腹部肠管胀气 ,血淀粉酶 6 3.1温氏单位。初步诊断 :腹腔内实质脏器破裂。给予快速补液、止血等治疗。B超 :盆腔 6 8cm× 4 3cm实质性团块 ,胰腺因气体干扰显示不清 ,肝、胆、脾无异常。CT :胰腺体尾部有一… 相似文献
患者 男性 ,30岁 ,右上腹部隐痛不适 5个月余 ,无发热寒战 ,无恶心呕吐 ,无黄疸。查体 :皮肤巩膜无黄染 ,浅表淋巴结未及 ,腹部检查未发现明显阳性体征。总胆红素 1 2 μmol/L ,直接胆红素 3 μmol/L ,白蛋白 42g/L ,AFP(- ) ,CEA(- ) ,CA1 9 9(- )。B超示肝脏第Ⅳ段有一直径 4cm大小肿块。CT示左肝第Ⅳ段有一直径 4cm大小类圆形略低密度灶 ,界限清 ,增强后轻度强化 ,提示左肝实质性占位病变。全麻下行腹腔镜下左肝肿块切除术 ,术中见左肝第Ⅳ段有一部分突出肝表面的囊性肿块 ,界清 ,囊壁厚完整。离肿块边缘 2cm完整切除左肝肿块 ,术… 相似文献
王晓年 《中华肝胆外科杂志》2003,9(9):558-559
先天性胆总管囊肿在 80年代以前一般采用单纯内引流治疗。术后容易引起胆道感染、结石、胰腺炎、吻合口狭窄和囊肿癌变等并发症。我科从 1995年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 3月共收治胆总管囊肿术后 (单纯胆肠吻合术 )再次手术 9例 ,均行囊肿切除加肝总管空肠Roux Y吻合 ,效果良好 ,现报告如下。临床资料1.一般情况 :1995年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 3月共收治胆总管囊肿术后 9例 ,男 3例 ,女 6例。年龄 16~ 4 7岁 ,平均 31岁。2 .第一次手术情况 :第一次手术在本院进行 2例 ,在外院 7例。囊肿类型按Todani分型 ,根据病历记录 ,9例中有 8例为Ⅰ型 ,1例为Ⅱ… 相似文献
探讨真性非寄生虫性脾囊肿的病因、诊断、治疗,使更多的外科医师认识、了解该并发症,提高治愈率。回顾分析2012年1月—2013年12月收治的3例非寄生虫性脾囊肿的临床资料,均行腹腔镜脾囊肿去顶引流术,3例患者均痊愈。无并发症,随访无复发。病因:一部分非寄生虫性脾囊肿是先天性的,其诊断主要依靠影像学检查。应提高对本病的认识,明确诊断,掌握腹腔镜脾囊肿去顶引流术适应证、手术方式及术中应注意的问题。 相似文献
肾盂旁囊肿23例报告 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
198 8年 7月至 2 0 0 1年 12月 ,我们收治肾盂旁囊肿 2 3例 ,现报告如下。材料与方法 本组 2 3例。男 10例 ,女 13例。年龄 2 6~ 78岁 ,平均 5 5岁。囊肿位于右侧 12例 ,左侧 8例 ,双侧 3例。囊肿直径 0 .5~ 15 .0cm。临床表现腰痛、腰胀或不适 14例 ,其中 6例出现绞痛 ;血尿 4例 ,其中 1例出现蚓条状血块 ;4例伴高血压 ,血压 15 0~ 190 /95~ 12 0mmHg(1mmHg =0 .133kPa) ;5例伴反复尿路感染。 9例无临床症状者为体检时发现。 2 3例均经B超检查 ,3例为实质性弱回声 ;2 0例为囊性 ,其中5例为多发性囊肿。 18例行IVU检查 ,13例显示肾… 相似文献
患者,男,55岁,因进食后反复呕吐半年入院。查体:一般状况欠佳,心肺正常,腹软,无胃肠形,中上腹轻微压痛,肝脾不大,移动性浊音阴性,肠鸣音正常。入院后行上消化道造影未见异常。B超提示:十二指肠淤滞症。因X线检查不支持诊断,故给予促进胃动力药物治疗。输液支持2周,症状明显减轻出院。出院后1个月,症状复发,不能进食,营养差,再次来我院治疗。因考虑为十二指肠淤滞症,我科医师坚持行剖腹探查,术中自认为诊断成立,行毕Ⅱ式胃大部切 相似文献
IntroductionMesenteric and omental mesothelial cysts are rare, accounting for only 1 in 100,000 hospital admissions for abdominal pain (Tan Jane et al., 2009) [1]. They are often discovered only on CT imaging, which is frequently non-definitive in identifying an exact tissue source owing to overlapping radiographic features with other masses (Stoupis et al., 1994) [2]. The symptoms manifested by such masses are also nonspecific, favoring consideration of more frequently encountered problems in the scope of general surgery over cystic masses in the differential diagnosis. Definitive diagnosis of a mesothelial cyst in this case was made on histopathologic examination of a surgically resected specimen. This case is reported in line with SCARE criteria (Dragoslav et al., 2007) [6].Presentation of caseA 41 year-old male patient presented to an academic teaching hospital with several days of abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting. Initial workup was unremarkable, save for abdominal CT revealing a central mesenteric focus of inflammation. Neuroendocrine tumor was excluded by normal serum octreotide, 5-HIAA, and chromogranin A. A 4 × 2 cm mass was identified and resected on laparoscopy. Histopathologic diagnosis of the specimen was infarcted mesothelial cyst. The patient reported resolution of symptoms and remains well on most recent follow-up.DiscussionThe rapid diagnosis of intra-abdominal cystic masses is obscured by their rarity, nonspecific symptomatology, and radiographic features that overlap among such masses (Stoupis et al., 1994) [2]. The etiology of symptoms is likely owed to local mass effect exerted by the cyst on surrounding tissues. Continued resolution of symptoms on resection of such a cyst supports this conclusion.Conclusionimaging following an overall unremarkable physical and laboratory workup for this patient’s abdominal pain directed our further workup and management efforts towards surgical excision of an intra-abdominal cystic mass. Histopathologic examination of the cyst was ultimately diagnostic of an infarcted mesothelial cyst. 相似文献
Lucandri G Felicioni F Monsellato I Alfano G Pernazza G Pende V Mazzocchi P Bascone B D'Annibale A 《Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques》2011,21(2):e93-e96
Cystic lesions of the spleen represent a rare entity with an overall incidence of 0.5% among splenectomies. They can remain asymptomatic in 30% to 60% of patients or may cause symptoms for secondary compression of adjacent structures. Peripheral cysts may be suitable for conservative treatment whereas splenectomy is the accepted procedure for bulky and/or central lesions. Laparoscopy is the standard approach for elective splenic surgery, but in the last decade, introduction of the da Vinci robotic system has represented a further improvement in minimally invasive surgery, thanks to 3-dimensional vision and more accurate motion control. Herein, we report a case of a mesothelial splenic cysts successfully treated by robotic splenectomy; some anatomical considerations and technical aspects of robotic procedures have been discussed: it is a feasible and safe approach, particularly indicated in the presence of anatomic features such as an enlarged pancreatic tail and a type II vascular pattern of splenic pedicle. In such patients, the choice of a robotic approach may decrease the risk of intraoperative bleeding, thereby representing a further improvement in laparoscopic techniques. 相似文献
Rafailidis SF Ballas KD Marakis GN Pavlidis TE Pissas D Triantaphyllou A Venizelos I Sakadamis AK 《Acta chirurgica Belgica》2007,107(4):449-451
Epidermoid splenic cysts are very rare. Symptoms emerge because of enlargement, infection, haemorrhage or rupture. Although splenectomy is indicated for large cysts, minimally invasive and preservation procedures, such as partial splenectomy or total cystectomy with splenorrhaphy, have been increasingly used during the last decade. We report herein the case of a 16-year old female presented with left upper abdominal quadrant pain, fever and abdominal distention treated in our department. 相似文献
Right upper quadrant cystic lesions can be difficult to differentiate using noninvasive imaging modalities. The following
case report dicuss the common cystic lesions of the hepatoduodenal ligament and right sided pancreas. 相似文献
Sugita Y Maru N Ishikawa W Hirai S Minei S Sugita A Iwamura M Yoshida K Baba S 《Nihon Hinyōkika Gakkai zasshi. The japanese journal of urology》2012,103(3):566-568
A 54-year-old man presented with the left inguinal swelling. The operation was performed with diagnosis of the hydrocele of spermatic cord. A tumor was 3.0 cm x 2.5 cm in size, cystic with yellowish serous fluid. After the operation, this tumor is diagnosed as mesothelial cyst through the histopathologic examination. This is a rare case, however it is worth to consider that there is a possibility to be a mesothelial cyst when the tumor has been found at the inguinal region. 相似文献
张伟 《中国普通外科杂志》2001,10(5):443-443
患者 女 ,34岁。无意中发现颈前包块 1年入院。包块生长缓慢 ,无任何自觉症状。体查 :左侧颈前甲状腺区略隆起 ,可触及一 3cm× 3cm大小包块 ,质软、光滑、边界清、无压痛、随吞咽上下活动。血钙、血磷、T3、T4 和TSH均正常。B超示 :于颈前偏左扫及约 4 4cm× 3 0cm囊性包块 ,与左侧甲状腺关系密切 ,随吞咽活动。提示 :颈前囊肿。临床诊断 :左侧甲状腺囊肿。予以手术治疗。术中见左侧甲状腺下极有一 4cm× 3cm× 3cm囊肿 ,与甲状腺疏松粘连 ,予以完整切除。病理诊断 :甲状旁腺囊肿。讨论 甲状旁腺囊肿罕见。80 %囊肿… 相似文献
Even in countries where it is considered endemic, splenic hydatid cyst is a very rare disease in childhood. Partial or total splenectomy has generally been the treatment of choice for this condition. This is the first report of laparoscopic cystectomy as treatment of isolated splenic hydatid cyst in childhood. A 10-year-old girl with isolated splenic hydatid cyst was successfully treated by laparoscopic cystectomy and splenic preservation. The authors have demonstrated that laparoscopic cystectomy for an isolated splenic hydatid cyst is technically feasible, safe, and is associated with a shorter hospital stay and good cosmetic appearance. 相似文献
Congenital splenic cyst is a rare entity. A potential complication of this anomaly is infection. We report on an 18-month-old boy who had Salmonella enterocolitis and 2 weeks later was found to have an infected splenic cyst. At surgery, a duodenal duplication cyst and malrotation of the gut were incidentally found. Infected splenic cysts usually occur in older children or adults. To the best of our knowledge, congenital splenic cyst has not previously been reported in association with other malformations. 相似文献