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Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 3 TextabbildungenHerrn Prof. Dr.O. W. Diebold zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Supracondylar fractures are the most common elbow lesions in children. The standard procedure for displaced fractures has up to now been crossed-wire osteosynthesis. A new option is elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN).We retrospectively reviewed the results of all supracondylar fractures that were treated in our department from 2000 to 2005 by the ESIN technique with the aim to provide evidence of advantages and disadvantages of this method.The mean age of the 60 patients included in the study (27 female, 33 male) was 5.9 years (range 1-12 years). Most patients presented with type II fractures (85%), 10% sustained a type III fracture and 5% the most displaced type IV. All patients were treated with the ESIN technique and underwent clinical and radiological follow-up examinations during the next 3-5 months. Average duration to implant removal was 100 days. All patients achieved free range of movement of the affected elbow. No visible malpositions, pseudarthrosis or nerve lesions were observed, in comparison to the conventional surgical technique (crossed-wire osteosynthesis) with up to 19% for these complications. Furthermore, due to the excellent stability of ESIN, the patients do not need a cast and movement is encouraged immediately. Our good experiences encourage us to continue applying the ESIN technique.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bereits 1948 wurde die geschlossene Reposition und Osteosynthese mit 2 gekreuzten Kirschner-Drähten bei der suprakondylären Humerusfraktur etabliert. Trotz der langen Entwicklungs- und Erfahrungsphase machen bis zum heutigen Tag immer wieder Autoren auf die Problematik der Ulnarisläsion aufgrund des blind eingebrachten medialen Kirschner-Drahtes aufmerksam. Nur wenige Publikationen beschäftigen sich allerdings mit der progredienten Ulnarisparese und Empfehlungen zum Zeitpunkt einer operativen Revision.Es werden 4 Fälle mit einer progredienten motorischen und sensiblen Ulnarisparese beschrieben. Intraoperativ zeigte sich in allen Fällen eine Vernarbung bei erhaltener Kontinuität. Nach Revision und mikrochirugischer Neurolyse fand sich bei allen 4 Patienten zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt nach 1 Jahr eine vollständige Wiederherstellung. Bei progredienter Ulnarisparese ist daher eine frühzeitige operative Revision nach 3 Monaten zu empfehlen.  相似文献   



The supracondylar fracture of the humerus is a common fracture in children. The aim of this study was to record complications and to evaluate functional outcome of the children with dislocated fractures who had been operated on in the Catholic Children’s Hospital Wilhelmstift in Hamburg.

Patients and methods

A total of 191 patients with 194 dislocated supracondylar fractures of the humerus underwent operation between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2009. All children were operated on promptly, and the fractures were stabilized the day of the accident. An open surgical reduction was needed in 17 patients (9%). In 92%, the fractures were stabilized by crossed Kirschner wires. After 4 weeks, the wires and splint were removed. A follow-up of 185 patients between 3 months and 3 years after the fracture was possible; the axis, function, mobility, and nerve alteration were evaluated.


In 8 cases (4.3%), a deviation between 11° and 15° in the frontal and sagittal plane persisted. No correction osteotomy was performed. According to the Mayo performance score, 182 patients (98.4%) achieved the maximum number of points. Traumatic nerve injuries were recorded in 15 cases (8%), iatrogenic injuries in 6 cases (3%). Vascular operations were necessary in 5 cases (2.5%).


Dislocated supracondylar fractures of the humerus have to be treated as an emergency by closed reduction and stabilization. Good results have been achieved using the well-established percutaneous Kirschner wire fixation. In comminuted fractures, residual deviations may occur. Iatrogenic ulnar nerve lesions may be reduced by the use of a small medial incision. Alternative treatment methods, e. g., applying elastic intramedullary nailing or external fixators, may reduce the complication rate even further.

Kilian U 《Der Unfallchirurg》2003,106(12):1046-1050
Zusammenfassung Intraartikuläre Tibiakopffrakturen bedeuten eine große Herausforderung an den Operateur. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde ein Anstieg dieser Verletzung beim älteren Patienten festgestellt. Im Gegensatz zum jüngeren Patienten spielt der Luxationsmechanismus eine untergeordnete Rolle. Neben der schwerwiegenden knöchernen Verletzung und dem Weichteilbegleitschaden findet sich beim älteren Patienten eine Reihe weiterer, sich negativ auf den Behandlungsverlauf auswirkender Faktoren. Hierzu zählen u. a. die Osteoporose, arterielle und venöse Gefäßerkrankungen, primäre Arthrosen, eingeschränktes Koordinationsvermögen des Patienten, begrenzte Verfügbarkeit autologer Spongiosa und Neuropathien. Klinisch relevante sekundäre Korrekturverluste (Achsenfehlstellung, Sinterung des Gelenkplateaus mit Stufenbildung) nach osteosynthetisch versorgten Tibiakopffrakturen bis hin zum Versagen der Osteosynthese sind jedem unfallchirurgisch-orthopädischen Operateur bekannt. Wir versorgten zwei ältere Patienten mit unterschiedlichen Zusatzbefunden primär mit Hilfe der Implantation einer Knie-TEP, z. T. kombiniert mit osteosynthetischen Maßnahmen, und konnten eine sofortige belastungsstabile Situation sowie ein gutes funktionelles Frühergebnis erreichen. Die sicherlich seltene Indikation der primären Endoprothesenimplantation bei intraartikulären Tibiafrakturen sollte bei der Wahl des Versorgungsverfahrens mit einbezogen werden—gerade bei Vorliegen von B3- und C2–C3-Frakturen und problembehafteten Zusatzbefunden. Studien mit entsprechenden Langzeitergebnissen fehlen bisher.  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective clinical controlled trial was to investigate the early and midterm results of shaft fractures in children treated with elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN). From January 1997 to December 2001, elastic stable intramedullary nailing was carried out on 112 children with 118 diaphyseal fractures. The mean age was 7.7 years. There were 51 fractures of the lower arm, 46 femoral fractures, 14 of the lower leg, and 7 of the humerus. A total of 92 children have been followed up for more than 12 months. The mean time of follow-up was 38 months.The mean time of fluoroscopy was 2.2 min. Open reduction was necessary in 3.4 %. In children with injuries of the lower extremity, full weight bearing was achieved after a mean period of 9.3 days. In 1.8% of the children, reoperation was necessary within the first 10 days after the operation. In 3.6 % there was painful skin irritation due to the protruding end of a nail. No infection or delayed union was observed. Implant removal was done after a mean time of 5.6 months. There was no rotational or angular deformity of more than 5 degrees in children with isolated fractures of the lower extremity. Mean lengthening of the injured leg was 2.4 mm. In three children who had fractures of the upper extremity, a deficit in range of motion of the adjacent joints was detected. The current results show that intramedullary fixation of displaced diaphyseal fractures in children with a flexible titanium nail is a safe, minimally invasive surgical technique producing excellent functional and cosmetic results.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 9 AbbildungenVortragender:R. Schenk-Basel/Schweiz (a. E.).  相似文献   

Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) is an uncommon inflammatory disease of the retroperitoneum leading to extensive fibrosis with consecutive obstruction of adjacent organs, namely the ureters. Since no consensus on the standard therapy exists, aim of the current study was to evaluate the outcome of 39 patients with RPF. Between 1986 and 1997 39 cases of RPF were diagnosed: 21 cases had primary RPF and 18 patients had secondary RPF after aortofemoral graft (n = 13), radiation (n = 2), or prior retroperitoneal surgery (n = 2). 21 patients demonstrated unilateral and 16 cases had bilateral hydronephrosis, in 2 patients no dilatation was observed. In 28 cases (n = 12 primary RPF, n = 16 secondary RPF) initial management consisted of DJ-stent placement, whereas in 11 cases (n = 9 primary RPF, n = 2 secondary RPF) percutaneous nephrostomy had to be placed. All patients received oral immunosuppressive agents (prednisolone 1 mg/kg, azathioprine 1 mg/kg/day) for 3 months before reevaluation was performed. In case of complete remission, immunosuppressive medication was continued for another 3 months, in case of stable disease or progression surgery was performed. In 26 cases (n = 15 primary RPF, n = 11 secondary RPF) ureterolysis with intraperitoneal displacement and omental wrapping was performed. 3 patients demonstrated complete remission after oral prednisolone/azathioprine; in 2 cases RPF presented as pelvic mass and was resected followed by immunosuppressive therapy, in another 2 cases bilateral ileal replacement of the ureters had to be performed and 4 cases remained on DJ-stents and nephrostomy, resp. Postoperatively, all patients with primary RPF were continued on immunsuppressive medication for another 3 months. After a follow-up of 6 to 120 months only 3 patients developed a retroperitoneal recurrence and were treated by unilateral nephrectomy or DJ stent placement (n = 2). Our data suggest that the combination of both immunosuppressive medication and surgical management results in an excellent longterm outcome in idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis with a recurrence rate of only 8%. Combination therapy should be considered as therapeutic option early in the course of the disease. Primary reconstructive surgery appears to be the most promising approach in secondary retroperitoneal fibrosis with a recurrence rate of only 5%; short external compression of the ureter might be managed by endoluminal balloon dilatation.  相似文献   

ZusammenfassungHintergrund. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war die Erfassung der intra- und postoperativen Komplikationen der elastisch stabilen intramedullären Nagelung (ESIN) bei kindlichen Femurfrakturen.Patienten und Methoden. 47 Kinder, mittleres Alter 6 Jahre, wurden bis zur Implantatentfernung regelmäßig klinisch und radiologisch, danach jährlich klinisch untersucht. Die Nachbeobachtungszeit beträgt 37 Monate.Ergebnisse. Intraoperativ trat eine Kortikalisperforation und die Aussprengung eines Knochenfragments auf. 4 Kinder beklagten schmerzhafte Weichteilirritationen. Bei 1 Kind mussten die Implantate sekundär gekürzt werden. Bei jeweils 1 Implantatdislokation und 1 inakzeptablen Fehlstellung waren Korrekturoperationen erforderlich. Infektionen, Pseudarthrosen, Refrakturen oder korrekturbedürftige Wachstumsstörungen wurden nicht beobachtet.Schlussfolgerungen. Die ESIN ist ein sicheres Verfahren zur Behandlung kindlicher Femurfrakturen. Die meisten Komplikationen lassen sich durch eine sorgfältige Indikationsstellung und eine korrekte Operationstechnik vermeiden.  相似文献   

Frozen shoulder is characterized by active and passive stiffness of the shoulder with pain. A distinction between primary and secondary frozen shoulder is required because of the different course and therapy. The cause of primary frozen shoulder is unknown. The course is typically divided in three phases with characteristic complaints. Secondary frozen shoulder is caused by systemic, intrinsic, or extrinsic factors with different courses. The distinction between primary and secondary frozen shoulder is not easy because, apart from clinical signs, there is no diagnostic certainty. For primary frozen shoulder, conservative treatment is preferred. Because of the different pathogenetic processes in each of the known three phases, a phase-related treatment is required. For phase I, which includes the time till passing the pain peak combined with decrease of night pain, we do not recommend either conservative or operative manipulation. Only symptomatic tonus-reducing and analgetic measures are useful. Once phase II begins, mobilization exercises are indicated. If conservative treatment is not successful or spontaneous course does not reach regression of capsule contracture, operative treatment is considered. Controlled arthroscopic capsular release is preferable. Making the indication for an operative treatment dependent on the duration of unsuccessful conservative treatment (for example, 6 weeks) is useless, because the course of a primary frozen shoulder can range from 1–3 years. Rather the treatment course should be decided depending on the phase of the illness.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden die sicheren Anhaltspunkte für wirkliche prim?re Multiplizit?t von Karzinomen er?rtert. In unserem Falle handelte es sich um zwei selbst?ndige Karzinome: 1. um einen Basalzellenkrebs der Gesichtshaut und 2. um ein Adenokarzinom der Lungen mit Metastasen in den region?ren Lymphdrüsen und der weichen Gehirnhaut. Eine Beeinflussung des Charakters des flachen Gesichtskarzinoms durch den Lungenkrebs war nicht festzustellen. Mit 3 Abbildungen.  相似文献   

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