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The role of the clinical nurse specialist is continuing to expand to include participation in clinical research. There is, however, a lack of clinical researchers available to conduct nursing research. A clinical nurse specialist with a joint appointment between a clinical and an academic setting can facilitate clinical research through collaboration. Such collaborative efforts can result in improved patient care and nursing practice. This article describes several major collaborative models used to join the academic and practice settings and discusses their strengths and weaknesses. It also describes in detail a collaborative approach in which the clinical nurse specialist play a more pivotal role by acting as a facilitator for the collaboration. We discuss the formation of the collaborative team, the roles of the participants, and the research plan of the team. Suggestions for implementing this model in other settings are offered.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation is becoming the most frequently used neurosurgical treatment for patients with complex Parkinson's disease. This paper reports on the creation of a clinical nurse specialist role in a Scottish hospital's movement disorder team to support patients going through this treatment and their families, working with the neuroscience nurses and multidisciplinary team.  相似文献   

Although nurse researchers have generated research findings, practitioners in clinical practice have not consistently utilized them. Evaluation and modification of clinical practice through research is a key component of the role of the clinical nurse specialist (CNS). In this paper, an innovative model is described in which the Clinical Nurse Specialist coordinates specialty-based clinical research through the use of unit-based research forums, an outgrowth of unit-based quality assurance. Such a model allows staff at the unit level to engage in problem-solving dialogues, resulting in increased use of research findings and generation of original research.  相似文献   

? Over the last decade, nursing in the United Kingdom has witnessed a major development and expansion in the number of Clinical Nurse Specialists. ? These nurses are considered to be experts in their own specialities, have in-depth knowledge and provide a service for patients, relatives and staff. ? There is, however, a paucity of literature relating to role transition from experienced Staff Nurse to Clinical Nurse Specialist. ? Using Nicholson's (1984) model of work-role transition and Wanous' (1992) four-stage model of organizational socialization, this study explores the transition of two nurses from experienced Staff Nurses to novice Clinical Nurse Specialists.  相似文献   

In today's changing health-care system and periods of acute shortages for bedside nurses, the role of the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) is often reevaluated. Budgetary constraints, position cuts, limited resources in small rural areas, and acute shortages have forced many hospitals to do without the expertise of a CNS. This paper proposes that a possible method of meeting identified needs in these situations is through the CNS as an external consultant. A framework is discussed to incorporate the consultant position with the CNS roles. CNS expertise can be made available to underserved facilities without placing extenuating demands on the resources and economic structure that exist.  相似文献   

“Action research is an activity that involves studying social systems by changing them.” [J Adv Nurs 33 (2001) 652].
Practitioners in the field have considerable experience and insight into the problems confronting their profession. This depth of experience, grounded as it is in the day-to-day challenges faced in clinical practice, is a valuable, yet largely untapped, resource.If research is to address the problems encountered by chiropractors in the ‘real world’ of clinical practice, practitioners will need to become much more involved in the research process.Action research is a methodology ideally suited to the practice setting, concerned as it is with critically evaluating and documenting change in practice, processes and procedures, offering chiropractors the opportunity to undertake research in the ‘practice laboratory’ and, through publication, add to the knowledge base of the profession.With the advent of mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) in the UK, chiropractors are now required to document their learning systematically in the form of reflective learning cycles. This type of experiential learning also underpins action research, enabling chiropractors, through a series of learning cycles, to develop their experiential learning into an action research project that, on publication, allows dissemination of their findings to a wider audience.The action research resource pack introduced practitioners to the subject; detail the principles underpinning the methodology and outlines, systematically, how to undertake an action research project.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The aim of this paper is to provide insight into the role of a Stoma Coloproctology Nurse Specialist. This paper presents the findings of an in‐depth case study of a stoma coloproctology nurse specialist employed in one health board area in Northern Ireland. This case study was part of a larger study exploring innovative nursing and midwifery roles in Northern Ireland. Background. Specialist nursing roles have evolved and developed in response to changing health care needs, patient expectations, changes in professional regulation and government initiatives. Design. A case study approach was adopted. Method. Semi‐structured interviews with the post holder (PH), her line manager and the human resource manager were undertaken. Non‐participant observation of the PH's practice was also carried out. Analysis was undertaken on secondary data such as job specification, annual reports and other documentation relating to the post. Results. Findings illustrate the PH's function and the impact of the role on patient care. Examples of innovative practices relating to providing care, support and guidance for patients and their families were identified; however, limitations to her role were also identified. Conclusions. The PH provides an invaluable service to patients, demonstrating a positive impact on care. However, the findings suggest the importance of establishing clear role boundaries, which may lead to professional growth and practice development. Relevance to clinical practice. Although this study provides a valuable insight into the role of a Stoma Coloproctology Nurse Specialist a number of challenges exist, as the CNS role requires policy and appropriate educational preparation to practice at an advanced level. Further research investigating the development of the CNS role in the clinical setting and its relationship to members of the multi‐professional team would be beneficial.  相似文献   

陈小春  张海燕 《现代护理》2007,13(9):785-786
目的探讨护理干预措施对颅内肿瘤病人家属生命体征指标改变的作用。方法将进行手术疗法的63例颅内肿瘤病人的直系亲属(配偶、子女、父母)按首次住院先后顺序分为2组,干预组32例,对照组31例,对照组根据本院制定的外科病人健康教育计划单对病人进行健康教育,干预组对病人家属同步实施护理干预。结果对照组生命体征在手术中血压、脉搏指标变化有显著性差异(P<0.05),干预组生命体征在手术中血压、脉搏指标无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论对颅内肿瘤病人家属进行护理干预是完全必要的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨护理干预措施对颅内肿瘤病人家属生命体征指标改变的作用.方法 将进行手术疗法的63例颅内肿瘤病人的直系亲属(配偶、子女、父母)按首次住院先后顺序分为2组,干预组32例,对照组31例,对照组根据本院制定的外科病人健康教育计划单对病人进行健康教育,干预组对病人家属同步实施护理干预.结果 对照组生命体征在手术中血压、脉搏指标变化有显著性差异(P<0.05),干预组生命体征在手术中血压、脉搏指标无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论 对颅内肿瘤病人家属进行护理干预是完全必要的.  相似文献   

A skills teaching programme for first year nursing students is being developed as an action research project with the participation of lecturers, practitioners of three NHS trusts and first year students. All branches of nursing are equally represented. During the first part of the action research cycle the skills to be taught were decided upon using anonymous questionnaires and branch specific group interviews. The selected skills related to aspects of communication, observation, care planning and nursing activities as well as health care and information technology. The professional and personal development of students was also considered. All branches were able to agree on a common skills teaching programme.During this first part of the action research cycle concerns about the organizational possibility of teaching skills to an ever-increasing number of nursing students and the necessary participation of many lecturers were raised. Nevertheless, all participants emphasized the need to continue the project, requesting the development, implementation and evaluation of a new curriculum based on this research as soon as possible.This research demonstrates how small schools of nursing without the resources of large metropolitan-based medical schools and teaching hospitals can improve or design and implement skills teaching programmes for their students in a logical and research based fashion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe clinical nurse specialist participation in an epidemiologic study. The population under investigation comprised participants with malignant brain tumors, a population the clinical nurse specialist has served for the past 14 years. During the study, each clinical nurse specialist role was used. The clinical nurse specialist was instrumental in soliciting participation and ensuring complete and accurate data.  相似文献   

This qualitative evaluation research focused on individuals with Alzheimer's disease cared for at home by a family caregiver. It aimed to assess the responses of family caregivers and family members to an activity kit containing 20 therapeutic activities (The BAG or 'Be Active with Games' kit). In-depth interviews with and observations of 21 caregiver/member dyads were analysed according to Spradley's ethnographic method. Responses to The BAG were contingent upon the family member's symptoms, prior experience, and time of day. For some caregivers The BAG was useful in filling time, inspiring additional activities, facilitating connections with the family member, and connecting family members with their past; for others it was an additional burden in an already frenetic life. The BAG engaged some family members with AD while it 'insulted' others. The value of activities for individuals with AD requires more theoretical and methodological exploration.  相似文献   

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