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Summary In this study we report the formation of giant autophagic vacuoles (AV) in neurons in experimental scrapie in hamsters. Autophagy is an important step in the cellular turnover of proteins and organelles. It is known to occur in neurons under physiological as under pathological conditions. Giant AV, however, are seen very rarely only in pathological states. In our model AV are much more numerous after intracerebral (i.c.) transmission of the scrapie agent than after the transmission via the intraperitoneal route which points to a correlation between the intensity of the process and the period of incubation. As the appearance of the AV in our model is correlated chronologically with that of scrapie-associated fibrils, at least after i.c. transmission, the process may be related to a disturbance of cellular protein metabolism and, thus, to the processing of prion protein. 相似文献
Tubulovesicular bodies are structures, apparently specific to the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, which are of
unknown composition and significance. Prion protein (PrP) is absent from tubulovesicular bodies when tissues are examined
by immunogold electron microscopy. In the F1 cross of C57 and VM mice (CVF1) infected with ME7 scrapie there is a marked degeneration
of hippocampal CA1 neurons. In this model the earliest changes seen, at about 100 days post inoculation (dpi) are a degeneration
of axon terminals and synaptic loss. Terminal disease is around 250 dpi. In blind coded trials we counted the number of tubulovesicular
particles and estimated their density in 56–76 electron micrographs taken from the stratum radiatum of each of one or two
CVF1 ME7-infected mice at 84, 100, 126, 154 and 181 dpi and from four normal brain inoculated control mice. Tubulovesicular
particles were present from 98 dpi and the density of particles increased with increasing incubation period. The very early
occurrence of tubulovesicular particles, before the presence of significant pathology, argues that tubulovesicular particles
are a part of the primary disease and are not epiphenomena.
Received: 28 June 1999 / Revised: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 6 September 1999 相似文献
A. W. Vorbrodt A. S. Lossinsky H. M. Wisniewski R. C. Moretz L. Iwanowski 《Acta neuropathologica》1981,53(3):203-211
Summary Alkaline phosphatase, 5-nucleotidase nucleoside diphosphatase and thiamine pyrophosphatase activities were studied by cytochemical method applied to electron microscopy of brain microvasculature in normal and scrapie infected mice. In control mice, the major location of all phosphatases studied was the luminal plasma membrane of the endothelial cells. In scrapie infected mice, changes in activity and distribution of the above mentioned phosphatases manifested themselves in the appearance of the reaction product on the abluminal side of the vessel wall. Our data presents evidence that following scrapie infection, these enzymes change their specific localization along the endothelial cell membranes. These enzymatic changes may serve as useful indicators of some alterations in the mammalian blood-brain barrier following infection by scrapie agent in the mouse.Presented in part at the American Association of Neuropathologist Meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 12–15, 1980This work was supported by the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities of the State of New York 相似文献
Summary Mitotic ependymal cells were encountered in 10-day-old mice treated with 6-aminonicotinamide, an antagonist of niacin. These occurred along the medial surface of the lateral ventricle and the ventral portion of the aqueduct. Electron microscopy revealed that both mitotic ependymal cells had eccentrically placed chromosomes without a nuclear membrane and well-formed gap junctions in contact with adjacent ependymal cells. Microtubules from a centriole radiated to the chromosomes. These data show that cell division occurs in morphologically matured ependymal cells in the postnatal brain under pathological conditions. We believe this to be the first ultrastructural demonstration of this phenomenon.Supported in part by research grants NS-03356, NS-10803 and training grant NS-07098 from the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative disorders and Stroke, USPHS 相似文献
P. P. Liberski R. Yanagihara C. J. Gibbs Jr. D. C. Gajdusek 《Acta neuropathologica》1992,83(2):134-139
Summary We report the presence of autophagic vacuoles (AV) in neuronal perikarya and neuronal processes of rodents with experimental scrapie and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. AV were composed of sequestrated cytoplasmic areas containing ribosomes and occasionally mitochondria and small secondary vacuoles. The formation of AV may contribute to neuronal degeneration and ultimately to neuronal loss.P. P. Liberski is a recipient of a fellowship from the Fogarty International Center and a grant from the Polish Academy of Sciences (VIII/40) 相似文献
P. P. Liberski R. Yanagihara C. J. Gibbs Jr. D. C. Gajdusek 《Acta neuropathologica》1990,79(4):349-354
Summary We have consistently observed tubulovesicular structures in brain tissues during the terminal stages of naturally occurring and experimentally induced spongiform encephalopathies, irrespective of the host species and virus strain. In NIH Swiss mice inoculated intracerebrally or intraocularly with the Fujisaki strain of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) virus, tubulovesicular structures, measuring 20–50 nm in diameter, were particularly prominent in dilated, pre-and postsynaptic neuronal processes, occasionally being mixed with synaptic vesicles. These structures appeared 13 weeks following intracerebral inoculation, 5 weeks before the onset of clinical signs, when spongiform changes were also detected. The number and density of tubulovesicular structures increased steadily during the course of clinical disease, and were particularly abundant in mice 47 to 51 weeks after intraocular inoculation. In hamsters infected with the 263 K strain of scrapie virus, these structures were initially detected 3 weeks following intracerebral inoculation and increased dramatically at 10 weeks postinoculation. The appearance of tubulovesicular structures before the onset of overt disease in mice inoculated with CJD virus by either the intracerebral or intraocular route, and before the appearance of other neuropathological changes in hamsters infected with scrapie virus, indicate that they represent either a part or aggregate of the infectious virus or a pathological product of the infection.Presented in part at the 64th annual meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists, held in Charleston, South Carolina, June 9–12, 1988 and at the 7th annual meeting of the American Society for Virology, Austin, Texas, June 12–16, 1988. Dr. Pawel P. Liberski is a recipient of a fellowship from the Fogarty International Center and a grant from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Poland 相似文献
Lyahyai J Bolea R Serrano C Monleón E Moreno C Osta R Zaragoza P Badiola JJ Martín-Burriel I 《Acta neuropathologica》2006,112(4):451-460
Although apoptosis has been implicated in the neuronal loss observed in prion diseases, the participation of apoptosis-related factors, like the Bcl-2 family of proteins, is still not clear. Moreover, there are conflicting data concerning the major role of apoptosis in the neuropathology associated with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Many studies have been developed in vitro or in experimentally infected animal models but, at present, little is known about this process in natural spontaneous and acquired prion diseases. In this work, the implication of Bax and Bcl-2 has been investigated by the analysis of their expression and protein distribution in medulla oblongata of naturally scrapie-infected sheep. Moreover, their spatial relationship with PrPSc deposition, neuronal vacuolation and neuropil spongiosis has also been analysed as well as the possible induction of neuronal apoptosis in this model. Real Time RT-PCR showed overexpression of the pro-apoptotic gene Bax in scrapie medullas, and immunohistochemistry confirmed its accumulation. No variation of Bcl-2 was observed at the level of gene expression or protein production. Bax distribution, PrPSc deposition, neuronal vacuolation and spongiosis were quantified in different medulla oblongata nuclei and their spatial relationship was evaluated. Bax staining showed a positive correlation with prion deposition, suggesting that this factor is involved in prion neurotoxicity in our natural model. Despite Bax overexpression, neuronal apoptosis was revealed neither by TUNEL nor by immunohistochemical detection of the activated form of caspase-3. This lack of apoptosis could be attributed to the relatively low number of neurons in this area or to the existence of neuroprotective mechanisms in medulla oblongata motor neurons. 相似文献
Schneider DA Yan H Fry LM Alverson J White SN O'Rourke KI 《Acta neuropathologica》2008,115(6):651-661
Neuroinvasion of the enteric nervous system by prions is an important step in dissemination to the brain, yet very little is known about the basic process of enteric neuroinvasion. Using an alimentary model of neonatal disease transmission, neuroinvasion by scrapie prions in the ileum of lambs was detected by immunohistochemical staining for the disease-associated form of the prion protein, PrPSc. Odds ratios (OR) were determined for the frequency of PrPSc staining within enteric somata categorized by plexus location (myenteric, submucosal) and neurochemical staining (PGP 9.5, neural nitric oxide synthase, somatostatin, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide). PrPSc was observed in 4.48 +/- 4.26% of myenteric neurons and 2.57 +/- 1.82% of submucosal neurons in five lambs aged 208-226 days but not in a lamb aged 138 days. The relative frequency of PrPSc within enteric somata was interdependent on plexus location and neurochemical type. Interestingly, PrPSc was observed more frequently within myenteric neurons than in submucosal neurons (PGP 9.5; OR = 1.72, 95% confidence interval = 1.21-2.44), and was observed within the myenteric plexus approximately 4x (2.16-6.94) more frequently in somatostatin neurons than in the general neural population stained by PGP 9.5. Nerve fibers stained for somatostatin were present in the mucosa and near PrPSc staining within Peyer's patches. The results suggest that somatostatin-expressing enteric neurons, with fiber projections near Peyer's patches, but with somata present in greatest proportion within the myenteric plexus, are an early target for neuroinvasion by scrapie prions and could serve an important role in neural dissemination. 相似文献
Martin H. Groschup Michael Beekes Patricia A. McBride Michael Hardt Johannes A. Hainfellner H. Budka 《Acta neuropathologica》1999,98(5):453-457
There is some evidence that the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is involved in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform
encephalopathies (TSEs). The TSE-specific abnormal prion protein (PrPsc) is considered as surrogate marker for infectivity. We traced the deposition of PrPsc by immunocytochemistry in sheep and hamsters inoculated intraperitoneally with scrapie. The trigeminal, dorsal root, celiac,
thoracic, and nodose ganglia contained ganglion cells and fewer satellite cells with prominent granular PrPsc deposition. As a novel deposition pattern, punctate deposits in adaxonal location were seen along nerve fibers of peripheral
nerve adjacent to ganglia. Such prominent involvement of the PNS in two different experimental scrapie models emphasizes the
need to consider the PNS in natural scrapie and other TSEs including bovine spongiform encephalopathy as potential source
of infectivity.
Received: 5 May 1999 / Revised, accepted: 5 July 1999 相似文献
Summary Spinal cord samples from IM or VM mice injected intracerebrally with the 87V scrapie agent were examined ultrastructurally at the clinical stage of disease for changes in blood vessel permeability and for pathological alterations. In several animals, (3 of 16), massive changes were noted in the cervical spinal cords in the subependymal area of the cortical gray matter immediately surrounding the central canal including ependymal cell changes, the presence of amyloid plaque in close association with microglial cells, extensive neuropil vacuolation, the appearance of reactive astrocytes, degenerating neurites and vacuolated neurons. In those regions showing structural damage, localized increased permeability to horseradish peroxidase across the blood-brain barrier was noticed along with the appearance of numerous vesiculo-canalicular profiles in micro-blood vessel endothelial cells with extravasation of the tracer to the neuropil. Some damaged neurons appeared flooded with this tracer. These changes were not observed in either the thoracic or lumbar spinal cord regions. The occurrence of pathological changes in the spinal cords of a small percentage of intracerebrally injected mice was probably due to a high concentration of the scrapie agent which localized in the cervical spinal cord, presumably after entering the spinal fluid via the lateral ventricle at the time of injection.Supported in part by a grant from the NINCDS No. 18079 相似文献
Summary The lesions of scrapie are confined to the CNS, and the most characteristic histopathological change in mice terminally infected with scrapie is vacuolation. With most laboratory strains of scrapie, one of the regions affected by this lesion is the cerebral cortex, including the hippocampus. Under some circumstances, however, a more destructive degeneration occurs in the hippocampus, with pyramidal cell necrosis accompanied by glial reactions, which can extend to a severe hippocampal sclerosis especially when an intracerebral route of infection has been used. The purpose of this paper is to identify some of the factors involved in these differences in the pathology of the hippocampus and their interdependence; this has necessitated the development and use of a scoring system for sclerosis in the hippocampus, in conjunction with an already established scoring system for vacuolation. Comparison of average hippocampal sclerosis scores and the vacuolation index (an estimate of the severity of grey matter vacuolation throughout the brain) reveals that hippocampal sclerosis is generally associated with scrapie models which produce intense vacuolation in the hippocampus, and also in the brain as a whole. Scrapie-induced hippocampal sclerosis provides an experimental system for investigating the basis for similar lesions, which occur in a variety of conditionsm, such as Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy. 相似文献
The excitatory amino-acid, monosodium glutamate, which causes degeneration in the retinal ganglion cells in neonatal mice, was used to investigate the transport of scrapie within optic nerve axons. In treated mice, there was prolongation of the incubation period following intraocular infection with the ME7 strain of scrapie, and a decrease in the severity of retinopathy after intracerebral infection with the 79A strain. These data confirm that scrapie infection spreads along neural pathways, and demonstrate the potential use of selective neurotoxins to study pathogenesis. 相似文献
Fu H Qi Y Tan M Cai J Hu X Liu Z Jensen J Qiu M 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2003,456(3):237-244
Recent studies have suggested that the ependymal cells lining the central canal of postnatal spinal cord possess certain properties of neural stem cells. However, the embryonic origin and developmental potential of the postnatal spinal cord ependymal cells remain to be defined. In this report, we investigated the developmental origin of postnatal spinal ependymal cells by studying the dynamic expression of several neural progenitor genes that are initially expressed in distinct domains of neuroepithelium in young embryos. At later stages of development, as the ventricular zone of the embryonic spinal cord is reduced, expression of Nkx6.1 progenitor gene is constantly detected in ependymal cells throughout chick and mouse development. Expression of other neural progenitor genes that lie either dorsal or ventral to the Nkx6.1+ domain is gradually decreased and eventually disappeared. These results suggest that the remaining neuroepithelial cells at later stages of animal life are derived from the Nkx6.1+ ventral neuroepithelial cells. Expression of Nkx6.1 in the remaining neuroepithelium is closely associated with, and regulated by, Shh expression in the floor plate. In addition, we suggested that the Nkx6.1+ ependymal cells in adult mouse spinal cords may retain the proliferative property of neural stem cells. 相似文献
Selective neuronal vulnerability during experimental scrapie infection: insights from an ultrastructural investigation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The goal was to test whether all neurons are equally susceptible to degeneration in response to PrP(Sc) scrapie infection. We tested this by immunogold GABA labeling. Our ultrastructural results indicates that GABAergic neurons are less vulnerable than other neuronal populations. This conclusion is supported by our findings: (1) reversal of the normal ratio of non-GABAergic to GABAergic neurons in the terminal stages, which implies that non-GABAergic neurons degenerated earlier, and (2) that the degeneration of GABAergic neurons occurs late in the disease after reactive astrogliosis, a response to nerve cell death. 相似文献
Altered plasma membranes in experimental scrapie 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary The status spongiosus in the cerebral cortex of mice affected with two different strains of scrapie virus corresponded to focally swollen perikaryal cytoplasm of nerve cells and astrocytes, to swollen neuronal and astrocytic processes and to membrane-bounded vacuoles within pre- and postsynaptic neuronal terminals. The swollen cytoplasm contained uniformly dispersed, finely granulo-filamentous material. A few enlarged dendrites were filled with fragments of membranes or 350 Å wide vesicular and tubular structures suggestive of virus particles. Ruptured plasma membranes and curled fragments of membranes were seen around cleared cytoplasmic regions and within membrane-bounded vacuoles. Neurons or astrocytes that lined affected cells or processes frequently showed similar changes. Confluence of swollen cells or processes occurred after dissolution of their adjacent plasma membranes. Astrocytes reacted to the injury by proliferation whereas nerve cells degenerated. The findings are compared to those seen in other subacute spongiform virus encephalopathies, i. e., mink encephalopathy, Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The characteristic vacuolar degeneration of nerve cells in these diseases which is associated with fragmentation and accumulation of plasma membranes is discussed with reference to the peculiar properties of the scrapie virus.This investigation was supported in part by United States Public Health Research Grant NS-09053 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. 相似文献
Summary In mice experimentally infected with most strains of scrapie, vacuolar degeneration almost always shows a bilaterally symmetrical distribution in the brain. However, asymmetrical foci of vacuolation are frequently seen with a group of six mouse-passaged isolates from diverse natural sheep sources (designated 31A, 51C, 87A, 125A, 138A and 153A). As these isolates are similar in other respects they may be independent isolations of the same strain of scrapie. The distribution of focal vacuolar lesions in C57BL mice affected with 87A scrapie was found to depend on route of infection. In mice injected intracerebrally into the left or right hemisphere, all focal asymmetrical lesions occurred on the side of injection, in some cases intense vacuolation being associated with the needle scar. following midline intracerebral injection, focal lesions were evenly distributed between the two sides and were most frequent in the medial areas of the thalamus. In one mouse injected intraocularly, intense unilateral lesions were seen contralaterally in the major retinal projection regions. Asymmetrical lesions also occurred following infection by intraperitoneal, intravenous and subcutaneous routes, but were less frequent than after intracerebral infection. The most likely explanation is that focal asymmetrical lesions result from focal replication of scrapie infectivity in the brain. As all the scrapie strains which frequently produce asymmetrical vacuolation are also those that generate mutants, it is possible that focal lesions represent foci of the new mutant strain, replicating preferentially in areas with a low background level of the parent strain. 相似文献
Summary Striped skunks were inoculated intracerebrally with the scrapie agent (suspension of brain from a naturally infected Suffolk sheep) or intramuscularly with street rabies virus (suspension of salivary glands from naturally infected skunks). Those given the scrapie agent developed clinical signs of weakness, posterior ataxia, and emaciation after incubation periods of 8 to 23 months. Those inoculated with rabies virus developed clinical signs of rabies (aggressive behavior, hyperexcitability, ataxia and paralysis) after incubation periods of 20 to 62 days. The gross lesions in the brains of the skunks given the scrapie agent consisted of marked atrophy of the thalamus and moderate atrophy of the cerebrum. No gross lesions occurred in the rabid skunks. Histologically, the type of spongiform lesion in rabies was the same as that in scrapie. However, spongiform change of rabies infected brains was less extensive (only rarely affected the basal ganglia, hippocampus or hypothalamus) than that of brains infected with the scrapie agent and was characterized by fewer numbers of small vacuoles (as a proportion of total number of vacuoles) than occurred in scrapie spongiform change. 相似文献
Oxidative stress has been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases including prion diseases. Although a growing body of evidence suggests direct involvement of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of prion diseases, it is still not clear whether oxidative stress is a causative early event in these conditions or a secondary phenomenon commonly found in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Using a mouse scrapie model, we assessed oxidative stress in the brain at various stages of the disease progression and observed significantly increased concentration of lipid peroxidation markers, malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxyalkenals, and mRNA level of an oxidative stress response enzyme, heme oxygenase-1, at early preclinical stages of scrapie. The changes preceded dramatic synaptic loss demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining of a synaptic protein, synaptophysin. These findings imply that the brain undergoes oxidative stress even from an early stage of prion invasion into the brain. Given the well-known deleterious effects of reactive-oxygen-species-mediated damage in the brain, it is considered that the oxidative stress at the preclinical stage of prion diseases may predispose the brain to neurodegenerative mechanisms that characterize the diseases. 相似文献
Primary cultures as a model for studying ependymal functions: glycogen metabolism in ependymal cells
Christian Prothmann John Wellard Jü rgen Berger Bernd Hamprecht Stephan Verleysdonk 《Brain research》2001,920(1-2):74-83
Ependymal cells form a single-layered, ciliated epithelium at the interface between the cerebrospinal fluid and the brain parenchyma. Although their morphology has been studied in detail, ependymal functions remain largely speculative. We have established and characterized a previously described cell culture model to investigate ependymal glycogen metabolism. During growth in minimal medium lacking many non-essential amino acids including
-glutamate, but containing glucose at physiological concentration, the cells contained negligible amounts of glycogen (7±3 nmol glucosyl residues/mg protein) despite the presence of insulin. However, during a period of 24 h, the cells accumulated glycogen to very high levels after transferal to a medium containing insulin, glucose at a 5-fold higher concentration, and all proteinogenic amino acids except
-asparagine and
-serine (990±112 nmol glucosyl residues/mg protein). Omission of insulin resulted in a 50% reduction in glycogen accumulation. Upon glucose deprivation, glycogen was degraded with a half-life of 21 min. The ependymal primary cultures contained 80±5 mU glycogen phosphorylase (Pho)/mg protein and stained positively with antibodies raised against this enzyme. Astroglial cultures built up less glycogen and had less Pho activity under identical conditions. Ependymal glycogen was mobilized by noradrenaline and serotonin. Our results indicate that ependymal cells maintain glycogen as a functional energy store, subject to rapid turnover dependent on the availability of energy substrates and the presence of appropriate signal molecules. Thus ependymocytes appear to be active players in the multitude of processes resulting in normal brain function, and ependymal primary cultures are suggested as a suitable model for studying the role of ependymal cells in these processes. 相似文献