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The current destabilizing period of the health care industry and higher education has major implications for undergraduate education, especially given its adolescent stage of development. Although undergraduate programs have progressed a great deal in gaining acceptance within the industry and the academy, it must not be assumed that curricula, programs, or a consortium of programs can rest on past accomplishments. This paper has attempted to describe the threats and opportunities facing undergraduate programs and to discuss some strategies for future development that might be explored collectively or individually. It is hoped that the above observations will provoke a healthy dialogue as well as a plan of action by undergraduate programs. Undergraduate health administration programs must respond to the future and make themselves relevant and necessary to the new challenges facing the field of both practice and higher education.  相似文献   

To date, there have been efforts toward creating better health information access for Deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users. However, the usability of websites with access to health information in ASL has not been evaluated. Our article focuses on the usability of four health websites that include ASL videos. We seek to obtain ASL users’ perspectives on the navigation of these ASL-accessible websites, finding the health information that they needed, and perceived ease of understanding ASL video content. ASL users (n = 32) were instructed to find specific information on four ASL-accessible websites, and answered questions related to (a) navigation to find the task, (b) website usability, and (c) ease of understanding ASL video content for each of the four websites. Participants also gave feedback on what they would like to see in an ASL health library website, including the benefit of added captioning and/or signer model to medical illustration of health videos. Participants who had lower health literacy had greater difficulty in finding information on ASL-accessible health websites. This article also describes the participants’ preferences for an ideal ASL-accessible health website, and concludes with a discussion on the role of accessible websites in promoting health literacy in ASL users.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the present study was to describe the accessibility, quality and readability of web base content on the Internet for childhood obesity management from a parental viewpoint. As more than 25% of Australian children are overweight or obese, it is likely that parents access the Internet for advice on obesity management for their child. Design: Links to websites were generated using three search engines and three phrases. The first 10 website links were selected from each of nine searches. Ten aspects of obesity management were identified for the analysis of childhood obesity and related websites. The Fry readability graph was used to assess content readability. Data analysis: The data were analysed using spss Version 10, Minitab and Microsoft Excel 2000. anova was used to compare clinical criteria between website type. Results: A total of 90 links were generated with 60 relevant for analysis. In total, 30 were specific to childhood obesity and 47 websites were either obesity‐specific or weight‐related. Childhood obesity websites were community‐based or commercial. Most websites relevant to childhood obesity management came at no cost, in comparison with general weight‐related sites. Childhood obesity websites scored generally high on accuracy of content. Overall, website readability was at an undergraduate level. Conclusions: There appears to be a paucity of accessible information on the Internet related to childhood weight management, which parents could access. Childhood obesity management websites should ideally include clinically approved management guidelines and follow e‐health codes of ethical practice.  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies (particularly websites and e-mail) have the potential to deliver health behavior change programs to large numbers of adults at low cost. Controlled trials using these new media to promote physical activity have produced mixed results. User-centered development methods can assist in understanding the preferences of potential participants for website functions and content, and may lead to more effective programs. Eight focus group discussions were conducted with 40 adults after they had accessed a previously trialed physical activity website. The discussions were audio taped, transcribed and interpreted using a themed analysis method. Four key themes emerged: structure, interactivity, environmental context and content. Preferences were expressed for websites that include simple interactive features, together with information on local community activity opportunities. Particular suggestions included online community notice boards, personalized progress charts, e-mail access to expert advice and access to information on specific local physical activity facilities and services. Website physical activity interventions could usefully include personally relevant interactive and environmentally focused features and services identified through a user-centered development process.  相似文献   

This article documents research into the demand for graduate education in health services administration/management with a case study model. Research included background information on the profession, the history of graduate education in health services administration, health care administrator demographics and their perceptions of the demand for graduate-prepared professionals and their own educational needs, most appropriate degree to offer, and curriculum content. The findings support the trend toward a balance between specific and general health care business skills in graduate education. Other schools may benefit from the student profile, program delivery, appropriate degree information, and curriculum content findings as well as the research instrument design and methodology when assessing and planning graduate programs in health services administration/management.  相似文献   

The purpose of the survey of college and university undergraduate programs in community nutrition, community dietetics, and public health nutrition was to characterize undergraduate programs which prepared entry-level practitioners in order to facilitate planning at the graduate level. The survey, which sampled known problems areas, revealed the diversity, confusion, and accomplishments of a field of study that is changing. The rapid growth and early stage of development of many of the undergraduate programs suggested that measures may be taken to promote excellence in both undergraduate and graduate education. Specific problems in the organization, administration, and curricula of the programs surveyed were identified. Recommendations were made to the Association of Faculties of Graduate Programs in Public Health Nutrition and the State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors to promote surveillance of these programs, to encourage problem-solving communications, and to conduct educational research. The report and the recommendations have been referred to the newly formed ad hoc committee of the joint associations for further action.  相似文献   

Many people learn about smoking cessation through information on the Internet. Whether people with severe mental illnesses, who have very high rates of smoking, are able to use currently available websites about smoking cessation is unknown. The study reported here assessed whether four smoking cessation websites met usability guidelines and whether they were usable by smokers with severe mental illnesses. Four websites that appeared first on a Google search and represented an array of sponsors were selected. First, five experts rated the websites on adequacy of content in six areas and usability in 20 areas. Second, 16 smokers with severe mental illnesses performed two search tasks on the websites with researchers observing their searches and interviewing them regarding usability. One of the websites was rated by experts as acceptable for content and usability, but most of the participants were unable to navigate this website. The only website that was navigable received poor content ratings by experts. Four easily accessible websites did not meet the needs of smokers with severe mental illnesses. Although the Internet is a promising strategy to provide education about treatments, website developers must attend to the needs and capacities of multiple user groups.  相似文献   

目的 以“新冠”为例,探讨“互联网+”背景下中国医疗卫生信息网站在突发公共卫生事件中的作用及其信息质量评价,为互联网健康医疗服务的新模式的构建以及突发公共卫生事件的网络宣教及诊疗提供借鉴。方法 以关键词“新型冠状病毒肺炎”、“COVID-19”、“新型冠状病毒肺炎治疗”分别进入两个最常见的中文搜索引擎:百度、360导航,参照国家卫生健康委员会发布《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(第八版)》对信息的完整性及准确性进行评估,对相关网站的属性、服务模式及可读性进行分析。结果 访问了300个链接,共获得14家网站,具有5个不同属性,其网站服务模式以“信息中心类”为主,部分兼容了“信息产品类”“信息知识类”服务模式,发布的相关内容质量评估较差,可读性较差。结论 中国医疗卫生信息网站中关于新型冠状病毒肺炎信息的评估总体较差,普通民众不能在网络获取相对全面、可读性较强的健康信息。我国需要积极探索互联网+医疗信息服务新模式,建立一套符合中国国情的、多维度、多视角的卫生健康信息标准体系。  相似文献   

目的 结合全国城市社区卫生服务机构标识网络征集活动,探讨转载网站和官方网站在健康教育活动的不同作用.方法 收集活动过程中转载网站的类型和动态,并对通过网络参与此次活动的投稿者进行问卷调查.结果 92.23%的调查对象从官方网站和转载网站上获取了征集信息.官方网站和转载网站在信息发布的数量、广度、时间、成本、人群影响力等方面均有所不同.转载网站数量是官方网站的19.8倍,但部分转载网站的发布信息的时间有所延迟.结论 网络在现代信息传播中起到了重要作用,官方网站较为权威,而转载网站的影响面更广.  相似文献   

In studies of web-based consumer health information, scant attention has been paid to the selective development of differential methodologies for website quality evaluation, or to selective grouping and analysis of specific ;domains of uncertainty' in healthcare. Our objective is to introduce a more refined model for website evaluation, and illustrate its application using assessment of websites within an area of ongoing medical uncertainty, back pain. In this exploratory technology assessment, we suggest a model for assessing these ;domains of uncertainty' within healthcare, using qualitative assessment of websites and hierarchical concepts. Using such a hierarchy of quality criteria, we review medical information provided by the most frequently accessed websites related to back pain. Websites are evaluated using standardized criteria, with results rated from the viewpoint of the consumer. Results show that standardization of quality rating across subjective content, and between commercial and niche search results, can provide a consumer-friendly dimension to health information.  相似文献   

Since the University of Chicago Health Management program was first initiated in 1932, programs and health delivery organizations have dealt with the issue of how to best provide a meaningful transition from academia to entry-level management. Today, new challenges face the same old questions: New federal legislation and increased demand for a finite supply of services cause increased revenue and expense pressures and result in the need for a higher performance level by a well-coordinated management team. In addressing these challenges, mentoring is an essential requirement for survival and success in health services. The long-term success of future practitioners will require both an understanding and incorporation of mentoring in their skill set. The University of Virginia Medical Center recently sponsored a health management education summit to examine the role of mentoring in health services administration education. Leading the program were John Westerman, former interim president of Association of University Programs in Healthcare Administration and chief executive officer emeritus of the University of Minnesota Health System, and R. Edward Howell, chief executive officer of the University of Virginia Medical Center. Summit participants included individuals who had completed administrative fellowship training programs. What follows is a review of the discussions during the summit, including a valuation of the health services fellowship as a learning experience as well as structure and essential elements of administrative mentoring programs.  相似文献   

Information from a program review can stimulate program change and document program effectiveness in times when retrenchment is of concern to administrators and faculties in higher education. The School of Allied Health Professions at the University of Connecticut conducted a comprehensive program evaluation of its undergraduate programs in physical therapy, medical technology, and clinical dietetics. In this paper the evaluation process is described as well as a model that appears to meet the unique needs of postsecondary programs in allied health fields.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: At McMaster University, the birthplace of problem-based learning (PBL), administrators and curriculum planners have begun the process of renewing the undergraduate MD curriculum. One step has been to conduct an environmental scan that includes input from medical residents. Methods: Individual interviews with 17 medical residents and fellows currently enrolled at McMaster University and are graduates of six Canadian medical schools. Results: PBL appears to be well known even by graduates of non-PBL Canadian medical schools. Tutors are key to a successful PBL program, should be knowledgeable about the content area under study and able to effectively facilitate groups. Tutorial problems should be realistic, up-to-date, and challenge students to investigate more than the medical aspects of the case in question. Students need to be prepared, willing to participate in peer teaching, and supportive of the group learning process. PBL programs can be improved if they incorporate elements of traditional medical programs (e.g., mini-lectures, clear learning objectives, and unbiased evaluation of student progress) while retaining the essence of student-generated learning. Conclusions: Medical residents are an underutilized source of information about undergraduate medical programs. According to our participants, more emphasis on faculty development and upgrading health care problems will improve PBL-based undergraduate medical education.  相似文献   

Given the uncertain effects of antidrug media campaigns, and the ease of finding online illegal drug information, research is needed on the Internet role in disseminating drug information to youths. This exploratory study analyzes National Survey of Parents and Youth (NSPY) data on drug website viewing among 12–18 year olds (N = 7,145). Approximately 10.4% reported drug-related website exposure: 5.4% viewed only websites that communicated how to avoid drugs or bad things about drugs (antidrug websites); 1.7% only viewed websites that communicated how to use drugs and good things about drugs (prodrug websites); and 3.2% viewed both types of websites. The low rates of viewing antidrug websites occurred despite efforts in the National Youth Antidrug Media Campaign (NYAMC) to encourage youths to visit such websites. Prodrug website viewers had used inhalants and been offered marijuana, perceived little risk in trying marijuana, intended to use marijuana, had close friends who used drugs, reported low parental monitoring, and had been exposed to antidrug media messages. Viewing antidrug websites was related to gender, income, likelihood of using marijuana in the next 12 months, having close friends who use drugs and talking to friends about avoiding drugs, parental monitoring, and drug prevention exposure. Prior prevention exposure increased drug website viewing overall, perhaps by increasing general curiosity about drugs. Because adolescents increasingly seek health information online, research is needed on how they use the Internet as a drug information source, the temporal relationships of prevention exposure and drug website viewing, and the effects of viewing prodrug websites on drug risk.  相似文献   

仲稳山 《卫生软科学》2011,25(2):104-106
网络环境下的大学生心理健康教育不能完全照搬传统心理健康教育的理论与方法,必须建立从中央、省(直辖市)到高校的三级心理健康教育网站,实行政府投资,分级管理,并围绕网站建设,培养出负责网络维护的信息技术队伍和负责网络的心理健康教育师资队伍,开展真正的网络心理咨询,实现大学生网络心理健康教育与传统心理健康教育的作用互补。  相似文献   

Doctoral programs in health administration are characterized by extreme diversity in focus, format, content, and market. The observed diversity reflects two key structural attributes of health administration as a doctoral field of study: 1) its multidisciplinary base, and 2) its small size. These attributes leave doctoral programs vulnerable to a host of external pressures. The field lacks structure and organizing principles at the national or international level, and students, employers, and other stakeholders suffer some damaging consequences. Pressures from the institutional environment are weak and splintered (among the constituent disciplines of health administration), while the technical environment (economic forces such as competition for students and research funding) produces a powerful set of incentives that shape the form and substance of health administration doctoral education. As alternatives to the current hybrid nature of the field, two additional future scenarios are considered: Integration with Health Services Research, and Integration with Business Administration. The future of health administration doctoral education is interdependent with 1) the continued differentiation of health administration as a master's field of study; 2) trends in research funding; and 3) economies in the delivery of small-scale or individually customized doctoral education. At the least, programs and students currently would benefit from more information classifying program breadth and goals and reporting outcomes; more adequate information on careers and placement; and a modicum of workforce planning.  相似文献   

目的 了解长生疫苗事件发生后主要网络平台的新闻报道框架,为突发公共卫生事件的健康教育应对提供参考。方法 采取典型抽样,检索7个主要网络平台在2018年7月15日 - 2018年8月31日所有关于“长生疫苗事件”的新闻报道,共358篇。采用内容分析法对报道时间、网站分类、报道体裁、报道主题等进行分析。通过百度指数平台,分析负性信息分布情况。结果 公共网站的报道体裁以消息类为主,占64.4%(123/191),商业网站以评论类和消息类为主,分别占32.9%(55/167)和30.5%(51/167)。正面信息报道时间滞后于负性信息,且数量少、强度弱、内容针对性不强,专业公共卫生机构未积极发挥引导作用。结论 网络平台对处理突发公共卫生事件发挥了积极作用。但无论是公共网站还是商业网站对健康教育信息的传播都不够充分、及时、准确,且二者没能形成良性互动,特别是对负性信息的反应比较被动。建议加强对突发公共卫生事件处理中健康教育的重视和应用。  相似文献   

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