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Aggarwal R 《Indian journal of pediatrics》1998,65(3):355-362
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract disease in infants and young children.
Most infections due to RSV are mild and do not require hospitalization. RSV causes both upper respiratory tract infections
as well as lower respiratory tract infections. Infants with underlying disease states like bronchopulmonary dyslasia, congenital
heart disease and prematurity appear more prone to develop severe infection and have a higher incidence of hospitalization.
The exact pathogenesis of RSV is not well understood. The mortality associated with primary RSV infection in healthy children
is estimated to be between .005% to .02%. In hospitalized children the mortality rate is estimated to be from 1% to 3%. Several
treatment modalities in the form of bronchodilators, corticosteroids, ribavirin, intravenous immune gammaglobulin and antibiotics
are available. Studies have failed to show the true beneficial effect of any of the above treatment modalities. Supportive
care is only needed. The best treatment is the supportive care in the form of oxygen and fluids and close monitoring of the
vital signs including oxygen saturation. 相似文献
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common viral cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in infancy and
young children. No effective treatment for RSV lower respiratory tract infection (RSV-LRTI) exists. Ribavirin initially proved
to be an effective anti-viral drug for RSV-LTRI. However, subsequently performed trials could not reproduce these positive
results and, based on the current available evidence, there is no place for ribavirin in the routine treatment of RSV-LTRI.
The use of nebulised bronchodilator therapy in RSV-LTRI has been subject of many trials, with conflicting results. Although
the individual patient may have some short-term benefit from nebulised bronchodilators, there does not seem to be a sufficient
scientific basis for the standard use of bronchodilator therapy in infants and children with RSV-LTRI. There is increasing
evidence that RSV-LTRI is an immune-mediated disease and therefore corticosteroids may be an effective treatment. The results
from efficacy trials have demonstrated that corticosteroids are not effective for patients with mild RSV infection. In contrast
there are indications that it may be beneficial in patients with more severe RSV-LTRI. It has been demonstrated that in children
with RSV infection the vitamin A concentration is inversely related to disease severity. The use of vitamin A in the treatment
of patients with RSV-LTRI, however, proved not to be effective. Immunoprophylaxis with hyperimmune immunoglobulins and monoclonal
antibody against the viral F-protein have been shown to be effective in the prevention of RSV-LRTI. From the results of the
therapeutic efficacy trials, however, it can be discerned that immunoglobulins have no place in the treatment of RSV-LRTI.
Conclusion Although respiratory syncytial virus infections each year have a considerable socioeconomic impact, attempts to find an effective
therapy have so far been quite unsuccessful. Anti-viral therapy with ribavirin has not been proven to be effective. Symptomatic
therapy with bronchodilators may give only short-term relief of symptoms in some individual patients, but has no effect on
hospitalisation rates, or duration of hospitalisation. The beneficial effect of corticosteroids in patients with mild respiratory
syncytial virus infection is very disappointing, however, there are indications that there might be an effect in patients
with more severe infection. So far no beneficial therapeutic effect has been demonstrated with immune globulins.
Received: 9 August 1999 / Accepted: 30 November 1999 相似文献
Tetsuya Yasuno Tsunehiro Shimizu Yosuke Maeda Atsuko Yamasaki Eriko Amaya Hidekazu Kawakatsu 《Pediatrics international》2008,50(4):500-505
Background: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other pathogenic agents cause lower respiratory infection with wheezing in infants (wheezing illness in infancy). Wheezing illness in infancy due to RSV can be life-threatening and can induce recurrent wheezing; but these events can also be produced by infection by other pathogenic agents. Thus, whether RSV induces more severe wheezing illness in infancy remains poorly understood.
Methods: Infants with an initial wheezing illness were divided into an RSV-positive group and an RSV-negative group and the differences in disease severity, intensity of acute symptoms, and susceptibility to recurrent wheezing, between these two groups, were investigated.
Results: The RSV-positive group accounted for 57.4% of the infants. The infants in the RSV-positive group were significantly younger than those in the RSV-negative group. Other background parameters, gender and family history, were not significantly different. There were no significant differences in indicators of severity (hospitalization periods, periods of persistent wheezing and requirement of oxygen supplementation) between the two groups.
Conclusion: Wheezing illness in infancy caused by RSV is more common in younger infants, but it is not more severe than that caused by other pathogenic agents. 相似文献
Methods: Infants with an initial wheezing illness were divided into an RSV-positive group and an RSV-negative group and the differences in disease severity, intensity of acute symptoms, and susceptibility to recurrent wheezing, between these two groups, were investigated.
Results: The RSV-positive group accounted for 57.4% of the infants. The infants in the RSV-positive group were significantly younger than those in the RSV-negative group. Other background parameters, gender and family history, were not significantly different. There were no significant differences in indicators of severity (hospitalization periods, periods of persistent wheezing and requirement of oxygen supplementation) between the two groups.
Conclusion: Wheezing illness in infancy caused by RSV is more common in younger infants, but it is not more severe than that caused by other pathogenic agents. 相似文献
呼吸道合胞病毒毛细支气管炎42例白三烯致病作用研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的研究呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)毛细支气管炎患儿在急性期和恢复期鼻咽分泌物中白三烯的水平,探讨白三烯在RSV毛细支气管炎发病中的作用。方法选取2003年11月至2004年3月在北京儿童医院呼吸病房住院的42例RSV毛细支气管炎患儿作为RSV毛细支气管炎组;选取同期不伴喘息的呼吸道感染患儿21例作为对照组,对照组患儿RSV抗原检测均为阴性。收集患儿的临床资料并进行临床评分,于入院第1~7天取患儿的鼻咽分泌物(nasopharyngeal secretion,NPS),用ELISA方法做白三烯C4(leukotriene C4,LTC4)的检测,同时测定NPS的蛋白质含量,用LTC4与蛋白的比值进行校正。应用SPSS11.5统计软件对数据进行统计分析。结果RSV毛细支气管炎组NPS中LTC4的质量质量浓度为14.89pg/μg,蛋白(0.21~149.18),而同期对照组为2.10pg/μg,蛋白(0.33~13.06),RSV毛细支气管炎组明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.006);对毛细支气管炎组患儿入院第1天和第7天的白三烯质量浓度进行比较,NPS中的LTC4(P=0.561)稍有下降,但差异无统计学意义。根据临床评分,轻度组和中度组白三烯的质量浓度差异无统计学意义。结论RSV感染毛细支气管炎患儿NPS中LTC4的质量浓度明显高于对照组。入院第7天于临床症状明显好转时再次检测LTC4的质量浓度,无显著性改变,仍是增高的。根据临床评分轻度组和中度组白三烯的质量浓度差异无统计学意义。 相似文献
目的 了解呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染患儿的肝功能改变.方法 检测155例呼吸道合胞病毒感染患儿肝功能,异常者于恢复期复查.结果 155例RSV感染患儿中肝功能异常者46例,除外1例HBsAg阳性及2例CMV-IgG阳性,共有43例,肝功能异常表现为血清酶轻度升高.以γ-GT、GPT、GOT升高多见,恢复期复查均正常.结论 RSV感染可引起肝功能异常,多为一过性,预后较好. 相似文献
Two infants with pneumonia caused by both Bordetella pertussis and respiratory syncytial virus (RS virus) suffered respiratory failure preceded by convulsion. Detection of respiratory pathogens with polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was crucial in the management of dually infected infants. 相似文献
O Attree F Tourangeau G De Saint-Maur M Alvarez-Vega J C Nicolas A Garbarg-Chenon F Bricout 《Archives fran?aises de pédiatrie》1988,45(10):791-793
The study with an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay of the sera of 57 infants aged less than 9 weeks and developing a bronchiolitis, argues for the absence of a protective role for the maternally transmitted anti-respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) IgG and for the existence of a positive relationship between these antibodies levels - which are not neutralizing - and the severity of RSV bronchiolitis. 相似文献
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common viral cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infancy and young children. No effective treatment for RSV lower respiratory tract infection (RSV-LRTI) exists. Ribavirine initially was reported to be an effective anti-viral drug for RSV-LRTI. However, subsequently performed trials could not reproduce these positive results and based on the current available evidence there is no place of ribavirin in the routine treatment of RSV-LRTI. The use of nebulised bronchodilator therapy in RSV-LRTI has been subject of many trials, with conflicting RESULTS. Although the individual patient may have some short term benefit of nebulised bronchodilators there does not seem to be a sufficient scientific base for the standard use of bronchodilator therapy in infants and children with RSV-LRTI. There is increasing evidence that RSV-LRTI is an immune-mediated disease and therefore corticosteroids may be an effective treatment. The results from efficacy trials have demonstrated that corticosteroids are not effective for patients with mild RSV infection. In contrast, there is some evidence suggesting that it may be beneficial in patients with more severe RSV-LRTI. Immunoprofylaxis with hyperimmune immunoglobulins and monoclonal antibody against the viral F-protein have been shown to be effective in the prevention of severe RSV-LRTI. From the results of the therapeutic efficacy trials, however, it is evident that immunoglobulins have no place in the treatment of RSV-LRTI. In conclusion, although RSV infections each year have a considerable socio-economic impact attempts to find an effective therapy have been quite unsuccessful so far. 相似文献
目的:呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染所致的毛细支气管炎日后发展为哮喘的机率很高,由于哮喘患儿机体存在明显的免疫功能紊乱,而RSV毛细支气管炎在这方面的研究不多,为此该研究探讨毛细支气管炎患儿T细胞亚群的变化及其临床意义。方法:采用流式细胞术对21例RSV毛细支气管炎患儿及20例正常儿童T细胞亚群进行检测。结果:RSV毛细支气管炎组与对照组外周血T细胞亚群CD4,CD8差异无显著性(P>0.05),CD4/CD8比值RSV毛细支气管炎组高于对照组,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:RSV毛细支气管炎患儿存在与哮喘相似的T细胞亚群变化相关的免疫功能紊乱,提示两者在发病机制上存在一定的联系。 相似文献
Nasal lavage was compared with nasopharyngeal aspiration for diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection. Nasal lavage and nasopharyngeal aspiration were performed on 50 occasions in 32 infants (median age 5.6 months) with acute viral wheezing. Compared with nasopharyngeal aspiration, nasal lavage had a positive predictive value of 95.6% and negative predictive value of 92.5%. These comparable results and lack of adverse effects make nasal lavage the preferred method. 相似文献
Roddy O’Donnell 《Paediatrics & Child Health》2009,19(1):43-47
Respiratory syncytial virus infects almost all of us in early childhood and causes most cases of bronchiolitis – the most common reason to be admitted to hospital under 1 year of age in the developed world. Each winter, paediatric wards are tested by predictable epidemics of unpredictable intensity. Trials of vaccination in the 1960s were associated with catastrophic enhanced illness leading to intense research that has enriched immunology and virology as a whole. Treatment is still supportive but with modern facilities and training survival rates are high even in severe disease. Post bronchiolitis wheeze is common and hard to treat but new therapies are being proposed. Possible links between severe bronchiolitis atopy and asthma are still under investigation. 相似文献
JL Robinson 《Paediatrics & child health》2011,16(8):487-488
Respiratory syncytial virus infection is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infections in young children. Palivizumab, a respiratory syncytial virus-specific monoclonal antibody, reduces the hospitalization rate of high-risk children but it is very costly. This statement replaces three previous position statements from the Canadian Paediatric Society about this topic, and was updated primarily to discuss recent changes in the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines in the Canadian context. It reviews the published literature and provides recommendations regarding palivizumab use in high-risk children. 相似文献
伴胼胝体发育不良的家族性痉挛性截瘫1例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
家族性痉挛性截瘫 (familialspasticparaplegia ,FSP)又称遗传性痉挛性截瘫或Str櫣mpell病 ,主要病理变化为脊髓的锥体束、后索、脊髓小脑束变性 ,临床以缓慢进行性双下肢痉挛性截瘫为特征。遗传方式可为常染色体显性或隐性遗传 ,也可为性链锁遗传。临床症状在各家系间或同一家系内均可能有所变异 ,因此 ,有人认为FSP可能是由几个疾病单元组成的一个综合征[1] 。近代日本学者发现一组FSP并发胼胝体菲薄的复合型FSP患者[2~ 5] ,欧美亦有同样个案报道[6~ 7] 。但尚未见于国内文献 ,故报告如下… 相似文献
Blanco Quirós A 《Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003)》2003,58(1):86-7; author reply 87-8