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The aim of the study was to examine the effect of experimental unilateral upper trapezius muscle pain on the relative activation of trapezius muscle subdivisions bilaterally during repetitive movement of the upper limb. Surface EMG signals were detected from nine healthy subjects from the upper, middle and lower divisions of trapezius during a repetitive bilateral shoulder flexion task. Measurements were performed before and after injection of 0.5 ml hypertonic (pain condition) and isotonic (control) saline into the upper division of the right trapezius muscle in two experimental sessions. On the painful side, upper trapezius showed decreased EMG amplitude (average rectified value, ARV) and lower trapezius increased ARV throughout the entire task following the injection of hypertonic saline (40.0 ± 22.2 vs. 26.0 ± 17.4 μV, and 12.5 ± 7.6 vs. 25.6 ± 14.8 μV, respectively, at the beginning of the contraction). On the side contralateral to pain, greater estimates of ARV were identified for the upper division of trapezius as the task progressed (37.4 ± 20.2 vs. 52.7 ± 28.4 μV, at the end of the contraction). Muscle fiber conduction velocity did not change with pain in all three divisions of the right trapezius muscle. The results suggest that local elicitation of nociceptive afferents in the upper division of the trapezius induces reorganization in the coordinated activity of the three subdivisions of the trapezius in repetitive dynamic tasks.  相似文献   

Complaints of chronic trapezius muscle pain among computer workers have increased in prevalence during the last decade. Currently there is no clear understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in affected muscles. The major objective of this work was to determine if measurable electrophysiological differences exist between the trapezius muscles in individuals suffering from trapezius myalgia (TM) and occupation-matched pain-free control subjects. Myoelectric signal (MES) data were recorded from the upper trapezius muscle while subjects with and without myalgia performed a standardized series of postural and arm-holding tasks. MES variables reflecting muscle fatigue, muscle tension and motor control strategies were analyzed to determine their potential ability to distinguish between the two groups. One variable, RestTime, was found to be significantly different between the groups but it was not specific enough to predict group association. A multivariate logistic regression analysis yielded a model that separated the two groups with better than 70% sensitivity and 70% specificity. The variables included in the model reflect differences in trapezius muscle activity between the groups, particularly related to motor control and/or active muscle tension, but not fatigue. The model was tested using a small sample of new data, which again produced a good sensitivity (85.7%) but not specificity (42.9%). To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first objective MES-based model that has successfully classified subjects with or without TM based on a simple clinical test. Further work with this model might result in understanding the pathophysiology of TM, assisting with clinical diagnosis, and testing the effect of various treatment interventions.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the extent to which work-related muscular disorders of the upper trapezius affect the activity of other pain-free muscles, in particular in the biceps brachii. Two groups of female subjects (age >43 years) participated in the study: seven affected subjects with self-reported disorders in the shoulder/neck region (cases) and nine healthy subjects (control group). Multi-channel electromyography (EMG) and force were recorded during maximum voluntary contractions (MVC) and during 6 min sustained contractions (at 30% MVC) of the upper trapezius and biceps brachii on the dominant side. From the EMG signals, the root mean square (RMS), median frequency (MDF) and single motor unit (MU) conduction velocity (CV) were estimated. From the force signal, the coefficient of variation was calculated. All data are presented as mean values and standard deviation. Differences between the cases and controls were found in the MVC force of the upper trapezius, which was lower in cases [253 (70) N] than in controls [357 (75) N], while the coefficient of variation of force during the sustained contraction was increased [cases 5.5 (2.2); controls 4.1 (1.9)]. The RMS (normalized to the RMS at MVC) during the 6 min sustained contractions was significantly lower in the cases than in the controls for both the upper trapezius and the biceps brachii. A tendency towards a smaller increase in the RMS with fatigue was only found in the trapezius muscle [slope: cases 6.5 (14.1) %/min, controls 10.2 (12.9) %/min]. No differences were found between the two subject groups with respect to the MDF and single MU CV in both muscles. While the lower RMS for the trapezius muscles of the cases may reflect changes at the local level, as well as in motor control, the lower biceps activity indicates a change in the central control strategies of the primarily unaffected muscle. Indications for a changed fatigability of the muscle were only found in the trapezius.  相似文献   

Summary Surface electromyographic (EMG) amplitude and mean power frequency (MPF) were used to study the isometric muscular activity of the right versus the left upper trapezius muscles in 14 healthy right-handed women. The EMG activity was recorded simultaneously with force signals during a 10–15 s gradually increasing exertion of force, up to maximal force. Only one side at a time was tested. On both sides there was a significant increase in EMG amplitude (V) during the gradually increasing force from 0% to 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The right trapezius muscle showed significantly less steep slopes for regression of EMG amplitude versus force at low force levels (0%–40% MVC) compared intra-individually with high force levels (60%–100% MVC). This was not found for the left trapezius muscle. At 40% MVC a significantly lower MPF value was found for the right trapezius muscle intra-individually compared with the left. An increase in MPF between 5% and 40% MVC was statistically significant when both sides were included in the test. The differences in EMG activity between the two sides at low force levels could be due to more slow-twitch (type I fibres) motor unit activity in the right trapezius muscles. It is suggested that this is related to right-handed activity.  相似文献   

Microcirculation in the upper portion of the trapezius muscle was measured percutaneously in a group of 16 healthy women of different ages by continuous laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF) in relation to electromyography (EMG) during an endurance test. During the measurements the subject kept her arms straight and elevated at 45° in the scapular plane and held a 1-kg load in each hand as long as possible. This was followed by rest with the arms hanging and carrying no load. The 10-min recording period comprised 1-min initial rest followed by the endurance test and then recovery. Signal processing was done by computer on line. The LDF and root-mean-square (rms) EMG signals were normalized. Spectrum analyses of EMG mean power frequency (MPF) were performed. The amount of load produced was on average 2,267 (SD 939) N · m · s, i.e. shoulder torque × time expressed as Newton meter seconds, and the endurance time was 4.3 (SD 1.20) min. The rms-EMG as well as the LDF increased significantly during endurance, both when related to endurance time and to amount of load. The MPF showed no significant changes. The mean total increase in muscle blood flow was 175% of that recorded in the initial rest period. The average increase per each 10 s of contraction was 2.9%. Maximum was reached during the 1st min of recovery followed by a fall to the base level that was reached within 77 s on average. The amount of load produced and the blood flow increase was smaller than that found in a separate study of men, indicating a lower functional capacity. This may be of importance for the development of neck-shoulder disability in women.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the development and recovery of muscle fatigue in the upper trapezius muscle by analyzing electromyographic signals. Six male subjects performed a simulated typewriting task for four 25-min sessions. During fatigue and the following rest periods, subjective fatigue and surface electromyography (EMG) from the trapezius muscle during isometric contraction at 30% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were periodically measured in the interval. We detected a significant decrease in muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) (P = 0.008) and median frequency (MDF) (P = 0.026) as well as an increase in root mean square (RMS) (P = 0.039) and subjective fatigue (P = 0.0004) during the fatigue period. During the recovery period, subjective fatigue decreased drastically and significantly (P = 0.0004), however, the EMG parameters did not recover completely. Thus, physiological muscle fatigue in the trapezius developed in accordance with subjective muscle fatigue during typewriting. On the other hand, differences between the physiological and subjective parameters were found during recovery. Further studies should be necessary to reveal the discrepancy could be a major factor of a transition from temporal phenomena to serious chronic muscle fatigue and to identify the necessity of some guidelines to prevent VDT work-related chronic muscle fatigue in the trapezius.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of electrode position on the upper trapezius muscle on the myo-electric signal amplitude was investigated with special reference to arm position and estimate of force output. Previously, a depression of the electromyogram (EMG) signal has been reported midway between the seventh cervical vertebrae (C7) and acromion (Veiersted 1991, Eur J Appl Physiol 62:91–98) although this electrode position has been recommended (Zipp 1982, Eur J Appl Physiol 50:41–54). Ten healthy subjects performed maximal shoulder elevations with the arm in vertical, abducted and flexed positions and they performed a dynamic movement test. The myo-electric signal was recorded along the length of the right upper trapezius muscle by a 16-channel bipolar array electrode and was integrated with a 0.2-s time resolution. A region just lateral to the midpoint between C7 and the lateral edge of acromion was found with high and stable amplitudes (% coefficient of variation equalled 5.6). At the midpoint a dip in the amplitude profile appeared which was slightly displaced by arm abduction or flexion probably due to sliding, of the skin relative to the muscle. A linear EMG-force relationship was found in the region with high signal amplitudes, whereas the more lateral and the dip region showed highly variable EMG-force relationships. Thus, it was found that when using bipolar surface electrodes with an interelectrode distance of 2 cm a centre position 2 cm lateral to the midpoint between C7 and acromion provided good repeatability and high signal yield.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study aimed at investigating the influence of occupational exposure to static and highly repetitive work involving the neck and shoulder muscles, myalgia of and tender point in the trapezius muscle on biomechanical output, and electromyogram (EMG) variables (mean frequency MNF, signal amplitude and ability to relax) during maximal forward flexions of the shoulder muscles. Groups of 25 cleaners suffering from chronic myalgia of the trapezius muscle, 25 cleaners free from myalgia of the trapezius muscle and 21 teachers performed 150 forward flexions using an isokinetic dynamometer. Perception of fatigue was reported and surface EMG was recorded from four muscles during the endurance test. The cleaners were stronger than the teachers. Myalgia was associated with lower levels of endurance and a high degree of perceived fatigue. The ability to relax the trapezius muscle decreased with age and was even lower in cleaners with and without myalgia. Higher MNF of the deltoid muscle but not of the trapezius muscle was found in the group suffering from myalgia compared to the groups free from myalgia. This cross-sectional study indicated that myalgia of the trapezius muscle did not influence the strength but did influence the endurance of the forward flexor muscles of cleaners. The observed decrease in the ability to relax the trapezius muscle in cleaners compared to healthy teachers might be indicative of a future insufficiency in the muscle. Prospective studies are needed to define the significance of the results presented here. Accepted: 26 June 2000  相似文献   

The Cinderella hypothesis postulates the continuous activity of specific motor units during low-level muscle contraction and contradicts the concept of motor-unit substitution. Constant trapezius muscle activity has been reported in typical visual-display-unit-related tasks. If it can be shown that constant muscle activity can be caused by the continuous firing of single motor units, this could explain the frequent complaints of muscular neck pain reported by computer users. The present study was undertaken to investigate motor-unit activity in the trapezius muscle during resting with closed eyes, while inputting three-digit numbers with auditory presentation at a rate of 0.5 Hz, and while tapping on a key with the right index finger at a rate of 5 Hz. Electrodes with four fine wires were inserted into the right upper trapezius muscle of six healthy subjects, and three-channel intramuscular electromyography was recorded. The decomposition programme MAPQuest, developed to analyse short-term one-channel signals, was complemented with MAPView, a programme that merges the short-term results of 10 s to a 3-min analysis. The results showed that activity in the trapezius muscle was induced in one subject while resting, in two subjects while inputting data, and in five subjects while finger tapping. Long-lasting single motor-unit firing was observed in two subjects while inputting data and in one subject while finger tapping. Whilst our findings may support the Cinderella hypothesis, the measurement periods are too short to confirm it fully, and for further discussion it is necessary to record and analyse for longer periods. Accepted: 19 June 2000  相似文献   

In the literature enlarged/increased cross-sectional area (CSA) of type I muscle fibres has been reported as a morphological mark of work-related localised myalgia in the descending part of the trapezius muscle of women. These studies did not use enough subjects or lacked an adequate control group. The recording of surface electromyograms (EMG) is central to the research field of work-related myalgia. However, the influence of intrinsic muscle properties – such as the effect of muscle fibre distribution upon surface EMG – has to be better understood in order properly to evaluate this method as a possible diagnostic and preventive tool. This study had two aims. Firstly, it investigated the muscle fibre distribution and CSA in work-related myalgia in trapezius muscles. Secondly, the multivariate relationships among muscle morphology and histochemistry [ragged-red (RR) fibres, and cytochrome-c-oxidase-negative-fibre changes] EMG, perceived fatigue, and biomechanical output of shoulder flexions were analysed. The raw data have been presented in an earlier study. The participants in this study were 25 female cleaners with work-related myalgia of the trapezius muscle and 25 female cleaners not experiencing work-related myalgia of this muscle. The control group comprised 21 healthy female teachers who had not been exposed to highly repetitive work or static muscle work. Smaller CSA of type II fibres were found in cleaners compared to teachers. In this study the CSA of type I fibres of the trapezius muscles associated with myalgia were no greater than in muscles without myalgia. The prevalence of RR fibres together with age, fibre type proportions, CSA and working as a cleaner correlated with the ability to relax as recorded electromyographically. The relative mean frequency of the EMG of the trapezius muscle correlated with the prevalence of RR fibres, but it did not correlate with the proportions and CSA of different fibre types. Low biomechanical outputs and low signal amplitude increases of the EMG during the test were associated with high proportions of type IIB fibres. The smaller CSA of type II fibres in cleaners might have reflected a different muscle activation pattern due to different occupational demands in cleaners than in teachers. Morphological or histopathological variables can influence the three EMG variables investigated. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between a fatigue-induced increase of perceived exertion in the neck with a decrease of mean power frequency (MPF) in the surface electromyography (sEMG) signal during repeated shoulder elevation endurance tasks. About Thirty-two healthy women (age range 20–62) performed two maximum 6-min shoulder elevation endurance tasks at 30% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) level, separated by a rest of 6 min. During these exercises, perceived exertion was estimated using the Borg scale (range 0–10), whereas the MPF of the sEMG signal from the upper trapezius was simultaneously detected. Linear regression analysis was applied over time for each trial and subject for both MPF and Borg scale rating values. The MPF was normalized by the intercept of the linear regression analysis. The resulting slopes of normalized mean power frequency (nMPF) and Borg scale rating were correlated with each other by linear regression for both trials. In order to investigate the individual behavior of fatigue effects between trials, Δ trial 2-trial 1 slopes of nMPF and Borg scale ratings were calculated for each subject. These slopes of nMPF and Borg scale ratings were correlated with each other as well by linear regression. The increase of Borg scale ratings, as well as the decrease of nMPF, were significantly higher in trial 2 than trial 1 (P<0.01). The results show a linear correlation between slopes of nMPF and Borg scale ratings for both trials 1 and 2 (r=0.76, P<0.01). Trial-to-trial slopes (Δ trial 2-trial 1) of nMPF and Borg scale rating, were also significantly correlated (r=0.68, P<0.05). Thus, the individually sensed increase of perceived exertion in the neck during trial 2 was accompanied by a simultaneously higher detected decrease of nMPF. These findings indicate a close relationship between subjective perception of exertion in the neck and objectively assessed muscle fatigue of the upper trapezius.  相似文献   

The study aimed to determine the influence of arm posture and movement on trapezius activity of computer workers, considering the full workday. A second aim was to investigate if work periods perceived as stressful were associated with elevated or more sustained muscle activity pattern. Twenty-six computer workers performing call-center (n = 11), help desk (n = 7), or secretarial (n = 8) work tasks participated. Bilateral trapezius surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity and heart rate was recorded throughout the workday. Simultaneous inclinometer recordings from left thigh and upper arms identified periods with sitting, standing, and walking, as well as arm posture and movement. Perceived work stress and tension were recorded on visual analog scales (VAS) every hour. Trapezius sEMG activity was low in seated posture [group median 1.8 and 0.9% of activity at maximal voluntary contraction (%EMGmax) for dominant and non-dominant side] and was elevated in standing (3.0 and 2.5% EMGmax) and walking (3.9 and 3.4% EMGmax). In seated posture (mean duration 79% of workday) arm movement consistently influenced trapezius activity, accounting for ∼20% of intra-individual variation in trapezius activity. Arm elevation was on average not associated with trapezius activity when seated; however, considerable individual variation was observed. There was no indication of increase in trapezius activity or more sustained activity pattern, nor in heart rate, in high-stress versus low-stress periods, comparing periods with seated posture for the subjects reporting contrasts of at least two VAS units in stress (n = 16) or tension (n = 14) score.  相似文献   

目的 观察寰枢椎与副神经及第2颈神经的解剖关系,以及观察胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌的神经支配特点,为寰枢关节错位致胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌疼痛提供解剖学依据。 方法 对3具共6侧成年人颈部尸体标本进行解剖,观察寰椎横突与副神经、寰枢外侧关节与第2颈神经前支、寰枢椎椎间孔外韧带的解剖结构,以及观察胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌的神经支配特点,测量副神经与寰椎横突尖的最短距离。 结果 (1)胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌均受副神经和颈丛(第2~4)神经支配,并且副神经与颈丛神经存在交通支联系。(2)副神经走行在寰椎横突前方,二者关系密切,副神经与寰椎横突尖的距离为4.84~7.60 mm(左侧)和3.22~6.80 mm(右侧)。(3)寰枢椎存在椎间孔外韧带,该韧带与第2神经相连,并附着在寰椎横突。(4)第2颈神经前支贴着寰枢外侧小关节向前走行。 结论 寰枢关节错位可能会刺激副神经及第2颈神经或其前支,从而引起胸锁乳突和斜方肌紧张、疼痛。  相似文献   

The study aimed to examine firing patterns of low-threshold trapezius motor units, with attention given to motor unit recruitment threshold. Different motor tasks were explored: shoulder elevation, arm movement in typing, and the motor response to mental stress. Contraction amplitudes in the range from 1 to 10% of the surface electromyographic (SEMG) signal at maximal voluntary contraction (1–10% EMGmax) were studied, representing the range of trapezius muscle activity commonly observed in daily living. Single motor unit activity was recorded by a quadrifilar fine-wire electrode. A surface electrode simultaneously recorded the SEMG signal. Low-threshold motor units showed a small increase in mean firing rate, from 10.5 to 12.5 pulses per second (p<0.01), in constant-amplitude contractions when SEMG amplitude increased from <2% to >4% EMGmax. After the first few minutes, firing rates were similar for all motor units in a contraction, despite different recruitment thresholds. Firing rates of motor units with threshold <2% EMGmax were the same in constant-amplitude contractions, contractions with vocational arm movement, and contractions with imposed stress for SEMG amplitude at the same level. High-frequency firing patterns were observed in dynamic contractions, limited to bursts of up to a second duration. We conclude that low-threshold trapezius motor units have similar, stable firing rates in sustained contractions, independent of task and recruitment threshold, but with a small increase for increasing contraction amplitude.  相似文献   

Four shoulder muscles (the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, the middle portion of the deltoid and the descending part of the trapezius muscle) were examined using electromyography (EMG) in abducted and flexed arm positions, in nine subjects who had no history of illness from arm or shoulder. The subjects were asked to supply an intermittent isometric handgrip force of 30% and 50% of maximal voluntary contraction, in a total of eight different arm positions. The EMG activity with and without hand activity was compared in all positions. There was a statistically significant increase in the EMG activity in the supraspinatus muscle in humeral flexion from and above 60°. In the infraspinatus muscle the changes were less; a significant decrease was however noticed in abduction. In the deltoid muscle there was a significant decrease with hand activity in flexion from and above 90°. There was no statistically significant alteration regarding the EMG activity of the trapezius muscle. The result of this study implies that high demands on handgrip force, particularly while using hand tools in elevated arm positions, adds further to the already high load on some shoulder muscles. This factor should be considered in the design of manual work and in the places of work.  相似文献   

The overall aim was to investigate the effect of psychosocial loads on trapezius muscle activity during computer keying work and during short and long breaks. In 12 female subjects, surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded bilaterally from the upper trapezius muscle during a standardized one hand keying task—interspaced with short (30 s) and long (4 min) breaks—in sessions with and without a combination of cognitive and emotional stressors. Adding psychosocial loads to the same physical work did not increase the activity of the trapezius muscle on either the keying or the control side, both of which remained at median and static EMG activity levels of around 5% and 2.5% of the maximal voluntary electrical activity (EMGmax), respectively. The difference between the keying and the control side was significant; and further the control side activity was significantly increased above resting level. During both short and long breaks, exposure to psychosocial loads also did not increase the activity of the trapezius muscle either on the side of the keying or the control hand. Of note is that during long breaks the muscle activity of the keying side as well as that of the control side remained at the same level as during the short breaks, which was increased above resting level. This was to be seen from the static and the median EMG activity levels as well as gap times, the overall mean values being: 0.4%EMGmax, 1.1%EMGmax, and 50% in gap time, respectively. In conclusion: psychosocial loads are not solely responsible for increased non-postural muscle activity; and increasing the duration of breaks does not per se cause muscle relaxation.  相似文献   

Summary Reflex electromyographic (EMG) responses to electrical stimulation in the human lateral pterygoid muscle are ambiguous, possibly due to previous methods of EMG analysis. In a rigorous paradigm, single motor unit (SMU) activity in 30 units was recorded in the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle in 5 subjects. Single pulses of 1 ms duration at 6T intensity were delivered via bipolar electrodes attached to the gingiva near the maxillary canine. The firing frequency of each SMU was constrained to 10 or 15 Hz by biofeedback techniques. Stimuli were delivered at known positions relative to a series of preselected spikes. Successive stimuli were delivered sequentially by increasing increments of 1 ms. SMUs were activated consistently by incisal clenching and jaw opening against resistance applied to the chin. When the SMU prestimulus firing frequency was constrained at 10 Hz, each unit displayed an inhibitory effect which was highly dependent on the stimulus position. In units with a constrained firing frequency of 15 Hz, no effect was observed. These findings qualitatively resemble responses observed in the human masseter muscle.  相似文献   

斜方肌各亚部的肌构筑肌梭分布研究及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 为斜方肌亚部的临床应用提供形态学基础。 方法 (1)用肌构筑法对10具成人尸体的斜方肌亚部进行肌构筑学研究。(2)用体视学方法对6具成人尸体的斜方肌亚部进行肌梭分布研究。 结果 (1)斜方肌降部的肌重(30.71±7.40 )g、肌长(10.45±1.62) cm、肌纤维长(9.18±0.99) cm、生理横切面积(3.11±0.72) cm2,水平部的肌重(44.14±10.61) g、肌长(8.65±0.84) cm、肌纤维长(7.14±0.84) cm、生理横切面积(5.89 ±1.66) cm2,升部的肌重(44.89±11.67) g、肌长(11.83±1.12) cm、肌纤维长(9.09±0.94) cm、生理横切面积(5.37±1.55) cm2。(2)斜方肌降部的肌梭密度(39.05±5.08)个/cm3,水平部的肌梭密度(24.48±6.50)个 /cm3,升部的肌梭密度(21.68±6.64)个/cm3。 结论 (1)根据斜方肌各亚部的构筑学特征,推测斜方肌降部和水平部在肩部运动中主要是保持和稳定肩胛骨位置,斜方肌的降部与升部在肩胛骨的旋转中起重要作用。(2)斜方肌降部的肌梭密度明显高于水平部和升部。  相似文献   

Activity of single motor units in relation to surface electromyography (EMG) was studied in 11 subjects in attention-demanding work tasks with minimal requirement of movement. In 53 verified firing periods, single motor units fired continuously from 30 s to 10 min (duration of the experiment work task) with a stable median firing rate in the range of 8–13 Hz. When the integrated surface EMG were stable, the motor units identified as a rule were continuously active with only small modulations of firing rate corresponding to low-amplitude fluctuations in surface EMG. Marked changes in the surface EMG, either sudden or gradual, were caused by recruitment or derecruitment of motor units, and not by modulations of the motor unit firing rate. Motor unit firing periods (duration 10 s-35 s) in low-level voluntary contractions (approximately 1%–5% EMGmax) performed by the same subjects showed median firing rates (7–12 Hz) similar to the observations in attention-related activation.  相似文献   

Muscle function is altered in painful shoulder conditions. However, the influence of shoulder pain on muscle coordination of the shoulder has not been fully clarified. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of experimentally induced shoulder pain on shoulder muscle function. Eleven healthy men (range 22–27 years), with no history of shoulder or cervical problems, were included in the study. Pain was induced by 5% hypertonic saline injections into the supraspinatus muscle or subacromially. Seated in a shoulder machine, subjects performed standardized concentric abduction (0°–105°) at a speed of approximately 120°/s, controlled by a metronome. During abduction, electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded by intramuscular wire electrodes inserted in two deeply located shoulder muscles and by surface-electrodes over six superficially located shoulder muscles. EMG was recorded before pain, during pain and after pain had subsided and pain intensity was continuously scored on a visual analog scale (VAS). During abduction, experimentally induced pain in the supraspinatus muscle caused a significant decrease in activity of the anterior deltoid, upper trapezius and the infraspinatus and an increase in activity of lower trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles. Following subacromial injection a significantly increased muscle activity was seen in the lower trapezius, the serratus anterior and the latissimus dorsi muscles. In conclusion, this study shows that acute pain both subacromially and in the supraspinatus muscle modulates coordination of the shoulder muscles during voluntary movements. During painful conditions, an increased activity was detected in the antagonist (latissimus), which support the idea that localized pain affects muscle activation in a way that protects the painful structure. Further, the changes in muscle activity following subacromial pain induction tend to expand the subacromial space and thereby decrease the load on the painful structures.  相似文献   

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