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FGD技术在制作《预防新生儿破伤风》宣传画中的应用研究湖南省健康教育所徐小生,王官仁为了完成中国一联合国儿童基金会的健康教育合作项目材料制作任务,我们设计制作了张贴宣传画《预防新生儿破伤风》。为保证料制作的科学性和实用性,我们在材料制作的设计及预试验...  相似文献   

了解北京市小学生洗手方法的掌握情况,为小学生洗手行为健康教育提供依据.方法 采用观察法,观察随机抽取的北京市20所项目学校240名小学生的洗手情况.结果 不考虑擦手环节,只有18.8%的小学生按照正确的洗手四步骤洗手;240名小学生中有25.0%洗手时长合格.洗手时洗手用品配备率为53.3%;学校未配备洁手用品的112名小学生均未使用洁手用品;学校配备洁手用品的128名小学生洁手用品使用率为63.3%.240名洗手的小学生中,144人(60.0%)的洗手池边张贴了洗手宣传品.结论 应督促小学生采纳正确洗手方法.建议学校为小学生提供洁手用品.  相似文献   

为提高医务人员对手卫生重要性的认识,树立良好的手卫生习惯,规范手卫生行为,医院在各个醒目位置张贴六步洗手图,举办手卫生知识讲座及竞赛活动,也使来院就诊的患者及家属了解正确的洗手方法,管理举措如下.  相似文献   

目的了解艾滋病病毒感染者的高危行为,为制订艾滋病防治策略提供依据。方法采取面对面调查,对2007年东莞市新发现的250名艾滋病病毒感染者的吸毒情况、性接触史、采供血/手术史及其配偶子女的艾滋病病毒检测情况进行调查分析。结果艾滋病病毒感染者以青壮年为主,共用注射器吸毒比例达78.0%,商业性性行为不使用安全套比例为81.0%,商业性性行为者中82.0%的人有共用注射器吸毒史,配偶子女的艾滋病病毒检测率低于1%。艾滋病知识来源主要是:书刊杂志、广播电视、宣传画或宣传资料、网络和医生咨询。被调查者对艾滋病的传播途径、预防方法、高危人群的认知正确率低,全部回答正确的比例分别为1.0%、4.0%和1.0%。结论艾滋病病毒感染者高危行为普遍存在,对艾滋病知识知晓率低,应选择更有效的宣传工具进行相关知识传播,加强对此类人群的艾滋病防治。  相似文献   

建筑工地流动人口预防艾滋病行为干预效果评价   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
目的:该研究旨在评价行为干预对流动性建筑工人在预防,控制艾滋病方面的效果。方法:干预方法主要包括在建筑工地开展有关艾滋病知识和安全套知识的健康教育,同伴教育,提供咨询,发放宣传册子,播放录相和张贴宣传画及赠送安全套。结果:通过对比干预前506名和干预后354名建筑工人对艾滋病的认识情况,发现行为干预使成都市建筑工人对有关艾滋病的概念,传播途径,预防及避孕套的作用知识均有不同程度的提高。结论:该行为干预对建筑工人在预防和控制艾滋病方面是有效的措施,值得在其它类似社会弱势人群中进行推广。  相似文献   

农村居民艾滋病防治知识健康教育模式试点研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
[目的]探讨农村居民艾滋病防治知识健康教育模式试点,指导全市农村居民艾滋病健康教育工作开展。[方法]在75个村8.2万人中制作发放艾滋病防治知识录音材料75套和宣传画150张,利用村委广播反复每天播放,连播15d,每村张贴宣传画2张。在教育宣传前、后分别抽样作知识知晓率问卷调查。[结果]抽样调查800人,广播和宣传画张贴宣传前后艾滋病防治知识平均知晓率分别为60.75%和81.50%,广播前后比较差异有统计学意义(x^2=41.92,P〈0.01)。[结论]利用农村广播和村村通宣传栏开展艾滋病防治知识宣传工作,是一项投资少,宣传人数多,宣传效果好的宣传方式,值得在农村推广。  相似文献   

目的评价健康教育在煤矿企业职工预防、控制艾滋病方面的效果。方法采用自身前后对照设计,评价健康教育干预效果。以自编艾滋病相关问卷,对安徽某煤矿企业2个矿区职工进行基线调查,并在干预1a后进行评估。干预方法包括在煤矿职工中开展艾滋病知识讲座、发放艾滋病宣传扑克等,播放艾滋病宣传片以及张贴宣传画等。结果通过对比干预前1180名和干预后522名煤矿职工的艾滋病相关情况,发现行为干预不同程度的改变了煤矿职工艾滋病知识、态度知晓率,并对煤矿职工的艾滋病相关行为产生了影响。结论行为干预是煤矿职工预防艾滋病的有效措施,但必须根据煤矿工人特点制定适宜的干预形式,并保证干预质量和强度。  相似文献   

对洗手干预材料,分6个视听动组合,于3小时后、3天后、15天后,对同一调查对象利用《洗手操作步骤评分表》进行调查,评价记忆效果。目的在于通过有效的干预材料制作,加强公众正确洗手的意识,提高公众正确洗手的方法和行为。  相似文献   

同伴教育对艾滋病的预防效果评价   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
目的:评价同伴教育对建筑工人在预防,控制艾滋病方面的效果。方法:干预方法主要包括在建筑工地由专家培训同伴教育者及提供技术支持,开展同伴教育及由同伴教育者免费发放安全套,发放宣传册子,播放录相和张贴宣传画,结果:通过对比非同伴教育组506名和同伴教育组172名建筑工人对艾滋病的认识和行为改变情况,发现同伴教育使成都市建筑工人有关艾滋病的概念。传播途径,预防及安全套的作用知识均有不同程度的提高。结论:同伴教育对建筑工人在预防和控制艾滋病方面是有效的措施。值得在其它类似人群中进行推广。  相似文献   

医护人员洗手依从性与认知情况的调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的探讨医护人员洗手依从性及认知情况,并分析存在的问题。方法对78名医护人员的洗手行为分别连续观察3h,记录洗手有关情况,并进行洗手知识的问卷调查,及对医生和护士进行比较。结果医护人员的各种洗手率均不足50%,洗手依从性比较差;医护人员洗手情况不佳,做法正确的比例均不高;医护人员对洗手的概念和手部皮肤常用消毒剂基本了解,但对于手清洁、消毒指征、手采样及手部卫生标准还认识不足,医护人员的洗手知识还有待加强;医生洗手依从性、正确洗手的比例及某些洗手知识不如护士,说明医生对洗手的重视程度不够。结论医护人员洗手方面存在的问题,不仅与自身重视不够有关,而且与相应的管理不严格有关,应强化洗手意识,认识洗手的重要性,坚持正确洗手,从而避免经手传播的医院感染发生。  相似文献   

李晶 《中国健康教育》2010,(12):912-915
目的了解艾滋病防治海报的信息特征,探究艾滋病防治海报信息内容表现出的社会营销策略存在的问题。方法运用内容分析法,对118张艾滋病防治海报进行分析。结果 96.6%的海报以大众为目标对象,目标细分策略不明显;科普知识类、实践类、观念类、形物和服务类海报分别占33.9%,27.1%、24.6%和14.4%,艾滋病防治海报多以提供资讯为主,以认知为导向,对目标人群的传播目的停留在认知变革阶段。结论海报信息传达的艾滋病防治的核心价值不清晰,受众可获得的利益模糊;很少有海报提出具体而明确的行动建议和指导;海报的诉求重点受到国家相关政策内容的影响。  相似文献   

As a corollary to The Declaration of Commitment adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS in June 2001, UNAIDS developed a World AIDS Campaign that sought to eradicate HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination. The campaign incorporated several educational strategies, including a poster campaign that advocated the just and equal treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS. In an effort to develop an understanding of these educational efforts, this study deconstructs the 2002-2003 World AIDS Campaign posters. While the overall results suggest that the campaign has been successful in redefining images of HIV/AIDS, they also show that certain aspects of these posters may actually serve to reinforce stigma and discrimination. Using a visual studies approach to textual analysis, this study explores the underlying ideological and cultural assumptions that exist within the posters and provides a method for evaluating such materials.  相似文献   

目的了解2004年全国统一制作的预防艾滋病宣传海报发放、张贴情况,探索新的传播策略。方法选择广东、广西、福建、江苏、甘肃、青海等6省,以查阅资料、观察、访谈等定性研究方法进行现场调查。结果6省宣传海报发放、张贴工作基本到位;城乡居民、大中学生等目标人群对宣传海报的接受、理解和信息需求不同;各地创造性地开展了多种预防艾滋病的宣传教育活动,提高了大众的艾滋病防治知识知晓率,促进了不歧视艾滋病感染者和病人社会氛围的逐渐形成。结论宣传海报是开展预防艾滋病宣传教育的一种有效途径;政府主导、多部门配合、全社会参与是预防艾滋病宣传的有效传播策略。  相似文献   

As a corollary to The Declaration of Commitment adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS in June 2001, UNAIDS developed a World AIDS Campaign that sought to eradicate HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination. The campaign incorporated several educational strategies, including a poster campaign that advocated the just and equal treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS. In an effort to develop an understanding of these educational efforts, this study deconstructs the 2002–2003 World AIDS Campaign posters. While the overall results suggest that the campaign has been successful in redefining images of HIV/AIDS, they also show that certain aspects of these posters may actually serve to reinforce stigma and discrimination. Using a visual studies approach to textual analysis, this study explores the underlying ideological and cultural assumptions that exist within the posters and provides a method for evaluating such materials.  相似文献   

目的评估《全国预防艾滋病宣传海报发放张贴情况大学生志愿者实地调查方案》的可行性,为修订、完善调查方案和全面开展大学生志愿者实地调查工作提供依据。方法招募大学生志愿者自愿参与,分为城区、农村各两组,采用实地观察和个别访谈形式实施调查。结果共完成20个场所27个点的现场观察和对160名相关人员的访谈;城区、农村、大中学校海报张贴率分别为100%、33.3%、12.5%和0%;调查对象中看到海报者所占比例为25.0%~36.3%。结论调查方案设计合理,预试验的组织实施过程符合方案设计要求。选派大学生志愿者参与的实地调查具有科学性和可行性,是具有重要意义的大学生社会实践活动。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study reports data from a survey carried out in the Iranian Center for Breast Cancer (ICBC) to examine whether women read poster displays in waiting rooms and whether they would have any suggestions to improve posters and thus meet their informational needs. METHODS: Five specially designed posters were displayed in waiting rooms in the ICBC. The content of posters was related to risk factors, early detection, signs and symptoms, and prevention of breast cancer. During a 3 month period a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all attendees and they were asked to complete the questionnaire. RESULTS: Overall, 850 women were given the questionnaire and 777 completed questionnaires (91 per cent) were returned. The mean age of the women was 37.0 years (SD = 10.7) and they mostly had secondary education (47 per cent). In all, 691 women (86 per cent) reported that they had seen the posters and 620 (80 per cent) said that they had read the displays. The vast majority of the women reported that posters were readable (89 per cent) and understandable (80 per cent). However, 25 per cent of the respondents indicated that materials on the displays created more questions rather than answering their questions and some reported that they became upset (26 per cent) or felt anxiety (42 per cent) while reading the posters. Finally, 218 women (28 per cent) had suggestions to improve posters, of whom 110 (50 per cent) believed that the posters should be simpler. CONCLUSION: The study findings suggest that despite the limitations of posters as a means of health communication, their use in public places may be useful but consideration should be given to the content of the poster displays to prevent anxiety.  相似文献   

To evaluate point-of-decision prompts in the promotion of stair use in Germany, motivational posters were placed at three underground stations in Berlin. The proportion of passengers using stairs or stairways was counted before, during installation, and two weeks after removal of posters. In total, 5,467 passersby were counted. Stair use increased significantly in women, but not in men. The present pilot study thereby shows that the use of point-of-decision prompts is also feasible in Germany and it provides some evidence of effectiveness. Methodologically rigorous studies are warranted to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Print HIV/AIDS prevention campaign materials (e.g., posters, pamphlets, stickers) from 10 public health organizations in Kenya were evaluated according to the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM), a health behavior change theory based on the fear appeal literature, at various sites along the Trans-Africa Highway in Kenya. Three groups each of commercial sex workers (CSWs), truck drivers (TDs) and their assistants (ASSTs), and young men (YM) who live and work at the truck stops participated in focus group discussions where reactions to the campaign materials were gathered according to this theoretical base. Reactions to campaign materials varied substantially, according to the poster or pamphlet viewed. Overall, most participants wanted more detailed information about (a) the proper way to use condoms, (b) ideas for how to negotiate condom use with reluctant partners, and (c) accurate information on symptoms of AIDS and what to do once one contracted HIV. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the campaign materials are reported.  相似文献   

目的观察控烟宣传展板在3类公共场所中发挥的干预效果及影响因素,探索展板的适用条件,为制定控烟干预措施提供科学依据。方法在无锡市中心广场、市级医院和大中专院校各展览20块相同的控烟宣传展板,采用方便抽样方法对观展人员进行拦截问卷调查,以吸烟危害知晓率的改变情况来测量干预效果。单因素分析使用χ2检验,多因素分析使用非条件Logistic回归。结果 324份有效问卷中,吸烟率(现在吸烟或曾经有过吸烟史的比例)为24.69%。大中专院校受众的吸烟率(5.59%)低于广场和医院(均约为48%)。广场、大中专院校和医院受众观看展板前对于吸烟危害的知晓率分别为27.03%、34.08%和33.33%,对于被动吸烟危害的知晓率分别为32.43%、55.87%和24.07%;观看展板后,受众对于吸烟危害的知晓率由33.02%提高到77.16%,对于被动吸烟危害的知晓率由42.59%提高到84.57%。影响吸烟危害知晓改变的因素为年龄(OR=5.354)、吸烟行为(OR=0.256)、干预前得分(OR=0.453)和干预场所(大中专院校OR=3.090,医院OR=3.748)。结论控烟展板能够提高受众对吸烟和被动吸烟危害的知晓率,对35岁以上、有吸烟史、干预前得分较低和在医院观看展板的受众的干预效果更好,医院是比较理想的应用场所。  相似文献   

Objectives: To examine perceived HIV prevalence and disease burden in high-risk adults in Cape Town, South Africa. Methods: A convenience sample of 793 male and 188 female sexually transmitted infection clinic patients completed anonymous surveys. Results: Individuals who saw themselves at greater risk for HIV/AIDS also perceived greater local HIV prevalence. Participants presented extremely distorted views of local HIV prevalence that exceed the reality in Cape Town. Perceiving greater local AIDS burden was independently associated with condom use. Conclusions: Interventions that accurately place local AIDS burden in the context of places with relatively lower burden may activate protective motivations.  相似文献   

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