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We have reconstructed from electron micrographs of a continuous series of thin sections the synaptic connections of the axonal arborizations of all the rod bipolar cells contained in a small region of the retina of the rabbit. We observed that all rod bipolars share the same pattern of connectivity and are probably functionally equivalent. As a rule, they do not contact ganglion cells. Their prevalent synaptic output is on narrow-field, bistratified, and indoleamine-accumulating amacrine cells. Their dominant inputs are the reciprocal synapses from the indoleamine-accumulating amacrines, but they also receive a sizable number of synaptic contacts from other, non-reciprocal, amacrine cells. The lateral spread of scotopic signals at the synapse between rod bipolars and narrow-field, bistratified amacrines is small. Finally, in the rabbit, as in the cat, a narrow-field, bistratified amacrine is inserted in series along the rod pathway.  相似文献   

Retinal microcircuits for night vision at the absolute threshold are required to relay a single‐photon rod signal reliably to ganglion cells via rod bipolar (RB) cells and AII amacrine cells. To assess the noise reduction of intercellular signal transmission in this rod‐specific pathway, we quantified its synaptic connectivity by 3D reconstruction of a series of electron micrographs. In most cases (94%), each rod made ribbon synaptic contacts onto two adjacent RB cells. Conversely, each RB cell was contacted by 25 rods. Each RB axon terminal contacted four or five AII amacrine cells via 53 ribbon synapses. Thus, the signal from one rod may be represented as 106 replicates at two RB axons. Moreover, the two adjacent RB cells contacted two to four AII amacrine cells in common, where the signals relayed by two RB cells were reunited. In more detail, over 50% of each RB output was directed predominantly to a single, preferred AII amacrine cell, although each RB cell also separately contacted another one to three AII amacrine cells. Most of the replicate signals at two RB axons were collected on a few AII amacrine cells via reunions, dominant connections, and electrical coupling by AII–AII gap junctions. Thus the original signal may be reliably represented by signal amplification with focal accumulation without gathering unnecessary noise from a wide surrounding area. This allocation of RB–AII synaptic contacts may serve as the structural basis for the physiological properties of the AII single‐photon response that include high amplification, local adaptation, and regenerative acceleration. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:3541‐3555, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Antibodies against calretinin are markers for one type of rod pathway interneuron (AⅡ amacrine cell) in the retina of some but not all mammalian species. The AⅡ cells play a crucial role in night‐time (scotopic) vision and have been proposed as a target for optogenetic restoration of vision in retinal disease. In the present study we aimed to characterize the AⅡ cells in human retina. Postmortem human donor eyes were obtained with ethical approval and processed for calretinin immunofluorescence. Calretinin‐positive somas in the inner nuclear and the ganglion cell layer were filled with the lipophilic dye DiI. The large majority (over 80%) of calretinin‐immunoreactive cells is located in the inner nuclear layer, is immunopositive for glycine transporter 1, and shows the typical morphology of AⅡ amacrine cells. In addition, a small proportion of calretinin‐positive cells in the inner nuclear layer and in the ganglion cell layer is glutamic acid decarboxylase‐positive and shows the morphology of widefield amacrine cells (stellate, semilunar, and thorny amacrine cells). About half of the calretinin cells in the ganglion cell layer are bistratified ganglion cells resembling the small bistratified (presumed blue‐ON/yellow‐OFF) and the G17 ganglion cell previously described in primates. We conclude that in human retina, antibodies against calretinin can be used to identify AⅡ amacrine cells in the inner nuclear layer as well as widefield amacrine and small bistratified ganglion cells in the ganglion cell layer. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:39–53, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The synaptic connections of two types of cone bipolar cells in the rabbit retina were studied with the electron microscope after labeling in vitro with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), intracellular injection with Lucifer Yellow, and photooxidation (Mills and Massey [1992] J. Comp. Neurol. 321:133). Both types of bipolars belong to the flat variety, because they make basal junctions with a group of four to ten neighboring cone pedicles. One cell type has an axonal arborization that occupies strata 1 through 3 of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). At ribbon synaptic junctions, it is presynaptic to ganglion cell dendrites and to reciprocal dendrites belonging to narrow-field bistratified (AII) amacrine cells. In addition, it contacts and is contacted by other amacrine cell processes of unknown origin. The other cell type has an axonal arborization entirely confined to stratum 2 of the IPL; it is pre- or postsynaptic to a pleomorphic population of amacrine cell processes, and, in particular, it receives input from the lobular appendages of AII. Thus, these two bipolar types probably belong to the off-variety because they make basal junctions with cone photoreceptors and send their axon to sublamina α of the IPL, which is occupied by the dendrites of off-ganglion cells. They are also part of the rod pathway because they receive input from AII amacrine cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy was used to examine the synaptic organization of enkephalinlike-immunoreactive amacrine cells in the goldfish retina. Enkephalin-immunostained processes sometimes contained dense-cored vesicles (115-145 nm) in addition to a generally homogeneous population of small, round, clear synaptic vesicles. A total of 194 synaptic relationships were observed that involved the immunostained processes of enkephalin-amacrine cells. The large majority of these were observed in sublayer 5 of the inner plexiform layer. In greater than 95% of the synaptic relationships, the enkephalin-immunostained profile served as the presynaptic element. In 58.8% of these relationships, enkephalin processes synapsed onto amacrine cell processes, while 30.4% of their synapses were onto processes that lacked synaptic vesicles. They also occasionally formed synaptic contacts (6.7%) onto the somas of cells located either in the inner nuclear or in the ganglion cell layers. Enkephalin profiles received synaptic input only from amacrine cells (4.1%), while no direct synaptic interaction was observed between enkephalin processes and bipolar cells. However, in sublayer 1, enkephalin profiles were found to synapse onto amacrine cell processes that were presynaptic to bipolar cell terminals. In the proximal inner plexiform layer, enkephalin processes were presynaptic to amacrine cell processes that as a group surrounded and sometimes provided synaptic input to extremely large and round bipolar cell endings.  相似文献   

Using serial sections and electron microscopy, we have found several morphological types of synapses within the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of the human retina. The most conspicuous of these is described in this paper. They have a unique morphology and form synapses with rod and cone bipolar cells in the OPL and onto bipolar and amacrine cell bodies in the inner nuclear layer (INL). Because they occur in processes that extend across the INL, we believe these synapses are made by interplexiform cells (IPCs). These same processes also contact cone pedicles with specialized cell junctions like those made between cones and flat bipolars. These junctions have densification of both cell membranes and widening of the extracellular cleft, but no accumulation of synaptic vesicles. Similar-appearing processes in the inner plexiform layer are thought to belong to IPCs but their contacts were less completely identified. Possible circuitry for these IPCs is described and the possibility that there are different classes of IPCs in the human retina is discussed. The OPL forms in the posterior retina during the tenth fetal week. Our observations suggest that different types of synapses including those of the IPCs are present in this layer from the time of its first appearance.  相似文献   

In the rhesus monkey retina, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunoreactivity has been used to study the localization and synaptic organization of cholinergic neurons by both light and electron microscopy with peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemistry. ChAT-containing neurons are a type of amacrine cell with 97.5% of their cell bodies localized to the ganglion cell layer and the remainder in the inner nuclear layer. Their processes arborize in a single narrow band in the inner plexiform layer in a plane dividing the outer two-thirds from the inner one-third of this synaptic region. With electron microscopy, ChAT-immunoreactive amacrine cell processes were observed to be primarily postsynaptic to the diffuse invaginating cone bipolar cells and presynaptic to ganglion cells, although they are both post- and presynaptic to immunohistochemically unlabeled amacrine cell profiles and to ChAT-containing amacrine cell processes as well.  相似文献   

γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is considered to be a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the inner plexiform layer of the retinas of all vertebrate species. It is contained in and released from nearly 40% of the amacrine cells and is known to play a major role in many aspects of visual processing. By using well-characterized antibodies to several subunits of the GABAA receptor, we have analyzed their localization on the cell bodies and dendritic trees of two amacrine cell populations in the rabbit retina, which have been either filled intracellularly with Lucifer yellow or stained immunohistochemically. Both populations are selectively stained by intravitreal injection of the fluorescent nuclear dye 4′,6-diaminidin-2-phenylindoldihydrochloride (DAPI). We have found that the most significant concentration of the α1 and β2/3 GABAA receptor subunits is localized to the DAPI-3 type amacrine cell. The perikarya of the DAPI-3 cells are found in the proximal inner nuclear layer and send their processes into two sublayers in sublaminae a and b of the inner plexiform layer. These processes abut but do not directly overlap those of the two mirror-symmetric populations of starburst amacrine cells. Because the cell bodies of the DAPI-3 cells are the only ones in the inner nuclear layer that stain strongly for either the α1 or β2/3 subunits, such staining is a diagnostic feature of these cells. Their processes also constitute the most strongly staining ones found within the inner plexiform layer. The dendritic trees of DAPI-3 cells, which range from about 150 μm up to about 300 μm, exhibit recurvate looping processes reminiscent of those described for directionally selective ganglion cells. In contrast to the DAPI-3 cell, we have also shown that the starburst amacrine cells exhibit no immunoreactivity for the α1 GABAA receptor subunit and very little for the β2/3 subunit. Thus, we have shown that the DAPI-3 cells contain the highest concentrations of the α1 and β2/3 GABAA receptor subunits in the rabbit retina. These cells, which costratify near the processes of both the starburst amacrine cells and the ON-OFF directionally selective ganglion cells, thus, are situated both anatomically and by virtue of their receptor content to potentially interact. J. Comp. Neurol. 393:309–319, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

AII amacrine cells, which are the third-order neurons in the rod pathway, can be differentially labelled in rabbit retina by injecting Nuclear Yellow into the posterior chamber. Under ultraviolet excitation, the labelled retina appears strongly metachromatic, with the AII nuclei fluorescing silvery-yellow and the nuclei of other amacrine cells fluorescing blue. Labelled AII cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow under direct microscopic control in a superfused retinal preparation, and the dye was later photoconverted to an opaque reaction product. Rabbit AII amacrines, which number about 525,000 cells, reach a maximum density of 2,500-3,000 cells/mm2 on the peak visual streak, dropping to 400-500 cells/mm2 at the superior margin. These narrow-field amacrines have a bistratified dendritic morphology, with distinctive "lobular appendages" in sublamina a of the inner plexiform layer and wider ranging "arboreal dendrites" in sublamina b. Although the lobular field area increases 10-fold from the visual streak to the far periphery, the lobular field coverage is almost uniform across the retina, averaging 1.0 in inferior retina and 0.8 in superior retina. The dendritic field area of the arboreal dendrites also increases with eccentricity from the visual streak, but there are pronounced differences between inferior and superior retina. The arboreal fields are 2 to 3 times larger than the lobular fields throughout the inferior retina but up to 15 times larger in the superior retina. The arboreal field overlap is only 1.8 at the peak visual streak, increasing slightly to about 2.4 over most of the inferior retina; the overlap increases sharply in the superior retina, however, reaching values of 10 or more in the far periphery. Both the lobular and arboreal fields of AII cells are spaced more regularly than the somata, thus covering apparent gaps in the somatic array. An analysis of the potential convergence and divergence between rod bipolar cells and AII amacrine cells in the rabbit retina indicates that the neuronal architecture of the rod circuit is not organized in a uniform module that is simply scaled-up from central to peripheral retina. Moreover, peripheral fields in the superior and inferior retina that have equivalent densities of interneurons show markedly different rod bipolar----AII amacrine convergence ratios, with the result that many more rod photoreceptors converge on an AII amacrine cell in the superior retina than in the inferior retina.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Parvalbumin (PV) is a calcium-binding protein localized to selected neurons in the nervous system, including the retina. This investigation evaluated the distribution of PV immunoreactivity in the rabbit retina using immunohistochemistry with a monoclonal antibody directed to carp PV. In the inner nuclear layer (INL), PV immunoreactivity was present in horizontal and amacrine cells. In the ganglion cell layer, PV immunostaining was confined to somata that are likely to be both displaced amacrine cells and ganglion cells. PV-immunoreactive (IR) amacrine cells were positioned in the proximal INL adjacent to the inner plexiform layer (IPL). These cells usually gave rise to a single primary process, which arborized into two distinct bands in the IPL. In sublamina a, the processes were thin and had large, irregular endings. In sublamina b, multiple processes branched from the primary process and were characterized by varicosities and spines. PV-IR amacrine cell bodies measured from 8 to 10 μm in diameter. Their density was highest in the visual streak and lowest in the periphery of the superior retina. The average number of PV-IR amacrine cells was 464,045 cells per retina (N = 3), and the average regularity index of the PV-IR cell mosaic was 3.23. PV-IR amacrine cells were further characterized by double-label immunofluorescence experiments using antibodies to PV and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Varicose TH-IR processes were in close apposition to many PV-IR amacrine cells and often formed “ring structures” around them. Together, these morphological, quantitative, and histochemical observations indicate that PV immunoreactivity in the INL is localized predominantly to AII amacrine cells, and therefore it is a valuable marker for the identification of this cell type. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity has been localized previously within three classes of amacrine cells in the turtle retina. We have used the avidin-biotin with horseradish peroxidase technique to label these neurons for examination at the ultrastructural level to answer the following questions. Where are the synaptic contacts of these neurons made? What types of neurons are involved pre- and postsynaptically? What is the intracellular distribution of the immunoreactivity? Processes with neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity were located primarily within three regions of the inner plexiform layer: stratum 1, stratum 3, and at the border between strata 4 and 5. In all three regions the processes with neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity received synaptic contacts from both unlabeled amacrine and bipolar cells, but the majority of the synaptic input in all three regions was from unlabeled amacrine cells. Processes with neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity were presynaptic to unlabeled amacrine cells in all three regions, but also formed contacts onto unlabeled bipolar cells in the region between strata 4 and 5. The immunoreactivity within these cells gave rise to a diffuse reaction product that was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and within large vesicles. This localization of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity within large vesicles suggests that this peptide may play a neuromodulatory role. Such a role would be consistent with previous studies of neuropeptides in the turtle retina.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of starburst amacrine cells was studied by electron microscopy of individual or overlapping pairs of Golgi-impregnated cells. Both type a and type b cells were analyzed, the former with normally placed somata and dendritic branching in sublamina a, and the latter with somata displaced to the ganglion cell layer and branching in sublamina b. Starburst amacrine cells were thin-sectioned horizontally, tangential to the retinal surface, and electron micrographs of each section in a series were taken en montage. Cell bodies and dendritic trees were reconstructed graphically from sets of photographic montages representing the serial sections. Synaptic inputs from cone bipolar cells and amacrine cells are distributed sparsely and irregularly all along the dendritic tree. Sites of termination include the synaptic boutons of starburst amacrine cells, which lie at the perimeter of the dendritic tree in the "distal dendritic zone." In central retina, bipolar cell input is associated with very small dendritic spines near the cell body in the "proximal dendritic zone." The proximal dendrites of type a and type b cells generally lie in planes or "strata" of the inner plexiform layer (IPL), near the margins of the IPL. The boutons and varicosities of starburst amacrine cells, distributed int he distal dendritic zone, lie in the "starburst substrata," which occupy a narrow middle region in each of the two sublaminae, a and b, in rabbit retina. As a consequence of differences in stratification, proximal and distal dendritic zones are potentially subject to different types of input. Type b starburst amacrines do not receive inputs from rod bipolar terminals, which lie mainly in the inner marginal zone of the IPL (stratum 5), but type a cells receive some input from the lobular presynaptic appendages of rod amacrine cells in sublamina a, at the border of strata 1 and 2. There is good correspondence between boutons or varicosities and synaptic outputs of starburst amacrine cells, but not all boutons gave ultrastructural evidence of presynaptic junctions. The boutons and varicosities may be both pre- and postsynaptic. They are postsynaptic to cone bipolar cell and amacrine cell terminals, and presynaptic primarily to ganglion cell dendrites. In two pairs of type b starburst amacrine cells with overlapping dendritic fields, close apposition of synaptic boutons was observed, raising the possibility of synaptic contact between them. The density of the Golgi-impregnation and other technical factors prevented definite resolution of this question. No unimpregnated profiles, obviously amacrine in origin, were found postsynaptic to the impregnated starburst boutons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry was utilized to investigate the light and electron microscopic localization of neurotensinlike immunoreactive (NT) amacrine cells in the chicken retina. The NT cells possess oval cell bodies (7 microns in diameter) that are located in either the second or third tier of cells from the border of the inner nuclear and inner plexiform layers. The processes of such cells extend into the inner plexiform layer where they ramify as a narrow plexus in sublamina 1 and as a broad plexus in sublaminas 3 and 4. Additionally, stained processes are observed occasionally within sublamina 5. At the ultrastructural level, NT-positive somas exhibit a rather dense and evenly distributed peroxidase reaction product throughout their cytoplasm. The nucleus of NT amacrine cells possess a round, unindented nuclear membrane. NT-immunoreactive processes in the inner plexiform layer interact synaptically only with non-NT cells. NT processes receive synaptic input mainly from the processes of amacrine cells and to a lesser degree from bipolar cells. The large majority of NT-stained varicosities form presynaptic contacts onto the processes of amacrine cells, but are also presynaptic to bipolar cell axon terminals. Moreover, each of the above synaptic relationships can be identified in each of sublaminas 1 and 3 to 4 of the inner plexiform layer. In addition, NT processes are presynaptic to processes devoid of synaptic vesicles that may originate from ganglion cells. Finally, NT processes occasionally form synaptic contacts onto somas situated in the most proximal row of the inner nuclear layer.  相似文献   

Anatomical and electrophysiological techniques were combined to study the morphology, synaptic connections, and response properties of two neurons in the rod pathway of the rabbit retina: the rod bipolar cell and the narrow-field, bistratified (NFB) amacrine cell. Rod bipolars receive synaptic input from rod cells in the outer plexiform layer (OPL), where their dendrites end as central elements in the invaginating synapse of rod spherules. Their main synaptic output in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) is onto NFB amacrine cells and at least one other type of amacrine, which in turn feeds a reciprocal synapse back onto the bipolar endings. Rod bipolars, or a variety of them, respond to diffuse, white light stimulation with a transient-sustained depolarization dominated by rods; with high-intensity flashes, they generate a secondary depolarization at off, which is homologous to the rod aftereffect of horizontal cells, although opposite in polarity. NFB amacrine cells receive synaptic input from rod bipolars, cone bipolars, and other types of amacrine cells; they are presynaptic to ganglion cell dendrites and communicate via gap junctions with other processes, whose parent neuron has not yet been identified. They respond to light with a triphasic potential, characterized by a depolarizing transient at on, followed by a sustained plateau phase, and finally by a hyperpolarizing transient at off. Threshold of their responses is the same as in the depolarizing rod bipolars and saturation is reached with nearly the same stimulus intensity in both neurons. Furthermore, NFB amacrine cells exhibit a depolarizing rod aftereffect at the termination of high-intensity flashes. Thus, this amacrine cell type is inserted in series along the rod pathway in the rabbit retina and modulates the transfer of scotopic signals from rod bipolars to ganglion cells.  相似文献   

AII-amacrine cells were characterized from Golgi-stained sections and wholemounts of the macaque monkey retina. Similar to other mammalian retinae, they are narrow-field, bistratified amacrine cells with lobular appendages in the outer half of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and a bushy, smoother dendritic tree in the inner half. AII cells of the monkey retina were stained immunocytochemically with antibodies against the calcium-binding protein Calretinin. Their retinal mosaic was elaborated, and their density distribution across the retina was measured. Convergence within the rod pathway was calculated. Electron microscopy of Calretinin-immunolabelled sections was used to study the synaptic connections of the AII cells. They receive a major input from rod bipolar cells, and their output is largely onto cone bipolar cells. Thus, the rod pathway of the primate retina follows the general mammalian scheme as it is known from the cat, the rabbit, and the rat retina. The spatial sampling properties of macaque AII-amacrine cells are discussed and related to human scotopic visual acuity.© 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The type and topographic distribution of synaptic inputs to a directionally selective (DS) rabbit retinal ganglion cell (GC) were examined and were compared with those received by two other complex GC types. The percentage of cone bipolar cell (BC) input, presumably an index of sustained responses and simple receptive field properties, is much higher than expected for complex GCs in reference to previous reports in other species: approximately 20% for the type 1 bistratified ON-OFF DS GC and for a multistratified GC, and approximately 40% for the small-tufted local-edge-detector GC. Consistent with a previous study (Famiglietti [1991] J. Comp. Neurol. 309:40-70), no ultrastructural evidence is found for inhibitory synapses from starburst amacrine cells to the ON-OFF DS GC. The density of inputs to the ON-OFF DS GC is high and rather evenly distributed over the dendritic tree. Clustering of inputs brings excitatory and inhibitory inputs into proximity, but the strict on-path condition of more proximal inhibitory inputs, favoring shunting inhibition, is not satisfied. Prominent BC input and its regional variation suggest that BCs play key roles in DS neural circuitry, both pre- and postsynaptic to the ON-OFF DS GC, according to a bilayer model (Famiglietti [1993] Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 34:S985). Asymmetry of inhibitory amacrine cell input may signify a region on the preferred side of the receptive field, the inhibition-free zone (Barlow and Levick [1965] J. Physiol. (Lond.) 178:477-504), supporting a role for postsynaptic integration in the DS mechanism. Prominent BC input to the local-edge-detector, often without accompanying amacrine cell input, indicates presynaptic integration in forming its trigger feature.  相似文献   

The identity of the types of different neurons in mammalian retinae is now close to being completely known for a few mammalian species; comparison reveals strong homologies for many neurons across the order. Still, there remain some cell types rarely encountered and inadequately described, despite not being rare in relative frequency. Here we describe in detail an additional ganglion cell type in rabbit that is bistratified with dendrites in both sublaminae, yet spikes only at light onset and has no response bias to the direction of moving bars. This ON bistratified ganglion cell type is most easily distinguished by the unusual behavior of its dendritic arbors. While dendrites that arborize in sublamina b terminate at that level, those that ascend to arborize in sublamina a do not normally terminate there. Instead, when they reach the approximate radius of the dendrites in sublamina b, they dive sharply back down to ramify in sublamina b. Here they continue to course even further away from the soma at the same level as the branches wholly contained in sublamina b, thereby forming an annulus of secondary ON dendrites in sublamina b. This pattern of branching creates a bistratified dendritic field of approximately equal area in the two sublaminae initially, to which is then added an external annulus of dendrites only in sublamina b whose origin is entirely from processes descending from sublamina a. It is coupled to a population of wide‐field amacrine cells upon which the dendrites of the ganglion cell often terminate. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:1497–1509, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Amacrine cells comprise ~30 morphological types in the mammalian retina. The synaptic connectivity and function of a few γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic wide‐field amacrine cells have recently been studied; however, with the exception of the rod pathway‐specific AII amacrine cell, the connectivity of glycinergic small‐field amacrine cells has not been investigated in the mouse retina. Here, we studied the morphology and connectivity pattern of the small‐field A8 amacrine cell. A8 cells in mouse retina are bistratified with lobular processes in the ON sublamina and arboreal dendrites in the OFF sublamina of the inner plexiform layer. The distinct bistratified morphology was first visible at postnatal day 8, reaching the adult shape at P13, around eye opening. The connectivity of A8 cells to bipolar cells and ganglion cells was studied by double and triple immunolabeling experiments by using various cell markers combined with synaptic markers. Our data suggest that A8 amacrine cells receive glutamatergic input from both OFF and ON cone bipolar cells. Furthermore, A8 cells are coupled to ON cone bipolar cells by gap junctions, and provide inhibitory input via glycine receptor (GlyR) subunit α1 to OFF cone bipolar cells and to ON A‐type ganglion cells. Measurements of spontaneous glycinergic postsynaptic currents and GlyR immunolabeling revealed that A8 cells express GlyRs containing the α2 subunit. The results show that the bistratified A8 cell makes very similar synaptic contacts with cone bipolar cells as the rod pathway‐specific AII amacrine cell. However, unlike AII cells, A8 amacrine cells provide glycinergic input to ON A‐type ganglion cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:1529–1547, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bistratified amacrine cells of the turtle retina containing enkephalin-like immunoreactivity were examined with the electron microscope with the aid of peroxidase immunocytochemical techniques. Our goal was to determine the nature and the location of the synaptic contacts of these cells and the intracellular localization of the immunoreactivity. There was a diffuse reaction product throughout the cytoplasm which coated the surfaces of all the organelles and a dense reaction product which filled the core of some large cytoplasmic vesicles (130 nm in dia.). These labeled amacrine cells received conventional synaptic contacts from other unlabeled amacrine cells and ribbon synaptic contacts from unlabeled bipolar cells, in both the proximal and distal inner plexiform layer. These enkephalin-positive amacrine cells made conventional synaptic contacts containing unlabeled synaptic vesicles (60 nm in dia.), with ganglion cells in the proximal inner plexiform layer and with bipolar cells in the distal inner plexiform layer. These results suggest that enkephalin-like material coexists with another neurotransmitter within these neurons and that these amacrine cells are able to integrate information from both amacrine cells and bipolar cells and provide synaptic input to bipolar cells, ganglion cells, and possibly other amacrine cells.  相似文献   

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