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The neural substrates of biological motion perception: an fMRI study   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
We used fMRI to identify the brain areas related to the perception of biological motion (4 T EPI; whole brain). In experiment 1, 10 subjects viewed biological motion (a human figure jumping up and down, composed of 21 dots), alternating with a control stimulus created by applying autoregressive models to the biological motion stimulus (such that the dots' speeds and amplitudes were preserved whereas their linking structure was not). The lengths of the stimulus bouts varied, and therefore the transitions between biological motion and control stimuli were unpredictable. Subjects had to indicate with a button press when each transition occurred. In a related biological motion task, subjects detected short (1 s) disturbances within these displays. We also examined the neural substrates of motion and shape perception, as well as motor imagery, to determine whether or not the cortical regions involved in these processes are also recruited during biological motion perception. Subjects viewed linear motion displays alternating with static dots and a series of common objects alternating with band-limited white noise patterns. Subjects also generated imagery of their own arm movements alternating with visual imagery of common objects. Biological motion specific BOLD signal was found within regions of the lingual gyrus at the cuneus border, showing little overlap with object recognition, linear motion or motion imagery areas. The lingual gyrus activation was replicated in a second experiment that also mapped retinotopic visual areas in three subjects. The results suggest that a region of the lingual gyrus within VP is involved in higher-order processing of motion information.  相似文献   

Learning of procedural skills develops gradually, with performance improving significantly with practice. But improvement on some tasks, including a visual texture discrimination task, continues in the absence of further practice, expressly during periods of sleep and not across equivalent waking episodes. Here we report that the brain activation revealed significantly different patterns of performance-related functional activity following a night of sleep relative to 1 h post-training without intervening sleep. When task activation patterns after a night of sleep were compared with activation patterns without intervening sleep (1 h post-training), significant regions of increased signal intensity were observed in the primary visual cortex, the occipital temporal junction, the medial temporal lobe and the inferior parietal lobe. In contrast, a region of decreased signal intensity was found in the right temporal pole. Corroborating these condition differences, correlations between behavioural performance and brain activation revealed significantly different patterns of performance-related functional activity following a night of sleep relative to those without intervening sleep. Together, these data provide evidence of overnight bi-directional changes in functional anatomy, differences that may form the neural basis of sleep-dependent learning expressed on this task.  相似文献   

Top-down controlled visual dimension weighting: an event-related fMRI study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Target detection in visual singleton feature search is slowed when consecutive targets are defined in different visual dimensions. Behavioral data provide evidence that attentional weight needs to be shifted between dimension-specific processing modules. We found similar dimension-specific change effects in a conjunction search task, in which observers searched for an odd-one-out target defined by a unique combination of size and color or, respectively, size and motion direction. Changes of the secondary target dimension (color or motion) across trials, but not target feature changes within a dimension, increased the time required to detect the target. Dimensional change costs were greatly increased for singleton conjunction search compared to singleton feature search. This suggests involvement of top-down control processes in dimensional change in conjunction search, in contrast to stimulus-driven dimensional change in singleton feature search. The functional anatomical correlates of top-down controlled visual dimension changes were investigated in two event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments. In Experiment 1, dimensional change in singleton conjunction search was accompanied by transient activations in a fronto-posterior network of brain areas that was largely non-overlapping with the general network activated during visual search. Experiment 2, which contrasted singleton feature and conjunction search within the same session, revealed a double dissociation in anterior prefrontal cortex: left frontopolar cortex was selectively involved in stimulus-driven dimension changes but not in top-down controlled dimension changes, whereas the reverse was observed in frontomedian cortex.  相似文献   

Moving illusory contours activate primary visual cortex: an fMRI study   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Identifying the cortical areas activated by illusory contours provides valuable information on the mechanisms of object perception. We applied functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify the visual areas of the human brain involved in the perception of a moving Kanizsa-type illusory contour. Our results indicate that, in addition to other cortical regions, areas V5 and V1 are activated. Activity in area V1 was particularly prominent.  相似文献   

The neuronal response patterns that are required for an adequate behavioural reaction to subjectively relevant changes in the environment are commonly studied by means of oddball paradigms, in which occasional 'target' stimuli have to be detected in a train of frequent 'non-target' stimuli. The detection of such task-relevant stimuli is accompanied by a parietocentral positive component of the event-related potential, the P300. We performed EEG recordings of visual and auditory event-related potentials and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) when healthy subjects performed an oddball task. Significant increases in fMRI signal for target versus non-target conditions were observed in the supramarginal gyrus, frontal operculum and insular cortex bilaterally, and in further circumscribed parietal and frontal regions. These effects were consistent over various stimulation and response modalities and can be regarded as specific for target detection in both the auditory and the visual modality. These results therefore contribute to the understanding of the target detection network in human cerebral cortex and impose constraints on attempts at localizing the neuronal P300 generator. This is of importance both from a neurobiological perspective and because of the widespread application of the physiological correlates of target detection in clinical P300 studies.  相似文献   

The lexical effect is a phenomenon whereby lexical information influences the perception of the phonetic category boundary for stimuli from word-nonword continua. At issue is whether this effect is due to "top-down" influence of upper levels of processing on perceptual processing, or instead is due to decision-stage processes. In this study, brain activity was monitored using functional magnetic resonance imaging as subjects performed a phonetic categorization task on items taken from 2 continua in which one end of the continuum was a real word and the other was not (gift-kift and giss-kiss). If the lexical effect has a perceptual basis, modulation of activation should be seen as a function of the lexical effect in areas such as the superior temporal gyri (STG) which have previously been implicated in perceptual processing. In contrast, if the effect is purely due to decision-related factors, such modulation would be expected only in areas which have been linked to executive processes, such as frontal and midline structures. Modulation of activation as a function of the lexically biased shift in phonetic category boundary was observed in the STG bilaterally as well as in frontal and midline structures. This activation pattern suggests that the lexical effect has at minimum a perceptual component, in addition to an executive decision-related component. These results challenge the view that lexical effects on phonetic boundary placement are due solely to postperceptual, decision-stage processes, and support those models of language processing which allow for higher-level lexical information to directly influence the perception of incoming speech.  相似文献   

This study explored sex effects on the process of risk-taking. We observed that the female participants (n = 10) showed stronger activation in the right insula and bilateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) than did the male participants (n = 12) while they were performing in the Risky-Gains task. The female participants also showed stronger activations in the precentral, postcentral, and paracentral regions after receiving punishment feedback. In addition, the strength of neural activity in the insula correlated with the rate of risky behaviors for the female participants but not for the male participants. Similarly, the percent signal changes in the right OFC correlated negatively with the rate of selecting risky choices for the female group. These findings strongly suggest a sex-related influence modulating brain activity during risk-taking tasks. When taking the same level of risk, relative to men, women tend to engage in more neural processing involving the insula and the OFC to update and valuate possible uncertainty associated with risk-taking decision making. These results are consistent with the value-based decision-making model and offer insights into the possible neural mechanisms underlying the different risk-taking attitudes of men and women.  相似文献   

In this study of reading development, children (ages 7-10) and adults (ages 18-32) performed overt single-word reading and aural repetition tasks on high-frequency word stimuli during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Most regions showed similar activity across age groups. These widespread regions of similarity indicate that children and adults use largely overlapping mechanisms when processing high-frequency words. Significant task-related differences included greater activity in occipital cortex for the read task, and greater activity in temporal cortex for the repeat task; activity levels in these regions were similar for adults and children. However, age group differences were found in several posterior regions, including a set of regions implicated in adult reading: the left supramarginal gyrus, the left angular gyrus, and bilateral anterior extrastriate cortex. The angular and supramarginal gyrus regions, hypothesized to play a role in phonology, showed decreased activity in adults relative to children for high-frequency words. The extrastriate regions had significant activity for both the visual read task and auditory repeat task in children, but just for the read task in adults, showing significant task and age interactions. These results are consistent with decreasing reliance on phonological processing, and increasing tuning of visual mechanisms, with age.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological studies have revealed a pre-attentive change-detection system in the auditory modality. This system emits a signal termed the mismatch negativity (MMN) when any detectable change in a regular pattern of auditory stimulation occurs. The precise intracranial sources underlying MMN generation, and in particular whether these vary as a function of the acoustic feature that changes, is a matter of some debate. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we show that anatomically distinct networks of auditory cortices are activated as a function of the deviating acoustic feature--in this case, tone frequency and tone duration--strongly supporting the hypothesis that MMN generators in auditory cortex are feature dependent. We also detail regions of the frontal and parietal cortices activated by change-detection processes. These regions also show feature dependence and we hypothesize that they reflect recruitment of attention-switching mechanisms.  相似文献   

Neural basis for priming of pop-out during visual search revealed with fMRI   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maljkovic and Nakayama first showed that visual search efficiency can be influenced by priming effects. Even "pop-out" targets (defined by unique color) are judged quicker if they appear at the same location and/or in the same color as on the preceding trial, in an unpredictable sequence. Here, we studied the potential neural correlates of such priming in human visual search using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We found that repeating either the location or the color of a singleton target led to repetition suppression of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) activity in brain regions traditionally linked with attentional control, including bilateral intraparietal sulci. This indicates that the attention system of the human brain can be "primed," in apparent analogy to repetition-suppression effects on activity in other neural systems. For repetition of target color but not location, we also found repetition suppression in inferior temporal areas that may be associated with color processing, whereas repetition of target location led to greater reduction of activation in contralateral inferior parietal and frontal areas, relative to color repetition. The frontal eye fields were also implicated, notably when both target properties (color and location) were repeated together, which also led to further BOLD decreases in anterior fusiform cortex not seen when either property was repeated alone. These findings reveal the neural correlates for priming of pop-out search, including commonalities, differences, and interactions between location and color repetition. fMRI repetition-suppression effects may arise in components of the attention network because these settle into a stable "attractor state" more readily when the same target property is repeated than when a different attentional state is required.  相似文献   

A computational neuroscience framework is proposed to better understand the role and the neuronal correlate of spatial attention modulation in visual perception. The model consists of several interconnected modules that can be related to the different areas of the dorsal and ventral paths of the visual cortex. Competitive neural interactions are implemented at both microscopic and interareal levels, according to the biased competition hypothesis. This hypothesis has been experimentally confirmed in studies in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques and also in single-cell recording studies in monkeys. Within this neuro-dynamical approach, numerical simulations are carried out that describe both the fMRI and the electrophysiological data. The proposed model draws together data of different spatial and temporal resolution, as are the above-mentioned imaging and single-cell results.  相似文献   

Associative theory postulates that learning the consequences of our actions in a given context is represented in the brain as stimulus-response-outcome associations that evolve according to prediction-error signals (the discrepancy between the observed and predicted outcome). We tested the theory on brain functional magnetic resonance imaging data acquired from human participants learning arbitrary visuomotor associations. We developed a novel task that systematically manipulated learning and induced highly reproducible performances. This granted the validation of the model-based results and an in-depth analysis of the brain signals in representative single trials. Consistent with the Rescorla-Wagner model, prediction-error signals are computed in the human brain and selectively engage the ventral striatum. In addition, we found evidence of computations not formally predicted by the Rescorla-Wagner model. The dorsal fronto-parietal network, the dorsal striatum, and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex are activated both on the incorrect and first correct trials and may reflect the processing of relevant visuomotor mappings during the early phases of learning. The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is selectively activated on the first correct outcome. The results provide quantitative evidence of the neural computations mediating arbitrary visuomotor learning and suggest new directions for future computational models.  相似文献   

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of a visual target detection (oddball) task to investigate age differences in neural activation for the detection of two types of infrequent events: visually simple items requiring a response shift (targets) and visually complex items that did not entail a response shift (novels). Targets activated several prefrontal regions (e.g. middle frontal gyrus), as well as deep gray matter regions (caudate, putamen, thalamus and insula). Prefrontal activation was similar for younger and older adults, whereas deep gray matter activation was relatively greater for the older adults. Novels activated occipital regions (fusiform and lateral occipital gyri), and this activation was relatively reduced for older adults. The changes in behavioral performance across the task conditions were similar for the two age groups, although the older adults' responses were slower overall. Regression analyses of the relation between neural activation and task performance (response time) indicated that whereas performance was mediated most directly by prefrontal cortex for younger adults, older adults' performance was influenced to a greater extent by deep gray matter structures. Older adults may place relatively greater emphasis on the attentional control of response regulation, in compensation for the age-related decline in visual processing efficiency.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize one's own inner speech is essential for a sense of self. The verbal self-monitoring model proposes that this process entails a communication from neural regions involved in speech production to areas of speech perception. According to the model, if the expected verbal feedback matches the perceived feedback, then there would be no change in activation in the lateral temporal cortices. We investigated the neural correlates of verbal self-monitoring in a functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) study. Thirteen healthy male volunteers read aloud presented adjectives and heard their auditory feedback which was experimentally modified. Decisions about the source of the feedback were made with a button-press response. We used a 'clustered' fMRI acquisition sequence, consisting of periods of relative silence in which subjects could speak aloud and hear the feedback in the absence of scanner noise, and an event-related design which allowed separate analysis of trials associated with correct attributions and misattributions. Subjects made more misattribution responses when the feedback was a distorted version of their voice. This condition showed increased superior temporal activation relative to the conditions of hearing their own voice undistorted and hearing another person's voice. Furthermore, correct attributions during this condition were associated with greater temporal activation than misattributions. These findings support the self-monitoring model as mismatches between expected and actual auditory feedback were associated with greater temporal activation.  相似文献   

The neural basis of human dance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human dance was investigated with positron emission tomography to identify its systems-level organization. Three core aspects of dance were examined: entrainment, meter and patterned movement. Amateur dancers performed small-scale, cyclically repeated tango steps on an inclined surface to the beat of tango music, without visual guidance. Entrainment of dance steps to music, compared to self-pacing of movement, was supported by anterior cerebellar vermis. Movement to a regular, metric rhythm, compared to movement to an irregular rhythm, implicated the right putamen in the voluntary control of metric motion. Spatial navigation of leg movement during dance, when controlling for muscle contraction, activated the medial superior parietal lobule, reflecting proprioceptive and somatosensory contributions to spatial cognition in dance. Finally, additional cortical, subcortical and cerebellar regions were active at the systems level. Consistent with recent work on simpler, rhythmic, motor-sensory behaviors, these data reveal the interacting network of brain areas active during spatially patterned, bipedal, rhythmic movements that are integrated in dance.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of neural regeneration   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Jacobs WB  Fehlings MG 《Neurosurgery》2003,53(4):943-48; discussion 948-50
THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) is incapable of meaningful regeneration of lost neurons or axonal and dendritic connections after injury. This often results in permanent and severe loss of neurological function. The CNS regenerative process is unsuccessful for at least three reasons: neurons are highly susceptible to death after CNS injury; the CNS extracellular milieu contains multiple inhibitory factors that make it nonpermissive to growth; and the intrinsic growth capacity of postmitotic neurons is constitutively reduced. However, a number of recent developments in each of these areas is providing insight into the cellular mechanisms involved in CNS regeneration and may eventually lead to the development of therapies capable of effecting successful CNS regeneration.  相似文献   

The kinetic occipital (KO) region in man: an fMRI study   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to explore, in individual subjects, the properties of the kinetic occipital (KO) region, which previous position emission tomography studies have shown to be involved in the processing of kinetic boundaries. The KO region was significantly activated in 23/25 subjects tested in the subtraction of uniform motion from kinetic gratings. The KO region is genuinely specialized for processing kinetic boundaries since it is significantly more activated by kinetic gratings than by luminance-defined gratings, uniform motion or transparent motion. This leaves only the kinetic boundaries, created by discontinuities in motion direction, as the specific stimulus aspect, activating the KO region. The KO region is anatomically and functionally distinct from areas MT/V5, V3 and V3A. It also has minimal overlap with the lateral occipital (LO) region. The selective activation of the KO region is robust and relatively immune to changes in stimulus size, spatial frequency and type of kinetic boundary. These results strongly argue for the view that the KO region is a new, separate, functional region in human occipital cortex.   相似文献   

A number of regions of the temporal and frontal lobes are known to be important for spoken language comprehension, yet we do not have a clear understanding of their functional role(s). In particular, there is considerable disagreement about which brain regions are involved in the semantic aspects of comprehension. Two functional magnetic resonance studies use the phenomenon of semantic ambiguity to identify regions within the fronto-temporal language network that subserve the semantic aspects of spoken language comprehension. Volunteers heard sentences containing ambiguous words (e.g. 'the shell was fired towards the tank') and well-matched low-ambiguity sentences (e.g. 'her secrets were written in her diary'). Although these sentences have similar acoustic, phonological, syntactic and prosodic properties (and were rated as being equally natural), the high-ambiguity sentences require additional processing by those brain regions involved in activating and selecting contextually appropriate word meanings. The ambiguity in these sentences goes largely unnoticed, and yet high-ambiguity sentences produced increased signal in left posterior inferior temporal cortex and inferior frontal gyri bilaterally. Given the ubiquity of semantic ambiguity, we conclude that these brain regions form an important part of the network that is involved in computing the meaning of spoken sentences.  相似文献   

The computation of speech codes (i.e. phonology) is an important aspect of word reading. Understanding the neural systems and mech- anisms underlying phonological processes provides a foundation for the investigation of language in the brain. We used high-resolution three-dimensional positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate neural systems essential for phonological processes. The burden of neural activities on the computation of speech codes was maximized by three rhyming tasks (rhyming words, pseudowords and words printed in mixed letter cases). Brain activation patterns associated with these tasks were compared with those of two baseline tasks involving visual feature detection. Results suggest strong left lateralized epicenters of neural activity in rhyming irrespective of gender. Word rhyming activated the same brain regions engaged in pseudoword rhyming, suggesting conjoint neural networks for phonological processing of words and pseudowords. However, pseudoword rhyming induced the largest change in cerebral blood flow and activated more voxels in the left posterior prefrontal regions and the left inferior occipital-temporal junction. In addition, pseudoword rhyming activated the left supramarginal gyrus, which was not apparent in word rhyming. These results suggest that rhyming pseudowords requires active participation of extended neural systems and networks not observed for rhyming words. The implications of the results on theories and models of visual word reading and on selective reading dysfunctions after brain lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

Working memory training is a useful tool to examine dissociations between specific working memory processes. Although current models propose a distinction between modality-specific working memory processes, to our knowledge no study has directly examined the effects of visual versus auditory working memory training. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to investigate whether visual working memory processes can be trained specifically and whether those effects can be separated from across-modal training effects. We found decidedly larger training gains after visual working memory training compared with auditory or no training on a visual 2-back task. These effects were accompanied by specific training-related decreases in the right middle frontal gyrus arising from visual training only. Likewise, visual and auditory training led to decreased activations in the superior portion of the right middle frontal gyrus and the right posterior parietal lobule. We infer that the combination of effects resulted from increased neural efficiency of intra-modal (visual) processes on the one hand and of across-modal (general control) processes on the other hand. Therefore, visual processes of working memory can be trained specifically, and these effects can be functionally dissociated from alterations in general control processes common to both working memory trainings.  相似文献   

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