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This report describes the application of fine-needle aspiration cytology to rectal tumors and metastatic deposits in the rectovesical pouch using a short proctoscope and an 8-cm long fine needle  相似文献   

Ultrasonography,CTandmagneticresonancehavebeenwidelyusedinthediagnosisofliverdiseasesinthepast20years,butthefinaldefinitediag...  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is important for classifying thyroid lesions. Thin-layer cytology (TLC) has been adopted in thyroid cytology with encouraging results and its efficacy in diagnosing nodular lesions in a 1-year period was evaluated. All 2006 thyroid FNAB processed by TLC only in the year 2004 were examined. The 2002 and 2003 series, processed both by TLC and conventional smears (CS), were used as controls. All FNAB were classified according to previously published morphologic criteria. Surgery was performed on 311 cases: all 98 benign and 30 malignant lesions were histologically confirmed. The inadequate diagnoses resulted 11.3% in 2004, 13.3% in 2003, and 18.2% in 2002. The indeterminate diagnosis rate was 16.9% in 2004, 20.7% in 2003, and 24.8% in 2002. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy values ranged from 80% to 100%. TLC is useful in reducing inadequate and indeterminate cases without decreasing the preoperative diagnostic accuracy. Ancillary techniques can be successfully applied to the stored material.  相似文献   

甲状腺结节是常见的甲状腺疾病,正确区分其良、恶性为治疗关键.细针穿刺细胞学检查在甲状腺结节的鉴别诊断中发挥了重要作用,在其基础上,应用分子诊断、多基因检测及基凶芯片等现代技术可进一步提高诊断的准确率,对于明确诊断、减少治疗费用、指导外科治疗具有极大作用.现丰要就细针穿刺细胞学用于甲状腺结节的鉴别诊断作相关阐述.  相似文献   

In the Melbourne (Monash) series reviewed here the development of apparently isolated incisional scar tissue recurrences after curative excisions for large-bowel cancer proved unusual. Eleven patients with such a recurrence all died of disseminated disease within four years, and most within 12 months, of its development. This suggests that an incisional recurrence is a manifestation of disseminated cancer rather than isolated implantation.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The routine use of thyroid FNAB caused profound changes in the management of thyroid nodules. FNAB allows a prompt identification and treatment of thyroid malignancies and avoids unnecessary surgery in patients with benign lesions, improving quality of life in patients with thyroid nodules. Furthermore, FNAB provides guidance for the type of surgery and reduces costs of care. On average, standard FNAB is nondiagnostic in 25% to 40% of cases, which include inadequate specimens and indeterminate (suspicious) diagnoses. In addition, a small percentage of false-negative diagnoses occur, which are unavoidable and raise concern of a late diagnosis of cancer. To minimize the limitations of FNAB, every center should reach and maintain a high standard of expertise in all of the steps of smear preparation and interpretation. Alternative modes of sampling or sample preparation may result in a reduction of nondiagnostic samples and better accuracy. Every center should set up clinical guidelines tailored to their own FNAB results and including the evaluation of clinical data. More work is needed to increase the accuracy of FNAB in suspicious cases. Toward this goal a variety of molecular markers have been evaluated; although none of them are ideal, some are promising. More studies need to be carried out in larger series to further evaluate the accuracy of these markers in identifying specific cancer histotypes within the group of suspicious lesions. It is hoped that, in the near future, the routine use of a combination of these markers will cost-effectively improve the diagnosis of malignant nodules classified as suspicious on traditional cytology. Statistical methods such as bayesian analysis or neural networks can be advantageously used to integrate different relevant information derived from family and personal history, clinical data, cytologic results, and evaluation of molecular markers.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen and recurrent colorectal cancer.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
J Northover 《Gut》1986,27(2):117-122

The potential application of fine-needle aspiration liver biopsy in the documentation of hepatic iron overload has been assessed in iron-loaded rats. Fine-needle aspiration and standard liver biopsy specimens were obtained from three groups of animals supplemented with oral and parenteral iron for 2 to 6 mo. The mean dry weights of standard and fine-needle biopsy specimens were 7.41 +/- 0.77 (+/- S.E.M.) and 0.57 +/- 0.54 mg, respectively. Hepatic iron in fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimens correlated significantly with hepatic iron in standard liver biopsy specimens as measured by biochemical determination, computerized image analysis and histological grading (r greater than 0.9, p less than 0.001). In conclusion, we have shown that fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the liver can obtain sufficient tissue for biochemical measurement of the hepatic iron concentration in an animal model of iron overload. The clinical applications of fine-needle aspiration liver biopsy in human beings with iron overload is currently being investigated.  相似文献   

Twenty-four patients with bowel lesions that could be imaged on a sonogram underwent ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Indications for biopsy included: poor condition of the patient precluding the use of barium studies and/or endoscopy (9 cases) or hindering technically adequate examinations (3); nonspecific radiographic images (6); inability to obtain an adequate biopsy sample during endoscopy (6). The results of biopsy were correct in the 18 cases proven by surgery or autopsy; in the remaining 6 patients, histologic results were considered conclusive, and were later confirmed by clinical, radiographic, and ultrasound follow-up. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy may be considered a simple, rapid, and accurate diagnostic procedure when an alternative approach to the study of gastrointestinal tract lesions is needed.  相似文献   

Mechanisms and prevention of recurrent colorectal cancer.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Repeat hepatectomy for recurrent hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Resection of liver metastases from colorectal cancer is accepted as a safe, and curative treatment. Furthermore, repeat hepatectomy has been indicated for hepatic recurrence after initial hepatectomy to achieve long-term survival or cure. The present study is a retrospective review of our results using repeat hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases to identify outcomes and prognostic factors associated with long-term survival. METHODOLOGY: Ninety-four patients underwent an initial hepatectomy for colorectal metastases between 1990 and 1995. Thirty patients had hepatic recurrence after the initial hepatectomy. Eleven patients underwent repeat hepatectomy for isolated hepatic recurrence. RESULTS: The operative mortality was 0%. The overall 5-year survival rate after detection of second liver metastases of 11 patients was 45.5%. The distribution of first liver metastases and disease-free interval between the first and second hepatectomy demonstrated significance in relation to survival after repeat hepatectomy (P = 0.0303 and 0.0338). CONCLUSIONS: Repeat hepatectomy for recurrent liver metastases from colorectal cancer was the most effective treatment to improve survival time for selected patients. In patients with isolated second liver metastasis, unilateral spread of first liver metastases, and a disease-free interval between the first and second hepatectomies of more than 12 months, long-term survival or cure can be expected after repeat hepatectomy.  相似文献   

S A Zargar  M S Khuroo  R Mahajan  G M Jan  K Dewani    V Koul 《Gut》1991,32(7):745-748
In a prospective study we compared the diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic fine needle aspiration cytology with that of brush cytology and forceps biopsy in relation to gross tumour pattern and site in 265 confirmed consecutive cases of malignancy of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, and rectum. Aspiration cytology gave the highest diagnostic accuracy (94%), which was significantly better than that of brush cytology (84.9%) and biopsy (87.2%) (p less than 0.005). The difference was mainly related to tumour pattern. When compared to brush cytology and biopsy aspiration cytology was significantly better in submucosal tumours (92.9% v 7.1% and 14.3%, p less than 0.001); in infiltrative malignancies (95.8% v 90.1% and 78.9%, p less than 0.01), and in ulceronecrotic malignancies (90.9% v 36.4% and 45.4%, p less than 0.05). In polypoid malignancies there was a significant trend (p less than 0.05) in favour of forceps biopsy, with a diagnostic yield of 100% compared with 95% for aspiration cytology and 93.3% for brush cytology. The accuracy of the different techniques was not significantly related to the site of the tumour. The cumulative accuracy of aspiration cytology and biopsy was significantly better than that of biopsy and brush cytology (98.5% v 90.9%, p less than 0.005). Aspiration cytology was diagnostic in 21 of 24 lesions that were negative with both brush cytology and biopsy. There were no false positive cytology or histology results. We conclude that aspiration cytology is a simple, safe, and reliable technique with a high diagnostic yield and is of particular value in submucosal, infiltrative, and ulceronecrotic tumours.  相似文献   



Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths around the world. Globally, lung cancer is the largest contributor to new cancer diagnosis and to death from cancer. Various conventional diagnostic techniques (CDTs) such as endobronchial forcep biopsy (FB), bronchial washing (BW) and bronchial brushing (BB), and transbronchial needle aspiration cytology (TBNA) are employed during fiber-optic bronchoscopy.


This is a prospective study conducted between June 2012 and September 2013 at Bronchoscopy unit of MIMSR Medical College Latur, India, to find the role of TBNA in exophytic endobronchial lesions in confirming the diagnosis of lung cancer and to find additive yield over other techniques such as BB, BW and FB, and included 150 patients on the basis of clinical and radiological features of malignancy. In exophytic endobronchial lesions, predominant endoscopic findings were cauliflower, polypoidal-like or nodular or multinodular endobronchial growth. TBNA, FB, BB and BW were performed in all the cases during FOB. Histopathological and cytological examinations of specimens were performed at Pathology department. The statistical analysis was done using chi-square test.


Total 150 patients, between age group 24–80 years, mean age was 57.93 years, male population constitutes 86.17 % of total. 76.14 % cases were smoker of them 61.87 % cases having history of >40 pack years. Commoner symptoms were cough (91.33 %), hemoptysis (54.00 %) and chest pain (46.66 %), and mass lesion (40.66 %), hilar opacity (31.33 %) and collapse segmental/lobar (29.33 %) were commoner radiological abnormalities. Yield of TBNA, CDT and TBNA plus CDT in exophytic lesions is 60.66, 79.33 and 84.66 %, respectively, in diagnosis of lung malignancies (P < 0.001). Sensitivity of forcep biopsy and TBNA in diagnosing lung malignancy was 88.18 and 71.65 %, respectively (P < 0.01). FOB-related hypoxemia documented in two cases and minor bleeding in six cases. Other complications such as significant bleeding, pneumothorax and death were not seen. Minor bleeding was seen with forcep biopsy mainly in 4.0 % cases. TBNA has decreased repeat procedure, decreases cost for diagnosis. IHC on TBNA specimens had increased histological-type confirmation.


Transbronchial needle aspiration is a beneficial, safe and minimally invasive bronchoscopic technique with insignificant side effect in the diagnosis bronchogenic carcinoma. TBNA considered safe, especially when fleshy vascular endobronchial growth is present and risk of bleeding is high with forcep biopsy. Inadequate tissue sampling due to the presence of necrosis, blood clot over the lesion and formation of crush artifacts by FB makes TBNA valuable in these lesions. TBNA will definitely decrease need for repeat bronchoscopy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Fine needle aspirative cytology is a well-established diagnostic tool for evaluating tumor masses. The goal of the current study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of direct (nonimaging-guided) fine needle aspiration of palpable abdominal masses excluding the liver. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Direct aspiration of a palpable abdominal mass was performed in 190 patients in order to confirm or to rule out malignancy. Based on histologic, cytologic, and clinical findings, final diagnoses were reached in 165 patients, of whom 130 had a malignant abdominal mass and 35 a benign abdominal mass. The cytologic findings were verified by correlation with histologic, cytologic, and clinical findings. RESULTS: Among the 130 patients with a malignant abdominal mass, the cytologic findings failed to reveal malignancy in 12 patients (9.2%), but did reveal suspected malignancy in five (3.8%) and malignancy in 113 patients (86.9%). Among all 35 patients with a benign abdominal mass, the cytologic findings were reported as nonmalignant. The overall sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and diagnostic accuracy of cytologic findings were 90.8%, 100%, 100%, 74.5%, and 92.7%, respectively. A nonfatal case of bile peritonitis and a case of localized peritonitis that, in retrospective, could have been avoided were the only major complications that followed the fine needle aspirative procedure. CONCLUSION: With careful patient selection and meticulous attention to the proper procedure, direct fine needle cytology is a simple, safe, and highly accurate method for diagnosing palpable abdominal masses.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration of thyroid nodules in radiation-exposed patients.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
External radiation used to treat benign conditions in the head and neck area results in an increased risk of thyroid cancer in exposed individuals. Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is the standard procedure used to evaluate suspicious thyroid nodules. Its accuracy has been extensively studied, but little is known about FNA in irradiated patients. We analyzed the FNA experience of 136 irradiated subjects. Fifty-two had surgery enabling a comparison of the histologic diagnosis with the FNA results. In these 52 patients with a total of 53 FNAs, 20 were reported as benign, 14 as follicular neoplasms, 6 as papillary cancer, and 13 as inadequate samples. Seven malignant nodules were aspirated; 4 were reported as papillary cancer, 1 was reported as benign and 2 had inadequate specimens. An additional 11 patients had thyroid cancer in foci that were not subjected to FNA. For the nodules that were aspirated, and considering an FNA report of follicular neoplasm as a false-positive when a follicular adenoma or a colloid nodule was found at surgery, the calculated sensitivity was 80%, specificity 54%, positive predictive value 20%, and negative predictive value 95%. Of the 14 follicular neoplasm FNA diagnoses, 10 were colloid nodules (71%), and 4 only were follicular adenomas. We conclude that the sensitivity of FNA in irradiated patients is similar to what is reported for the general population. However, smaller malignant nodules are common and are not diagnosed by the FNA. Also, the FNA diagnosis of follicular neoplasm is often inaccurate and inadequate aspirations are frequent in this patient group.  相似文献   

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