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Causes inducing subacute thyroiditis have been unclear, but clinically it is treated mostlywith cortical hormones. In the present paper, it was reported that one case of subacute thyroiditis withhyperthyodism at the late stage was cured with acupuncture at Renying (ST 9), Fengchi (GB 20),Jiaji ponts on the neck and other points. In the treatment, differentiation of symptoms and signs wascombined with differentiation of disease, selection of proximal acupoints was combined with selectionof distal acupoints. The patient was treated in accordance with his physique. Therefore, the therapeu-tic effects were obtained rapidly.  相似文献   

Among 103 patients suffering from gastrokinetic distrubance treated with acupuncture,66 were markedly effective and 32 were improved, the total effective rate was 95.15% . No noticeabledifference was found in comparison with the control group administered with Tabella Domperidoni (P>0. 05). After the treatment, the patients' integral value of symptoms was remarkably decreased (P<0. 01 ), and gastrokinesographic recording was evidently improved. The therapeutical effect ofacupuncture was superior or similar to that of the control group.  相似文献   

120 cases of urolithlasis were randomly divided into 3 groups of 40 persons each.The first group was solely treated with an improved acupuncture method,the second group was treatedwith Chinese herbal medicine,and the third group was treated with both of the above methods.Results showed that the improved acupuncture method possessed better stone-removing effect thanthe herbal medicine method and no much difference occurred between the patients treated withacupuncture and those treated with both above methods.Besides,the authors also experienced the excellentanalgesic and stone-dissolving effect of acupuncture in this study.  相似文献   

Thetrigeminalnervebranchesofftheoph-thalmic,mandibularandmaxillarybranchesfromthesemilunarganglion,whicharemainsensorynerveslnnervatingtheheadandtheface.Ifanyonebranchoftheminthedistribu-tionregionsofthetrigeminalnerveisaffectedbywind-cold,pressureorinflammatorystimulation,etc.,abnormalsensationorpainwillbeinducedinthecorrespondinginnervatedregion.Clinical-ly,patholOgicchangeoftheophthalmicbranchismorecommonandmaycausepainoftheorbitandtheforehead,andlacrimation;Patientswithpainofthemaxillarybr…  相似文献   

Intractablepainofparap1egicandquadriplegicpatientscausedbyinjuryofspinalcordisadifficultprob1emintheconvalescentmedicineatpresent,becausethecourseofconva-lescenttreatmentofthepatientsisverylong,itisobviousthattherearesomedefectsofthetreatmentwithexcisingdorsa1radixorwithlargedoseofanalgesicandantispastic-sedative.Inordertoalleviatethephysicalandmentalsuf-feringofthepatientsandimprovethequalityoftheirlife,theacupunctureanalgesiaisusedasasubstitutivetherapy,whichhasbeenacceptedbytheeasternandWes…  相似文献   

针刺颈项部腧穴为主治疗吞咽障碍的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察针刺颈项部腧穴为主治疗假性球麻痹所致吞咽障碍的临床疗效并探讨其作用机理。方法:将86例明确诊断的病人随机分为治疗组(针刺+西药)44例,穴取风府、风池、供血、翳明、治呛、吞咽、发音、廉泉等,药物选用疏血通6~10mL,0.9%NaCl 250mL静脉注射,对照组(西药)42例,药物选用疏血通6~10mL,0.9%NaCl 250乩静脉注射。结果:治疗组总有效率为97.73%,对照组总有效率为80.95%。两组间差异有非常显著意义(P〈0.01)。结论:颈项部腧穴为主治疗假性球麻痹所致吞咽障碍有较好的疗效,优于单纯西药治疗,值得推广;其机理可能是提高了病人脑神经细胞的兴奋性,使可逆神经细胞复活或被抑制的神经细胞觉醒。  相似文献   

Hiccupmayinfluence patients’dailylifeandworktodifferentdegrees.Thelightcasecanrecoverspontaneously ,buttheseriousonere sultingfromvariousacuteandchronicdiseasesmaykeepfordays,months,even years,nomatterdayornight,attackingintermittently .Acupuncturecantreatsuchsymptomeffectively ,butitisstilleasytoreoccurparticularlyinpa tientswithweakconstitution .Weacquiredsatis fiedtherapeuticresultthrough prolongingnee dle retainingin 45casesofstubbornhiccuppa tients.Followingisthereport.1 CLINICALDA…  相似文献   

Hemiplegiaisacommoncomplicationofcraniocerebraloperationinclinic.Acupuncturetherapycaneffectivelyraisethemyodynamiaoftheparalyzedlimbandaccelerateitsfunctionalrecovery[1 - 4 ] .FromJanuaryof 2 0 0 2toDecem berof 2 0 0 3 ,theauthorsofthepresentpapertreated 2 0casesofpostoperativehemiplegiapa tientswithacupuncturetherapyandachievedsatisfiedresults.Itisreportedasfollows.1 CLINICALDATAFortyhemiplegiapatientsundergoingcran iocerebraloperationwererandomlyandevenlydividedintocontrolgroupandtre…  相似文献   

Thegreateroccipitalneuralgiaischieflymanifestedasprominentstabbing throbbingpainintheoccipitalr transmittedtothelateraltemproparietalregion.Thepainattackscontinuouslyorintermittently,associate paroxysmalaggravationofspinalnervedisorder.Thediseaseiscommonl…  相似文献   

Acute cerebral infarction is a common cere-brovascular diseaseinclinic.Researches of recent sev-eral years demonstrated that in the early stage of a-cute cerebral infarction,acupuncture treatment couldrapidly relieve vascular spasm,promote the establish-ment of the collateral circulation,increase topicalcerebral blood flow volume and effectively lighten is-chemic cerebral injury.From2002to2004,the au-thors of the present paper applied acupuncture com-bined with medicines to the treatment of ac…  相似文献   

The author punctured Kuangshang (the medial one third of the supraorbitalmargin ), Jieli (midway between the occipital condyle and apex helix) and Yintang ((EX-HN3 ) asmain points to treat optic atrophy in 164 eyes of 110 patients. The results showed that 12 eyes (7.3% ) were cured, 71 eyes (43. 3 % ) remarkably effective, 39 eyes (23. 8 % ) improved and 42 eyes(25. 6 % ) ineffective, with the total effective rate 74. 4 %.  相似文献   

针灸治疗精液异常症不同证型的疗效对比   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的 观察针灸治疗不同证型精液异常症的疗效。方法 按中医辨证,将35例精液异常症患者分为“肾虚精冷型”(26例)和“湿热下注型”(9例)两组,均采用针刺加隔药饼灸方法治疗。结果 肾虚精冷型疗效显著高于湿热下注型(P<0.01)。湿热下注型患者经改用单纯电针治疗后,疗效显著提高(P<0.01),经统计下肾虚精冷型无明显差异。结论 提示辨证分型,依证论治确为中医诊治要点,“热证可灸”拟有其一定的适应症。  相似文献   

In the present paper,89 cases of urine retention patients were treated with acupuncture therapy.Qugu(CV2) and Zhaohai(Kl 6) were punctured and stimulated with reinforcing or reducing needling method according to syndrome differentiation.Following treatment,of the 89 cases,69(77.5%)had remarkble improvement of their symptome,19(21.3%) experienced improvement and one had no apparent change,with the total effective rate being 98.8%.  相似文献   

Autismoccursinchildhoodandreferstosyn dromecharacterizedbyseveresolitude,problemof socialinteraction,linguisticdevelopmentdisturbance,stereotypedpatternsofbehaviour,andpeculiarre sponsestoenvironmentalobjectsandevents.Itsexact pathogeniccausesremainunknownandithasnoef fectiveremediestodealwithinmodernmedicine.In recenttwoyears,theauthorsofthepresentpaperap pliedacupuncturetherapytotreatautismand achievedsatisfactorytherapeuticeffect.Followingis thesummary.1CLINICALDATA1.1Generaldata Inth…  相似文献   

Neurosismis a common disease in the depart-ment of neuro-internal medicine,andis mainly mani-fested by mental irritability or fatigability accompa-nied with anxiety,insomnia,depression,etc.In re-cent several years,the author of the present paper ap-plied acupuncture combined with massage totreat thisdisease and achieved satisfactory results.Followingisthe report.1GENERAL DATAAll the88cases of neurosism were outpatientsfromthe department of acu-moxibustion of our hospi-tal.They were random…  相似文献   

WithuniversalapplicationofCT(comput-erizedtomography)technique,diagnosticleve1ofcerebrovasculardiseasesincreasesgreatly.CTtechniquemakesdiagnosisofcerebralinfarctionofthecorticalsystemandthepenetratingbranchsystempossible.Inresentyearsstudieshaveprovedtha…  相似文献   

Cases of secondary amenorrhea were treated by acupuncture, and the rate ofrestoring menstruation is relatively high. The total effective rate was 77%. But the some diseasewhich may cause amenorrhea is difficult to treat, such as hypo-ovaria praecox, pituitary micro-adenoma. The acupuncture has clear curative effect during primary course treatment. The amenorrhea withlactorrhea syndrome by the high prolactin (PRL) in the serum is also able to be treated by usingacupuncture.  相似文献   

Constipation is one of the common disorders ofthe digestive systemin daily life and is increasing inthe sick rate due to stress,lower physical activity,quickened rhythms of people’s daily living activitiesand changes of the diet habits.Administration ofmedicines for catharsis can relieve its symptoms tem-porarily though;the secondary constipation aftermedication may worsen the state further.Acupunc-ture therapy works well in the treatment of constipa-tion.It is recorded early in Chinese class…  相似文献   

Scapulohumeralperiarthritisisoneofthecommonlyseendiseasesinclinicandisanindica tionofacupuncturetherapy .Thisdiseaseisre ferredtotheretrogradeaffectionandstrainin ducedwidespreadchronicasepticinflammationaroundtheshoulderjointanditssurroundingsofttissu…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in the treatment of post-stroke depression (PSD) with the method of activating the Du Meridian and clearing the mind. Methods: Two hundred and thirty one cases of PSD were randomly divided into two groups, acupuncture and control groups. In acupuncture group, Baihui (百会 GV 20), Dazhui (大椎 GV 14), Neiguan (内关 PC 6), Taichong (太冲 LR 3) and Shenmen (神门 HT 7) were selected as the main points to invigorate flow of qi in the Du Meridian and clear the mind. Patients in the control group received Fluoxetine orally, 20 rng once per-day. In addition, the same routine treatments were given to both groups, strengthened with rehabilitation exercises as early as possible; 8 weeks constituted one therapeutic course. HAMD and severity of neuro-functional defect of each case were evaluated before and 8-week after the treatment. Results: The total effective rate of acupuncture group was 92.37%, the control group, 72.88%. According to x2 test, the difference between the two groups was remarkably significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture therapy of activating the Du Meridian and clearing the mind in the treatment of PSD was safe and effective.  相似文献   

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