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To gain insight into the function and organization of proteins assembled on the DNA in response to genotoxic insult we investigated the phosphorylation of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe PCNA-like checkpoint protein Rad9. C-terminal T412/S423 phosphorylation of Rad9 by Rad3(ATR) occurs in S phase without replication stress. Rad3(ATR) and Tel1(ATM) phosphorylate these same residues, plus additional ones, in response to DNA damage. In S phase and after damage, only Rad9 phosphorylated on T412/S423, but not unphosphorylated Rad9, associates with a two-BRCT-domain region of the essential Rad4(TOPBP1) protein. Rad9-Rad4(TOPBP1) interaction is required to activate the Chk1 damage checkpoint but not the Cds1 replication checkpoint. When the Rad9-T412/S423 are phosphorylated, Rad4(TOPBP1) coprecipitates with Rad3(ATR), suggesting that phosphorylation coordinates formation of an active checkpoint complex.  相似文献   

Wang J  Liu S  Fu Y  Wang JH  Lu Y 《Nature neuroscience》2003,6(10):1039-1047
CA1 pyramidal neurons degenerate after transient forebrain ischemia, whereas neurons in other regions of the hippocampus remain intact. Here we show that in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons, forebrain ischemia induces the phosphorylation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor 2A subunit at Ser1232 (phospho-Ser1232). Ser1232 phosphorylation is catalyzed by cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5). Inhibiting endogenous Cdk5, or perturbing interactions between Cdk5 and NR2A subunits, abolished NR2A phosphorylation at Ser1232 and protected CA1 pyramidal neurons from ischemic insult. Thus, we conclude that modulation of NMDA receptors by Cdk5 is the primary intracellular event underlying the ischemic injury of CA1 pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

Early Xenopus laevis embryos possess cell cycles that do not arrest at checkpoints in response to damaged DNA. At the midblastula transition (MBT), embryos with damaged DNA undergo apoptosis. After the MBT, DNA damage triggers cell cycle arrest rather than apoptosis. The transition from checkpoint-unregulated to checkpoint-regulated cycles makes Xenopus embryos compelling for studying mechanisms regulating response to genomic damage. The DNA damage checkpoint is mediated by the Chk2/Cds1 kinase. Conflicting evidence implicates Chk2 as an inhibitor or promoter of apoptosis. To better understand the developmental function of Chk2, we expressed wild-type (wt) and dominant-negative (DN) Chk2 in Xenopus embryos. Wt-Chk2 created a pre-MBT checkpoint due to degradation of Cdc25A and phosphorylation of cyclin-dependent kinases. Embryos expressing DN-Chk2 developed normally until gastrulation and then underwent apoptosis. Conversely, low doses of wt-Chk2 blocked radiation-induced apoptosis. Therefore, Chk2 operates at a switch between cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in response to genomic assaults.  相似文献   

Prion protein (PrP) is an endogenous protein involved in the pathogenesis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Murine PrP has been reported to bind C1q and activate the classical pathway of complement in a copper-dependent manner. Here we show that various conformational isoforms (native, amyloid fibrils, and beta-oligomers) of recombinant human PrP (90-231 and 121-231) bind C1q and activate complement. PrP binds both the globular head and collagenous stalk domains of C1q. Native, beta-oligomeric and amyloid fibrils of PrP all activate the classical and alternative pathways of complement to different extent. However, they do not trigger the lectin pathway. Of the tested PrP conformational isoforms we find that beta-oligomers bind C1q and activate complement most strongly. Membrane attack complex formation initiated by PrP is subdued in comparison to deposition of early complement components. This is most likely attributed to the interaction between human PrP and complement inhibitors factor H and C4b-binding protein. Accordingly, PrP-triggered complement activation in the terminal pathway was increased in serum lacking C4b-binding protein. Taken together the present study indicates that complement activation may be an important factor in human prion diseases, suggesting that complement induced activities may prove relevant therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

There are more than 100 known adenovirus serotypes, including 50 human serotypes. They can infect all 5 major vertebrate classes but only Aviadenovirus infecting birds and Mastadenovirus infecting mammals have been well studied. CELO (chicken embryo lethal orphan) adenovirus is responsible for mild respiratory pathologies in birds. Most studies on CELO virus have focussed on its genome sequence and organisation whereas the structural work on CELO proteins has only recently started. Contrary to most adenoviruses, the vertices of CELO virus reveal pentons with two fibres of different lengths. The distal parts (or head) of those fibres are involved in cellular receptor binding. Here we have determined the atomic structure of the short-fibre head of CELO (amino acids 201-410) at 2.0 A resolution. Despite low sequence identity, this structure is conserved compared to the other adenovirus fibre heads. We have used the existing CELO long-fibre head structure and the one we show here for a structure-based alignment of 11 known adenovirus fibre heads which was subsequently used for the construction of an evolutionary tree. Both the fibre head sequence and structural alignments suggest that enteric human group F adenovirus 41 (short fibre) is closer to the CELO fibre heads than the canine CAdV-2 fibre head, that lies closer to the human virus fibre heads.  相似文献   

Chien AI  Liao WH  Yang DM  Wang CT 《Virology》2006,348(1):84-95
We demonstrate here that a deletion of 14 amino acid residues directly C-terminal to the major homology region (MHR) of the HIV-1 capsid (CA) in Gag-Pol markedly affects the incorporation of Gag-Pol into virions. The 14-amino acid deletion also significantly impaired virus assembly. In agreement with previous reports, mutations at the very C-terminus of CA resulted in a remarkable reduction in virus production. However, HIV-1 Gag-Pol precursors containing the C-terminal CA mutation were still capable of being incorporated into virions at a level of about 50% that of the wild-type. These results suggest that the domain immediately C-terminal to the MHR is functionally involved in Gag-Gag and Gag/Gag-Pol interaction, and this supports the notion that Gag or Gag-Pol mutants blocked in assembly into virus particles can be rescued into virions provided they retain the domains that are able to interact with the Gag precursor. An HIV-1 Gag-Pol deletion mutant retaining a minimal sequence consisting of the MHR and the adjacent CA-SP1 was efficiently incorporated into virions. Analysis by immunofluorescence staining indicated that the subcellular localization patterns shown by the Gag-Pol mutants were not fully compatible with their efficiency in being incorporated into virions, suggesting that the ability of Gag-Pol mutants to be incorporated into virions largely depends on their interactions with the Gag precursor.  相似文献   

The Drosophila protein brain tumor (Brat) forms a complex with Pumilio (Pum) and Nanos (Nos) to repress hunchback (hb) mRNA translation at the posterior pole during early embryonic development. It is currently thought that complex formation is initiated by Pum, which directly binds the hb mRNA and subsequently recruits Nos and Brat. Here we report that, in addition to Pum, Brat also directly interacts with the hb mRNA. We identify Brat-binding sites distinct from the Pum consensus motif and show that RNA binding and translational repression by Brat do not require Pum, suggesting so far unrecognized Pum-independent Brat functions. Using various biochemical and biophysical methods, we also demonstrate that the NHL (NCL-1, HT2A, and LIN-41) domain of Brat, a domain previously believed to mediate protein–protein interactions, is a novel, sequence-specific ssRNA-binding domain. The Brat-NHL domain folds into a six-bladed β propeller, and we identify its positively charged top surface as the RNA-binding site. Brat belongs to the functional diverse TRIM (tripartite motif)-NHL protein family. Using structural homology modeling, we predict that the NHL domains of all TRIM-NHL proteins have the potential to bind RNA, indicating that Brat is part of a conserved family of RNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Upon DNA damage, the amino terminus of p53 is phosphorylated at a number of serine residues including S20, a site that is particularly important in regulating stability and function of the protein. Because no known kinase has been identified that can modify this site, HeLa nuclear extracts were fractionated and S20 phosphorylation was followed. We discovered that a S20 kinase activity copurifies with the human homolog of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe checkpoint kinase, Chk1 (hCHK1). We confirmed that recombinant hCHK1, but not a kinase-defective version of hCHK1, can phosphorylate p53 in vitro at S20. Additional inducible amino- and carboxy-terminal sites in p53 are also phosphorylated by hCHK1, indicating that this is an unusually versatile protein kinase. It is interesting that hCHK1 strongly prefers tetrameric to monomeric p53 in vitro, consistent with our observation that phosphorylation of amino-terminal sites in vivo requires that p53 be oligomeric. Regulation of the levels and activity of hCHK1 in transfected cells is directly correlated with the levels of p53; expression of either a kinase-defective hCHK1 or antisense hCHK1 leads to reduced levels of cotransfected p53, whereas overexpression of wild-type hCHK1 or the kinase domain of hCHK1 results in increased levels of expressed p53 protein. The human homolog of the second S. pombe checkpoint kinase, Cds1 (CHK2/hCds1), phosphorylates tetrameric p53 but not monomeric p53 in vitro at sites similar to those phosphorylated by hCHK1 kinase, suggesting that both checkpoint kinases can play roles in regulating p53 after DNA damage.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Cut5/Rad4 plays a unique role in the genome maintenance as it is required for replication, replication checkpoint, and normal UV sensitivity. It is unknown, however, how Cut5 protein is linked to other checkpoint proteins, and what part it plays in replication and UV sensitivity. Here we report that Cut5 interacts with a novel checkpoint protein Crb2 and that this interaction is needed for normal genome maintenance. The carboxyl terminus of Crb2 resembles yeast Rad9 and human 53BP1 and BRCA1. Crb2 is required for checkpoint arrests induced by irradiation and polymerase mutations, but not for those induced by inhibited nucleotide supply. Upon UV damage, Crb2 is transiently modified, probably phosphorylated, with a similar timing of phosphorylation in Chk1 kinase, which is reported to restrain Cdc2 activation. Crb2 modification requires other damage-sensing checkpoint proteins but not Chk1, suggesting that Crb2 acts at the upstream of Chk1. The modified Crb2 exists as a slowly sedimenting form, whereas Crb2 in undamaged cells is in a rapidly sedimenting structure. Cut5 and Crb2 interact with Chk1 in a two-hybrid system. Moreover, moderate overexpression of Chk1 suppresses the phenotypes of cut5 and crb2 mutants. Cut5, Crb2, and Chk1 thus may form a checkpoint sensor-transmitter pathway to arrest the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Infection of erythrocytes by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum results in the export of several parasite proteins into the erythrocyte cytoplasm establishing novel interactions between host and parasite proteins, particularly at the membrane skeleton that modifies both the structural and functional properties of the red cell. We present evidences that two members of the P. falciparum acyl-CoA synthetase (PfACS) family, responsible for the activation of long-chain fatty acids by thio-esterification with CoA, are transported in vesicle-like structures toward the host erythrocyte cytoplasm where they interact with the cytoskeletal protein ankyrin. Carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) overlay studies indicated that PfACS1 and PfACS3 bind to the 78-kDa fragment of ankyrin corresponding with its spectrin-binding domain. Co-immunoprecipitation of ankyrin and PfACS1/3 indicates that at least a fraction of these proteins are physically associated in the infected erythrocytes and provide evidence for a novel specific interaction which suggest that such a binding may bring these enzymes closer to the host erythrocyte membrane where exogenous fatty acids are available.  相似文献   

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