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As CD26 (dipeptidyl peptidase 4/DPP4) rapidly truncates incretins N‐terminally, including glucagon‐like peptide‐1, DPP4‐inhibitors have been developed for treatment of diabetes type 2. To some extent this is surprising, as CD26/DPP4 is also deeply involved in immune regulation. Long‐term pharmacological studies are hampered by off‐target inhibition of DPP4‐homologues. Therefore, we studied the effects of genetic CD26/DPP4‐deficiency by investigating blood, spleen and thymus leucocyte subpopulations of wild‐type and CD26‐deficient F344‐rats at different ages. In young animals at 1 and 3 months of age, there were no differences in leucocyte subsets, while in older animals the T cell composition was changed significantly. From the age of 6 months onwards, reduced numbers of recent thymic emigrants and memory T cells, and consequently an increased amount of naive T cells were observed in CD26‐deficient rats. In addition, the architecture of the thymus was altered, as observed by a reduced density of lymphocytes in the medulla. Furthermore, the number of proliferating cells in the thymus was decreased in CD26‐deficient rats at a higher age. Moreover, CD26‐deficiency resulted in markedly reduced numbers of B cells in later life. Additionally, an age‐ but not CD26‐dependent increase of regulatory T cells and a decrease of natural killer cell numbers were detected in the blood and spleen. Our findings indicate an important role of CD26 in maintaining lymphocyte composition, memory T cell generation and thymic emigration patterns during immunosenescence, with possible implications for using DPP4‐inhibitors.  相似文献   

CD26 is an activation marker of human CD4+ T cells, and is associated with T‐cell signal transduction processes as a co‐stimulatory molecule. We have previously demonstrated that high CD26 cell surface expression on CD4+ T cells is correlated with the production of T helper type 1 cytokines, whereas CD26+ T helper cells stimulate antibody synthesis in B cells. Although the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in CD26‐mediated CD4+ T‐cell activation have been extensively evaluated by our group and others, the role of CD26 in CD8+ T cells has not been clearly elucidated. In the present study, we examine the effector function of CD8+ T cells via CD26‐mediated co‐stimulation in comparison with CD28‐mediated co‐stimulation. We found that CD26high CD8+ T cells belong to the early effector memory T‐cell subset, and that CD26‐mediated co‐stimulation of CD8+ T cells exerts a cytotoxic effect preferentially via granzyme B, tumour necrosis factor‐α, interferon‐γ and Fas ligand. The effector function associated with CD26‐mediated co‐stimulation is enhanced compared with that obtained through CD28‐mediated co‐stimulation, suggesting that the CD26 co‐stimulation pathway in CD8+ T cells is distinct from the CD28 co‐stimulation pathway. Targeting CD26 in CD8+ T cells therefore has the potential to be useful in studies of immune responses to new vaccine candidates as well as innovative therapy for immune‐mediated diseases.  相似文献   

Introduction CD26 is highly expressed on lung epithelial cells as well as on immune cells. Ovalbumin (OVA)‐induced airway inflammation induces a further increase of CD26 expression. CD26‐deficient rat strains exhibit blunted clinical courses in models of experimental asthma. Objective (1) To investigate the involvement of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and the surfactant system in a rat model of genetic CD26 deficiency. (2) To investigate regulatory mechanisms dependent on the endogenous CD26 expression. (3) To investigate the impact of CD26 on surfactant protein (SP)‐levels under inflammatory conditions. Methods Wild‐type and CD26‐deficient F344 rats were sensitized to and challenged with OVA. Subsequently, airway inflammation, SP levels as well as surface tension of the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid were evaluated. Results CD26 deficiency led to decreased airway inflammation, e.g. reduced numbers of eosinophils and activated T cells in the BAL. Remarkably, the CD26‐deficient rats exhibited a significantly increased influx of FoxP3+ Tregs into the lungs and increased IL‐10‐secretion/production by draining lymph node cells in culture experiments. Furthermore, in OVA‐challenged CD26‐deficient rats, the increase of the expression of the collectins SP‐A and SP‐D as well as of the surface tension‐active SP‐B was significantly less pronounced than in the CD26‐positive strain. Only in the wild‐type rats, functional alterations of the surfactant system, e.g. the increased surface tension were obvious after OVA challenge. Conclusion Reduced airway inflammation in CD26‐deficient F344 rats appear to be mediated by differences in the recruitment and activity of Tregs. This altered inflammation is associated with differences in the SP expression as well as function. Cite this as: A. Schmiedl, J. Krainski, F. Schwichtenhövel, J. Schade, C. Klemann, K. A. Raber, K. Zscheppang, T. Beekmann, C. Acevedo, T. Glaab, D. Wedekind, R. Pabst, S. von Hörsten and M. Stephan, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2010 (40) 1794–1808.  相似文献   

CD26 truncates several chemokines as well as neuropeptides and influences immune responses via modulation of cell adhesion and T cell activation, suggesting an involvement of CD26 in asthmatic and airway inflammation. Therefore, Fischer 344 (F344), Brown Norway (BN) and Lewis (LEW) rat strains, which differ in their CD26-like enzymatic activity, were compared using an asthma model. Additionally, two CD26-deficient mutant F344 rat substrains were included and compared to the wild-type F344 substrain. Immunization was performed twice with ovalbumin (OVA), and 2 weeks later the rats were challenged with OVA intratracheally Flow cytometry (FACS) analysis of different leucocyte subsets as well as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for IgE levels in the blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were performed 24 h after challenge. LEW rats with the lowest CD26 activity among the rat strains investigated here displayed significantly reduced CD4+ T cell numbers in the BAL compared to wild-type F344 and BN rats. Moreover, in asthma, the ratio of CD26+ to CD26- T cell receptor (TCR)-positive cells increased significantly in F344 and LEW but not BN rats. Most intriguingly, in both CD26-deficient F344 rat substrains the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes was markedly reduced compared to wild-type F344. The decrease in T cell recruitment observed in the CD26-deficient rats was associated with significantly reduced OVA-specific IgE-titres. This is the first report to show a remarkably reduced T cell recruitment in rat strains that either lack or exhibit reduced CD26-like enzymatic activity, suggesting a role for CD26 in the pathogenesis of asthma via T cell-dependent processes such as antibody production.  相似文献   

Mast cells are innate immune cells usually residing in peripheral tissues, where they are likely to activate T‐cell responses. Similar to other myeloid immune cells, mast cells can function as antigen‐presenting cells. However, little is known about the capacity of human mast cells to costimulate CD4+ T cells. Here, we studied the T‐cell stimulatory potential of human mast cells. Peripheral blood derived mast cells were generated and cocultured with isolated CD4+ T cells. In the presence of T‐cell receptor triggering using anti‐CD3, mast cells promoted strong proliferation of T cells, which was two‐ to fivefold stronger than the “T‐cell promoting capacity” of monocytes. The interplay between mast cells and T cells was dependent on cell–cell contact, suggesting that costimulatory molecules on the mast cell surface are responsible for the effect. However, in contrast to monocytes, the T‐cell costimulation by mast cells was independent of the classical costimulatory molecule CD28, or that of OX40L, ICOSL, or LIGHT. Our data show that mast cells can costimulate human CD4+ T cells to induce strong T‐cell proliferation, but that therapies aiming at disrupting the interaction of CD28 and B7 molecules do not inhibit mast cell mediated T‐cell activation.  相似文献   

Hsp70 plays several roles in the adaptive immune response. Based on the ability to interact with diverse peptides, extracellular Hsp70:peptide complexes exert profound effects both in autoimmunity and in tumor rejection by evoking potent T cell responses to the chaperoned peptide. The interaction with receptors on APC represents the basis for the immunological functions of Hsp70 and a critical point where the immune response can be regulated. Various surface proteins (e.g. CD91, scavenger receptors (SR)) have been implicated in binding of Hsp70. In this study, antigenic peptides from tetanus toxin and influenza hemagglutinin complexed to human stress‐inducible Hsp70 were found to enhance the proliferation and cytokine production of human antigen‐specific CD4+ T cells. This was demonstrated in proliferation experiments using human monocytes as APC. Proliferated antigen‐specific cells were detected combining HLA‐DRB1*0401 or HLA‐DRB1*1101 tetramer and CFSE staining. Treating monocytes with CD91 siRNA diminished these effects. Additional blocking of SR by the SR ligand fucoidan completely abolished enhanced proliferation and production of Th1 and Th2 cytokines. Taken together, our data indicate that in the human system, CD91 and members of the SR family efficiently direct Hsp70:peptide complexes into the MHC class II presentation pathway and thus enhance antigen‐specific CD4+ T cell responses.  相似文献   

Mouse CD4 T cells have been partitioned into CD45RA and CD45RA? subpopulations by means ot the monoclonal antibody 14.8. The CD45RA? subpopulation proliferated more actively and generated more interleukin-4 (IL-4) in response to stimulation with anti-CD3 antibody and phytohemaglutinin, and more IL-2 in response to anti-CD3. This subpopulation is therefore hyper-reactive to these polyclonal stimulators, but does not show the bias towards T helper type 2 activity that has been found in studies with other related CD45 isoforms. No evidence of suppression was obtained by comparing proliferation of CD45RA? cells in the presence and absence of CD45RA cells. Thus mouse CD4 T cells behave in these respects similarly to those of man, as is evident in a brief review of the quiescence-activation-quiescence cycle in the two species.  相似文献   

CD26 is identical to the cell surface ectoenzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV). is associated with T-cell activation and proliferation and also may function as an auxiliary adhesion factor. Although has been previously studied on lymphoid populations and on leukemias/lymphomas of B- and T-cell phenotype, little is known about its expression and functional role in some specific types of lymphomas, such as CD30-positive anaplastic large cell (ALC) lymphomas and Hodgkin's disease (HD). A series of 81 lymphoma samples, including 23 cases of HD, 17 cases of CD30-positive ALC lymphomas, 41 cases of other non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), and a panel of HD- or ALC lymphoma-derived human cell lines were evaluated for expression by enzyme histochemistry and immunohistochemistry on frozen sections and cell smears. protein was expressed on neoplastic cells in 12 of 17 (71%) ALC lymphomas irrespective of their antigenic phenotype and in seven of 15 (47%) T-cell NHLs. In contrast, we did not detect expression in tumor cells from 26 cases of B-cell NHL other than ALC lymphomas or in Reed Sternberg (RS) cells and variants of 21 of 23 HD cases. Accordingly, expression was maintained on the CD30-positive ALC lymphoma cell line Karpas 299, but the molecule was not detected on HD-derived cell lines of B, T, or non-B non-T phenotype. These results may support a new potential tool for the phenotypic separation of ALC lymphomas from HD based on the differential expression of the molecule. Moreover, given the demonstration that is identical to the human adenosine deaminase (ADA) binding protein, it could be speculated that also may function by interacting with ADA to regulate the growth of expressing neoplastic cells in ALC lymphomas.  相似文献   

The initial requirement for the emergence of CMV‐specific CD8+ T cells is poorly understood. Mice deficient in the cosignaling TNF superfamily member, 4‐1BB, surprisingly developed exaggerated early CD8+ T‐cell responses to mouse CMV (MCMV). CD8+ T cells directed against acute MCMV epitopes were enhanced, demonstrating that 4‐1BB naturally antagonizes these primary populations. Paradoxically, 4‐1BB‐deficient mice displayed reduced accumulation of memory CD8+ T cells that expand during chronic/latent infection. Importantly, the canonical TNF‐related ligand, 4‐1BBL, promoted the accumulation of these memory CD8+ T cells, whereas suppression of acute CD8+ T cells was independent of 4‐1BBL. These data highlight the dual nature of the 4‐1BB/4‐1BBL system in mediating both stimulatory and inhibitory cosignaling activities during the generation of anti‐MCMV immunity.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells bearing high (240–190 kDa) and low (180 kDa) molecular mass isoforms of the leukocyte common antigen CD45 define functionally distinct subsets which have been equated with naive and memory T cells. In the rat, CD4 T cells expressing a high molecular mass isoform [identified by monoclonal antibody MRC-OX22 (anti-CD45RC)] exchange this for the 180 kDa molecule (CD45RC?) when stimulated by antigen. Here we show, by transferring mature allotype-marked CD45RC? CD4 T cells (depleted of immature Thy-1+ CD45RC? recent thymic emigrants) into normal euthymic recipients, that many T cells re-express the high molecular mass isoform in less than 6 h. By 24 h, 30–60% of CD45RC? CD4 T cells became CD45RC+; within a week the entire cohort appeared to exchange the low for the high molecular mass isoform. Isoform exchange was dynamic and many CD4 T cells returned once again to the CD45RC? state. CD45RC? CD4 T cells declined in number more rapidly than the CD45RC+ subset after transfer. The results suggest that CD45R isoforms distinguish between resting T cells (CD45RC+) and those which have encountered antigen in the recent past. CD45R isoforms would appear to be unsuitable markers of naive and memory T cells.  相似文献   

An inefficient Th1 response, coupled with skewed Th2 cytokine production, has been implicated to increase susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis (VL) infection. The expression of the dipeptidyl peptidase Cd26 by polarized Th1 activates a chemokine cascade that recruits Th1 recruitment to the pathologic site. Here, we studied 42 patients with confirmed VL (mean age 24.80 ± 16.26 years; range 3–70 years; 25 males and 17 females), 30 endemic controls, and 10 nonendemic controls. We observed a decrease in constitutive and antigen‐induced expression of CD26 on the T cells of VL patients. Soluble CD26 (sCD26) levels in serum and BM were also found to be significantly lower in VL patients. Following successful therapy, increased sCD26 expression was observed. Tuberculosis pleural effusion derived CCR5+CXCR3+ effector T cells showed enhanced chemokine‐driven migration in the presence of posttreatment BM aspirate containing high levels of sCD26. Moreover, T‐cell migration could be inhibited by blocking RANTES, IP‐10, and CD26 signaling from the posttreatment aspirate with Ab. Our results indicate that, in VL patients, impaired expression and secretion of CD26 compromises chemokine activation and thus T‐cell recruitment, eventually resulting in a deficient state of local immunity at pathologic sites.  相似文献   

Detection and isolation of viable alloreactive T cells at the single‐cell level requires a cell surface marker induced specifically upon T cell receptor activation. In this study, a member of the tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)‐family, CD137 (4‐1BB) was investigated for its potential to identify the total pool of circulating alloreactive T cells. Optimal conditions for sensitive and specific detection of allogeneic‐induced CD137 expression on circulating T cells were established. Thereafter, CD137+ alloreactive T cells were phenotypically and functionally characterized by multi‐parameter flow cytometry. Alloantigen‐induced CD137 expression identified both alloreactive CD8+ T cells (mean ± standard error of the mean: 0·21 ± 0·07%) and alloreactive CD4+ T cells (0·21 ± 0·05%). CD137+ alloreactive T cells were detected in different T cell subsets, including naive T cells, but were found preferentially in CD28+ T cells and not in the terminally differentiated T cell subset. Upon allogeneic (re‐)stimulation, the cytokine‐producing as well as proliferative capacity of T cells resided mainly within the CD137‐expressing fraction. About 10% of the CD137+ alloreactive T cells produced any combination of interferon (IFN)‐γ, interleukin (IL)‐2 and TNF‐α. Polyfunctional alloreactive T cells, defined by multiple cytokine expression, were observed infrequently. In conclusion, activation‐induced CD137 expression is a fast assay allowing for detection and functional analysis of the total alloreactive T cell compartment at the single‐cell level by multi‐parameter flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Immunotherapies that augment antitumor T cells have had recent success for treating patients with cancer. Here we examined whether tumor‐specific CD4+ T cells enhance CD8+ T‐cell adoptive immunotherapy in a lymphopenic environment. Our model employed physiological doses of tyrosinase‐related protein 1‐specific CD4+ transgenic T cells‐CD4+ T cells and pmel‐CD8+ T cells that when transferred individually were subtherapeutic; however, when transferred together provided significant (p ≤ 0.001) therapeutic efficacy. Therapeutic efficacy correlated with increased numbers of effector and memory CD8+ T cells with tumor‐specific cytokine expression. When combined with CD4+ T cells, transfer of total (naïve and effector) or effector CD8+ T cells were highly effective, suggesting CD4+ T cells can help mediate therapeutic effects by maintaining function of activated CD8+ T cells. In addition, CD4+ T cells had a pronounced effect in the early posttransfer period, as their elimination within the first 3 days significantly (p < 0.001) reduced therapeutic efficacy. The CD8+ T cells recovered from mice treated with both CD8+ and CD4+ T cells had decreased expression of PD‐1 and PD‐1‐blockade enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of pmel‐CD8 alone, suggesting that CD4+ T cells help reduce CD8+ T‐cell exhaustion. These data support combining immunotherapies that elicit both tumor‐specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells for treatment of patients with cancer.  相似文献   

Age‐dependent changes of the mandible bone in female F344/N rats, aged 22–1196 days, were analyzed using physiological bone properties and morphology. Bone weight, bone area, bone mineral components, and bone mineral density were assessed using dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry. The bone weight, bone area, bone mineral components, and bone mineral density increased rapidly until approximately 150 days of age, increased gradually thereafter, and then stabilized or decreased after 910 days of age. The ratio of bone mineral components to bone weight (bone mineral ratio) increased rapidly until approximately 43 days of age and stabilized thereafter. Size of the mandible, which was measured at 13 points on mandible surface, increased with age, and the rate of change showed a similar pattern to the other parameters. From a principal component analysis on morphometric measurements, principal component 1 (size factor) increased proportionally with age, whereas principal component 2 (shape factor) decreased until approximately 88 days of age and then increased after 365 days of age. As a result, the scatter plots for principal component 1 and principal component 2 were V‐shaped, which indicates that the mandible developed in size, with deformation at younger ages, and recovered its original shape later in life. Our results revealed the occurrence of inflection points at approximately 43, 88, 150, 365, and 910 days of age. Some of these ages corresponded to transition points revealed by the age‐dependent changes of the occlusal mandibular condyle and tooth wear in the same rat.  相似文献   

We investigated the surface phenotype of CD3+CD4+ T cell receptor (TCR) αβ+ T cells repopulating the intestinal lymphoid tissues of C.B-17 scidlscid (severe-combined immunodeficient; scid) (H-2d, Ld+) mice. CD4+ CD8? T cells were cell sorter-purified from various secondary and tertiary lymphoid organs of congenic C.B-17 +/+ (H-2d, Ld+) or semi-syngeneic dm2 (H-2d, Ld?) immunocompetent donor mice. After transfer of 105 cells into young scid mice, a mucosa-homing, memory CD44hi CD45RBlo CD4+ T cell population was selectively engrafted. Large numbers of single-positive (SP) CD3+ CD2+ CD28+ CD4+ CD8? T cells that expressed the α4 integrin chain CD49d were found in the spleen, the mesenteric lymph nodes, the peritoneal cavity and the gut lamina propria of transplanted scid mice. Unexpectedly, large populations of donor-type doublepositive (DP) CD4+ CD8α+ CD8β? T cells with high expression of the CD3/TCR complex appeared in the epithelial layer of the small intestine of transplanted scid mice. In contrast to SP CD4+ T cells, the intraepithelial DP T cells showed low expression of the CD2 and the CD28 co-stimulator molecules, and of the α4 integrin chain CD49d, but expressed high levels of the αIEL integrin chain CD103. The TCR-Vβ repertoire of DP but not SP intraepithelial CD4+ T cells was biased towards usage of the Vβ6 and Vβ8 viable domains. Highly purified populations of SP and DP CD4+ T cell populations from the small intestine epithelial layer of transplanted scid mice had different abilities to repopulate secondary scid recipient mice: SP CD4+ T cells repopulated various lymphoid tissues of the immunodeficient host, while intraepithelial DP CD4+ T cells did not. Hence, a subset of CD3+ CD4+ TCRαβ+ T cells apparently undergoes striking phenotypic changes when it enters the microenvironment of the small intestine epithelial layer.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of CD26 in the immune system, CD26 gene knockout mice with C57BL/6 background were used to study the immune response after stimulation with PWM. CD26(-/-) mice display an apparently normal phenotype. However, in their spleen lymphocyte population the percentage of CD4(+) T cells is lower, and that of NK cells is higher, than that in CD26(+/+) mice. In their peripheral blood, CD26(-/-) mice present a conspicuously decreased proportion of CD4(+) NKT lymphocytes. In vitro, the PWM-stimulated IL-4 production was decreased by 60-80% in the supernatants of spleen lymphocytes of CD26(-/-) mice compared to that of CD26(+/+) mice, whereas levels of IL-10 and IFN-gamma were increased. No significant differences were found in the production of IL-2, IL-5, IL-6 and IL-13 between knockout and wild-type mice. After immunization of mice with PWM in vivo, serum levels of total IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgE were markedly lower in CD26(-/-) mice than those in CD26(+/+) mice, while no difference was found in IgM production. Further analysis of cytokine levels in vivo revealed a reduced IL-4, IL-2 and delayed IFN-gamma production in sera of CD26(-/-) mice upon immunization with PWM. These results indicate that CD26 contributes to the regulation of development, maturation and migration of CD4(+) T, NK and NKT cells, cytokine secretion, T cell-dependent antibody production and immunoglobulin isotype switching of B cells.  相似文献   

The hallmark of effective establishment of immune memory is the long-term memory cell that persists in the absence of antigen. To explore its characteristics, we investigated the differences between a resolved successful immune response, such as after influenza (flu) vaccination, and the state of chronic infection with persistent antigen, such as with cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which leads to defective T-cell memory. Immunophenotypic analyses using multi-parameter flow cytometry and tetramer technology identified a unique pattern of CD26(high) expression among influenza-specific CD8(+) T cells, but not among CD8(+) T cells specific for CMV, EBV (three different epitopes) or HIV. The median percentage of CD8(+) T cells expressing CD26 was 95.5% for influenza, but for cells specific for CMV, EBV and HIV it was 10.5%, 12%-19%, and 13.2%, respectively. These findings suggest that expression of CD26(high) may be a characteristic of a memory cell. CD26(high) expression correlates with expression of CD127, a marker of memory cells. Furthermore, CD26(high) cells can produce interleukin-2. These findings offer insight into the dynamics of T-cell differentiation, and they may offer a specific marker of a successfully developed memory CD8(+) T cell, that of CD26(high). This marker has the potential to be useful in studies of immune responses to infectious agents, and to new vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

The expression and the functional role of the CD26 (1F7) T cell surface molecule, an ectoenzyme which seems to represent a functional collagen receptor of T lymphocytes and to have a role in T cell activation, were analysed in both peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluid (SF) T cell samples from patients with active and inactive rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although patients with active disease displayed higher percentages of PB CD26+ CD4+ T cells than inactive RA and control subjects, CD26 antigen expression on RA SF T lymphocytes was low. The anti-1F7 binding to the T cell surface, that led to CD26 antigen modulation and enhancement of both IL-2 synthesis by, and 3H-TdR incorporation of, anti-CD3- or anti-CD2-triggered PB T cells in RA and control subjects, was unable to affect significantly both expression and functional activity of RA SF T lymphocytes. Since the 1F7 antigen spontaneously reappeared on the surface of unstimulated SF T cells after 2-5 days of culturing, the low 1F7 antigen expression of anti-1F7 in the SF T cell compartment may be the result of in vivo molecule modulation exerted by the natural ligand in the joint, with important implications for T cell activation and lymphokine synthesis.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infects a majority of the human population and establishes a life‐long persistence. CMV infection is usually asymptomatic but the virus carries pathogenic potential and causes severe disease in immunocompromised individuals. T‐cell‐mediated immunity plays an essential role in control of CMV infection and adoptive transfer of CMV‐specific CD8+ T cells restores viral immunity in immunosuppressed patients but a role for CD4+ T cells remains elusive. Here, we analyzed in adoptive transfer studies the features and antiviral functions of virus‐specific CD4+ T cells during primary murine CMV (MCMV) infection. MCMV‐specific CD4+ T cells expanded upon MCMV infection and displayed an effector phenotype and function. Adoptive transfer of in vivo activated MCMV‐specific CD4+ T cells to immune‐compromised mice was protective during pathogenic MCMV infection and IFN‐γ was a crucial mediator of this protective capacity. Moreover, co‐transfer of low doses of both MCMV‐specific CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells synergized in control of lytic viral replication in immune‐compromised mice. Our data reveal a pivotal antiviral role for virus‐specific CD4+ T cells in protection from pathogenic CMV infection and provide evidence for their antiviral therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

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